/*globals vkbeautify, jQuery, wp */ var WPML = WPML || {}; var WPML_TM = WPML_TM || {}; //Hack required for the core CodeMirror extensions to work var CodeMirror = wp.CodeMirror || CodeMirror; (function () { 'use strict'; //Make easier to deal with changing namespaces WPML.CodeMirror = WPML.CodeMirror || CodeMirror || null; WPML_TM.Custom_XML_Editor = function (element) { this.container = element; this.content = this.container.getElementsByClassName('wpml-tm-custom-xml-content')[0]; this.saveButton = this.container.getElementsByClassName('.button-primary')[0]; this.editor = {}; this.hightLightedLines = []; }; WPML_TM.Custom_XML_Editor.prototype = { init: function () { this.initCodeMirror(); }, initCodeMirror: function () { if (!WPML.CodeMirror) { return; } this.editor = WPML.CodeMirror.fromTextArea(this.content, { lineNumbers: true, mode: { name: 'xml', htmlMode: false }, matchBrackets: true, autoCloseBrackets: true, matchTags: {bothTags: true}, autoCloseTags: true, indentUnit: 2, tabSize: 2, smartIndent: true, extraKeys: this.getKeysMap(), foldGutter: true, gutters: ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "CodeMirror-foldgutter"], hintOptions: { schemaInfo: this.getXMLSchema() } }); var toolbar = this.container.getElementsByClassName('wpml-tm-custom-xml-toolbar')[0]; this.editor.addPanel(toolbar, { position: 'top', stable: true }); this.editor.setOption('theme', 'dracula'); this.editor.setCursor(0, 0); }, highlightErrors: function (errors) { for (var index in errors) { if (errors.hasOwnProperty(index)) { var errorsGroup = errors[index]; if (errorsGroup.constructor === Array) { for (var errorGroupIndex in errorsGroup) { if (errorsGroup.hasOwnProperty(errorGroupIndex)) { var error = errorsGroup[errorGroupIndex]; if (error.hasOwnProperty('line')) { this.highlightLine(error.line); } } } } } } }, highlightLine: function (lineNumber) { if (lineNumber >= 1) { this.editor.addLineClass(lineNumber - 1, 'wrap', 'line-error'); this.hightLightedLines.push(lineNumber - 1); } }, resetHighlightedLines: function () { for (var index in this.hightLightedLines) { if (this.hightLightedLines.hasOwnProperty(index)) { this.editor.removeLineClass(this.hightLightedLines[index], 'wrap', 'line-error'); } } this.hightLightedLines = []; }, foldCode: function (cm) { cm.foldCode(cm.getCursor()); }, autoFormat: function (cm) { cm.save(); cm.setValue(vkbeautify.xml(cm.getValue())); }, prepareSave: function () { this.resetHighlightedLines(); this.autoFormat(this.editor); this.editor.save(); }, onSaveRequest: function () { this.prepareSave(); if ('undefined' !== this.onSave) { this.onSave(); } }, getXMLSchema: function () { var translateOptions = { attrs: { 'translate': ['0', '1'] } }; var translateActions = { attrs: { 'action': ['copy', 'translate', 'ignore', 'copy-once'], 'style': ['line', 'textarea', 'visual'], 'translate_link_target': ['0', '1'], 'convert_to_sticky': ['0', '1'], 'label': null, 'group': null } }; var genericKey = { attrs: { 'name': null, children: ['key'] } }; return { '!top': ['wpml-config'], 'wpml-config': { children: [ 'language-switcher-settings', 'custom-types', 'taxonomies', 'shortcodes', 'custom-fields', 'admin-texts' ] }, 'language-switcher-settings': { children: ['key'] }, 'custom-types': { children: ['custom-type'] }, 'custom-type': translateOptions, 'taxonomies': { children: ['taxonomy'] }, 'taxonomy': translateOptions, 'shortcodes': { children: ['shortcode'] }, 'shortcode': { children: ['tag', 'attributes'] }, 'tag': { attrs: { 'encoding': null } }, 'attributes': { children: ['attribute'] }, 'attribute': {}, 'custom-fields': { children: ['custom-field'] }, 'custom-field': translateActions, 'custom-term-field': { children: ['wpml-custom-term-field'] }, 'wpml-custom-term-field': translateActions, 'admin-texts': { children: ['key'] }, 'key': genericKey }; }, getKeysMap: function () { var mac = WPML.CodeMirror.keyMap["default"] === WPML.CodeMirror.keyMap.macDefault; var ctrl = mac ? "Cmd-" : "Ctrl-"; var extraKeys = { "'<'": this.completeAfter.bind(this), "'/'": this.completeIfAfterLt.bind(this), "' '": this.completeIfInTag.bind(this), "'='": this.completeIfInTag.bind(this) }; extraKeys[ctrl + 'Space'] = 'autocomplete'; extraKeys[ctrl + 'K'] = this.foldCode; extraKeys[ctrl + 'F'] = this.autoFormat; extraKeys[ctrl + 'S'] = this.onSaveRequest.bind(this); return extraKeys; }, completeAfter: function (cm, pred) { if (!pred || pred()) { setTimeout(function () { if (!cm.state.completionActive) { cm.showHint({completeSingle: false}); } }, 100); } return WPML.CodeMirror.Pass; }, completeIfAfterLt: function (cm) { return this.completeAfter(cm, function () { var cur = cm.getCursor(); return cm.getRange(WPML.CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, cur.ch - 1), cur) === "<"; }); }, completeIfInTag: function (cm) { return this.completeAfter(cm, function () { var tok = cm.getTokenAt(cm.getCursor()); if (tok.type === "string" && (!/['"]/.test(tok.string.charAt(tok.string.length - 1)) || tok.string.length === 1)) { return false; } var inner = WPML.CodeMirror.innerMode(cm.getMode(), tok.state).state; return inner.tagName; }); } }; }());