save_settings($sitepress_settings); }elseif(isset($_GET['strings_per_page']) && $_GET['strings_per_page'] > 0){ $sitepress_settings['st']['strings_per_page'] = $_GET['strings_per_page']; $sitepress->save_settings($sitepress_settings); } if(!isset($sitepress_settings['st']['icl_st_auto_reg'])){ $sitepress_settings['st']['icl_st_auto_reg'] = 'disable'; $sitepress->save_settings($sitepress_settings); do_action( 'wpml_st_auto_register_default' ); } if(empty($sitepress_settings['st']['strings_language'])){ $iclsettings['st']['strings_language'] = $sitepress_settings['st']['strings_language'] = 'en'; $sitepress->save_settings($iclsettings); } if(!isset($sitepress_settings['st']['translated-users'])) $sitepress_settings['st']['translated-users'] = array(); // handle po file upload new WPML_PO_Import_Strings_Scripts(); $po_import_strings = new WPML_PO_Import_Strings(); $po_import_strings->maybe_import_po_add_strings(); $icl_st_err_str = $po_import_strings->get_errors(); //handle po export if(isset($_POST['icl_st_pie_e']) && wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_wpnonce'], 'icl_po_export')){ //force some filters if(isset($_GET['status'])) unset($_GET['status']); $_GET['show_results']='all'; if($_POST['icl_st_e_context']){ $_GET['context'] = $_POST['icl_st_e_context']; } $_GET['translation_language'] = $_POST['icl_st_e_language']; $strings = icl_get_string_translations(); if ( ! empty( $strings ) ) { $po = icl_st_generate_po_file( $strings ); } else { $po = ""; } if(!isset($_POST['icl_st_pe_translations'])){ $popot = 'pot'; $poname = $_POST['icl_st_e_context'] ? urlencode($_POST['icl_st_e_context']) : 'all_context'; }else{ $popot = 'po'; $poname = $_GET['context'] . '-' . $_GET['translation_language']; } header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Type: application/download"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$poname.'.'.$popot.";"); header("Content-Length: ". strlen($po)); echo $po; exit(0); } $blog_name_and_desc_hooks = new WPML_ST_Blog_Name_And_Description_Hooks( $sitepress ); $blog_name_and_desc_hooks->init_hooks(); add_filter('widget_title', 'icl_sw_filters_widget_title', 0); //highest priority add_filter('widget_text', 'icl_sw_filters_widget_text', 0); //highest priority $widget_groups = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT option_name, option_value FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name LIKE 'widget\\_%'"); foreach($widget_groups as $w){ add_action('update_option_' . $w->option_name, 'icl_st_update_widget_title_actions', 5, 2); } add_action('update_option_widget_text', 'icl_st_update_text_widgets_actions', 5, 2); add_action( 'update_option_sidebars_widgets', 'wpml_st_init_register_widget_titles' ); if($icl_st_err_str){ add_action('admin_notices', 'icl_st_admin_notices'); } if (isset($_REQUEST['string-translated']) && $_REQUEST['string-translated'] == true) { add_action('admin_notices', 'icl_st_admin_notices_string_updated'); } $user_fields = new WPML_ST_User_Fields( $sitepress, $authordata ); $user_fields->init_hooks(); } function wpml_st_init_register_widget_titles(){ // create a list of active widgets $active_widgets = array(); $widgets = (array)get_option('sidebars_widgets'); foreach($widgets as $k=>$w){ if('wp_inactive_widgets' != $k && $k != 'array_version'){ if(is_array($widgets[$k])) foreach($widgets[$k] as $v){ $active_widgets[] = $v; } } } foreach($active_widgets as $aw){ $int = preg_match('#-([0-9]+)$#i',$aw, $matches); if($int){ $suffix = $matches[1]; }else{ $suffix = 1; } $name = preg_replace('#-[0-9]+#','',$aw); $value = get_option("widget_".$name); if(isset($value[$suffix]['title']) && $value[$suffix]['title']){ $w_title = $value[$suffix]['title']; }else{ $w_title = wpml_get_default_widget_title( $aw); $value[$suffix]['title'] = $w_title; update_option("widget_".$name, $value); } if($w_title){ icl_register_string('Widgets', 'widget title - ' . md5($w_title), $w_title); } } } function wpml_get_default_widget_title($id){ if(preg_match('#archives(-[0-9]+)?$#i',$id)){ $w_title = 'Archives'; }elseif(preg_match('#categories(-[0-9]+)?$#i',$id)){ $w_title = 'Categories'; }elseif(preg_match('#calendar(-[0-9]+)?$#i',$id)){ $w_title = 'Calendar'; }elseif(preg_match('#links(-[0-9]+)?$#i',$id)){ $w_title = 'Links'; }elseif(preg_match('#meta(-[0-9]+)?$#i',$id)){ $w_title = 'Meta'; }elseif(preg_match('#pages(-[0-9]+)?$#i',$id)){ $w_title = 'Pages'; }elseif(preg_match('#recent-posts(-[0-9]+)?$#i',$id)){ $w_title = 'Recent Posts'; }elseif(preg_match('#recent-comments(-[0-9]+)?$#i',$id)){ $w_title = 'Recent Comments'; }elseif(preg_match('#rss-links(-[0-9]+)?$#i',$id)){ $w_title = 'RSS'; }elseif(preg_match('#search(-[0-9]+)?$#i',$id)){ $w_title = 'Search'; }elseif(preg_match('#tag-cloud(-[0-9]+)?$#i',$id)){ $w_title = 'Tag Cloud'; }else{ $w_title = false; } return $w_title; } /** * Registers a string for translation * * @param string|array $context The context for the string * @param string $name A name to help the translator understand what’s being translated * @param string $value The string value * @param bool $allow_empty_value This param is not being used * @param string $source_lang The language of the registered string. Defaults to 'en' * * @return int string_id of the just registered string or the id found in the database corresponding to the * input parameters */ function icl_register_string( $context, $name, $value, $allow_empty_value = false, $source_lang = '' ) { global $WPML_String_Translation; if ( ! $name ) { $name = md5( $value ); } /** * @var WPML_Register_String_Filter $admin_string_filter * @var WPML_String_Translation $WPML_String_Translation */ $strings_language = $WPML_String_Translation->get_current_string_language( $name ); $admin_string_filter = $WPML_String_Translation->get_admin_string_filter( $strings_language ); if ( $admin_string_filter ) { $string_id = $admin_string_filter->register_string( $context, $name, $value, $allow_empty_value, $source_lang ); } else { $string_id = null; } return $string_id; } /** * @since unknown * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_register_string_for_translation' action instead. */ add_filter('register_string_for_translation', 'icl_register_string', 10, 4); /** * Registers a string for translation * * @api * * @param string $context The context for the string * @param string $name A name to help the translator understand what’s being translated * @param string $value The string value * @param bool $allow_empty_value This param is not being used * @param string $source_lang_code */ function wpml_register_single_string_action( $context, $name, $value, $allow_empty_value = false, $source_lang_code = '' ) { icl_register_string( $context, $name, $value, $allow_empty_value, $source_lang_code ); } /** * @since 3.2 * @api */ add_action('wpml_register_single_string', 'wpml_register_single_string_action', 10, 5); function icl_translate( $context, $name, $value = false, $allow_empty_value = false, &$has_translation = null, $target_lang = null ) { static $lock = false; if ( $lock ) { return $value; } $lock = true; $is_requested_blog = ! ( is_multisite() && ms_is_switched() ) || (int)$GLOBALS['blog_id'] === (int)end( $GLOBALS['_wp_switched_stack'] ); if ( $is_requested_blog ) { if ( is_translated_admin_string( $name ) ) { $value = wpml_get_string_current_translation( $value, $context, $name ); } else { /** @var WPML_ST_Gettext_Hooks $st_gettext_hooks */ global $st_gettext_hooks; $filter = $st_gettext_hooks->get_filter( $target_lang, $name ); if ( $filter ) { $new_value = $filter->translate_by_name_and_context( $value, $name, $context, $has_translation ); if ( $has_translation ) { $value = $new_value; } } } } $lock = false; return $value; } /** * @param string $value * @param mixed $context * @param string $name * * @return string */ function wpml_get_string_current_translation( $value, $context, $name ) { $string_id = icl_get_string_id( $value, $context, $name ); /** @var WPML_String_Translation $WPML_String_Translation */ global $WPML_String_Translation; $current_lang = $WPML_String_Translation->get_current_string_language( $name ); $translation = icl_get_string_by_id( $string_id, $current_lang ); $value = $translation ? $translation : $value; return $value; } function icl_st_is_registered_string( $context, $name ) { global $wpdb; static $cache = array(); if ( isset( $cache[ $context ][ $name ] ) ) { $string_id = $cache[ $context ][ $name ]; } else { $string_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_strings WHERE context = %s AND name = %s LIMIT 1", $context, $name ) ); $cache[ $context ][ $name ] = $string_id; } return $string_id; } function icl_st_string_has_translations($context, $name){ global $wpdb; $sql = $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT COUNT( FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_string_translations st JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}icl_strings s ON WHERE s.context = %s AND = %s", $context, $name ); return $wpdb->get_var($sql); } function icl_update_string_status( $string_id ) { global $wpdb; $string = new WPML_ST_String( $string_id, $wpdb ); return $string->update_status(); } function icl_update_string_status_all(){ global $wpdb; $res = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_strings"); foreach($res as $id){ icl_update_string_status($id); } } function icl_unregister_string($context, $name){ global $wpdb; $string_id = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_strings WHERE context=%s AND name=%s", $context, $name)); if($string_id){ $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_strings WHERE id=%d", $string_id)); $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_string_translations WHERE string_id=%d", $string_id)); $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_string_positions WHERE string_id=%d", $string_id)); } do_action('icl_st_unregister_string', $string_id); } function wpml_unregister_string_multi($arr){ global $wpdb; $str = wpml_prepare_in( $arr, '%d' ); $wpdb->query(" DELETE s.*, t.* FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_strings s LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}icl_string_translations t ON = t.string_id WHERE IN ({$str})"); $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_string_positions WHERE string_id IN ({$str})"); do_action('icl_st_unregister_string_multi', $arr); } /** * @since unknown * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_translate_string' filter instead. */ function translate_string_filter( $original_value, $context, $name, $has_translation = null, $disable_auto_register = false, $language_code = null ) { return icl_t( $context, $name, $original_value, $has_translation, $disable_auto_register, $language_code ); } /** * @since unknown * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_translate_single_string' filter instead. */ add_filter('translate_string', 'translate_string_filter', 10, 5); /** * Retrieve a string translation * Looks for a string with matching $context and $name. * If it finds it, it looks for translation in the current language or the language specified * If a translation exists, it will return it. Otherwise, it will return the original string. * * @api * * @param string|bool $original_value The string's original value * @param string $context The string's registered context * @param string $name The string's registered name * @param null|string $language_code Return the translation in this language * Default is NULL which returns the current language * @param bool|null $has_translation Currently unused. Defaults to NULL * * @return string */ function wpml_translate_single_string_filter( $original_value, $context, $name, $language_code = null, $has_translation = null ) { $result = $original_value; if ( is_string( $name ) ) { $result = icl_translate( $context, $name, $original_value, false, $has_translation, $language_code ); } return $result; } /** * @api * @since 3.2 */ add_filter('wpml_translate_single_string', 'wpml_translate_single_string_filter', 10, 6); /** * Retrieve a string translation * Looks for a string with matching $context and $name. * If it finds it, it looks for translation in the current language or the language specified * If a translation exists, it will return it. Otherwise, it will return the original string. * * @param string|bool $original_value The string's original value * @param string $context The string's registered context * @param string $name The string's registered name * @param bool|null $has_translation Currently unused. Defaults to NULL * @param bool $disable_auto_register Currently unused. Set to false in calling icl_translate * @param null|string $language_code Return the translation in this language * Default is NULL which returns the current language * * @return string */ function icl_t( $context, $name, $original_value = false, &$has_translation = null, $disable_auto_register = false, $language_code = null ) { return icl_translate( $context, $name, $original_value, false, $has_translation, $language_code ); } /** * @param string $name * * Checks whether a given string is to be translated in the Admin back-end. * Currently only tagline and title of a site are to be translated. * All other admin strings are to always be displayed in the user admin language. * * @return bool */ function is_translated_admin_string( $name ) { return in_array( $name, array( 'Tagline', 'Blog Title' ), true ); } /** * Helper function for icl_t() * @param array $result * @param string $original_value * @return boolean */ function _icl_is_string_change($result, $original_value) { if ($result == false) { return false; } if (!isset($result['value'])) { return false; } return ( $result['translated'] && $result['original'] != $original_value || !$result['translated'] && $result['value'] != $original_value ); } function icl_add_string_translation( $string_id, $language, $value = null, $status = false, $translator_id = null, $translation_service = null, $batch_id = null ) { global $wpdb; $string = new WPML_ST_String( $string_id, $wpdb ); $translated_string_id = $string->set_translation( $language, $value, $status, $translator_id, $translation_service, $batch_id ); return $translated_string_id; } /** * Updates the string translation for an admin option * * @global SitePress $sitepress * @global WPML_String_Translation $WPML_String_Translation * * @param string $option_name * @param string $language * @param string $new_value * @param int|bool $status * @param int $translator_id * * @return boolean|mixed */ function icl_update_string_translation( $option_name, $language, $new_value = null, $status = false, $translator_id = null ) { /** @var WPML_String_Translation $WPML_String_Translation */ global $WPML_String_Translation; return $WPML_String_Translation->get_admin_option( $option_name, $language ) ->update_option( '', $new_value, $status, $translator_id, 0 ); } /** * @param $string * @param $context * @param bool|false $name * * @return int */ function icl_get_string_id( $string, $context, $name = false ) { return wpml_st_load_string_factory()->get_string_id( $string, $context, $name ); } function icl_get_string_translations() { global $sitepress, $wpdb, $wp_query; $WPML_ST_Strings = new WPML_ST_Strings($sitepress, $wpdb, $wp_query); return $WPML_ST_Strings->get_string_translations(); } /** * * @param int $string_id ID of string in icl_strings DB table * @param string|false $language_code false, or language code * * @return string|false */ function icl_get_string_by_id( $string_id, $language_code = false ) { global $wpdb, $sitepress_settings; if ( ! $language_code && isset( $sitepress_settings['st']['strings_language'] ) ) { $language_code = $sitepress_settings[ 'st' ][ 'strings_language' ]; } if ( isset( $sitepress_settings['st']['strings_language'] ) && $language_code == $sitepress_settings['st']['strings_language'] ) { $result_prepared = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT value FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_strings WHERE id=%d AND language=%s", $string_id, $language_code ); $result = $wpdb->get_row( $result_prepared ); if ( $result ) { return $result->value; } } $translations = icl_get_string_translations_by_id( $string_id ); if ( isset( $translations[ $language_code ] ) ) { return $translations[ $language_code ]['value']; } return false; } function icl_get_string_translations_by_id($string_id){ global $wpdb; $translations = array(); if ( $string_id ) { $results = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT language, value, status FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_string_translations WHERE string_id=%d", $string_id)); foreach($results as $row){ $translations[$row->language] = array('value' => $row->value, 'status' => $row->status); } } return $translations; } function icl_get_relative_translation_status( $string_id ) { global $wpdb, $sitepress; $string_factory = wpml_st_load_string_factory(); $relative_translation_status = new WPML_ST_Relative_Translation_Status( $wpdb, $sitepress, $string_factory ); return $relative_translation_status->get( $string_id ); } function icl_get_strings_tracked_in_pages($string_translations){ global $wpdb; // get string position in page - if found $found_strings = $strings_in_page = array(); foreach(array_keys((array)$string_translations) as $string_id){ $found_strings[] = $string_id; } if($found_strings){ $res = $wpdb->get_results(" SELECT kind, string_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_string_positions WHERE string_id IN (" . wpml_prepare_in($found_strings, '%d' ) . ")"); foreach($res as $row){ $strings_in_page[$row->kind][$row->string_id] = true; } } return $strings_in_page; } function icl_sw_filters_widget_title($val){ $val = icl_translate('Widgets', 'widget title - ' . md5($val) , $val); return $val; } function icl_sw_filters_widget_text($val){ $val = icl_translate('Widgets', 'widget body - ' . md5($val) , $val); return $val; } /** * @param string $translation String This parameter is not important to the filter since we filter before other filters. * @param string $text * @param string $domain * @param boo|string $name * * @return string */ function icl_sw_filters_gettext( $translation, $text, $domain, $name = false ) { /** @var WPML_ST_Gettext_Hooks $st_gettext_hooks */global $sitepress_settings, $st_gettext_hooks; $has_translation = null; $ret_translation = null; if ( ! defined( 'ICL_STRING_TRANSLATION_DYNAMIC_CONTEXT' ) ) { define( 'ICL_STRING_TRANSLATION_DYNAMIC_CONTEXT', 'wpml_string' ); } if ( icl_sw_must_track_strings( $sitepress_settings ) ) { // track strings if the user has enabled this and if it's and editor or admin icl_st_track_string( $text, $domain, ICL_STRING_TRANSLATION_STRING_TRACKING_TYPE_PAGE ); } $register_dynamic_string = false; if ( $domain == ICL_STRING_TRANSLATION_DYNAMIC_CONTEXT ) { $register_dynamic_string = true; } if ( $register_dynamic_string ) { // register strings if the user has used ICL_STRING_TRANSLATION_DYNAMIC_CONTEXT (or it's value) as a text domain icl_register_string( $domain, $name, $text ); } if ( ! $name ) { $name = md5( $text ); } if ( $st_gettext_hooks->should_gettext_filters_be_turned_on() ) { $ret_translation = icl_translate( $domain, $name, $text, false, $has_translation ); } if ( ! $has_translation ) { $ret_translation = $translation; } if ( isset( $_GET['icl_string_track_value'], $_GET['icl_string_track_context'] ) && stripslashes( $_GET['icl_string_track_context'] ) === $domain && stripslashes( $_GET['icl_string_track_value'] ) === $text ) { $ret_translation = '' . $ret_translation . ''; } return $ret_translation; } /** * @param $sitepress_settings * * @return bool */ function icl_sw_must_track_strings( $sitepress_settings ) { static $checking_if_must_track_strings; $found = false; $result = wp_cache_get( 'must_track_strings', 'wpml_st', false, $found ); if ( ! $found && ! $checking_if_must_track_strings && did_action( 'after_setup_theme' ) ) { $checking_if_must_track_strings = true; $result = isset( $sitepress_settings['st']['track_strings'] ) && $sitepress_settings['st']['track_strings'] && current_user_can( 'edit_others_posts' ) && ! is_admin(); wp_cache_set( 'must_track_strings', $result, 'wpml_st' ); $checking_if_must_track_strings = false; } return $result; } function icl_st_track_string( $text, $domain, $kind = ICL_STRING_TRANSLATION_STRING_TRACKING_TYPE_PAGE ) { if (is_multisite() && ms_is_switched()) { return; } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/gettext/wpml-string-scanner.class.php'; static $string_scanner = null; if ( ! $string_scanner ) { try { $wp_filesystem = wp_filesystem_init(); $string_scanner = new WPML_String_Scanner( $wp_filesystem, new WPML_ST_File_Hashing() ); } catch( Exception $e ) { trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING); } } if ( $string_scanner ) { $string_scanner->track_string( $text, $domain, $kind ); } } function icl_sw_filters_gettext_with_context($translation, $text, $_gettext_context, $domain){ if ( $_gettext_context ) { return icl_sw_filters_gettext( $translation, $text, array( 'domain' => $domain, 'context' => $_gettext_context ) ); } else { return icl_sw_filters_gettext( $translation, $text, $domain ); } } function icl_sw_filters_ngettext($translation, $single, $plural, $number, $domain, $_gettext_context = false){ if($number == 1){ return icl_sw_filters_gettext_with_context($translation, $single, $_gettext_context, $domain); }else{ return icl_sw_filters_gettext_with_context($translation, $plural, $_gettext_context, $domain); } } function icl_sw_filters_nxgettext($translation, $single, $plural, $number, $_gettext_context, $domain){ return icl_sw_filters_ngettext($translation, $single, $plural, $number, $domain, $_gettext_context); } /** * @return array Translated User IDs */ function icl_st_register_user_strings_all(){ global $sitepress, $authordata; $wpml_translated_users = new WPML_ST_User_Fields( $sitepress, $authordata ); return $wpml_translated_users->init_register_strings(); } function icl_st_update_string_actions( $context, $name, $old_value, $new_value, $force_complete = false ) { if ( class_exists( 'WPML_WPDB_User' ) ) { global $wpdb; require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wpml-st-string-update.class.php'; $string_update = new WPML_ST_String_Update( $wpdb ); $string_update->update_string( $context, $name, $old_value, $new_value, $force_complete ); } } function icl_st_update_widget_title_actions($old_options, $new_options){ if(isset($new_options['title'])){ // case of 1 instance only widgets $buf = $new_options; unset($new_options); $new_options[0] = $buf; unset($buf); $buf = $old_options; unset($old_options); $old_options[0] = $buf; unset($buf); } foreach($new_options as $k=>$o){ if(isset($o['title'])){ if(isset($old_options[$k]['title']) && $old_options[$k]['title']){ icl_st_update_string_actions('Widgets', 'widget title - ' . md5($old_options[$k]['title']), $old_options[$k]['title'], $o['title']); }else{ if($new_options[$k]['title']){ icl_register_string('Widgets', 'widget title - ' . md5($new_options[$k]['title']), $new_options[$k]['title']); } } } } } function icl_st_update_text_widgets_actions($old_options, $new_options){ global $wpdb; // remove filter for showing permalinks instead of sticky links while saving $GLOBALS['__disable_absolute_links_permalink_filter'] = 1; $widget_text = get_option('widget_text'); if(is_array($widget_text)){ foreach($widget_text as $k=>$w){ if(isset($old_options[$k]['text']) && trim($old_options[$k]['text']) && $old_options[$k]['text'] != $w['text']){ $old_md5 = md5($old_options[$k]['text']); $string = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, value, status FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_strings WHERE context=%s AND name=%s", 'Widgets', 'widget body - ' . $old_md5)); if ($string) { icl_st_update_string_actions('Widgets', 'widget body - ' . $old_md5, $old_options[$k]['text'], $w['text']); } else { icl_register_string('Widgets', 'widget body - ' . md5($w['text']), $w['text']); } }elseif(isset($new_options[$k]['text']) && (!isset($old_options[$k]['text']) || $old_options[$k]['text']!=$new_options[$k]['text'])){ icl_register_string('Widgets', 'widget body - ' . md5($new_options[$k]['text']), $new_options[$k]['text']); } } } // add back the filter for showing permalinks instead of sticky links after saving unset($GLOBALS['__disable_absolute_links_permalink_filter']); } function icl_st_get_contexts( $status ) { global $sitepress, $wpdb, $wp_query; $wpml_strings = new WPML_ST_Strings( $sitepress, $wpdb, $wp_query ); return $wpml_strings->get_per_domain_counts( $status ); } function icl_st_admin_notices(){ global $icl_st_err_str; if($icl_st_err_str){ echo '
' . $icl_st_err_str . '