original_del_text = __( "The original has been deleted!", "sitepress" ); if ( ! $job_factory ) { global $wpml_translation_job_factory; $job_factory = &$wpml_translation_job_factory; } $this->job_factory = $job_factory; } function get_type() { return 'Post'; } function to_array() { $this->maybe_load_basic_data(); $data_array = $this->basic_data_to_array( $this->basic_data ); $data_array['id'] = $this->basic_data->job_id; $data_array['translation_id'] = $this->basic_data->translation_id; $data_array['status'] = $this->get_status(); $data_array['translation_edit_url'] = $this->get_url(); $data_array['original_url'] = $this->get_url( true ); $data_array['post_title'] = esc_html( $this->get_title() ); return $data_array; } function to_xliff_file() { $xliff = new WPML_TM_Xliff_Writer( $this->job_factory ); return $xliff->get_job_xliff_file( $this->get_id() ); } function get_original_element_id() { if ( ! $this->original_doc_id ) { $this->original_doc_id = $this->get_iclt_field( 'element_id', false ); } return $this->original_doc_id; } function get_translation_id() { if ( ! $this->translation_id ) { $translation_id = $this->get_iclt_field( 'translation_id', true ); $this->translation_id = $translation_id; } else { $translation_id = $this->translation_id; } return $translation_id; } /** * Saves the job data in this object to the database (e.g. to a post) * * @param bool $complete whether or not to set the status * of the target element to complete */ public function save_to_element( $complete = false ) { global $wpdb, $wpml_post_translations, $wpml_term_translations; $wpml_tm_records = new WPML_TM_Records( $wpdb, $wpml_post_translations, $wpml_term_translations ); $save_data_action = new WPML_Save_Translation_Data_Action( array( 'job_id' => $this->get_id(), 'complete' => $complete, 'fields' => array() ), $wpml_tm_records ); $save_data_action->save_translation(); } /** * @return int */ function estimate_word_count() { $fields = $this->get_original_fields(); $combined_string = join( ' ', $fields ); $calculator = new WPML_TM_Word_Calculator( new WPML_PHP_Functions() ); return $calculator->count_words( $combined_string, $this->get_source_language_code() ); } function get_original_fields() { global $wpdb; $fields = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT field_type, field_data, field_format FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translate WHERE job_id = %d AND field_translate = 1", $this->get_id() ) ); $res = array(); foreach ( $fields as $field ) { $res[ $field->field_type ] = base64_decode( $field->field_data ); } return $res; } public function cancel() { global $wpdb; $deleted = false; $rid_query = "SELECT rid FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translate_job WHERE job_id=%d"; $rid_prepare = $wpdb->prepare( $rid_query, array( $this->job_id ) ); $rid = $wpdb->get_var( $rid_prepare ); $translation_id_query = "SELECT translation_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translation_status WHERE rid=%d"; $translation_id_prepare = $wpdb->prepare( $translation_id_query, array( $rid ) ); $translation_id = $wpdb->get_var( $translation_id_prepare ); if ( $rid ) { $wpdb->delete( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translate_job', array( 'job_id' => $this->job_id ) ); $wpdb->delete( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translate', array( 'job_id' => $this->job_id ) ); $deleted = true; } if ( $translation_id ) { $wpdb->delete( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translations', array( 'translation_id' => $translation_id ) ); if ( $rid ) { $wpdb->delete( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translation_status', array( 'translation_id' => $translation_id, 'rid' => $rid ) ); } } return $deleted; } /** * @param TranslationProxy_Project $project * @param int $translator_id * @param WPML_TM_CMS_ID $cms_id_helper * @param TranslationManagement $tm_instance * @param null|string $note * * @return array */ function send_to_tp( $project, $translator_id, &$cms_id_helper, &$tm_instance, $note = null ) { global $wpdb; $this->maybe_load_basic_data(); $file = $this->to_xliff_file(); $title = $this->get_title(); $cms_id = $cms_id_helper->cms_id_from_job_id( $this->get_id() ); $url = $this->get_url( true ); $word_count = $this->estimate_word_count(); $note = isset( $note ) ? $note : ''; $source_language = $this->get_source_language_code(); $target_language = $this->get_language_code(); $uuid = $this->get_uuid(); try { $res = $project->send_to_translation_batch_mode( $file, $title, $cms_id, $url, $source_language, $target_language, $word_count, $translator_id, $note, $uuid ); } catch ( Exception $err ) { // The translation entry will be removed $project->errors[] = $err; $res = 0; } $translation_id = $this->get_translation_id(); if ( $res ) { $tm_instance->update_translation_status( array( 'translation_id' => $translation_id, 'translator_id' => $translator_id, 'status' => ICL_TM_IN_PROGRESS, 'needs_update' => 0 ) ); } else { $previous_state = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT _prevstate FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translation_status WHERE translation_id=%d LIMIT 1", $translation_id ) ); if ( ! empty( $previous_state ) ) { $previous_state = unserialize( $previous_state ); $data = array( 'status' => $previous_state['status'], 'translator_id' => $previous_state['translator_id'], 'needs_update' => $previous_state['needs_update'], 'md5' => $previous_state['md5'], 'translation_service' => $previous_state['translation_service'], 'translation_package' => $previous_state['translation_package'], 'timestamp' => $previous_state['timestamp'], 'links_fixed' => $previous_state['links_fixed'] ); $data_where = array( 'translation_id' => $translation_id ); $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translation_status', $data, $data_where ); } else { $data = array( 'status' => ICL_TM_NOT_TRANSLATED, 'needs_update' => 0 ); $data_where = array( 'translation_id' => $translation_id ); $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translation_status', $data, $data_where ); } $err = true; } return array( isset( $err ) ? $err : false, $project, $res ); } /** * @param bool|false $original * * @return string */ abstract function get_url( $original = false ); /** * @return WP_Post|WPML_Package|mixed */ abstract function get_original_document(); protected function load_status() { $this->maybe_load_basic_data(); $this->basic_data->status = ! empty( $this->basic_data->translated ) ? ICL_TM_COMPLETE : $this->basic_data->status; return TranslationManagement::get_job_status_string( $this->basic_data->status, $this->basic_data->needs_update ); } protected function load_job_data( $job_id ) { return $this->job_factory->get_translation_job( $job_id, false, 1 ); } protected function save_updated_assignment(){ global $wpdb; $job_id = $this->get_id(); $service = $this->get_translation_service(); list( $prev_translator_id, $rid ) = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT translator_id, rid FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translate_job WHERE job_id=%d", $job_id ), ARRAY_N ); $translator_id = $this->get_translator_id(); $assigned_correctly = $translator_id == $prev_translator_id; $assigned_correctly = apply_filters( 'wpml_job_assigned_to_after_assignment', $assigned_correctly, $job_id, $translator_id, $service ); if ( $assigned_correctly ) { return true; } $data = array( 'translator_id' => $translator_id, 'status' => ICL_TM_WAITING_FOR_TRANSLATOR, 'translation_service' => $service ); $data_where = array( 'rid' => $rid ); $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translation_status', $data, $data_where ); $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translate_job', array( 'translator_id' => $translator_id ), array( 'job_id' => $job_id ) ); return true; } protected function get_batch_id_table_col() { global $wpdb; $table = $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translation_status'; return array( $table, "(SELECT job_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translate_job trans_job WHERE trans_job.rid = {$table}.rid LIMIT 1)" ); } private function get_iclt_field( $field_name, $translation ) { global $wpdb; $column_name = ( $translation === true ? 'i' : 'o' ) . '.' . $field_name; $query = " SELECT {$column_name} FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translations o JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translations i ON i.trid = o.trid AND i.source_language_code = o.language_code JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translation_status s ON s.translation_id = i.translation_id JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translate_job j ON j.rid = s.rid WHERE j.job_id = %d LIMIT 1"; $args = array( $this->get_id() ); $prepared_query = $wpdb->prepare( $query, $args ); return $wpdb->get_var( $prepared_query ); } /** * If the job does not have deadline date, * we consider that the job was completed on time. * * @return bool */ public function is_completed_on_time() { return $this->get_number_of_days_overdue() <= 0; } /** * @return false|int Negative integer if the job was completed before the deadline, or positive either. * False is the job has no deadline date */ public function get_number_of_days_overdue() { $deadline = $this->get_deadline_date(); $completed = $this->get_completed_date(); if ( ! $deadline ) { return false; } if ( ! $completed ) { $completed = strtotime( 'now' ); } else { $completed = strtotime( $completed ); } $deadline = strtotime( $deadline ); return (int) floor( ( $completed - $deadline ) / DAY_IN_SECONDS ); } /** @return string|null */ public function get_deadline_date() { return $this->get_basic_data_property( 'deadline_date' ); } /** @return string|null */ public function get_completed_date() { return $this->get_basic_data_property( 'completed_date' ); } /** @return string|null */ public function get_manager_id() { return $this->get_basic_data_property( 'manager_id' ); } /** @return string|null */ protected function get_title_from_db() { return $this->get_basic_data_property( 'title' ); } /** @return string|null */ protected function get_uuid() { return $this->get_basic_data_property( 'uuid' ); } }