(string - a code), 'data' => (mixed)); * * RPC commands are not allowed to begin with an underscore. So, any private methods can be prefixed with an underscore. */ class UpdraftCentral_Core_Commands extends UpdraftCentral_Commands { /** * Executes a list of submitted commands (multiplexer) * * @param Array $query An array containing the commands to execute and a flag to indicate how to handle command execution failure. * @return Array An array containing the results of the process. */ public function execute_commands($query) { try { $commands = $query['commands']; $command_results = array(); $error_count = 0; /** * Should be one of the following options: * 1 = Abort on first failure * 2 = Abort if any command fails * 3 = Abort if all command fails (default) */ $error_flag = isset($query['error_flag']) ? (int) $query['error_flag'] : 3; foreach ($commands as $command => $params) { $command_info = apply_filters('updraftcentral_get_command_info', false, $command); if (!$command_info) { list($_prefix, $_command) = explode('.', $command); $command_results[$_prefix][$_command] = array('response' => 'rpcerror', 'data' => array('code' => 'unknown_rpc_command', 'data' => $command)); $error_count++; if (1 === $error_flag) break; } else { $class_prefix = $command_info['class_prefix']; $action = $command_info['command']; $command_php_class = $command_info['command_php_class']; // Instantiate the command class and execute the needed action if (class_exists($command_php_class)) { $instance = new $command_php_class($this->rc); if (method_exists($instance, $action)) { $params = empty($params) ? array() : $params; $call_result = call_user_func_array(array($instance, $action), $params); $command_results[$command] = $call_result; if ('rpcerror' === $call_result['response'] || (isset($call_result['data']['error']) && $call_result['data']['error'])) { $error_count++; if (1 === $error_flag) break; } } } } } if (0 !== $error_count) { // N.B. These error messages should be defined in UpdraftCentral's translation file (dashboard-translations.php) // before actually using this multiplexer function. $message = 'general_command_execution_error'; switch ($error_flag) { case 1: $message = 'command_execution_aborted'; break; case 2: $message = 'failed_to_execute_some_commands'; break; case 3: if (count($commands) === $error_count) { $message = 'failed_to_execute_all_commands'; } break; default: break; } $result = array('error' => true, 'message' => $message, 'values' => $command_results); } else { $result = $command_results; } } catch (Exception $e) { $result = array('error' => true, 'message' => $e->getMessage()); } return $this->_response($result); } /** * Validates the credentials entered by the user * * @param array $creds an array of filesystem credentials * @return array An array containing the result of the validation process. */ public function validate_credentials($creds) { try { $entity = $creds['entity']; if (isset($creds['filesystem_credentials'])) { parse_str($creds['filesystem_credentials'], $filesystem_credentials); if (is_array($filesystem_credentials)) { foreach ($filesystem_credentials as $key => $value) { // Put them into $_POST, which is where request_filesystem_credentials() checks for them. $_POST[$key] = $value; } } } // Include the needed WP Core file(s) // template.php needed for submit_button() which is called by request_filesystem_credentials() $this->_admin_include('file.php', 'template.php'); // Directory entities that we currently need permissions // to update. $entity_directories = array( 'plugins' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR, 'themes' => WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/themes', 'core' => untrailingslashit(ABSPATH) ); $url = wp_nonce_url(site_url()); $directory = $entity_directories[$entity]; // Check if credentials are valid and have sufficient // privileges to create and delete (e.g. write) $credentials = request_filesystem_credentials($url, '', false, $directory); if (WP_Filesystem($credentials, $directory)) { global $wp_filesystem; $path = $entity_directories[$entity].'/.updraftcentral'; if (!$wp_filesystem->put_contents($path, '', 0644)) { $result = array('error' => true, 'message' => 'failed_credentials', 'values' => array()); } else { $wp_filesystem->delete($path); $result = array('error' => false, 'message' => 'credentials_ok', 'values' => array()); } } else { $result = array('error' => true, 'message' => 'failed_credentials', 'values' => array()); } } catch (Exception $e) { $result = array('error' => true, 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'values' => array()); } return $this->_response($result); } /** * Gets the FileSystem Credentials * * Extract the needed filesystem credentials (permissions) to be used * to update/upgrade the plugins, themes and the WP core. * * @return array $result - An array containing the creds form and some flags * to determine whether we need to extract the creds * manually from the user. */ public function get_credentials() { try { // Check whether user has enough permission to update entities if (!current_user_can('update_plugins') && !current_user_can('update_themes') && !current_user_can('update_core')) return $this->_generic_error_response('updates_permission_denied'); // Include the needed WP Core file(s) $this->_admin_include('file.php', 'template.php'); // A container that will hold the state (in this case, either true or false) of // each directory entities (plugins, themes, core) that will be used to determine // whether or not there's a need to show a form that will ask the user for their credentials // manually. $request_filesystem_credentials = array(); // A container for the filesystem credentials form if applicable. $filesystem_form = ''; // Directory entities that we currently need permissions // to update. $check_fs = array( 'plugins' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR, 'themes' => WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/themes', 'core' => untrailingslashit(ABSPATH) ); // Here, we're looping through each entities and find output whether // we have sufficient permissions to update objects belonging to them. foreach ($check_fs as $entity => $dir) { // We're determining which method to use when updating // the files in the filesystem. $filesystem_method = get_filesystem_method(array(), $dir); // Buffering the output to pull the actual credentials form // currently being used by this WP instance if no sufficient permissions // is found. $url = wp_nonce_url(site_url()); ob_start(); $filesystem_credentials_are_stored = request_filesystem_credentials($url, $filesystem_method); $form = strip_tags(ob_get_contents(), '