{{ strings.title }}

{{ strings.summary }} »

{% for option,data in strings.options %} {% endfor %} {% for feature in strings.features %} {% for option in strings.options|keys %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% for option,data in strings.options %} {% endfor %}
{{ data.heading }} {% if data.subheading is defined %} {{ data.subheading }} {% endif %}
{{ feature.label }} {% set optionValue = (feature[option] is defined) ? feature[option] : false %} {% include 'feature-option.twig' with {'value': optionValue} %}
{% if data.extra_template is defined %} {% include data.extra_template.template with data.extra_template.model %} {% endif %}
{% for after_table_item in strings.after_table %}

{% for after_table_sentence in after_table_item %} {% if after_table_sentence.type == 'text' %} {{ after_table_sentence.value }} {% elseif after_table_sentence.type == 'link' %} {% if after_table_sentence.external is same as(true) %} {{- after_table_sentence.value -}} {% else %} {{- after_table_sentence.value -}} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}

{% endfor %}