our_siteurl = untrailingslashit(site_url()); // Line up a wpdb-like object if (!$this->use_wpdb()) { // We have our own extension which drops lots of the overhead on the query $wpdb_obj = new UpdraftPlus_WPDB(DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST); // Was that successful? if (!$wpdb_obj->is_mysql || !$wpdb_obj->ready) { $this->use_wpdb = true; } else { $this->wpdb_obj = $wpdb_obj; $this->mysql_dbh = $wpdb_obj->updraftplus_get_database_handle(); $this->use_mysqli = $wpdb_obj->updraftplus_use_mysqli(); } } if ($short_init) return; $this->ud_backup_info = $info; do_action('updraftplus_restorer_restore_options', $restore_options); $this->ud_multisite_selective_restore = (is_array($restore_options) && !empty($restore_options['updraft_restore_ms_whichsites']) && $restore_options['updraft_restore_ms_whichsites'] > 0) ? $restore_options['updraft_restore_ms_whichsites'] : false; $this->restore_options = $restore_options; $this->ud_foreign = empty($info['meta_foreign']) ? false : $info['meta_foreign']; if (isset($info['is_multisite'])) $this->ud_backup_is_multisite = $info['is_multisite']; if (isset($info['created_by_version'])) $this->created_by_version = $info['created_by_version']; add_filter('updraftplus_logline', array($this, 'updraftplus_logline'), 10, 5); $this->backup_strings(); $this->is_multisite = is_multisite(); if (!class_exists('WP_Upgrader')) include_once(ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'); $this->skin = $skin; $this->wp_upgrader = new WP_Upgrader($skin); $this->wp_upgrader->init(); } /** * Get the wpdb-like object that we are using, if we are using one * * @return UpdraftPlus_WPDB|Boolean */ public function get_db_object() { return $this->wpdb_obj; } /** * Whether or not we must use the global $wpdb object for database queries. * That is to say: we *can* always use it. But we prefer to avoid the overhead since we are potentially doing very many queries. * * This is the getter. We have no use-case for a setter outside of this class, so we just set it directly. * * @return Boolean */ public function use_wpdb() { if (!is_bool($this->use_wpdb)) { global $wpdb; if (defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_USE_WPDB')) { $this->use_wpdb = (bool) UPDRAFTPLUS_USE_WPDB; } else { $this->use_wpdb = ((!function_exists('mysql_query') && !function_exists('mysqli_query')) || !$wpdb->is_mysql || !$wpdb->ready) ? true : false; } } return $this->use_wpdb; } /** * Get the skin * * @return WP_Upgrader_Skin */ public function ud_get_skin() { return $this->skin; } /** * Ensure that needed files are present, and return data for the next step (plus do some internal configuration) * * @param Array $entities_to_restore - as returned by self::get_entities_to_restore() * @param Array $backupable_entities - list of entities that can be backed u * @param Array $continuation_data - continuation data * @param Array $services - list of services that the backup can be found at * * @uses self::pre_restore_backup() (and some other internal properties) * @uses UpdraftPlus::log() * * @return Boolean|Array|WP_Error, or false or a WP_Error if there was an error */ private function ensure_restore_files_present($entities_to_restore, $backupable_entities, $continuation_data, $services) { global $updraftplus; $entities_to_download = $this->get_entities_to_download($entities_to_restore); $backup_set = $this->ud_backup_info; $timestamp = $backup_set['timestamp']; $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); $foreign_known = apply_filters('updraftplus_accept_archivename', array()); // First loop: make sure that files are present + readable; and populate array for second loop foreach ($backup_set as $type => $files) { // All restorable entities must be given explicitly, as we can store other arbitrary data in the history array if (!isset($backupable_entities[$type]) && 'db' != $type) continue; if (isset($backupable_entities[$type]['restorable']) && false == $backupable_entities[$type]['restorable']) continue; if (!isset($entities_to_download[$type])) continue; if ('wpcore' == $type && is_multisite() && 0 === $this->ud_backup_is_multisite) { $updraftplus->log('wpcore: '.__('Skipping restoration of WordPress core when importing a single site into a multisite installation. If you had anything necessary in your WordPress directory then you will need to re-add it manually from the zip file.', 'updraftplus'), 'notice-restore'); // TODO // $updraftplus->log_e('Skipping restoration of WordPress core when importing a single site into a multisite installation. If you had anything necessary in your WordPress directory then you will need to re-add it manually from the zip file.'); continue; } if (is_string($files)) $files = array($files); foreach ($files as $ind => $file) { $fullpath = $updraft_dir.'/'.$file; $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("Looking for %s archive: file name: %s", 'updraftplus'), $type, $file), 'notice-restore'); if (is_array($continuation_data) && isset($continuation_data['second_loop_entities'][$type]) && !in_array($file, $continuation_data['second_loop_entities'][$type])) { $updraftplus->log(__('Skipping: this archive was already restored.', 'updraftplus'), 'notice-restore'); // Set the marker so that the existing directory isn't moved out of the way $this->been_restored[$type] = true; continue; } if (!is_readable($fullpath) || 0 == filesize($fullpath)) UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::get_remote_file($services, $file, $timestamp, true); $index = (0 == $ind) ? '' : $ind; // If a file size is stored in the backup data, then verify correctness of the local file if (isset($backup_set[$type.$index.'-size'])) { $fs = $backup_set[$type.$index.'-size']; $print_message = __("Archive is expected to be size:", 'updraftplus')." ".round($fs/1024, 1)." KB: "; $as = @filesize($fullpath); if ($as == $fs) { $updraftplus->log($print_message.__('OK', 'updraftplus'), 'notice-restore'); } else { $updraftplus->log($print_message.__('Error:', 'updraftplus')." ".__('file is size:', 'updraftplus')." ".round($as/1024)." ($fs, $as)", 'warning-restore'); } } else { $updraftplus->log(__("The backup records do not contain information about the proper size of this file.", 'updraftplus'), 'notice-restore'); } if (!is_readable($fullpath)) { $updraftplus->log(__('Could not find one of the files for restoration', 'updraftplus')." ($file)", 'warning-restore'); $updraftplus->log("$file: ".__('Could not find one of the files for restoration', 'updraftplus'), 'error'); return false; } } if (empty($this->ud_foreign)) { $types = array($type); } else { if ('db' != $type || empty($foreign_known[$this->ud_foreign]['separatedb'])) { $types = array('wpcore'); } else { $types = array('db'); } } foreach ($types as $check_type) { $info = isset($backupable_entities[$check_type]) ? $backupable_entities[$check_type] : array(); $val = $this->pre_restore_backup($files, $check_type, $info, $continuation_data); if (is_wp_error($val)) { $updraftplus->log_wp_error($val); foreach ($val->get_error_messages() as $msg) { $updraftplus->log(__('Error:', 'updraftplus').' '.$msg, 'warning-restore'); } return $val; } elseif (false === $val) { return false; } } foreach ($entities_to_restore as $entity => $via) { if ($via == $type) { if ('wpcore' == $via && 'db' == $entity && count($files) > 1) { $second_loop[$entity] = apply_filters('updraftplus_select_wpcore_file_with_db', $files, $this->ud_foreign); } else { $second_loop[$entity] = $files; } } } } $this->delete = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_delete_local', 1) ? true : false; if (empty($services) || array('email') === $services || !empty($this->ud_foreign)) { if ($this->delete) $updraftplus->log_e('Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup'); $this->delete = false; } if (!empty($this->ud_foreign)) $updraftplus->log("Foreign backup; created by: ".$this->ud_foreign); // Second loop: now actually do the restoration uksort($second_loop, array('UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions', 'sort_restoration_entities')); // If continuing, then prune those already done if (is_array($continuation_data)) { foreach ($second_loop as $type => $files) { if (isset($continuation_data['second_loop_entities'][$type])) $second_loop[$type] = $continuation_data['second_loop_entities'][$type]; } } return $second_loop; } /** * Perform the restoration * * @param Array $entities_to_restore - entities to restore * @param Array $restore_options - restoration options * @param Array|null $continuation_data - continuation data * * @uses the WordPress action updraftplus_restoration_title, allowing the title to be printed * * @return Boolean */ public function perform_restore($entities_to_restore, $restore_options, $continuation_data = null) { global $updraftplus; $backup_set = $this->ud_backup_info; $services = isset($backup_set['service']) ? $updraftplus->get_canonical_service_list($backup_set['service']) : array(); $foreign_known = apply_filters('updraftplus_accept_archivename', array()); $entities_to_download = $this->get_entities_to_download($entities_to_restore); $backupable_entities = $updraftplus->get_backupable_file_entities(true, true); $remove_zip = isset($restore_options['delete_during_restore']) ? $restore_options['delete_during_restore'] : false; if (!empty($restore_options['dummy_db_restore'])) { $this->is_dummy_db_restore = true; add_filter('updraftplus_restore_table_prefix', array($this, 'updraftplus_restore_table_prefix_dummy')); } // Allow add-ons to adjust the restore directory (but only in the case of restore - otherwise, they could just use the filter built into UpdraftPlus::get_backupable_file_entities) $backupable_entities = apply_filters('updraft_backupable_file_entities_on_restore', $backupable_entities, $restore_options, $backup_set); @set_time_limit(UPDRAFTPLUS_SET_TIME_LIMIT); // Get an ordered list of things to restore // This requires the global $updraft_restorer to be set up $second_loop = $this->ensure_restore_files_present($entities_to_download, $backupable_entities, $continuation_data, $services); if (!is_array($second_loop)) return $second_loop; $timestamp = $backup_set['timestamp']; $updraftplus->jobdata_set('second_loop_entities', $second_loop); $updraftplus->jobdata_set('backup_timestamp', $timestamp); // Use a site option, as otherwise on multisite when all the array of options is updated via UpdraftPlus_Options::update_site_option(), it will over-write any restored UD options from the backup update_site_option('updraft_restore_in_progress', $updraftplus->nonce); // Now process the actual restoration of the entities foreach ($second_loop as $type => $files) { // Types: uploads, themes, plugins, others, db $info = isset($backupable_entities[$type]) ? $backupable_entities[$type] : array(); $restoration_title = ('db' == $type) ? __('Database', 'updraftplus') : $info['description']; do_action('updraftplus_restoration_title', $restoration_title); $updraftplus->log('Entity: '.$type); if (is_string($files)) $files = array($files); foreach ($files as $fkey => $file) { $last_one = (1 == count($second_loop) && 1 == count($files)); $last_entity = (1 == count($files)); try { // Returns a boolean or WP_Error $restore_result = $this->restore_backup($file, $type, $info, $last_one, $last_entity); } catch (Exception $e) { $log_message = 'Exception ('.get_class($e).') occurred during restore: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; $display_log_message = sprintf(__('A PHP exception (%s) has occurred: %s', 'updraftplus'), get_class($e), $e->getMessage()); error_log($log_message); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine if (function_exists('wp_debug_backtrace_summary')) $log_message .= ' Backtrace: '.wp_debug_backtrace_summary(); $updraftplus->log($log_message); $updraftplus->log($display_log_message, 'notice-restore'); die(); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine } catch (Error $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine if (function_exists('wp_debug_backtrace_summary')) $log_message .= ' Backtrace: '.wp_debug_backtrace_summary(); $updraftplus->log($log_message); $display_log_message = sprintf(__('A PHP fatal error (%s) has occurred: %s', 'updraftplus'), get_class($e), $e->getMessage()); $updraftplus->log($display_log_message, 'notice-restore'); die(); } if (is_wp_error($restore_result)) { $codes = $restore_result->get_error_codes(); if (is_array($codes) && in_array('not_found', $codes) && !empty($this->ud_foreign) && apply_filters('updraftplus_foreign_allow_missing_entity', false, $type, $this->ud_foreign)) { $updraftplus->log('Entity to move not found in this zip - but this is possible with this foreign backup type'); } else { $updraftplus->log_e($restore_result); foreach ($restore_result->get_error_messages() as $msg) { $updraftplus->log(__('Error message', 'updraftplus').': '.$msg, 'notice-restore'); } return $restore_result; } } elseif (false === $restore_result) { return false; } elseif ($restore_result && $remove_zip) { $deleted = unlink($updraftplus->backups_dir_location().'/'.$file); $updraftplus->log("Delete zip during restore active; removing backup file: $file: ".($deleted ? 'OK' : 'Failed')); } unset($files[$fkey]); $second_loop[$type] = $files; $updraftplus->jobdata_set('second_loop_entities', $second_loop); $updraftplus->jobdata_set('backup_timestamp', $timestamp); do_action('updraft_restored_archive', $file, $type, $restore_result, $fkey, $timestamp); } // Update the job data each time we go round the loop, so that if it aborts, it can be resumed from the correct point unset($second_loop[$type]); update_site_option('updraft_restore_in_progress', $updraftplus->nonce); $updraftplus->jobdata_set('second_loop_entities', $second_loop); $updraftplus->jobdata_set('backup_timestamp', $timestamp); } // If the database was restored, then check active plugins and make sure they all exist; otherwise, the site may go down if (null !== $this->import_table_prefix) $this->check_active_plugins($this->import_table_prefix); return true; } /** * Calculate the entities to download for a given backup set * * @param Array $entities_to_restore - entities to restore, in the format returned by UpdraftPlus_Admin::get_entities_to_restore * * @return Array - keys are entities, and values are 0|1 */ public function get_entities_to_download($entities_to_restore) { $backup_set = $this->ud_backup_info; $foreign_known = apply_filters('updraftplus_accept_archivename', array()); if (empty($backup_set['meta_foreign'])) return $entities_to_restore; if (empty($foreign_known[$backup_set['meta_foreign']]['separatedb'])) return array('wpcore' => 1); $entities_to_download = array(); if (in_array('db', $entities_to_restore)) $entities_to_download['db'] = 1; if (count($entities_to_restore) > 1 || !in_array('db', $entities_to_restore)) { $entities_to_download['wpcore'] = 1; } return $entities_to_download; } /** * Logs a line from the restore process, being called from UpdraftPlus::log(). Currently, this means adding it to the browser output log file and echoing it. * Hooks the WordPress filter updraftplus_logline * In future, this can get more sophisticated. For now, things are funnelled through here, giving the future possibility. * * @param String $line the line to be logged * @param String $nonce the job ID of the restore job * @param String $level the level of the log notice * @param String|Boolean $uniq_id a unique ID for the log if it should only be logged once; or false otherwise * @param String $destination the type of job ongoing. If it is not 'restore', then we will skip the logging. * @return The filtered value. If set to false, then UpdraftPlus::log() will stop processing the log line. */ public function updraftplus_logline($line, $nonce, $level, $uniq_id, $destination) { if ('restore' != $destination) return $line; global $updraftplus; static $logfile_handle; static $opened_log_time; if (empty($logfile_handle)) { $logfile_name = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location()."/log.$nonce-browser.txt"; $logfile_handle = fopen($logfile_name, 'a'); } if (!empty($logfile_handle)) { $rtime = microtime(true)-$updraftplus->job_time_ms; fwrite($logfile_handle, sprintf("%08.03f", round($rtime, 3))." (R) ".'['.$level.'] '.$line."\n"); } if (defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI) { switch ($level) { case 'error': case 'warning': // WP_CLI::error() displays message with the prefix "Error: ", We don't like message which are double prefixed like the "Error: Error: ". if (0 === stripos($line, 'Error: ')) { $log_line = substr($line, 7); } else { $log_line = $line; } WP_CLI::error($log_line, false); break; case 'notice': default: WP_CLI::log($line, false); break; } } else { if ('warning' == $destination || 'error' == $destination || $uniq_id) { $line = ''.htmlspecialchars($line).''; } else { $line = htmlspecialchars($line); } echo $line.'
'; } return false; } private function backup_strings() { $this->strings['not_possible'] = __('UpdraftPlus is not able to directly restore this kind of entity. It must be restored manually.', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['no_package'] = __('Backup file not available.', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['copy_failed'] = __('Copying this entity failed.', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['unpack_package'] = __('Unpacking backup...', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['decrypt_database'] = __('Decrypting database (can take a while)...', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['decrypted_database'] = __('Database successfully decrypted.', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['moving_old'] = __('Moving old data out of the way...', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['moving_backup'] = __('Moving unpacked backup into place...', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['restore_database'] = __('Restoring the database (on a large site this can take a long time - if it times out (which can happen if your web hosting company has configured your hosting to limit resources) then you should use a different method, such as phpMyAdmin)...', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['cleaning_up'] = __('Cleaning up rubbish...', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['old_move_failed'] = __('Could not move old files out of the way.', 'updraftplus').' '.__('You should check the file ownerships and permissions in your WordPress installation', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['old_delete_failed'] = __('Could not delete old directory.', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['new_move_failed'] = __('Could not move new files into place. Check your wp-content/upgrade folder.', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['move_failed'] = __('Could not move the files into place. Check your file permissions.', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['delete_failed'] = __('Failed to delete working directory after restoring.', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['multisite_error'] = __('You are running on WordPress multisite - but your backup is not of a multisite site.', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['unpack_failed'] = __('Failed to unpack the archive', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['read_manifest_failed'] = __('Failed to read the manifest file from backup.', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['manifest_not_found'] = __('Failed to find a manifest file in the backup.', 'updraftplus'); $this->strings['read_working_dir_failed'] = __('Failed to read from the working directory.', 'updraftplus'); } /** * This function is copied from class WP_Upgrader (WP 3.8 - no significant changes since 3.2 at least); we only had to fork it because it hard-codes using the basename of the zip file as its unpack directory; which can be long; and then combining that with long pathnames in the zip being unpacked can overflow a 256-character path limit (yes, they apparently still exist - amazing!) * Subsequently, we have also added the ability to unpack tarballs * * @param string $package specify package * @param boolean $delete_package check to delete package * @param string $type type of archieve e.g. db. THis can also be false * @return string */ private function unpack_package_archive($package, $delete_package = true, $type = false) { global $wp_filesystem, $updraftplus; if (!empty($this->ud_foreign) && !empty($this->ud_foreign_working_dir) && $package == $this->ud_foreign_package) { if (is_dir($this->ud_foreign_working_dir)) { return $this->ud_foreign_working_dir; } else { $updraftplus->log('Previously unpacked directory seems to have disappeared; will unpack again'); } } $packsize = round(filesize($package)/1048576, 1).' Mb'; $this->skin->feedback($this->strings['unpack_package'].' ('.basename($package).', '.$packsize.')'); $upgrade_folder = $wp_filesystem->wp_content_dir() . 'upgrade/'; // Clean up contents of upgrade directory beforehand. $upgrade_files = $wp_filesystem->dirlist($upgrade_folder); if (!empty($upgrade_files)) { foreach ($upgrade_files as $file) if (!$wp_filesystem->delete($upgrade_folder . $file['name'], true)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($upgrade_folder, 'Delete '.$upgrade_folder.$file['name']); } } // We need a working directory // This is the only change from the WP core version - minimise path length // $working_dir = $upgrade_folder . basename($package, '.zip'); $working_dir = $upgrade_folder . substr(md5($package), 0, 8); // Clean up working directory if ($wp_filesystem->is_dir($working_dir)) { if (!$wp_filesystem->delete($working_dir, true)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message(dirname($working_dir), 'Delete '.$working_dir); } } // Unzip package to working directory if ('.zip' == strtolower(substr($package, -4, 4))) { $result = unzip_file($package, $working_dir); } elseif ('.tar' == strtolower(substr($package, -4, 4)) || '.tar.gz' == strtolower(substr($package, -7, 7)) || '.tar.bz2' == strtolower(substr($package, -8, 8))) { if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Archive_Tar')) { if (false === strpos(get_include_path(), UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/PEAR')) set_include_path(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/PEAR'.PATH_SEPARATOR.get_include_path()); include_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/PEAR/Archive/Tar.php'); } $p_compress = null; if ('.tar.gz' == strtolower(substr($package, -7, 7))) { $p_compress = 'gz'; } elseif ('.tar.bz2' == strtolower(substr($package, -8, 8))) { $p_compress = 'bz2'; } // It's not pretty. But it works. if (is_a($wp_filesystem, 'WP_Filesystem_Direct')) { $extract_dir = $working_dir; } else { $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); if (!UpdraftPlus_Filesystem_Functions::really_is_writable($updraft_dir)) { $updraftplus->log_e("Backup directory (%s) is not writable, or does not exist.", $updraft_dir); $result = new WP_Error('unpack_failed', $this->strings['unpack_failed'], $tar->extract); } else { $extract_dir = $updraft_dir.'/'.basename($working_dir).'-old'; if (file_exists($extract_dir)) UpdraftPlus_Filesystem_Functions::remove_local_directory($extract_dir); $updraftplus->log("Using a temporary folder to extract before moving over WPFS: $extract_dir"); } } // Slightly hackish - rather than re-write Archive_Tar to use wp_filesystem, we instead unpack into the location that we already require to be directly writable for other reasons, and then move from there. if (empty($result)) { $this->ud_extract_count = 0; $this->ud_working_dir = trailingslashit($working_dir); $this->ud_extract_dir = untrailingslashit($extract_dir); $this->ud_made_dirs = array(); add_filter('updraftplus_tar_wrote', array($this, 'tar_wrote'), 10, 2); $tar = new UpdraftPlus_Archive_Tar($package, $p_compress); $result = $tar->extract($extract_dir, false); if (!is_a($wp_filesystem, 'WP_Filesystem_Direct')) UpdraftPlus_Filesystem_Functions::remove_local_directory($extract_dir); if (true != $result) { $result = new WP_Error('unpack_failed', $this->strings['unpack_failed'], $result); } else { if (!is_a($wp_filesystem, 'WP_Filesystem_Direct')) { $updraftplus->log('Moved unpacked tarball contents'); } } remove_filter('updraftplus_tar_wrote', array($this, 'tar_wrote'), 10, 2); } } // Once extracted, delete the package if required. if ($delete_package) unlink($package); if (is_wp_error($result)) { $wp_filesystem->delete($working_dir, true); if ('incompatible_archive' == $result->get_error_code()) { return new WP_Error('incompatible_archive', $this->wp_upgrader->strings['incompatible_archive'], $result->get_error_data()); } return $result; } if (!empty($this->ud_foreign)) { $this->ud_foreign_working_dir = $working_dir; $this->ud_foreign_package = $package; // Zip containing an SQL file. We try a default pattern. if ('db' === $type) { $basepack = basename($package, '.zip'); if ($wp_filesystem->exists($working_dir.'/'.$basepack.'.sql')) { if (!$wp_filesystem->move($working_dir.'/'.$basepack.'.sql', $working_dir . "/backup.db", true)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($working_dir, 'Move '. $working_dir.'/'.$basepack.'.sql'.' -> '.$working_dir . "/backup.db", 'Destination'); } $updraftplus->log("Moving database file $basepack.sql to backup.db"); } } } return $working_dir; } public function tar_wrote($result, $file) { if (0 !== strpos($file, $this->ud_extract_dir)) return false; global $wp_filesystem, $updraftplus; if (!is_a($wp_filesystem, 'WP_Filesystem_Direct')) { $modint = 100; $leaf = substr($file, strlen($this->ud_extract_dir)); $dirname = dirname($leaf); $need_dirs = explode('/', $dirname); if (empty($this->ud_made_dirs[$dirname])) { $cdir = ''; foreach ($need_dirs as $ndir) { $cdir .= ($cdir) ? '/'.$ndir : $ndir; if (empty($this->ud_made_dirs[$cdir])) { if (!$wp_filesystem->mkdir($this->ud_working_dir.$cdir, FS_CHMOD_DIR) && !$wp_filesystem->is_dir($this->ud_working_dir.$cdir)) { $updraftplus->log("Failed to create WPFS directory: ".$this->ud_working_dir.$cdir); return false; } else { $this->ud_made_dirs[$cdir] = true; } } } } $put = $wp_filesystem->put_contents($this->ud_working_dir.$leaf, file_get_contents($file)); if (is_wp_error($put)) $updraftplus->log_wp_error($put); @unlink($file); } else { $modint = 500; $put = true; } if ($put) { $this->ud_extract_count++; if (0 == $this->ud_extract_count % $modint) { $updraftplus->log_e("%s files have been extracted", $this->ud_extract_count); } } return (true == $put); } // This returns a wp_filesystem location (and we musn't change that, as we must retain compatibility with the class parent) /** * This returns a wp_filesystem location (and we musn't change that, as we must retain compatibility with the class parent) * along with unpacking the encrypted db file and checking its contents before going off and restoring the Db * * @param string $package The file name of the encrypted File * @param boolean $delete_package the file can be removed before going off to the restore stage (this is just incase the user dont want to proceed) * @param boolean $type Check if the type is true or false * @return string Returns success or Fail depending on errors and restors DB */ public function unpack_package($package, $delete_package = true, $type = false) { global $wp_filesystem, $updraftplus; $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); // If not database, then it is a zip - unpack in the usual way if (!preg_match('/-db(\.gz(\.crypt)?)?$/i', $package) && !preg_match('/\.sql(\.gz|\.bz2)?$/i', $package)) return $this->unpack_package_archive($updraft_dir.'/'.$package, $delete_package, $type); $backup_dir = $wp_filesystem->find_folder($updraft_dir); // Unpack a database. The general shape of the following is copied from class-wp-upgrader.php @set_time_limit(1800); $packsize = round(filesize($backup_dir.$package)/1048576, 1).' Mb'; $this->skin->feedback($this->strings['unpack_package'].' ('.basename($package).', '.$packsize.')'); $upgrade_folder = $wp_filesystem->wp_content_dir() . 'upgrade/'; @$wp_filesystem->mkdir($upgrade_folder, octdec($this->calculate_additive_chmod_oct(FS_CHMOD_DIR, 0775))); // Clean up contents of upgrade directory beforehand. $upgrade_files = $wp_filesystem->dirlist($upgrade_folder); if (!empty($upgrade_files)) { foreach ($upgrade_files as $file) if (!$wp_filesystem->delete($upgrade_folder.$file['name'], true)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($upgrade_folder, 'Delete '.$upgrade_folder.$file['name']); } } // We need a working directory $working_dir = $upgrade_folder . basename($package, '.crypt'); // $working_dir_localpath = WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/upgrade/'. basename($package, '.crypt'); // Clean up working directory if ($wp_filesystem->is_dir($working_dir)) { if (!$wp_filesystem->delete($working_dir, true)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message(dirname($working_dir), 'Delete '.$working_dir); } } if (!$wp_filesystem->mkdir($working_dir, octdec($this->calculate_additive_chmod_oct(FS_CHMOD_DIR, 0775)))) return new WP_Error('mkdir_failed', __('Failed to create a temporary directory', 'updraftplus').' ('.$working_dir.')'); // Unpack package to working directory if (UpdraftPlus_Encryption::is_file_encrypted($package)) { $this->skin->feedback($this->strings['decrypt_database']); $encryption = empty($this->restore_options['updraft_encryptionphrase']) ? UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_encryptionphrase') : $this->restore_options['updraft_encryptionphrase']; if (!$encryption) return new WP_Error('no_encryption_key', __('Decryption failed. The database file is encrypted, but you have no encryption key entered.', 'updraftplus')); // function decrypt $decrypted_file = UpdraftPlus_Encryption::decrypt($backup_dir.$package, $encryption); if (is_array($decrypted_file)) { $this->skin->feedback($this->strings['decrypted_database']); if (!copy($decrypted_file['fullpath'], $working_dir.'/backup.db.gz')) { return new WP_Error('write_failed', __('Failed to write out the decrypted database to the filesystem', 'updraftplus')); } else { unlink($decrypted_file['fullpath']); } } else { return new WP_Error('decryption_failed', __('Decryption failed. The most likely cause is that you used the wrong key.', 'updraftplus')); } } else { if (preg_match('/\.sql$/i', $package)) { if (!$wp_filesystem->copy($backup_dir.$package, $working_dir.'/backup.db')) { if ($wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_code()) { foreach ($wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_messages() as $message) show_message($message); } return new WP_Error('copy_failed', $this->strings['copy_failed']); } } elseif (preg_match('/\.bz2$/i', $package)) { if (!$wp_filesystem->copy($backup_dir.$package, $working_dir.'/backup.db.bz2')) { if ($wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_code()) { foreach ($wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_messages() as $message) show_message($message); } return new WP_Error('copy_failed', $this->strings['copy_failed']); } } elseif (!$wp_filesystem->copy($backup_dir.$package, $working_dir.'/backup.db.gz')) { if ($wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_code()) { foreach ($wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_messages() as $message) show_message($message); } return new WP_Error('copy_failed', $this->strings['copy_failed']); } } // Once extracted, delete the package if required (non-recursive, is a file) // if ($delete_package) $wp_filesystem->delete($decrypted_file['fullpath'], false, true); if ($delete_package) { if (!$wp_filesystem->delete($backup_dir.$package, false, true)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($backup_dir, 'Delete '.$backup_dir.$package); } } $updraftplus->log("Database successfully unpacked"); return $working_dir; } /** * For moving files out of a directory into their new location * The purposes of the $type parameter are 1) to detect 'others' and apply a historical bugfix 2) to detect wpcore, and apply the setting for what to do with wp-config.php 3) to work out whether to delete the directory itself * Must use only wp_filesystem * $dest_dir must already have a trailing slash * $preserve_existing: this setting only applies at the top level: 0 = overwrite with no backup; 1 = make backup of existing; 2 = do nothing if there is existing, 3 = do nothing to the top level directory, but do copy-in contents (and over-write files). Thus, on a multi-archive set where you want a backup, you'd do this: first call with $preserve_existing === 1, then on subsequent zips call with 3 * * @param string $working_dir specify working directory * @param string $dest_dir specify destination directory * @param integer $preserve_existing check to preserve exisitng file * @param array $do_not_overwrite Specify files or directories not to overwrite * @param string $type specify type * @param boolean $send_actions send actions * @param boolean $force_local force local * @return boolean */ public function move_backup_in($working_dir, $dest_dir, $preserve_existing = 1, $do_not_overwrite = array('plugins', 'themes', 'uploads', 'upgrade'), $type = 'not-others', $send_actions = false, $force_local = false) { global $wp_filesystem, $updraftplus; $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); if (true == $force_local) { $wpfs = new UpdraftPlus_WP_Filesystem_Direct(true); } else { $wpfs = $wp_filesystem; } // Get the content to be moved in. Include hidden files = true. Recursion is only required if we're likely to copy-in $recursive = (self::MOVEIN_COPY_IN_CONTENTS == $preserve_existing) ? true : false; $upgrade_files = $wpfs->dirlist($working_dir, true, $recursive); if (empty($upgrade_files)) return true; if (!$wpfs->is_dir($dest_dir)) { return new WP_Error('no_such_dir', __('The directory does not exist', 'updraftplus')." ($dest_dir)"); } $wpcore_config_moved = false; if ('plugins' == $type || 'themes' == $type) $updraftplus->log("Top-level entities being moved: ".implode(', ', array_keys($upgrade_files))); foreach ($upgrade_files as $file => $filestruc) { if (empty($file)) continue; if ($dest_dir.$file == $updraft_dir) { $updraftplus->log('Skipping attempt to replace updraft_dir whilst processing '.$type); continue; } // Correctly restore files in 'others' in no directory that were wrongly backed up in versions 1.4.0 - 1.4.48 if (('others' == $type || 'wpcore' == $type) && preg_match('/^([\-_A-Za-z0-9]+\.php)$/i', $file, $matches) && $wpfs->exists($working_dir . "/$file/$file")) { if ('others' == $type) { $updraftplus->log("Found file: $file/$file: presuming this is a backup with a known fault (backup made with versions 1.4.0 - 1.4.48, and sometimes up to 1.6.55 on some Windows servers); will rename to simply $file", 'notice-restore'); } else { $updraftplus->log("Found file: $file/$file: presuming this is a backup with a known fault (backup made with versions before 1.6.55 in certain situations on Windows servers); will rename to simply $file", 'notice-restore'); } $updraftplus->log("$file/$file: rename to $file"); $file = $matches[1]; $tmp_file = rand(0, 999999999).'.php'; // Rename directory if (!$wpfs->move($working_dir . "/$file", $working_dir . "/".$tmp_file, true)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($working_dir, 'Move '. $working_dir . "/$file -> ".$working_dir . "/".$tmp_file, 'Destination'); } if (!$wpfs->move($working_dir . "/$tmp_file/$file", $working_dir ."/".$file, true)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($working_dir, 'Move '.$working_dir . "/$tmp_file/$file -> ".$working_dir ."/".$file, 'Destination'); } if (!$wpfs->rmdir($working_dir . "/$tmp_file", false)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($working_dir, 'Delete '.$working_dir . "/$tmp_file"); } } if ('wp-config.php' == $file && 'wpcore' == $type) { if (empty($this->restore_options['updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig'])) { $updraftplus->log_e('wp-config.php from backup: will restore as wp-config-backup.php', 'updraftplus'); if (!$wpfs->move($working_dir . "/$file", $working_dir . "/wp-config-backup.php", true)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($working_dir, 'Move '.$working_dir . "/$file -> ".$working_dir . "/wp-config-backup.php", 'Destination'); } $file = "wp-config-backup.php"; $wpcore_config_moved = true; } else { $updraftplus->log_e("wp-config.php from backup: restoring (as per user's request)", 'updraftplus'); } } elseif ('wpcore' == $type && 'wp-config-backup.php' == $file && $wpcore_config_moved) { // The file is already gone; nothing to do continue; } // Sanity check (should not be possible as these were excluded at backup time) if (in_array($file, $do_not_overwrite)) continue; if (('object-cache.php' == $file || 'advanced-cache.php' == $file) && 'others' == $type) { if (false == apply_filters('updraftplus_restorecachefiles', true, $file)) { $nfile = preg_replace('/\.php$/', '-backup.php', $file); if (!$wpfs->move($working_dir . "/$file", $working_dir . "/" .$nfile, true)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($working_dir, 'Move '. $working_dir . '/' . $file .' -> '.$working_dir . '/' . $nfile, 'Destination'); } $file = $nfile; } } elseif (('object-cache-backup.php' == $file || 'advanced-cache-backup.php' == $file) && 'others' == $type) { if (!$wpfs->delete($working_dir."/".$file)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($working_dir, 'Delete '.$working_dir."/".$file); } continue; } // First, move the existing one, if necessary (may not be present) if ($wpfs->exists($dest_dir.$file)) { if (self::MOVEIN_MAKE_BACKUP_OF_EXISTING == $preserve_existing) { if (!$wpfs->move($dest_dir.$file, $dest_dir.$file.'-old', true)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($dest_dir, 'Move '. $dest_dir.$file.' -> '.$dest_dir.$file.'-old', 'Destination'); return new WP_Error('old_move_failed', $this->strings['old_move_failed']." ($dest_dir$file)"); } } elseif (self::MOVEIN_OVERWRITE_NO_BACKUP == $preserve_existing) { if (!$wpfs->delete($dest_dir.$file, true)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($dest_dir, 'Delete '.$dest_dir.$file); return new WP_Error('old_delete_failed', $this->strings['old_delete_failed']." ($file)"); } } } // Secondly, move in the new one $is_dir = $wpfs->is_dir($working_dir."/".$file); if (self::MOVEIN_DO_NOTHING_IF_EXISTING == $preserve_existing && $wpfs->exists($dest_dir.$file)) { // Something exists - no move. Remove it from the temporary directory - so that it will be clean later @$wpfs->delete($working_dir.'/'.$file, true); // The $is_dir check was added in version 1.11.18; without this, files in the top-level that weren't in the first archive didn't get over-written } elseif (self::MOVEIN_COPY_IN_CONTENTS != $preserve_existing || !$wpfs->exists($dest_dir.$file) || !$is_dir) { if ($wpfs->move($working_dir."/".$file, $dest_dir.$file, true)) { if ($send_actions) do_action('updraftplus_restored_'.$type.'_one', $file); // Make sure permissions are at least as great as those of the parent if ($is_dir) { // This method is broken due to https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/26598 if (empty($chmod)) $chmod = octdec(sprintf("%04d", $this->get_current_chmod($dest_dir, $wpfs))); if (!empty($chmod)) $this->chmod_if_needed($dest_dir.$file, $chmod, false, $wpfs); } } else { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($dest_dir, 'Move '. $working_dir."/".$file." -> ".$dest_dir.$file, 'Destination'); return new WP_Error('move_failed', $this->strings['move_failed'], $working_dir."/".$file." -> ".$dest_dir.$file); } } elseif (self::MOVEIN_COPY_IN_CONTENTS == $preserve_existing && !empty($filestruc['files'])) { // The directory ($dest_dir) already exists, and we've been requested to copy-in. We need to perform the recursive copy-in // $filestruc['files'] is then a new structure like $upgrade_files // First pass: create directory structure // Get chmod value for the parent directory, and re-use it (instead of passing false) // This method is broken due to https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/26598 if (empty($chmod)) $chmod = octdec(sprintf("%04d", $this->get_current_chmod($dest_dir, $wpfs))); // Copy in the files. This also needs to make sure the directories exist, in case the zip file lacks entries $delete_root = ('others' == $type || 'wpcore' == $type) ? false : true; $copy_in = $this->copy_files_in($working_dir.'/'.$file, $dest_dir.$file, $filestruc['files'], $chmod, $delete_root); if (!empty($chmod)) $this->chmod_if_needed($dest_dir.$file, $chmod, false, $wpfs); if (is_wp_error($copy_in) || !$copy_in) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($dest_dir, 'Move '. $working_dir."/".$file." -> ".$dest_dir.$file, 'Destination'); } if (is_wp_error($copy_in)) return $copy_in; if (!$copy_in) return new WP_Error('move_failed', $this->strings['move_failed'], "(2) ".$working_dir.'/'.$file." -> ".$dest_dir.$file); if (!$wpfs->rmdir($working_dir.'/'.$file)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($working_dir, 'Delete '.$working_dir.'/'.$file); } } else { if (!$wpfs->rmdir($working_dir.'/'.$file)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($working_dir, 'Delete '.$working_dir.'/'.$file); } } } return true; } /** * $dest_dir must already exist * * @param string $source_dir source directory * @param string $dest_dir destintion directory * @param string $files files to be placed in directory * @param boolean $chmod chmod type * @param boolean $delete_source indicate whether source needs deleting * @return boolean */ private function copy_files_in($source_dir, $dest_dir, $files, $chmod = false, $delete_source = false) { global $wp_filesystem, $updraftplus; foreach ($files as $rname => $rfile) { if ('d' != $rfile['type']) { // Delete it if it already exists (or perhaps WP does it for us) if (!$wp_filesystem->move($source_dir.'/'.$rname, $dest_dir.'/'.$rname, true)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($dest_dir, $source_dir.'/'.$rname.' -> '.$dest_dir.'/'.$rname, 'Destination'); return false; } } else { // Directory if ($wp_filesystem->is_file($dest_dir.'/'.$rname)) @$wp_filesystem->delete($dest_dir.'/'.$rname, false, 'f'); // No such directory yet: just move it if (!$wp_filesystem->is_dir($dest_dir.'/'.$rname)) { if (!$wp_filesystem->move($source_dir.'/'.$rname, $dest_dir.'/'.$rname, false)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($dest_dir, 'Move '.$source_dir.'/'.$rname.' -> '.$dest_dir.'/'.$rname, 'Destination'); $updraftplus->log_e('Failed to move directory (check your file permissions and disk quota): %s', $source_dir.'/'.$rname." -> ".$dest_dir.'/'.$rname); return false; } } elseif (!empty($rfile['files'])) { // There is a directory - and we want to to copy in $docopy = $this->copy_files_in($source_dir.'/'.$rname, $dest_dir.'/'.$rname, $rfile['files'], $chmod, false); if (is_wp_error($docopy)) return $docopy; if (false === $docopy) { return false; } } else { // There is a directory: but nothing to copy in to it @$wp_filesystem->rmdir($source_dir.'/'.$rname); } } } // We are meant to leave the working directory empty. Hence, need to rmdir() once a directory is empty. But not the root of it all in case of others/wpcore. if ($delete_source || strpos($source_dir, '/') !== false) { if (!$wp_filesystem->rmdir($source_dir, false)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($source_dir, 'Delete '.$source_dir); } } return true; } /** * Pre-flight check: chance to complain and abort before anything at all is done * * @param array $backup_files An array of backup files * @param string $type Type of file * @param array $info Information about the backup * @param array $continuation_data Information about continuing from an already-begun restore * @return boolean|WP_Error */ public function pre_restore_backup($backup_files, $type, $info, $continuation_data = null) { if (is_string($backup_files)) $backup_files = array($backup_files); if ('more' == $type) { $this->skin->feedback($this->strings['not_possible']); return; } // Ensure access to the indicated directory - and to WP_CONTENT_DIR (in which we use upgrade/) $need_these = array(WP_CONTENT_DIR); if (!empty($info['path'])) $need_these[] = $info['path']; $res = $this->wp_upgrader->fs_connect($need_these); if (false === $res || is_wp_error($res)) return $res; // Check upgrade directory is writable (instead of having non-obvious messages when we try to write) // In theory, this is redundant (since we already checked for access to WP_CONTENT_DIR); but in practice, this extra check has been needed global $wp_filesystem, $updraftplus, $updraftplus_admin, $updraftplus_addons_migrator; if (empty($this->pre_restore_updatedir_writable)) { $upgrade_folder = $wp_filesystem->wp_content_dir() . 'upgrade/'; @$wp_filesystem->mkdir($upgrade_folder, octdec($this->calculate_additive_chmod_oct(FS_CHMOD_DIR, 0775))); if (!$wp_filesystem->is_dir($upgrade_folder)) { return new WP_Error('no_dir', sprintf(__('UpdraftPlus needed to create a %s in your content directory, but failed - please check your file permissions and enable the access (%s)', 'updraftplus'), __('folder', 'updraftplus'), $upgrade_folder)); } $rand_file = 'testfile_'.rand(0, 9999999).md5(microtime(true)).'.txt'; if ($wp_filesystem->put_contents($upgrade_folder.$rand_file, 'testing...')) { @$wp_filesystem->delete($upgrade_folder.$rand_file); $this->pre_restore_updatedir_writable = true; } else { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($upgrade_folder, 'Put contents '.$upgrade_folder.$rand_file, 'Destination'); return new WP_Error('no_file', sprintf(__('UpdraftPlus needed to create a %s in your content directory, but failed - please check your file permissions and enable the access (%s)', 'updraftplus'), __('file', 'updraftplus'), $upgrade_folder.$rand_file)); } } // Code below here assumes that we're dealing with file-based entities if ('db' == $type) return true; $wp_filesystem_dir = $this->get_wp_filesystem_dir($info['path']); if (false === $wp_filesystem_dir) return false; $ret_val = true; $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); if (!is_array($continuation_data) && (('plugins' == $type || 'uploads' == $type || 'themes' == $type) && (!is_multisite() || 0 !== $this->ud_backup_is_multisite || ('uploads' != $type || empty($updraftplus_addons_migrator->new_blogid))))) { if (file_exists($updraft_dir.'/'.basename($wp_filesystem_dir)."-old")) { $ret_val = new WP_Error('already_exists', sprintf(__('Existing unremoved folders from a previous restore exist (please use the "Delete Old Directories" button to delete them before trying again): %s', 'updraftplus'), $wp_filesystem_dir.'-old')); } } if (!empty($this->ud_foreign)) { $known_foreigners = apply_filters('updraftplus_accept_archivename', array()); if (!is_array($known_foreigners) || empty($known_foreigners[$this->ud_foreign])) { return new WP_Error('uk_foreign', __('This version of UpdraftPlus does not know how to handle this type of foreign backup', 'updraftplus').' ('.$this->ud_foreign.')'); } } return $ret_val; } private function get_wp_filesystem_dir($path) { global $wp_filesystem; // Get the wp_filesystem location for the folder on the local install switch ($path) { case ABSPATH: case '': $wp_filesystem_dir = $wp_filesystem->abspath(); break; case WP_CONTENT_DIR: $wp_filesystem_dir = $wp_filesystem->wp_content_dir(); break; case WP_PLUGIN_DIR: $wp_filesystem_dir = $wp_filesystem->wp_plugins_dir(); break; case WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/themes': $wp_filesystem_dir = $wp_filesystem->wp_themes_dir(); break; default: $wp_filesystem_dir = $wp_filesystem->find_folder($path); break; } if (!$wp_filesystem_dir) return false; return untrailingslashit($wp_filesystem_dir); } private function can_version_ajax_restore($version) { if (!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_EXPERIMENTAL_AJAX_RESTORE') || !UPDRAFTPLUS_EXPERIMENTAL_AJAX_RESTORE) return false; return ((version_compare($version, '2.0', '<') && version_compare($version, '1.11.10', '>=')) || (version_compare($version, '2.0', '>=') && version_compare($version, '2.11.10', '>='))) ? true : false; } /** * $backup_file is just the basename, and must be a string; we expect the caller to deal with looping over an array (multi-archive sets). We do, however, record whether we have already unpacked an entity of the same type - so that we know to add (not replace). * * @param string $backup_file name of file being backed up * @param string $type type of file * @param array $info information array * @param boolean $last_one indicate if this is the last file to be restored * @param boolean $last_entity indicate if this is the last entity of this type to be restored * @return WP_Error|Boolean - true if successful; otherwise false or an error */ private function restore_backup($backup_file, $type, $info, $last_one = false, $last_entity = false) { if ('more' == $type) { $this->skin->feedback($this->strings['not_possible']); return false; } global $wp_filesystem, $updraftplus_addons_migrator, $updraftplus; $updraftplus->log("restore_backup(backup_file=$backup_file, type=$type, info=".serialize($info).", last_one=$last_one)"); $get_dir = empty($info['path']) ? '' : $info['path']; if (false === ($wp_filesystem_dir = $this->get_wp_filesystem_dir($get_dir))) return false; if (empty($this->abspath)) $this->abspath = trailingslashit($wp_filesystem->abspath()); @set_time_limit(1800); /* TODO: - The backup set may no longer be in the DB - a restore may have over-written it. - UD might be installed, but not active. Test that too. (All combinations need testing - new/old UD vers, logged-in/not, etc.). - logging - authorisation on the AJAX call, given that our login may not even be valid any more. - pass on the WP filesystem credentials somehow - they have been POSTed, and should be included in what's POSTed back. - the restore function wants to know the UD version the backup set came from - the restore function wants to know whether we're restoring an individual blog into a multisite - the restore function has some things only done the first time, which isn't directly tracked (uses internal state instead, which won't work over AJAX) - how to handle/set this->delete - how to show the final result - how to do the clear-up of restored stuff in the restore function - remember, we need to do unauthenticated AJAX, as the authentication is happening via a different means. Use a separate procedure from the usual one (and no nonce, as login status may have changed). */ if (defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_EXPERIMENTAL_AJAX_RESTORE') && UPDRAFTPLUS_EXPERIMENTAL_AJAX_RESTORE && 'uploads' == $type) { // Read this each time, as we don't know what might have been done in the mean-time (specifically with UD being replaced by a different UD from a backup). Of course, we know what the currently running process is capable of. if (file_exists(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/updraftplus.php') && $fp = fopen(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/updraftplus.php', 'r')) { $file_data = fread($fp, 1024); if (preg_match("/Version: ([\d\.]+)(\r|\n)/", $file_data, $matches)) { $ud_version = $matches[1]; } fclose($fp); } if (!empty($ud_version) && $this->can_version_ajax_restore($ud_version) && !empty($this->ud_backup_info['timestamp'])) { $nonce = $updraftplus->nonce; if (!function_exists('crypt_random_string')) $updraftplus->ensure_phpseclib('Crypt_Random', 'Crypt/Random'); $this->ajax_restore_auth_code = bin2hex(crypt_random_string(32)); // TODO: Delete this when done, to prevent abuse update_site_option('updraft_ajax_restore_'.$nonce, $this->ajax_restore_auth_code.':'.time()); $this->add_ajax_restore_admin_footer(); $print_last_one = ($last_one) ? "1" : "0"; // TODO: Also want the timestamp // We don't bother to include info, as that is backup-independent information that can be re-created when needed // TODO: Change to new log style, if ever using echo '

'."\n"; $updraftplus->log("Deferring handling of uploads ($backup_file)"); echo "$backup_file: ".''.__('Deferring...', 'updraftplus').''; echo '

'; return true; } } // This returns the wp_filesystem path $working_dir = $this->unpack_package($backup_file, $this->delete, $type); if (is_wp_error($working_dir)) return $working_dir; $working_dir_localpath = WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/upgrade/'.basename($working_dir); @set_time_limit(1800); // We copy the variable because we may be importing with a different prefix (e.g. on multisite imports of individual blog data) // The filter allows you to restore to a completely different prefix - i.e. don't replace this site; possibly useful for testing the restore process (but not yet tested) $import_table_prefix = apply_filters('updraftplus_restore_table_prefix', $updraftplus->get_table_prefix(false)); $this->import_table_prefix = $import_table_prefix; $now_done = apply_filters('updraftplus_pre_restore_move_in', false, $type, $working_dir, $info, $this->ud_backup_info, $this, $wp_filesystem_dir); if (is_wp_error($now_done)) return $now_done; // A slightly ugly way of getting a particular result back if (is_string($now_done)) { $wp_filesystem_dir = $now_done; $now_done = false; $do_not_move_old = true; } if (!$now_done) { if ('db' == $type) { $rdb = $this->restore_backup_db($working_dir, $working_dir_localpath, $import_table_prefix); if (false === $rdb || is_wp_error($rdb)) return $rdb; } elseif ('others' == $type) { $dirname = basename($info['path']); // For foreign 'Simple Backup', we need to keep going down until we find wp-content if (empty($this->ud_foreign)) { $move_from = $working_dir; } else { $move_from = $this->search_for_folder('wp-content', $working_dir); if (!is_string($move_from)) return new WP_Error('not_found', __('The WordPress content folder (wp-content) was not found in this zip file.', 'updraftplus')); } // In this special case, the backup contents are not in a folder, so it is not simply a case of moving the folder around, but rather looping over all that we find // On subsequent archives of a multi-archive set, don't move anything; but do on the first $preserve_existing = isset($this->been_restored['others']) ? self::MOVEIN_COPY_IN_CONTENTS : self::MOVEIN_MAKE_BACKUP_OF_EXISTING; $preserve_existing = apply_filters('updraft_move_others_preserve_existing', $preserve_existing, $this->been_restored, $this->restore_options, $this->ud_backup_info); $new_move_from = apply_filters('updraft_restore_backup_move_from', $move_from, 'others', $this->restore_options, $this->ud_backup_info); if ($new_move_from != $move_from && 0 === strpos($new_move_from, $move_from)) { $new_suffix = substr($new_move_from, strlen($move_from)); $wp_filesystem_dir .= $new_suffix; $move_from = $new_move_from; } $move_in = $this->move_backup_in($move_from, trailingslashit($wp_filesystem_dir), $preserve_existing, array('plugins', 'themes', 'uploads', 'upgrade'), 'others'); if (is_wp_error($move_in)) return $move_in; if (!$move_in) return new WP_Error('new_move_failed', $this->strings['new_move_failed']); $this->been_restored['others'] = true; } else { // Default action: used for plugins, themes and uploads (and wpcore, via a filter) // Multi-archive sets: we record what we've already begun on, and on subsequent runs, copy in instead of replacing $movedin = apply_filters('updraftplus_restore_movein_'.$type, $working_dir, $this->abspath, $wp_filesystem_dir); // A filter, to allow add-ons to perform the install of non-standard entities, or to indicate that it's not possible if (false === $movedin) { $this->skin->feedback($this->strings['not_possible']); } elseif (is_wp_error($movedin)) { return $movedin; } elseif (true !== $movedin) { // We get the directory to move from early, in case there is a problem with the backup that affects the result - we want to detect that before moving existing data out of the way $short_circuit = false; // For foreign 'Simple Backup', we need to keep going down until we find wp-content if (empty($this->ud_foreign)) { $working_dir_use = $working_dir; } else { $working_dir_use = $this->search_for_folder('wp-content', $working_dir); if (!is_string($working_dir_use)) { if (empty($this->ud_foreign) || !apply_filters('updraftplus_foreign_allow_missing_entity', false, $type, $this->ud_foreign)) { return new WP_Error('not_found', __('The WordPress content folder (wp-content) was not found in this zip file.', 'updraftplus')); } else { $short_circuit = true; } } } // The backup may not actually have /$type, since that is info from the present site $move_from = $this->get_first_directory($working_dir_use, array(basename($info['path']), $type)); if (false !== $move_from) $move_from = apply_filters('updraft_restore_backup_move_from', $move_from, $type, $this->restore_options, $this->ud_backup_info); if (false === $move_from) { if (!empty($this->ud_foreign) && !apply_filters('updraftplus_foreign_allow_missing_entity', false, $type, $this->ud_foreign)) { return new WP_Error('new_move_failed', $this->strings['new_move_failed']); } } // On the first time, create the -old directory in updraft_dir // (Old style was: On the first time, move the existing data to -old) if (!isset($this->been_restored[$type]) && empty($do_not_move_old)) { $this->move_existing_to_old($type, $get_dir, $wp_filesystem, $wp_filesystem_dir); } if (empty($short_circuit)) { if (false === $move_from) { if (!empty($this->ud_foreign) && !apply_filters('updraftplus_foreign_allow_missing_entity', false, $type, $this->ud_foreign)) { return new WP_Error('new_move_failed', $this->strings['new_move_failed']); } } else { $this->skin->feedback($this->strings['moving_backup']); $move_in = $this->move_backup_in($move_from, trailingslashit($wp_filesystem_dir), self::MOVEIN_COPY_IN_CONTENTS, array(), $type); if (is_wp_error($move_in)) return $move_in; if (!$move_in) return new WP_Error('new_move_failed', $this->strings['new_move_failed']); if (!$wp_filesystem->rmdir($move_from)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message(dirname($move_from), 'Delete '.$move_from); } } } } $this->been_restored[$type] = true; } } $attempt_delete = (!empty($this->ud_foreign) && !$last_one) ? false : true; if ($attempt_delete) { // Non-recursive, so the directory needs to be empty $this->skin->feedback($this->strings['cleaning_up']); if (!empty($do_not_move_old)) @$wp_filesystem->delete($working_dir.'/'.$type); // Foreign backups can contain extra data and thus leave stuff behind, thus causing errors $recurse = empty($this->ud_foreign) ? false : true; $recurse = apply_filters('updraftplus_restore_delete_recursive', $recurse, $this->ud_foreign, $this->restore_options, $type); if (!$wp_filesystem->delete($working_dir, $recurse)) { // Can remove this after 1-Jan-2015; or at least, make it so that it requires the version number to be present. $fixed_it_now = false; // Deal with a corner-case in version 1.8.5 if ('uploads' == $type && (empty($this->created_by_version) || (version_compare($this->created_by_version, '1.8.5', '>=') && version_compare($this->created_by_version, '1.8.8', '<')))) { $updraftplus->log("Clean-up failed with uploads: will attempt 1.8.5-1.8.7 fix (".$this->created_by_version.")"); $move_in = @$this->move_backup_in(dirname($move_from), trailingslashit($wp_filesystem_dir), 3, array(), $type); $updraftplus->log("Result: ".serialize($move_in)); if ($wp_filesystem->delete($working_dir)) $fixed_it_now = true; } if (file_exists($working_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'updraftplus-manifest.json')) { // Before we cleanup and remove the manifest check if this is the last entity of this type, if it is then we want to remove anything that no longer exists in this manifest if ($last_entity) { $incremental_restore_prune = $this->incremental_restore_prune_files($working_dir, $type); if (is_wp_error($incremental_restore_prune)) return $incremental_restore_prune; } $wp_filesystem->delete($working_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'updraftplus-manifest.json'); if ($wp_filesystem->delete($working_dir)) $fixed_it_now = true; } if (!$fixed_it_now) { $updraftplus->log_e('Error: %s', $this->strings['delete_failed'].' ('.$working_dir.')'); // List contents // No need to make this a restoration-aborting error condition - it's not $dirlist = $wp_filesystem->dirlist($working_dir, true, true); if (is_array($dirlist)) { $updraftplus->log(__('Files found:', 'updraftplus'), 'notice-restore'); foreach ($dirlist as $name => $struc) { $updraftplus->log("* $name", 'notice-restore'); } } else { $updraftplus->log_e('Unable to enumerate files in that directory.'); } } } } // Permissions changes (at the top level - i.e. this does not apply if using recursion) are now *additive* - i.e. there's no danger of permissions being removed from what's on-disk switch ($type) { case 'wpcore': $this->chmod_if_needed($wp_filesystem_dir, FS_CHMOD_DIR, false, $wp_filesystem); // In case we restored a .htaccess which is incorrect for the local setup $this->flush_rewrite_rules(); break; case 'uploads': $this->chmod_if_needed($wp_filesystem_dir, FS_CHMOD_DIR, false, $wp_filesystem); break; case 'themes': // Cherry Framework needs its cache files removing after migration if ((empty($this->old_siteurl) || ($this->old_siteurl != $this->our_siteurl)) && function_exists('glob')) { $cherry_child = glob(WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/themes/theme*'); if (is_array($cherry_child)) { foreach ($cherry_child as $theme) { if (file_exists($theme.'/style.less.cache')) unlink($theme.'/style.less.cache'); if (file_exists($theme.'/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less.cache')) unlink($theme.'/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less.cache'); } } } break; case 'db': if (function_exists('wp_cache_flush')) wp_cache_flush(); do_action('updraftplus_restored_db', array( 'expected_oldsiteurl' => $this->old_siteurl, 'expected_oldhome' => $this->old_home, 'expected_oldcontent' => $this->old_content ), $import_table_prefix); // N.B. flush_rewrite_rules() causes $wp_rewrite to become up to date again - important for the no_mod_rewrite() call $this->flush_rewrite_rules(); if ($updraftplus->mod_rewrite_unavailable()) { $updraftplus->log("Using Apache, with permalinks (".get_option('permalink_structure').") but no mod_rewrite enabled - enable it to make your permalinks work"); $warn_no_rewrite = sprintf(__('You are using the %s webserver, but do not seem to have the %s module loaded.', 'updraftplus'), 'Apache', 'mod_rewrite').' '.sprintf(__('You should enable %s to make any pretty permalinks (e.g. %s) work', 'updraftplus'), 'mod_rewrite', 'http://example.com/my-page/'); $updraftplus->log($warn_no_rewrite, 'warning-restore'); } break; default: $this->chmod_if_needed($wp_filesystem_dir, FS_CHMOD_DIR, false, $wp_filesystem); } // db was already done if ('db' != $type) do_action('updraftplus_restored_'.$type); return true; } /** * This method will read in the latest manifest file for an entity type and start the file prune. * * @param string $working_dir - the directory we are working in * @param string $type - the type of file * @return boolean|WP_Error */ private function incremental_restore_prune_files($working_dir, $type) { // Check file exists again just in case it some how got removed if (file_exists($working_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'updraftplus-manifest.json')) { $entity_manifest = file_get_contents($working_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'updraftplus-manifest.json'); $entity_manifest = json_decode($entity_manifest, true); $base_path = trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR); $path = $base_path.$type; return $this->incremental_restore_scan_dir($base_path, $path, 1, $entity_manifest); } else { return new WP_Error('manifest_not_found', $this->strings['manifest_not_found']); } } /** * This method will recursively scan each directory to the given listed_level which is located in the manifest and prune and files or folders that do not exist in the manifest. * * @param string $base_path - the base path of the entity type * @param string $path - the current path we are scanning * @param integer $current_level - the level we are currently scanning at * @param array $entity_manifest - the manifest array which includes the listed_level, directories and files to keep * @return boolean|WP_Error */ private function incremental_restore_scan_dir($base_path, $path, $current_level, $entity_manifest) { global $wp_filesystem; $directroy_level = $entity_manifest['listed_levels']; $entity_directories = $entity_manifest['contents']['directories']; $entity_files = $entity_manifest['contents']['files']; if (!isset($directroy_level) || !isset($entity_directories) || !isset($entity_files)) return new WP_Error('read_manifest_failed', $this->strings['read_manifest_failed']); $directory_files = $wp_filesystem->dirlist($path); if (isset($directory_files)) { foreach ($directory_files as $file => $filestruc) { if ($wp_filesystem->is_dir($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) { $directory = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; // Check if we should go deeper in the file path, if not then check if this directory exists in the manifest, if not then remove it. if ($current_level + 1 < $directroy_level) { $incremental_restore_prune = $this->incremental_restore_scan_dir($base_path, $directory, $current_level + 1, $entity_manifest); if (is_wp_error($incremental_restore_prune)) return $incremental_restore_prune; } else { $directory = str_replace($base_path, "", $directory); if (!in_array($directory, $entity_directories)) { $wp_filesystem->delete($base_path . $directory, true); } } } else { $file = str_replace($base_path, "", $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); if (!in_array($file, $entity_files)) { $wp_filesystem->delete($base_path . $file, false); } } } return true; } else { return new WP_Error('read_working_dir_failed', $this->strings['read_working_dir_failed']); } } private function move_existing_to_old($type, $get_dir, $wp_filesystem, $wp_filesystem_dir) { if (apply_filters('updraft_move_existing_to_old_short_circuit', false, $type, $this->restore_options)) { // Users of the filter should do their own logging return; } global $updraftplus; $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); // Firstly, if there's already an '-old' directory, get rid of it // Try filesystem-level move $old_dir = $updraft_dir.'/'.$type.'-old'; if (is_dir($old_dir)) { $updraftplus->log_e('%s: This directory already exists, and will be replaced', $old_dir); UpdraftPlus_Filesystem_Functions::remove_local_directory($old_dir); } $move_old_destination = apply_filters('updraftplus_restore_move_old_mode', 0, $type, $this->restore_options); if (0 == $move_old_destination && @mkdir($old_dir)) { $updraftplus->log("Moving old data: filesystem method / updraft_dir is potentially possible"); $move_old_destination = 1; } // Try wp_filesystem instead if ($wp_filesystem->exists($wp_filesystem_dir."-old")) { // Is better to warn and delete the restore than abort mid-restore and leave inconsistent site $updraftplus->log_e('%s: This directory already exists, and will be replaced', $wp_filesystem_dir."-old"); // In theory, supplying true as the 3rd parameter achieves this; in practice, not always so (leads to support requests) $wp_filesystem->delete($wp_filesystem_dir."-old", true); if ($wp_filesystem->exists($wp_filesystem_dir."-old")) { $updraftplus->log("Failed to remove existing directory (".$wp_filesystem_dir."-old"); $failed_to_remove = true; } } if (-1 != $move_old_destination && empty($failed_to_remove) && @$wp_filesystem->mkdir($wp_filesystem_dir."-old")) { $updraftplus->log("Moving old data: can potentially use wp_filesystem method / -old"); $move_old_destination += 2; } if (0 == $move_old_destination) { $updraftplus->log_e("File permissions do not allow the old data to be moved and retained; instead, it will be deleted."); } $this->skin->feedback($this->strings['moving_old']); // Firstly, try direct filesystem method into updraft_dir if ($move_old_destination > 0 && 1 == $move_old_destination % 2) { // The final 'true' forces direct filesystem access $move_old = @$this->move_backup_in($get_dir, $updraft_dir.'/'.$type.'-old/', 3, array(), $type, false, true); if (is_wp_error($move_old)) $updraftplus->log_wp_error($move_old); } // Try wp_filesystem method into -old if that failed if (2 >= $move_old_destination && (0 == $move_old_destination % 2 || (!empty($move_old) && is_wp_error($move_old)))) { $move_old = @$this->move_backup_in($wp_filesystem_dir, $wp_filesystem_dir."-old/", 3, array(), $type); if (is_wp_error($move_old)) $updraftplus->log_wp_error($move_old); } // Finally, when all else fails, nuke it if (-1 == $move_old_destination || 0 == $move_old_destination || (!empty($move_old) && is_wp_error($move_old))) { if (-1 == $move_old_destination) { $updraftplus->log("$type: $wp_filesystem_dir: deleting contents"); } else { $updraftplus->log("$type: $wp_filesystem_dir: deleting contents (as attempts to copy failed)"); } $del_files = $wp_filesystem->dirlist($wp_filesystem_dir, true, false); if (empty($del_files)) $del_files = array(); foreach ($del_files as $file => $filestruc) { if (empty($file)) continue; if (!$wp_filesystem->delete($wp_filesystem_dir.'/'.$file, true)) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($wp_filesystem_dir, 'Delete '.$wp_filesystem_dir.'/'.$file); } } } } private function add_ajax_restore_admin_footer() { static $already = false; if (!$already) { $already = true; add_action('admin_footer', array($this, 'admin_footer_ajax_restore')); } } /** * Unused */ public function admin_footer_ajax_restore() { // TODO: The timestamp parameter is mandatory - we should abort (earlier) if there isn't one. global $updraftplus; $nonce = $updraftplus->nonce; // TODO: Apparently empty $auth_code = esc_js($this->ajax_restore_auth_code); echo << jQuery(document).ready(function() { backupinfo = { action: 'updraft_ajaxrestore', subaction: 'restore', restorenonce: '$nonce', ajaxauth: '$auth_code' }; ENDHERE; $multisite = 0; $timestamp = $this->ud_backup_info['timestamp']; if (!empty($_REQUEST['updraft_restorer_backup_info'])) { $backup_info = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::wp_unslash($_REQUEST['updraft_restorer_backup_info']); if (false != ($backup_info = json_decode($backup_info, true))) { if (!empty($backup_info['timestamp'])) echo "\t\tbackupinfo.timestamp = '".esc_js($backup_info['timestamp'])."';\n"; if (!empty($backup_info['created_by_version'])) echo "\t\tbackupinfo.created_by_version = '".esc_js($backup_info['created_by_version'])."';\n"; echo "\t\tbackupinfo.multisite = ".(empty($backup_info['multisite']) ? '0' : '1').";\n"; } } echo << 0) { do_ajax_restore_queue(); } }); ENDHERE; } /** * First added in UD 1.9.47. We have only ever had reports of cached stuff from WP Super Cache being retained, so, being cautious, we will only clear that for now */ public function clear_cache() { // Functions called here need to not assume that the relevant plugin actually exists - they should check for any functions they intend to call, before calling them. $this->clear_cache_wpsupercache(); } /** * Adapted from wp_cache_clean_cache($file_prefix, $all = false) in WP Super Cache (wp-cache.php) * * @return boolean */ private function clear_cache_wpsupercache() { $all = true; global $updraftplus, $cache_path, $wp_cache_object_cache; if ($wp_cache_object_cache && function_exists('reset_oc_version')) reset_oc_version(); // Removed check: && wpsupercache_site_admin() if (true == $all && function_exists('prune_super_cache')) { if (!empty($cache_path)) { $updraftplus->log_e("Clearing cached pages (%s)...", 'WP Super Cache'); prune_super_cache($cache_path, true); } return true; } } private function search_for_folder($folder, $startat) { if (!is_dir($startat)) return false; // Exists in this folder? if (is_dir($startat.'/'.$folder)) return trailingslashit($startat).$folder; // Does not if ($handle = opendir($startat)) { while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if ('.' != $file && '..' != $file && is_dir($startat).'/'.$file) { $ss = $this->search_for_folder($folder, trailingslashit($startat).$file); if (is_string($ss)) return $ss; } } closedir($handle); } return false; } /** * Returns an octal string (but not an octal number) * * @param string $file specfy file * @param boolean $wpfs wpfs options * @return string */ private function get_current_chmod($file, $wpfs = false) { if (false == $wpfs) { global $wp_filesystem; $wpfs = $wp_filesystem; } // getchmod() is broken at least as recently as WP3.8 - see: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/26598 return (is_a($wpfs, 'WP_Filesystem_Direct')) ? substr(sprintf("%06d", decoct(@fileperms($file))), 3) : $wpfs->getchmod($file); } /** * Returns a string in octal format * $new_chmod should be an octal, i.e. what you'd pass to chmod() * * @param string $old_chmod specify old chmod * @param string $new_chmod specify new chmod * @return string */ private function calculate_additive_chmod_oct($old_chmod, $new_chmod) { // chmod() expects octal form, which means a preceding zero - see http://php.net/chmod $old_chmod = sprintf("%04d", $old_chmod); $new_chmod = sprintf("%04d", decoct($new_chmod)); for ($i=1; $i<=3; $i++) { $oldbit = substr($old_chmod, $i, 1); $newbit = substr($new_chmod, $i, 1); for ($j=0; $j<=2; $j++) { if (($oldbit & (1<<$j)) && !($newbit & (1<<$j))) { $newbit = (string) ($newbit | 1<<$j); $new_chmod = sprintf("%04d", substr($new_chmod, 0, $i).$newbit.substr($new_chmod, $i+1)); } } } return $new_chmod; } /** * "If needed" means, "If the permissions are not already more permissive than this". i.e. This will not tighten permissions from what the user had before (we trust them) * $chmod should be an octal - i.e. the same as you'd pass to chmod() * * @param string $dir directory * @param string $chmod specific chmod * @param boolean $recursive indicate if recursive chmod is needed * @param boolean $wpfs indicate whether to use wpfs access methods * @param boolean $suppress suppress output * @return string */ private function chmod_if_needed($dir, $chmod, $recursive = false, $wpfs = false, $suppress = true) { // Do nothing on Windows if ('WIN' === strtoupper(substr(php_uname('s'), 0, 3))) return true; if (false == $wpfs) { global $wp_filesystem; $wpfs = $wp_filesystem; } $old_chmod = $this->get_current_chmod($dir, $wpfs); // Sanity fcheck if (strlen($old_chmod) < 3) return; $new_chmod = $this->calculate_additive_chmod_oct($old_chmod, $chmod); // Don't fix what isn't broken if (!$recursive && $new_chmod == $old_chmod) return true; $new_chmod = octdec($new_chmod); if ($suppress) { return @$wpfs->chmod($dir, $new_chmod, $recursive); } else { return $wpfs->chmod($dir, $new_chmod, $recursive); } } /** * This will return the path with the actual content we want to restore, ignoring any other files that may be in the top level of the zip file * $dirnames: an array of preferred names * * @param string $working_dir specify working directory * @param string $dirnames directory names * @return string the final path with the content we want to restore */ public function get_first_directory($working_dir, $dirnames) { global $wp_filesystem, $updraftplus; $fdirnames = array_flip($dirnames); $dirlist = $wp_filesystem->dirlist($working_dir, true, false); if (is_array($dirlist)) { $move_from = false; foreach ($dirlist as $name => $struc) { if (isset($struc['type']) && 'd' != $struc['type']) continue; if (false === $move_from) { if (isset($fdirnames[$name])) { $move_from = $working_dir . "/".$name; } elseif (preg_match('/^([^\.].*)$/', $name, $fmatch)) { // In the case of a third-party backup, the first entry may be the wrong entity. We could try a more sophisticated algorithm, but a third party backup requiring one has never been seen (and it is not easy to envisage what the algorithm might be). if (empty($this->ud_foreign)) { $first_entry = $working_dir."/".$fmatch[1]; } } } } if (false === $move_from && isset($first_entry)) { $updraftplus->log_e('Using directory from backup: %s', basename($first_entry)); $move_from = $first_entry; } } else { // That shouldn't happen. Fall back to default $move_from = $working_dir."/".$dirnames[0]; } return $move_from; } /** * Gets the table prefix to use, using the filter updraftplus_restore_set_import_table_prefix * * @param String $import_table_prefix - table prefix to act upon * * @return String|WP_Error|Boolean - the modified table prefix, or an error or indication of an error */ private function pre_sql_actions($import_table_prefix) { global $updraftplus; $import_table_prefix = apply_filters('updraftplus_restore_set_table_prefix', $import_table_prefix, $this->ud_backup_is_multisite); if (!is_string($import_table_prefix)) { $this->wp_upgrader->maintenance_mode(false); if (false === $import_table_prefix) { $updraftplus->log(__('Please supply the requested information, and then continue.', 'updraftplus'), 'notice-restore'); return false; } elseif (is_wp_error($import_table_prefix)) { return $import_table_prefix; } else { return new WP_Error('invalid_table_prefix', __('Error:', 'updraftplus').' '.serialize($import_table_prefix)); } } $updraftplus->log_e('New table prefix: %s', $import_table_prefix); return $import_table_prefix; } public function option_filter_permalink_structure($val) { global $updraftplus; return $updraftplus->option_filter_get('permalink_structure'); } public function option_filter_page_on_front($val) { global $updraftplus; return $updraftplus->option_filter_get('page_on_front'); } public function option_filter_rewrite_rules($val) { global $updraftplus; return $updraftplus->option_filter_get('rewrite_rules'); } /** * Restore the database backup * * @param string $working_dir specify working directory * @param string $working_dir_localpath specify working local directory * @param string $import_table_prefix table prefix to use * @return boolean|WP_Error */ private function restore_backup_db($working_dir, $working_dir_localpath, $import_table_prefix) { global $updraftplus; do_action('updraftplus_restore_db_pre'); // This is now a legacy option (at least on the front end), so we should not see it much $this->prior_upload_path = get_option('upload_path'); // There is a file backup.db(.gz) inside the working directory // The 'off' check is for badly configured setups - http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-wp-super-cache-warning-php-safe-mode-enabled-but-safe-mode-is-off // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine if (@ini_get('safe_mode') && 'off' != strtolower(@ini_get('safe_mode'))) { $updraftplus->log(__('Warning: PHP safe_mode is active on your server. Timeouts are much more likely. If these happen, then you will need to manually restore the file via phpMyAdmin or another method.', 'updraftplus'), 'notice-restore'); } $db_basename = 'backup.db.gz'; if (!empty($this->ud_foreign)) { $plugins = apply_filters('updraftplus_accept_archivename', array()); if (empty($plugins[$this->ud_foreign])) return new WP_Error('unknown', sprintf(__('Backup created by unknown source (%s) - cannot be restored.', 'updraftplus'), $this->ud_foreign)); if (!file_exists($working_dir_localpath.'/'.$db_basename) && file_exists($working_dir_localpath.'/backup.db')) { $db_basename = 'backup.db'; } elseif (!file_exists($working_dir_localpath.'/'.$db_basename) && file_exists($working_dir_localpath.'/backup.db.bz2')) { $db_basename = 'backup.db.bz2'; } if (!file_exists($working_dir_localpath.'/'.$db_basename)) { $separatedb = empty($plugins[$this->ud_foreign]['separatedb']) ? false : true; $filtered_db_name = apply_filters('updraftplus_foreign_dbfilename', false, $this->ud_foreign, $this->ud_backup_info, $working_dir_localpath, $separatedb); if (is_string($filtered_db_name)) $db_basename = $filtered_db_name; } } // wp_filesystem has no gzopen method, so we switch to using the local filesystem (which is harmless, since we are performing read-only operations) if (false === $db_basename || !is_readable($working_dir_localpath.'/'.$db_basename)) return new WP_Error('dbopen_failed', __('Failed to find database file', 'updraftplus')." ($working_dir/".$db_basename.")"); global $wpdb, $updraftplus; $this->skin->feedback($this->strings['restore_database']); $is_plain = ('.db' == substr($db_basename, -3, 3)); $is_bz2 = ('.db.bz2' == substr($db_basename, -7, 7)); // Read-only access: don't need to go through WP_Filesystem if ($is_plain) { $dbhandle = fopen($working_dir_localpath.'/'.$db_basename, 'r'); } elseif ($is_bz2) { if (!function_exists('bzopen')) { $updraftplus->log_e("Your web server's PHP installation has these functions disabled: %s.", 'bzopen'); $updraftplus->log_e('Your hosting company must enable these functions before %s can work.', __('restoration', 'updraftplus')); } $dbhandle = bzopen($working_dir_localpath.'/'.$db_basename, 'r'); } else { $dbhandle = gzopen($working_dir_localpath.'/'.$db_basename, 'r'); } if (!$dbhandle) return new WP_Error('dbopen_failed', __('Failed to open database file', 'updraftplus')); $this->line = 0; if ($this->use_wpdb()) { $updraftplus->log_e('Database access: Direct MySQL access is not available, so we are falling back to wpdb (this will be considerably slower)'); } else { $updraftplus->log("Using direct MySQL access; value of use_mysqli is: ".($this->use_mysqli ? '1' : '0')); if ($this->use_mysqli) { @mysqli_query($this->mysql_dbh, 'SET SESSION query_cache_type = OFF;'); } else { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine @mysql_query('SET SESSION query_cache_type = OFF;', $this->mysql_dbh); } } // Find the supported engines - in case the dump had something else (case seen: saved from MariaDB with engine Aria; imported into plain MySQL without) $supported_engines = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW ENGINES", OBJECT_K); $supported_charsets = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW CHARACTER SET", OBJECT_K); $db_supported_collations_res = $wpdb->get_results('SHOW COLLATION', OBJECT_K); $supported_collations = (null !== $db_supported_collations_res) ? $db_supported_collations_res : array(); $updraft_restorer_collate = isset($this->restore_options['updraft_restorer_collate']) ? $this->restore_options['updraft_restorer_collate'] : ''; $this->errors = 0; $this->statements_run = 0; $this->insert_statements_run = 0; $this->tables_created = 0; $sql_line = ""; $sql_type = -1; $this->start_time = microtime(true); $old_wpversion = ''; $this->old_siteurl = ''; $this->old_home = ''; $this->old_content = ''; $this->old_uploads = ''; $this->old_table_prefix = (defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_OVERRIDE_IMPORT_PREFIX') && UPDRAFTPLUS_OVERRIDE_IMPORT_PREFIX) ? UPDRAFTPLUS_OVERRIDE_IMPORT_PREFIX : ''; $old_siteinfo = array(); $gathering_siteinfo = true; $this->create_forbidden = false; $this->drop_forbidden = false; $this->lock_forbidden = false; $this->last_error = ''; $random_table_name = 'updraft_tmp_'.rand(0, 9999999).md5(microtime(true)); // The only purpose in funnelling queries directly here is to be able to get the error number if ($this->use_wpdb()) { $req = $wpdb->query("CREATE TABLE $random_table_name (test INT)"); // WPDB, for several query types, returns the number of rows changed; in distinction from an error, indicated by (bool)false if (0 === $req) { $req = true; } if (!$req) $this->last_error = $wpdb->last_error; $this->last_error_no = false; } else { if ($this->use_mysqli) { $req = mysqli_query($this->mysql_dbh, "CREATE TABLE $random_table_name (test INT)"); } else { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine $req = mysql_unbuffered_query("CREATE TABLE $random_table_name (test INT)", $this->mysql_dbh); } if (!$req) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine $this->last_error = ($this->use_mysqli) ? mysqli_error($this->mysql_dbh) : mysql_error($this->mysql_dbh); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine $this->last_error_no = ($this->use_mysqli) ? mysqli_errno($this->mysql_dbh) : mysql_errno($this->mysql_dbh); } } if (!$req && ($this->use_wpdb() || 1142 === $this->last_error_no)) { $this->create_forbidden = true; // If we can't create, then there's no point dropping $this->drop_forbidden = true; // abort dummy restore process if ($this->is_dummy_db_restore) { return new WP_Error('abort_dummy_restore', __('Your database user does not have permission to drop tables', 'updraftplus')); } $updraftplus->log(__('Your database user does not have permission to create tables. We will attempt to restore by simply emptying the tables; this should work as long as a) you are restoring from a WordPress version with the same database structure, and b) Your imported database does not contain any tables which are not already present on the importing site.', 'updraftplus'), 'warning-restore'); $updraftplus->log('Your database user does not have permission to create tables. We will attempt to restore by simply emptying the tables; this should work as long as a) you are restoring from a WordPress version with the same database structure, and b) Your imported database does not contain any tables which are not already present on the importing site.'); $updraftplus->log('Error was: '.$this->last_error.' ('.$this->last_error_no.')'); } else { if (1142 === $this->lock_table($random_table_name)) { $this->lock_forbidden = true; $updraftplus->log("Database user has no permission to lock tables - will not lock after CREATE"); } if ($this->use_wpdb()) { $req = $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE $random_table_name"); // WPDB, for several query types, returns the number of rows changed; in distinction from an error, indicated by (bool)false if (0 === $req) { $req = true; } if (!$req) $this->last_error = $wpdb->last_error; $this->last_error_no = false; } else { if ($this->use_mysqli) { $req = mysqli_query($this->mysql_dbh, "DROP TABLE $random_table_name"); } else { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine $req = mysql_unbuffered_query("DROP TABLE $random_table_name", $this->mysql_dbh); } if (!$req) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine $this->last_error = ($this->use_mysqli) ? mysqli_error($this->mysql_dbh) : mysql_error($this->mysql_dbh); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine $this->last_error_no = ($this->use_mysqli) ? mysqli_errno($this->mysql_dbh) : mysql_errno($this->mysql_dbh); } } if (!$req && ($this->use_wpdb() || 1142 === $this->last_error_no)) { $this->drop_forbidden = true; // abort dummy restore process if ($this->is_dummy_db_restore) { return new WP_Error('abort_dummy_restore', __('Your database user does not have permission to drop tables', 'updraftplus')); } $updraftplus->log(sprintf('Your database user does not have permission to drop tables. We will attempt to restore by simply emptying the tables; this should work as long as you are restoring from a WordPress version with the same database structure (%s)', '('.$this->last_error.', '.$this->last_error_no.')')); $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('Your database user does not have permission to drop tables. We will attempt to restore by simply emptying the tables; this should work as long as you are restoring from a WordPress version with the same database structure (%s)', 'updraftplus'), '('.$this->last_error.', '.$this->last_error_no.')'), 'warning-restore'); } } $restoring_table = ''; $this->max_allowed_packet = $updraftplus->max_packet_size(); $updraftplus->log("Entering maintenance mode"); $this->wp_upgrader->maintenance_mode(true); // N.B. There is no such function as bzeof() - we have to detect that another way while (($is_plain && !feof($dbhandle)) || (!$is_plain && (($is_bz2) || (!$is_bz2 && !gzeof($dbhandle))))) { // Up to 1Mb if ($is_plain) { $buffer = rtrim(fgets($dbhandle, 1048576)); } elseif ($is_bz2) { if (!isset($bz2_buffer)) $bz2_buffer = ''; $buffer = ''; if (strlen($bz2_buffer) < 524288) $bz2_buffer .= bzread($dbhandle, 1048576); if (bzerrno($dbhandle) !== 0) { $updraftplus->log("bz2 error: ".bzerrstr($dbhandle)." (code: ".bzerrno($bzhandle).")"); break; } if (false !== $bz2_buffer && '' !== $bz2_buffer) { if (false !== ($p = strpos($bz2_buffer, "\n"))) { $buffer .= substr($bz2_buffer, 0, $p+1); $bz2_buffer = substr($bz2_buffer, $p+1); } else { $buffer .= $bz2_buffer; $bz2_buffer = ''; } } else { break; } $buffer = rtrim($buffer); } else { $buffer = rtrim(gzgets($dbhandle, 1048576)); } // Discard comments if (empty($buffer) || '#' == substr($buffer, 0, 1) || preg_match('/^--(\s|$)/', substr($buffer, 0, 3))) { if ('' == $this->old_siteurl && preg_match('/^\# Backup of: (http(.*))$/', $buffer, $matches)) { $this->old_siteurl = untrailingslashit($matches[1]); $updraftplus->log("Backup of: ".$this->old_siteurl); $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('Backup of: %s', 'updraftplus'), $this->old_siteurl), 'notice-restore', 'backup-of'); do_action('updraftplus_restore_db_record_old_siteurl', $this->old_siteurl); $this->save_configuration_bundle(); } elseif (false === $this->created_by_version && preg_match('/^\# Created by UpdraftPlus version ([\d\.]+)/', $buffer, $matches)) { $this->created_by_version = trim($matches[1]); $updraftplus->log(__('Backup created by:', 'updraftplus').' '.$this->created_by_version, 'notice-restore', 'created-by'); $updraftplus->log('Backup created by: '.$this->created_by_version); } elseif ('' == $this->old_home && preg_match('/^\# Home URL: (http(.*))$/', $buffer, $matches)) { $this->old_home = untrailingslashit($matches[1]); if ($this->old_siteurl && $this->old_home != $this->old_siteurl) { $updraftplus->log(__('Site home:', 'updraftplus').' '.$this->old_home, 'notice-restore', 'site-home'); $updraftplus->log('Site home: '.$this->old_home); } do_action('updraftplus_restore_db_record_old_home', $this->old_home); } elseif ('' == $this->old_content && preg_match('/^\# Content URL: (http(.*))$/', $buffer, $matches)) { $this->old_content = untrailingslashit($matches[1]); $updraftplus->log(__('Content URL:', 'updraftplus').' '.$this->old_content, 'notice-restore', 'content-url'); $updraftplus->log('Content URL: '.$this->old_content); do_action('updraftplus_restore_db_record_old_content', $this->old_content); } elseif ('' == $this->old_uploads && preg_match('/^\# Uploads URL: (http(.*))$/', $buffer, $matches)) { $this->old_uploads = untrailingslashit($matches[1]); $updraftplus->log(__('Uploads URL:', 'updraftplus').' '.$this->old_uploads, 'notice-restore', 'uploads-url'); $updraftplus->log('Uploads URL: '.$this->old_uploads); do_action('updraftplus_restore_db_record_old_uploads', $this->old_uploads); } elseif ('' == $this->old_table_prefix && (preg_match('/^\# Table prefix: (\S+)$/', $buffer, $matches) || preg_match('/^-- Table Prefix: (\S+)$/i', $buffer, $matches))) { // We also support backwpup style: // -- Table Prefix: wp_ $this->old_table_prefix = $matches[1]; $updraftplus->log(__('Old table prefix:', 'updraftplus').' '.$this->old_table_prefix, 'notice-restore', 'old-table-prefix'); $updraftplus->log("Old table prefix: ".$this->old_table_prefix); } elseif (preg_match('/^\# Skipped tables: (.*)$/', $buffer, $matches)) { $skipped_tables = explode(',', $matches[1]); $updraftplus->log(__('Skipped tables:', 'updraftplus').' '.$matches[1], 'notice-restore', 'skipped-tables'); $updraftplus->log("Skipped tables: ".$matches[1]); } elseif ($gathering_siteinfo && preg_match('/^\# Site info: (\S+)$/', $buffer, $matches)) { if ('end' == $matches[1]) { $gathering_siteinfo = false; // Sanity checks if (isset($old_siteinfo['multisite']) && !$old_siteinfo['multisite'] && is_multisite()) { if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlusAddOn_MultiSite') || !class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Addons_Migrator')) { return new WP_Error('missing_addons', sprintf(__('To import an ordinary WordPress site into a multisite installation requires %s.', 'updraftplus'), 'UpdraftPlus Premium')); } } } elseif (preg_match('/^([^=]+)=(.*)$/', $matches[1], $kvmatches)) { $key = $kvmatches[1]; $val = $kvmatches[2]; $updraftplus->log(__('Site information:', 'updraftplus')." $key = $val", 'notice-restore', 'site-information'); $updraftplus->log("Site information: $key=$val"); $old_siteinfo[$key] = $val; if ('multisite' == $key) { $this->ud_backup_is_multisite = ($val) ? 1 : 0; } } } continue; } // Detect INSERT commands early, so that we can split them if necessary if (preg_match('/^\s*(insert into \`?([^\`]*)\`?\s+(values|\())/i', $sql_line.$buffer, $matches)) { $this->table_name = $matches[2]; $sql_type = 3; $insert_prefix = $matches[1]; } // Deal with case where adding this line will take us over the MySQL max_allowed_packet limit - must split, if we can (if it looks like consecutive rows) // Allow a 100-byte margin for error (including searching/replacing table prefix) if (3 == $sql_type && $sql_line && strlen($sql_line.$buffer) > ($this->max_allowed_packet - 100) && preg_match('/,\s*$/', $sql_line) && preg_match('/^\s*\(/', $buffer)) { // Remove the final comma; replace with semi-colon $sql_line = substr(rtrim($sql_line), 0, strlen($sql_line)-1).';'; if ('' != $this->old_table_prefix && $import_table_prefix != $this->old_table_prefix) $sql_line = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_replace_once($this->old_table_prefix, $import_table_prefix, $sql_line); // Run the SQL command; then set up for the next one. $this->line++; $updraftplus->log(__("Split line to avoid exceeding maximum packet size", 'updraftplus')." (".strlen($sql_line)." + ".strlen($buffer)." : ".$this->max_allowed_packet.")", 'notice-restore'); $updraftplus->log("Split line to avoid exceeding maximum packet size (".strlen($sql_line)." + ".strlen($buffer)." : ".$this->max_allowed_packet.")"); $do_exec = $this->sql_exec($sql_line, $sql_type, $import_table_prefix); if (is_wp_error($do_exec)) return $do_exec; // Reset, then carry on $sql_line = $insert_prefix." "; } $sql_line .= $buffer; // Do we have a complete line yet? We used to just test the final character for ';' here (up to 1.8.12), but that was too unsophisticated if ((3 == $sql_type && !preg_match('/\)\s*;$/', substr($sql_line, -3, 3))) || (3 != $sql_type && ';' != substr($sql_line, -1, 1))) continue; $this->line++; // We now have a complete line - process it if (3 == $sql_type && $sql_line && strlen($sql_line) > $this->max_allowed_packet) { $this->log_oversized_packet($sql_line); // Reset $sql_line = ''; $sql_type = -1; // If this is the very first SQL line of the options table, we need to bail; it's essential if (0 == $this->insert_statements_run && $restoring_table && $restoring_table == $import_table_prefix.'options') { $updraftplus->log("Leaving maintenance mode"); $this->wp_upgrader->maintenance_mode(false); return new WP_Error('initial_db_error', sprintf(__('An error occurred on the first %s command - aborting run', 'updraftplus'), 'INSERT (options)')); } continue; } // The timed overhead of this is negligible if (preg_match('/^\s*drop table (if exists )?\`?([^\`]*)\`?\s*;/i', $sql_line, $matches)) { $sql_type = 1; if (!isset($printed_new_table_prefix)) { $import_table_prefix = $this->pre_sql_actions($import_table_prefix); if (false === $import_table_prefix || is_wp_error($import_table_prefix)) return $import_table_prefix; $printed_new_table_prefix = true; } $this->table_name = $matches[2]; // Legacy, less reliable - in case it was not caught before if ('' == $this->old_table_prefix && preg_match('/^([a-z0-9]+)_.*$/i', $this->table_name, $tmatches)) { $this->old_table_prefix = $tmatches[1].'_'; $updraftplus->log(__('Old table prefix:', 'updraftplus').' '.$this->old_table_prefix, 'notice-restore', 'old-table-prefix'); $updraftplus->log("Old table prefix (detected from first table): ".$this->old_table_prefix); } $this->new_table_name = $this->old_table_prefix ? UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_replace_once($this->old_table_prefix, $import_table_prefix, $this->table_name) : $this->table_name; if ('' != $this->old_table_prefix && $import_table_prefix != $this->old_table_prefix) { $sql_line = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_replace_once($this->old_table_prefix, $import_table_prefix, $sql_line); } if (empty($matches[1])) { // Seen with some foreign backups $sql_line = preg_replace('/drop table/i', 'drop table if exists', $sql_line, 1); } $this->tables_been_dropped[] = $this->new_table_name; } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*create table \`?([^\`\(]*)\`?\s*\(/i', $sql_line, $matches)) { $sql_type = 2; $this->insert_statements_run = 0; $this->table_name = $matches[1]; // Legacy, less reliable - in case it was not caught before. We added it in here (CREATE) as well as in DROP because of SQL dumps which lack DROP statements. if ('' == $this->old_table_prefix && preg_match('/^([a-z0-9]+)_.*$/i', $this->table_name, $tmatches)) { $this->old_table_prefix = $tmatches[1].'_'; $updraftplus->log(__('Old table prefix:', 'updraftplus').' '.$this->old_table_prefix, 'notice-restore', 'old-table-prefix'); $updraftplus->log("Old table prefix (detected from creating first table): ".$this->old_table_prefix); } // MySQL 4.1 outputs TYPE=, but accepts ENGINE=; 5.1 onwards accept *only* ENGINE= $sql_line = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_lreplace('TYPE=', 'ENGINE=', $sql_line); if (empty($printed_new_table_prefix)) { $import_table_prefix = $this->pre_sql_actions($import_table_prefix); if (false === $import_table_prefix || is_wp_error($import_table_prefix)) return $import_table_prefix; $printed_new_table_prefix = true; } $this->new_table_name = $this->old_table_prefix ? UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_replace_once($this->old_table_prefix, $import_table_prefix, $this->table_name) : $this->table_name; // This CREATE TABLE command may be the de-facto mark for the end of processing a previous table (which is so if this is not the first table in the SQL dump) if ($restoring_table) { // Attempt to reconnect if the DB connection dropped (may not succeed, of course - but that will soon become evident) $updraftplus->check_db_connection($this->wpdb_obj); // After restoring the options table, we can set old_siteurl if on legacy (i.e. not already set) if ($restoring_table == $import_table_prefix.'options') { if ('' == $this->old_siteurl || '' == $this->old_home || '' == $this->old_content) { global $updraftplus_addons_migrator; if (!empty($updraftplus_addons_migrator->new_blogid)) switch_to_blog($updraftplus_addons_migrator->new_blogid); if ('' == $this->old_siteurl) { $this->old_siteurl = untrailingslashit($wpdb->get_row("SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name='siteurl'")->option_value); do_action('updraftplus_restore_db_record_old_siteurl', $this->old_siteurl); } if ('' == $this->old_home) { $this->old_home = untrailingslashit($wpdb->get_row("SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name='home'")->option_value); do_action('updraftplus_restore_db_record_old_home', $this->old_home); } if ('' == $this->old_content) { $this->old_content = $this->old_siteurl.'/wp-content'; do_action('updraftplus_restore_db_record_old_content', $this->old_content); } if (!empty($updraftplus_addons_migrator->new_blogid)) restore_current_blog(); } } if ($restoring_table != $this->new_table_name) $this->restored_table($restoring_table, $import_table_prefix, $this->old_table_prefix); } $engine = "(?)"; $engine_change_message = ''; if (preg_match('/ENGINE=([^\s;]+)/', $sql_line, $eng_match)) { $engine = $eng_match[1]; if (isset($supported_engines[$engine])) { if ('myisam' == strtolower($engine)) { $sql_line = preg_replace('/PAGE_CHECKSUM=\d\s?/', '', $sql_line, 1); } } else { $engine_change_message = sprintf(__('Requested table engine (%s) is not present - changing to MyISAM.', 'updraftplus'), $engine)."
"; $sql_line = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_lreplace("ENGINE=$engine", "ENGINE=MyISAM", $sql_line); // Remove (M)aria options if ('maria' == strtolower($engine) || 'aria' == strtolower($engine)) { $sql_line = preg_replace('/PAGE_CHECKSUM=\d\s?/', '', $sql_line, 1); $sql_line = preg_replace('/TRANSACTIONAL=\d\s?/', '', $sql_line, 1); } } } $charset_change_message = ''; if (preg_match('/ CHARSET=([^\s;]+)/i', $sql_line, $charset_match)) { $charset = $charset_match[1]; if (!isset($supported_charsets[$charset])) { $charset_change_message = sprintf(__('Requested table character set (%s) is not present - changing to %s.', 'updraftplus'), esc_html($charset), esc_html($this->restore_options['updraft_restorer_charset'])); $sql_line = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_lreplace("CHARSET=$charset", "CHARSET=".$this->restore_options['updraft_restorer_charset'], $sql_line); // Allow default COLLLATE to database if (preg_match('/ COLLATE=([^\s;]+)/i', $sql_line, $collate_match)) { $collate = $collate_match[1]; $sql_line = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_lreplace(" COLLATE=$collate", "", $sql_line); } } } $collate_change_message = ''; $unsupported_collates_in_sql_line = array(); if (!empty($updraft_restorer_collate) && preg_match('/ COLLATE=([^\s]+)/i', $sql_line, $collate_match)) { $collate = $collate_match[1]; if (!isset($supported_collations[$collate])) { $unsupported_collates_in_sql_line[] = $collate; if ('choose_a_default_for_each_table' == $updraft_restorer_collate) { $sql_line = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_lreplace("COLLATE=$collate", "", $sql_line, false); } else { $sql_line = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_lreplace("COLLATE=$collate", "COLLATE=".$updraft_restorer_collate, $sql_line, false); } } } if (!empty($updraft_restorer_collate) && preg_match_all('/ COLLATE ([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+) /i', $sql_line, $collate_matches)) { $collates = array_unique($collate_matches[1]); foreach ($collates as $collate) { if (!isset($supported_collations[$collate])) { $unsupported_collates_in_sql_line[] = $collate; if ('choose_a_default_for_each_table' == $updraft_restorer_collate) { $sql_line = str_ireplace("COLLATE $collate ", "", $sql_line); } else { $sql_line = str_ireplace("COLLATE $collate ", "COLLATE ".$updraft_restorer_collate." ", $sql_line); } } } } if (!empty($updraft_restorer_collate) && preg_match_all('/ COLLATE ([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+),/i', $sql_line, $collate_matches)) { $collates = array_unique($collate_matches[1]); foreach ($collates as $collate) { if (!isset($supported_collations[$collate])) { $unsupported_collates_in_sql_line[] = $collate; if ('choose_a_default_for_each_table' == $updraft_restorer_collate) { $sql_line = str_ireplace("COLLATE $collate,", ",", $sql_line); } else { $sql_line = str_ireplace("COLLATE $collate,", "COLLATE ".$updraft_restorer_collate.",", $sql_line); } } } } if (count($unsupported_collates_in_sql_line) > 0) { $unsupported_unique_collates_in_sql_line = array_unique($unsupported_collates_in_sql_line); $collate_change_message = sprintf(_n('Requested table collation (%1$s) is not present - changing to %2$s.', 'Requested table collations (%1$s) are not present - changing to %2$s.', count($unsupported_unique_collates_in_sql_line), 'updraftplus'), esc_html(implode(', ', $unsupported_unique_collates_in_sql_line)), esc_html($this->restore_options['updraft_restorer_collate'])); } $print_line = sprintf(__('Processing table (%s)', 'updraftplus'), $engine).": ".$this->table_name; $logline = "Processing table ($engine): ".$this->table_name; if ('' != $this->old_table_prefix && $import_table_prefix != $this->old_table_prefix) { if ($this->restore_this_table($this->table_name)) { $print_line .= ' - '.__('will restore as:', 'updraftplus').' '.htmlspecialchars($this->new_table_name); $logline .= " - will restore as: ".$this->new_table_name; } else { $logline .= ' - skipping'; } $sql_line = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_replace_once($this->old_table_prefix, $import_table_prefix, $sql_line); $this->restored_table_names[] = $this->new_table_name; } $updraftplus->log($logline); $updraftplus->log($print_line, 'notice-restore'); $restoring_table = $this->new_table_name; if ($charset_change_message) $updraftplus->log($charset_change_message, 'notice-restore'); if ($collate_change_message) $updraftplus->log($collate_change_message, 'notice-restore'); if ($engine_change_message) $updraftplus->log($engine_change_message, 'notice-restore'); } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*(insert into \`?([^\`]*)\`?\s+(values|\())/i', $sql_line, $matches)) { $sql_type = 3; $this->table_name = $matches[2]; if ('' != $this->old_table_prefix && $import_table_prefix != $this->old_table_prefix) $sql_line = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_replace_once($this->old_table_prefix, $import_table_prefix, $sql_line); } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*(\/\*\!40000 )?(alter|lock) tables? \`?([^\`\(]*)\`?\s+(write|disable|enable)/i', $sql_line, $matches)) { // Only binary mysqldump produces this pattern (LOCK TABLES `table` WRITE, ALTER TABLE `table` (DISABLE|ENABLE) KEYS) $sql_type = 4; if ('' != $this->old_table_prefix && $import_table_prefix != $this->old_table_prefix) $sql_line = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_replace_once($this->old_table_prefix, $import_table_prefix, $sql_line); } elseif (preg_match('/^(un)?lock tables/i', $sql_line)) { // BackWPup produces these $sql_type = 5; } elseif (preg_match('/^(create|drop) database /i', $sql_line)) { // WPB2D produces these, as do some phpMyAdmin dumps $sql_type = 6; } elseif (preg_match('/^use /i', $sql_line)) { // WPB2D produces these, as do some phpMyAdmin dumps $sql_type = 7; } elseif (preg_match('#^\s*/\*\!40\d+ (SET NAMES) (.*)\*\/#i', $sql_line, $smatches)) { $sql_type = 8; $charset = rtrim($smatches[2]); $connection_charset = $updraftplus->get_connection_charset(); if ('utf8' === $charset && 'utf8mb4' === $connection_charset) { $sql_line = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_lreplace("SET NAMES $charset", "SET NAMES $connection_charset", $sql_line); $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('Found SET NAMES %s, but changing to %s as suggested by WPDB::determine_charset().', 'updraftplus'), $charset, $connection_charset), 'notice-restore'); $charset = $connection_charset; } $this->set_names = $charset; if (!isset($supported_charsets[$charset])) { $sql_line = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_lreplace($smatches[1]." ".$charset, "SET NAMES ".$this->restore_options['updraft_restorer_charset'], $sql_line); $updraftplus->log('SET NAMES: '.sprintf(__('Requested character set (%s) is not present - changing to %s.', 'updraftplus'), esc_html($charset), esc_html($this->restore_options['updraft_restorer_charset'])), 'notice-restore'); } } else { // Prevent the previous value of $sql_type being retained for an unknown type $sql_type = 0; } if (6 != $sql_type && 7 != $sql_type) { $do_exec = $this->sql_exec($sql_line, $sql_type); if (is_wp_error($do_exec)) return $do_exec; } else { $updraftplus->log("Skipped SQL statement (unwanted type=$sql_type): $sql_line"); } // Reset $sql_line = ''; $sql_type = -1; } // Rescan storage, but only if there was remote storage and a database; otherwise just re-scan locally if (!empty($this->ud_backup_info['db']) && !empty($this->ud_backup_info['service']) && ('none' !== $this->ud_backup_info['service'] && 'email' !== $this->ud_backup_info['service'] && array('') !== $this->ud_backup_info['service'] && array('none') !== $this->ud_backup_info['service'] && array('email') !== $this->ud_backup_info['service'])) { $only_add_this_file = array('file' => $this->ud_backup_info['db']); UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::rebuild(true, $only_add_this_file); } else { UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::rebuild(); } if (!empty($this->lock_forbidden)) { $updraftplus->log("Leaving maintenance mode"); } else { $updraftplus->log("Unlocking database and leaving maintenance mode"); $this->unlock_tables(); } $this->wp_upgrader->maintenance_mode(false); if ($restoring_table) $this->restored_table($restoring_table, $import_table_prefix, $this->old_table_prefix); // drop the dummy restored tables if ($this->is_dummy_db_restore) $this->drop_tables($this->restored_table_names); $time_taken = microtime(true) - $this->start_time; $updraftplus->log_e('Finished: lines processed: %d in %.2f seconds', $this->line, $time_taken); if ($is_plain) { fclose($dbhandle); } elseif ($is_bz2) { bzclose($dbhandle); } else { gzclose($dbhandle); } global $wp_filesystem; if (!$wp_filesystem->delete($working_dir.'/'.$db_basename, false, 'f')) { $this->restore_log_permission_failure_message($working_dir, 'Delete '.$working_dir.'/'.$db_basename); } return true; } private function lock_table($table) { // Not yet working return true; global $updraftplus; $table = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::backquote($table); if ($this->use_wpdb()) { $req = $wpdb->query("LOCK TABLES $table WRITE;"); } else { if ($this->use_mysqli) { $req = mysqli_query($this->mysql_dbh, "LOCK TABLES $table WRITE;"); } else { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine $req = mysql_unbuffered_query("LOCK TABLES $table WRITE;", $this->mysql_dbh); } if (!$req) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine $lock_error_no = $this->use_mysqli ? mysqli_errno($this->mysql_dbh) : mysql_errno($this->mysql_dbh); } } if (!$req && ($this->use_wpdb() || 1142 === $lock_error_no)) { // Permission denied return 1142; } return true; } public function unlock_tables() { return; // Not yet working if ($this->use_wpdb()) { $wpdb->query("UNLOCK TABLES;"); } elseif ($this->use_mysqli) { $req = mysqli_query($this->mysql_dbh, "UNLOCK TABLES;"); } else { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine $req = mysql_unbuffered_query("UNLOCK TABLES;"); } } /** * Save configuration bundle, ready to restore it once the options table has been restored */ private function save_configuration_bundle() { $this->configuration_bundle = array(); // Some items must always be saved + restored; others only on a migration // Remember, if modifying this, that a restoration can include restoring a destroyed site from a backup onto a fresh WP install on the same URL. So, it is not necessarily desirable to retain the current settings and drop the ones in the backup. $keys_to_save = array('updraft_remotesites', 'updraft_migrator_localkeys', 'updraft_central_localkeys'); if ($this->old_siteurl != $this->our_siteurl || (defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_RESTORE_ALL_SETTINGS') && UPDRAFTPLUS_RESTORE_ALL_SETTINGS)) { global $updraftplus; $keys_to_save = array_merge($keys_to_save, $updraftplus->get_settings_keys()); $keys_to_save[] = 'updraft_backup_history'; } foreach ($keys_to_save as $key) { $this->configuration_bundle[$key] = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option($key); } } /** * The table here is just for logging/info. The actual restoration itself is done via the standard options class. * * @param string $table specific table */ private function restore_configuration_bundle($table) { if (!is_array($this->configuration_bundle)) return; global $updraftplus; $updraftplus->log("Restoring prior UD configuration (table: $table; keys: ".count($this->configuration_bundle).")"); foreach ($this->configuration_bundle as $key => $value) { UpdraftPlus_Options::delete_updraft_option($key); UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option($key, $value); } } /** * Log the information that a particular SQL commandment is too long * * @param String $sql_line - the SQL */ private function log_oversized_packet($sql_line) { global $updraftplus; $logit = substr($sql_line, 0, 100); $updraftplus->log(sprintf("An SQL line that is larger than the maximum packet size and cannot be split was found: %s", '('.strlen($sql_line).', '.$logit.' ...)')); $updraftplus->log(__('Warning:', 'updraftplus').' '.sprintf(__("An SQL line that is larger than the maximum packet size and cannot be split was found; this line will not be processed, but will be dropped: %s", 'updraftplus'), '('.strlen($sql_line).', '.$this->max_allowed_packet.', '.$logit.' ...)'), 'notice-restore'); } private function restore_this_table($table_name) { global $updraftplus; $unprefixed_table_name = substr($table_name, strlen($this->old_table_prefix)); // First, check whether it's a multisite site which we're not restoring. This is stored in restore_this_site (once we know the site). if (!empty($this->ud_multisite_selective_restore)) { if (preg_match('/^(\d+)_.*$/', $unprefixed_table_name, $matches)) { $site_id = $matches[1]; if (!isset($this->restore_this_site[$site_id])) { $this->restore_this_site[$site_id] = apply_filters( 'updraftplus_restore_this_site', true, $site_id, $unprefixed_table_name, $this->restore_options ); } if (false === $this->restore_this_site[$site_id]) { // The first time it's looked into, it gets logged $updraftplus->log_e('Skipping site %s: this table (%s) and others from the site will not be restored', $site_id, $table_name); $this->restore_this_site[$site_id] = 0; } if (!$this->restore_this_site[$site_id]) { return false; } } } // Secondly, if we're still intending to proceed, check the table specifically if (!isset($this->restore_this_table[$table_name])) { $this->restore_this_table[$table_name] = apply_filters( 'updraftplus_restore_this_table', true, $unprefixed_table_name, $this->restore_options ); if (false === $this->restore_this_table[$table_name]) { // The first time it's looked into, it gets logged $updraftplus->log_e('Skipping table %s: this table will not be restored', $table_name); $this->restore_this_table[$table_name] = 0; } } return $this->restore_this_table[$table_name]; } /** * UPDATE is sql_type=5 (not used in the function, but used in Migrator and so noted here for reference) * $import_table_prefix is only use in one place in this function (long INSERTs), and otherwise need/should not be supplied * * @param string $sql_line sql line to execute * @param integer $sql_type sql type * @param string $import_table_prefix import type prefix * @param boolean $check_skipping if true, then check whether the table is on the list of tables to skip * @return Boolean|WP_Error|Void */ public function sql_exec($sql_line, $sql_type, $import_table_prefix = '', $check_skipping = true) { global $wpdb, $updraftplus; if ($check_skipping && !empty($this->table_name) && !$this->restore_this_table($this->table_name)) return; $ignore_errors = false; // Type 2 = CREATE TABLE if (2 == $sql_type && $this->create_forbidden) { $updraftplus->log_e('Cannot create new tables, so skipping this command (%s)', htmlspecialchars($sql_line)); $req = true; } else { if (2 == $sql_type && !$this->drop_forbidden) { // We choose, for now, to be very conservative - we only do the apparently-missing drop if we have never seen any drop - i.e. assume that in SQL dumps with missing DROPs, that it's because there are no DROPs at all if (!in_array($this->new_table_name, $this->tables_been_dropped)) { $updraftplus->log_e('Table to be implicitly dropped: %s', $this->new_table_name); $this->sql_exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::backquote($this->new_table_name), 1, '', false); $this->tables_been_dropped[] = $this->new_table_name; } } // Type 1 = DROP TABLE if (1 == $sql_type) { if ($this->drop_forbidden) { $sql_line = "DELETE FROM ".UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::backquote($this->new_table_name); $updraftplus->log_e('Cannot drop tables, so deleting instead (%s)', $sql_line); $ignore_errors = true; } } if (3 == $sql_type && $sql_line && strlen($sql_line) > $this->max_allowed_packet) { $this->log_oversized_packet($sql_line); // If this is the very first SQL line of the options table, we need to bail; it's essential $this->errors++; if (0 == $this->insert_statements_run && $this->new_table_name && $this->new_table_name == $import_table_prefix.'options') { $updraftplus->log('Leaving maintenance mode'); $this->wp_upgrader->maintenance_mode(false); return new WP_Error('initial_db_error', sprintf(__('An error occurred on the first %s command - aborting run', 'updraftplus'), 'INSERT (options)')); } return false; } if ($this->use_wpdb()) { $req = $wpdb->query($sql_line); // WPDB, for several query types, returns the number of rows changed; in distinction from an error, indicated by (bool)false if (0 === $req) { $req = true; } if (!$req) $this->last_error = $wpdb->last_error; } else { if ($this->use_mysqli) { $req = mysqli_query($this->mysql_dbh, $sql_line); if (!$req) $this->last_error = mysqli_error($this->mysql_dbh); } else { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine $req = mysql_unbuffered_query($sql_line, $this->mysql_dbh); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine if (!$req) $this->last_error = mysql_error($this->mysql_dbh); } } if (3 == $sql_type) $this->insert_statements_run++; if (1 == $sql_type) $this->tables_been_dropped[] = $this->new_table_name; $this->statements_run++; } if (!$req) { if (!$ignore_errors) $this->errors++; $print_err = (strlen($sql_line) > 100) ? substr($sql_line, 0, 100).' ...' : $sql_line; $updraftplus->log(sprintf(_x('An error (%s) occurred:', 'The user is being told the number of times an error has happened, e.g. An error (27) occurred', 'updraftplus'), $this->errors)." - ".$this->last_error." - ".__('the database query being run was:', 'updraftplus').' '.$print_err, 'notice-restore'); $updraftplus->log("An error (".$this->errors.") occurred: ".$this->last_error." - SQL query was (type=$sql_type): ".substr($sql_line, 0, 65536)); // First command is expected to be DROP TABLE if (1 == $this->errors && 2 == $sql_type && 0 == $this->tables_created) { if ($this->drop_forbidden) { $updraftplus->log_e("Create table failed - probably because there is no permission to drop tables and the table already exists; will continue"); } else { $updraftplus->log("Leaving maintenance mode"); $this->wp_upgrader->maintenance_mode(false); return new WP_Error('initial_db_error', sprintf(__('An error occurred on the first %s command - aborting run', 'updraftplus'), 'CREATE TABLE')); } } elseif (2 == $sql_type && 0 == $this->tables_created && $this->drop_forbidden) { // Decrease error counter again; otherwise, we'll cease if there are >=50 tables if (!$ignore_errors) $this->errors--; } elseif (8 == $sql_type && 1 == $this->errors) { $updraftplus->log("Aborted: SET NAMES ".$this->set_names." failed: leaving maintenance mode"); $this->wp_upgrader->maintenance_mode(false); $extra_msg = ''; $dbv = $wpdb->db_version(); if ('utf8mb4' == strtolower($this->set_names) && $dbv && version_compare($dbv, '5.2.0', '<=')) { $extra_msg = ' '.__('This problem is caused by trying to restore a database on a very old MySQL version that is incompatible with the source database.', 'updraftplus').' '.sprintf(__('This database needs to be deployed on MySQL version %s or later.', 'updraftplus'), '5.5'); } return new WP_Error('initial_db_error', sprintf(__('An error occurred on the first %s command - aborting run', 'updraftplus'), 'SET NAMES').'. '.sprintf(__('To use this backup, your database server needs to support the %s character set.', 'updraftplus'), $this->set_names).$extra_msg); } if ($this->errors > 49) { $this->wp_upgrader->maintenance_mode(false); return new WP_Error('too_many_db_errors', __('Too many database errors have occurred - aborting', 'updraftplus')); } } elseif (2 == $sql_type) { if (!$this->lock_forbidden) $this->lock_table($this->new_table_name); $this->tables_created++; do_action('updraftplus_creating_table', $this->new_table_name); } if ($this->line >0 && 0 == $this->line % 50) { if ($this->line > $this->line_last_logged && (0 == $this->line % 250 || $this->line < 250)) { $this->line_last_logged = $this->line; $time_taken = microtime(true) - $this->start_time; $updraftplus->log_e('Database queries processed: %d in %.2f seconds', $this->line, $time_taken); } } return $req; } private function flush_rewrite_rules() { // We have to deal with the fact that the procedures used call get_option, which could be looking at the wrong table prefix, or have the wrong thing cached global $updraftplus_addons_migrator; if (!empty($updraftplus_addons_migrator->new_blogid)) switch_to_blog($updraftplus_addons_migrator->new_blogid); foreach (array('permalink_structure', 'rewrite_rules', 'page_on_front') as $opt) { add_filter('pre_option_'.$opt, array($this, 'option_filter_'.$opt)); } global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->init(); // Don't do this: it will cause rules created by plugins that weren't active at the start of the restore run to be lost // flush_rewrite_rules(true); if (function_exists('save_mod_rewrite_rules')) save_mod_rewrite_rules(); if (function_exists('iis7_save_url_rewrite_rules')) iis7_save_url_rewrite_rules(); foreach (array('permalink_structure', 'rewrite_rules', 'page_on_front') as $opt) { remove_filter('pre_option_'.$opt, array($this, 'option_filter_'.$opt)); } if (!empty($updraftplus_addons_migrator->new_blogid)) restore_current_blog(); } private function restored_table($table, $import_table_prefix, $old_table_prefix) { $table_without_prefix = substr($table, strlen($import_table_prefix)); if (isset($this->restore_this_table[$old_table_prefix.$table_without_prefix]) && !$this->restore_this_table[$old_table_prefix.$table_without_prefix]) return; global $wpdb, $updraftplus; if ($table == $import_table_prefix.UpdraftPlus_Options::options_table()) { // This became necessary somewhere around WP 4.5 - otherwise deleting and re-saving options stopped working wp_cache_flush(); $this->restore_configuration_bundle($table); } if (preg_match('/^([\d+]_)?options$/', substr($table, strlen($import_table_prefix)), $matches)) { // The second prefix here used to have a '!$this->is_multisite' on it (i.e. 'options' table on non-multisite). However, the user_roles entry exists in the main options table on multisite too. if (($this->is_multisite && !empty($matches[1])) || $table == $import_table_prefix.'options') { $mprefix = empty($matches[1]) ? '' : $matches[1]; $new_table_name = $import_table_prefix.$mprefix."options"; // WordPress has an option name predicated upon the table prefix. Yuk. if ($import_table_prefix != $old_table_prefix) { $updraftplus->log("Table prefix has changed: changing options table field(s) accordingly (".$mprefix."options)"); $print_line = sprintf(__('Table prefix has changed: changing %s table field(s) accordingly:', 'updraftplus'), 'option').' '; if (false === $wpdb->query("UPDATE $new_table_name SET option_name='${import_table_prefix}".$mprefix."user_roles' WHERE option_name='${old_table_prefix}".$mprefix."user_roles' LIMIT 1")) { $print_line .= __('Error', 'updraftplus'); $updraftplus->log("Error when changing options table fields: ".$wpdb->last_error); } else { $updraftplus->log("Options table fields changed OK"); $print_line .= __('OK', 'updraftplus'); } $updraftplus->log($print_line, 'notice-restore'); } // Now deal with the situation where the imported database sets a new over-ride upload_path that is absolute - which may not be wanted $new_upload_path = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT option_value FROM ${import_table_prefix}".$mprefix."options WHERE option_name = %s LIMIT 1", 'upload_path')); $new_upload_path = (is_object($new_upload_path)) ? $new_upload_path->option_value : ''; // The danger situation is absolute and points somewhere that is now perhaps not accessible at all if (!empty($new_upload_path) && $new_upload_path != $this->prior_upload_path && (strpos($new_upload_path, '/') === 0) || preg_match('#^[A-Za-z]:[/\\\]#', $new_upload_path)) { // $this->old_siteurl != untrailingslashit(site_url()) is not a perfect proxy for "is a migration" (other possibilities exist), but since the upload_path option should not exist since WP 3.5 anyway, the chances of other possibilities are vanishingly small if (!file_exists($new_upload_path) || $this->old_siteurl != $this->our_siteurl) { if (!file_exists($new_upload_path)) { $updraftplus->log_e("Uploads path (%s) does not exist - resetting (%s)", $new_upload_path, $this->prior_upload_path); } else { $updraftplus->log_e("Uploads path (%s) has changed during a migration - resetting (to: %s)", $new_upload_path, $this->prior_upload_path); } if (false === $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE ${import_table_prefix}".$mprefix."options SET option_value='%s' WHERE option_name='upload_path' LIMIT 1", array($this->prior_upload_path)))) { $updraftplus->log(__('Error', 'updraftplus'), 'notice-restore'); $updraftplus->log("Error when changing upload path: ".$wpdb->last_error); $updraftplus->log("Failed"); } } } // TODO:Do on all WPMU tables if ($table == $import_table_prefix.'options') { // Bad plugin that hard-codes path references - https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-content-type-manager/ $cctm_data = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT option_value FROM $new_table_name WHERE option_name = %s LIMIT 1", 'cctm_data')); if (!empty($cctm_data->option_value)) { $cctm_data = maybe_unserialize($cctm_data->option_value); if (is_array($cctm_data) && !empty($cctm_data['cache']) && is_array($cctm_data['cache'])) { $cctm_data['cache'] = array(); $updraftplus->log_e("Custom content type manager plugin data detected: clearing option cache"); update_option('cctm_data', $cctm_data); } } // Another - http://www.elegantthemes.com/gallery/elegant-builder/ $elegant_data = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT option_value FROM $new_table_name WHERE option_name = %s LIMIT 1", 'et_images_temp_folder')); if (!empty($elegant_data->option_value)) { $dbase = basename($elegant_data->option_value); $wp_upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $edir = $wp_upload_dir['basedir']; if (!is_dir($edir.'/'.$dbase)) @mkdir($edir.'/'.$dbase); $updraftplus->log_e("Elegant themes theme builder plugin data detected: resetting temporary folder"); update_option('et_images_temp_folder', $edir.'/'.$dbase); } } // The gantry menu plugin sometimes uses too-long transient names, causing the timeout option to be missing; and hence the transient becomes permanent. // WP 3.4 onwards has $wpdb->delete(). But we support 3.2 onwards. $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $new_table_name WHERE option_name LIKE '_transient_gantry-menu%' OR option_name LIKE '_transient_timeout_gantry-menu%'"); // Jetpack: see: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/issues-with-dev-site if ($this->old_siteurl != $this->our_siteurl) { $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $new_table_name WHERE option_name = 'jetpack_options'"); } } } elseif ($import_table_prefix != $old_table_prefix && preg_match('/^([\d+]_)?usermeta$/', substr($table, strlen($import_table_prefix)), $matches)) { // This table is not a per-site table, but per-install $updraftplus->log("Table prefix has changed: changing usermeta table field(s) accordingly"); $print_line = sprintf(__('Table prefix has changed: changing %s table field(s) accordingly:', 'updraftplus'), 'usermeta').' '; $errors_occurred = false; if (false === strpos($old_table_prefix, '_')) { // Old, slow way: do it row-by-row // By Jul 2015, doing this on the updraftplus.com database took 20 minutes on a slow test machine $old_prefix_length = strlen($old_table_prefix); $um_sql = "SELECT umeta_id, meta_key FROM ${import_table_prefix}usermeta WHERE meta_key LIKE '".str_replace('_', '\_', $old_table_prefix)."%'"; $meta_keys = $wpdb->get_results($um_sql); foreach ($meta_keys as $meta_key) { // Create new meta key $new_meta_key = $import_table_prefix . substr($meta_key->meta_key, $old_prefix_length); $query = "UPDATE " . $import_table_prefix . "usermeta SET meta_key='".$new_meta_key."' WHERE umeta_id=".$meta_key->umeta_id; if (false === $wpdb->query($query)) $errors_occurred = true; } } else { // New, fast way: do it in a single query $sql = "UPDATE ${import_table_prefix}usermeta SET meta_key = REPLACE(meta_key, '$old_table_prefix', '${import_table_prefix}') WHERE meta_key LIKE '".str_replace('_', '\_', $old_table_prefix)."%';"; if (false === $wpdb->query($sql)) $errors_occurred = true; } if ($errors_occurred) { $updraftplus->log("Error when changing usermeta table fields"); $print_line .= __('Error', 'updraftplus'); } else { $updraftplus->log("Usermeta table fields changed OK"); $print_line .= __('OK', 'updraftplus'); } $updraftplus->log($print_line, 'notice-restore'); } do_action('updraftplus_restored_db_table', $table, $import_table_prefix); // Re-generate permalinks. Do this last - i.e. make sure everything else is fixed up first. if ($table == $import_table_prefix.'options') $this->flush_rewrite_rules(); } /** * Log permission failure message when restoring a backup * * @param string $path full path of file or folder * @param string $log_message_prefix action which is performed to path * @param string $directory_prefix_in_log_message Directory Prefix. It should be either "Parent" or "Destination" */ private function restore_log_permission_failure_message($path, $log_message_prefix, $directory_prefix_in_log_message = 'Parent') { global $updraftplus; $log_message = $updraftplus->log_permission_failure_message($path, $log_message_prefix, $directory_prefix_in_log_message); if ($log_message) { $updraftplus->log($log_message, 'warning-restore'); } } /** * This function will loop through all the sites available and get their active plugins and ensure any missing plugins are removed from the active list to prevent crashes. * * @param string $import_table_prefix - the table prefix * * @return void */ private function check_active_plugins($import_table_prefix) { global $wpdb; if ($this->is_multisite) { // Get the site wide active plugins $plugins = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT meta_value FROM ${import_table_prefix}sitemeta WHERE meta_key = 'active_sitewide_plugins'"); if (!empty($plugins->meta_value)) { $plugins = $this->deactivate_missing_plugins($plugins->meta_value); $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE ${import_table_prefix}sitemeta SET meta_value=%s WHERE meta_key='active_sitewide_plugins'", $plugins)); } $offset = 0; $limit = 250; while (true) { // Loop over and get each sites active plugins $blogs = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT blog_id FROM {$wpdb->blogs} LIMIT ${offset}, ${limit}", ARRAY_A); if (empty($blogs)) break; foreach ($blogs as $row) { if (!apply_filters('updraftplus_restore_this_site', true, $row['blog_id'], '', $this->restore_options)) continue; $plugins = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT option_value FROM ".$wpdb->get_blog_prefix($row['blog_id'])."options WHERE option_name = 'active_plugins'"); if (empty($plugins->option_value)) continue; $plugins = $this->deactivate_missing_plugins($plugins->option_value); $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE ".$wpdb->get_blog_prefix($row['blog_id'])."options SET option_value=%s WHERE option_name='active_plugins'", $plugins)); } $offset += $limit; } } else { $plugins = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT option_value FROM ${import_table_prefix}options WHERE option_name = 'active_plugins'"); if (empty($plugins->option_value)) return; $plugins = $this->deactivate_missing_plugins($plugins->option_value); $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE ${import_table_prefix}options SET option_value=%s WHERE option_name='active_plugins'", $plugins)); } } /** * This function will check the list of active plugins and ensure they are still installed, if any are missing it will deactivate them to prevent the site from crashing. * * @param String $plugins - serialized active plugins * * @return String - filtered results */ private function deactivate_missing_plugins($plugins) { global $updraftplus; if (!function_exists('get_plugins')) include_once(ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); $installed_plugins = array_keys(get_plugins()); $plugins = maybe_unserialize($plugins); foreach ($plugins as $key => $path) { // Single site and multisite have a different array structure, in single site the path is the array value, in multisite the path is the array key. if (!in_array($key, $installed_plugins) && !in_array($path, $installed_plugins)) { $log_path = $this->is_multisite ? $key : $path; $updraftplus->log_e('Plugin path %s not found: de-activating.', $log_path); unset($plugins[$key]); } } $plugins = serialize($plugins); return $plugins; } /** * This function will return the prefix which will use as a dummy table prefix * * @param String $string - default prefix * * @return String - dummy prefix */ public function updraftplus_restore_table_prefix_dummy($string) { global $wpdb; while (true) { $random_string = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::generate_random_string(2). '_'; if ($string != $random_string) { if (0 === $wpdb->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$random_string."%'")) return $random_string; } } } /** * This function will drop all tables from the database * * @param Array $tables - list of table names */ private function drop_tables($tables) { foreach ($tables as $table) $this->sql_exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::backquote($table), 1, '', false); } } // The purpose of this is that, in a certain case, we want to forbid the "move" operation from doing a copy/delete if a direct move fails... because we have our own method for retrying (and don't want to risk copying a tonne of data if we can avoid it) if (!class_exists('WP_Filesystem_Direct')) { if (!class_exists('WP_Filesystem_Base')) include_once(ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php'); include_once(ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php'); } class UpdraftPlus_WP_Filesystem_Direct extends WP_Filesystem_Direct { public function move($source, $destination, $overwrite = false) { if (!$overwrite && $this->exists($destination)) return false; // try using rename first. if that fails (for example, source is read only) try copy if (@rename($source, $destination)) return true; return false; } } /** * Get a protected property */ class UpdraftPlus_WPDB extends wpdb { /** * Get the database handle * * @return Mixed - the database handle */ public function updraftplus_get_database_handle() { return $this->dbh; } /** * Return whether the object is using mysqli or not. * * @return Boolean */ public function updraftplus_use_mysqli() { return !empty($this->use_mysqli); } }