* @license GPL-2.0+ * @link https://wpadvancedads.com * @copyright 2014 Thomas Maier, Advanced Ads GmbH */ /** * An ad group object * * @package Advanced_Ads_Group * @author Thomas Maier */ class Advanced_Ads_Group { /** * Default ad group weight * previously called MAX_AD_GROUP_WEIGHT */ const MAX_AD_GROUP_DEFAULT_WEIGHT = 10; /** * Term id of this ad group */ public $id = 0; /** * Group type * * @since 1.4.8 */ public $type = 'default'; /** * Name of the taxonomy */ public $taxonomy = ''; /** * Post type of the ads */ protected $post_type = ''; /** * The current loaded ad */ protected $current_ad = ''; /** * The name of the term */ public $name = ''; /** * The slug of the term */ public $slug = ''; /** * The description of the term */ public $description = ''; /** * Number of ads to display in the group block */ public $ad_count = 1; /**$slug * contains other options * * @since 1.5.5 */ public $options = array(); /** * Optional arguments passed to ads. * * @var array */ public $ad_args = array(); /** * Containing ad weights */ private $ad_weights = 0; /** * Array with post type objects (ads) */ private $ads = array(); /** * Multidimensional array contains information about the wrapper * each possible html attribute is an array with possible multiple elements. * * @since untagged */ public $wrapper = array(); /** * Displayed above the ad. */ public $label = ''; /** * Init ad group object * * @since 1.0.0 * @param int|obj $group either id of the ad group (= taxonomy id) or term object * @param array $ad_args optional arguments passed to ads */ public function __construct( $group, $ad_args = array() ) { $this->taxonomy = Advanced_Ads::AD_GROUP_TAXONOMY; $group = get_term( $group, $this->taxonomy ); if ( $group == null || is_wp_error( $group ) ) { return; } $this->load( $group, $ad_args ); } /** * Load additional ad group properties * * @since 1.4.8 * @param int $id group id * @param obj $group wp term object * @param array $ad_args optional arguments passed to ads */ private function load( $group, $ad_args ) { $this->id = $group->term_id; $this->name = $group->name; $this->slug = $group->slug; $this->description = $group->description; $this->post_type = Advanced_Ads::POST_TYPE_SLUG; $this->ad_args = $ad_args; $this->is_head_placement = isset( $this->ad_args['placement_type'] ) && $this->ad_args['placement_type'] === 'header'; $this->ad_args['is_top_level'] = ! isset( $this->ad_args['is_top_level'] ); $this->load_additional_attributes(); if ( ! $this->is_head_placement ) { $this->create_wrapper(); } } /** * Load additional attributes for groups that are not part of the WP terms * * @since 1.4.8 */ protected function load_additional_attributes() { // -TODO should abstract (i.e. only call once per request) $all_groups = get_option( 'advads-ad-groups', array() ); if ( ! isset( $all_groups[ $this->id ] ) || ! is_array( $all_groups[ $this->id ] ) ) { return; } if ( isset( $this->ad_args['change-group'] ) ) { // some options was provided by the user $group_data = Advanced_Ads_Utils::merge_deep_array( array( $all_groups[ $this->id ], $this->ad_args['change-group'] ) ) ; } else { $group_data = $all_groups[ $this->id ]; } if ( isset( $group_data['type'] ) ) { $this->type = $group_data['type']; } // get ad count; default is 1 if ( isset( $group_data['ad_count'] ) ) { $this->ad_count = $group_data['ad_count'] === 'all' ? 'all' : (int) $group_data['ad_count']; } if ( isset( $group_data['options'] ) ) { $this->options = isset( $group_data['options'] ) ? $group_data['options'] : array(); } } /** * Control the output of the group by type and amount of ads * * @since 1.4.8 * @param array/null $ordered_ad_ids Ordered ids of the ads that belong to the group. * @return string $output output of ad(s) by ad */ public function output( $ordered_ad_ids = false ) { // if $ordered_ad_ids was not passed to the function, load it $ordered_ad_ids = ( $ordered_ad_ids === false ) ? $this->get_ordered_ad_ids() : $ordered_ad_ids; if ( $ordered_ad_ids === null ) { return ''; } // load the ad output $output = array(); $ads_displayed = 0; $ad_count = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-group-ad-count', $this->ad_count, $this ); $ad_select = Advanced_Ads_Select::get_instance(); // the Advanced_Ads_Ad obj can access this info $this->ad_args['group_info'] = array( 'id' => $this->id, 'name' => $this->name, 'type' => $this->type, 'refresh_enabled' => ! empty( $this->options['refresh']['enabled'] ), ); $this->ad_args['ad_label'] = 'disabled'; if( is_array( $ordered_ad_ids ) ){ foreach ( $ordered_ad_ids as $_ad_id ) { $this->ad_args['group_info']['ads_displayed'] = $ads_displayed; // load the ad object $ad = $ad_select->get_ad_by_method( $_ad_id, Advanced_Ads_Select::AD, $this->ad_args ); if ( $ad !== null ) { $output[] = $ad; $ads_displayed++; // break the loop when maximum ads are reached if( $ads_displayed === $ad_count ) { break; } } } } $global_output = ! isset( $this->ad_args['global_output'] ) || $this->ad_args['global_output']; if ( $global_output ) { // add the group to the global output array $advads = Advanced_Ads::get_instance(); $advads->current_ads[] = array('type' => 'group', 'id' => $this->id, 'title' => $this->name); } if ( $output === array() || ! is_array( $output ) ) { return ''; } // filter grouped ads output $output_array = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-group-output-array', $output, $this ); // make sure the right format comes through the filter if ( $output_array === array() || ! is_array( $output_array ) ) { return ''; } $output_string = implode( '', $output_array ); // Adds inline css to the wrapper. if ( ! empty( $this->ad_args['inline-css'] ) && $this->ad_args['is_top_level'] ) { $inline_css = new Advanced_Ads_Inline_Css(); $this->wrapper = $inline_css->add_css( $this->wrapper, $this->ad_args['inline-css'], $global_output ); } if ( ! $this->is_head_placement && $this->wrapper !== array() ) { $output_string = 'wrapper ) . '>' . $this->label . apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-output-wrapper-before-content-group', '', $this ) . $output_string . apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-output-wrapper-after-content-group', '', $this ) . ''; } if ( ! empty( $this->ad_args['is_top_level'] ) && ! empty( $this->ad_args['placement_clearfix'] ) ) { $output_string .= '
'; } // filter final group output return apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-group-output', $output_string, $this ); } /** * Get ordered ids of the ads that belong to the group * * @return array */ public function get_ordered_ad_ids() { // load ads $ads = $this->load_all_ads(); if ( ! is_array( $ads ) ) { return array(); } $ad_ids = array_keys( $ads ); // get ad weights serving as an order here $weights = $this->get_ad_weights(); asort($weights); // add ads whose weight has not yet been saved with the default value. if ( count( $ad_ids ) > count( $weights ) ) { foreach ( $ad_ids as $ad_id ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $ad_id, $weights ) ) { $weights[ $ad_id ] = self::MAX_AD_GROUP_DEFAULT_WEIGHT; } } } // remove ads with 0 ad weight and unavailable ads (e.g. drafts). foreach ( $weights as $ad_id => $ad_weight ) { if ( $ad_weight === 0 || ! in_array( $ad_id, $ad_ids, true ) ) { unset( $weights[ $ad_id ] ); } } // order ads based on group type if ( $this->type === 'ordered' ) { $ordered_ad_ids = $this->shuffle_ordered_ads( $weights ); } else { // default $ordered_ad_ids = $this->shuffle_ads( $ads, $weights ); } return apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-group-output-ad-ids', $ordered_ad_ids, $this->type, $ads, $weights, $this ); } /** * Return all ads from this group * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function get_all_ads() { if ( count( $this->ads ) > 0 ) { return $this->ads; } else { return $this->load_all_ads(); } } /** * Load all public ads for this group * * @since 1.0.0 * @update 1.1.0 load only public ads * @update allow to cache groups for few minutes * * @return WP_Post[] $ads array with ad (post) objects */ private function load_all_ads() { if ( ! $this->id ) { return array(); } // reset $this->ads = array(); // much more complex than needed: one of the three queries is not needed and the last query gets slow quiet fast $args = array( 'post_type' => $this->post_type, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'taxonomy' => $this->taxonomy, 'term' => $this->slug, 'orderby' => 'id' // might want to avoid sorting as not needed for most calls and fast in PHP; slight I/O blocking concern ); $found = false; $key = 'ad_group_all_ads_' . $this->post_type . '_' . $this->taxonomy . '_' . $this->slug; $ads = wp_cache_get( $key, Advanced_Ads_Model::OBJECT_CACHE_GROUP, false, $found ); if ( $found ) { $this->ads = $ads; } else { $ads = new WP_Query( $args ); if ( $ads->have_posts() ) { $this->ads = $this->add_post_ids( $ads->posts ); } wp_cache_set( $key, $this->ads, Advanced_Ads_Model::OBJECT_CACHE_GROUP, Advanced_Ads_Model::OBJECT_CACHE_TTL); } return $this->ads; } /** * Use post ids as keys for ad array * * @since 1.0.0 * @param arr $ads array with post objects * @return arr $ads array with post objects with post id as their key * @todo check, if there isn’t a WP function for this already */ private function add_post_ids(array $ads){ $ads_with_id = array(); foreach ( $ads as $_ad ){ $ads_with_id[$_ad->ID] = $_ad; } return $ads_with_id; } /** * Shuffle ads based on ad weight * * @since 1.0.0 * @param arr $ads array with ad objects * @param arr $weights ad weights * @return arr $shuffled_ads shuffled array with ad ids */ public function shuffle_ads($ads, $weights) { // get a random ad for every ad there is $shuffled_ads = array(); // while non-zero weights are set select random next while ( null !== $random_ad_id = $this->get_random_ad_by_weight( $weights ) ) { // remove chosen ad from weights array unset($weights[$random_ad_id]); // put random ad into shuffled array if ( ! empty($ads[$random_ad_id]) ) { $shuffled_ads[] = $random_ad_id; } } return $shuffled_ads; } /** * Shuffle ads that have the same width. * * @since untagged * @param array $weights Array of $ad_id => weight pairs. * @return array $ordered_ad_ids Ordered ad ids. */ public function shuffle_ordered_ads( array $weights ) { // order to highest weight first arsort( $weights ); $ordered_ad_ids = array_keys( $weights ); $weights = array_values( $weights ); $count = count( $weights ); $pos = 0; for ( $i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++ ) { if ( $i == $count || $weights[ $i ] !== $weights[ $i - 1] ) { $slice_len = $i - $pos; if ( $slice_len !== 1 ) { $shuffled = array_slice( $ordered_ad_ids, $pos, $slice_len ); shuffle ( $shuffled ); // Replace the unshuffled chunk with the shuffled one. array_splice( $ordered_ad_ids, $pos, $slice_len, $shuffled ); } $pos = $i; } } return $ordered_ad_ids; } /** * Get random ad by ad weight * * @since 1.0.0 * @param array $ad_weights e.g. array(A => 2, B => 3, C => 5) * @source applied with fix for order http://stackoverflow.com/a/11872928/904614 */ private function get_random_ad_by_weight(array $ad_weights) { // use maximum ad weight for ads without this // ads might have a weight of zero (0); to avoid mt_rand fail assume that at least 1 is set. $max = array_sum( $ad_weights ); if ( $max < 1 ) { return ; } $rand = mt_rand( 1, $max ); foreach ( $ad_weights as $ad_id => $_weight ) { $rand -= $_weight; if ( $rand <= 0 ) { return $ad_id; } } } /** * Get weights of ads in this group * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function get_ad_weights() { // load and save ad weights if not yet set if ( $this->ad_weights == 0 ) { $weights = get_option( 'advads-ad-weights', array() ); if ( isset($weights[$this->id]) ) { $this->ad_weights = $weights[$this->id]; } } // return ad weights ordered by weight if(!is_array($this->ad_weights)) { return array(); } else { return $this->ad_weights; } } /** * Save ad group information that are not included in terms or ad weight * * @since 1.4.8 * @param arr $args group arguments */ public function save($args = array()) { $defaults = array( 'type' => 'default', 'ad_count' => 1, 'options' => array() ); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); // get global ad group option $groups = get_option( 'advads-ad-groups', array() ); $groups[$this->id] = $args; update_option( 'advads-ad-groups', $groups ); } /** * Delete all the ad weights for a group by id * * @since 1.0.0 */ public static function delete_ad_weights($group_id){ $all_weights = get_option( 'advads-ad-weights', array() ); if ($all_weights && isset($all_weights[$group_id])){ unset($all_weights[$group_id]); update_option( 'advads-ad-weights', $all_weights ); } } /** * Create a wrapper to place around the group. */ private function create_wrapper() { $this->wrapper = array(); if ( $this->ad_args['is_top_level'] ) { // Add label. $placement_state = isset( $this->ad_args['ad_label'] ) ? $this->ad_args['ad_label'] : 'default'; $this->label = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->get_label( $placement_state ); // Add placement class. if ( isset( $this->ad_args['output']['class'] ) && is_array( $this->ad_args['output']['class'] ) ) { $this->wrapper['class'] = $this->ad_args['output']['class']; } if ( isset( $this->ad_args['output']['wrapper_attrs'] ) && is_array( $this->ad_args['output']['wrapper_attrs'] ) ) { foreach ( $this->ad_args['output']['wrapper_attrs'] as $key => $value ) { $this->wrapper[$key] = $value; } } if ( ! empty( $this->ad_args['placement_position'] ) ) { switch ( $this->ad_args['placement_position'] ) { case 'left' : $this->wrapper['style']['float'] = 'left'; break; case 'right' : $this->wrapper['style']['float'] = 'right'; break; case 'center' : // We don't know whether the 'add_wrapper_sizes' option exists and width is set. $this->wrapper['style']['text-align'] = 'center'; break; } } } $this->wrapper = (array) apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-output-wrapper-options-group', $this->wrapper, $this ); if ( ( $this->wrapper !== array() || $this->label ) && ! isset( $this->wrapper['id'] ) ) { $prefix = Advanced_Ads_Plugin::get_instance()->get_frontend_prefix(); $this->wrapper['id'] = $prefix . mt_rand(); } } /** * Calculate the number of available weights for a group depending on * number of ads and default value. * * @param int $num_ads Number of ads in the group. * @since 1.8.22 * * @return max weight used in group settings */ public static function get_max_ad_weight( $num_ads = 1 ){ // use default if lower than default. $num_ads = absint( $num_ads ); // use number of ads or max ad weight value, whatever is higher $max_weight = $num_ads < self::MAX_AD_GROUP_DEFAULT_WEIGHT ? self::MAX_AD_GROUP_DEFAULT_WEIGHT : $num_ads; // allow users to manipulate max ad weight return apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-max-ad-weight', $max_weight, $num_ads ); } }