array(), 'onedrive' => array(), 'googledrive' => array(), 'googlecloud' => array()); private $php_versions = array('5.4', '5.5', '5.6', '7.0', '7.1', '7.2', '7.3'); private $wp_versions = array('3.2', '3.3', '3.4', '3.5', '3.6', '3.7', '3.8', '3.9', '4.0', '4.1', '4.2', '4.3', '4.4', '4.5', '4.6', '4.7', '4.8', '4.9'); /** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { $this->admin_init(); } /** * Get the path to the UI templates directory * * @return String - a filesystem directory path */ public function get_templates_dir() { return apply_filters('updraftplus_templates_dir', UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::wp_normalize_path(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/templates')); } private function register_template_directories() { $template_directories = array(); $templates_dir = $this->get_templates_dir(); if ($dh = opendir($templates_dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ('.' == $file || '..' == $file) continue; if (is_dir($templates_dir.'/'.$file)) { $template_directories[$file] = $templates_dir.'/'.$file; } } closedir($dh); } // This is the optimal hook for most extensions to hook into $this->template_directories = apply_filters('updraftplus_template_directories', $template_directories); } /** * Output, or return, the results of running a template (from the 'templates' directory, unless a filter over-rides it). Templates are run with $updraftplus, $updraftplus_admin and $wpdb set. * * @param String $path - path to the template * @param Boolean $return_instead_of_echo - by default, the template is echo-ed; set this to instead return it * @param Array $extract_these - variables to inject into the template's run context * * @return Void|String */ public function include_template($path, $return_instead_of_echo = false, $extract_these = array()) { if ($return_instead_of_echo) ob_start(); if (preg_match('#^([^/]+)/(.*)$#', $path, $matches)) { $prefix = $matches[1]; $suffix = $matches[2]; if (isset($this->template_directories[$prefix])) { $template_file = $this->template_directories[$prefix].'/'.$suffix; } } if (!isset($template_file)) $template_file = UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/templates/'.$path; $template_file = apply_filters('updraftplus_template', $template_file, $path); do_action('updraftplus_before_template', $path, $template_file, $return_instead_of_echo, $extract_these); if (!file_exists($template_file)) { error_log("UpdraftPlus: template not found: $template_file"); echo __('Error:', 'updraftplus').' '.__('template not found', 'updraftplus')." ($path)"; } else { extract($extract_these); global $updraftplus, $wpdb; $updraftplus_admin = $this; include $template_file; } do_action('updraftplus_after_template', $path, $template_file, $return_instead_of_echo, $extract_these); if ($return_instead_of_echo) return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Add actions for any needed dashboard notices for remote storage services * * @param String|Array $services - a list of services, or single service */ private function setup_all_admin_notices_global($services) { global $updraftplus; if ('googledrive' === $services || (is_array($services) && in_array('googledrive', $services))) { $settings = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::update_remote_storage_options_format('googledrive'); if (is_wp_error($settings)) { if (!isset($this->storage_module_option_errors)) $this->storage_module_option_errors = ''; $this->storage_module_option_errors .= "Google Drive (".$settings->get_error_code()."): ".$settings->get_error_message(); add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_multiple_storage_options')); $updraftplus->log_wp_error($settings, true, true); } elseif (!empty($settings['settings'])) { foreach ($settings['settings'] as $instance_id => $storage_options) { if ((defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_CUSTOM_GOOGLEDRIVE_APP') && UPDRAFTPLUS_CUSTOM_GOOGLEDRIVE_APP) || !empty($storage_options['clientid'])) { if (!empty($storage_options['clientid'])) { $clientid = $storage_options['clientid']; $token = empty($storage_options['token']) ? '' : $storage_options['token']; } if (!empty($clientid) && '' == $token) { if (!in_array($instance_id, $this->auth_instance_ids['googledrive'])) $this->auth_instance_ids['googledrive'][] = $instance_id; if (false === has_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_googledrive'))) add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_googledrive')); } unset($clientid); unset($token); } else { if (empty($storage_options['user_id'])) { if (!in_array($instance_id, $this->auth_instance_ids['googledrive'])) $this->auth_instance_ids['googledrive'][] = $instance_id; if (false === has_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_googledrive'))) add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_googledrive')); } } } } } if ('googlecloud' === $services || (is_array($services) && in_array('googlecloud', $services))) { $settings = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::update_remote_storage_options_format('googlecloud'); if (is_wp_error($settings)) { if (!isset($this->storage_module_option_errors)) $this->storage_module_option_errors = ''; $this->storage_module_option_errors .= "Google Cloud (".$settings->get_error_code()."): ".$settings->get_error_message(); add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_multiple_storage_options')); $updraftplus->log_wp_error($settings, true, true); } elseif (!empty($settings['settings'])) { foreach ($settings['settings'] as $instance_id => $storage_options) { $clientid = $storage_options['clientid']; $token = (empty($storage_options['token'])) ? '' : $storage_options['token']; if (!empty($clientid) && empty($token)) { if (!in_array($instance_id, $this->auth_instance_ids['googlecloud'])) $this->auth_instance_ids['googlecloud'][] = $instance_id; if (false === has_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_googlecloud'))) add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_googlecloud')); } } } } if ('dropbox' === $services || (is_array($services) && in_array('dropbox', $services))) { $settings = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::update_remote_storage_options_format('dropbox'); if (is_wp_error($settings)) { if (!isset($this->storage_module_option_errors)) $this->storage_module_option_errors = ''; $this->storage_module_option_errors .= "Dropbox (".$settings->get_error_code()."): ".$settings->get_error_message(); add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_multiple_storage_options')); $updraftplus->log_wp_error($settings, true, true); } elseif (!empty($settings['settings'])) { foreach ($settings['settings'] as $instance_id => $storage_options) { if (empty($storage_options['tk_access_token'])) { if (!in_array($instance_id, $this->auth_instance_ids['dropbox'])) $this->auth_instance_ids['dropbox'][] = $instance_id; if (false === has_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_dropbox'))) add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_dropbox')); } } } } if ('onedrive' === $services || (is_array($services) && in_array('onedrive', $services))) { $settings = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::update_remote_storage_options_format('onedrive'); if (is_wp_error($settings)) { if (!isset($this->storage_module_option_errors)) $this->storage_module_option_errors = ''; $this->storage_module_option_errors .= "OneDrive (".$settings->get_error_code()."): ".$settings->get_error_message(); add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_multiple_storage_options')); $updraftplus->log_wp_error($settings, true, true); } elseif (!empty($settings['settings'])) { foreach ($settings['settings'] as $instance_id => $storage_options) { if ((defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_CUSTOM_ONEDRIVE_APP') && UPDRAFTPLUS_CUSTOM_ONEDRIVE_APP)) { if (!empty($storage_options['clientid']) && !empty($storage_options['secret']) && empty($storage_options['refresh_token'])) { if (!in_array($instance_id, $this->auth_instance_ids['onedrive'])) $this->auth_instance_ids['onedrive'][] = $instance_id; if (false === has_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_onedrive'))) add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_onedrive')); } elseif (empty($storage_options['refresh_token'])) { if (!in_array($instance_id, $this->auth_instance_ids['onedrive'])) $this->auth_instance_ids['onedrive'][] = $instance_id; if (false === has_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_onedrive'))) add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_onedrive')); } } else { if (empty($storage_options['refresh_token'])) { if (!in_array($instance_id, $this->auth_instance_ids['onedrive'])) $this->auth_instance_ids['onedrive'][] = $instance_id; if (false === has_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_onedrive'))) add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_onedrive')); } } } } } if ('updraftvault' === $services || (is_array($services) && in_array('updraftvault', $services))) { $settings = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::update_remote_storage_options_format('updraftvault'); if (is_wp_error($settings)) { if (!isset($this->storage_module_option_errors)) $this->storage_module_option_errors = ''; $this->storage_module_option_errors .= "UpdraftVault (".$settings->get_error_code()."): ".$settings->get_error_message(); add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_multiple_storage_options')); $updraftplus->log_wp_error($settings, true, true); } elseif (!empty($settings['settings'])) { foreach ($settings['settings'] as $instance_id => $storage_options) { if (empty($storage_options['token']) && empty($storage_options['email'])) { add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_updraftvault')); } } } } if ($this->disk_space_check(1048576*35) === false) add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_diskspace')); } private function setup_all_admin_notices_udonly($service, $override = false) { global $updraftplus; if (UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage() && defined('DISABLE_WP_CRON') && DISABLE_WP_CRON && (!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_DISABLE_WP_CRON_NOTICE') || !UPDRAFTPLUS_DISABLE_WP_CRON_NOTICE)) { add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_disabledcron')); } if (UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_debug_mode')) { @ini_set('display_errors', 1); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine if (defined('E_DEPRECATED')) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine @error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED); } else { @error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); } add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_debug_warning')); } if (null === UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval')) { add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_nosettings_warning')); $this->no_settings_warning = true; } // Avoid false positives, by attempting to raise the limit (as happens when we actually do a backup) @set_time_limit(UPDRAFTPLUS_SET_TIME_LIMIT); $max_execution_time = (int) @ini_get('max_execution_time'); if ($max_execution_time>0 && $max_execution_time<20) { add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_execution_time')); } // LiteSpeed has a generic problem with terminating cron jobs if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'LiteSpeed') !== false) { if (!is_file(ABSPATH.'.htaccess') || !preg_match('/noabort/i', file_get_contents(ABSPATH.'.htaccess'))) { add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_litespeed')); } } if (version_compare($updraftplus->get_wordpress_version(), '3.2', '<')) add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_wordpressversion')); // DreamObjects west cluster shutdown warning if ('dreamobjects' === $service || (is_array($service) && in_array('dreamobjects', $service))) { $settings = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::update_remote_storage_options_format('dreamobjects'); if (is_wp_error($settings)) { if (!isset($this->storage_module_option_errors)) $this->storage_module_option_errors = ''; $this->storage_module_option_errors .= "DreamObjects (".$settings->get_error_code()."): ".$settings->get_error_message(); add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_multiple_storage_options')); $updraftplus->log_wp_error($settings, true, true); } elseif (!empty($settings['settings'])) { foreach ($settings['settings'] as $instance_id => $storage_options) { if ('' == $storage_options['endpoint']) { add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_warning_dreamobjects')); } } } } } /** * Used to output the information for the next scheduled backup. * moved to function for the ajax saves */ public function next_scheduled_backups_output() { // UNIX timestamp $next_scheduled_backup = wp_next_scheduled('updraft_backup'); if ($next_scheduled_backup) { // Convert to GMT $next_scheduled_backup_gmt = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $next_scheduled_backup); // Convert to blog time zone $next_scheduled_backup = get_date_from_gmt($next_scheduled_backup_gmt, 'D, F j, Y H:i'); // $next_scheduled_backup = date_i18n('D, F j, Y H:i', $next_scheduled_backup); } else { $next_scheduled_backup = __('Nothing currently scheduled', 'updraftplus'); $files_not_scheduled = true; } $next_scheduled_backup_database = wp_next_scheduled('updraft_backup_database'); if (UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval_database', UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval')) == UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_interval')) { if (isset($files_not_scheduled)) { $next_scheduled_backup_database = $next_scheduled_backup; $database_not_scheduled = true; } else { $next_scheduled_backup_database = __("At the same time as the files backup", 'updraftplus'); $next_scheduled_backup_database_same_time = true; } } else { if ($next_scheduled_backup_database) { // Convert to GMT $next_scheduled_backup_database_gmt = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $next_scheduled_backup_database); // Convert to blog time zone $next_scheduled_backup_database = get_date_from_gmt($next_scheduled_backup_database_gmt, 'D, F j, Y H:i'); // $next_scheduled_backup_database = date_i18n('D, F j, Y H:i', $next_scheduled_backup_database); } else { $next_scheduled_backup_database = __('Nothing currently scheduled', 'updraftplus'); $database_not_scheduled = true; } } if (isset($files_not_scheduled) && isset($database_not_scheduled)) { ?> : : '.$next_scheduled_backup.''; } else { echo ''.$next_scheduled_backup.''; } if ($return_instead_of_echo) return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Used to output the information for the next scheduled database backup. * moved to function for the ajax saves * * @param Boolean $return_instead_of_echo Whether to return or echo the results. N.B. More than just the results to echo will be returned * @return Void|String If $return_instead_of_echo parameter is true, It returns html string */ public function next_scheduled_database_backups_output($return_instead_of_echo = false) { if ($return_instead_of_echo) ob_start(); $next_scheduled_backup_database = wp_next_scheduled('updraft_backup_database'); if ($next_scheduled_backup_database) { // Convert to GMT $next_scheduled_backup_database_gmt = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $next_scheduled_backup_database); // Convert to blog time zone $next_scheduled_backup_database = get_date_from_gmt($next_scheduled_backup_database_gmt, 'D, F j, Y H:i'); $database_not_scheduled = false; } else { $next_scheduled_backup_database = __('Nothing currently scheduled', 'updraftplus'); $database_not_scheduled = true; } if ($database_not_scheduled) { echo ''.$next_scheduled_backup_database.''; } else { echo ''.$next_scheduled_backup_database.''; } if ($return_instead_of_echo) return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Run upon the WP admin_init action */ private function admin_init() { add_action('core_upgrade_preamble', array($this, 'core_upgrade_preamble')); add_action('admin_action_upgrade-plugin', array($this, 'admin_action_upgrade_pluginortheme')); add_action('admin_action_upgrade-theme', array($this, 'admin_action_upgrade_pluginortheme')); add_action('admin_head', array($this, 'admin_head')); add_filter((is_multisite() ? 'network_admin_' : '').'plugin_action_links', array($this, 'plugin_action_links'), 10, 2); add_action('wp_ajax_updraft_download_backup', array($this, 'updraft_download_backup')); add_action('wp_ajax_updraft_ajax', array($this, 'updraft_ajax_handler')); add_action('wp_ajax_updraft_ajaxrestore', array($this, 'updraft_ajaxrestore')); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_updraft_ajaxrestore', array($this, 'updraft_ajaxrestore')); add_action('wp_ajax_plupload_action', array($this, 'plupload_action')); add_action('wp_ajax_plupload_action2', array($this, 'plupload_action2')); add_action('wp_before_admin_bar_render', array($this, 'wp_before_admin_bar_render')); // Add a new Ajax action for saving settings add_action('wp_ajax_updraft_savesettings', array($this, 'updraft_ajax_savesettings')); // Ajax for settings import and export add_action('wp_ajax_updraft_importsettings', array($this, 'updraft_ajax_importsettings')); // UpdraftPlus templates $this->register_template_directories(); global $updraftplus, $pagenow; add_filter('updraftplus_dirlist_others', array($updraftplus, 'backup_others_dirlist')); add_filter('updraftplus_dirlist_uploads', array($updraftplus, 'backup_uploads_dirlist')); // First, the checks that are on all (admin) pages: $service = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_service'); if (UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) { $this->print_restore_in_progress_box_if_needed(); // Main dashboard page advert // Since our nonce is printed, make sure they have sufficient credentials if ('index.php' == $pagenow && current_user_can('update_plugins') && (!file_exists(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/udaddons') || (defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_FORCE_DASHNOTICE') && UPDRAFTPLUS_FORCE_DASHNOTICE))) { $dismissed_until = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraftplus_dismisseddashnotice', 0); $backup_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); // N.B. Not an exact proxy for the installed time; they may have tweaked the expert option to move the directory $installed = @filemtime($backup_dir.'/index.html'); $installed_for = time() - $installed; if (($installed && time() > $dismissed_until && $installed_for > 28*86400 && !defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_NOADS_B')) || (defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_FORCE_DASHNOTICE') && UPDRAFTPLUS_FORCE_DASHNOTICE)) { add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_notice_upgradead')); } } // Moved out for use with Ajax saving $this->setup_all_admin_notices_global($service); } if (!class_exists('Updraft_Dashboard_News')) include_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/class-updraft-dashboard-news.php'); $news_translations = array( 'product_title' => 'UpdraftPlus', 'item_prefix' => __('UpdraftPlus', 'updraftplus'), 'item_description' => __('UpdraftPlus News', 'updraftplus'), 'dismiss_tooltip' => __('Dismiss all UpdraftPlus news', 'updraftplus'), 'dismiss_confirm' => __('Are you sure you want to dismiss all UpdraftPlus news forever?', 'updraftplus'), ); $updraftplus_dashboard_news = new Updraft_Dashboard_News('', '', $news_translations); // New-install admin tour if ((!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_ENABLE_TOUR') || UPDRAFTPLUS_ENABLE_TOUR) && (!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_THIS_IS_CLONE') || !UPDRAFTPLUS_THIS_IS_CLONE)) { include_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/updraftplus-tour.php'); } // Next, the actions that only come on the UpdraftPlus page if (UpdraftPlus_Options::admin_page() != $pagenow || empty($_REQUEST['page']) || 'updraftplus' != $_REQUEST['page']) return; $this->setup_all_admin_notices_udonly($service); add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'admin_enqueue_scripts'), 99999); $udp_saved_version = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraftplus_version'); if (!$udp_saved_version || $udp_saved_version != $updraftplus->version) { if (!$udp_saved_version) { // udp was newly installed, or upgraded from an older version do_action('updraftplus_newly_installed', $updraftplus->version); } else { // udp was updated or downgraded do_action('updraftplus_version_changed', UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraftplus_version'), $updraftplus->version); } UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraftplus_version', $updraftplus->version); } } /** * Sets up what is needed to allow an in-page backup to be run. Will enqueue scripts and output appropriate HTML (so, should be run when at a suitable place). Not intended for use on the UpdraftPlus settings page. * * @param string $title Text to use for the title of the modal * @param callable $callback Callable function to output the contents of the updraft_inpage_prebackup element - i.e. what shows in the modal before a backup begins. */ public function add_backup_scaffolding($title, $callback) { $this->admin_enqueue_scripts(); ?>


render_active_jobs_and_log_table(true, false); ?>
'Illegitimate data sent (0)')); die(); } if (empty($_POST['restorenonce'])) { echo json_encode(array('e' => 'Illegitimate data sent (1)')); die(); } $restore_nonce = (string) $_POST['restorenonce']; if (empty($_POST['ajaxauth'])) { echo json_encode(array('e' => 'Illegitimate data sent (2)')); die(); } global $updraftplus; $ajax_auth = get_site_option('updraft_ajax_restore_'.$restore_nonce); if (!$ajax_auth) { echo json_encode(array('e' => 'Illegitimate data sent (3)')); die(); } if (!preg_match('/^([0-9a-f]+):(\d+)/i', $ajax_auth, $matches)) { echo json_encode(array('e' => 'Illegitimate data sent (4)')); die(); } $nonce_time = $matches[2]; $auth_code_sent = $matches[1]; if (time() > $nonce_time + 600) { echo json_encode(array('e' => 'Illegitimate data sent (5)')); die(); } // TODO: Deactivate the auth code whilst the operation is underway $last_one = empty($_POST['lastone']) ? false : true; @set_time_limit(UPDRAFTPLUS_SET_TIME_LIMIT); $updraftplus->backup_time_nonce($restore_nonce); $updraftplus->logfile_open($restore_nonce); $timestamp = empty($_POST['timestamp']) ? false : (int) $_POST['timestamp']; $multisite = empty($_POST['multisite']) ? false : (bool) $_POST['multisite']; $created_by_version = empty($_POST['created_by_version']) ? false : (int) $_POST['created_by_version']; // TODO: We need to know about first_one (not yet sent), as well as last_one // TODO: Verify the values of these $type = empty($_POST['type']) ? false : (int) $_POST['type']; $backupfile = empty($_POST['backupfile']) ? false : (string) $_POST['backupfile']; $updraftplus->log("Deferred restore resumption: $type: $backupfile (timestamp=$timestamp, last_one=$last_one)"); $backupable_entities = $updraftplus->get_backupable_file_entities(true); if (!isset($backupable_entities[$type])) { echo json_encode(array('e' => 'Illegitimate data sent (6 - no such entity)', 'data' => $type)); die(); } if ($last_one) { // Remove the auth nonce from the DB to prevent abuse delete_site_option('updraft_ajax_restore_'.$restore_nonce); } else { // Reset the counter after a successful operation update_site_option('updraft_ajax_restore_'.$restore_nonce, $auth_code_sent.':'.time()); } echo json_encode(array('e' => 'TODO', 'd' => $_POST)); die; } /** * Runs upon the WP action wp_before_admin_bar_render */ public function wp_before_admin_bar_render() { global $wp_admin_bar; if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return; if (defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_ADMINBAR_DISABLE') && UPDRAFTPLUS_ADMINBAR_DISABLE) return; if (false == apply_filters('updraftplus_settings_page_render', true)) return; $option_location = UpdraftPlus_Options::admin_page_url(); $args = array( 'id' => 'updraft_admin_node', 'title' => apply_filters('updraftplus_admin_node_title', 'UpdraftPlus') ); $wp_admin_bar->add_node($args); $args = array( 'id' => 'updraft_admin_node_status', 'title' => str_ireplace('Back Up', 'Backup', __('Backup', 'updraftplus')).' / '.__('Restore', 'updraftplus'), 'parent' => 'updraft_admin_node', 'href' => $option_location.'?page=updraftplus&tab=backups' ); $wp_admin_bar->add_node($args); $args = array( 'id' => 'updraft_admin_node_migrate', 'title' => __('Migrate / Clone', 'updraftplus'), 'parent' => 'updraft_admin_node', 'href' => $option_location.'?page=updraftplus&tab=migrate' ); $wp_admin_bar->add_node($args); $args = array( 'id' => 'updraft_admin_node_settings', 'title' => __('Settings', 'updraftplus'), 'parent' => 'updraft_admin_node', 'href' => $option_location.'?page=updraftplus&tab=settings' ); $wp_admin_bar->add_node($args); $args = array( 'id' => 'updraft_admin_node_expert_content', 'title' => __('Advanced Tools', 'updraftplus'), 'parent' => 'updraft_admin_node', 'href' => $option_location.'?page=updraftplus&tab=expert' ); $wp_admin_bar->add_node($args); $args = array( 'id' => 'updraft_admin_node_addons', 'title' => __('Extensions', 'updraftplus'), 'parent' => 'updraft_admin_node', 'href' => $option_location.'?page=updraftplus&tab=addons' ); $wp_admin_bar->add_node($args); global $updraftplus; if (!$updraftplus->have_addons) { $args = array( 'id' => 'updraft_admin_node_premium', 'title' => 'UpdraftPlus Premium', 'parent' => 'updraft_admin_node', 'href' => apply_filters('updraftplus_com_link', '') ); $wp_admin_bar->add_node($args); } } /** * Output HTML for a dashboard notice highlighting the benefits of upgrading to Premium */ public function show_admin_notice_upgradead() { $this->include_template('wp-admin/notices/thanks-for-using-main-dash.php'); } /** * Enqueue sufficient versions of jQuery and our own scripts */ private function ensure_sufficient_jquery_and_enqueue() { global $updraftplus; $enqueue_version = $updraftplus->use_unminified_scripts() ? $updraftplus->version.'.'.time() : $updraftplus->version; $min_or_not = $updraftplus->use_unminified_scripts() ? '' : '.min'; if (version_compare($updraftplus->get_wordpress_version(), '3.3', '<')) { // Require a newer jQuery (3.2.1 has 1.6.1, so we go for something not too much newer). We use .on() in a way that is incompatible with < 1.7 wp_deregister_script('jquery'); $jquery_enqueue_version = $updraftplus->use_unminified_scripts() ? '1.7.2'.'.'.time() : '1.7.2'; wp_register_script('jquery', ''.$min_or_not.'.js', false, $jquery_enqueue_version, false); wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); // No plupload until 3.3 wp_enqueue_script('updraftplus-admin-common', UPDRAFTPLUS_URL.'/includes/updraftplus-admin-common'.$min_or_not.'.js', array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-dialog', 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-accordion'), $enqueue_version, true); } else { wp_enqueue_script('updraftplus-admin-common', UPDRAFTPLUS_URL.'/includes/updraftplus-admin-common'.$min_or_not.'.js', array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-dialog', 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-accordion', 'plupload-all'), $enqueue_version); } } /** * This is also called directly from the auto-backup add-on */ public function admin_enqueue_scripts() { global $updraftplus, $wp_locale; $enqueue_version = $updraftplus->use_unminified_scripts() ? $updraftplus->version.'.'.time() : $updraftplus->version; $min_or_not = $updraftplus->use_unminified_scripts() ? '' : '.min'; // Defeat other plugins/themes which dump their jQuery UI CSS onto our settings page wp_deregister_style('jquery-ui'); $jquery_ui_css_enqueue_version = $updraftplus->use_unminified_scripts() ? ''.'.'.time() : ''; wp_enqueue_style('jquery-ui', UPDRAFTPLUS_URL.'/includes/jquery-ui.custom'.$min_or_not.'.css', array(), $jquery_ui_css_enqueue_version); wp_enqueue_style('updraft-admin-css', UPDRAFTPLUS_URL.'/css/updraftplus-admin'.$min_or_not.'.css', array(), $enqueue_version); // add_filter('style_loader_tag', array($this, 'style_loader_tag'), 10, 2); $this->ensure_sufficient_jquery_and_enqueue(); $jquery_blockui_enqueue_version = $updraftplus->use_unminified_scripts() ? '2.70.0'.'.'.time() : '2.70.0'; wp_enqueue_script('jquery-blockui', UPDRAFTPLUS_URL.'/includes/jquery.blockUI'.$min_or_not.'.js', array('jquery'), $jquery_blockui_enqueue_version); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-labelauty', UPDRAFTPLUS_URL.'/includes/labelauty/jquery-labelauty'.$min_or_not.'.js', array('jquery'), $enqueue_version); wp_enqueue_style('jquery-labelauty', UPDRAFTPLUS_URL.'/includes/labelauty/jquery-labelauty'.$min_or_not.'.css', array(), $enqueue_version); $serialize_js_enqueue_version = $updraftplus->use_unminified_scripts() ? '2.8.1'.'.'.time() : '2.8.1'; wp_enqueue_script('jquery.serializeJSON', UPDRAFTPLUS_URL.'/includes/jquery.serializeJSON/jquery.serializejson'.$min_or_not.'.js', array('jquery'), $serialize_js_enqueue_version); $handlebars_js_enqueue_version = $updraftplus->use_unminified_scripts() ? '4.0.11'.'.'.time() : '4.0.11'; wp_enqueue_script('handlebars', UPDRAFTPLUS_URL.'/includes/handlebars/handlebars'.$min_or_not.'.js', array(), $handlebars_js_enqueue_version); $this->enqueue_jstree(); do_action('updraftplus_admin_enqueue_scripts'); $day_selector = ''; for ($day_index = 0; $day_index <= 6; $day_index++) { // $selected = ($opt == $day_index) ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $selected = ''; $day_selector .= "\n\t'; } $mday_selector = ''; for ($mday_index = 1; $mday_index <= 28; $mday_index++) { // $selected = ($opt == $mday_index) ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $selected = ''; $mday_selector .= "\n\t'; } $remote_storage_options_and_templates = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::get_remote_storage_options_and_templates(); $main_tabs = $this->get_main_tabs_array(); wp_localize_script('updraftplus-admin-common', 'updraftlion', array( 'tab' => empty($_GET['tab']) ? 'backups' : $_GET['tab'], 'sendonlyonwarnings' => __('Send a report only when there are warnings/errors', 'updraftplus'), 'wholebackup' => __('When the Email storage method is enabled, also send the backup', 'updraftplus'), 'emailsizelimits' => esc_attr(sprintf(__('Be aware that mail servers tend to have size limits; typically around %s Mb; backups larger than any limits will likely not arrive.', 'updraftplus'), '10-20')), 'rescanning' => __('Rescanning (looking for backups that you have uploaded manually into the internal backup store)...', 'updraftplus'), 'dbbackup' => __('Only email the database backup', 'updraftplus'), 'rescanningremote' => __('Rescanning remote and local storage for backup sets...', 'updraftplus'), 'enteremailhere' => esc_attr(__('To send to more than one address, separate each address with a comma.', 'updraftplus')), 'excludedeverything' => __('If you exclude both the database and the files, then you have excluded everything!', 'updraftplus'), 'nofileschosen' => __('You have chosen to backup files, but no file entities have been selected', 'updraftplus'), 'notableschosen' => __('You have chosen to backup a database, but no tables have been selected', 'updraftplus'), 'restore_proceeding' => __('The restore operation has begun. Do not press stop or close your browser until it reports itself as having finished.', 'updraftplus'), 'unexpectedresponse' => __('Unexpected response:', 'updraftplus'), 'servererrorcode' => __('The web server returned an error code (try again, or check your web server logs)', 'updraftplus'), 'newuserpass' => __("The new user's RackSpace console password is (this will not be shown again):", 'updraftplus'), 'trying' => __('Trying...', 'updraftplus'), 'fetching' => __('Fetching...', 'updraftplus'), 'calculating' => __('calculating...', 'updraftplus'), 'begunlooking' => __('Begun looking for this entity', 'updraftplus'), 'stilldownloading' => __('Some files are still downloading or being processed - please wait.', 'updraftplus'), 'processing' => __('Processing files - please wait...', 'updraftplus'), 'emptyresponse' => __('Error: the server sent an empty response.', 'updraftplus'), 'warnings' => __('Warnings:', 'updraftplus'), 'errors' => __('Errors:', 'updraftplus'), 'jsonnotunderstood' => __('Error: the server sent us a response which we did not understand.', 'updraftplus'), 'errordata' => __('Error data:', 'updraftplus'), 'error' => __('Error:', 'updraftplus'), 'errornocolon' => __('Error', 'updraftplus'), 'existing_backups' => __('Existing Backups', 'updraftplus'), 'fileready' => __('File ready.', 'updraftplus'), 'actions' => __('Actions', 'updraftplus'), 'deletefromserver' => __('Delete from your web server', 'updraftplus'), 'downloadtocomputer' => __('Download to your computer', 'updraftplus'), 'browse_contents' => __('Browse contents', 'updraftplus'), 'notunderstood' => __('Download error: the server sent us a response which we did not understand.', 'updraftplus'), 'requeststart' => __('Requesting start of backup...', 'updraftplus'), 'phpinfo' => __('PHP information', 'updraftplus'), 'delete_old_dirs' => __('Delete Old Directories', 'updraftplus'), 'raw' => __('Raw backup history', 'updraftplus'), 'notarchive' => __('This file does not appear to be an UpdraftPlus backup archive (such files are .zip or .gz files which have a name like: backup_(time)_(site name)_(code)_(type).(zip|gz)).', 'updraftplus').' '.__('However, UpdraftPlus archives are standard zip/SQL files - so if you are sure that your file has the right format, then you can rename it to match that pattern.', 'updraftplus'), 'notarchive2' => '

'.__('This file does not appear to be an UpdraftPlus backup archive (such files are .zip or .gz files which have a name like: backup_(time)_(site name)_(code)_(type).(zip|gz)).', 'updraftplus').'

'.apply_filters('updraftplus_if_foreign_then_premium_message', '

'.__('If this is a backup created by a different backup plugin, then UpdraftPlus Premium may be able to help you.', 'updraftplus').'

'), 'makesure' => __('(make sure that you were trying to upload a zip file previously created by UpdraftPlus)', 'updraftplus'), 'uploaderror' => __('Upload error:', 'updraftplus'), 'notdba' => __('This file does not appear to be an UpdraftPlus encrypted database archive (such files are .gz.crypt files which have a name like: backup_(time)_(site name)_(code)_db.crypt.gz).', 'updraftplus'), 'uploaderr' => __('Upload error', 'updraftplus'), 'followlink' => __('Follow this link to attempt decryption and download the database file to your computer.', 'updraftplus'), 'thiskey' => __('This decryption key will be attempted:', 'updraftplus'), 'unknownresp' => __('Unknown server response:', 'updraftplus'), 'ukrespstatus' => __('Unknown server response status:', 'updraftplus'), 'uploaded' => __('The file was uploaded.', 'updraftplus'), // One of the translators has erroneously changed "Backup" into "Back up" (which means, "reverse" !) 'backupnow' => str_ireplace('Back Up', 'Backup', __('Backup Now', 'updraftplus')), 'cancel' => __('Cancel', 'updraftplus'), 'deletebutton' => __('Delete', 'updraftplus'), 'createbutton' => __('Create', 'updraftplus'), 'uploadbutton' => __('Upload', 'updraftplus'), 'youdidnotselectany' => __('You did not select any components to restore. Please select at least one, and then try again.', 'updraftplus'), 'proceedwithupdate' => __('Proceed with update', 'updraftplus'), 'close' => __('Close', 'updraftplus'), 'restore' => __('Restore', 'updraftplus'), 'downloadlogfile' => __('Download log file', 'updraftplus'), 'automaticbackupbeforeupdate' => __('Automatic backup before update', 'updraftplus'), 'unsavedsettings' => __('You have made changes to your settings, and not saved.', 'updraftplus'), 'saving' => __('Saving...', 'updraftplus'), 'connect' => __('Connect', 'updraftplus'), 'connecting' => __('Connecting...', 'updraftplus'), 'disconnect' => __('Disconnect', 'updraftplus'), 'disconnecting' => __('Disconnecting...', 'updraftplus'), 'counting' => __('Counting...', 'updraftplus'), 'updatequotacount' => __('Update quota count', 'updraftplus'), 'addingsite' => __('Adding...', 'updraftplus'), 'addsite' => __('Add site', 'updraftplus'), // 'resetting' => __('Resetting...', 'updraftplus'), 'creating_please_allow' => __('Creating...', 'updraftplus').(function_exists('openssl_encrypt') ? '' : ' ('.__('your PHP install lacks the openssl module; as a result, this can take minutes; if nothing has happened by then, then you should either try a smaller key size, or ask your web hosting company how to enable this PHP module on your setup.', 'updraftplus').')'), 'sendtosite' => __('Send to site:', 'updraftplus'), 'checkrpcsetup' => sprintf(__('You should check that the remote site is online, not firewalled, does not have security modules that may be blocking access, has UpdraftPlus version %s or later active and that the keys have been entered correctly.', 'updraftplus'), '2.10.3'), 'pleasenamekey' => __('Please give this key a name (e.g. indicate the site it is for):', 'updraftplus'), 'key' => __('Key', 'updraftplus'), 'nokeynamegiven' => sprintf(__("Failure: No %s was given.", 'updraftplus'), __('key name', 'updraftplus')), 'deleting' => __('Deleting...', 'updraftplus'), 'enter_mothership_url' => __('Please enter a valid URL', 'updraftplus'), 'delete_response_not_understood' => __("We requested to delete the file, but could not understand the server's response", 'updraftplus'), 'testingconnection' => __('Testing connection...', 'updraftplus'), 'send' => __('Send', 'updraftplus'), 'migratemodalheight' => class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Addons_Migrator') ? 555 : 300, 'migratemodalwidth' => class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Addons_Migrator') ? 770 : 500, 'download' => _x('Download', '(verb)', 'updraftplus'), 'browse_download_link' => apply_filters('updraftplus_browse_download_link', ''.__("With UpdraftPlus Premium, you can directly download individual files from here.", "updraftplus").''), 'unsavedsettingsbackup' => __('You have made changes to your settings, and not saved.', 'updraftplus')."\n".__('You should save your changes to ensure that they are used for making your backup.', 'updraftplus'), 'unsaved_settings_export' => __('You have made changes to your settings, and not saved.', 'updraftplus')."\n".__('Your export file will be of your displayed settings, not your saved ones.', 'updraftplus'), 'dayselector' => $day_selector, 'mdayselector' => $mday_selector, 'day' => __('day', 'updraftplus'), 'inthemonth' => __('in the month', 'updraftplus'), 'days' => __('day(s)', 'updraftplus'), 'hours' => __('hour(s)', 'updraftplus'), 'weeks' => __('week(s)', 'updraftplus'), 'forbackupsolderthan' => __('For backups older than', 'updraftplus'), 'ud_url' => UPDRAFTPLUS_URL, 'processing' => __('Processing...', 'updraftplus'), 'pleasefillinrequired' => __('Please fill in the required information.', 'updraftplus'), 'test_settings' => __('Test %s Settings', 'updraftplus'), 'testing_settings' => __('Testing %s Settings...', 'updraftplus'), 'settings_test_result' => __('%s settings test result:', 'updraftplus'), 'nothing_yet_logged' => __('Nothing yet logged', 'updraftplus'), 'import_select_file' => __('You have not yet selected a file to import.', 'updraftplus'), 'import_invalid_json_file' => __('Error: The chosen file is corrupt. Please choose a valid UpdraftPlus export file.', 'updraftplus'), 'updraft_settings_url' => UpdraftPlus_Options::admin_page_url().'?page=updraftplus', 'network_site_url' => network_site_url(), 'importing' => __('Importing...', 'updraftplus'), 'importing_data_from' => __('This will import data from:', 'updraftplus'), 'exported_on' => __('Which was exported on:', 'updraftplus'), 'continue_import' => __('Do you want to carry out the import?', 'updraftplus'), 'complete' => __('Complete', 'updraftplus'), 'backup_complete' => __('The backup has finished running', 'updraftplus'), 'backup_aborted' => __('The backup was aborted', 'updraftplus'), 'remote_delete_limit' => defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_REMOTE_DELETE_LIMIT') ? UPDRAFTPLUS_REMOTE_DELETE_LIMIT : 15, 'remote_files_deleted' => __('remote files deleted', 'updraftplus'), 'http_code' => __('HTTP code:', 'updraftplus'), 'makesure2' => __('The file failed to upload. Please check the following:', 'updraftplus')."\n\n - ".__('Any settings in your .htaccess or web.config file that affects the maximum upload or post size.', 'updraftplus')."\n - ".__('The available memory on the server.', 'updraftplus')."\n - ".__('That you are attempting to upload a zip file previously created by UpdraftPlus.', 'updraftplus')."\n\n".__('Further information may be found in the browser JavaScript console, and the server PHP error logs.', 'updraftplus'), 'zip_file_contents' => __('Browsing zip file', 'updraftplus'), 'zip_file_contents_info' => __('Select a file to view information about it', 'updraftplus'), 'search' => __('Search', 'updraftplus'), 'download_timeout' => __('Unable to download file. This could be caused by a timeout. It would be best to download the zip to your computer.', 'updraftplus'), 'loading_log_file' => __('Loading log file', 'updraftplus'), 'updraftplus_version' => $updraftplus->version, 'updraftcentral_wizard_empty_url' => __('Please enter the URL where your UpdraftCentral dashboard is hosted.'), 'updraftcentral_wizard_invalid_url' => __('Please enter a valid URL e.g', 'updraftplus'), 'export_settings_file_name' => 'updraftplus-settings-'.sanitize_title(get_bloginfo('name')).'.json', // For remote storage handlebarsjs template 'remote_storage_options' => $remote_storage_options_and_templates['options'], 'remote_storage_templates' => $remote_storage_options_and_templates['templates'], 'instance_enabled' => __('Currently enabled', 'updraftplus'), 'instance_disabled' => __('Currently disabled', 'updraftplus'), 'local_upload_started' => __('Local backup upload has started; please check the current status tab to see the upload progress', 'updraftplus'), 'local_upload_error' => __('You must select at least one remote storage destination to upload this backup set to.', 'updrafplus'), 'already_uploaded' => __('(already uploaded)', 'updraftplus'), 'onedrive_folder_url_warning' => __('Please specify the Microsoft OneDrive folder name, not the URL.', 'updraftplus'), 'updraftcentral_cloud' => __('UpdraftCentral Cloud', 'updraftplus'), 'login_successful' => __('Login successful.', 'updraftplus').' '.__('Please follow this link to open %s in a new window.', 'updraftplus'), 'registration_successful' => __('Registration successful.', 'updraftplus').' '.__('Please follow this link to open %s in a new window.', 'updraftplus'), 'username_password_required' => __('Both email and password fields are required.', 'updraftplus'), 'valid_email_required' => __('An email is required and needs to be in a valid format.', 'updraftplus'), 'trouble_connecting' => __('Trouble connecting? Try using an alternative method in the advanced security options.', 'updraftplus'), 'perhaps_login' => __('Perhaps you would want to login instead.', 'updraftplus'), 'generating_key' => __('Please wait while the system generates and registers an encryption key for your website with UpdraftCentral Cloud.', 'updraftplus'), 'updraftcentral_cloud_redirect' => __('Please wait while you are redirected to UpdraftCentral Cloud.', 'updraftplus'), 'data_consent_required' => __('You need to read and accept the UpdraftCentral Cloud data and privacy policies before you can proceed.', 'updraftplus'), 'close_wizard' => __('You can also close this wizard.', 'updraftplus'), 'control_udc_connections' => __('For future control of all your UpdraftCentral connections, go to the "Advanced Tools" tab.', 'updraftplus'), 'main_tabs_keys' => array_keys($main_tabs), 'clone_version_warning' => __('Warning: you have selected a lower version than your currently installed version. This may fail if you have components that are incompatible with earlier versions.', 'updraftplus'), 'clone_backup_complete' => __('The clone has been provisioned, and its data has been sent to it. Once the clone has finished deploying it, you will receive an email.', 'updraftplus'), 'clone_backup_aborted' => __('The preparation of the clone data has been aborted.', 'updraftplus'), 'current_clean_url' => UpdraftPlus::get_current_clean_url(), 'exclude_rule_remove_conformation_msg' => __('Are you sure you want to remove this exclusion rule?', 'updraftplus'), 'exclude_select_file_or_folder_msg' => __('Please select a file/folder which you would like to exclude', 'updraftplus'), 'exclude_type_ext_msg' => __('Please enter a file extension, like zip', 'updraftplus'), 'exclude_ext_error_msg' => __('Please enter a valid file extension', 'updraftplus'), 'exclude_type_prefix_msg' => __('Please enter characters that begin the filename which you would like to exclude', 'updraftplus'), 'exclude_prefix_error_msg' => __('Please enter a valid file name prefix', 'updraftplus'), 'duplicate_exclude_rule_error_msg' => __('The exclusion rule which you are trying to add already exists', 'updraftplus'), 'clone_key_required' => __('UpdraftClone key is required.', 'updraftplus'), )); } /** * Despite the name, this fires irrespective of what capabilities the user has (even none - so be careful) */ public function core_upgrade_preamble() { // They need to be able to perform backups, and to perform updates if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage() || (!current_user_can('update_core') && !current_user_can('update_plugins') && !current_user_can('update_themes'))) return; if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Addon_Autobackup')) { if (defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_NOADS_B')) return; } ?> do_notice('autobackup', 'autobackup', true)); } else { echo '
'; echo '

'. __('Be safe with an automatic backup', 'updraftplus').'

'; echo apply_filters('updraftplus_autobackup_blurb', ''); echo '
'; } ?> 'html5,flash,silverlight,html4', 'browse_button' => 'plupload-browse-button', 'container' => 'plupload-upload-ui', 'drop_element' => 'drag-drop-area', 'file_data_name' => 'async-upload', 'multiple_queues' => true, 'max_file_size' => '100Gb', 'chunk_size' => $chunk_size.'b', 'url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php', 'relative'), 'multipart' => true, 'multi_selection' => true, 'urlstream_upload' => true, // additional post data to send to our ajax hook 'multipart_params' => array( '_ajax_nonce' => wp_create_nonce('updraft-uploader'), 'action' => 'plupload_action' ) ); // WP 3.9 updated to plupload 2.0 - if (is_file(ABSPATH.WPINC.'/js/plupload/Moxie.swf')) { $plupload_init['flash_swf_url'] = includes_url('js/plupload/Moxie.swf'); } else { $plupload_init['flash_swf_url'] = includes_url('js/plupload/plupload.flash.swf'); } if (is_file(ABSPATH.WPINC.'/js/plupload/Moxie.xap')) { $plupload_init['silverlight_xap_url'] = includes_url('js/plupload/Moxie.xap'); } else { $plupload_init['silverlight_xap_url'] = includes_url('js/plupload/plupload.silverlight.swf'); } ?> backups_dir_location(); $disk_free_space = @disk_free_space($updraft_dir); if (false == $disk_free_space) return -1; return ($disk_free_space > $space) ? true : false; } /** * Adds the settings link under the plugin on the plugin screen. * * @param Array $links Set of links for the plugin, before being filtered * @param String $file File name (relative to the plugin directory) * @return Array filtered results */ public function plugin_action_links($links, $file) { if (is_array($links) && 'updraftplus/updraftplus.php' == $file) { $settings_link = ''.__("Settings", "updraftplus").''; array_unshift($links, $settings_link); $settings_link = ''.__("Add-Ons / Pro Support", "updraftplus").''; array_unshift($links, $settings_link); } return $links; } public function admin_action_upgrade_pluginortheme() { if (isset($_GET['action']) && ('upgrade-plugin' == $_GET['action'] || 'upgrade-theme' == $_GET['action']) && !class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Addon_Autobackup') && !defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_NOADS_B')) { if ('upgrade-plugin' == $_GET['action']) { if (!current_user_can('update_plugins')) return; } else { if (!current_user_can('update_themes')) return; } $dismissed_until = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraftplus_dismissedautobackup', 0); if ($dismissed_until > time()) return; if ('upgrade-plugin' == $_GET['action']) { $title = __('Update Plugin'); $parent_file = 'plugins.php'; $submenu_file = 'plugins.php'; } else { $title = __('Update Theme'); $parent_file = 'themes.php'; $submenu_file = 'themes.php'; } include_once(ABSPATH.'wp-admin/admin-header.php'); if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Notices')) include_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/updraftplus-notices.php'); global $updraftplus_notices; $updraftplus_notices->do_notice('autobackup', 'autobackup'); } } public function show_admin_warning($message, $class = 'updated') { echo '


"; } public function show_admin_warning_multiple_storage_options() { $this->show_admin_warning('UpdraftPlus: '.__('An error occurred when fetching storage module options: ', 'updraftplus').htmlspecialchars($this->storage_module_option_errors), 'error'); } public function show_admin_warning_unwritable() { // One of the translators has erroneously changed "Backup" into "Back up" (which means, "reverse" !) $unwritable_mess = htmlspecialchars(str_ireplace('Back Up', 'Backup', __("The 'Backup Now' button is disabled as your backup directory is not writable (go to the 'Settings' tab and find the relevant option).", 'updraftplus'))); $this->show_admin_warning($unwritable_mess, "error"); } public function show_admin_nosettings_warning() { $this->show_admin_warning(''.__('Welcome to UpdraftPlus!', 'updraftplus').' '.str_ireplace('Back Up', 'Backup', __('To make a backup, just press the Backup Now button.', 'updraftplus')).' '.__('To change any of the default settings of what is backed up, to configure scheduled backups, to send your backups to remote storage (recommended), and more, go to the settings tab.', 'updraftplus').'', 'updated notice is-dismissible'); } public function show_admin_warning_execution_time() { $this->show_admin_warning(''.__('Warning', 'updraftplus').': '.sprintf(__('The amount of time allowed for WordPress plugins to run is very low (%s seconds) - you should increase it to avoid backup failures due to time-outs (consult your web hosting company for more help - it is the max_execution_time PHP setting; the recommended value is %s seconds or more)', 'updraftplus'), (int) @ini_get('max_execution_time'), 90)); } public function show_admin_warning_disabledcron() { $this->show_admin_warning(''.__('Warning', 'updraftplus').': '.__('The scheduler is disabled in your WordPress install, via the DISABLE_WP_CRON setting. No backups can run (even "Backup Now") unless either you have set up a facility to call the scheduler manually, or until it is enabled.', 'updraftplus').' '.__('Go here for more information.', 'updraftplus').'', 'updated updraftplus-disable-wp-cron-warning'); } public function show_admin_warning_diskspace() { $this->show_admin_warning(''.__('Warning', 'updraftplus').': '.sprintf(__('You have less than %s of free disk space on the disk which UpdraftPlus is configured to use to create backups. UpdraftPlus could well run out of space. Contact your the operator of your server (e.g. your web hosting company) to resolve this issue.', 'updraftplus'), '35 MB')); } public function show_admin_warning_wordpressversion() { $this->show_admin_warning(''.__('Warning', 'updraftplus').': '.sprintf(__('UpdraftPlus does not officially support versions of WordPress before %s. It may work for you, but if it does not, then please be aware that no support is available until you upgrade WordPress.', 'updraftplus'), '3.2')); } public function show_admin_warning_litespeed() { $this->show_admin_warning(''.__('Warning', 'updraftplus').': '.sprintf(__('Your website is hosted using the %s web server.', 'updraftplus'), 'LiteSpeed').' '.__('Please consult this FAQ if you have problems backing up.', 'updraftplus').''); } public function show_admin_debug_warning() { $this->show_admin_warning(''.__('Notice', 'updraftplus').': '.__('UpdraftPlus\'s debug mode is on. You may see debugging notices on this page not just from UpdraftPlus, but from any other plugin installed. Please try to make sure that the notice you are seeing is from UpdraftPlus before you raise a support request.', 'updraftplus').''); } public function show_admin_warning_overdue_crons($howmany) { $ret = '

'; $ret .= ''.__('Warning', 'updraftplus').': '.sprintf(__('WordPress has a number (%d) of scheduled tasks which are overdue. Unless this is a development site, this probably means that the scheduler in your WordPress install is not working.', 'updraftplus'), $howmany).' '.__('Read this page for a guide to possible causes and how to fix it.', 'updraftplus').''; $ret .= '

'; return $ret; } /** * Output authorisation links for any un-authorised Dropbox settings instances */ public function show_admin_warning_dropbox() { $this->get_method_auth_link('dropbox'); } /** * Output authorisation links for any un-authorised OneDrive settings instances */ public function show_admin_warning_onedrive() { $this->get_method_auth_link('onedrive'); } public function show_admin_warning_updraftvault() { $this->show_admin_warning(''.__('UpdraftPlus notice:', 'updraftplus').' '.sprintf(__('%s has been chosen for remote storage, but you are not currently connected.', 'updraftplus'), 'UpdraftPlus Vault').' '.__('Go to the remote storage settings in order to connect.', 'updraftplus'), 'updated'); } /** * Output authorisation links for any un-authorised Google Drive settings instances */ public function show_admin_warning_googledrive() { $this->get_method_auth_link('googledrive'); } /** * Output authorisation links for any un-authorised Google Cloud settings instances */ public function show_admin_warning_googlecloud() { $this->get_method_auth_link('googlecloud'); } /** * Show DreamObjects cluster migration warning */ public function show_admin_warning_dreamobjects() { $this->show_admin_warning(''.__('UpdraftPlus notice:', 'updraftplus').' '.sprintf(__('The %s endpoint is scheduled to shut down on the 1st October 2018. You will need to switch to a different end-point and migrate your data before that date. %sPlease see this article for more information%s'), '', '', ''), 'updated'); } /** * This method will setup the storage object and get the authentication link ready to be output with the notice * * @param String $method - the remote storage method */ public function get_method_auth_link($method) { global $updraftplus; $storage_objects_and_ids = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::get_storage_objects_and_ids(array($method)); $object = $storage_objects_and_ids[$method]['object']; foreach ($this->auth_instance_ids[$method] as $instance_id) { $object->set_instance_id($instance_id); $this->show_admin_warning(''.__('UpdraftPlus notice:', 'updraftplus').' '.$object->get_authentication_link(false, false), 'updated updraft_authenticate_'.$method); } } /** * Start a download of a backup. This method is called via the AJAX action updraft_download_backup. May die instead of returning depending upon the mode in which it is called. */ public function updraft_download_backup() { try { if (empty($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'updraftplus_download')) die; if (empty($_REQUEST['timestamp']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['timestamp']) || empty($_REQUEST['type'])) exit; $findexes = empty($_REQUEST['findex']) ? array(0) : $_REQUEST['findex']; $stage = empty($_REQUEST['stage']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['stage']; $file_path = empty($_REQUEST['filepath']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['filepath']; // This call may not actually return, depending upon what mode it is called in $result = $this->do_updraft_download_backup($findexes, $_REQUEST['type'], $_REQUEST['timestamp'], $stage, false, $file_path); // In theory, if a response was already sent, then Connection: close has been issued, and a Content-Length. However, in a browser ignores both of these, and then picks up the second output and complains. if (empty($result['already_closed'])) echo json_encode($result); } catch (Exception $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal Exception error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during download backup. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); echo json_encode(array( 'fatal_error' => true, 'fatal_error_message' => $log_message )); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine } catch (Error $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during download backup. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); echo json_encode(array( 'fatal_error' => true, 'fatal_error_message' => $log_message )); } die(); } /** * Ensure that a specified backup is present, downloading if necessary (or delete it, if the parameters so indicate). N.B. This function may die(), depending on the request being made in $stage * * @param Array $findexes - the index number of the backup archive requested * @param String $type - the entity type (e.g. 'plugins') being requested * @param Integer $timestamp - identifier for the backup being requested (UNIX epoch time) * @param Mixed $stage - the stage; valid values include (have not audited for other possibilities) at least 'delete' and 2. * @param Callable|Boolean $close_connection_callable - function used to close the connection to the caller; an array of data to return is passed. If false, then UpdraftPlus::close_browser_connection is called with a JSON version of the data. * @param String $file_path - an over-ride for where to download the file to (basename only) * * @return Array - sumary of the results. May also just die. */ public function do_updraft_download_backup($findexes, $type, $timestamp, $stage, $close_connection_callable = false, $file_path = '') { @set_time_limit(UPDRAFTPLUS_SET_TIME_LIMIT); global $updraftplus; if (!is_array($findexes)) $findexes = array($findexes); $connection_closed = false; // Check that it is a known entity type; if not, die if ('db' != substr($type, 0, 2)) { $backupable_entities = $updraftplus->get_backupable_file_entities(true); foreach ($backupable_entities as $t => $info) { if ($type == $t) $type_match = true; } if (empty($type_match)) return array('result' => 'error', 'code' => 'no_such_type'); } $debug_mode = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_debug_mode'); // Retrieve the information from our backup history $backup_history = UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::get_history(); foreach ($findexes as $findex) { // This is a bit ugly; these variables get placed back into $_POST (where they may possibly have come from), so that UpdraftPlus::log() can detect exactly where to log the download status. $_POST['findex'] = $findex; $_POST['type'] = $type; $_POST['timestamp'] = $timestamp; // We already know that no possible entities have an MD5 clash (even after 2 characters) // Also, there's nothing enforcing a requirement that nonces are hexadecimal $job_nonce = dechex($timestamp).$findex.substr(md5($type), 0, 3); // You need a nonce before you can set job data. And we certainly don't yet have one. $updraftplus->backup_time_nonce($job_nonce); // Set the job type before logging, as there can be different logging destinations $updraftplus->jobdata_set('job_type', 'download'); $updraftplus->jobdata_set('job_time_ms', $updraftplus->job_time_ms); // Base name $file = $backup_history[$timestamp][$type]; // Deal with multi-archive sets if (is_array($file)) $file = $file[$findex]; if (false !== strpos($file_path, '..')) { error_log("UpdraftPlus_Admin::do_updraft_download_backup : invalid file_path: $file_path"); return array('result' => __('Error: invalid path', 'updraftplus')); } if (!empty($file_path)) $file = $file_path; // Where it should end up being downloaded to $fullpath = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location().'/'.$file; if (!empty($file_path) && strpos(realpath($fullpath), realpath($updraftplus->backups_dir_location())) === false) { error_log("UpdraftPlus_Admin::do_updraft_download_backup : invalid fullpath: $fullpath"); return array('result' => __('Error: invalid path', 'updraftplus')); } if (2 == $stage) { $updraftplus->spool_file($fullpath); // We only want to remove if it was a temp file from the zip browser if (!empty($file_path)) @unlink($fullpath); // Do not return - we do not want the caller to add any output die; } if ('delete' == $stage) { @unlink($fullpath); $updraftplus->log("The file has been deleted ($file)"); return array('result' => 'deleted'); } // TODO: FIXME: Failed downloads may leave log files forever (though they are small) if ($debug_mode) $updraftplus->logfile_open($updraftplus->nonce); set_error_handler(array($updraftplus, 'php_error'), E_ALL & ~E_STRICT); $updraftplus->log("Requested to obtain file: timestamp=$timestamp, type=$type, index=$findex"); $itext = empty($findex) ? '' : $findex; $known_size = isset($backup_history[$timestamp][$type.$itext.'-size']) ? $backup_history[$timestamp][$type.$itext.'-size'] : 0; $services = isset($backup_history[$timestamp]['service']) ? $backup_history[$timestamp]['service'] : false; if (is_string($services)) $services = array($services); $updraftplus->jobdata_set('service', $services); // Fetch it from the cloud, if we have not already got it $needs_downloading = false; if (!file_exists($fullpath)) { // If the file doesn't exist and they're using one of the cloud options, fetch it down from the cloud. $needs_downloading = true; $updraftplus->log('File does not yet exist locally - needs downloading'); } elseif ($known_size > 0 && filesize($fullpath) < $known_size) { $updraftplus->log("The file was found locally (".filesize($fullpath).") but did not match the size in the backup history ($known_size) - will resume downloading"); $needs_downloading = true; } elseif ($known_size > 0 && filesize($fullpath) > $known_size) { $updraftplus->log("The file was found locally (".filesize($fullpath).") but the size is larger than what is recorded in the backup history ($known_size) - will try to continue but if errors are encountered then check that the backup is correct"); } elseif ($known_size > 0) { $updraftplus->log('The file was found locally and matched the recorded size from the backup history ('.round($known_size/1024, 1).' KB)'); } else { $updraftplus->log('No file size was found recorded in the backup history. We will assume the local one is complete.'); $known_size = filesize($fullpath); } // The AJAX responder that updates on progress wants to see this $updraftplus->jobdata_set('dlfile_'.$timestamp.'_'.$type.'_'.$findex, "downloading:$known_size:$fullpath"); if ($needs_downloading) { // Update the "last modified" time to dissuade any other instances from thinking that no downloaders are active @touch($fullpath); $msg = array( 'result' => 'needs_download', 'request' => array( 'type' => $type, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'findex' => $findex ) ); if ($close_connection_callable && is_callable($close_connection_callable) && !$connection_closed) { $connection_closed = true; call_user_func($close_connection_callable, $msg); } elseif (!$connection_closed) { $connection_closed = true; $updraftplus->close_browser_connection(json_encode($msg)); } UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::get_remote_file($services, $file, $timestamp); } // Now, be ready to spool the thing to the browser if (is_file($fullpath) && is_readable($fullpath)) { // That message is then picked up by the AJAX listener $updraftplus->jobdata_set('dlfile_'.$timestamp.'_'.$type.'_'.$findex, 'downloaded:'.filesize($fullpath).":$fullpath"); $result = 'downloaded'; } else { $updraftplus->jobdata_set('dlfile_'.$timestamp.'_'.$type.'_'.$findex, 'failed'); $updraftplus->jobdata_set('dlerrors_'.$timestamp.'_'.$type.'_'.$findex, $updraftplus->errors); $updraftplus->log('Remote fetch failed. File '.$fullpath.' did not exist or was unreadable. If you delete local backups then remote retrieval may have failed.'); $result = 'download_failed'; } restore_error_handler(); @fclose($updraftplus->logfile_handle); if (!$debug_mode) @unlink($updraftplus->logfile_name); } // The browser connection was possibly already closed, but not necessarily return array('result' => $result, 'already_closed' => $connection_closed); } /** * This is used as a callback * * @param Mixed $msg The data to be JSON encoded and sent back */ public function _updraftplus_background_operation_started($msg) { global $updraftplus; // The extra spaces are because of a bug seen on one server in handling of non-ASCII characters; see HS#11739 $updraftplus->close_browser_connection(json_encode($msg).' '); } public function updraft_ajax_handler() { global $updraftplus; $nonce = empty($_REQUEST['nonce']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['nonce']; if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'updraftplus-credentialtest-nonce') || empty($_REQUEST['subaction'])) die('Security check'); $subaction = $_REQUEST['subaction']; // Mitigation in case the nonce leaked to an unauthorised user if ('dismissautobackup' == $subaction) { if (!current_user_can('update_plugins') && !current_user_can('update_themes')) return; } elseif ('dismissexpiry' == $subaction || 'dismissdashnotice' == $subaction) { if (!current_user_can('update_plugins')) return; } else { if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return; } // All others use _POST $data_in_get = array('get_log', 'get_fragment'); // UpdraftPlus_WPAdmin_Commands extends UpdraftPlus_Commands - i.e. all commands are in there if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_WPAdmin_Commands')) include_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/class-wpadmin-commands.php'); $commands = new UpdraftPlus_WPAdmin_Commands($this); if (method_exists($commands, $subaction)) { $data = in_array($subaction, $data_in_get) ? $_GET : $_POST; // Undo WP's slashing of GET/POST data $data = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::wp_unslash($data); // TODO: Once all commands come through here and through updraft_send_command(), the data should always come from this attribute (once updraft_send_command() is modified appropriately). if (isset($data['action_data'])) $data = $data['action_data']; try { $results = call_user_func(array($commands, $subaction), $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal Exception error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during '.$subaction.' subaction. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); echo json_encode(array( 'fatal_error' => true, 'fatal_error_message' => $log_message )); die; // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine } catch (Error $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during '.$subaction.' subaction. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); echo json_encode(array( 'fatal_error' => true, 'fatal_error_message' => $log_message )); die; } if (is_wp_error($results)) { $results = array( 'result' => false, 'error_code' => $results->get_error_code(), 'error_message' => $results->get_error_message(), 'error_data' => $results->get_error_data(), ); } if (is_string($results)) { // A handful of legacy methods, and some which are directly the source for iframes, for which JSON is not appropriate. echo $results; } else { echo json_encode($results); } die; } // Below are all the commands not ported over into class-commands.php or class-wpadmin-commands.php if ('activejobs_list' == $subaction) { try { // N.B. Also called from autobackup.php // TODO: This should go into UpdraftPlus_Commands, once the add-ons have been ported to use updraft_send_command() echo json_encode($this->get_activejobs_list(UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::wp_unslash($_GET))); } catch (Exception $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal Exception error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during get active job list. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); echo json_encode(array( 'fatal_error' => true, 'fatal_error_message' => $log_message )); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine } catch (Error $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during get active job list. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); echo json_encode(array( 'fatal_error' => true, 'fatal_error_message' => $log_message )); } } elseif ('httpget' == $subaction) { try { // httpget $curl = empty($_REQUEST['curl']) ? false : true; echo $this->http_get(UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::wp_unslash($_REQUEST['uri']), $curl); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine } catch (Error $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during http get. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); echo json_encode(array( 'fatal_error' => true, 'fatal_error_message' => $log_message )); } catch (Exception $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal Exception error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during http get. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); echo json_encode(array( 'fatal_error' => true, 'fatal_error_message' => $log_message )); } } elseif ('doaction' == $subaction && !empty($_REQUEST['subsubaction']) && 'updraft_' == substr($_REQUEST['subsubaction'], 0, 8)) { $subsubaction = $_REQUEST['subsubaction']; try { // These generally echo and die - they will need further work to port to one of the command classes. Some may already have equivalents in UpdraftPlus_Commands, if they are used from UpdraftCentral. do_action(UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::wp_unslash($subsubaction), $_REQUEST); } catch (Exception $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal Exception error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during doaction subaction with '.$subsubaction.' subsubaction. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); echo json_encode(array( 'fatal_error' => true, 'fatal_error_message' => $log_message )); die; // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine } catch (Error $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during doaction subaction with '.$subsubaction.' subsubaction. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); echo json_encode(array( 'fatal_error' => true, 'fatal_error_message' => $log_message )); die; } } else { // These can be removed after a few releases include(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/deprecated-actions.php'); } die; } /** * Run a credentials test for the indicated remote storage module * * @param Array $test_settings The test parameters, including the method itself indicated in the key 'method' * @param Boolean $return_instead_of_echo Whether to return or echo the results. N.B. More than just the results to echo will be returned * @return Array|Void - the results, if they are being returned (rather than echoed). Keys: 'output' (the output), 'data' (other data) */ public function do_credentials_test($test_settings, $return_instead_of_echo = false) { $method = (!empty($test_settings['method']) && preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+$/", $test_settings['method'])) ? $test_settings['method'] : ""; $objname = "UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_$method"; $this->logged = array(); // TODO: Add action for WP HTTP SSL stuff set_error_handler(array($this, 'get_php_errors'), E_ALL & ~E_STRICT); if (!class_exists($objname)) include_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR."/methods/$method.php"); $ret = ''; $data = null; // TODO: Add action for WP HTTP SSL stuff if (method_exists($objname, "credentials_test")) { $obj = new $objname; if ($return_instead_of_echo) ob_start(); $data = $obj->credentials_test($test_settings); if ($return_instead_of_echo) $ret .= ob_get_clean(); } if (count($this->logged) >0) { $ret .= "\n\n".__('Messages:', 'updraftplus')."\n"; foreach ($this->logged as $err) { $ret .= "* $err\n"; } if (!$return_instead_of_echo) echo $ret; } restore_error_handler(); if ($return_instead_of_echo) return array('output' => $ret, 'data' => $data); } /** * Delete a backup set, whilst respecting limits on how much to delete in one go * * @uses remove_backup_set_cleanup() * @param Array $opts - deletion options; with keys backup_timestamp, delete_remote, [remote_delete_limit] * @return Array - as from remove_backup_set_cleanup() */ public function delete_set($opts) { global $updraftplus; $backups = UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::get_history(); $timestamps = (string) $opts['backup_timestamp']; $remote_delete_limit = (isset($opts['remote_delete_limit']) && $opts['remote_delete_limit'] > 0) ? (int) $opts['remote_delete_limit'] : PHP_INT_MAX; $timestamps = explode(',', $timestamps); $deleted_timestamps = ''; $delete_remote = empty($opts['delete_remote']) ? false : true; // You need a nonce before you can set job data. And we certainly don't yet have one. $updraftplus->backup_time_nonce(); // Set the job type before logging, as there can be different logging destinations $updraftplus->jobdata_set('job_type', 'delete'); $updraftplus->jobdata_set('job_time_ms', $updraftplus->job_time_ms); if (UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_debug_mode')) { $updraftplus->logfile_open($updraftplus->nonce); set_error_handler(array($updraftplus, 'php_error'), E_ALL & ~E_STRICT); } $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); $backupable_entities = $updraftplus->get_backupable_file_entities(true, true); $local_deleted = 0; $remote_deleted = 0; $sets_removed = 0; foreach ($timestamps as $i => $timestamp) { if (!isset($backups[$timestamp])) { return array('result' => 'error', 'message' => __('Backup set not found', 'updraftplus')); } $nonce = isset($backups[$timestamp]['nonce']) ? $backups[$timestamp]['nonce'] : ''; $delete_from_service = array(); if ($delete_remote) { // Locate backup set if (isset($backups[$timestamp]['service'])) { // Convert to an array so that there is no uncertainty about how to process it $services = is_string($backups[$timestamp]['service']) ? array($backups[$timestamp]['service']) : $backups[$timestamp]['service']; if (is_array($services)) { foreach ($services as $service) { if ($service && 'none' != $service && 'email' != $service) $delete_from_service[] = $service; } } } } $files_to_delete = array(); foreach ($backupable_entities as $key => $ent) { if (isset($backups[$timestamp][$key])) { $files_to_delete[$key] = $backups[$timestamp][$key]; } } // Delete DB foreach ($backups[$timestamp] as $key => $value) { if ('db' == strtolower(substr($key, 0, 2)) && '-size' != substr($key, -5, 5)) { $files_to_delete[$key] = $backups[$timestamp][$key]; } } // Also delete the log if ($nonce && !UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_debug_mode')) { $files_to_delete['log'] = "log.$nonce.txt"; } $updraftplus->register_wp_http_option_hooks(); foreach ($files_to_delete as $key => $files) { if (is_string($files)) { $was_string = true; $files = array($files); } else { $was_string = false; } foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_file($updraft_dir.'/'.$file) && @unlink($updraft_dir.'/'.$file)) $local_deleted++; } if ('log' != $key && count($delete_from_service) > 0) { $storage_objects_and_ids = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::get_storage_objects_and_ids($delete_from_service); foreach ($delete_from_service as $service) { if ('email' == $service || 'none' == $service || !$service) continue; $deleted = -1; $remote_obj = $storage_objects_and_ids[$service]['object']; $instance_settings = $storage_objects_and_ids[$service]['instance_settings']; $this->backups_instance_ids = empty($backups[$timestamp]['service_instance_ids'][$service]) ? array() : $backups[$timestamp]['service_instance_ids'][$service]; if (empty($instance_settings)) continue; uksort($instance_settings, array($this, 'instance_ids_sort')); foreach ($instance_settings as $instance_id => $options) { $remote_obj->set_options($options, false, $instance_id); foreach ($files as $index => $file) { if ($remote_deleted == $remote_delete_limit) { $timestamps_list = implode(',', $timestamps); return $this->remove_backup_set_cleanup(false, $backups, $local_deleted, $remote_deleted, $sets_removed, $timestamps_list, $deleted_timestamps); } $deleted = $remote_obj->delete($file); if (-1 === $deleted) { // echo __('Did not know how to delete from this cloud service.', 'updraftplus'); } elseif (false !== $deleted) { $remote_deleted++; } $itext = $index ? (string) $index : ''; if ($was_string) { unset($backups[$timestamp][$key]); if ('db' == strtolower(substr($key, 0, 2))) unset($backups[$timestamp][$key][$index.'-size']); } else { unset($backups[$timestamp][$key][$index]); unset($backups[$timestamp][$key.$itext.'-size']); if (empty($backups[$timestamp][$key])) unset($backups[$timestamp][$key]); } if (isset($backups[$timestamp]['checksums']) && is_array($backups[$timestamp]['checksums'])) { foreach (array_keys($backups[$timestamp]['checksums']) as $algo) { unset($backups[$timestamp]['checksums'][$algo][$key.$index]); } } // If we don't save the array back, then the above section will fire again for the same files - and the remote storage will be requested to delete already-deleted files, which then means no time is actually saved by the browser-backend loop method. UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::save_history($backups); } } } } } unset($backups[$timestamp]); unset($timestamps[$i]); if ('' != $deleted_timestamps) $deleted_timestamps .= ','; $deleted_timestamps .= $timestamp; UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::save_history($backups); $sets_removed++; } $timestamps_list = implode(',', $timestamps); return $this->remove_backup_set_cleanup(true, $backups, $local_deleted, $remote_deleted, $sets_removed, $timestamps_list, $deleted_timestamps); } /** * This function sorts the array of instance ids currently saved so that any instance id that is in both the saved settings and the backup history move to the top of the array, as these are likely to work. Then values that don't appear in the backup history move to the bottom. * * @param String $a - the first instance id * @param String $b - the second instance id * @return Integer - returns an integer to indicate what position the $b value should be moved in */ public function instance_ids_sort($a, $b) { if (in_array($a, $this->backups_instance_ids)) { if (in_array($b, $this->backups_instance_ids)) return 0; return -1; } return in_array($b, $this->backups_instance_ids) ? 1 : 0; } /** * Called by self::delete_set() to finish up before returning (whether the complete deletion is finished or not) * * @param Boolean $delete_complete - whether the whole set is now gone (i.e. last round) * @param Array $backups - the backup history * @param Integer $local_deleted - how many backup archives were deleted from local storage * @param Integer $remote_deleted - how many backup archives were deleted from remote storage * @param Integer $sets_removed - how many complete sets were removed * @param String $timestamps - a csv of remaining timestamps * @param String $deleted_timestamps - a csv of deleted timestamps * * @return Array - information on the status, suitable for returning to the UI */ public function remove_backup_set_cleanup($delete_complete, $backups, $local_deleted, $remote_deleted, $sets_removed, $timestamps, $deleted_timestamps) { global $updraftplus; $updraftplus->register_wp_http_option_hooks(false); UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::save_history($backups); $updraftplus->log("Local files deleted: $local_deleted. Remote files deleted: $remote_deleted"); if ($delete_complete) { $set_message = __('Backup sets removed:', 'updraftplus'); $local_message = __('Local files deleted:', 'updraftplus'); $remote_message = __('Remote files deleted:', 'updraftplus'); if (UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_debug_mode')) { restore_error_handler(); } return array('result' => 'success', 'set_message' => $set_message, 'local_message' => $local_message, 'remote_message' => $remote_message, 'backup_sets' => $sets_removed, 'backup_local' => $local_deleted, 'backup_remote' => $remote_deleted); } else { return array('result' => 'continue', 'backup_local' => $local_deleted, 'backup_remote' => $remote_deleted, 'backup_sets' => $sets_removed, 'timestamps' => $timestamps, 'deleted_timestamps' => $deleted_timestamps); } } /** * Get the history status HTML and other information * * @param Boolean $rescan - whether to rescan local storage first * @param Boolean $remotescan - whether to rescan remote storage first * @param Boolean $debug - whether to return debugging information also * * @return Array - the information requested */ public function get_history_status($rescan, $remotescan, $debug = false) { global $updraftplus; if ($rescan) $messages = UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::rebuild($remotescan, false, $debug); $backup_history = UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::get_history(); $output = UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::existing_backup_table($backup_history); $data = array(); if (!empty($messages) && is_array($messages)) { $noutput = ''; foreach ($messages as $msg) { if (empty($msg['code']) || 'file-listing' != $msg['code']) { $noutput .= '
  • '.(empty($msg['desc']) ? '' : $msg['desc'].': ').''.$msg['message'].'
  • '; } if (!empty($msg['data'])) { $key = $msg['method'].'-'.$msg['service_instance_id']; $data[$key] = $msg['data']; } } if ($noutput) { $output = '
    '.$output; } } $logs_exist = (false !== strpos($output, 'downloadlog')); if (!$logs_exist) { list($mod_time, $log_file, $nonce) = $updraftplus->last_modified_log(); if ($mod_time) $logs_exist = true; } return apply_filters('updraftplus_get_history_status_result', array( 'n' => __('Existing Backups', 'updraftplus').' '.count($backup_history).'', 't' => $output, // table 'data' => $data, 'cksum' => md5($output), 'logs_exist' => $logs_exist, 'web_server_disk_space' => UpdraftPlus_Filesystem_Functions::web_server_disk_space(true), )); } /** * Stop an active backup job * * @param String $job_id - job ID of the job to stop * * @return Array - information on the outcome of the attempt */ public function activejobs_delete($job_id) { if (preg_match("/^[0-9a-f]{12}$/", $job_id)) { global $updraftplus; $cron = get_option('cron', array()); $found_it = false; $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); if (file_exists($updraft_dir.'/log.'.$job_id.'.txt')) touch($updraft_dir.'/deleteflag-'.$job_id.'.txt'); foreach ($cron as $time => $job) { if (isset($job['updraft_backup_resume'])) { foreach ($job['updraft_backup_resume'] as $hook => $info) { if (isset($info['args'][1]) && $info['args'][1] == $job_id) { $args = $cron[$time]['updraft_backup_resume'][$hook]['args']; wp_unschedule_event($time, 'updraft_backup_resume', $args); if (!$found_it) return array('ok' => 'Y', 'c' => 'deleted', 'm' => __('Job deleted', 'updraftplus')); $found_it = true; } } } } } if (!$found_it) return array('ok' => 'N', 'c' => 'not_found', 'm' => __('Could not find that job - perhaps it has already finished?', 'updraftplus')); } /** * Input: an array of items * Each item is in the format: ,,(,) * The 'base' is not for us: we just pass it straight back * * @param array $downloaders Array of Items to download * @return array */ public function get_download_statuses($downloaders) { global $updraftplus; $download_status = array(); foreach ($downloaders as $downloader) { // prefix, timestamp, entity, index if (preg_match('/^([^,]+),(\d+),([-a-z]+|db[0-9]+),(\d+)$/', $downloader, $matches)) { $findex = (empty($matches[4])) ? '0' : $matches[4]; $updraftplus->nonce = dechex($matches[2]).$findex.substr(md5($matches[3]), 0, 3); $updraftplus->jobdata_reset(); $status = $this->download_status($matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[4]); if (is_array($status)) { $status['base'] = $matches[1]; $status['timestamp'] = $matches[2]; $status['what'] = $matches[3]; $status['findex'] = $findex; $download_status[] = $status; } } } return $download_status; } /** * Get, as HTML output, a list of active jobs * * @param Array $request - details on the request being made (e.g. extra info to include) * * @return String */ public function get_activejobs_list($request) { global $updraftplus; $download_status = empty($request['downloaders']) ? array() : $this->get_download_statuses(explode(':', $request['downloaders'])); if (!empty($request['oneshot'])) { $job_id = get_site_option('updraft_oneshotnonce', false); // print_active_job() for one-shot jobs that aren't in cron $active_jobs = (false === $job_id) ? '' : $this->print_active_job($job_id, true); } elseif (!empty($request['thisjobonly'])) { // print_active_jobs() is for resumable jobs where we want the cron info to be included in the output $active_jobs = $this->print_active_jobs($request['thisjobonly']); } else { $active_jobs = $this->print_active_jobs(); } $logupdate_array = array(); if (!empty($request['log_fetch'])) { if (isset($request['log_nonce'])) { $log_nonce = $request['log_nonce']; $log_pointer = isset($request['log_pointer']) ? absint($request['log_pointer']) : 0; $logupdate_array = $this->fetch_log($log_nonce, $log_pointer); } } return array( // We allow the front-end to decide what to do if there's nothing logged - we used to (up to 1.11.29) send a pre-defined message 'l' => htmlspecialchars(UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_lastmessage()), 'j' => $active_jobs, 'ds' => $download_status, 'u' => $logupdate_array ); } /** * Start a new backup * * @param Array $request * @param Boolean|Callable $close_connection_callable */ public function request_backupnow($request, $close_connection_callable = false) { global $updraftplus; $backupnow_nocloud = (empty($request['backupnow_nocloud'])) ? false : true; $event = (!empty($request['backupnow_nofiles'])) ? 'updraft_backupnow_backup_database' : ((!empty($request['backupnow_nodb'])) ? 'updraft_backupnow_backup' : 'updraft_backupnow_backup_all'); // The call to backup_time_nonce() allows us to know the nonce in advance, and return it $nonce = $updraftplus->backup_time_nonce(); $msg = array( 'nonce' => $nonce, 'm' => apply_filters('updraftplus_backupnow_start_message', ''.__('Start backup', 'updraftplus').': '.htmlspecialchars(__('OK. You should soon see activity in the "Last log message" field below.', 'updraftplus')), $nonce) ); if ($close_connection_callable && is_callable($close_connection_callable)) { call_user_func($close_connection_callable, $msg); } else { $updraftplus->close_browser_connection(json_encode($msg)); } $options = array('nocloud' => $backupnow_nocloud, 'use_nonce' => $nonce); if (!empty($request['onlythisfileentity']) && is_string($request['onlythisfileentity'])) { // Something to see in the 'last log' field when it first appears, before the backup actually starts $updraftplus->log(__('Start backup', 'updraftplus')); $options['restrict_files_to_override'] = explode(',', $request['onlythisfileentity']); } if (!empty($request['extradata'])) { $options['extradata'] = $request['extradata']; } $options['always_keep'] = empty($request['always_keep']) ? false : true; do_action($event, apply_filters('updraft_backupnow_options', $options, $request)); } /** * Get the contents of a log file * * @param String $backup_nonce - the backup id; or empty, for the most recently modified * @param Integer $log_pointer - the byte count to fetch from * @param String $output_format - the format to return in; allowed as 'html' (which will escape HTML entities in what is returned) and 'raw' * * @return String */ public function fetch_log($backup_nonce = '', $log_pointer = 0, $output_format = 'html') { global $updraftplus; if (empty($backup_nonce)) { list($mod_time, $log_file, $nonce) = $updraftplus->last_modified_log(); } else { $nonce = $backup_nonce; } if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]+$/', $nonce)) die('Security check'); $log_content = ''; $new_pointer = $log_pointer; if (!empty($nonce)) { $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); $potential_log_file = $updraft_dir."/log.".$nonce.".txt"; if (is_readable($potential_log_file)) { $templog_array = array(); $log_file = fopen($potential_log_file, "r"); if ($log_pointer > 0) fseek($log_file, $log_pointer); while (($buffer = fgets($log_file, 4096)) !== false) { $templog_array[] = $buffer; } if (!feof($log_file)) { $templog_array[] = __('Error: unexpected file read fail', 'updraftplus'); } $new_pointer = ftell($log_file); $log_content = implode("", $templog_array); } else { $log_content .= __('The log file could not be read.', 'updraftplus'); } } else { $log_content .= __('The log file could not be read.', 'updraftplus'); } if ('html' == $output_format) $log_content = htmlspecialchars($log_content); $ret_array = array( 'log' => $log_content, 'nonce' => $nonce, 'pointer' => $new_pointer ); return $ret_array; } /** * Get a count for the number of overdue cron jobs * * @return Integer - how many cron jobs are overdue */ public function howmany_overdue_crons() { $how_many_overdue = 0; if (function_exists('_get_cron_array') || (is_file(ABSPATH.WPINC.'/cron.php') && include_once(ABSPATH.WPINC.'/cron.php') && function_exists('_get_cron_array'))) { $crons = _get_cron_array(); if (is_array($crons)) { $timenow = time(); foreach ($crons as $jt => $job) { if ($jt < $timenow) $how_many_overdue++; } } } return $how_many_overdue; } public function get_php_errors($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { global $updraftplus; if (0 == error_reporting()) return true; $logline = $updraftplus->php_error_to_logline($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline); if (false !== $logline) $this->logged[] = $logline; // Don't pass it up the chain (since it's going to be output to the user always) return true; } private function download_status($timestamp, $type, $findex) { global $updraftplus; $response = array('m' => $updraftplus->jobdata_get('dlmessage_'.$timestamp.'_'.$type.'_'.$findex).'
    '); if ($file = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('dlfile_'.$timestamp.'_'.$type.'_'.$findex)) { if ('failed' == $file) { $response['e'] = __('Download failed', 'updraftplus').'
    '; $response['failed'] = true; $errs = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('dlerrors_'.$timestamp.'_'.$type.'_'.$findex); if (is_array($errs) && !empty($errs)) { $response['e'] .= '
      '; foreach ($errs as $err) { if (is_array($err)) { $response['e'] .= '
    • '.htmlspecialchars($err['message']).'
    • '; } else { $response['e'] .= '
    • '.htmlspecialchars($err).'
    • '; } } $response['e'] .= '
    '; } } elseif (preg_match('/^downloaded:(\d+):(.*)$/', $file, $matches) && file_exists($matches[2])) { $response['p'] = 100; $response['f'] = $matches[2]; $response['s'] = (int) $matches[1]; $response['t'] = (int) $matches[1]; $response['m'] = __('File ready.', 'updraftplus'); if ('db' != substr($type, 0, 2)) $response['can_show_contents'] = true; } elseif (preg_match('/^downloading:(\d+):(.*)$/', $file, $matches) && file_exists($matches[2])) { // Convert to bytes $response['f'] = $matches[2]; $total_size = (int) max($matches[1], 1); $cur_size = filesize($matches[2]); $response['s'] = $cur_size; $file_age = time() - filemtime($matches[2]); if ($file_age > 20) $response['a'] = time() - filemtime($matches[2]); $response['t'] = $total_size; $response['m'] .= __("Download in progress", 'updraftplus').' ('.round($cur_size/1024).' / '.round(($total_size/1024)).' KB)'; $response['p'] = round(100*$cur_size/$total_size); } else { $response['m'] .= __('No local copy present.', 'updraftplus'); $response['p'] = 0; $response['s'] = 0; $response['t'] = 1; } } return $response; } public function upload_dir($uploads) { global $updraftplus; $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); if (is_writable($updraft_dir)) $uploads['path'] = $updraft_dir; return $uploads; } /** * We do actually want to over-write * * @param String $dir Directory * @param String $name Name * @param String $ext File extension * @return String */ public function unique_filename_callback($dir, $name, $ext) { return $name.$ext; } public function sanitize_file_name($filename) { // WordPress 3.4.2 on multisite (at least) adds in an unwanted underscore return preg_replace('/-db(.*)\.gz_\.crypt$/', '-db$1.gz.crypt', $filename); } /** * Runs upon the WordPress action plupload_action */ public function plupload_action() { global $updraftplus; @set_time_limit(UPDRAFTPLUS_SET_TIME_LIMIT); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return; check_ajax_referer('updraft-uploader'); $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); if (!@UpdraftPlus_Filesystem_Functions::really_is_writable($updraft_dir)) { echo json_encode(array('e' => sprintf(__("Backup directory (%s) is not writable, or does not exist.", 'updraftplus'), $updraft_dir).' '.__('You will find more information about this in the Settings section.', 'updraftplus'))); exit; } add_filter('upload_dir', array($this, 'upload_dir')); add_filter('sanitize_file_name', array($this, 'sanitize_file_name')); // handle file upload $farray = array('test_form' => true, 'action' => 'plupload_action'); $farray['test_type'] = false; $farray['ext'] = 'x-gzip'; $farray['type'] = 'application/octet-stream'; if (!isset($_POST['chunks'])) { $farray['unique_filename_callback'] = array($this, 'unique_filename_callback'); } $status = wp_handle_upload( $_FILES['async-upload'], $farray ); remove_filter('upload_dir', array($this, 'upload_dir')); remove_filter('sanitize_file_name', array($this, 'sanitize_file_name')); if (isset($status['error'])) { echo json_encode(array('e' => $status['error'])); exit; } // If this was the chunk, then we should instead be concatenating onto the final file if (isset($_POST['chunks']) && isset($_POST['chunk']) && preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $_POST['chunk'])) { $final_file = basename($_POST['name']); if (!rename($status['file'], $updraft_dir.'/'.$final_file.'.'.$_POST['chunk'].'.zip.tmp')) { @unlink($status['file']); echo json_encode(array('e' => sprintf(__('Error: %s', 'updraftplus'), __('This file could not be uploaded', 'updraftplus')))); exit; } $status['file'] = $updraft_dir.'/'.$final_file.'.'.$_POST['chunk'].'.zip.tmp'; } $response = array(); if (!isset($_POST['chunks']) || (isset($_POST['chunk']) && preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $_POST['chunk']) && $_POST['chunk'] == $_POST['chunks']-1) && isset($final_file)) { if (!preg_match('/^log\.[a-f0-9]{12}\.txt/i', $final_file) && !preg_match('/^backup_([\-0-9]{15})_.*_([0-9a-f]{12})-([\-a-z]+)([0-9]+)?(\.(zip|gz|gz\.crypt))?$/i', $final_file, $matches)) { $accept = apply_filters('updraftplus_accept_archivename', array()); if (is_array($accept)) { foreach ($accept as $acc) { if (preg_match('/'.$acc['pattern'].'/i', $final_file)) { $response['dm'] = sprintf(__('This backup was created by %s, and can be imported.', 'updraftplus'), $acc['desc']); } } } if (empty($response['dm'])) { if (isset($status['file'])) @unlink($status['file']); echo json_encode(array('e' => sprintf(__('Error: %s', 'updraftplus'), __('Bad filename format - this does not look like a file created by UpdraftPlus', 'updraftplus')))); exit; } } else { $backupable_entities = $updraftplus->get_backupable_file_entities(true); $type = isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : ''; if (!preg_match('/^log\.[a-f0-9]{12}\.txt/', $final_file) && 'db' != $type && !isset($backupable_entities[$type])) { if (isset($status['file'])) @unlink($status['file']); echo json_encode(array('e' => sprintf(__('Error: %s', 'updraftplus'), sprintf(__('This looks like a file created by UpdraftPlus, but this install does not know about this type of object: %s. Perhaps you need to install an add-on?', 'updraftplus'), htmlspecialchars($type))))); exit; } } // Final chunk? If so, then stich it all back together if (isset($_POST['chunk']) && $_POST['chunk'] == $_POST['chunks']-1 && !empty($final_file)) { if ($wh = fopen($updraft_dir.'/'.$final_file, 'wb')) { for ($i = 0; $i < $_POST['chunks']; $i++) { $rf = $updraft_dir.'/'.$final_file.'.'.$i.'.zip.tmp'; if ($rh = fopen($rf, 'rb')) { while ($line = fread($rh, 262144)) { fwrite($wh, $line); } fclose($rh); @unlink($rf); } } fclose($wh); $status['file'] = $updraft_dir.'/'.$final_file; if ('.tar' == substr($final_file, -4, 4)) { if (file_exists($status['file'].'.gz')) unlink($status['file'].'.gz'); if (file_exists($status['file'].'.bz2')) unlink($status['file'].'.bz2'); } elseif ('.tar.gz' == substr($final_file, -7, 7)) { if (file_exists(substr($status['file'], 0, strlen($status['file'])-3))) unlink(substr($status['file'], 0, strlen($status['file'])-3)); if (file_exists(substr($status['file'], 0, strlen($status['file'])-3).'.bz2')) unlink(substr($status['file'], 0, strlen($status['file'])-3).'.bz2'); } elseif ('.tar.bz2' == substr($final_file, -8, 8)) { if (file_exists(substr($status['file'], 0, strlen($status['file'])-4))) unlink(substr($status['file'], 0, strlen($status['file'])-4)); if (file_exists(substr($status['file'], 0, strlen($status['file'])-4).'.gz')) unlink(substr($status['file'], 0, strlen($status['file'])-3).'.gz'); } } } } // send the uploaded file url in response $response['m'] = $status['url']; echo json_encode($response); exit; } /** * Database decrypter - runs upon the WP action plupload_action2 */ public function plupload_action2() { @set_time_limit(UPDRAFTPLUS_SET_TIME_LIMIT); global $updraftplus; if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return; check_ajax_referer('updraft-uploader'); $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); if (!is_writable($updraft_dir)) exit; add_filter('upload_dir', array($this, 'upload_dir')); add_filter('sanitize_file_name', array($this, 'sanitize_file_name')); // handle file upload $farray = array('test_form' => true, 'action' => 'plupload_action2'); $farray['test_type'] = false; $farray['ext'] = 'crypt'; $farray['type'] = 'application/octet-stream'; if (isset($_POST['chunks'])) { // $farray['ext'] = 'zip'; // $farray['type'] = 'application/zip'; } else { $farray['unique_filename_callback'] = array($this, 'unique_filename_callback'); } $status = wp_handle_upload( $_FILES['async-upload'], $farray ); remove_filter('upload_dir', array($this, 'upload_dir')); remove_filter('sanitize_file_name', array($this, 'sanitize_file_name')); if (isset($status['error'])) die('ERROR: '.$status['error']); // If this was the chunk, then we should instead be concatenating onto the final file if (isset($_POST['chunks']) && isset($_POST['chunk']) && preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $_POST['chunk'])) { $final_file = basename($_POST['name']); rename($status['file'], $updraft_dir.'/'.$final_file.'.'.$_POST['chunk'].'.zip.tmp'); $status['file'] = $updraft_dir.'/'.$final_file.'.'.$_POST['chunk'].'.zip.tmp'; } if (!isset($_POST['chunks']) || (isset($_POST['chunk']) && $_POST['chunk'] == $_POST['chunks']-1)) { if (!preg_match('/^backup_([\-0-9]{15})_.*_([0-9a-f]{12})-db([0-9]+)?\.(gz\.crypt)$/i', $final_file)) { @unlink($status['file']); echo 'ERROR:'.__('Bad filename format - this does not look like an encrypted database file created by UpdraftPlus', 'updraftplus'); exit; } // Final chunk? If so, then stich it all back together if (isset($_POST['chunk']) && $_POST['chunk'] == $_POST['chunks']-1 && isset($final_file)) { if ($wh = fopen($updraft_dir.'/'.$final_file, 'wb')) { for ($i=0; $i<$_POST['chunks']; $i++) { $rf = $updraft_dir.'/'.$final_file.'.'.$i.'.zip.tmp'; if ($rh = fopen($rf, 'rb')) { while ($line = fread($rh, 32768)) { fwrite($wh, $line); } fclose($rh); @unlink($rf); } } fclose($wh); } } } // send the uploaded file url in response if (isset($final_file)) echo 'OK:'.$final_file; exit; } /** * Include the settings header template */ public function settings_header() { $this->include_template('wp-admin/settings/header.php'); } /** * Include the settings footer template */ public function settings_footer() { $this->include_template('wp-admin/settings/footer.php'); } /** * Output the settings page content. Will also run a restore if $_REQUEST so indicates. */ public function settings_output() { if (false == ($render = apply_filters('updraftplus_settings_page_render', true))) { do_action('updraftplus_settings_page_render_abort', $render); return; } do_action('updraftplus_settings_page_init'); global $updraftplus; /** * We use request here because the initial restore is triggered by a POSTed form. we then may need to obtain credential for the WP_Filesystem. to do this WP outputs a form, but we don't pass our parameters via that. So the values are passed back in as GET parameters. */ if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && (('updraft_restore' == $_REQUEST['action'] && isset($_REQUEST['backup_timestamp'])) || ('updraft_restore_continue' == $_REQUEST['action'] && !empty($_REQUEST['restoreid'])))) { $is_continuation = ('updraft_restore_continue' == $_REQUEST['action']) ? true : false; if ($is_continuation) { $restore_in_progress = get_site_option('updraft_restore_in_progress'); if ($restore_in_progress != $_REQUEST['restoreid']) { $abort_restore_already = true; $updraftplus->log(__('Sufficient information about the in-progress restoration operation could not be found.', 'updraftplus').' (restoreid_mismatch)', 'error', 'restoreid_mismatch'); } else { $restore_jobdata = $updraftplus->jobdata_getarray($restore_in_progress); if (is_array($restore_jobdata) && isset($restore_jobdata['job_type']) && 'restore' == $restore_jobdata['job_type'] && isset($restore_jobdata['second_loop_entities']) && !empty($restore_jobdata['second_loop_entities']) && isset($restore_jobdata['job_time_ms']) && isset($restore_jobdata['backup_timestamp'])) { $backup_timestamp = $restore_jobdata['backup_timestamp']; $continuation_data = $restore_jobdata; } else { $abort_restore_already = true; $updraftplus->log(__('Sufficient information about the in-progress restoration operation could not be found.', 'updraftplus').' (restoreid_nojobdata)', 'error', 'restoreid_nojobdata'); } } } else { $backup_timestamp = $_REQUEST['backup_timestamp']; $continuation_data = null; } if (empty($abort_restore_already)) { $backup_success = $this->restore_backup($backup_timestamp, $continuation_data); } else { $backup_success = false; } if (empty($updraftplus->errors) && true === $backup_success) { // TODO: Deal with the case of some of the work having been deferred echo '

    '; $updraftplus->log_e('Restore successful!'); echo '

    '; $updraftplus->log('Restore successful'); $s_val = 1; if (!empty($this->entities_to_restore) && is_array($this->entities_to_restore)) { foreach ($this->entities_to_restore as $k => $v) { if ('db' != $v) $s_val = 2; } } $pval = $updraftplus->have_addons ? 1 : 0; echo ''.__('Actions', 'updraftplus').': '.__('Return to UpdraftPlus Configuration', 'updraftplus').''; return; } elseif (is_wp_error($backup_success)) { echo '

    '; $updraftplus->log_e('Restore failed...'); echo '

    '; $updraftplus->log_wp_error($backup_success); $updraftplus->log('Restore failed'); $updraftplus->list_errors(); echo ''.__('Actions', 'updraftplus').': '.__('Return to UpdraftPlus Configuration', 'updraftplus').''; return; } elseif (false === $backup_success) { // This means, "not yet - but stay on the page because we may be able to do it later, e.g. if the user types in the requested information" echo '

    '; $updraftplus->log_e('Restore failed...'); echo '

    '; $updraftplus->log("Restore failed"); $updraftplus->list_errors(); echo ''.__('Actions', 'updraftplus').': '.__('Return to UpdraftPlus Configuration', 'updraftplus').''; return; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && 'updraft_delete_old_dirs' == $_REQUEST['action']) { $nonce = empty($_REQUEST['updraft_delete_old_dirs_nonce']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['updraft_delete_old_dirs_nonce']; if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'updraftplus-credentialtest-nonce')) die('Security check'); $this->delete_old_dirs_go(); return; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['action']) && 'updraftplus_broadcastaction' == $_REQUEST['action'] && !empty($_REQUEST['subaction'])) { $nonce = (empty($_REQUEST['nonce'])) ? "" : $_REQUEST['nonce']; if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'updraftplus-credentialtest-nonce')) die('Security check'); do_action($_REQUEST['subaction']); return; } if (isset($_GET['error'])) { // This is used by Microsoft OneDrive authorisation failures (May 15). I am not sure what may have been using the 'error' GET parameter otherwise - but it is harmless. if (!empty($_GET['error_description'])) { $this->show_admin_warning(htmlspecialchars($_GET['error_description']).' ('.htmlspecialchars($_GET['error']).')', 'error'); } else { $this->show_admin_warning(htmlspecialchars($_GET['error']), 'error'); } } if (isset($_GET['message'])) $this->show_admin_warning(htmlspecialchars($_GET['message'])); if (isset($_GET['action']) && 'updraft_create_backup_dir' == $_GET['action'] && isset($_GET['nonce']) && wp_verify_nonce($_GET['nonce'], 'create_backup_dir')) { $created = $this->create_backup_dir(); if (is_wp_error($created)) { echo '

    '.__('Backup directory could not be created', 'updraftplus').'...
    '; echo '

      '; foreach ($created->get_error_messages() as $key => $msg) { echo '
    • '.htmlspecialchars($msg).'
    • '; } echo '

    '; } elseif (false !== $created) { echo '

    '.__('Backup directory successfully created.', 'updraftplus').'

    '; } echo ''.__('Actions', 'updraftplus').': '.__('Return to UpdraftPlus Configuration', 'updraftplus').''; return; } echo ''; if (isset($_POST['action']) && 'updraft_wipesettings' == $_POST['action']) { $this->updraft_wipe_settings(); } // This opens a div $this->settings_header(); ?>


    show_admin_warning("" . __("OptimizePress 2.0 encodes its contents, so search/replace does not work.", "updraftplus") . ' ' . __("To fix this problem go here.", "updraftplus") . "", "notice notice-warning"); } $success_advert = (isset($_GET['pval']) && 0 == $_GET['pval'] && !$updraftplus->have_addons) ? '

    '.__('For even more features and personal support, check out ', 'updraftplus').'UpdraftPlus Premium.

    ' : ""; echo "
    ".__('Your backup has been restored.', 'updraftplus').'
    '; // Unnecessary - will be advised of this below // if (2 == $_GET['updraft_restore_success']) echo ' '.__('Your old (themes, uploads, plugins, whatever) directories have been retained with "-old" appended to their name. Remove them when you are satisfied that the backup worked properly.'); echo $success_advert; $include_deleteform_div = false; } if ($this->scan_old_dirs(true)) $this->print_delete_old_dirs_form(true, $include_deleteform_div); // Close the div opened by the earlier section if (isset($_GET['updraft_restore_success'])) echo '
    '; if (empty($success_advert) && empty($this->no_settings_warning)) { if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Notices')) include_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/updraftplus-notices.php'); global $updraftplus_notices; $updraftplus_notices->do_notice(); } if (!$updraftplus->memory_check(64)) { // HS8390 - A case where UpdraftPlus::memory_check_current() returns -1 $memory_check_current = $updraftplus->memory_check_current(); if ($memory_check_current > 0) { ?>
    memory_check_current(); ?> MB
    errors)) { echo '
    '; $updraftplus->list_errors(); echo '
    '; } $backup_history = UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::get_history(); if (empty($backup_history)) { UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::rebuild(); $backup_history = UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::get_history(); } $tabflag = 'backups'; $main_tabs = $this->get_main_tabs_array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['tab'])) { $request_tab = sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['tab']); $valid_tabflags = array_keys($main_tabs); if (in_array($request_tab, $valid_tabflags)) { $tabflag = $request_tab; } else { $tabflag = 'backups'; } } $this->include_template('wp-admin/settings/tab-bar.php', false, array('main_tabs' => $main_tabs, 'backup_history' => $backup_history, 'tabflag' => $tabflag)); $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); $backup_disabled = UpdraftPlus_Filesystem_Functions::really_is_writable($updraft_dir) ? '' : 'disabled="disabled"'; ?>
    style=""> $is_opera); $this->include_template('wp-admin/settings/tab-backups.php', false, array('backup_history' => $backup_history, 'options' => $tmp_opts)); $this->include_template('wp-admin/settings/delete-and-restore-modals.php'); $this->include_template('wp-admin/settings/upload-backups-modal.php'); ?>
    style=""> include_template('wp-admin/settings/migrator-no-migrator.php'); } ?>

    settings_formcontents(); ?>
    get_option(UDADDONS2_SLUG.'_options'); if (!empty($options['email'])) { $email = htmlspecialchars($options['email']); } } } // Check the vault's email if we fail to get the "email" from the "Premium / Extensions" tab if (empty($email)) { $settings = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::update_remote_storage_options_format('updraftvault'); if (!is_wp_error($settings)) { if (!empty($settings['settings'])) { foreach ($settings['settings'] as $instance_id => $storage_options) { if (!empty($storage_options['email'])) { $email = $storage_options['email']; break; } } } } } // Checking any possible email we could find from the "updraft_email" option in case the // above two checks failed. if (empty($email)) { $possible_emails = $updraftplus->just_one_email(UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_email')); if (!empty($possible_emails)) { // If we get an array from the 'just_one_email' result then we're going // to pull the very first entry and make use of that on the succeeding process. if (is_array($possible_emails)) $possible_emails = array_shift($possible_emails); if (is_string($possible_emails)) { $emails = explode(',', $possible_emails); $email = trim($emails[0]); } } } $this->include_template('wp-admin/settings/updraftcentral-connect.php', false, array('email' => $email)); ?>
    style=""> settings_advanced_tools(); ?>
    style=""> include_template('wp-admin/settings/tab-addons.php', true, array('tabflag' => $tabflag)); echo apply_filters('updraftplus_addonstab_content', $tab_addons); ?>
    settings_footer(); } /** * Get main tabs array * * @return Array Array which have key as a tab key and value as tab label */ private function get_main_tabs_array() { return apply_filters( 'updraftplus_main_tabs', array( 'backups' => __('Backup / Restore', 'updraftplus'), 'migrate' => __('Migrate / Clone', 'updraftplus'), 'settings' => __('Settings', 'updraftplus'), 'expert' => __('Advanced Tools', 'updraftplus'), 'addons' => __('Premium / Extensions', 'updraftplus'), ) ); } private function print_restore_in_progress_box_if_needed() { $restore_in_progress = get_site_option('updraft_restore_in_progress'); if (empty($restore_in_progress)) return; global $updraftplus; $restore_jobdata = $updraftplus->jobdata_getarray($restore_in_progress); if (is_array($restore_jobdata) && !empty($restore_jobdata)) { // Only print if within the last 24 hours; and only after 2 minutes if (isset($restore_jobdata['job_type']) && 'restore' == $restore_jobdata['job_type'] && isset($restore_jobdata['second_loop_entities']) && !empty($restore_jobdata['second_loop_entities']) && isset($restore_jobdata['job_time_ms']) && (time() - $restore_jobdata['job_time_ms'] > 120 || (defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_RESTORE_PROGRESS_ALWAYS_SHOW') && UPDRAFTPLUS_RESTORE_PROGRESS_ALWAYS_SHOW)) && time() - $restore_jobdata['job_time_ms'] < 86400 && (empty($_REQUEST['action']) || ('updraft_restore' != $_REQUEST['action'] && 'updraft_restore_continue' != $_REQUEST['action']))) { $restore_jobdata['jobid'] = $restore_in_progress; $this->restore_in_progress_jobdata = $restore_jobdata; add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_admin_restore_in_progress_notice')); } } } public function show_admin_restore_in_progress_notice() { if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && 'updraft_restore_abort' == $_REQUEST['action'] && !empty($_REQUEST['restoreid'])) { delete_site_option('updraft_restore_in_progress'); return; } $restore_jobdata = $this->restore_in_progress_jobdata; $seconds_ago = time() - (int) $restore_jobdata['job_time_ms']; $minutes_ago = floor($seconds_ago/60); $seconds_ago = $seconds_ago - $minutes_ago*60; $time_ago = sprintf(__("%s minutes, %s seconds", 'updraftplus'), $minutes_ago, $seconds_ago); ?>

    "; } /** * This method will build the login form and echo it to the page. * * @param String $option_page - the option page this form is being output to * @param Boolean $tfa - indicates if we want to add the tfa UI * @param Boolean $include_form_container - indicates if we want the form container * @param Array $further_options - other options (see below for the possibilities + defaults) * * @return void */ public function build_credentials_form($option_page, $tfa = false, $include_form_container = true, $further_options = array()) { global $updraftplus; $further_options = wp_parse_args($further_options, array( 'under_username' => __("Not yet got an account (it's free)? Go get one!", 'updraftplus'), 'under_username_link' => $updraftplus->get_url('my-account') )); if ($include_form_container) { $enter_credentials_begin = UpdraftPlus_Options::options_form_begin('', false, array(), 'updraftplus_com_login'); if (is_multisite()) $enter_credentials_begin .= ''; } else { $enter_credentials_begin = ''; echo $enter_credentials_begin; $options = apply_filters('updraftplus_com_login_options', array("email" => "", "password" => "")); if ($include_form_container) { // We have to duplicate settings_fields() in order to set our referer // settings_fields(UDADDONS2_SLUG.'_options'); $option_group = $option_page.'_options'; echo ""; echo ''; // wp_nonce_field("$option_group-options"); // This one is used on multisite echo ''; $name = "_wpnonce"; $action = esc_attr($option_group."-options"); $nonce_field = ''; echo $nonce_field; $referer = esc_attr(UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::wp_unslash($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); // This one is used on single site installs if (false === strpos($referer, '?')) { $referer .= '?tab=addons'; } else { $referer .= '&tab=addons'; } echo ''; // End of duplication of settings-fields() } ?>

    backup_now_widgetry(); } private function backup_now_widgetry() { $ret = ''; $ret .= '

    '."\n"; $ret .= '(...)
    '."\n"; $ret .= '

    '; $ret .= '

    '; $ret .= '

    '; $ret .= '

    '; $ret .= ''.$this->backup_now_remote_message().''; $ret .= '

    '; $ret .= apply_filters('updraft_backupnow_modal_afteroptions', '', ''); return $ret; } /** * Also used by the auto-backups add-on * * @param Boolean $wide_format Whether to return data in a wide format * @param Boolean $print_active_jobs Whether to include currently active jobs * @return String - the HTML output */ public function render_active_jobs_and_log_table($wide_format = false, $print_active_jobs = true) { ?>

    print_active_jobs() : '';?>

    most_recently_modified_log_link(); ?>
    most_recently_modified_log_link(); ?>
    get_updraftplus_rssfeed(); if (is_a($feed, 'SimplePie')) { echo ''.__('Latest news:', 'updraftplus').''; echo ''; } } ?>
    last_modified_log(); ?> class="updraft-log-link" onclick="event.preventDefault(); updraft_popuplog('');"> include_template('wp-admin/settings/downloading-and-restoring.php', $return_result, array('backup_history' => $backup_history, 'options' => $options)); } /** * Renders take backup content */ public function take_backup_content() { global $updraftplus; $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); $backup_disabled = UpdraftPlus_Filesystem_Functions::really_is_writable($updraft_dir) ? '' : 'disabled="disabled"'; $this->include_template('wp-admin/settings/take-backup.php', false, array('backup_disabled' => $backup_disabled)); } public function settings_debugrow($head, $content) { echo "$head$content"; } public function settings_advanced_tools($return_instead_of_echo = false, $pass_through = array()) { return $this->include_template('wp-admin/advanced/advanced-tools.php', $return_instead_of_echo, $pass_through); } private function print_delete_old_dirs_form($include_blurb = true, $include_div = true) { if ($include_blurb) { if ($include_div) { echo '
    '; } echo '

    '.__('Your WordPress install has old directories from its state before you restored/migrated (technical information: these are suffixed with -old). You should press this button to delete them as soon as you have verified that the restoration worked.', 'updraftplus').'

    '; } ?>
    '; } /** * Return cron status information about a specified in-progress job * * @param Boolean|String $job_id - the job to get information about; or, if not specified, all jobs * * @return Array|Boolean - the requested information, or false if it was not found. Format differs depending on whether info on all jobs, or a single job, was requested. */ public function get_cron($job_id = false) { $cron = get_option('cron'); if (!is_array($cron)) $cron = array(); if (false === $job_id) return $cron; foreach ($cron as $time => $job) { if (!isset($job['updraft_backup_resume'])) continue; foreach ($job['updraft_backup_resume'] as $hook => $info) { if (isset($info['args'][1]) && $job_id == $info['args'][1]) { global $updraftplus; $jobdata = $updraftplus->jobdata_getarray($job_id); return is_array($jobdata) ? array($time, $jobdata) : false; } } } } /** * Print active Jobs * * @param boolean $this_job_only A value for $this_job_only also causes something to always be returned (to allow detection of the job having started on the front-end) * @return [type] [description] */ private function print_active_jobs($this_job_only = false) { $cron = $this->get_cron(); $ret = ''; foreach ($cron as $time => $job) { if (isset($job['updraft_backup_resume'])) { foreach ($job['updraft_backup_resume'] as $hook => $info) { if (isset($info['args'][1])) { $job_id = $info['args'][1]; if (false === $this_job_only || $job_id == $this_job_only) { $ret .= $this->print_active_job($job_id, false, $time, $info['args'][0]); } } } } } // A value for $this_job_only implies that output is required if (false !== $this_job_only && !$ret) { $ret = $this->print_active_job($this_job_only); if ('' == $ret) { // The presence of the exact ID matters to the front-end - indicates that the backup job has at least begun $ret = '
    '.__('The backup has finished running', 'updraftplus').' - '.__('View Log', 'updraftplus').'
    '; } } return $ret; } /** * Print the HTML for a particular job * * @param String $job_id - the job identifier/nonce * @param Boolean $is_oneshot - whether this backup should be 'one shot', i.e. no resumptions * @param Boolean|Integer $time * @param Integer $next_resumption * * @return String */ private function print_active_job($job_id, $is_oneshot = false, $time = false, $next_resumption = false) { $ret = ''; global $updraftplus; $jobdata = $updraftplus->jobdata_getarray($job_id); if (false == apply_filters('updraftplus_print_active_job_continue', true, $is_oneshot, $next_resumption, $jobdata)) return ''; if (!isset($jobdata['backup_time'])) return ''; $backupable_entities = $updraftplus->get_backupable_file_entities(true, true); $began_at = (isset($jobdata['backup_time'])) ? get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int) $jobdata['backup_time']), 'D, F j, Y H:i') : '?'; $remote_sent = (!empty($jobdata['service']) && ((is_array($jobdata['service']) && in_array('remotesend', $jobdata['service'])) || 'remotesend' === $jobdata['service'])) ? true : false; $jobstatus = empty($jobdata['jobstatus']) ? 'unknown' : $jobdata['jobstatus']; $stage = 0; switch ($jobstatus) { // Stage 0 case 'begun': $curstage = __('Backup begun', 'updraftplus'); break; // Stage 1 case 'filescreating': $stage = 1; $curstage = __('Creating file backup zips', 'updraftplus'); if (!empty($jobdata['filecreating_substatus']) && isset($backupable_entities[$jobdata['filecreating_substatus']['e']]['description'])) { $sdescrip = preg_replace('/ \(.*\)$/', '', $backupable_entities[$jobdata['filecreating_substatus']['e']]['description']); if (strlen($sdescrip) > 20 && isset($jobdata['filecreating_substatus']['e']) && is_array($jobdata['filecreating_substatus']['e']) && isset($backupable_entities[$jobdata['filecreating_substatus']['e']]['shortdescription'])) $sdescrip = $backupable_entities[$jobdata['filecreating_substatus']['e']]['shortdescription']; $curstage .= ' ('.$sdescrip.')'; if (isset($jobdata['filecreating_substatus']['i']) && isset($jobdata['filecreating_substatus']['t'])) { $stage = min(2, 1 + ($jobdata['filecreating_substatus']['i']/max($jobdata['filecreating_substatus']['t'], 1))); } } break; case 'filescreated': $stage = 2; $curstage = __('Created file backup zips', 'updraftplus'); break; // Stage 4 case 'clonepolling': $stage = 4; $curstage = __('Clone server being provisioned and booted (can take several minutes)', 'updraftplus'); break; case 'clouduploading': $stage = 4; $curstage = __('Uploading files to remote storage', 'updraftplus'); if ($remote_sent) $curstage = __('Sending files to remote site', 'updraftplus'); if (isset($jobdata['uploading_substatus']['t']) && isset($jobdata['uploading_substatus']['i'])) { $t = max((int) $jobdata['uploading_substatus']['t'], 1); $i = min($jobdata['uploading_substatus']['i']/$t, 1); $p = min($jobdata['uploading_substatus']['p'], 1); $pd = $i + $p/$t; $stage = 4 + $pd; $curstage .= ' '.sprintf(__('(%s%%, file %s of %s)', 'updraftplus'), floor(100*$pd), $jobdata['uploading_substatus']['i']+1, $t); } break; case 'pruning': $stage = 5; $curstage = __('Pruning old backup sets', 'updraftplus'); break; case 'resumingforerrors': $stage = -1; $curstage = __('Waiting until scheduled time to retry because of errors', 'updraftplus'); break; // Stage 6 case 'finished': $stage = 6; $curstage = __('Backup finished', 'updraftplus'); break; default: // Database creation and encryption occupies the space from 2 to 4. Databases are created then encrypted, then the next database is created/encrypted, etc. if ('dbcreated' == substr($jobstatus, 0, 9)) { $jobstatus = 'dbcreated'; $whichdb = substr($jobstatus, 9); if (!is_numeric($whichdb)) $whichdb = 0; $howmanydbs = max((empty($jobdata['backup_database']) || !is_array($jobdata['backup_database'])) ? 1 : count($jobdata['backup_database']), 1); $perdbspace = 2/$howmanydbs; $stage = min(4, 2 + ($whichdb+2)*$perdbspace); $curstage = __('Created database backup', 'updraftplus'); } elseif ('dbcreating' == substr($jobstatus, 0, 10)) { $whichdb = substr($jobstatus, 10); if (!is_numeric($whichdb)) $whichdb = 0; $howmanydbs = (empty($jobdata['backup_database']) || !is_array($jobdata['backup_database'])) ? 1 : count($jobdata['backup_database']); $perdbspace = 2/$howmanydbs; $jobstatus = 'dbcreating'; $stage = min(4, 2 + $whichdb*$perdbspace); $curstage = __('Creating database backup', 'updraftplus'); if (!empty($jobdata['dbcreating_substatus']['t'])) { $curstage .= ' ('.sprintf(__('table: %s', 'updraftplus'), $jobdata['dbcreating_substatus']['t']).')'; if (!empty($jobdata['dbcreating_substatus']['i']) && !empty($jobdata['dbcreating_substatus']['a'])) { $substage = max(0.001, ($jobdata['dbcreating_substatus']['i'] / max($jobdata['dbcreating_substatus']['a'], 1))); $stage += $substage * $perdbspace * 0.5; } } } elseif ('dbencrypting' == substr($jobstatus, 0, 12)) { $whichdb = substr($jobstatus, 12); if (!is_numeric($whichdb)) $whichdb = 0; $howmanydbs = (empty($jobdata['backup_database']) || !is_array($jobdata['backup_database'])) ? 1 : count($jobdata['backup_database']); $perdbspace = 2/$howmanydbs; $stage = min(4, 2 + $whichdb*$perdbspace + $perdbspace*0.5); $jobstatus = 'dbencrypting'; $curstage = __('Encrypting database', 'updraftplus'); } elseif ('dbencrypted' == substr($jobstatus, 0, 11)) { $whichdb = substr($jobstatus, 11); if (!is_numeric($whichdb)) $whichdb = 0; $howmanydbs = (empty($jobdata['backup_database']) || !is_array($jobdata['backup_database'])) ? 1 : count($jobdata['backup_database']); $jobstatus = 'dbencrypted'; $perdbspace = 2/$howmanydbs; $stage = min(4, 2 + $whichdb*$perdbspace + $perdbspace); $curstage = __('Encrypted database', 'updraftplus'); } else { $curstage = __('Unknown', 'updraftplus'); } } $runs_started = (empty($jobdata['runs_started'])) ? array() : $jobdata['runs_started']; $time_passed = (empty($jobdata['run_times'])) ? array() : $jobdata['run_times']; $last_checkin_ago = -1; if (is_array($time_passed)) { foreach ($time_passed as $run => $passed) { if (isset($runs_started[$run])) { $time_ago = microtime(true) - ($runs_started[$run] + $time_passed[$run]); if ($time_ago < $last_checkin_ago || -1 == $last_checkin_ago) $last_checkin_ago = $time_ago; } } } $next_res_after = (int) $time-time(); $next_res_txt = ($is_oneshot) ? '' : sprintf(__("next resumption: %d (after %ss)", 'updraftplus'), $next_resumption, $next_res_after). ' '; $last_activity_txt = ($last_checkin_ago >= 0) ? sprintf(__('last activity: %ss ago', 'updraftplus'), floor($last_checkin_ago)).' ' : ''; if (($last_checkin_ago < 50 && $next_res_after>30) || $is_oneshot) { $show_inline_info = $last_activity_txt; $title_info = $next_res_txt; } else { $show_inline_info = $next_res_txt; $title_info = $last_activity_txt; } $ret .= '
    '; $ret .= '
    '.$began_at. '
    '; $ret .= '
    '; // Existence of the 'updraft-jobid-(id)' id is checked for in other places, so do not modify this $ret .= '
    '; if ($clone_url) $ret .= '
    '; $ret .= apply_filters('updraft_printjob_beforewarnings', '', $jobdata, $job_id); if (!empty($jobdata['warnings']) && is_array($jobdata['warnings'])) { $ret .= '
      '; foreach ($jobdata['warnings'] as $warning) { $ret .= '
    • '.sprintf(__('Warning: %s', 'updraftplus'), make_clickable(htmlspecialchars($warning))).'
    • '; } $ret .= '
    '; } $ret .= '
    '; // $ret .= ''.htmlspecialchars($curstage).''; $ret .= htmlspecialchars($curstage); // we need to add this data-progress attribute in order to be able to update the progress bar in UDC $ret .= '
    '; $ret .= '
    '; $ret .= '
    '; $ret .= $show_inline_info; if (!empty($show_inline_info)) $ret .= ' - '; $ret .= ''.__('show log', 'updraftplus').''; if (!$is_oneshot) $ret .=' - '.__('stop', 'updraftplus').''; $ret .= '
    '; $ret .= '
    '; return $ret; } private function delete_old_dirs_go($show_return = true) { echo $show_return ? '

    UpdraftPlus - '.__('Remove old directories', 'updraftplus').'

    ' : '

    '.__('Remove old directories', 'updraftplus').'

    '; if ($this->delete_old_dirs()) { echo '

    '.__('Old directories successfully removed.', 'updraftplus').'

    '; } else { echo '

    ',__('Old directory removal failed for some reason. You may want to do this manually.', 'updraftplus').'

    '; } if ($show_return) echo ''.__('Actions', 'updraftplus').': '.__('Return to UpdraftPlus Configuration', 'updraftplus').''; } /** * Deletes the -old directories that are created when a backup is restored. * * @return String. Can also exit (something we ought to probably review) */ private function delete_old_dirs() { global $wp_filesystem, $updraftplus; $credentials = request_filesystem_credentials(wp_nonce_url(UpdraftPlus_Options::admin_page_url()."?page=updraftplus&action=updraft_delete_old_dirs", 'updraftplus-credentialtest-nonce')); WP_Filesystem($credentials); if ($wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_code()) { foreach ($wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_messages() as $message) show_message($message); exit; } // From WP_CONTENT_DIR - which contains 'themes' $ret = $this->delete_old_dirs_dir($wp_filesystem->wp_content_dir()); $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); if ($updraft_dir) { $ret4 = $updraft_dir ? $this->delete_old_dirs_dir($updraft_dir, false) : true; } else { $ret4 = true; } $plugs = untrailingslashit($wp_filesystem->wp_plugins_dir()); if ($wp_filesystem->is_dir($plugs.'-old')) { echo "".__('Delete', 'updraftplus').": plugins-old: "; if (!$wp_filesystem->delete($plugs.'-old', true)) { $ret3 = false; echo "".__('Failed', 'updraftplus')."
    "; echo $updraftplus->log_permission_failure_message($wp_filesystem->wp_content_dir(), 'Delete '.$plugs.'-old'); } else { $ret3 = true; echo "".__('OK', 'updraftplus')."
    "; } } else { $ret3 = true; } return $ret && $ret3 && $ret4; } private function delete_old_dirs_dir($dir, $wpfs = true) { $dir = trailingslashit($dir); global $wp_filesystem, $updraftplus; if ($wpfs) { $list = $wp_filesystem->dirlist($dir); } else { $list = scandir($dir); } if (!is_array($list)) return false; $ret = true; foreach ($list as $item) { $name = (is_array($item)) ? $item['name'] : $item; if ("-old" == substr($name, -4, 4)) { // recursively delete print "".__('Delete', 'updraftplus').": ".htmlspecialchars($name).": "; if ($wpfs) { if (!$wp_filesystem->delete($dir.$name, true)) { $ret = false; echo "".__('Failed', 'updraftplus')."
    "; echo $updraftplus->log_permission_failure_message($dir, 'Delete '.$dir.$name); } else { echo "".__('OK', 'updraftplus')."
    "; } } else { if (UpdraftPlus_Filesystem_Functions::remove_local_directory($dir.$name)) { echo "".__('OK', 'updraftplus')."
    "; } else { $ret = false; echo "".__('Failed', 'updraftplus')."
    "; echo $updraftplus->log_permission_failure_message($dir, 'Delete '.$dir.$name); } } } } return $ret; } /** * The aim is to get a directory that is writable by the webserver, because that's the only way we can create zip files * * @return Boolean|WP_Error true if successful, otherwise false or a WP_Error */ private function create_backup_dir() { global $wp_filesystem, $updraftplus; if (false === ($credentials = request_filesystem_credentials(UpdraftPlus_Options::admin_page().'?page=updraftplus&action=updraft_create_backup_dir&nonce='.wp_create_nonce('create_backup_dir')))) { return false; } if (!WP_Filesystem($credentials)) { // our credentials were no good, ask the user for them again request_filesystem_credentials(UpdraftPlus_Options::admin_page().'?page=updraftplus&action=updraft_create_backup_dir&nonce='.wp_create_nonce('create_backup_dir'), '', true); return false; } $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); $default_backup_dir = $wp_filesystem->find_folder(dirname($updraft_dir)).basename($updraft_dir); $updraft_dir = ($updraft_dir) ? $wp_filesystem->find_folder(dirname($updraft_dir)).basename($updraft_dir) : $default_backup_dir; if (!$wp_filesystem->is_dir($default_backup_dir) && !$wp_filesystem->mkdir($default_backup_dir, 0775)) { $wperr = new WP_Error; if ($wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_code()) { foreach ($wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_messages() as $message) { $wperr->add('mkdir_error', $message); } return $wperr; } else { return new WP_Error('mkdir_error', __('The request to the filesystem to create the directory failed.', 'updraftplus')); } } if ($wp_filesystem->is_dir($default_backup_dir)) { if (UpdraftPlus_Filesystem_Functions::really_is_writable($updraft_dir)) return true; @$wp_filesystem->chmod($default_backup_dir, 0775); if (UpdraftPlus_Filesystem_Functions::really_is_writable($updraft_dir)) return true; @$wp_filesystem->chmod($default_backup_dir, 0777); if (UpdraftPlus_Filesystem_Functions::really_is_writable($updraft_dir)) { echo '

    '.__('The folder was created, but we had to change its file permissions to 777 (world-writable) to be able to write to it. You should check with your hosting provider that this will not cause any problems', 'updraftplus').'

    '; return true; } else { @$wp_filesystem->chmod($default_backup_dir, 0775); $show_dir = (0 === strpos($default_backup_dir, ABSPATH)) ? substr($default_backup_dir, strlen(ABSPATH)) : $default_backup_dir; return new WP_Error('writable_error', __('The folder exists, but your webserver does not have permission to write to it.', 'updraftplus').' '.__('You will need to consult with your web hosting provider to find out how to set permissions for a WordPress plugin to write to the directory.', 'updraftplus').' ('.$show_dir.')'); } } return true; } /** * scans the content dir to see if any -old dirs are present * * @param Boolean $print_as_comment Echo information in an HTML comment * @return Boolean */ private function scan_old_dirs($print_as_comment = false) { global $updraftplus; $dirs = scandir(untrailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR)); if (!is_array($dirs)) $dirs = array(); $dirs_u = @scandir($updraftplus->backups_dir_location()); if (!is_array($dirs_u)) $dirs_u = array(); foreach (array_merge($dirs, $dirs_u) as $dir) { if (preg_match('/-old$/', $dir)) { if ($print_as_comment) echo ''; return true; } } // No need to scan ABSPATH - we don't backup there if (is_dir(untrailingslashit(WP_PLUGIN_DIR).'-old')) { if ($print_as_comment) echo ''; return true; } return false; } /** * Outputs html for a storage method using the parameters passed in, this version should be removed when all remote storages use the multi version * * @param String $method a list of methods to be used when * @param String $header the table header content * @param String $contents the table contents */ public function storagemethod_row($method, $header, $contents) { ?> '.$header.' '.$contents.' '; } /** * Get HTML suitable for the admin area for the status of the last backup * * @return String */ public function last_backup_html() { global $updraftplus; $updraft_last_backup = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_last_backup'); if ($updraft_last_backup) { // Convert to GMT, then to blog time $backup_time = (int) $updraft_last_backup['backup_time']; $print_time = get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $backup_time), 'D, F j, Y H:i'); if (empty($updraft_last_backup['backup_time_incremental'])) { $last_backup_text = "".$print_time.''; } else { $inc_time = get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $updraft_last_backup['backup_time_incremental']), 'D, F j, Y H:i'); $last_backup_text = "$inc_time (".sprintf(__('incremental backup; base backup: %s', 'updraftplus'), $print_time).')'; } $last_backup_text .= '
    '; // Show errors + warnings if (is_array($updraft_last_backup['errors'])) { foreach ($updraft_last_backup['errors'] as $err) { $level = (is_array($err)) ? $err['level'] : 'error'; $message = (is_array($err)) ? $err['message'] : $err; $last_backup_text .= ('warning' == $level) ? "" : ""; if ('warning' == $level) { $message = sprintf(__("Warning: %s", 'updraftplus'), make_clickable(htmlspecialchars($message))); } else { $message = htmlspecialchars($message); } $last_backup_text .= $message; $last_backup_text .= '
    '; } } // Link log if (!empty($updraft_last_backup['backup_nonce'])) { $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); $potential_log_file = $updraft_dir."/log.".$updraft_last_backup['backup_nonce'].".txt"; if (is_readable($potential_log_file)) $last_backup_text .= "".__('Download log file', 'updraftplus').""; } } else { $last_backup_text = "".__('No backup has been completed', 'updraftplus').""; } return $last_backup_text; } /** * Get a list of backup intervals * * @return Array - keys are used as identifiers in the UI drop-down; values are user-displayed text describing the interval */ public function get_intervals() { return apply_filters('updraftplus_backup_intervals', array( 'manual' => _x("Manual", 'i.e. Non-automatic', 'updraftplus'), 'every4hours' => sprintf(__("Every %s hours", 'updraftplus'), '4'), 'every8hours' => sprintf(__("Every %s hours", 'updraftplus'), '8'), 'twicedaily' => sprintf(__("Every %s hours", 'updraftplus'), '12'), 'daily' => __("Daily", 'updraftplus'), 'weekly' => __("Weekly", 'updraftplus'), 'fortnightly' => __("Fortnightly", 'updraftplus'), 'monthly' => __("Monthly", 'updraftplus') )); } public function really_writable_message($really_is_writable, $updraft_dir) { if ($really_is_writable) { $dir_info = ''.__('Backup directory specified is writable, which is good.', 'updraftplus').''; } else { $dir_info = ''; if (!is_dir($updraft_dir)) { $dir_info .= __('Backup directory specified does not exist.', 'updraftplus'); } else { $dir_info .= __('Backup directory specified exists, but is not writable.', 'updraftplus'); } $dir_info .= ''.__('Follow this link to attempt to create the directory and set the permissions', 'updraftplus').', '.__('or, to reset this option', 'updraftplus').' '.__('press here', 'updraftplus').'. '.__('If that is unsuccessful check the permissions on your server or change it to another directory that is writable by your web server process.', 'updraftplus').''; } return $dir_info; } /** * Directly output the settings form (suitable for the admin area) * * @param Array $options current options (passed on to the template) */ public function settings_formcontents($options = array()) { $this->include_template('wp-admin/settings/form-contents.php', false, array( 'options' => $options )); if (!(defined('UPDRAFTCENTRAL_COMMAND') && UPDRAFTCENTRAL_COMMAND)) { $this->include_template('wp-admin/settings/exclude-modal.php', false); } } public function get_settings_js($method_objects, $really_is_writable, $updraft_dir, $active_service) { global $updraftplus; ob_start(); ?> jQuery(document).ready(function() { backup_methods as $method => $description) { // already done: require_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/methods/'.$method.'.php'); $call_method = "UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_$method"; if (method_exists($call_method, 'config_print_javascript_onready')) { $method_objects[$method]->config_print_javascript_onready(); } } ?> }); get_backupable_file_entities(true, true); // The true (default value if non-existent) here has the effect of forcing a default of on. $include_more_paths = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_include_more_path'); foreach ($backupable_entities as $key => $info) { $included = (UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option("updraft_include_$key", apply_filters("updraftplus_defaultoption_include_".$key, true))) ? 'checked="checked"' : ""; if ('others' == $key || 'uploads' == $key) { $data_toggle_exclude_field = $show_exclusion_options ? 'data-toggle_exclude_field="'.$key.'"' : ''; $ret .= ''; if ($show_exclusion_options) { $include_exclude = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_include_'.$key.'_exclude', ('others' == $key) ? UPDRAFT_DEFAULT_OTHERS_EXCLUDE : UPDRAFT_DEFAULT_UPLOADS_EXCLUDE); $display = ($included) ? '' : 'class="updraft-hidden" style="display:none;"'; $exclude_container_class = $prefix.'updraft_include_'.$key.'_exclude'; if (!$for_updraftcentral) $exclude_container_class .= '_container'; $ret .= "
    "; $ret .= ''; $exclude_input_type = $for_updraftcentral ? "text" : "hidden"; $exclude_input_extra_attr = $for_updraftcentral ? 'title="'.__('If entering multiple files/directories, then separate them with commas. For entities at the top level, you can use a * at the start or end of the entry as a wildcard.', 'updraftplus').'" size="54"' : ''; $ret .= ''; if (!$for_updraftcentral) { global $updraftplus; $backupable_file_entities = $updraftplus->get_backupable_file_entities(); if ('uploads' == $key) { $path = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::wp_normalize_path($backupable_file_entities['uploads']); } elseif ('others' == $key) { $path = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::wp_normalize_path($backupable_file_entities['others']); } $ret .= $this->include_template('wp-admin/settings/file-backup-exclude.php', true, array( 'key' => $key, 'include_exclude' => $include_exclude, 'path' => $path, 'show_exclusion_options' => $show_exclusion_options, )); } $ret .= '
    '; } } else { if ('more' != $key || true === $include_more || ('sometimes' === $include_more && !empty($include_more_paths))) { $data_toggle_exclude_field = $show_exclusion_options ? 'data-toggle_exclude_field="'.$key.'"' : ''; $ret .= ""; $ret .= apply_filters("updraftplus_config_option_include_$key", '', $prefix, $for_updraftcentral); } } } return $ret; } /** * Output or echo HTML for an error condition relating to a remote storage method * * @param String $text - the text of the message; this should already be escaped (no more is done) * @param String $extraclass - a CSS class for the resulting DOM node * @param Integer $echo - if set, then the results will be echoed as well as returned * * @return String - the results */ public function show_double_warning($text, $extraclass = '', $echo = true) { $ret = "


    "; $ret .= "


    "; if ($echo) echo $ret; return $ret; } public function optionfilter_split_every($value) { return max(absint($value), UPDRAFTPLUS_SPLIT_MIN); } /** * Check if curl exists; if not, print or return appropriate error messages * * @param String $service the service description (used only for user-visible messages - so, use the description) * @param Boolean $has_fallback set as true if the lack of Curl only affects the ability to connect over SSL * @param String $extraclass an extra CSS class for any resulting message, passed on to show_double_warning() * @param Boolean $echo_instead_of_return whether the result should be echoed or returned * @return String any resulting message, if $echo_instead_of_return was set */ public function curl_check($service, $has_fallback = false, $extraclass = '', $echo_instead_of_return = true) { $ret = ''; // Check requirements if (!function_exists("curl_init") || !function_exists('curl_exec')) { $ret .= $this->show_double_warning(''.__('Warning', 'updraftplus').': '.sprintf(__("Your web server's PHP installation does not included a required (for %s) module (%s). Please contact your web hosting provider's support and ask for them to enable it.", 'updraftplus'), $service, 'Curl').' ', $extraclass, false); } else { $curl_version = curl_version(); $curl_ssl_supported= ($curl_version['features'] & CURL_VERSION_SSL); if (!$curl_ssl_supported) { if ($has_fallback) { $ret .= '

    '.__('Warning', 'updraftplus').': '.sprintf(__("Your web server's PHP/Curl installation does not support https access. Communications with %s will be unencrypted. Ask your web host to install Curl/SSL in order to gain the ability for encryption (via an add-on).", 'updraftplus'), $service).'

    '; } else { $ret .= $this->show_double_warning('

    '.__('Warning', 'updraftplus').': '.sprintf(__("Your web server's PHP/Curl installation does not support https access. We cannot access %s without this support. Please contact your web hosting provider's support. %s requires Curl+https. Please do not file any support requests; there is no alternative.", 'updraftplus'), $service, $service).'

    ', $extraclass, false); } } else { $ret .= '

    '.sprintf(__("Good news: Your site's communications with %s can be encrypted. If you see any errors to do with encryption, then look in the 'Expert Settings' for more help.", 'updraftplus'), $service).'

    '; } } if ($echo_instead_of_return) { echo $ret; } else { return $ret; } } /** * Get backup information in HTML format for a specific backup * * @param array $backup_history all backups history * @param string $key backup timestamp * @param string $nonce backup nonce * @return string HTML-formatted backup information */ public function raw_backup_info($backup_history, $key, $nonce) { global $updraftplus; $backup = $backup_history[$key]; $only_remote_sent = (!empty($backup['service']) && (array('remotesend') === $backup['service'] || 'remotesend' === $backup['service'])) ? true : false; $pretty_date = get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int) $key), 'M d, Y G:i'); $rawbackup = "


    "; if (!empty($backup['label'])) $rawbackup .= ''.$backup['label'].''; if (!empty($nonce)) { $jd = $updraftplus->jobdata_getarray($nonce); } else { $jd = array(); } if (!$only_remote_sent) { $rawbackup .= '
    '; $rawbackup .= ''; } $rawbackup .= '

    '; $backupable_entities = $updraftplus->get_backupable_file_entities(true, true); $checksums = $updraftplus->which_checksums(); foreach ($backupable_entities as $type => $info) { if (!isset($backup[$type])) continue; $rawbackup .= $updraftplus->printfile($info['description'], $backup, $type, $checksums, $jd, true); } $total_size = 0; foreach ($backup as $ekey => $files) { if ('db' == strtolower(substr($ekey, 0, 2)) && '-size' != substr($ekey, -5, 5)) { $rawbackup .= $updraftplus->printfile(__('Database', 'updraftplus'), $backup, $ekey, $checksums, $jd, true); } if (!isset($backupable_entities[$ekey]) && ('db' != substr($ekey, 0, 2) || '-size' == substr($ekey, -5, 5))) continue; if (is_string($files)) $files = array($files); foreach ($files as $findex => $file) { $size_key = (0 == $findex) ? $ekey.'-size' : $ekey.$findex.'-size'; $total_size = (false === $total_size || !isset($backup[$size_key]) || !is_numeric($backup[$size_key])) ? false : $total_size + $backup[$size_key]; } } $services = empty($backup['service']) ? array('none') : $backup['service']; if (!is_array($services)) $services = array('none'); $rawbackup .= ''.__('Uploaded to:', 'updraftplus').' '; $show_services = ''; foreach ($services as $serv) { if ('none' == $serv || '' == $serv) { $add_none = true; } elseif (isset($updraftplus->backup_methods[$serv])) { $show_services .= $show_services ? ', '.$updraftplus->backup_methods[$serv] : $updraftplus->backup_methods[$serv]; } else { $show_services .= $show_services ? ', '.$serv : $serv; } } if ('' == $show_services && $add_none) $show_services .= __('None', 'updraftplus'); $rawbackup .= $show_services; if (false !== $total_size) { $rawbackup .= '

    '.__('Total backup size:', 'updraftplus').' '.UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::convert_numeric_size_to_text($total_size).'

    '; } $rawbackup .= '

    '.print_r($backup, true).'

    '; if (!empty($jd) && is_array($jd)) { $rawbackup .= '

    '.print_r($jd, true).'

    '; } return esc_attr($rawbackup); } private function download_db_button($bkey, $key, $esc_pretty_date, $backup, $accept = array()) { if (!empty($backup['meta_foreign']) && isset($accept[$backup['meta_foreign']])) { $desc_source = $accept[$backup['meta_foreign']]['desc']; } else { $desc_source = __('unknown source', 'updraftplus'); } $ret = ''; if ('db' == $bkey) { $dbt = empty($backup['meta_foreign']) ? esc_attr(__('Database', 'updraftplus')) : esc_attr(sprintf(__('Database (created by %s)', 'updraftplus'), $desc_source)); } else { $dbt = __('External database', 'updraftplus').' ('.substr($bkey, 2).')'; } $ret .= $this->download_button($bkey, $key, 0, null, '', $dbt, $esc_pretty_date, '0'); return $ret; } /** * Go through each of the file entities * * @param Array $backup An array of meta information * @param Integer $key Backup timestamp (epoch time) * @param Array $accept An array of values to be accepted from vaules within $backup * @param String $entities Entities to be added * @param String $esc_pretty_date Whether the button needs to escape the pretty date format * @return String - the resulting HTML */ public function download_buttons($backup, $key, $accept, &$entities, $esc_pretty_date) { global $updraftplus; $ret = ''; $backupable_entities = $updraftplus->get_backupable_file_entities(true, true); $first_entity = true; foreach ($backupable_entities as $type => $info) { if (!empty($backup['meta_foreign']) && 'wpcore' != $type) continue; $ide = ''; if ('wpcore' == $type) $wpcore_restore_descrip = $info['description']; if (empty($backup['meta_foreign'])) { $sdescrip = preg_replace('/ \(.*\)$/', '', $info['description']); if (strlen($sdescrip) > 20 && isset($info['shortdescription'])) $sdescrip = $info['shortdescription']; } else { $info['description'] = 'WordPress'; if (isset($accept[$backup['meta_foreign']])) { $desc_source = $accept[$backup['meta_foreign']]['desc']; $ide .= sprintf(__('Backup created by: %s.', 'updraftplus'), $accept[$backup['meta_foreign']]['desc']).' '; } else { $desc_source = __('unknown source', 'updraftplus'); $ide .= __('Backup created by unknown source (%s) - cannot be restored.', 'updraftplus').' '; } $sdescrip = (empty($accept[$backup['meta_foreign']]['separatedb'])) ? sprintf(__('Files and database WordPress backup (created by %s)', 'updraftplus'), $desc_source) : sprintf(__('Files backup (created by %s)', 'updraftplus'), $desc_source); if ('wpcore' == $type) $wpcore_restore_descrip = $sdescrip; } if (isset($backup[$type])) { if (!is_array($backup[$type])) $backup[$type] = array($backup[$type]); $howmanyinset = count($backup[$type]); $expected_index = 0; $index_missing = false; $set_contents = ''; $entities .= "/$type="; $whatfiles = $backup[$type]; ksort($whatfiles); foreach ($whatfiles as $findex => $bfile) { $set_contents .= ('' == $set_contents) ? $findex : ",$findex"; if ($findex != $expected_index) $index_missing = true; $expected_index++; } $entities .= $set_contents.'/'; if (!empty($backup['meta_foreign'])) { $entities .= '/plugins=0//themes=0//uploads=0//others=0/'; } $printing_first = true; foreach ($whatfiles as $findex => $bfile) { $pdescrip = ($findex > 0) ? $sdescrip.' ('.($findex+1).')' : $sdescrip; if ($printing_first) { $ide .= __('Press here to download or browse', 'updraftplus').' '.strtolower($info['description']); } else { $ret .= ''; } else { $printing_first = false; } } } } return $ret; } public function date_label($pretty_date, $key, $backup, $jobdata, $nonce, $simple_format = false) { $pretty_date = $simple_format ? $pretty_date : '
    '; $ret = apply_filters('updraftplus_showbackup_date', $pretty_date, $backup, $jobdata, (int) $key, $simple_format); if (is_array($jobdata) && !empty($jobdata['resume_interval']) && (empty($jobdata['jobstatus']) || 'finished' != $jobdata['jobstatus'])) { if ($simple_format) { $ret .= ' '.__('(Not finished)', 'updraftplus'); } else { $ret .= apply_filters('updraftplus_msg_unfinishedbackup', "
    ".__('(Not finished)', 'updraftplus').'', $jobdata, $nonce); } } return $ret; } public function download_button($type, $backup_timestamp, $findex, $info, $title, $pdescrip, $esc_pretty_date, $set_contents) { $ret = ''; $wp_nonce = wp_create_nonce('updraftplus_download'); // updraft_downloader(base, backup_timestamp, what, whicharea, set_contents, prettydate, async) $ret .= ''; // onclick="'."return updraft_downloader('uddlstatus_', '$backup_timestamp', '$type', '.ud_downloadstatus', '$set_contents', '$esc_pretty_date', true)".'" return $ret; } public function restore_button($backup, $key, $pretty_date, $entities = '') { $ret = '
    '; if ($entities) { $show_data = $pretty_date; if (isset($backup['native']) && false == $backup['native']) { $show_data .= ' '.__('(backup set imported from remote location)', 'updraftplus'); } $ret .= ''; } $ret .= "
    \n"; return $ret; } /** * Get HTML for the 'Upload' button for a particular backup in the 'Existing Backups' tab * * @param Integer $backup_time - backup timestamp (epoch time) * @param String $nonce - backup nonce * @param Array $backup - backup information array * * @return String - the resulting HTML */ public function upload_button($backup_time, $nonce, $backup) { global $updraftplus; // Check the job is not still running. $jobdata = $updraftplus->jobdata_getarray($nonce); if (!empty($jobdata) && 'finished' != $jobdata['jobstatus']) return ''; // Check that the user has remote storage setup. $services = (array) $updraftplus->just_one($updraftplus->get_canonical_service_list()); if (empty($services)) return ''; $show_upload = false; $not_uploaded = array(); // Check that the backup has not already been sent to remote storage before. if (empty($backup['service']) || array('none') == $backup['service'] || array('') == $backup['service'] || 'none' == $backup['service']) { $show_upload = true; // If it has been uploaded then check if there are any new remote storage options that it has not yet been sent to. } elseif (!empty($backup['service']) && array('none') != $backup['service'] && array('') != $backup['service'] && 'none' != $backup['service']) { foreach ($services as $key => $value) { if (in_array($value, $backup['service'])) unset($services[$key]); } if (!empty($services)) $show_upload = true; } if ($show_upload) { $missing_file = false; $entities = $updraftplus->get_backupable_file_entities(true); // Add the database to the entities array ready to loop over $entities['db'] = ''; $updraft_dir = trailingslashit($updraftplus->backups_dir_location()); foreach ($entities as $type => $info) { if (!isset($backup[$type])) continue; // Cast this to an array so that a warning is not thrown when we encounter a Database. foreach ((array) $backup[$type] as $value) { if (!file_exists($updraft_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value)) $missing_file = true; } } if (!$missing_file) { $service_list = ''; $service_list_display = ''; $is_first_service = true; foreach ($services as $key => $service) { if (!$is_first_service) { $service_list .= ','; $service_list_display .= ', '; } $service_list .= $service; $service_list_display .= $updraftplus->backup_methods[$service]; $is_first_service = false; } return '
    '; } return ''; } } /** * Get HTML for the 'Delete' button for a particular backup in the 'Existing Backups' tab * * @param Integer $backup_time - backup timestamp (epoch time) * @param String $nonce - backup nonce * @param Array $backup - backup information array * * @return String - the resulting HTML */ public function delete_button($backup_time, $nonce, $backup) { $sval = (!empty($backup['service']) && 'email' != $backup['service'] && 'none' != $backup['service'] && array('email') !== $backup['service'] && array('none') !== $backup['service'] && array('remotesend') !== $backup['service']) ? '1' : '0'; return ''; } public function log_button($backup) { global $updraftplus; $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); $ret = ''; if (isset($backup['nonce']) && preg_match("/^[0-9a-f]{12}$/", $backup['nonce']) && is_readable($updraft_dir.'/log.'.$backup['nonce'].'.txt')) { $nval = $backup['nonce']; $lt = __('View Log', 'updraftplus'); $url = esc_attr(UpdraftPlus_Options::admin_page()."?page=updraftplus&action=downloadlog&updraftplus_backup_nonce=$nval"); $ret .= << $lt
    ENDHERE; return $ret; } } /** * This function will set up the backup job data for when we are uploading a local backup to remote storage. It changes the initial jobdata so that UpdraftPlus knows about what files it's uploading and so that it skips directly to the upload stage. * * @param array $jobdata - the initial job data that we want to change * @param array $options - options sent from the front end includes backup timestamp and nonce * * @return array - the modified jobdata */ public function upload_local_backup_jobdata($jobdata, $options) { global $updraftplus; if (!is_array($jobdata)) return $jobdata; $backup_history = UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::get_history(); $services = !empty($options['services']) ? $options['services'] : array(); $backup = $backup_history[$options['use_timestamp']]; $backupable_entities = $updraftplus->get_backupable_file_entities(true); /* The initial job data is not set up in a key value array instead it is set up so key "x" is the name of the key and then key "y" is the value. e.g array[0] = 'backup_name' array[1] = 'my_backup' */ $jobstatus_key = array_search('jobstatus', $jobdata) + 1; $backup_time_key = array_search('backup_time', $jobdata) + 1; $backup_database_key = array_search('backup_database', $jobdata) + 1; $backup_files_key = array_search('backup_files', $jobdata) + 1; $service_key = array_search('service', $jobdata) + 1; $db_backups = $jobdata[$backup_database_key]; $file_backups = array(); // We need to construct the expected files array here, this gets added to the jobdata much later in the backup process but we need this before we start foreach ($backupable_entities as $entity => $path) { if (isset($backup[$entity])) $file_backups[$entity] = $backup[$entity]; if (isset($backup[$entity.'-size'])) $file_backups[$entity.'-size'] = $backup[$entity.'-size']; } $db_backup_info = $updraftplus->update_database_jobdata($db_backups, $backup); // Next we need to build the services array using the remote storage destinations the user has selected to upload this backup set to $selected_services = array(); foreach ($services as $key => $storage_info) { $selected_services[] = $storage_info['value']; } $jobdata[$jobstatus_key] = 'clouduploading'; $jobdata[$backup_time_key] = $options['use_timestamp']; $jobdata[$backup_files_key] = 'finished'; $jobdata[] = 'backup_files_array'; $jobdata[] = $file_backups; $jobdata[] = 'blog_name'; $jobdata[] = $db_backup_info['blog_name']; $jobdata[$backup_database_key] = $db_backup_info['db_backups']; if (!empty($selected_services)) $jobdata[$service_key] = $selected_services; return $jobdata; } /** * This function allows us to change the backup name, this is needed when uploading a local database backup to remote storage when the backup has come from another site. * * @param string $backup_name - the current name of the backup file * @param string $use_time - the current timestamp we are using * @param string $blog_name - the blog name of the current site * * @return string - the new filename or the original if the blog name from the job data is not set */ public function upload_local_backup_name($backup_name, $use_time, $blog_name) { global $updraftplus; $backup_blog_name = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('blog_name', ''); if ('' != $blog_name && '' != $backup_blog_name) { return str_replace($blog_name, $backup_blog_name, $backup_name); } return $backup_name; } /** * Processes $_POST (keys: updraft_restore and updraft_restore_*) to build an array of entities to restore. * Can also edit $_POST['updraft_restore'] * * @param Array $backup_set - information on the backup to restore * * @return Array */ private function get_entities_to_restore($backup_set) { $entities_to_restore = array(); $foreign_known = apply_filters('updraftplus_accept_archivename', array()); foreach ($_POST['updraft_restore'] as $entity) { if (empty($backup_set['meta_foreign'])) { $entities_to_restore[$entity] = $entity; } else { if ('db' == $entity && !empty($foreign_known[$backup_set['meta_foreign']]) && !empty($foreign_known[$backup_set['meta_foreign']]['separatedb'])) { $entities_to_restore[$entity] = 'db'; } else { $entities_to_restore[$entity] = 'wpcore'; } } } foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (0 === strpos($key, 'updraft_restore_')) { $nkey = substr($key, 16); if (!isset($entities_to_restore[$nkey])) { $_POST['updraft_restore'][] = $nkey; if (empty($backup_set['meta_foreign'])) { $entities_to_restore[$nkey] = $nkey; } else { if ('db' == $entity && !empty($foreign_known[$backup_set['meta_foreign']]['separatedb'])) { $entities_to_restore[$nkey] = 'db'; } else { $entities_to_restore[$nkey] = 'wpcore'; } } } } } return $entities_to_restore; } /** * Ensure that WP_Filesystem is instantiated and functional. Otherwise, outputs necessary HTML and dies. * * @param Array $continuation_data - continuation data * @param Integer $timestamp - backup timestamp * * @return Array|Null - restore options to use, if any */ private function ensure_wp_filesystem_set_up($continuation_data, $timestamp) { global $wp_filesystem; $restore_options = null; // request_filesystem_credentials passes on fields just via hidden name/value pairs. // Build array of parameters to be passed via this $extra_fields = array(); if (isset($_POST['updraft_restore']) && is_array($_POST['updraft_restore'])) { foreach ($_POST['updraft_restore'] as $entity) { $_POST['updraft_restore_'.$entity] = 1; $extra_fields[] = 'updraft_restore_'.$entity; } } if (is_array($continuation_data)) { foreach ($continuation_data['second_loop_entities'] as $type => $files) { $_POST['updraft_restore_'.$type] = 1; if (!in_array('updraft_restore_'.$type, $extra_fields)) $extra_fields[] = 'updraft_restore_'.$type; } if (!empty($continuation_data['restore_options'])) $restore_options = $continuation_data['restore_options']; } // Now make sure that updraft_restorer_ option fields get passed along to request_filesystem_credentials foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (0 === strpos($key, 'updraft_restorer_')) $extra_fields[] = $key; } $credentials = request_filesystem_credentials(UpdraftPlus_Options::admin_page()."?page=updraftplus&action=updraft_restore&backup_timestamp=$timestamp", '', false, false, $extra_fields); WP_Filesystem($credentials); if ($wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_code()) { echo '

    '.__('Why am I seeing this?', 'updraftplus').'

    '; foreach ($wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_messages() as $message) show_message($message); exit; } return $restore_options; } /** * Carry out the restore process * * @param Integer $timestamp Identifying the backup to be restored * @param Array|null $continuation_data For continuing a multi-stage restore (code believed to be incomplete) * @return Boolean|WP_Error WP_Error indicates a terminal failure; false indicates not-yet complete (not necessarily terminal); true indicates complete. */ private function restore_backup($timestamp, $continuation_data = null) { global $updraftplus; $backup_set = UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::get_history($timestamp); if (empty($backup_set)) { echo '

    '.__('This backup does not exist in the backup history - restoration aborted. Timestamp:', 'updraftplus')." $timestamp

    "; return new WP_Error('does_not_exist', __('Backup does not exist in the backup history', 'updraftplus')." ($timestamp)"); } // Will print HTML and die() if necessary $restore_options = $this->ensure_wp_filesystem_set_up($continuation_data, $timestamp); // The
    is closed by self::post_restore_clean_up() echo '

    '.__('UpdraftPlus Restoration: Progress', 'updraftplus').'

    '; // Set up job ID, time and logging $updraftplus->backup_time_nonce(); $updraftplus->jobdata_set('job_type', 'restore'); $updraftplus->jobdata_set('job_time_ms', $updraftplus->job_time_ms); $updraftplus->logfile_open($updraftplus->nonce); // Provide download link for the log file // TODO: Automatic purging of old log files // TODO: Provide option to auto-email the log file $this->show_admin_warning(''.__('Follow this link to download the log file for this restoration (needed for any support requests).', 'updraftplus').''); // Now, need to turn any updraft_restore_ fields (that came from a potential WP_Filesystem form) back into parts of the _POST array (which we want to use) if (empty($_POST['updraft_restore']) || (!is_array($_POST['updraft_restore']))) $_POST['updraft_restore'] = array(); // N.B. This both processes, and edits, $_POST['updraft_restore'] $entities_to_restore = $this->get_entities_to_restore($backup_set); if (0 == count($_POST['updraft_restore'])) { echo '

    '.__('ABORT: Could not find the information on which entities to restore.', 'updraftplus').'

    '; echo '

    '.__('If making a request for support, please include this information:', 'updraftplus').' '.count($_POST).' : '.htmlspecialchars(serialize($_POST)).'

    '; return new WP_Error('missing_info', 'Backup information not found'); } // This is used in painting the admin page after a successful restore $this->entities_to_restore = $entities_to_restore; // This will be removed by self::post_restore_clean_up() set_error_handler(array($updraftplus, 'php_error'), E_ALL & ~E_STRICT); // $_POST['updraft_restore'] is typically something like: array('db', 'plugins', 'themes'), etc. // If not options were supplied in $restore_options, then process things in $_POST to get them if (empty($restore_options)) { // Gather the restore options into one place - code after here should read the options, and not the HTTP variables $restore_options = array(); if (!empty($_POST['updraft_restorer_restore_options'])) { parse_str(stripslashes($_POST['updraft_restorer_restore_options']), $restore_options); } $restore_options['updraft_encryptionphrase'] = empty($_POST['updraft_encryptionphrase']) ? '' : (string) stripslashes($_POST['updraft_encryptionphrase']); $restore_options['updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig'] = empty($_POST['updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig']) ? false : true; $restore_options['updraft_incremental_restore_point'] = empty($restore_options['updraft_incremental_restore_point']) ? -1 : (int) $restore_options['updraft_incremental_restore_point']; $updraftplus->jobdata_set('restore_options', $restore_options); } // If updraft_incremental_restore_point is equal to -1 then this is either not a incremental restore or we are going to restore up to the latest increment, so there is no need to prune the backup set of any unwanted backup archives. if (isset($restore_options['updraft_incremental_restore_point']) && $restore_options['updraft_incremental_restore_point'] > 0) { $restore_point = $restore_options['updraft_incremental_restore_point']; foreach ($backup_set['incremental_sets'] as $increment_timestamp => $entities) { if ($increment_timestamp > $restore_point) { foreach ($entities as $entity => $backups) { foreach ($backups as $key => $value) { unset($backup_set[$entity][$key]); } } } } } // Restore in the most helpful order uksort($backup_set, array('UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions', 'sort_restoration_entities')); // Now log. We first remove any encryption passphrase from the log data. $copy_restore_options = $restore_options; if (!empty($copy_restore_options['updraft_encryptionphrase'])) $copy_restore_options['updraft_encryptionphrase'] = '***'; $updraftplus->log("Restore job started. Entities to restore: ".implode(', ', array_flip($entities_to_restore)).'. Restore options: '.json_encode($copy_restore_options)); $backup_set['timestamp'] = $timestamp; // We use a single object for each entity, because we want to store information about the backup set if (!class_exists('Updraft_Restorer')) include_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/restorer.php'); echo "

    ".__('Final checks', 'updraftplus').'

    '; global $updraftplus_restorer; $updraftplus_restorer = new Updraft_Restorer(new Updraft_Restorer_Skin, $backup_set, false, $restore_options); add_action('updraftplus_restoration_title', array($this, 'restoration_title')); $restore_result = $updraftplus_restorer->perform_restore($entities_to_restore, $restore_options, $continuation_data); if (is_wp_error($restore_result)) { foreach ($restore_result->get_error_codes() as $code) { if ('already_exists' == $code) $this->print_delete_old_dirs_form(false); $data = $restore_result->get_error_data($code); if (!empty($data)) { $pdata = is_string($data) ? $data : serialize($data); $updraftplus->log(__('Error data:', 'updraftplus').' '.$pdata, 'warning-restore'); if (false !== strpos($pdata, 'PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10)')) { echo ''.__('Follow this link for more information', 'updraftplus').'
    '; } } } } $this->post_restore_clean_up((true === $restore_result) ? true : false); return $restore_result; } /** * Called when the restore process wants to print a title * * @param String $title - title */ public function restoration_title($title) { echo '


    '; } /** * Restore has been completed - clean some things up * * @param Boolean $successful - if the restore was successful or not. If not, then only a minimum of necessary clean-up things is done. * @param Boolean $browser_context - if true, then extra messages will be echo-ed * * @uses $GLOBALS['updraftplus_restorer'] * @uses UpdraftPlus::log() */ public function post_restore_clean_up($successful = true, $browser_context = true) { global $updraftplus_restorer, $updraftplus; if ($successful) { // All done - remove the intermediate marker delete_site_option('updraft_restore_in_progress'); foreach (array('template', 'stylesheet', 'template_root', 'stylesheet_root') as $opt) { add_filter('pre_option_'.$opt, array($this, 'option_filter_'.$opt)); } // Clear any cached pages after the restore $updraftplus_restorer->clear_cache(); // Have seen a case where the current theme in the DB began with a capital, but not on disk - and this breaks migrating from Windows to a case-sensitive system $template = get_option('template'); if (!empty($template) && WP_DEFAULT_THEME != $template && strtolower($template) != $template) { $theme_root = get_theme_root($template); $theme_root2 = get_theme_root(strtolower($template)); if (!file_exists("$theme_root/$template/style.css") && file_exists("$theme_root/".strtolower($template)."/style.css")) { $updraftplus->log_e("Theme directory (%s) not found, but lower-case version exists; updating database option accordingly", $template); update_option('template', strtolower($template)); } } if (!function_exists('validate_current_theme')) include_once(ABSPATH.WPINC.'/themes'); if (!validate_current_theme()) { if ($browser_context) echo ''; $updraftplus->log_e("The current theme was not found; to prevent this stopping the site from loading, your theme has been reverted to the default theme"); if ($browser_context) echo ''; } do_action('updraftplus_restore_completed'); } if ($browser_context) echo '
    '; // Close the updraft_restore_progress div restore_error_handler(); } public function option_filter_template($val) { global $updraftplus; return $updraftplus->option_filter_get('template'); } public function option_filter_stylesheet($val) { global $updraftplus; return $updraftplus->option_filter_get('stylesheet'); } public function option_filter_template_root($val) { global $updraftplus; return $updraftplus->option_filter_get('template_root'); } public function option_filter_stylesheet_root($val) { global $updraftplus; return $updraftplus->option_filter_get('stylesheet_root'); } public function return_array($input) { if (!is_array($input)) $input = array(); return $input; } public function updraft_ajax_savesettings() { try { global $updraftplus; if (empty($_POST) || empty($_POST['subaction']) || 'savesettings' != $_POST['subaction'] || !isset($_POST['nonce']) || !is_user_logged_in() || !UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage() || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['nonce'], 'updraftplus-settings-nonce')) die('Security check'); if (empty($_POST['settings']) || !is_string($_POST['settings'])) die('Invalid data'); parse_str(stripslashes($_POST['settings']), $posted_settings); // We now have $posted_settings as an array if (!empty($_POST['updraftplus_version'])) $posted_settings['updraftplus_version'] = $_POST['updraftplus_version']; echo json_encode($this->save_settings($posted_settings)); } catch (Exception $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal Exception error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during save settings. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); echo json_encode(array( 'fatal_error' => true, 'fatal_error_message' => $log_message )); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine } catch (Error $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during save settings. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); echo json_encode(array( 'fatal_error' => true, 'fatal_error_message' => $log_message )); } die; } public function updraft_ajax_importsettings() { try { global $updraftplus; if (empty($_POST) || empty($_POST['subaction']) || 'importsettings' != $_POST['subaction'] || !isset($_POST['nonce']) || !is_user_logged_in() || !UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage() || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['nonce'], 'updraftplus-settings-nonce')) die('Security check'); if (empty($_POST['settings']) || !is_string($_POST['settings'])) die('Invalid data'); $this->import_settings($_POST); } catch (Exception $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal Exception error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during import settings. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); echo json_encode(array( 'fatal_error' => true, 'fatal_error_message' => $log_message )); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine } catch (Error $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during import settings. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); echo json_encode(array( 'fatal_error' => true, 'fatal_error_message' => $log_message )); } } /** * This method handles the imported json settings it will convert them into a readable format for the existing save settings function, it will also update some of the options to match the new remote storage options format (Apr 2017) * * @param Array $settings - The settings from the imported json file */ public function import_settings($settings) { global $updraftplus; // A bug in UD releases around 1.12.40 - 1.13.3 meant that it was saved in URL-string format, instead of JSON $perhaps_not_yet_parsed = json_decode(stripslashes($settings['settings']), true); if (!is_array($perhaps_not_yet_parsed)) { parse_str($perhaps_not_yet_parsed, $posted_settings); } else { $posted_settings = $perhaps_not_yet_parsed; } if (!empty($settings['updraftplus_version'])) $posted_settings['updraftplus_version'] = $settings['updraftplus_version']; // Handle the settings name change of WebDAV and SFTP (Apr 2017) if someone tries to import an old settings to this version if (isset($posted_settings['updraft_webdav_settings'])) { $posted_settings['updraft_webdav'] = $posted_settings['updraft_webdav_settings']; unset($posted_settings['updraft_webdav_settings']); } if (isset($posted_settings['updraft_sftp_settings'])) { $posted_settings['updraft_sftp'] = $posted_settings['updraft_sftp_settings']; unset($posted_settings['updraft_sftp_settings']); } // We also need to wrap some of the options in the new style settings array otherwise later on we will lose the settings if this information is missing if (empty($posted_settings['updraft_webdav']['settings'])) $posted_settings['updraft_webdav'] = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::wrap_remote_storage_options($posted_settings['updraft_webdav']); if (empty($posted_settings['updraft_googledrive']['settings'])) $posted_settings['updraft_googledrive'] = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::wrap_remote_storage_options($posted_settings['updraft_googledrive']); if (empty($posted_settings['updraft_googlecloud']['settings'])) $posted_settings['updraft_googlecloud'] = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::wrap_remote_storage_options($posted_settings['updraft_googlecloud']); if (empty($posted_settings['updraft_onedrive']['settings'])) $posted_settings['updraft_onedrive'] = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::wrap_remote_storage_options($posted_settings['updraft_onedrive']); if (empty($posted_settings['updraft_azure']['settings'])) $posted_settings['updraft_azure'] = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::wrap_remote_storage_options($posted_settings['updraft_azure']); if (empty($posted_settings['updraft_dropbox']['settings'])) $posted_settings['updraft_dropbox'] = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::wrap_remote_storage_options($posted_settings['updraft_dropbox']); echo json_encode($this->save_settings($posted_settings)); die; } private function backup_now_remote_message() { global $updraftplus; $service = $updraftplus->just_one(UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_service')); if (is_string($service)) $service = array($service); if (!is_array($service)) $service = array(); $no_remote_configured = (empty($service) || array('none') === $service || array('') === $service) ? true : false; if ($no_remote_configured) { return ' '.sprintf(__("Backup won't be sent to any remote storage - none has been saved in the %s", 'updraftplus'), ''.__('settings', 'updraftplus')).'. '.__('Not got any remote storage?', 'updraftplus').' '.__("Check out UpdraftPlus Vault.", 'updraftplus').''; } else { return ' '; } } /** * This method works through the passed in settings array and saves the settings to the database clearing old data and setting up a return array with content to update the page via ajax * * @param array $settings An array of settings taking from the admin page ready to be saved to the database * @return array An array response containing the status of the update along with content to be used to update the admin page. */ public function save_settings($settings) { global $updraftplus; // Make sure that settings filters are registered UpdraftPlus_Options::admin_init(); $more_files_path_updated = false; if (isset($settings['updraftplus_version']) && $updraftplus->version == $settings['updraftplus_version']) { $return_array = array('saved' => true); $add_to_post_keys = array('updraft_interval', 'updraft_interval_database', 'updraft_interval_increments', 'updraft_starttime_files', 'updraft_starttime_db', 'updraft_startday_files', 'updraft_startday_db'); // If database and files are on same schedule, override the db day/time settings if (isset($settings['updraft_interval_database']) && isset($settings['updraft_interval_database']) && $settings['updraft_interval_database'] == $settings['updraft_interval'] && isset($settings['updraft_starttime_files'])) { $settings['updraft_starttime_db'] = $settings['updraft_starttime_files']; $settings['updraft_startday_db'] = $settings['updraft_startday_files']; } foreach ($add_to_post_keys as $key) { // For add-ons that look at $_POST to find saved settings, add the relevant keys to $_POST so that they find them there if (isset($settings[$key])) { $_POST[$key] = $settings[$key]; } } // Check if updraft_include_more_path is set, if it is then we need to update the page, if it's not set but there's content already in the database that is cleared down below so again we should update the page. $more_files_path_updated = false; // i.e. If an option has been set, or if it was currently active in the settings if (isset($settings['updraft_include_more_path']) || UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_include_more_path')) { $more_files_path_updated = true; } // Wipe the extra retention rules, as they are not saved correctly if the last one is deleted UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_retain_extrarules', array()); UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_email', array()); UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_report_warningsonly', array()); UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_report_wholebackup', array()); UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_extradbs', array()); UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_include_more_path', array()); $relevant_keys = $updraftplus->get_settings_keys(); if (method_exists('UpdraftPlus_Options', 'mass_options_update')) { $original_settings = $settings; $settings = UpdraftPlus_Options::mass_options_update($settings); $mass_updated = true; } foreach ($settings as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $relevant_keys)) { if ('updraft_service' == $key && is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $subkey => $subvalue) { if ('0' == $subvalue) unset($value[$subkey]); } } // This flag indicates that either the stored database option was changed, or that the supplied option was changed before being stored. It isn't comprehensive - it's only used to update some UI elements with invalid input. $updated = empty($mass_updated) ? (is_string($value) && UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option($key) != $value) : (is_string($value) && (!isset($original_settings[$key]) || $original_settings[$key] != $value)); $db_updated = empty($mass_updated) ? UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option($key, $value) : true; // Add information on what has changed to array to loop through to update links etc. // Restricting to strings for now, to prevent any unintended leakage (since this is just used for UI updating) if ($updated) { $value = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option($key); if (is_string($value)) $return_array['changed'][$key] = $value; } // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine } else { // This section is ignored by CI otherwise it will complain the ELSE is empty. // When last active, it was catching: option_page, action, _wpnonce, _wp_http_referer, updraft_s3_endpoint, updraft_dreamobjects_endpoint. The latter two are empty; probably don't need to be in the page at all. // error_log("Non-UD key when saving from POSTed data: ".$key); } } } else { $return_array = array('saved' => false, 'error_message' => sprintf(__('UpdraftPlus seems to have been updated to version (%s), which is different to the version running when this settings page was loaded. Please reload the settings page before trying to save settings.', 'updraftplus'), $updraftplus->version)); } // Checking for various possible messages $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(false); $really_is_writable = UpdraftPlus_Filesystem_Functions::really_is_writable($updraft_dir); $dir_info = $this->really_writable_message($really_is_writable, $updraft_dir); $button_title = esc_attr(__('This button is disabled because your backup directory is not writable (see the settings).', 'updraftplus')); $return_array['backup_now_message'] = $this->backup_now_remote_message(); $return_array['backup_dir'] = array('writable' => $really_is_writable, 'message' => $dir_info, 'button_title' => $button_title); // Check if $more_files_path_updated is true, is so then there's a change and we should update the backup modal if ($more_files_path_updated) { $return_array['updraft_include_more_path'] = $this->files_selector_widgetry('backupnow_files_', false, 'sometimes'); } // Because of the single AJAX call, we need to remove the existing UD messages from the 'all_admin_notices' action remove_all_actions('all_admin_notices'); // Moving from 2 to 1 ajax call ob_start(); $service = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_service'); $this->setup_all_admin_notices_global($service); $this->setup_all_admin_notices_udonly($service); do_action('all_admin_notices'); if (!$really_is_writable) { // Check if writable $this->show_admin_warning_unwritable(); } if ($return_array['saved']) { // $this->show_admin_warning(__('Your settings have been saved.', 'updraftplus'), 'updated fade'); } else { if (isset($return_array['error_message'])) { $this->show_admin_warning($return_array['error_message'], 'error'); } else { $this->show_admin_warning(__('Your settings failed to save. Please refresh the settings page and try again', 'updraftplus'), 'error'); } } $messages_output = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); // Backup schedule output $this->next_scheduled_backups_output('line'); $scheduled_output = ob_get_clean(); $return_array['messages'] = $messages_output; $return_array['scheduled'] = $scheduled_output; $return_array['files_scheduled'] = $this->next_scheduled_files_backups_output(true); $return_array['database_scheduled'] = $this->next_scheduled_database_backups_output(true); // Add the updated options to the return message, so we can update on screen return $return_array; } /** * Authenticate remote storage instance * * @param array - $data It consists of below key elements: * $remote_method - Remote storage service * $instance_id - Remote storage instance id * @return array An array response containing the status of the authentication */ public function auth_remote_method($data) { global $updraftplus; $response = array(); if (isset($data['remote_method']) && isset($data['instance_id'])) { $response['result'] = 'success'; $remote_method = $data['remote_method']; $instance_id = $data['instance_id']; $storage_objects_and_ids = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::get_storage_objects_and_ids(array($remote_method)); try { $storage_objects_and_ids[$remote_method]['object']->authenticate_storage($instance_id); } catch (Exception $e) { $response['result'] = 'error'; $response['message'] = $updraftplus->backup_methods[$remote_method] . ' ' . __('authentication error', 'updraftplus') . ' ' . $e->getMessage(); } } else { $response['result'] = 'error'; $response['message'] = __('Remote storage method and instance id are required for authentication.', 'updraftplus'); } return $response; } /** * Deauthenticate remote storage instance * * @param array - $data It consists of below key elements: * $remote_method - Remote storage service * $instance_id - Remote storage instance id * @return array An array response containing the status of the deauthentication */ public function deauth_remote_method($data) { global $updraftplus; $response = array(); if (isset($data['remote_method']) && isset($data['instance_id'])) { $response['result'] = 'success'; $remote_method = $data['remote_method']; $instance_id = $data['instance_id']; $storage_objects_and_ids = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::get_storage_objects_and_ids(array($remote_method)); try { $storage_objects_and_ids[$remote_method]['object']->deauthenticate_storage($instance_id); } catch (Exception $e) { $response['result'] = 'error'; $response['message'] = $updraftplus->backup_methods[$remote_method] . ' deauthentication error ' . $e->getMessage(); } } else { $response['result'] = 'error'; $response['message'] = 'Remote storage method and instance id are required for deauthentication.'; } return $response; } /** * A method to remove UpdraftPlus settings from the options table. * * @param boolean $wipe_all_settings Set to true as default as we want to remove all options, set to false if calling from UpdraftCentral, as we do not want to remove the UpdraftCentral key or we will lose connection to the site. * @return boolean */ public function updraft_wipe_settings($wipe_all_settings = true) { global $updraftplus; $settings = $updraftplus->get_settings_keys(); // if this is false the UDC has called it we don't want to remove the UDC key other wise we will lose connection to the remote site. if (false == $wipe_all_settings) { $key = array_search('updraft_central_localkeys', $settings); unset($settings[$key]); } foreach ($settings as $s) UpdraftPlus_Options::delete_updraft_option($s); // These aren't in get_settings_keys() because they are always in the options table, regardless of context global $wpdb; $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE (option_name LIKE 'updraftplus_unlocked_%' OR option_name LIKE 'updraftplus_locked_%' OR option_name LIKE 'updraftplus_last_lock_time_%' OR option_name LIKE 'updraftplus_semaphore_%' OR option_name LIKE 'updraft_jobdata_%' OR option_name LIKE 'updraft_last_scheduled_%' )"); $site_options = array('updraft_oneshotnonce'); foreach ($site_options as $s) delete_site_option($s); $this->show_admin_warning(__("Your settings have been wiped.", 'updraftplus')); return true; } /** * This get the details for updraft vault and to be used globally * * @param string $instance_id - the instance_id of the current instance being used * @return object - the UpdraftVault option setup to use the passed in instance id or if one wasn't passed then use the default set of options */ public function get_updraftvault($instance_id = '') { global $updraftplus; $storage_objects_and_ids = UpdraftPlus_Storage_Methods_Interface::get_storage_objects_and_ids(array('updraftvault')); if (isset($storage_objects_and_ids['updraftvault']['instance_settings'][$instance_id])) { $opts = $storage_objects_and_ids['updraftvault']['instance_settings'][$instance_id]; $vault = $storage_objects_and_ids['updraftvault']['object']; $vault->set_options($opts, false, $instance_id); } else { include_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/methods/updraftvault.php'); $vault = new UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_updraftvault(); } return $vault; } /** * http_get will allow the HTTP Fetch execute available in advanced tools * * @param String $uri Specific URL passed to curl * @param Boolean $curl True or False if cURL is to be used * @return String - JSON encoded results */ public function http_get($uri = null, $curl = false) { if (!preg_match('/^https?/', $uri)) return json_encode(array('e' => 'Non-http URL specified')); if ($curl) { if (!function_exists('curl_exec')) { return json_encode(array('e' => 'No Curl installed')); die; } $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $uri); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_STDERR, $output = fopen('php://temp', "w+")); $response = curl_exec($ch); $error = curl_error($ch); $getinfo = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); rewind($output); $verb = stream_get_contents($output); $resp = array(); if (false === $response) { $resp['e'] = htmlspecialchars($error); } $resp['r'] = (empty($response)) ? '' : htmlspecialchars(substr($response, 0, 2048)); if (!empty($verb)) $resp['r'] = htmlspecialchars($verb)."\n\n".$resp['r']; // Extra info returned for Central $resp['verb'] = $verb; $resp['response'] = $response; $resp['status'] = $getinfo; return json_encode($resp); } else { $response = wp_remote_get($uri, array('timeout' => 10)); if (is_wp_error($response)) { return json_encode(array('e' => htmlspecialchars($response->get_error_message()))); } return json_encode( array( 'r' => wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response).': '.htmlspecialchars(substr(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response), 0, 2048)), 'code' => wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response), 'html_response' => htmlspecialchars(substr(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response), 0, 2048)), 'response' => $response ) ); } } /** * This will return all the details for raw backup and file list, in HTML format * * @param Boolean $no_pre_tags - if set, then
     tags will be removed from the output
    	 * @return String
    	public function show_raw_backups($no_pre_tags = false) {
    		global $updraftplus;
    		$response = array();
    		$response['html'] = '

    '.__('Known backups (raw)', 'updraftplus').'

    		$history = UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::get_history();
    		$response["html"] .= ob_get_clean();
    		$response['html'] .= '
    '; $response['html'] .= '

    '.__('Files', 'updraftplus').'

    		$updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location();
    		$raw_output = array();
    		$d = dir($updraft_dir);
    		while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
    			$fp = $updraft_dir.'/'.$entry;
    			$mtime = filemtime($fp);
    			if (is_dir($fp)) {
    				$size = '       d';
    			} elseif (is_link($fp)) {
    				$size = '       l';
    			} elseif (is_file($fp)) {
    				$size = sprintf("%8.1f", round(filesize($fp)/1024, 1)).' '.gmdate('r', $mtime);
    			} else {
    				$size = '       ?';
    			if (preg_match('/^log\.(.*)\.txt$/', $entry, $lmatch)) $entry = ''.$entry.'';
    			$raw_output[$mtime] = empty($raw_output[$mtime]) ? sprintf("%s %s\n", $size, $entry) : $raw_output[$mtime].sprintf("%s %s\n", $size, $entry);
    		krsort($raw_output, SORT_NUMERIC);
    		foreach ($raw_output as $line) {
    			$response['html'] .= $line;
    		$response['html'] .= '
    '; $response['html'] .= '

    '.__('Options (raw)', 'updraftplus').'

    '; $opts = $updraftplus->get_settings_keys(); asort($opts); // '.__('Key', 'updraftplus').''.__('Value', 'updraftplus').' $response['html'] .= ''; foreach ($opts as $opt) { $response['html'] .= ''; } $response['html'] .= '
    '.htmlspecialchars($opt).''.htmlspecialchars(print_r(UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option($opt), true)).'
    '; ob_start(); do_action('updraftplus_showrawinfo'); $response['html'] .= ob_get_clean(); if (true == $no_pre_tags) { $response['html'] = str_replace('
    ', '', $response['html']);
    			$response['html'] = str_replace('
    ', '', $response['html']); } return $response; } /** * This will call any wp_action * * @param Array|Null $data The array of data with the vaules for wpaction * @param Callable|Boolean $close_connection_callable A callable to call to close the browser connection, or true for a default suitable for internal use, or false for none * @return Array - results */ public function call_wp_action($data = null, $close_connection_callable = false) { global $updraftplus; ob_start(); $res = 'Request received: '; if (preg_match('/^([^:]+)+:(.*)$/', $data['wpaction'], $matches)) { $action = $matches[1]; if (null === ($args = json_decode($matches[2], true))) { $res .= "The parameters (should be JSON) could not be decoded"; $action = false; } else { if (is_string($args)) $args = array($args); $res .= "Will despatch action: ".htmlspecialchars($action).", parameters: ".htmlspecialchars(implode(',', $args)); } } else { $action = $data['wpaction']; $res .= "Will despatch action: ".htmlspecialchars($action).", no parameters"; } $ret = ob_get_clean(); // Need to add this as the close browser should only work for UDP if ($close_connection_callable) { if (is_callable($close_connection_callable)) { call_user_func($close_connection_callable, array('r' => $res)); } else { $updraftplus->close_browser_connection(json_encode(array('r' => $res))); } } if (!empty($action)) { if (!empty($args)) { ob_start(); $returned = do_action_ref_array($action, $args); $output = ob_get_clean(); $res .= " - do_action_ref_array Trigger "; } else { ob_start(); do_action($action); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $res .= " - do_action Trigger "; } } $response['response'] = $res; $response['log'] = $output; // Check if response is empty if (!empty($returned)) $response['status'] = $returned; return $response; } /** * Enqueue JSTree JavaScript and CSS, taking into account whether it is already enqueued, and current debug settings */ public function enqueue_jstree() { global $updraftplus; static $already_enqueued = false; if ($already_enqueued) return; $already_enqueued = true; $jstree_enqueue_version = $updraftplus->use_unminified_scripts() ? '3.3'.'.'.time() : '3.3'; $min_or_not = $updraftplus->use_unminified_scripts() ? '' : '.min'; wp_enqueue_script('jstree', UPDRAFTPLUS_URL.'/includes/jstree/jstree'.$min_or_not.'.js', array('jquery'), $jstree_enqueue_version); wp_enqueue_style('jstree', UPDRAFTPLUS_URL.'/includes/jstree/themes/default/style'.$min_or_not.'.css', array(), $jstree_enqueue_version); } /** * Detects byte-order mark at the start of common files and change waning message texts * * @return string|boolean BOM warning text or false if not bom characters detected */ public function get_bom_warning_text() { $files_to_check = array( ABSPATH.'wp-config.php', get_template_directory().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'functions.php', ); if (is_child_theme()) { $files_to_check[] = get_stylesheet_directory().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'functions.php'; } $corrupted_files = array(); foreach ($files_to_check as $file) { if (!file_exists($file)) continue; if (false === ($fp = fopen($file, 'r'))) continue; if (false === ($file_data = fread($fp, 8192))); fclose($fp); $substr_file_data = array(); for ($substr_length = 2; $substr_length <= 5; $substr_length++) { $substr_file_data[$substr_length] = substr($file_data, 0, $substr_length); } // Detect UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16 (BE), UTF-16 (LE), UTF-32 (BE) & UTF-32 (LE) Byte order marks (BOM) $bom_decimal_representations = array( array(43, 47, 118, 56), // UTF-7 (Hexadecimal: 2B 2F 76 38) array(43, 47, 118, 57), // UTF-7 (Hexadecimal: 2B 2F 76 39) array(43, 47, 118, 43), // UTF-7 (Hexadecimal: 2B 2F 76 2B) array(43, 47, 118, 47), // UTF-7 (Hexadecimal: 2B 2F 76 2F) array(43, 47, 118, 56, 45), // UTF-7 (Hexadecimal: 2B 2F 76 38 2D) array(239, 187, 191), // UTF-8 (Hexadecimal: 2B 2F 76 38 2D) array(254, 255), // UTF-16 (BE) (Hexadecimal: FE FF) array(255, 254), // UTF-16 (LE) (Hexadecimal: FF FE) array(0, 0, 254, 255), // UTF-32 (BE) (Hexadecimal: 00 00 FE FF) array(255, 254, 0, 0), // UTF-32 (LE) (Hexadecimal: FF FE 00 00) ); foreach ($bom_decimal_representations as $bom_decimal_representation) { $no_of_chars = count($bom_decimal_representation); array_unshift($bom_decimal_representation, 'C*'); $binary = call_user_func_array('pack', $bom_decimal_representation); if ($binary == $substr_file_data[$no_of_chars]) { $corrupted_files[] = $file; break; } } } if (empty($corrupted_files)) { return false; } else { $corrupted_files_count = count($corrupted_files); return ''.__('Warning', 'updraftplus').': '.sprintf(_n('The file %s has a "byte order mark" (BOM) at its beginning.', 'The files %s have a "byte order mark" (BOM) at their beginning.', $corrupted_files_count, 'updraftplus'), ''.implode(', ', $corrupted_files).'').' '.__('Follow this link for more information', 'updraftplus').''; } } /** * Gets an instance of the "UpdraftPlus_UpdraftCentral_Cloud" class which will be * used to login or register the user to the UpdraftCentral cloud * * @return object */ public function get_updraftcentral_cloud() { if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_UpdraftCentral_Cloud')) include_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/updraftcentral.php'); return new UpdraftPlus_UpdraftCentral_Cloud(); } /** * This function will build and return the UpdraftPlus tempoaray clone version select widget * * @return string - the UpdraftPlus tempoary clone version select widget */ public function updraftplus_clone_versions() { $output = '

    '; $output .= ''.sprintf(__('%s version:', 'updraftplus'), 'PHP').' '; $output .= $this->output_select_data($this->php_versions, 'php'); $output .= '

    '; $output .= '

    '; $output .= ' '.sprintf(__('%s version:', 'updraftplus'), 'WordPress').' '; $output .= $this->output_select_data($this->get_wordpress_versions(), 'wp'); $output .= '

    '; $output .= '

    '; $output .= ''; $output .= ''; $output .= '

    '; return $output; } /** * This function will output a select input using the passed in values. * * @param array $data - the keys and values for the select * @param string $name - the name of the items in the select input * * @return string - the output of the select input */ public function output_select_data($data, $name) { $name_version = $this->get_current_version($name); $output = ''; return $output; } /** * This function will output the clones network information * * @param string $url - the clone URL * * @return string - the clone network information */ public function updraftplus_clone_info($url) { global $updraftplus; if (!empty($url)) { $content = '
    '; $content .= '

    ' . __('Your clone has started and will be available at the following URLs once it is ready.', 'updraftplus') . '

    '; $content .= '

    ' . __('Front page:', 'updraftplus') . ' ' . esc_html($url) . '

    '; $content .= '

    ' . __('Dashboard:', 'updraftplus') . ' ' . esc_html(trailingslashit($url)) . 'wp-admin

    '; $content .= '
    '; $content .= '

    '.__('You can find your temporary clone information in your account here.', 'updraftplus').'

    '; } else { $content = '

    ' . __('Your clone has started, network information is not yet available but will be displayed here and at your account once it is ready.', 'updraftplus') . '

    '; $content .= '

    ' . __('You can find your temporary clone information in your account here.', 'updraftplus') . '

    '; } return $content; } /** * This function will build and return an array of major WordPress versions, the array is built by calling the WordPress version API once every 24 hours and adding any new entires to our existing array of versions. * * @return array - an array of WordPress major versions */ public function get_wordpress_versions() { $versions_info = get_site_transient('update_core'); if (isset($versions_info->updates)) { foreach ($versions_info->updates as $key => $info) { if (!isset($info->version)) continue; $parts = explode(".", $info->version); $version = $parts[0] . "." . $parts[1]; if (in_array($version, $this->wp_versions)) continue; $this->wp_versions[] = $version; } } $key = array_search($this->get_current_version('wp'), $this->wp_versions); if ($key) { $this->wp_versions = array_slice($this->wp_versions, $key); } $version_array = $this->wp_versions; return $version_array; } /** * This function will get the current version the server is running for the passed in item e.g WordPress or PHP * * @param string $name - the thing we want to get the version for e.g WordPress or PHP * * @return string - returns the current version of the passed in item */ public function get_current_version($name) { $version = ''; if ('php' == $name) { $parts = explode(".", PHP_VERSION); $version = $parts[0] . "." . $parts[1]; } elseif ('wp' == $name) { global $updraftplus; $wp_version = $updraftplus->get_wordpress_version(); $parts = explode(".", $wp_version); $version = $parts[0] . "." . $parts[1]; } return $version; } }