/** * Advanced Ads. * * @author Thomas Maier * @license GPL-2.0+ * @link http://webgilde.com * @copyright 2013-2015 Thomas Maier, webgilde GmbH */ ; (function ($) { "use strict"; // On DOM loaded $(function(){ function createNewRule(minw, w, h, hidden) { var rowHidden = (hidden)? 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'0' : $('#new-ad-height').val(); if ('' == h) { $('#new-ad-height').css('background-color', 'rgba(255, 100, 60, 0.3)'); return false; } else { $('#new-ad-height').css('background-color', '#fff'); } var hiddenValue = ($('#new-ad-hidden').prop('checked'))? true : false; var newRule = createNewRule(minw, w, h, hiddenValue); var ruleAdded = false; $('#gadsense-css-tbody tr').each(function(index, elem){ var currentMinw = parseInt($(elem).attr('data-minwidth')); minw = parseInt(minw); if (currentMinw >= minw) { $(elem).before(newRule); ruleAdded = true; if (currentMinw == minw) { // replace row $(elem).remove(); } return false; } }); if (!ruleAdded) { $('#gadsense-css-tbody').append(newRule); ruleAdded = true; } if (ruleAdded) { $('#new-ad-min-width, #new-ad-width, #new-ad-height').val(''); $('#new-ad-hidden').prop('checked', false); $('#gadsense-css-div #new-ad-width, #gadsense-css-div #new-ad-height').removeAttr('disabled'); } window.gadsenseFormatAdContent(); }); $(document).on('change', 'input[name="default-width"]', function(){ $('input[type="number"][name="advanced_ad[width]"]').val($(this).val()); }); $(document).on('change', 'input[name="default-height"]', function(){ $('input[type="number"][name="advanced_ad[height]"]').val($(this).val()); }); $(document).on('click', '#advanced-ads-ad-parameters #default-hidden', function(){ var hidden = $(this).prop('checked'); if (hidden) { $('input[type="number"][name="default-width"], input[type="number"][name="default-height"]').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { $('input[type="number"][name="default-width"], input[type="number"][name="default-height"]').removeAttr('disabled'); } window.gadsenseFormatAdContent(); }); $(document).on('click', '#gadsense-css-tbody .row-remove', function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); $(this).parents('tr').hide(500, function(){ $(this).remove(); window.gadsenseFormatAdContent(); }); }); /** * Add media queries rules to post content */ $(document).on('gadsenseFormatAdResponsive', function(ev, adContent){ if ('undefined' != typeof(adContent.resize) && 'manual' == adContent.resize) { var mediaRule = []; $('#gadsense-css-tbody tr').each(function(){ var rule = $(this).find('.row-minw').text() + ':' + $(this).find('.row-w').text() + ':' + $(this).find('.row-h').text(); if (0 != $(this).find('.row-hidden').length) { rule += ':' + $(this).find('.row-hidden').val(); } mediaRule.push(rule); }); var defaultHiddenVal = ($('#default-hidden').prop('checked'))? true : false; adContent.defaultHidden = defaultHiddenVal; adContent.media = mediaRule; window.gadsenseAdContent = adContent; } }); /** * Display/Hide manual CSS related fields */ function manualCssCheckState() { var unitType = $('#unit-type').val(); if ('responsive' == unitType) { var resizeMode = $('#ad-resize-type').val(); if ('manual' == resizeMode) { $('#gadsense-css-div').css('display', 'block'); } else { $('#gadsense-css-div').css('display', 'none'); } } else { $('#gadsense-css-div').css('display', 'none'); } } if ( respAdsAdsense.currentAd ) { $( '#advads-ad-content-adsense' ).val( JSON.stringify( respAdsAdsense.currentAd, 'false', false ) ); } /** * Get desktop and mobile version of attribute. */ function get_mobile_desktop_attr( attr, default_v ) { var attr = ( attr || '' ).split( ',' ); if ( typeof default_v == 'number' ) { var mobile = parseInt( attr[0], 10 ) || default_v; var desktop = parseInt( attr[1], 10 ) || mobile; } else { var mobile = $.trim( attr[0] ) || default_v; var desktop = $.trim( attr[1] ) || mobile; } return [ mobile, desktop ]; } /** * Parse additional attributes of matched-content ad. */ $( document ).on( 'gadsenseParseAdContent', function( ev, theAd, adByGoogle ) { if ( 'autorelaxed' == theAd.format ) { theAd.matched_content_ui_type = adByGoogle.attr( 'data-matched-content-ui-type' ); theAd.matched_content_rows_num = adByGoogle.attr( 'data-matched-content-rows-num' ); theAd.matched_content_columns_num = adByGoogle.attr( 'data-matched-content-columns-num' ); } }); /** * Set ad parameters fields from the result of parsing ad code */ $( document ).on( 'setDetailsFromAdCode', function( ev, theAd ) { if ( 'matched-content' == theAd.type ) { var ui_type = get_mobile_desktop_attr( theAd.matched_content_ui_type, 'image_sidebyside' ); var rows_num = get_mobile_desktop_attr( theAd.matched_content_rows_num, 2 ); var columns_num = get_mobile_desktop_attr( theAd.matched_content_columns_num, 2 ); var $settings = $( '#advads-adsense-matched-content-controls' ); // Enable 'Customize layout' checkbox and show inputs if 'data-matched-content-ui-type' exists $( '#matched-content-customize-switcher', $settings ).prop( 'checked', !! theAd.matched_content_ui_type ).change(); $( '#matched-content-ui-type-m', $settings ).val( ui_type[0] ); $( '#matched-content-ui-type', $settings ).val( ui_type[1] ); $( '#matched-content-rows-num-m', $settings ).val( rows_num[0] ); $( '#matched-content-rows-num', $settings ).val( rows_num[1] ); $( '#matched-content-columns-num-m', $settings ).val( columns_num[0] ); $( '#matched-content-columns-num', $settings ).val( columns_num[1] ); } }); /** * Format the post content field. */ $( document ).on( 'gadsenseFormatAdContent', function( ev, adContent ) { if ( 'matched-content' == adContent.unitType ) { var $settings = $( '#advads-adsense-matched-content-controls' ); adContent.matched_content_customize_enabled = $( '#matched-content-customize-switcher:checked', $settings ).length; adContent.matched_content_ui_type_m = $( '#matched-content-ui-type-m', $settings ).val(); adContent.matched_content_ui_type = $( '#matched-content-ui-type', $settings ).val(); adContent.matched_content_rows_num_m = $( '#matched-content-rows-num-m', $settings ).val(); adContent.matched_content_rows_num = $( '#matched-content-rows-num', $settings ).val(); adContent.matched_content_columns_num_m = $( '#matched-content-columns-num-m', $settings ).val(); adContent.matched_content_columns_num = $( '#matched-content-columns-num', $settings ).val(); } }); $( document ).on( 'change', '#advads-adsense-matched-content-controls', function( ev ) { window.gadsenseFormatAdContent(); } ); }); })(jQuery);