settings = get_option('icl_adl_settings'); if(empty($this->settings['wp_version']) || version_compare($wpversion, $this->settings['wp_version'], '>')){ try{ $this->updates_check(array('trigger' => 'wp-update')); }catch(Exception $e){ // do nothing - this is automated request for updates } } if ( get_transient('WPML_ST_MO_Downloader_lang_map') === false ) { $this->set_lang_map_from_csv(); } $this->lang_map = get_transient('WPML_ST_MO_Downloader_lang_map'); $this->lang_map_rev = array_flip($this->lang_map); add_action('wp_ajax_icl_adm_updates_check', array($this, 'show_updates')); add_action('wp_ajax_icl_adm_save_preferences', array($this, 'save_preferences')); } function set_lang_map_from_csv() { $fh = fopen(WPML_ST_PATH . '/inc/lang-map.csv', 'r'); while(list($locale, $code) = fgetcsv($fh)){ $this->lang_map[$locale] = $code; } if (isset($this->lang_map) && is_array($this->lang_map)) { set_transient('WPML_ST_MO_Downloader_lang_map', $this->lang_map); } } function updates_check( $args = array() ) { global $wp_version, $sitepress; $wpversion = preg_replace( '#-(.+)$#', '', $wp_version ); $trigger = 'manual'; extract( $args, EXTR_OVERWRITE ); $active_languages = $sitepress->get_active_languages(); $default_language = $sitepress->get_default_language(); $this->load_xml(); $this->get_translation_files(); $updates = array(); foreach ( $active_languages as $language ) { if ( $language != $default_language ) { if ( isset( $this->translation_files[ $language[ 'code' ] ] ) ) { foreach ( $this->translation_files[ $language[ 'code' ] ] as $project => $info ) { $this->settings[ 'translations' ][ $language[ 'code' ] ][ $project ][ 'available' ] = $info[ 'signature' ]; if ( empty( $this->settings[ 'translations' ][ $language[ 'code' ] ][ $project ][ 'installed' ] ) || (isset( $info[ 'available' ] ) && $this->settings[ 'translations' ][ $language[ 'code' ] ][ $project ][ 'installed' ] != $info[ 'available' ]) ) { $updates[ 'languages' ][ $language[ 'code' ] ][ $project ] = $this->settings[ 'translations' ][ $language[ 'code' ] ][ $project ][ 'available' ]; } } } } } $this->settings[ 'wp_version' ] = $wpversion; $this->settings[ 'last_time_xml_check' ] = time(); $this->settings[ 'last_time_xml_check_trigger' ] = $trigger; $this->save_settings(); return $updates; } function show_updates() { global $sitepress; $html = ''; try { $updates = $this->updates_check(); // filter only core( & admin) $updates_core = array(); if ( array_key_exists( 'languages', $updates ) && ! empty( $updates['languages'] ) ) { foreach ( $updates['languages'] as $k => $v ) { if ( ! empty( $v['core'] ) ) { $updates_core['languages'][ $k ]['core'] = $v['core']; } if ( ! empty( $v['admin'] ) ) { $updates_core['languages'][ $k ]['admin'] = $v['admin']; } } } $updates = $updates_core; if ( ! empty( $updates ) ) { $html .= ''; foreach ( $updates['languages'] as $language => $projects ) { $l = $sitepress->get_language_details( $language ); if ( ! empty( $projects['core'] ) || ! empty( $projects['admin'] ) ) { $vkeys = array(); foreach ( $projects as $key => $value ) { $vkeys[] = $key . '|' . $value; } $version_key = join( ';', $vkeys ); $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; } } $html .= '
' . sprintf( __( "Updated %s translation is available", 'wpml-string-translation' ), '' . $l['display_name'] . '' ) . ''; $html .= '' . __( 'Review changes and update', 'wpml-string-translation' ) . ''; $html .= '
'; } else { $html .= __( 'No updates found.', 'wpml-string-translation' ); } } catch ( Exception $error ) { $html .= '' . $error->getMessage() . ''; } echo json_encode( array( 'html' => $html ) ); exit; } function save_preferences(){ global $sitepress; $iclsettings['st']['auto_download_mo'] = @intval($_POST['auto_download_mo']); $iclsettings['hide_upgrade_notice'] = implode('.', array_slice(explode('.', ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION), 0, 3)); $sitepress->save_settings($iclsettings); if ( $iclsettings['st']['auto_download_mo'] ) { try { $this->updates_check( array( 'trigger' => 'setting-changed' ) ); } catch( Exception $e ) { } } wp_send_json_success( array('enabled' => $iclsettings['st']['auto_download_mo'] ) ); } function save_settings(){ update_option('icl_adl_settings', $this->settings); } function get_option($name){ return isset($this->settings[$name]) ? $this->settings[$name] : null; } function load_xml(){ if(!class_exists('WP_Http')) include_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-http.php'; $client = new WP_Http(); $response = $client->request(self::LOCALES_XML_FILE, array('timeout'=>15, 'decompress'=>false)); if(is_wp_error($response) || !in_array($response['response']['code'], array(200, 301, 300))){ $load_xml_error_message = ''; if (isset($response->errors)){ $errors = ''; foreach($response->errors as $error => $error_messages) { $errors .= $error . '
'; foreach($error_messages as $error_message) { $errors .= '- ' . $error_message . '
'; } } $load_xml_error_message .= sprintf(__('Failed downloading the language information file.', 'wpml-string-translation'), $errors); $load_xml_error_message .= '
' . sprintf(__('Errors: %s', 'wpml-string-translation'), $errors); } else { $load_xml_error_message .= __('Failed downloading the language information file. Please go back and try a little later.', 'wpml-string-translation'); } if(isset($response) && !is_wp_error($response) && isset($response['response'])) { $load_xml_error_message .= '
Response: ' . $response['response']['code'] . ' ('. $response['response']['message'] . ').'; } $this->xml = false; throw new Exception($load_xml_error_message); } elseif($response['response']['code'] == 200){ require_once ICL_PLUGIN_PATH . '/lib/icl_api.php'; $this->xml = new SimpleXMLElement(icl_gzdecode($response['body'])); } } function get_mo_file_urls($wplocale){ if(!$this->xml) return false; global $wp_version; $wpversion = preg_replace('#-(.+)$#', '', $wp_version) ; $wpversion = join('.', array_slice(explode('.', $wpversion), 0, 2)) . '.x'; $exp = explode('-', $wplocale); $language = $exp[0]; $locale = isset($exp[1]) ? $wplocale : $language; $mo_files = array(); $projects = $this->xml->xpath($language . '/' . $locale); if(!empty($projects)){ $project_names = array(); foreach($projects[0] as $project_name => $data){ // subprojects if(empty($data->versions)){ $subprojects = $this->xml->xpath($language . '/' . $locale . '/' . $project_name); if(!empty($subprojects)){ foreach($subprojects[0] as $sub_project_name => $sdata){ $project_names[] = $project_name . '/' . $sub_project_name ; } } }else{ $project_names[] = $project_name; } } if(!empty($project_names)){ foreach($project_names as $project_name){ // try to get the corresponding version $locv_path = $this->xml->xpath("{$language}/{$locale}/{$project_name}/versions/version[@number=\"" . $wpversion . "\"]"); // try to get the dev recent version if(empty($locv_path)){ $locv_path = $this->xml->xpath("{$language}/{$locale}/{$project_name}/versions/version[@number=\"dev\"]"); } if(!empty($locv_path)){ $mo_files[$project_name]['url'] = (string)$locv_path[0]->url; $mo_files[$project_name]['signature'] = (string)$locv_path[0]['signature']; $mo_files[$project_name]['translated'] = (string)$locv_path[0]['translated']; $mo_files[$project_name]['untranslated']= (string)$locv_path[0]['untranslated']; } } } } return $mo_files; } function get_translation_files(){ global $sitepress; $active_languages = $sitepress->get_active_languages(); foreach($active_languages as $language){ $locale = $sitepress->get_locale($language['code']); if(!isset($this->lang_map[$locale])) continue; $wplocale = $this->lang_map[$locale]; $urls = $this->get_mo_file_urls($wplocale); if(!empty($urls)){ $this->translation_files[$language['code']] = $urls; } } return $this->translation_files; } function get_translations($language, $args = array()){ global $wpdb; $translations = array(); $types = array('core'); extract($args, EXTR_OVERWRITE); if(!class_exists('WP_Http')) include_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-http.php'; $client = new WP_Http(); foreach($types as $type){ if(isset($this->translation_files[$language][$type]['url'])){ $response = $client->request($this->translation_files[$language][$type]['url'], array('timeout'=>15)); if(is_wp_error($response)){ $err = __('Error getting the translation file. Please go back and try again.', 'wordpress-language'); if(isset($response->errors['http_request_failed'][0])){ $err .= '
' . $response->errors['http_request_failed'][0]; } echo '

' . $err . '

'; return false; } $mo = new MO(); $pomo_reader = new POMO_StringReader($response['body']); $mo->import_from_reader( $pomo_reader ); $data = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT st.value,, s.gettext_context FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_string_translations st JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}icl_strings s ON st.string_id = WHERE s.context = %s AND st.language = %s ", self::CONTEXT, $language ) ); $string_existing = array(); foreach ( $data as $row ) { $string_existing[ md5( $row->name . $row->gettext_context ) ] = $row->value; } foreach($mo->entries as $key=>$v){ $tpairs = array(); $v->singular = str_replace("\n",'\n', $v->singular); $tpairs[] = array( 'string' => $v->singular, 'translation' => $v->translations[0], 'name' => md5($v->singular), 'gettext_context' => $v->context ); if($v->is_plural){ $v->plural = str_replace("\n",'\n', $v->plural); $tpairs[] = array( 'string' => $v->plural, 'translation' => !empty($v->translations[1]) ? $v->translations[1] : $v->translations[0], 'name' => md5($v->plural), 'gettext_context' => $v->context ); } foreach($tpairs as $pair){ $key = md5( $pair['name'] . $pair['gettext_context'] ); $existing_translation = isset( $string_existing[ $key ] ) ? $string_existing[ $key ] : null; if(empty($existing_translation)){ $translations['new'][] = array( 'string' => $pair[ 'string' ], 'translation' => '', 'new' => $pair[ 'translation' ], 'name' => $pair[ 'name' ], 'gettext_context' => $pair[ 'gettext_context' ] ); }else{ if(strcmp($existing_translation, $pair['translation']) !== 0){ $translations['updated'][] = array( 'string' => $pair[ 'string' ], 'translation' => $existing_translation, 'new' => $pair[ 'translation' ], 'name' => $pair[ 'name' ], 'gettext_context' => $pair[ 'gettext_context' ] ); } } } } } } return $translations; } function save_translations($data, $language, $version = false){ set_time_limit(0); if(false === $version){ global $wp_version; $version = preg_replace('#-(.+)$#', '', $wp_version) ; } foreach( $data as $key => $string ) { if ( $string[ 'gettext_context' ] ) { $string_context = array( 'domain' => self::CONTEXT, 'context' => $string[ 'gettext_context' ] ); } else { $string_context = self::CONTEXT; } $string_id = icl_register_string( $string_context, $string[ 'name' ], $string[ 'string' ] ); if( $string_id ) { icl_add_string_translation( $string_id, $language, $string[ 'translation' ], ICL_TM_COMPLETE ); } } $version_projects = explode(';', $version); foreach($version_projects as $project){ $exp = explode('|', $project); $this->settings['translations'][$language][$exp[0]]['time'] = time(); $this->settings['translations'][$language][$exp[0]]['installed'] = $exp[1]; } $this->save_settings(); } }