custom_field_translation = $custom_field_translation; $this->translatable_custom_fields = $translatable_custom_fields; } /** * @return string */ protected function get_ajax_action() { return self::AJAX_ACTION; } public static function is_ajax_request(){ return isset( $_POST['action'] ) && self::AJAX_ACTION === $_POST['action']; } /** * @param int $number_of_custom_fields_left * * @return string */ protected function get_response_message( $number_of_custom_fields_left ) { return sprintf( __( 'Translating media urls in custom field translations: %s', 'wpml-media' ), $number_of_custom_fields_left > 0 ? sprintf( __( '%d left', 'wpml-media' ), $number_of_custom_fields_left ) : __( 'done!', 'wpml-media' ) ); } protected function get_ajax_error_message() { return array( 'key' => 'wpml_media_batch_urls_update_error_custom_fields', 'value' => esc_js( __( 'Translating media urls in custom fields translations failed: Please try again (%s)', 'wpml-media' ) ) ); } protected function process_batch( $offset ) { if ( $this->translatable_custom_fields ) { $translatable_custom_fields_where_in = wpml_prepare_in( $this->translatable_custom_fields ); $custom_fields = $this->wpdb->get_results( " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS t.element_id AS post_id, p.meta_id, p.meta_key, p.meta_value FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations t JOIN {$this->wpdb->prefix}postmeta p ON t.element_id = p.post_id WHERE t.element_type LIKE 'post_%' AND t.element_type <> 'post_attachment' AND t.source_language_code IS NULL AND p.meta_key IN ({$translatable_custom_fields_where_in}) ORDER BY t.element_id ASC LIMIT {$offset}, " . self::BATCH_SIZE ); $number_of_all_custom_fields = (int) $this->wpdb->get_var( "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()" ); foreach ( $custom_fields as $custom_field ) { $this->custom_field_translation->translate_images( $custom_field->meta_id, $custom_field->post_id, $custom_field->meta_key, $custom_field->meta_value ); } } else { $number_of_all_custom_fields = 0; } return $number_of_all_custom_fields - $offset - self::BATCH_SIZE; } protected function process_batch_for_selected_media( $offset, $attachment_id ){ $media_url = wpml_like_escape( wp_get_attachment_url( $attachment_id ) ); if ( ! $media_url ) { return 0; } preg_match( "/(.+)\.([a-z]+)$/", $media_url, $match ); $media_url_no_extension = wpml_like_escape( $match[1] ); $extension = wpml_like_escape( $match[2] ); $batch_size = $this->get_batch_size( parent::BATCH_SIZE_FACTOR_SPECIFIC_MEDIA ); if ( $this->translatable_custom_fields ) { $translatable_custom_fields_where_in = wpml_prepare_in( $this->translatable_custom_fields ); $custom_fields = $this->wpdb->get_results( " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS t.element_id AS post_id, p.meta_id, p.meta_key, p.meta_value FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations t JOIN {$this->wpdb->prefix}postmeta p ON t.element_id = p.post_id WHERE t.element_type LIKE 'post_%' AND t.element_type <> 'post_attachment' AND t.source_language_code IS NULL AND p.meta_key IN ({$translatable_custom_fields_where_in}) AND ( p.meta_value LIKE '%{$media_url}%' OR p.meta_value LIKE '%{$media_url_no_extension}-%x%.{$extension}%' ) ORDER BY t.element_id ASC LIMIT {$offset}, " . $batch_size ); $number_of_all_custom_fields = (int) $this->wpdb->get_var( "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()" ); foreach ( $custom_fields as $custom_field ) { $this->custom_field_translation->translate_images( $custom_field->meta_id, $custom_field->post_id, $custom_field->meta_key, $custom_field->meta_value ); } } else { $number_of_all_custom_fields = 0; } return $number_of_all_custom_fields - $offset - $batch_size; } }