Theme Options -> Builder -> Advanced) * 3) створити крон джоб * # dev * 0 2 * * * /home/fasoonde/public_html/wp-content/themes/fasoon/bin/ * * # live * 0 1 * * * /home/fasoonde/public_html/wp-content/themes/fasoon/bin/ */ if ( is_admin() ) { return; } // include libs require_once 'lib/minify/vendor/autoload.php'; use MatthiasMullie\Minify; require_once 'lib/Qs/Packer/Html.php'; // scripts optimization if ( ! defined( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS' ) ) { define( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false ); } if ( ! defined( 'COMPRESS_SCRIPTS' ) ) { define( 'COMPRESS_SCRIPTS', false ); } define( 'FASOON_THEME_PACKER_DIR', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/__fasoon' ); define( 'FASOON_THEME_PACKER_DIR_URL', content_url( '/__fasoon' ) ); /** * @param string $handle * @param string $type script|stylesheet * * @return array|mixed */ function fasoon_theme_register_handle( $handle, $type = 'script' ) { $_file = FASOON_THEME_PACKER_DIR . '/packer.config.php'; if ( ! is_dir( FASOON_THEME_PACKER_DIR ) ) { if ( ! mkdir( FASOON_THEME_PACKER_DIR ) ) { return false; } } // init config if ( ! is_file( $_file ) ) { $_config = [ 'stylesheet' => [], 'script' => [], ]; $content = "all_deps($scripts->queue); $indexes = []; foreach ( $scripts->to_do as $handle ) { $index = fasoon_theme_register_handle( $handle, 'script' ); if ( false === $index ) { return; // something went wrong!!! } $indexes[$handle] = $index; } asort( $indexes, SORT_NUMERIC ); foreach (array_keys( $indexes ) as $handle ) { // exclude scripts with extra 'conditional', 'before' and 'after' /** @var _WP_Dependency $handle_obj */ $handle_obj = $scripts->registered[$handle]; if ( ! empty( $handle_obj->extra['conditional'] ) || ! empty( $handle_obj->extra['before'] ) || ! empty( $handle_obj->extra['after'] ) ) { unset( $indexes[$handle] ); } // remove external scripts $url_info = parse_url( $handle_obj->src ); if ( ! empty( $url_info['host'] ) && $url_info['host'] !== $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) { unset( $indexes[$handle] ); } } $packed_file_name = join( '-', $indexes ) . '.js'; $packed_file_path = FASOON_THEME_PACKER_DIR . '/' . $packed_file_name; $packed_file_url = FASOON_THEME_PACKER_DIR_URL . '/' . $packed_file_name; if ( ! is_file( $packed_file_path ) ) { if ( ! $packed = fopen( $packed_file_path, 'w+' ) ) { return; } $www_path = rtrim( get_home_path(), '/' ); foreach (array_keys( $indexes ) as $handle ) { /** @var _WP_Dependency $handle_obj */ $handle_obj = $scripts->registered[$handle]; if ( $handle_obj->src ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $handle_obj->src, '/wp-includes' ) ) { $content = file_get_contents( $www_path . $handle_obj->src ); } else { $src = $handle_obj->src; $site_url = site_url(); $site_url = substr( $site_url, strpos( $site_url, '://' ) + 3 ); if ( 0 === strpos( $src, 'http' ) ) { $src = substr( $src, strpos( $src, '://' ) + 3 ); $src = str_replace( $site_url, '', $src ); } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $src, '//' ) ) { $src = substr( $src, 2 ); $src = str_replace( $site_url, '', $src ); } if ( false === strpos( $src, '.min.js' ) ) { $minifier = new Minify\JS( $www_path . $src ); $content = $minifier->minify(); } else { $content = file_get_contents( $www_path . $src ); } } $content .= $delim; fwrite( $packed, $content ); } } fclose( $packed ); } // collect extra['data'] and remove merged scripts $data = ''; /** @var WP_Theme $theme */ $theme = wp_get_theme(); if ( 'divi' == strtolower( $theme->get( 'Template' ) ) ) { $data .= 'var et_pb_box_shadow_elements = [];' . $delim; // костиль, якась сволота дописує до інлайн скрипта цю стрічку, не знайшов хто це робить } foreach (array_keys( $indexes ) as $handle ) { /** @var _WP_Dependency $handle_obj */ $handle_obj = $scripts->registered[ $handle ]; if ( ! empty( $handle_obj->extra['data'] ) ) { $data .= $handle_obj->extra['data'] . $delim; } $wp_scripts->dequeue( $handle ); } // enqueue merged script wp_enqueue_script( 'fasoon_merged_scripts', $packed_file_url, [], false, false ); $wp_scripts->registered['fasoon_merged_scripts']->extra['data'] = $data; } add_filter( 'script_loader_tag', 'fasoon_theme_script_loader_tag' ); function fasoon_theme_script_loader_tag( $tag ) { $tag = str_replace( ' SCRIPT; } // styles optimization if ( ! defined( 'COMPRESS_CSS' ) ) { define( 'COMPRESS_CSS', false ); } /** * Method replace related paths for resources inside css * @param string $srcPath Relative path of source file (e.g.: css/modules) * @param string $dstPath Relative path of destination file (e.g.: css) * @param string $content Source file content * @return string * @throws Exception */ function fasoon_theme_prepareCssResourcePaths($srcPath, $dstPath, $content) { $srcPath = trim($srcPath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $dstPath = trim($dstPath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if ($srcPath == $dstPath || parse_url($srcPath, PHP_URL_HOST) || parse_url($dstPath, PHP_URL_HOST)) { return $content; } $newRelativePath = fasoon_theme_getRelativePath($dstPath, $srcPath); $content = preg_replace_callback( '#url\(\s*(([\'"])?([^\s\)]+)?\1?)\s*\)#', function ($match) use ($newRelativePath) { $quote = $match[2]; $path = $match[1]; if (0 === strpos($path, 'data:')) { return $match[0]; } if ($quote) { $path = trim($path, $quote); } if (false !== strpos($path, '://') || '/' === $path[0]) { return $match[0]; } while (0 === strpos($path, '../') && $newRelativePath && $newRelativePath != '.') { $newRelativePath = dirname($newRelativePath); $path = substr($path, 3); } if ($newRelativePath && $newRelativePath != '.') { $path = $newRelativePath . '/' . $path; } return "url({$quote}{$path}{$quote})"; }, $content ); return $content; } function fasoon_theme_getRelativePath($srcPath, $dstPath) { $srcPath = $srcPath ? explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, trim($srcPath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) : []; $dstPath = $dstPath ? explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, trim($dstPath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) : []; while ($srcPath && $dstPath && $srcPath[0] == $dstPath[0]) { array_shift($srcPath); array_shift($dstPath); } $relativePath = trim(str_repeat('/..', count($srcPath)), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if ($dstPath) { $relativePath .= ($relativePath ? '/' : '') . implode('/', $dstPath); } return $relativePath; } add_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'fasoon_theme_wp_print_styles', PHP_INT_MAX ); function fasoon_theme_wp_print_styles() { $delim = "\n\n"; $wp_styles = wp_styles(); $styles = clone $wp_styles; $styles->all_deps($styles->queue); $indexes = []; foreach ( $styles->to_do as $handle ) { $index = fasoon_theme_register_handle( $handle, 'stylesheet' ); if ( false === $index ) { return; // something went wrong!!! } $indexes[$handle] = $index; } asort( $indexes, SORT_NUMERIC ); $after = []; foreach (array_keys( $indexes ) as $handle ) { // exclude stylesheets with extra 'rtl', 'before' and 'after' /** @var _WP_Dependency $handle_obj */ $handle_obj = $styles->registered[$handle]; if ( ! empty( $handle_obj->extra['rtl'] ) || ! empty( $handle_obj->extra['before'] ) ) { unset( $indexes[$handle] ); } if ( ! empty( $handle_obj->extra['after'] ) ) { $after = array_merge($after, (array) $handle_obj->extra['after']); } // remove external stylesheets $url_info = parse_url( $handle_obj->src ); if ( ! empty( $url_info['host'] ) && $url_info['host'] !== $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) { unset( $indexes[$handle] ); } } $packed_file_name = join( '-', $indexes ) . '.css'; $packed_file_path = FASOON_THEME_PACKER_DIR . '/' . $packed_file_name; $packed_file_url = FASOON_THEME_PACKER_DIR_URL . '/' . $packed_file_name; if ( ! is_file( $packed_file_path ) ) { if ( ! $packed = fopen( $packed_file_path, 'w+' ) ) { return; } $www_path = rtrim( get_home_path(), '/' ); foreach (array_keys( $indexes ) as $handle ) { /** @var _WP_Dependency $handle_obj */ $handle_obj = $styles->registered[$handle]; if ( $handle_obj->src ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $handle_obj->src, '/wp-includes' ) ) { $content = file_get_contents( $www_path . $handle_obj->src ); } else { $src = $handle_obj->src; $site_url = site_url(); $site_url = substr( $site_url, strpos( $site_url, '://' ) + 3 ); if ( 0 === strpos( $src, 'http' ) ) { $src = substr( $src, strpos( $src, '://' ) + 3 ); $src = str_replace( $site_url, '', $src ); } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $src, '//' ) ) { $src = substr( $src, 2 ); $src = str_replace( $site_url, '', $src ); } if ( false === strpos( $src, '.min.css' ) ) { $minifier = new Minify\CSS( $www_path . $src ); $content = $minifier->minify(); } else { $content = file_get_contents( $www_path . $src ); } $content = fasoon_theme_prepareCssResourcePaths( dirname($src), str_replace( $www_path, '', FASOON_THEME_PACKER_DIR ), $content ); } $content .= $delim; fwrite( $packed, $content ); $wp_styles->dequeue( $handle ); } } fclose( $packed ); } foreach (array_keys( $indexes ) as $handle ) { $wp_styles->dequeue( $handle ); } // enqueue merged script wp_enqueue_style( 'fasoon_merged_style', $packed_file_url ); $wp_styles->registered['fasoon_merged_style']->extra['after'] = $after; } if ( ! function_exists( 'et_divi_fonts_url' ) ) { function et_divi_fonts_url() { return ''; // disable load google fonts from CDN } } // html compressor function fasoon_theme_remove_comments( $html ) { $scripts_pattern = '/\]*\>([\s\S]*)\<\/script\>/miUs'; $comments_pattern = '/(?:(?:\/\*(?:[^*]|(?:\*+[^*\/]))*\*+\/)|(?:(?