whichdb = $whichdb; $this->table_prefix_raw = $table_prefix_raw; $this->dbhandle = $dbhandle; } /** * The purpose of this function is to make sure that the options table is put in the database first, then the users table, then the site + blogs tables (if present - multisite), then the usermeta table; and after that the core WP tables - so that when restoring we restore the core tables first * * @param [array] $a_arr the first array * @param [array] $b_arr the second array * @return [array] returns a sorted array */ public function backup_db_sorttables($a_arr, $b_arr) { $a = $a_arr['name']; $a_table_type = $a_arr['type']; $b = $b_arr['name']; $b_table_type = $b_arr['type']; // Views must always go after tables (since they can depend upon them) if ('VIEW' == $a_table_type && 'VIEW' != $b_table_type) return 1; if ('VIEW' == $b_table_type && 'VIEW' != $a_table_type) return -1; if ('wp' != $this->whichdb) return strcmp($a, $b); global $updraftplus; if ($a == $b) return 0; $our_table_prefix = $this->table_prefix_raw; if ($a == $our_table_prefix.'options') return -1; if ($b == $our_table_prefix.'options') return 1; if ($a == $our_table_prefix.'site') return -1; if ($b == $our_table_prefix.'site') return 1; if ($a == $our_table_prefix.'blogs') return -1; if ($b == $our_table_prefix.'blogs') return 1; if ($a == $our_table_prefix.'users') return -1; if ($b == $our_table_prefix.'users') return 1; if ($a == $our_table_prefix.'usermeta') return -1; if ($b == $our_table_prefix.'usermeta') return 1; if (empty($our_table_prefix)) return strcmp($a, $b); try { $core_tables = array_merge($this->dbhandle->tables, $this->dbhandle->global_tables, $this->dbhandle->ms_global_tables); } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log($e->getMessage()); } if (empty($core_tables)) $core_tables = array('terms', 'term_taxonomy', 'termmeta', 'term_relationships', 'commentmeta', 'comments', 'links', 'postmeta', 'posts', 'site', 'sitemeta', 'blogs', 'blogversions'); $na = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_replace_once($our_table_prefix, '', $a); $nb = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_replace_once($our_table_prefix, '', $b); if (in_array($na, $core_tables) && !in_array($nb, $core_tables)) return -1; if (!in_array($na, $core_tables) && in_array($nb, $core_tables)) return 1; return strcmp($a, $b); } } class UpdraftPlus_WPDB_OtherDB_Utility extends wpdb { /** * This adjusted bail() does two things: 1) Never dies and 2) logs in the UD log * * @param [string] $message a string containing a message * @param [string] $error_code a string containing an error code * @return [bool] returns false */ public function bail( $message, $error_code = '500' ) { global $updraftplus; if ('db_connect_fail' == $error_code) $message = 'Connection failed: check your access details, that the database server is up, and that the network connection is not firewalled.'; $updraftplus->log("WPDB_OtherDB error: $message ($error_code)"); // Now do the things that would have been done anyway if (class_exists('WP_Error')) $this->error = new WP_Error($error_code, $message); else $this->error = $message; return false; } }