get_repositories(); //Get repos with themes $repos_with_themes = $this->installer_theme_reposities_that_has_themes( $installer_repositories ); if ( is_array( $repos_with_themes ) ) { //Assign to property $this->installer_repo_with_themes = $repos_with_themes; //Let's looped through repos with themes foreach ( $repos_with_themes as $k => $repo ) { //$repo could be 'toolset' or 'wpml' //Assign each repo with theme to property $this->theme_repo[] = $repo; if ( (isset($installer_repositories[$repo]['api-url'])) && (isset($installer_repositories[$repo]['products'])) ) { //Define the rest of the properties based on the given repo $this->repository_api[$repo] = $installer_repositories[$repo]['api-url']; $this->repository_theme_products[$repo] = $installer_repositories[$repo]['products']; $this->installer_site_url[$repo] = WP_Installer()->get_installer_site_url( $repo ); $this->installer_site_key[$repo] = WP_Installer()->get_site_key( $repo ); $this->theme_user_registration[$repo] = false; if ( WP_Installer()->repository_has_valid_subscription( $repo ) ) { $this->installer_theme_subscription_type = WP_Installer()->get_subscription_type_for_repository( $repo ); $this->installer_themes_option[$repo] = 'wp_installer_' . $repo . '_themes'; $this->installer_themes_available_updates[$repo] = 'wp_installer_' . $repo . '_updated_themes'; $this->installer_theme_active_tab = ''; //We only set themes available to this validated subscription $this->installer_theme_available( $repo, $this->installer_theme_subscription_type ); add_action( 'installer_themes_support_set_up', array($this, 'installer_theme_sets_active_tab_on_init'), 10 ); $this->theme_user_registration[$repo] = true; } /** We are ready.. let's initialize .... */ $this->init(); } } add_action( 'installer_themes_support_set_up', array($this, 'installer_theme_loaded_hooks') ); } } /** Init */ public function init() { add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'installer_theme_enqueue_scripts') ); add_filter( 'themes_api', array($this, 'installer_theme_api_override'), 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'themes_api_result', array($this, 'installer_theme_api_override_response'), 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'site_transient_update_themes', array($this, 'installer_theme_upgrade_check'), 10, 1 ); add_action( 'http_api_debug', array($this, 'installer_theme_sync_native_wp_api'), 10, 5 ); add_filter( 'installer_theme_hook_response_theme', array($this, 'installer_theme_add_num_ratings'), 10, 1 ); add_filter( 'themes_update_check_locales', array($this, 'installer_theme_sync_call_wp_theme_api'), 10, 1 ); add_filter( 'admin_url', array($this, 'installer_theme_add_query_arg_tab'), 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'network_admin_url', array($this, 'installer_theme_add_query_arg_tab'), 10, 2 ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_installer_theme_frontend_selected_tab', array($this, 'installer_theme_frontend_selected_tab'), 0 ); add_action( 'wp_loaded', array($this, 'installer_themes_support_set_up_func') ); } /** Enqueue scripts */ public function installer_theme_enqueue_scripts() { $current_screen = $this->installer_theme_current_screen(); $commercial_plugin_screen = $this->installer_theme_is_commercial_plugin_screen( $current_screen ); if ( ('theme-install' == $current_screen) || ($commercial_plugin_screen) || ('theme-install-network' == $current_screen) ) { $repo_with_themes = $this->installer_repo_with_themes; $js_array = array(); if ( is_array( $repo_with_themes ) ) { foreach ( $repo_with_themes as $k => $v ) { //Hyperlink text $theme_repo_name = $this->installer_theme_get_repo_product_name( $v ); $the_hyperlink_text = esc_js( $theme_repo_name ); if ( is_multisite() ) { $admin_url_passed = network_admin_url(); } else { $admin_url_passed = admin_url(); } //Define $js_array[$v] = array( 'the_hyperlink_text' => $the_hyperlink_text, 'registration_status' => $this->theme_user_registration[$v], 'is_commercial_plugin_tab' => $commercial_plugin_screen, 'registration_url' => $admin_url_passed . 'plugin-install.php?tab=commercial#installer_repo_' . $v ); } } if ( !(empty($js_array)) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'installer-theme-install', WP_Installer()->res_url() . '/res/js/installer_theme_install.js', array('jquery', 'installer-admin'), WP_Installer()->version() ); $installer_ajax_url = admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ); if ( is_ssl() ) { $installer_ajax_url = str_replace( 'http://', 'https://', $installer_ajax_url ); } else { $installer_ajax_url = str_replace( 'https://', 'http://', $installer_ajax_url ); } //Case where user is subscribed to a subscription that does not have themes $subscription_js_check = $this->installer_theme_subscription_does_not_have_theme( $js_array ); wp_localize_script( 'installer-theme-install', 'installer_theme_install_localize', array( 'js_array_installer' => $js_array, 'ajaxurl' => $installer_ajax_url, 'no_associated_themes' => $subscription_js_check, 'installer_theme_frontend_selected_tab_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'installer_theme_frontend_selected_tab' ) ) ); } } } /** Case where user is subscribed to a subscription that does not have themes */ protected function installer_theme_subscription_does_not_have_theme( $js_array ) { $any_subscription_has_theme = array(); $number_of_registrations = array(); //Step1, we looped through JS array foreach ( $js_array as $repo_slug => $js_details ) { //Step2, checked if user is registered if ( isset($this->theme_user_registration[$repo_slug]) ) { $registration_status = $this->theme_user_registration[$repo_slug]; if ( $registration_status ) { //Registered $number_of_registrations[] = $repo_slug; //Step3, we checked if the $repo_slug has available theme $themes_available = false; if ( isset($this->installer_themes[$repo_slug]) ) { $themes_available = $this->installer_themes[$repo_slug]; if ( !(empty($themes_available)) ) { //This subscription has theme $themes_available = true; } } if ( $themes_available ) { $any_subscription_has_theme[] = $repo_slug; } } } } //Step4, we are done looping, check if there are any repos that have themes if ( empty($registration_status) ) { //No registration on any repos return FALSE; } elseif ( !(empty($registration_status)) ) { //Has some registration on some repos //We then checked if this user has any active subscriptions if ( empty($any_subscription_has_theme) ) { //No subscription return TRUE; } else { //Has subscription found return FALSE; } } } /** Check if its the commercial plugin screen */ private function installer_theme_is_commercial_plugin_screen( $current_screen ) { $commercial = false; if ( ('plugin-install' == $current_screen) || ('plugin-install-network' == $current_screen) ) { if ( isset($_GET['tab']) ) { $tab = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['tab'] ); if ( 'commercial' == $tab ) { $commercial = true; } } } return $commercial; } /** Current screen */ private function installer_theme_current_screen() { $current_screen_loaded = false; if ( function_exists( 'get_current_screen' ) ) { $screen_output = get_current_screen(); $current_screen_loaded = $screen_output->id; } return $current_screen_loaded; } /** Override WordPress Themes API */ public function installer_theme_api_override( $api_boolean, $action, $args ) { //Let's checked if user is browsing our themes if ( isset($args->browse) ) { $browse = $args->browse; if ( in_array( $browse, $this->theme_repo ) ) { //Uniquely validated for our Themes if ( 'query_themes' == $action ) { //User is querying or asking information about our themes, let's override $api_boolean = true; } } } elseif ( isset($args->slug) ) { //We are installing our themes $theme_to_install = $args->slug; //Lets uniquely validate if this belongs to us //Check if this is OTGS theme $validate_check = $this->installer_themes_belong_to_us( $theme_to_install ); if ( $validate_check ) { //Belongs to us if ( !(empty($theme_to_install)) ) { $api_boolean = true; } } } return $api_boolean; } /** Override WordPress Themes API response with our own themes API*/ public function installer_theme_api_override_response( $res, $action, $args ) { if ( true === $res ) { if ( isset($args->browse) ) { $browse = $args->browse; if ( in_array( $browse, $this->theme_repo ) ) { //Uniquely validated for our themes if ( 'query_themes' == $action ) { //Client querying OTGS themes //Check for registration status if ( isset($this->theme_user_registration[$browse]) ) { //Set if ( !($this->theme_user_registration[$browse]) ) { //Not registered yet $res = new stdClass(); $res->info = array(); $res->themes = array(); return $res; } else { //Registered $themes = $this->installer_theme_get_themes( '', $browse ); $res = $this->installer_theme_format_response( $themes, $action ); } } } } } elseif ( isset($args->slug) ) { //We are installing theme //Lets uniquely validate if this belongs to our theme $theme_to_install = $args->slug; //Lets uniquely validate if this belongs to us //Check if this is OTGS theme $validate_check = $this->installer_themes_belong_to_us( $theme_to_install ); if ( $validate_check ) { //Belongs to us if ( ($res) && ('theme_information' == $action) ) { $themes = $this->installer_theme_get_themes( '', $this->installer_theme_active_tab ); $res = $this->installer_theme_format_response( $themes, $action, $args->slug ); } } } return $res; } else { //Default WP Themes here $client_side_active_tab = get_option( 'wp_installer_clientside_active_tab' ); if ( $client_side_active_tab ) { if ( !(in_array( $client_side_active_tab, $this->theme_repo )) ) { //Not OTGS tab return $res; } } } } /** Get Themes */ private function installer_theme_get_themes( $product_url = '', $repo_source = '' ) { //Query API if ( empty($product_url) ) { //Not set if ( isset($this->repository_theme_products[$this->installer_theme_active_tab]) ) { $query_remote_url = $this->repository_theme_products[$this->installer_theme_active_tab]; } } else { $query_remote_url = $product_url; } //Let's retrieved current installer settings so we won't be querying all the time $current_installer_settings = WP_Installer()->get_settings(); //Set $themes to FALSE by default $themes = false; if ( (is_array( $current_installer_settings )) && (!(empty($current_installer_settings))) ) { //Set and already defined, retrieved $products if ( isset($current_installer_settings['repositories'][$repo_source]['data']) ) { $products = $current_installer_settings['repositories'][$repo_source]['data']; if ( isset($products['downloads']['themes']) ) { $themes = $products['downloads']['themes']; } } } else { //Call API $response = wp_remote_get( $query_remote_url ); if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { //Error detected: http fallback $query_remote_url = preg_replace( "@^https://@", 'http://', $query_remote_url ); $response = wp_remote_get( $query_remote_url ); } if ( !(is_wp_error( $response )) ) { //Not WP error //Evaluate response if ( $response && isset($response['response']['code']) && $response['response']['code'] == 200 ) { //In this case, response is set and defined, proceed... $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ); if ( $body ) { $products = json_decode( $body, true ); if ( isset($products['downloads']['themes']) ) { $themes = $products['downloads']['themes']; } } } } } //Return themes, can be filtered by user subscription type return apply_filters( 'installer_theme_get_themes', $themes, $this->installer_theme_active_tab ); } /** Format response in compatibility with WordPress Theme API response */ private function installer_theme_format_response( $themes, $action, $slug = '' ) { //Let's append download link only when retrieving theme information for installation if ( ('theme_information' == $action) && (!(empty($slug))) ) { //Only return one result -> the theme to be installed foreach ( $themes as $k => $theme ) { if ( $slug == $theme['basename'] ) { $theme['download_link'] = WP_Installer()->append_site_key_to_download_url( $theme['url'], $this->installer_site_key[$this->installer_theme_active_tab], $this->installer_theme_active_tab ); $theme = json_decode( json_encode( $theme ), FALSE ); return $theme; } } } else { $res = new stdClass(); $res->info = array(); $res->themes = array(); //Define info $res->info['page'] = 1; $res->info['pages'] = 10; //Let's count available themes ; $res->info['results'] = count( $themes ); //Let's saved themes for easy access later on $this->installer_theme_savethemes_by_slug( $themes ); //Let's defined available themes if ( isset($this->installer_theme_subscription_type) ) { //Has subscription type defined, let's saved what is associated with this subscription $this->installer_theme_available( $this->installer_theme_active_tab, $this->installer_theme_subscription_type ); } else { $this->installer_theme_available( $this->installer_theme_active_tab ); } //Let's add themes to the overriden WordPress API Theme response /** Installer 1.7.6: Update to compatible data format response from WP Theme API */ $theme_compatible_array=array(); if ((is_array($themes))) { foreach ($themes as $k=>$v) { $theme_compatible_array[]=(object)($v); } } $res->themes = $theme_compatible_array; $res->themes = apply_filters( 'installer_theme_hook_response_theme', $res->themes ); return $res; } } /** Let's save all available themes by its slug after any latest API query */ private function installer_theme_savethemes_by_slug( $themes, $doing_query = false ) { if ( !($doing_query) ) { $this->installer_themes[$this->installer_theme_active_tab] = array(); } if ( !(empty($themes)) ) { $themes_for_saving = array(); foreach ( $themes as $k => $theme ) { if ( !($doing_query) ) { if ( isset($theme['slug']) ) { $theme_slug = $theme['slug']; if ( !(empty($theme_slug)) ) { $themes_for_saving[] = $theme_slug; } } } else { if ( ((isset($theme['slug'])) && (isset($theme['version'])) && (isset($theme['theme_page_url']))) && (isset($theme['url'])) ) { $theme_slug = $theme['slug']; $theme_version = $theme['version']; $theme_page_url = $theme['theme_page_url']; $theme_url = $theme['url']; if ( (!(empty($theme_slug))) && (!(empty($theme_version))) && (!(empty($theme_page_url))) && (!(empty($theme_url))) ) { //$theme_slug is unique for every theme $themes_for_saving[$theme_slug] = array( 'version' => $theme_version, 'theme_page_url' => $theme_page_url, 'url' => $theme_url ); } } } } if ( !(empty($themes_for_saving)) ) { //Has themes for saving if ( !($doing_query) ) { //Not doing query $existing_themes = get_option( $this->installer_themes_option[$this->installer_theme_active_tab] ); if ( !($existing_themes) ) { //Does not yet exists delete_option( $this->installer_themes_option[$this->installer_theme_active_tab] ); update_option( $this->installer_themes_option[$this->installer_theme_active_tab], $themes_for_saving ); } else { //exists, check if we need to update if ( $existing_themes == $themes_for_saving ) { //Equal, no need to update here } else { //Update delete_option( $this->installer_themes_option[$this->installer_theme_active_tab] ); update_option( $this->installer_themes_option[$this->installer_theme_active_tab], $themes_for_saving ); } } } else { //Used for query purposes only, don't save anything return $themes_for_saving; } } } } /** Available themes */ private function installer_theme_available( $repo, $subscription_type = '' ) { $subscription_type = intval( $subscription_type ); if ( $subscription_type > 0 ) { //Here we have a case of validated subscription //We need to set themes that is available to this subscription $themes_associated_with_subscription = $this->installer_themes[$repo] = $this->installer_theme_get_themes_by_subscription( $subscription_type, $repo ); if ( !(empty($themes_associated_with_subscription)) ) { //Has themes $this->installer_themes[$repo] = $themes_associated_with_subscription; } } else { //Get themes $this->installer_themes[$repo] = get_option( $this->installer_themes_option[$repo] ); } } /** Theme upgrade check */ public function installer_theme_upgrade_check( $the_value ) { //Step1: Let's looped through repos with themes and check if we have updates available for them. if ( (is_array( $this->installer_repo_with_themes )) && (!(empty($this->installer_repo_with_themes))) ) { foreach ( $this->installer_repo_with_themes as $k => $repo_slug ) { //Step2: Let's checked if we have update for this theme $update_available = get_option( $this->installer_themes_available_updates[$repo_slug] ); if ( $update_available ) { if ( (is_array( $update_available )) && (!(empty($update_available))) ) { //Has updates available coming from this specific theme repo //Let's loop through the themes that needs update foreach ( $update_available as $theme_slug => $v ) { //Add to response API $the_value->response [$theme_slug] = array( 'theme' => $theme_slug, 'new_version' => $v['new_version'], 'url' => $v['url'], 'package' => $v['package'] ); } } } } } //Return return $the_value; } /** Return repositories that has themes */ private function installer_theme_reposities_that_has_themes( $repositories, $ret_value = true, $doing_api_query = false ) { $repositories_with_themes = array(); if ( (is_array( $repositories )) && (!(empty($repositories))) ) { //Let's checked if we have something before $themes = get_option( 'installer_repositories_with_theme' ); if ( (!($themes)) || ($doing_api_query) ) { //Not yet defined //Loop through each repositories and check whether they have themes foreach ( $repositories as $k => $v ) { if ( isset($v['products']) ) { $products_url = $v['products']; $themes = $this->installer_theme_get_themes( $products_url, $k ); if ( (is_array( $themes )) && (!(empty($themes))) ) { //Repo has themes $repositories_with_themes[] = $k; } } } } else { //Already set $repositories_with_themes = $themes; } if ( (((is_array( $repositories_with_themes )) && (!(empty($repositories_with_themes)))) && (!($themes))) || ($doing_api_query) ) { //Save to db update_option( 'installer_repositories_with_theme', $repositories_with_themes ); } } if ( $ret_value ) { return $repositories_with_themes; } } /** When WordPress queries its own Themes API, we sync with our own */ public function installer_theme_sync_native_wp_api( $response, $responsetext, $class, $args, $url ) { $api_native_string = ''; if ( (strpos( $url, $api_native_string ) !== false) ) { //WordPress is querying its own themes API $installer_repositories = WP_Installer()->get_repositories(); //Query our own API and update repository values too $this->installer_theme_reposities_that_has_themes( $installer_repositories, false, true ); } } /** Returns product name by theme repo slug */ private function installer_theme_get_repo_product_name( $theme_repo ) { $theme_repo_name = false; if ( isset(WP_Installer()->settings['repositories'][$theme_repo]['data']['product-name']) ) { //Set $prod_name = WP_Installer()->settings['repositories'][$theme_repo]['data']['product-name']; if ( !(empty($prod_name)) ) { $theme_repo_name = $prod_name; } } else { //Not yet if ( $theme_repo == $this->theme_repo ) { $result = $this->installer_theme_general_api_query(); if ( isset($result['product-name']) ) { $product_name = $result['product-name']; if ( !(empty($product_name)) ) { $theme_repo_name = $product_name; } } } } return $theme_repo_name; } /** General query API method, returns $products */ private function installer_theme_general_api_query() { $products = false; $response = wp_remote_get( $this->repository_theme_products ); if ( !(is_wp_error( $response )) ) { //Not WP error //Evaluate response if ( $response && isset($response['response']['code']) && $response['response']['code'] == 200 ) { //In this case, response is set and defined, proceed... $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ); if ( $body ) { $result = json_decode( $body, true ); if ( (is_array( $result )) && (!(empty($result))) ) { $products = $result; } } } } return $products; } /** General method to check if themes are OTGS themes based on its slug*/ private function installer_themes_belong_to_us( $theme_slug ) { $found = false; $theme_slug = trim( $theme_slug ); foreach ( $this->installer_themes as $repo_with_theme => $themes ) { foreach ( $themes as $k => $otgs_theme_slug ) { if ( $theme_slug == $otgs_theme_slug ) { //match found! Theme belongs to otgs return true; } } } return $found; } /** Sets active tab on init */ public function installer_theme_sets_active_tab_on_init() { if ( isset ($_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI']) ) { $request_uri = $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI']; if ( isset ($_GET ['browse']) ) { $active_tab = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['browse'] ); $this->installer_theme_active_tab = $active_tab; } elseif ( isset ($_POST ['request'] ['browse']) ) { $active_tab = sanitize_text_field ( $_POST['request']['browse'] ); $this->installer_theme_active_tab = $active_tab; } elseif ( (isset ($_GET ['theme_repo'])) && (isset ($_GET ['action'])) ) { $theme_repo = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['theme_repo'] ); $the_action = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['action'] ); if ( ('install-theme' == $the_action) && (!(empty($theme_repo))) ) { $this->installer_theme_active_tab = $theme_repo; } } elseif ( wp_get_referer() ) { $referer = wp_get_referer(); $parts = parse_url( $referer ); if ( isset($parts['query']) ) { parse_str( $parts['query'], $query ); if ( isset($query['browse']) ) { $this->installer_theme_active_tab = $query['browse']; } } } } } /** WP Theme API compatibility- added num ratings */ /** Installer 1.7.6+ Added updated 'rating' field */ public function installer_theme_add_num_ratings( $themes ) { if ( (is_array( $themes )) && (!(empty($themes))) ) { foreach ( $themes as $k => $v ) { if ( !(isset($v->num_ratings)) ) { $themes[$k]->num_ratings = 100; } if ( !(isset($v->rating)) ) { $themes[$k]->rating = 100; } } } return $themes; } /** When makes a call to its repository, let's run our own upgrade checks too */ public function installer_theme_sync_call_wp_theme_api( $locales ) { $this->installer_theme_upgrade_theme_check(); return $locales; } /** Upgrade theme check */ private function installer_theme_upgrade_theme_check() { // Step1-> we get all installed themes in clients local themes directory $installed_themes = wp_get_themes(); // Step2: We need to loop through each repository with themes foreach ( $this->installer_repo_with_themes as $k => $repo_slug ) { // We then need to retrieved the products URL for each of this repo $products_url = $this->repository_theme_products [$repo_slug]; // Step3-> we get all available themes in our repository via API based on this URL $available_themes = $this->installer_theme_get_themes( $products_url, $repo_slug ); if ( !($available_themes) ) { // API is not available as of the moment, return.. return; } else { // We have available themes here... // Step4->let's simplify available themes data by slugs $simplified_available_themes = $this->installer_theme_savethemes_by_slug( $available_themes, true ); // Step5->Let's loop through installed themes if ( (is_array( $installed_themes )) && (!(empty ($installed_themes))) ) { $otgs_theme_updates_available = array(); foreach ( $installed_themes as $theme_slug => $theme_object ) { if ( array_key_exists( $theme_slug, $simplified_available_themes ) ) { // This is our theme // Step6->Let's get version of the local theme installed $local_version = $theme_object->get( 'Version' ); // Step7->Let's get the latest version of this theme, page URL and download URL from our repository $repository_version = $simplified_available_themes [$theme_slug] ['version']; $theme_page_url = $simplified_available_themes [$theme_slug] ['theme_page_url']; $theme_download_url = $simplified_available_themes [$theme_slug] ['url']; // Step8->Let's compare the version if ( version_compare( $repository_version, $local_version, '>' ) ) { // Update available for this theme // Step9-> Define download URL with site key $package_url = WP_Installer()->append_site_key_to_download_url( $theme_download_url, $this->installer_site_key [$repo_slug], $repo_slug ); //Step10-> Assign to updates array for later accessing. $otgs_theme_updates_available[$theme_slug] = array( 'theme' => $theme_slug, 'new_version' => $repository_version, 'url' => $theme_page_url, 'package' => $package_url ); } } } //Exited the upgrade loop for this specific theme repository if ( !(empty($otgs_theme_updates_available)) ) { //Has updates update_option( $this->installer_themes_available_updates[$repo_slug], $otgs_theme_updates_available ); } else { //No updates delete_option( $this->installer_themes_available_updates[$repo_slug] ); } } } } } /** When the user is on Themes install page OTG themes repository, let's the currently selected tab */ public function installer_theme_add_query_arg_tab( $url, $path, $blog_id = null ) { $wp_install_string = 'update.php?action=install-theme'; if ( $path == $wp_install_string ) { if ( isset($this->installer_theme_active_tab) ) { if ( !(empty($this->installer_theme_active_tab)) ) { $url = add_query_arg( array( 'theme_repo' => $this->installer_theme_active_tab ), $url ); } } } return $url; } /** Save frontend theme tab selected */ public function installer_theme_frontend_selected_tab() { if ( isset($_POST["frontend_tab_selected"]) ) { check_ajax_referer( 'installer_theme_frontend_selected_tab', 'installer_theme_frontend_selected_tab_nonce' ); //Client_side_active_tab $frontend_tab_selected = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['frontend_tab_selected'] ); if ( !(empty($frontend_tab_selected)) ) { //Front end tab selected update_option( 'wp_installer_clientside_active_tab', $frontend_tab_selected, false ); //Check for registration status if ( isset($this->theme_user_registration[$frontend_tab_selected]) ) { //Set if ( !($this->theme_user_registration[$frontend_tab_selected]) ) { //Not registered yet if ( is_multisite() ) { $admin_url_passed = network_admin_url(); } else { $admin_url_passed = admin_url(); } $registration_url = $admin_url_passed . 'plugin-install.php?tab=commercial#installer_repo_' . $frontend_tab_selected; //Message and link $theme_repo_name = $this->installer_theme_get_repo_product_name( $frontend_tab_selected );; $response['unregistered_messages'] = sprintf( __( 'To install and update %s, please %sregister%s %s for this site.', 'installer' ), $theme_repo_name, '', '', $theme_repo_name ); } } $response['output'] = $frontend_tab_selected; echo json_encode( $response ); } die(); } die(); } /** Installer loaded aux hooks */ public function installer_theme_loaded_hooks() { if ( isset($this->installer_theme_subscription_type) ) { $subscription_type = intval( $this->installer_theme_subscription_type ); if ( $subscription_type > 0 ) { //Client is subscribed add_filter( 'installer_theme_get_themes', array($this, 'installer_theme_filter_themes_by_subscription'), 10, 2 ); } } } /** Get themes by subscription type */ protected function installer_theme_get_themes_by_subscription( $subscription_type, $repo ) { $themes_associated_with_subscription = array(); if ( isset(WP_Installer()->settings['repositories'][$repo]['data']['packages']) ) { //Set $packages = WP_Installer()->settings['repositories'][$repo]['data']['packages']; $available_themes_subscription = array(); foreach ( $packages as $package_id => $package_details ) { if ( isset($package_details['products']) ) { $the_products = $package_details['products']; foreach ( $the_products as $product_slug => $product_details ) { if ( isset($product_details['subscription_type']) ) { $subscription_type_from_settings = intval( $product_details['subscription_type'] ); if ( $subscription_type_from_settings == $subscription_type ) { //We found the subscription if ( isset($product_details['themes']) ) { $themes_associated_with_subscription = $product_details['themes']; return $themes_associated_with_subscription; } } } } } } } return $themes_associated_with_subscription; } /** Filter API theme response according to user subscription */ public function installer_theme_filter_themes_by_subscription( $themes, $active_tab ) { //Step1, we only filter OTGS themes $orig = is_array( $themes ) ? count( $themes ) : 0; if ( in_array( $active_tab, $this->theme_repo ) ) { //OTGS Theme //Step2, we retrieved the available themes based on client subscription if ( isset($this->installer_themes[$active_tab]) ) { $available_themes = $this->installer_themes[$active_tab]; //Step3, we filter $themes based on this info if ( (is_array( $themes )) && (!(empty($themes))) ) { foreach ( $themes as $k => $theme ) { //Step4, get theme slug if ( isset($theme['slug']) ) { $theme_slug = $theme['slug']; if ( !(empty($theme_slug)) ) { if ( !(in_array( $theme_slug, $available_themes )) ) { //This theme is not in available themes unset($themes[$k]); } } } } } } } $new = is_array( $themes ) ? count( $themes ) : 0; if ( $orig != $new ) { //It is filtered $themes = array_values( $themes ); } return $themes; } /** Hook to wp_loaded, fires when all Installer theme class is ready */ public function installer_themes_support_set_up_func() { do_action( 'installer_themes_support_set_up' ); } } /** Instantiate Installer Theme Class */ new Installer_Theme_Class;