tracking_link = new WCML_Tracking_Link(); } function check() { global $woocommerce_wpml, $sitepress, $woocommerce; if ( ! defined( 'ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION' ) || ICL_PLUGIN_INACTIVE || is_null( $sitepress ) || ! class_exists( 'SitePress' ) ) { $this->missing['WPML'] = $this->tracking_link->generate( '' ); $this->allok = false; } elseif ( version_compare( ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION, self::MIN_WPML, '<' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, '_old_wpml_warning' ) ); $this->allok = false; } elseif ( ! $sitepress->setup() ) { if ( ! ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && ICL_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/menu/languages.php' === $_GET['page'] ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, '_wpml_not_installed_warning' ) ); } $this->allok = false; } if ( ! class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) || ! function_exists( 'WC' ) ) { $this->missing['WooCommerce'] = ''; $this->allok = false; } elseif ( defined( 'WC_VERSION' ) && version_compare( WC_VERSION, self::MIN_WOOCOMMERCE, '<' ) || isset( $woocommerce->version ) && version_compare( $woocommerce->version, self::MIN_WOOCOMMERCE, '<' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, '_old_wc_warning' ) ); $this->allok = false; } if ( ! defined( 'WPML_TM_VERSION' ) ) { $this->missing['WPML Translation Management'] = $this->tracking_link->generate( '' ); $this->allok = false; } elseif ( version_compare( WPML_TM_VERSION, self::MIN_WPML_TM, '<' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, '_old_wpml_tm_warning' ) ); $this->allok = false; } if ( ! defined( 'WPML_ST_VERSION' ) ) { $this->missing['WPML String Translation'] = $this->tracking_link->generate( '' ); $this->allok = false; } elseif ( version_compare( WPML_ST_VERSION, self::MIN_WPML_ST, '<' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, '_old_wpml_st_warning' ) ); $this->allok = false; } if ( $this->missing ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, '_missing_plugins_warning' ) ); } if ( $this->allok ) { $this->check_for_incompatible_permalinks(); $this->check_for_transaltable_default_taxonomies(); } if ( isset( $sitepress ) ) { $this->allok = $this->allok & $sitepress->setup(); } else { $this->load_twig_support(); } return $this->allok; } /** * Adds admin notice. */ public function _old_wpml_warning() { ?>

WPML versions prior %s.', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ), $this->tracking_link->generate( '' ), self::MIN_WPML ); ?>

Woocommerce versions prior %s.', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ), '', self::MIN_WOOCOMMERCE ); ?>

WPML Translation Management versions prior %s.', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ), $this->tracking_link->generate( '' ), self::MIN_WPML_TM ); ?>

WPML String Translation versions prior %s.', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ), $this->tracking_link->generate( '' ), self::MIN_WPML_ST ); ?>

' . __( 'WPML support', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ) . ''; /* translators: Part 1/6 of a message telling users that some taxonomies, required for WCML to work, are not set as translatable when they should */ $sentences[] = _x( "Some taxonomies in your site are forced to be untranslatable. This is causing a problem when you're trying to run a multilingual WooCommerce site.", 'Default taxonomies must be translatable: 1/6', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ); /* translators: Part 2/6 of a message telling users that some taxonomies, required for WCML to work, are not set as translatable when they should */ $sentences[] = _x( 'A plugin or the theme are probably doing this.', 'Default taxonomies must be translatable: 2/6', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ); /* translators: Part 3/6 of a message telling users that some taxonomies, required for WCML to work, are not set as translatable when they should */ $sentences[] = _x( 'What you can do:', 'Default taxonomies must be translatable: 3/6', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ); /* translators: Part 4/6 of a message telling users that some taxonomies, required for WCML to work, are not set as translatable when they should */ $sentences[] = _x( '1. Temporarily disable plugins and see if this message disappears.', 'Default taxonomies must be translatable: 4/6', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ); /* translators: Part 5/6 of a message telling users that some taxonomies, required for WCML to work, are not set as translatable when they should */ $sentences[] = _x( '2. Temporarily switch the theme and see if this message disappears.', 'Default taxonomies must be translatable: 5/6', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ); /* translators: Part 6/6 of a message telling users that some taxonomies, required for WCML to work, are not set as translatable when they should */ $sentences[] = sprintf( _x( "It's best to contact %s, tell that you're getting this message and offer to send a Duplicator copy of the site. We will work with the theme/plugin author and fix the problem for good. In the meanwhile, we'll give you a temporary solution, so you're not stuck.", 'Default taxonomies must be translatable: 6/6', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ), $support_link ); $this->err_message = '

' . implode( '

', $sentences ) . '

'; add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'plugin_notice_message' ) ); } } /** * Adds admin notice. */ public function _missing_plugins_warning() { $missing = ''; $counter = 0; foreach ( $this->missing as $title => $url ) { $counter ++; if ( $counter == sizeof( $this->missing ) ) { $sep = ''; } elseif ( $counter == sizeof( $this->missing ) - 1 ) { $sep = ' ' . __( 'and', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ) . ' '; } else { $sep = ', '; } $missing .= '' . $title . '' . $sep; } ?>

'' ) ); if ( empty( $permalinks['product_base'] ) ) { return; } $message = __( 'Because this site uses the default permalink structure, you cannot use slug translation for product permalinks.', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ); $message .= '

'; $message .= __( 'Please choose a different permalink structure or disable slug translation.', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ); $message .= '

'; $message .= '' . __( 'Permalink settings', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ) . ''; $message .= ' | '; $message .= '' . __( 'Configure products slug translation', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ) . ''; // Check if translated shop pages have the same slug (only 1.x) $allsame = true; if ( version_compare( WOOCOMMERCE_VERSION, "2.0.0" ) >= 0 ) { } else { $shop_page_id = get_option( 'woocommerce_shop_page_id', false ); if ( ! empty( $shop_page_id ) ) { $slug = @get_post( $shop_page_id )->post_name; $languages = $sitepress->get_active_languages(); if ( sizeof( $languages ) < 2 ) { return; } foreach ( $languages as $language ) { if ( $language['code'] != $sitepress->get_default_language() ) { $translated_shop_page_id = apply_filters( 'translate_object_id', $shop_page_id, 'page', false, $language['code'] ); if ( ! empty( $translated_shop_page_id ) ) { $translated_slug = get_post( $translated_shop_page_id )->post_name; if ( ! empty( $translated_slug ) && $translated_slug != $slug ) { $allsame = false; break; } } } } } } // Check if slug translation is enabled $compatible = true; $permalink_structure = get_option( 'permalink_structure' ); if ( empty( $permalink_structure ) && ! empty( $sitepress_settings['posts_slug_translation']['on'] ) && ! empty( $sitepress_settings['posts_slug_translation']['types'] ) && $sitepress_settings['posts_slug_translation']['types']['product'] ) { $compatible = false; } // display messages if ( ! $allsame ) { $this->err_message = '

' . printf( __( 'If you want different slugs for shop pages (%s/%s), you need to disable the shop prefix for products in WooCommerce Settings', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ), $slug, $translated_slug, admin_url( "admin.php?page=woocommerce_settings&tab=pages" ) ) . '

'; add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'plugin_notice_message' ) ); } if ( ! $compatible && ( $pagenow == 'options-permalink.php' || ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] == 'wpml-wcml' ) ) ) { $this->err_message = '

' . $message . '

'; add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'plugin_notice_message' ) ); } } public function plugin_notice_message() { echo $this->err_message; } public function fix_strings_language() { $nonce = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'wcml_nonce', FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS ); if ( ! $nonce || ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'wcml_fix_strings_language' ) ) { die( 'Invalid nonce' ); } $ret = array(); $ret['_wpnonce'] = wp_create_nonce( 'icl_sw_form' ); $ret['success_1'] = ' ' . sprintf( __( 'Finished! You can visit the %sstrings translation%s screen to translate the strings now.', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ), '', '' ); echo json_encode( $ret ); exit; } public function check_wpml_config() { global $sitepress_settings, $sitepress, $woocommerce_wpml; if ( empty( $sitepress_settings ) || ! $this->check() ) { return; } $file = realpath( WCML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/wpml-config.xml' ); if ( ! file_exists( $file ) ) { $this->xml_config_errors[] = __( 'wpml-config.xml file missing from WooCommerce Multilingual folder.', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ); } else { $config = icl_xml2array( file_get_contents( $file ) ); if ( isset( $config['wpml-config'] ) ) { //custom-fields if ( isset( $config['wpml-config']['custom-fields'] ) ) { if ( isset( $config['wpml-config']['custom-fields']['custom-field']['value'] ) ) { //single $cfs[] = $config['wpml-config']['custom-fields']['custom-field']; } else { foreach ( $config['wpml-config']['custom-fields']['custom-field'] as $cf ) { $cfs[] = $cf; } } if ( $cfs ) { foreach ( $cfs as $cf ) { if ( ! isset( $sitepress_settings['translation-management']['custom_fields_translation'][ $cf['value'] ] ) ) { continue; } $effective_config_value = $sitepress_settings['translation-management']['custom_fields_translation'][ $cf['value'] ]; $correct_config_value = $cf['attr']['action'] == 'copy' ? 1 : ( $cf['attr']['action'] == 'translate' ? 2 : 0 ); if ( $effective_config_value != $correct_config_value ) { $this->xml_config_errors[] = sprintf( __( 'Custom field %s configuration from wpml-config.xml file was altered!', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ), '' . $cf['value'] . '' ); } } } } //custom-types if ( isset( $config['wpml-config']['custom-types'] ) ) { if ( isset( $config['wpml-config']['custom-types']['custom-type']['value'] ) ) { //single $cts[] = $config['wpml-config']['custom-types']['custom-type']; } else { foreach ( $config['wpml-config']['custom-types']['custom-type'] as $cf ) { $cts[] = $cf; } } if ( $cts ) { foreach ( $cts as $ct ) { if ( ! isset( $sitepress_settings['custom_posts_sync_option'][ $ct['value'] ] ) ) { continue; } $effective_config_value = $sitepress_settings['custom_posts_sync_option'][ $ct['value'] ]; $correct_config_value = $ct['attr']['translate']; if ( 'product' === $ct['value'] && $woocommerce_wpml->products->is_product_display_as_translated_post_type() ) { $correct_config_value = WPML_CONTENT_TYPE_DISPLAY_AS_IF_TRANSLATED; } if ( $effective_config_value != $correct_config_value ) { $this->xml_config_errors[] = sprintf( __( 'Custom type %s configuration from wpml-config.xml file was altered!', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ), '' . $ct['value'] . '' ); } } } } //taxonomies if ( isset( $config['wpml-config']['taxonomies'] ) ) { if ( isset( $config['wpml-config']['taxonomies']['taxonomy']['value'] ) ) { //single $txs[] = $config['wpml-config']['taxonomies']['taxonomy']; } else { foreach ( $config['wpml-config']['taxonomies']['taxonomy'] as $cf ) { $txs[] = $cf; } } if ( $txs ) { foreach ( $txs as $tx ) { if ( ! isset( $sitepress_settings['taxonomies_sync_option'][ $tx['value'] ] ) ) { continue; } $effective_config_value = $sitepress_settings['taxonomies_sync_option'][ $tx['value'] ]; $correct_config_value = $tx['attr']['translate']; if ( method_exists( $sitepress, 'is_display_as_translated_taxonomy' ) && $sitepress->is_display_as_translated_taxonomy( $tx['value'] ) ) { $correct_config_value = WPML_CONTENT_TYPE_DISPLAY_AS_IF_TRANSLATED; } if ( $effective_config_value != $correct_config_value ) { $this->xml_config_errors[] = sprintf( __( 'Custom taxonomy %s configuration from wpml-config.xml file was altered!', 'woocommerce-multilingual' ), '' . $tx['value'] . '' ); } } } } } } } public function required_plugin_install_link( $repository = 'wpml' ) { if ( class_exists( 'WP_Installer_API' ) ) { $url = WP_Installer_API::get_product_installer_link( $repository ); } else { $url = $this->tracking_link->generate( '' ); } return $url; } /** * The support for the Twig templates comes from WPML by default * When WPML is not active, WCML will load it */ private function load_twig_support() { if ( ! class_exists( 'Twig_Autoloader' ) ) { Twig_Autoloader::register(); } } }