wpml_helper = new WPML_Helper( $wpdb ); parent::__construct( $wpdb ); $this->locale_utils = new WPML_Locale( $wpdb, $this, $locale ); $sitepress_settings = get_option( 'icl_sitepress_settings' ); $this->settings = &$sitepress_settings; $this->post_translation = &$wpml_post_translations; $this->term_translation = &$wpml_term_translations; //@since 3.1 if(is_admin() && !$this->get_setting('icl_capabilities_verified')) { add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'wpml_enable_capabilities' ); } if ( null === $pagenow && is_multisite() ) { include WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/inc/hacks/vars-php-multisite.php'; } if ( $this->settings ) { $this->verify_settings(); } if ( isset( $_GET['page'], $_GET['debug_action'] ) && WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/menu/troubleshooting.php' === $_GET['page'] ) { ob_start(); } if ( isset( $_REQUEST[ 'icl_ajx_action' ] ) ) { add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'ajax_setup' ), 15 ); } // Process post requests if ( !empty( $_POST ) ) { add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'process_forms' ) ); } $this->initialize_cache( ); $flags_factory = new WPML_Flags_Factory( $wpdb ); $this->flags = $flags_factory->create(); add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'plugin_localization' ), - PHP_INT_MAX ); add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'init' ), 1 ); add_action( 'wp_loaded', array( $this, 'maybe_set_this_lang' ) ); add_action( 'switch_blog', array( $this, 'init_settings' ), 10, 1 ); // Administration menus add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'administration_menu' ) ); if ( $this->get_setting('existing_content_language_verified') && ( $this->get_setting('setup_complete') || ( !empty($_GET[ 'page' ]) && $this->get_setting('setup_wizard_step') > 1 && $_GET[ 'page' ] == WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/menu/languages.php' ) ) ) { // Post/page language box add_filter( 'comment_feed_join', array( $this, 'comment_feed_join' ) ); add_filter( 'comments_clauses', array( $this, 'comments_clauses' ), 10, 2 ); // Allow us to filter the Query vars before the posts query is being built and executed add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', array( $this, 'pre_get_posts' ) ); if ( $pagenow === 'edit.php' ) { add_action( 'quick_edit_custom_box', array( 'WPML_Terms_Translations', 'quick_edit_terms_removal' ), 10, 2 ); } add_filter( 'get_pages', array( $this, 'exclude_other_language_pages2' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'wp_dropdown_pages', array( $this, 'wp_dropdown_pages' ) ); add_filter( 'get_comment_link', array( $this, 'get_comment_link_filter' ) ); $this->set_term_filters_and_hooks(); add_action( 'parse_query', array( $this, 'parse_query' ) ); // AJAX Actions for the post edit screen add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpml_save_term', array( 'WPML_Post_Edit_Ajax', 'wpml_save_term_action' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpml_switch_post_language', array( 'WPML_Post_Edit_Ajax', 'wpml_switch_post_language' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpml_get_default_lang', array( 'WPML_Post_Edit_Ajax', 'wpml_get_default_lang' ) ); //AJAX Actions for the taxonomy translation screen add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpml_get_terms_and_labels_for_taxonomy_table', array( 'WPML_Taxonomy_Translation_Table_Display', 'wpml_get_terms_and_labels_for_taxonomy_table' ) ); // Ajax Action for the updating of term names on the troubleshooting page add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpml_update_term_names_troubleshoot', array( 'WPML_Troubleshooting_Terms_Menu', 'wpml_update_term_names_troubleshoot' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpml_generate_term_slug', array( $this->get_term_actions_helper(), 'generate_unique_term_slug_ajax_handler' ) ); // short circuit get default category add_filter( 'pre_option_default_category', array( $this, 'pre_option_default_category' ) ); add_filter( 'update_option_default_category', array( $this, 'update_option_default_category' ), 1, 2 ); // front end js add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'front_end_js' ) ); add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'rtl_fix' ) ); add_action( 'admin_print_styles', array( $this, 'rtl_fix' ) ); add_action( 'restrict_manage_posts', array( $this, 'restrict_manage_posts' ) ); // feeds links add_filter( 'feed_link', array( $this, 'feed_link' ) ); // commenting links add_filter( 'post_comments_feed_link', array( $this, 'post_comments_feed_link' ) ); add_filter( 'trackback_url', array( $this, 'trackback_url' ) ); add_filter( 'user_trailingslashit', array( $this, 'user_trailingslashit' ), 1, 2 ); add_filter( 'pre_option_home', array( $this, 'pre_option_home' ) ); if ( !is_admin() ) { add_filter( 'attachment_link', array( $this, 'attachment_link_filter' ), 10, 2 ); } // Filter custom type archive link (since WP 3.1) add_filter( 'post_type_archive_link', array( $this, 'post_type_archive_link_filter' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'author_link', array( $this, 'author_link' ) ); // language negotiation add_action( 'query_vars', array( $this, 'query_vars' ) ); add_filter( 'language_attributes', array( $this, 'language_attributes' ) ); add_filter( 'locale', array( $this, 'locale_filter' ), 10, 1 ); add_filter( 'pre_option_page_on_front', array( $this, 'pre_option_page_on_front' ) ); add_filter( 'pre_option_page_for_posts', array( $this, 'pre_option_page_for_posts' ) ); add_filter( 'pre_option_sticky_posts', array( $this, 'option_sticky_posts' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'trashed_post', array( $this, 'fix_trashed_front_or_posts_page_settings' ) ); add_filter( 'delete_post', array( $this, 'fix_trashed_front_or_posts_page_settings' ) ); add_action( 'wp', array( $this, 'set_wp_query' ) ); add_action( 'personal_options_update', array( $this, 'save_user_options' ) ); add_action( 'edit_user_profile_update', array( $this, 'save_user_options' ) ); if ( !is_admin() ) { add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'meta_generator_tag' ) ); } if ( $this->is_setup_complete() ) { $icl_nav_menu = new WPML_Nav_Menu( $this, $wpdb, $wpml_post_translations, $wpml_term_translations ); $icl_nav_menu->init_hooks(); } add_action( 'wp_login', array( $this, 'reset_admin_language_cookie' ) ); $this->handle_head_hreflang(); /** * add extra debug information */ add_filter( 'icl_get_extra_debug_info', array( $this, 'add_extra_debug_info' ) ); } //end if the initial language is set - existing_content_language_verified add_filter( 'core_version_check_locale', array( $this, 'wp_upgrade_locale' ) ); if ( $pagenow === 'post.php' && isset( $_REQUEST['action'], $_GET['post'] ) && $_REQUEST['action'] === 'edit' ) { add_action( 'init', '_icl_trash_restore_prompt' ); } add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'js_load' ), 2 ); // enqueue scripts - higher priority add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'js_load' ), 2 ); // enqueue scripts - higher priority add_filter('url_to_postid', array($this, 'url_to_postid')); //cron job to update WPML config index file from CDN $xml_config_log_factory = new WPML_XML_Config_Log_Factory(); $log = $xml_config_log_factory->create_log(); if ( $this->is_setup_complete() ) { $xml_config_log_notice = $xml_config_log_factory->create_notice(); $xml_config_log_notice->add_hooks(); } $wpml_config_update_integrator = new WPML_Config_Update_Integrator( $log ); $wpml_config_update_integrator->add_hooks(); add_action('core_upgrade_preamble', array($this, 'update_index_screen')); add_filter('get_search_form', array($this, 'get_search_form_filter')); $this->api_hooks(); add_action('wpml_loaded', array($this, 'load_dependencies'), 10000); do_action('wpml_after_startup'); } /** * @since 3.2 */ public function api_hooks() { /** * @deprecated in favour of lowercased namespaces */ add_filter( 'WPML_get_setting', array( $this, 'filter_get_setting' ), 10, 2 ); /** * @deprecated in favour of lowercased namespaces */ add_filter( 'WPML_get_current_language', array( $this, 'get_current_language' ), 10, 0 ); /** * @deprecated in favour of lowercased namespaces */ add_filter( 'WPML_get_user_admin_language', array( $this, 'get_user_admin_language_filter' ), 10, 2 ); /** * @deprecated in favour of lowercased namespaces */ add_filter( 'WPML_is_admin_action_from_referer', array( $this, 'check_if_admin_action_from_referer' ), 10, 0 ); /** * @deprecated in favour of lowercased namespaces */ add_filter( 'WPML_current_user', array( $this, 'get_current_user' ), 10, 0 ); add_filter( 'wpml_get_setting', array( $this, 'filter_get_setting' ), 10, 2 ); add_action( 'wpml_set_setting', array( $this, 'action_set_setting' ), 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'wpml_get_language_cookie', array( $this, 'get_language_cookie' ), 10, 0 ); add_filter( 'wpml_current_language', array( $this, 'get_current_language' ), 10, 0 ); add_filter( 'wpml_get_user_admin_language', array( $this, 'get_user_admin_language_filter' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'wpml_is_admin_action_from_referer', array( $this, 'check_if_admin_action_from_referer' ), 10, 0 ); add_filter( 'wpml_current_user', array( $this, 'get_current_user' ), 10, 0 ); add_filter( 'wpml_new_post_source_id', array ( $this, 'get_new_post_source_id'), 10, 1); /** * @use \SitePress::get_translatable_documents_filter */ add_filter( 'wpml_translatable_documents', array( $this, 'get_translatable_documents_filter' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'wpml_is_translated_post_type', array( $this, 'is_translated_post_type_filter' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'wpml_is_display_as_translated_post_type', array( $this, 'is_display_as_translated_post_type_filter' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'wpml_is_translated_taxonomy', array( $this, 'is_translated_taxonomy_filter' ), 10, 2 ); /** * @deprecated it has a wrong hook tag * @since 3.2 */ add_filter( 'wpml_get_element_translations_filter', array( $this, 'get_element_translations_filter' ), 10, 6 ); /** * @deprecated it has a wrong hook tag * @since 3.2 */ add_filter( 'wpml_get_element_translations', array( $this, 'get_element_translations_filter' ), 10, 6 ); add_filter( 'wpml_is_original_content', array( $this, 'is_original_content_filter'), 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'wpml_original_element_id', array( $this, 'get_original_element_id_filter'), 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'wpml_element_trid', array( $this, 'get_element_trid_filter'), 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'wpml_is_rtl', array( $this, 'is_rtl' ) ); add_filter( 'wpml_home_url', 'wpml_get_home_url_filter', 10 ); add_filter( 'wpml_active_languages', 'wpml_get_active_languages_filter', 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'wpml_display_language_names', 'wpml_display_language_names_filter', 10, 5 ); add_filter( 'wpml_display_single_language_name', array($this, 'get_display_single_language_name_filter'), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'wpml_element_link', 'wpml_link_to_element_filter', 10, 7 ); add_filter( 'wpml_object_id', 'wpml_object_id_filter', 10, 4 ); add_filter( 'wpml_translated_language_name', 'wpml_translated_language_name_filter', 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'wpml_default_language', 'wpml_get_default_language_filter', 10, 1); add_filter( 'wpml_post_language_details', 'wpml_get_language_information', 10, 2 ); add_action( 'wpml_add_language_form_field', 'wpml_add_language_form_field_action' ); add_shortcode( 'wpml_language_form_field', 'wpml_language_form_field_shortcode' ); add_filter( 'wpml_element_translation_type', 'wpml_get_element_translation_type_filter', 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'wpml_element_has_translations', 'wpml_element_has_translations_filter', 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'wpml_content_translations', 'wpml_get_content_translations_filter', 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'wpml_master_post_from_duplicate', 'wpml_get_master_post_from_duplicate_filter' ); add_filter( 'wpml_post_duplicates', 'wpml_get_post_duplicates_filter' ); add_filter( 'wpml_element_type', 'wpml_element_type_filter' ); add_filter( 'wpml_setting', 'wpml_get_setting_filter', 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'wpml_sub_setting', 'wpml_get_sub_setting_filter', 10, 4 ); add_filter( 'wpml_language_is_active', 'wpml_language_is_active_filter', 10, 2 ); add_action( 'wpml_admin_make_post_duplicates', 'wpml_admin_make_post_duplicates_action', 10, 1 ); /** * @deprecated This actions will be removed in future releases. */ add_action( 'wpml_make_post_duplicates', 'wpml_make_post_duplicates_action', 10, 1 ); add_filter( 'wpml_element_language_details', 'wpml_element_language_details_filter', 10, 2 ); add_action( 'wpml_set_element_language_details', array($this, 'set_element_language_details_action'), 10, 1 ); add_filter( 'wpml_element_language_code', 'wpml_element_language_code_filter', 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'wpml_elements_without_translations', 'wpml_elements_without_translations_filter', 10, 2 ); add_action( 'wpml_switch_language', 'wpml_switch_language_action', 10, 1 ); } function init() { do_action('wpml_before_init'); $this->locale_utils->init(); $this->maybe_set_this_lang(); if ( function_exists( 'w3tc_add_action' ) ) { w3tc_add_action( 'w3tc_object_cache_key', 'w3tc_translate_cache_key_filter' ); } $this->get_user_preferences(); $this->set_admin_language(); // default value for theme_localization_type OR // reset theme_localization_type if string translation was on (theme_localization_type was set to 2) and then it was deactivated global $sitepress_settings; $theme_localization_type = new WPML_Theme_Localization_Type( $this ); if ( ! isset( $this->settings['theme_localization_type'] ) || ( $theme_localization_type->is_st_type() && ! defined( 'WPML_ST_VERSION' ) && ! defined( 'WPML_DOING_UPGRADE' ) ) ) { $sitepress_settings['theme_localization_type_previous'] = $sitepress_settings['theme_localization_type']; $this->settings['theme_localization_type'] = $sitepress_settings['theme_localization_type'] = WPML_Theme_Localization_Type::USE_MO_FILES; } else if ( defined( 'WPML_ST_VERSION' ) && isset( $sitepress_settings['theme_localization_type_previous'] ) ) { $this->settings['theme_localization_type'] = $sitepress_settings['theme_localization_type'] = $sitepress_settings['theme_localization_type_previous']; unset( $sitepress_settings['theme_localization_type_previous'] ); } $theme_localization_type->add_hooks(); //Run only if existing content language has been verified, and is front-end or settings are not corrupted if ( $this->get_setting( 'existing_content_language_verified' ) ) { add_action( 'wpml_verify_post_translations', array( $this, 'verify_post_translations_action' ), 10, 1 ); if ( 2 === (int) $this->get_setting( 'language_negotiation_type' ) ) { add_filter( 'allowed_redirect_hosts', array( $this, 'allowed_redirect_hosts' ) ); } $this->move_current_language_to_the_top(); add_filter( 'mod_rewrite_rules', array( $this, 'rewrite_rules_filter' ), 10, 1 ); if ( is_admin() && $this->get_setting( 'setup_complete' ) && ! $this->get_wp_api()->is_translation_queue_page() && ! $this->get_wp_api()->is_string_translation_page() ) { // Admin language switcher goes to the WP admin bar if ( apply_filters( 'wpml_show_admin_language_switcher', true ) ) { add_action( 'wp_before_admin_bar_render', array( $this, 'admin_language_switcher' ) ); } else { $this->set_this_lang( 'all' ); } } if ( defined( 'DISQUS_VERSION' ) && ! is_admin() ) { include WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/modules/disqus.php'; } } if ( $this->is_rtl() ) { $GLOBALS[ 'text_direction' ] = 'rtl'; } if ( ! wpml_is_ajax() && is_admin() && ! $this->get_setting( 'dont_show_help_admin_notice' ) ) { WPML_Troubleshooting_Terms_Menu::display_terms_with_suffix_admin_notice(); if ( !$this->get_setting( 'setup_wizard_step' ) && strpos( filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL ), 'menu/languages.php' ) === false && current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'help_admin_notice' ) ); } } $short_v = implode( '.', array_slice( explode( '.', ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION ), 0, 3 ) ); if ( is_admin() && ( ! isset( $this->settings['hide_upgrade_notice'] ) || $this->get_setting( 'hide_upgrade_notice' ) !== $short_v ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'upgrade_notice' ) ); } require WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/inc/template-constants.php'; if ( defined( 'WPML_LOAD_API_SUPPORT' ) ) { require WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/inc/wpml-api.php'; } add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'display_wpml_footer' ), 20 ); if ( defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) && XMLRPC_REQUEST ) { add_action( 'xmlrpc_call', array( $this, 'xmlrpc_call_actions' ) ); add_filter( 'xmlrpc_methods', array( $this, 'xmlrpc_methods' ) ); } global $pagenow; // set language to default and remove language switcher when in Taxonomy Translation page // If the page uses AJAX and the language must be forced to default, please use the // if ( $pagenow == 'admin-ajax.php' )above if ( is_admin() && ( $this->is_taxonomy_related_page() || $this->is_saving_taxonomy_labels() ) ) { $this->switch_to_admin_language(); add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'remove_admin_language_switcher' ) ); } /* Posts and new inline created terms, can only be saved in an active language. * Also the content of the post-new.php should always be filtered for one specific * active language, so to display the correct taxonomy terms for selection. */ if ( $pagenow === 'post-new.php' ) { if ( ! $this->is_active_language( $this->get_current_language() ) ) { $this->switch_to_admin_language(); } } //Code to run when reactivating the plugin $recently_activated = $this->get_setting('just_reactivated'); if($recently_activated) { add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'rebuild_language_information' ), 1000 ); } if ( is_admin() ) { $mo_file_search = new WPML_MO_File_Search( $this ); add_action('after_switch_theme', array($mo_file_search, 'reload_theme_dirs')); } do_action('wpml_after_init'); do_action('wpml_loaded', $this); if ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/menu/taxonomy-translation.php' === $_GET['page'] && is_admin() ) { $this->taxonomy_translation = new WPML_Taxonomy_Translation( '', array(), new WPML_UI_Screen_Options_Factory( $this ) ); } if ( WPML_LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_TYPE_DOMAIN === (int) $this->get_setting( 'language_negotiation_type' ) && $this->get_setting( 'language_per_domain_sso_enabled', false ) ) { $sso = new WPML_Language_Per_Domain_SSO( $this ); $sso->init_hooks(); } } /** * Sets the current language in \SitePress::$this_lang, redirects if * frontend requests point to incomplete or incorrect urls, un-sets the * $_GET['lang'] and $_GET['admin_bar'] values so that upload.php is able to * enqueue 'media-grid' correctly without url parameters breaking its * functionality. */ public function maybe_set_this_lang() { /** @var WPML_Request $wpml_request_handler */ global $wpml_request_handler, $pagenow, $wpml_language_resolution, $mode; if ( ! defined( 'WP_ADMIN' ) && isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) && did_action( 'init' ) ) { require_once WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/inc/request-handling/redirection/wpml-frontend-redirection.php'; /** @var WPML_Frontend_Request $wpml_request_handler */ $redirect_helper = _wpml_get_redirect_helper(); $redirection = new WPML_Frontend_Redirection( $this, $wpml_request_handler, $redirect_helper, $wpml_language_resolution ); $this->set_this_lang( $redirection->maybe_redirect() ); } else { $this->set_this_lang( $wpml_request_handler->get_requested_lang() ); } $wpml_request_handler->set_language_cookie( $this->this_lang ); if ( $pagenow === 'upload.php' && isset( $mode ) && 'grid' === $mode ) { $_GET['lang'] = null; $_GET['admin_bar'] = null; } } function load_dependencies() { do_action( 'wpml_load_dependencies' ); } /** * Sets up all term/taxonomy actions for use outside Translations Management or the Post Edit screen */ function set_term_filters_and_hooks(){ // The delete filter only ensures the synchronizing of delete actions between translations of a term. add_action( 'delete_term', array( $this, 'delete_term' ), 1, 3 ); add_action( 'set_object_terms', array( 'WPML_Terms_Translations', 'set_object_terms_action' ), 10, 6 ); add_action( 'created_term_translation', array( 'WPML_Terms_Translations', 'sync_ttid_action' ), 10, 3 ); // filters terms by language for the term/tag-box autoselect if ( ( isset( $_GET['action'] ) && 'ajax-tag-search' === $_GET['action'] ) || ( isset( $_POST['action'] ) && 'get-tagcloud' === $_POST['action'] ) ) { add_filter( 'get_terms', array( 'WPML_Terms_Translations', 'get_terms_filter' ), 10, 2 ); } add_filter( 'terms_clauses', array( $this, 'terms_clauses' ), 10, 4 ); add_action( 'create_term', array( $this, 'create_term' ), 1, 3 ); add_action( 'edit_term', array( $this, 'create_term' ), 1, 3 ); add_filter( 'get_terms_args', array( $this, 'get_terms_args_filter' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'get_edit_term_link', array( $this, 'get_edit_term_link' ), 1, 4 ); add_action( 'deleted_term_relationships', array( $this, 'deleted_term_relationships' ), 10, 2 ); add_action('wp_ajax_icl_repair_broken_type_and_language_assignments', 'icl_repair_broken_type_and_language_assignments'); // adjust queried categories and tags ids according to the language if ( (bool) $this->get_setting('auto_adjust_ids' ) ) { add_action( 'wp_list_pages_excludes', array( $this, 'adjust_wp_list_pages_excludes' ) ); if ( ! $this->get_wp_api()->is_admin() || $this->get_wp_api()->constant( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) { add_filter( 'get_term', array( $this, 'get_term_adjust_id' ), 1, 1 ); add_filter( 'category_link', array( $this, 'category_link_adjust_id' ), 1, 2 ); add_filter( 'get_pages', array( $this, 'get_pages_adjust_ids' ), 1, 2 ); } } add_action( 'clean_term_cache', array( $this, 'clear_elements_cache' ), 10, 2 ); } function remove_admin_language_switcher() { remove_action( 'wp_before_admin_bar_render', array( $this, 'admin_language_switcher' ) ); } function rebuild_language_information() { $this->set_setting('just_reactivated', 0); $this->save_settings(); /** @var TranslationManagement $iclTranslationManagement */ global $iclTranslationManagement; if ( $iclTranslationManagement ) { $iclTranslationManagement->add_missing_language_information(); } } function setup() { $setup_complete = $this->get_setting('setup_complete'); if(!$setup_complete) { $this->set_setting('setup_complete', false); } return $setup_complete; } public function user_lang_by_authcookie() { global $current_user; if ( !isset( $current_user ) ) { $username = ''; if ( function_exists ( 'wp_parse_auth_cookie' ) ) { $cookie_data = wp_parse_auth_cookie (); $username = isset( $cookie_data[ 'username' ] ) ? $cookie_data[ 'username' ] : null; } $user_obj = new WP_User( null, $username ); } else { $user_obj = $current_user; } $user_id = isset( $user_obj->ID ) ? $user_obj->ID : 0; $user_lang = $this->get_user_admin_language ( $user_id ); $user_lang = $user_lang ? $user_lang : $this->get_current_language (); return $user_lang; } function get_current_user() { global $current_user; return $current_user !== null ? $current_user : new WP_User(); } function ajax_setup() { require WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/ajax.php'; } function check_if_admin_action_from_referer() { $referer = isset( $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_REFERER' ] ) ? $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_REFERER' ] : ''; return strpos ( $referer, strtolower ( admin_url () ) ) === 0; } /** * Check translation mangement column screen option. * * @param string $post_type Current post type. * * @return bool */ public function show_management_column_content( $post_type ) { $custom_columns = new WPML_Custom_Columns( $this ); return $custom_columns->show_management_column_content( $post_type ); } function initialize_cache() { require_once WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/inc/cache.php'; } /** * @return icl_cache */ function get_translations_cache() { if ( ! isset( $this->icl_translations_cache ) ) { $this->icl_translations_cache = new icl_cache(); } return $this->icl_translations_cache; } /** * @return icl_cache */ function get_language_name_cache() { if ( ! isset( $this->icl_language_name_cache ) ) { $this->icl_language_name_cache = new icl_cache( 'language_name', true ); } return $this->icl_language_name_cache; } public function set_admin_language( $admin_language = false ) { $default_language = $this->get_default_language (); $this->admin_language = $admin_language ? $admin_language : $this->user_lang_by_authcookie (); $lang_codes = array_keys ( $this->get_languages () ); if ( (bool) $this->admin_language === true && ! in_array( $this->admin_language, $lang_codes, true ) ) { delete_user_meta ( $this->get_current_user ()->ID, 'icl_admin_language' ); } if ( empty( $this->settings[ 'admin_default_language' ] ) || !in_array ( $this->settings[ 'admin_default_language' ], array_merge( $lang_codes, array( '_default_' ) ), true ) ) { $this->settings[ 'admin_default_language' ] = '_default_'; $this->save_settings (); } if ( !$this->admin_language ) { $this->admin_language = $this->settings[ 'admin_default_language' ]; } if ( $this->admin_language === '_default_' && $default_language ) { $this->admin_language = $default_language; } } function get_admin_language() { $current_user = $this->get_current_user(); if ( ( ! empty( $current_user->ID ) && $this->get_wp_api()->get_user_meta( $current_user->ID, 'icl_admin_language_for_edit', true ) && $this->is_post_edit_screen() ) || $this->is_wpml_switch_language_triggered() ) { $admin_language = $this->get_current_language(); } else { $admin_language = $this->user_lang_by_authcookie(); } return $admin_language; } public function is_wpml_switch_language_triggered() { return isset( $GLOBALS['icl_language_switched'] ) ? true : false ; } /** * @return bool */ function is_post_edit_screen() { global $pagenow; $action = isset( $_GET['action'] ) ? $_GET['action'] : ""; return $pagenow === 'post-new.php' || ( $pagenow === 'post.php' && ( 0 === strcmp( $action, 'edit' ) ) ); } function get_user_admin_language_filter( $value, $user_id ) { return $this->get_user_admin_language( $user_id ); } function get_user_admin_language( $user_id, $reload = false ) { $user_admin_language = new WPML_User_Admin_Language( $this ); return $user_admin_language->get( $user_id, $reload ); } /** * @todo rename this method, has it has nothing to do with the menus */ function administration_menu() { if ( ! $this->is_setup_complete() ) { $this->check_and_display_missing_records_notice(); } } private function check_and_display_missing_records_notice() { if ( ! $this->is_troubleshooting_page() && ! SitePress_Setup::languages_table_is_complete() ) { $troubleshooting_url = admin_url( 'admin.php?page=' . WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/menu/troubleshooting.php' ); $troubleshooting_link = '' . __( 'Troubleshooting', 'sitepress' ) . ''; $message = ''; $message .= __( 'WPML is missing some records in the languages tables and it cannot fully work until this issue is fixed.', 'sitepress' ); $message .= '
'; $message .= sprintf( __( 'Please go to the %s page and click on "%s" to fix this problem.', 'sitepress' ), $troubleshooting_link, __( 'Clear language information and repopulate languages', 'sitepress' ) ); $message .= '
'; $message .= '
'; $message .= __( 'This warning will disappear once this issue is fixed.', 'sitepress' ); ICL_AdminNotifier::removeMessage( 'setup-incomplete' ); ICL_AdminNotifier::addMessage( 'setup-incomplete', $message, 'error', false, false, false, 'setup', true ); ICL_AdminNotifier::displayMessages( 'setup' ); } } function taxonomy_translation_page() { $this->taxonomy_translation->render(); } /** * @param int|string $blog_id */ function init_settings( $blog_id ) { $blog_id = (int) $blog_id; if ( ! isset( $this->loaded_blog_id ) || $this->loaded_blog_id != $blog_id ) { $this->loaded_blog_id = $blog_id; $this->settings = get_option( 'icl_sitepress_settings' ); $default_lang_code = isset( $this->settings[ 'default_language' ] ) ? $this->settings[ 'default_language' ] : false; load_wpml_url_converter( $this->settings, false, $default_lang_code ); } } /** * @param array|null $settings */ function save_settings( $settings = null ) { if ( null !== $settings ) { foreach ( $settings as $k => $v ) { if ( is_array( $v ) ) { foreach ( $v as $k2 => $v2 ) { $this->settings[ $k ][ $k2 ] = $v2; } } else { $this->settings[ $k ] = $v; } } } if ( ! empty( $this->settings ) ) { update_option( 'icl_sitepress_settings', $this->settings ); } do_action( 'icl_save_settings', $settings ); } /** * @since 3.1 */ function get_settings() { return $this->settings; } function filter_get_setting($value, $key) { return $this->get_setting($key, $value); } /** * @param string $key * @param mixed|bool $default * * @since 3.1 * * @return bool|mixed */ function get_setting( $key, $default = false ) { return wpml_get_setting_filter( $default, $key ); } function action_set_setting($key, $value, $save_now) { $this->set_setting($key, $value, $save_now); } /** * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @param bool $save_now Immediately update the settings record in the DB * * @since 3.1 * * @return bool Always True. If `$save_now === true`, it returns the result of `update_option` */ function set_setting($key, $value, $save_now = false) { return icl_set_setting($key, $value, $save_now); } function get_user_preferences() { if ( ! isset( $this->user_preferences ) || ! $this->user_preferences ) { $this->user_preferences = get_user_meta( $this->get_current_user()->ID, '_icl_preferences', true ); } if ( (is_array( $this->user_preferences) && $this->user_preferences == array(0 => false)) || !$this->user_preferences ) { $this->user_preferences = array(); } if ( ! is_array( $this->user_preferences ) ) { $this->user_preferences = (array) $this->user_preferences; } return $this->user_preferences; } function set_user_preferences($value) { $this->user_preferences = $value; } function save_user_preferences() { update_user_meta( $this->get_current_user()->ID, '_icl_preferences', $this->user_preferences ); } function get_option( $option_name ) { return isset( $this->settings[ $option_name ] ) ? $this->settings[ $option_name ] : null; } function verify_settings() { $verify_settings = new WPML_Verify_SitePress_Settings( $this->get_wp_api() ); list( $this->settings, $update_settings ) = $verify_settings->verify( $this->settings ); if ( $update_settings ) { $this->save_settings(); } } /** * @param bool $refresh * @param bool $major_first * @param string $order_by * * @return array */ function get_active_languages( $refresh = false, $major_first = false, $order_by = 'english_name' ) { /** @var WPML_Request $wpml_request_handler */ global $wpml_request_handler; $in_language = defined( 'WP_ADMIN' ) && $this->admin_language ? $this->admin_language : null; $in_language = $in_language === null ? $this->get_current_language() : $in_language; $in_language = $in_language ? $in_language : $this->get_default_language(); $active_languages = $this->get_languages( $in_language, true, $refresh, $major_first, $order_by ); $active_languages = isset( $active_languages[ $in_language ] ) ? $active_languages : $this->get_languages( $in_language, true, true, $major_first, $order_by ); $active_languages = $active_languages ? $active_languages : array(); $this->active_languages = $wpml_request_handler->show_hidden() ? $active_languages : array_diff_key( $active_languages, array_fill_keys( $this->get_setting( 'hidden_languages', array() ), 1 ) ); return $this->active_languages; } /** * Returns an input array of languages, that are in the form of associative arrays, * ordered by the user-chosen language order * * @param array[] $languages * * @return array[] */ function order_languages( $languages ) { $ordered_languages = array(); if ( isset( $this->settings[ 'languages_order' ] ) && is_array( $this->settings[ 'languages_order' ] ) ) { foreach ( $this->settings[ 'languages_order' ] as $code ) { if ( isset( $languages[ $code ] ) ) { $ordered_languages[ $code ] = $languages[ $code ]; unset( $languages[ $code ] ); } } } else { // initial save $iclsettings[ 'languages_order' ] = array_keys( $languages ); $this->save_settings( $iclsettings ); } if ( ! empty( $languages ) ) { foreach ( $languages as $code => $lang ) { $ordered_languages[ $code ] = $lang; } } return $ordered_languages; } /** * @param $lang_code * Checks if a given language code belongs to a currently active language. * @return bool */ function is_active_language( $lang_code ) { $result = false; $active_languages = $this->get_active_languages(); foreach ( $active_languages as $lang ) { if ( $lang_code == $lang[ 'code' ] ) { $result = true; break; } } return $result; } public function get_languages( $lang = false, $active_only = false, $refresh = false, $major_first = false, $order_by = 'english_name') { $res = false; if ( !$lang ) { $lang = $this->get_default_language(); } if ( $active_only && ! $refresh ) { $res = $this->get_language_name_cache()->get( 'in_language_' . $lang . '_' . $major_first . '_' . $order_by ); } if ( ! $res && ! $active_only && ! $refresh ) { $res = $this->get_language_name_cache()->get( 'all_language_' . $lang . '_' . $major_first . '_' . $order_by ); } if ( ! $res ) { $setup_instance = wpml_get_setup_instance(); $res = $setup_instance->refresh_active_lang_cache( $lang, $active_only, $major_first, $order_by ); } return $res; } function get_language_details( $code ) { if ( $this->get_wp_api()->is_admin() ) { $dcode = $this->admin_language; } else { $dcode = $code; } $details = $this->get_language_name_cache()->get( 'language_details_' . $code . $dcode ); if ( !$details ) { $language_details = $this->get_languages( $dcode ); $details = isset( $language_details[ $code ] ) ? $language_details[ $code ] : false; } return $details; } function get_language_code( $english_name ) { $query = $this->wpdb->prepare( " SELECT code FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages WHERE english_name = %s LIMIT 1", $english_name ); $code = $this->wpdb->get_var( $query ); return $code; } function get_language_code_from_locale( $locale ) { $query = $this->wpdb->prepare( " SELECT code FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages WHERE default_locale = %s LIMIT 1", $locale ); $code = $this->wpdb->get_var( $query ); return $code; } function get_locale_from_language_code( $code ) { $query = $this->wpdb->prepare( " SELECT default_locale FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages WHERE code = %s LIMIT 1", $code ); $locale = $this->wpdb->get_var( $query ); return $locale; } function get_default_language() { return isset( $this->settings[ 'default_language' ] ) ? $this->settings[ 'default_language' ] : false; } private function is_valid_language( $language ) { $active_languages = $this->active_languages; if ( ! $active_languages ) { $active_languages = $this->get_languages(); } return isset( $active_languages[ $language ] ) || ( 'all' === $language && $this->get_wp_api()->is_admin() ); } private function set_this_lang( $new_value ) { if ( $this->is_valid_language( $new_value ) ) { $this->this_lang = $new_value; } } function get_current_language() { /** * @var WPML_Request $wpml_request_handler * @var WPML_Language_Resolution $wpml_language_resolution */ global $wpml_request_handler, $wpml_language_resolution; if ( ! $this->this_lang ) { $this->set_this_lang( $wpml_request_handler->get_requested_lang() ); } if ( ! $this->this_lang ) { $this->set_this_lang( $this->get_default_language() ); } return $wpml_language_resolution->current_lang_filter( $this->this_lang, $wpml_request_handler ); } /** * Switches whole site to the given language or back to the current language * that was set when first calling this function. * * @param null|string $code language code to switch into, will revert to * initial language if null is given * @param bool|string $cookie_lang optionally also switch the cookie language * to the value given */ public function switch_lang( $code = null, $cookie_lang = false ) { /** * @var WPML_Request $wpml_request_handler * @var WPML_Language_Resolution $wpml_language_resolution */ global $wpml_language_resolution, $wpml_request_handler; $this->original_language = $this->original_language === null ? $this->get_current_language() : $this->original_language; if ( is_null( $code ) ) { $this->set_this_lang( $this->original_language ); if ( ! empty( $this->original_language_cookie ) ) { $wpml_request_handler->set_language_cookie( $this->original_language_cookie ); $this->original_language_cookie = false; } } else { if ( $code === 'all' || in_array( $code, $wpml_language_resolution->get_active_language_codes(), true ) ) { $this->set_this_lang( $code ); } if ( $cookie_lang ) { $this->original_language_cookie = $wpml_request_handler->get_cookie_lang(); $wpml_request_handler->set_language_cookie( $code ); } } if ( $code ) { $GLOBALS['icl_language_switched'] = true; } else { unset( $GLOBALS['icl_language_switched'] ); } do_action( 'wpml_language_has_switched', $code, $cookie_lang, $this->original_language ); } function set_default_language( $code ) { $previous_default = $this->get_setting('default_language'); $this->set_setting( 'default_language', $code); $this->set_setting('admin_default_language', $code); $this->save_settings(); do_action('icl_after_set_default_language',$code, $previous_default); // change WP locale $locale = $this->get_locale( $code ); if ( $locale ) { update_option( 'WPLANG', $locale ); } $user_language = new WPML_User_Language( $this ); $user_language->sync_default_admin_user_languages(); return $code !== 'en' && ! file_exists( WP_LANG_DIR . '/' . $locale . '.mo' ) ? 1 : true; } /** * Hooked to `init` */ function js_load() { global $pagenow, $wpdb, $wpml_post_translations, $wpml_term_translations; $page = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'page' ); $page = $page !== null ? basename( $_GET['page'] ) : null; $page_basename = $page === null ? false : preg_replace( '/[^\w-]/', '', str_replace( '.php', '', $page ) ); $this->scripts_handler = new WPML_Admin_Scripts_Setup( $wpdb, $this, $wpml_post_translations, $wpml_term_translations, $page_basename ); $this->scripts_handler->register_styles(); $this->scripts_handler->register_scripts(); if ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) { $this->scripts_handler->add_admin_hooks(); if ( isset( $_SERVER[ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] ) && ( strpos( $_SERVER[ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ], 'post-new.php' ) || strpos( $_SERVER[ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ], 'post.php' ) ) ) { wp_register_script( 'sitepress-post-edit-tags', ICL_PLUGIN_URL . '/res/js/post-edit-terms.js', array( 'jquery' ) ); $post_edit_messages = array( 'switch_language_title' => __( 'You are about to change the language of {post_name}.', 'sitepress' ), 'switch_language_alert' => __( 'All categories and tags will be translated if possible.', 'sitepress' ), 'connection_loss_alert' => __( 'The following terms do not have a translation in the chosen language and will be disconnected from this post:', 'sitepress' ), 'loading' => __( 'Loading Language Data for {post_name}', 'sitepress' ), 'switch_language_message' => __( 'Please make sure that you\'ve saved all the changes. We will have to reload the page.', 'sitepress' ), 'switch_language_confirm' => __( 'Do you want to continue?', 'sitepress' ), '_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wpml_switch_post_lang_nonce' ), 'empty_post_title' => __( '(No title for this post yet)', 'sitepress' ), 'ok_button_label' => __( 'OK', 'sitepress' ), 'cancel_button_label' => __( 'Cancel', 'sitepress' ), ); wp_localize_script( 'sitepress-post-edit-tags', 'icl_post_edit_messages', $post_edit_messages ); wp_enqueue_script( 'sitepress-post-edit-tags' ); } if ( isset( $_SERVER[ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] ) && strpos( $_SERVER[ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ], 'edit.php' ) ) { wp_register_script( 'sitepress-post-list-quickedit', ICL_PLUGIN_URL . '/res/js/post-list-quickedit.js', array( 'jquery') ); wp_enqueue_script( 'sitepress-post-list-quickedit' ); } wp_enqueue_script( 'sitepress-scripts', ICL_PLUGIN_URL . '/res/js/scripts.js', array( 'jquery' ), ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION ); if ( isset( $page_basename ) && file_exists( WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/res/js/' . $page_basename . '.js' ) ) { $dependencies = array(); $localization = false; $color_picker_handler = 'wp-color-picker'; switch ( $page_basename ) { case 'languages': $dependencies[ ] = $color_picker_handler; $dependencies[ ] = 'sitepress-scripts'; $dependencies[ ] = 'wpml-domain-validation'; $dependencies[ ] = 'jquery-ui-dialog'; break; case 'troubleshooting': $dependencies [ ] = 'jquery-ui-dialog'; $localization = array( 'object_name' => 'troubleshooting_strings', 'strings' => array( 'success_1' => __( "Post type and source language assignment have been fixed for ", 'sitepress' ), 'success_2' => __( " elements", 'sitepress' ), 'no_problems' => __( "No errors were found in the assignment of post types." ), 'suffixesRemoved' => __( "Language suffixes were removed from the selected terms." ), 'done' => __( 'Done', 'sitepress' ), 'termNamesNonce' => wp_create_nonce('update_term_names_nonce'), 'cacheClearNonce' => wp_create_nonce('cache_clear'), 'syncPostsTaxNonce' => wp_create_nonce( WPML_Troubleshoot_Action::SYNC_POSTS_TAXONOMIES_SLUG ), ) ); wp_enqueue_style("wp-jquery-ui-dialog"); break; case 'menus-sync': $localization = array( 'object_name' => 'menus_sync', 'strings' => array( 'text1' => esc_html__( "Your menu includes custom items, which you need to translate using WPML's String Translation.", 'sitepress' ), 'text2' => esc_html__( '1. Translate these strings: ', 'sitepress' ), 'text3' => esc_html__( "2. When you're done translating, return here and run the menu synchronization again. This will use the strings that you translated to update the menus.", 'sitepress' ), ) ); break; } $handle = 'sitepress-' . $page_basename; wp_register_script( $handle, ICL_PLUGIN_URL . '/res/js/' . $page_basename . '.js', $dependencies, ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION ); if ( $localization ) { wp_localize_script( $handle, $localization[ 'object_name' ], $localization[ 'strings' ] ); } if(in_array($color_picker_handler, $dependencies)) { wp_enqueue_style( $color_picker_handler ); } wp_enqueue_script( $handle ); } if ( $pagenow == 'edit.php' ) { add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'language_filter' ) ); } wp_enqueue_style( 'wpml-select-2', ICL_PLUGIN_URL . '/lib/select2/select2.css' ); } } /** * @todo: Rename the function to backend_js because it's now used only on admin. */ function front_end_js() { if ( defined( 'ICL_DONT_LOAD_LANGUAGES_JS' ) && ICL_DONT_LOAD_LANGUAGES_JS ) { return; } wp_register_script( 'sitepress', ICL_PLUGIN_URL . '/res/js/sitepress.js', false ); wp_enqueue_script( 'sitepress' ); $vars = array( 'current_language' => $this->this_lang, 'icl_home' => $this->language_url(), 'ajax_url' => $this->convert_url( admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), $this->this_lang ), 'url_type' => $this->settings['language_negotiation_type'] ); wp_localize_script( 'sitepress', 'icl_vars', $vars ); } function rtl_fix() { global $wp_styles; if ( !empty( $wp_styles ) && $this->is_rtl() ) { $wp_styles->text_direction = 'rtl'; } } function process_forms() { if ( wp_verify_nonce( (string)filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'icl_initial_languagenonce', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ), 'icl_initial_language' ) ) { $setup_instance = wpml_get_setup_instance (); $first_lang = filter_input ( INPUT_POST, 'icl_initial_language_code', FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS ); $this->admin_language = $first_lang; $setup_instance->finish_step1($first_lang); } elseif ( wp_verify_nonce( (string)filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'icl_site_description_wizardnounce', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ), 'icl_site_description_wizard' ) ) { if ( isset( $_POST[ 'icl_content_trans_setup_back_2' ] ) ) { // back button. $this->settings[ 'content_translation_languages_setup' ] = 0; $this->settings[ 'content_translation_setup_wizard_step' ] = 1; $this->save_settings(); } elseif ( isset( $_POST[ 'icl_content_trans_setup_next_2' ] ) || isset( $_POST[ 'icl_content_trans_setup_next_2_enter' ] ) ) { // next button. $description = $_POST[ 'icl_description' ]; if ( $description == "" ) { $_POST[ 'icl_form_errors' ] = __( 'Please provide a short description of the website so that translators know what background is required from them.', 'sitepress' ); } else { $this->settings[ 'icl_site_description' ] = $description; $this->settings[ 'content_translation_setup_wizard_step' ] = 3; $this->save_settings(); } } } } function post_edit_language_options() { /** @var TranslationManagement $iclTranslationManagement */ global $post, $iclTranslationManagement, $post_new_file, $post_type_object, $pagenow; if ( null === $post || ! $this->get_setting( 'setup_complete', false ) ) { return; } $is_preview = ( isset( $_POST['wp-preview'] ) && $_POST['wp-preview'] === 'dopreview' ) || is_preview(); $is_attachment = in_array( $pagenow, array( 'upload.php', 'media-upload.php' ), true ) || ( isset( $post ) && 'attachment' === $post->post_type ) || is_attachment(); if ( $is_attachment || $is_preview ) { return; } if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { add_meta_box( 'icl_div_config', __( 'Multilingual Content Setup', 'sitepress' ), array( $this, 'meta_box_config' ), $post->post_type, 'normal', 'low' ); } if ( filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'icl_action' ) === 'icl_mcs_inline' ) { $custom_post_type = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'custom_post'); $translate = (int)filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'translate'); $iclsettings[ 'custom_posts_sync_option' ][ $custom_post_type ] = $translate; if ( $translate ) { $this->verify_post_translations( $custom_post_type ); } $custom_taxs_off = (array)filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'custom_taxs_off', FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY); $custom_taxs_on = (array)filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'custom_taxs_on', FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY); $tax_sync_options = array_merge(array_fill_keys($custom_taxs_on, 1), array_fill_keys($custom_taxs_off, 0)); foreach ( $tax_sync_options as $key => $setting ) { $iclsettings[ 'taxonomies_sync_option' ][ $key ] = $setting; if($setting){ $this->verify_taxonomy_translations( $key ); } } $cf_names = (array)filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'cfnames', FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY); $cf_vals = (array)filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'cfvals', FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY); if ( in_array( 1, $cf_vals, true ) ) { global $wpml_post_translations; $original_post_id = $wpml_post_translations->get_original_element ( $post->ID, true ); $translations = array_diff($wpml_post_translations->get_element_translations ( $original_post_id ), array($original_post_id)); } foreach ( $cf_names as $k => $v ) { $custom_field_name = base64_decode ( $v ); $cf_translation_state = isset( $cf_vals[ $k ] ) ? (int) $cf_vals[ $k ] : 0; $iclTranslationManagement->settings[ 'custom_fields_translation' ][ $custom_field_name ] = $cf_translation_state; $iclTranslationManagement->save_settings(); /** * Fires after update of custom fields synchronisation preferences on the post edit screen */ do_action('wpml_single_custom_field_sync_option_updated', array($custom_field_name => $cf_translation_state) ); // sync the custom fields for the current post if ( 1 === $cf_translation_state ) { /** * @var int[] $translations * @var int $original_post_id */ foreach ( $translations as $translated_id ) { $this->sync_custom_field($original_post_id, $translated_id, $custom_field_name); } } } if ( !empty( $iclsettings ) ) { $this->save_settings( $iclsettings ); } } $post_types = array_keys( $this->get_translatable_documents() ); if ( in_array( $post->post_type, $post_types, true ) ) { add_meta_box( 'icl_div', __( 'Language', 'sitepress' ), array( $this, 'meta_box' ), $post->post_type, 'side', 'high' ); } //Fix the "Add new" button adding the language argument, so to create new content in the same language if ( isset( $post_new_file, $post_type_object ) && $this->is_translated_post_type( $post_type_object->name ) ) { $post_language = $this->get_language_for_element($post->ID, 'post_' . $post_type_object->name); $post_new_file = add_query_arg(array('lang' => $post_language), $post_new_file); } } function set_element_language_details_action( $args ) { $element_id = $args[ 'element_id' ]; $element_type = isset( $args[ 'element_type' ] ) ? $args[ 'element_type' ] : 'post_post'; $trid = $args[ 'trid' ]; $language_code = $args[ 'language_code' ]; $source_language_code = isset( $args[ 'source_language_code' ] ) ? $args[ 'source_language_code' ] : null; $check_duplicates = isset( $args[ 'check_duplicates' ] ) ? $args[ 'check_duplicates' ] : true; $result = $this->set_element_language_details( $element_id, $element_type, $trid, $language_code, $source_language_code, $check_duplicates ); $args[ 'result' ] = $result; } /** * @param int $el_id the element's ID (for terms we use the `term_taxonomy_id`) * @param string $el_type * @param int $trid * @param string $language_code * @param null|string $src_language_code * @param bool $check_duplicates * * @return bool|int|null|string */ public function set_element_language_details( $el_id, $el_type = 'post_post', $trid, $language_code, $src_language_code = null, $check_duplicates = true ) { if ( ! $this->language_setter ) { $this->language_setter = new WPML_Set_Language( $this, $this->wpdb, $this->post_translation, $this->term_translation ); } return $this->language_setter->set( $el_id, $el_type, $trid, $language_code, $src_language_code, $check_duplicates ); } function delete_element_translation( $trid, $element_type, $language_code = false ) { $result = false; if ( $trid !== false && is_numeric( $trid ) && $element_type !== false && is_string( $trid ) ) { $delete_where = array( 'trid' => $trid, 'element_type' => $element_type ); $delete_formats = array( '%d', '%s' ); if ( $language_code ) { $delete_where[ 'language_code' ] = $language_code; $delete_formats[ ] = '%s'; } $context = explode( '_', $element_type ); $update_args = array( 'trid' => $trid, 'element_type' => $element_type, 'context' => $context[0] ); do_action( 'wpml_translation_update', array_merge( $update_args, array( 'type' => 'before_delete' ) ) ); $result = $this->wpdb->delete( $this->wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translations', $delete_where, $delete_formats ); do_action( 'wpml_translation_update', array_merge( $update_args, array( 'type' => 'after_delete' ) ) ); $this->get_translations_cache()->clear(); } return $result; } function get_element_language_details( $el_id, $el_type = 'post_post' ) { $details = false; if ( $el_id ) { if ( strpos( $el_type, 'post_' ) === 0 ) { $details = $this->post_translation->get_element_language_details( $el_id, OBJECT ); } if ( strpos( $el_type, 'tax_' ) === 0 ) { $details = $this->term_translation->get_element_language_details( $el_id, OBJECT ); } if ( ! $details ) { $cache_key = $el_id . ':' . $el_type; $cache_group = 'element_language_details'; $cached_details = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, $cache_group ); if ( $cached_details ) { return $cached_details; } if ( $this->get_translations_cache()->has_key( $el_id . $el_type ) ) { return $this->get_translations_cache()->get( $el_id . $el_type ); } $details_query = " SELECT trid, language_code, source_language_code FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations WHERE element_id=%d AND element_type=%s "; $details_prepare = $this->wpdb->prepare( $details_query, array( $el_id, $el_type ) ); $details = $this->wpdb->get_row( $details_prepare ); $this->get_translations_cache()->set( $el_id . $el_type, $details ); wp_cache_add( $cache_key, $details, $cache_group ); } } return $details; } public function sync_custom_field( $post_id_from, $post_id_to, $meta_key ) { $sync_custom_fields = new WPML_Sync_Custom_Fields( $this->wpdb, new WPML_Translation_Element_Factory( $this ), array( $meta_key ) ); $sync_custom_fields->sync_custom_field( $post_id_from, $post_id_to, $meta_key ); } function copy_custom_fields( $post_id_from, $post_id_to ) { $custom_fields_to_copy = $this->get_custom_fields_translation_settings( WPML_COPY_CUSTOM_FIELD ); foreach ( $custom_fields_to_copy as $meta_key ) { $meta_from = get_post_meta( $post_id_from, $meta_key ); $meta_to = get_post_meta( $post_id_to, $meta_key ); if ( $meta_from || $meta_to ) { $this->sync_custom_field( $post_id_from, $post_id_to, $meta_key ); } } } public function get_custom_fields_translation_settings( $mode ) { $custom_fields_for_mode = array(); if ( isset( $this->settings['translation-management']['custom_fields_translation'] ) ) { foreach ( $this->settings['translation-management']['custom_fields_translation'] as $meta_key => $option ) { if ( $option == $mode ) { $custom_fields_for_mode[] = $meta_key; } } } return $custom_fields_for_mode; } /** *This method does nothing and is only there as a placeholder for backward compatibility with old Types versions! * * @deprecated Since WPML 3.1.9 * * @param $meta_id * @param $object_id * @param $meta_key * @param $_meta_value */ function update_post_meta( $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $_meta_value ) { return; } /** *This method does nothing and is only there as a placeholder for backward compatibility with old Types versions! * * @deprecated Since WPML 3.1.9 * * @param $meta_id */ function delete_post_meta( $meta_id ) { return; } /* Custom fields synchronization - END */ function get_element_translations_filter( $value, $trid, $el_type = 'post_post', $skip_empty = false, $all_statuses = false, $skip_cache = false ) { return $this->get_element_translations( $trid, $el_type, $skip_empty, $all_statuses, $skip_cache ); } public function get_original_element_id_filter($empty, $element_id, $element_type = 'post_post') { $original_element_id = $this->get_original_element_id($element_id, $element_type); return $original_element_id; } public function get_element_trid_filter($empty, $element_id, $element_type = 'post_post') { $trid = $this->get_element_trid($element_id, $element_type); return $trid; } function is_original_content_filter($default = false, $element_id, $element_type = 'post_post') { $is_original_content = $default; $trid = $this->get_element_trid($element_id, $element_type); $translations = $this->get_element_translations($trid, $element_type); if($translations) { foreach($translations as $language_code => $translation) { if($translation->element_id == $element_id) { $is_original_content = $translation->original; break; } } } return $is_original_content; } /** * @param int $trid * @param string $el_type Use comment, post, page, {custom post time name}, nav_menu, nav_menu_item, category, post_tag, etc. (prefixed with 'post_', 'tax_', or nothing for 'comment') * @param bool $skip_empty * @param bool $all_statuses * @param bool $skip_cache * @param bool $skip_recursions * * @return array|bool|mixed */ function get_element_translations( $trid, $el_type = 'post_post', $skip_empty = false, $all_statuses = false, $skip_cache = false, $skip_recursions = false ) { $wpml_translations = new WPML_Translations( $this ); $wpml_translations->skip_empty = $skip_empty; $wpml_translations->all_statuses = $all_statuses; $wpml_translations->skip_cache = $skip_cache; $wpml_translations->skip_recursions = $skip_recursions; return $wpml_translations->get_translations( $trid, $el_type ); } function clear_elements_cache( $ids, $taxonomy ) { $cache = new WPML_WP_Cache( WPML_ELEMENT_TRANSLATIONS_CACHE_GROUP ); $cache->flush_group_cache(); } static function get_original_element_id( $element_id, $element_type = 'post_post', $skip_empty = false, $all_statuses = false, $skip_cache = false ) { global $sitepress; $original_element_id = false; $trid = $sitepress->get_element_trid( $element_id, $element_type ); if ( $trid ) { $original_element = $sitepress->get_original_element_translation( $trid, $element_type, $skip_empty, $all_statuses, $skip_cache ); if ( $original_element ) { $original_element_id = $original_element->element_id; } } return $original_element_id; } public function get_original_element_translation( $trid, $element_type, $skip_empty = false, $all_statuses = false, $skip_cache = false ) { $cache_key_args = array_filter( array( $trid, $element_type, $skip_empty, $all_statuses ) ); $cache_key = md5( wp_json_encode( $cache_key_args ) ); $cache_group = 'original_element'; $original_element = null; if ( ! $skip_cache ) { $original_element = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, $cache_group ); } if ( $original_element ) { return $original_element; } $element_translations = $this->get_element_translations( $trid, $element_type, $skip_empty, $all_statuses, $skip_cache ); $original_element = null; foreach ( $element_translations as $element_translation ) { if ( $element_translation->original ) { $original_element = $element_translation; break; } } if ( $original_element ) { wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $original_element, $cache_group ); } return $original_element; } /** * @param int $element_id Use term_taxonomy_id for taxonomies, post_id for posts * @param string $el_type Use comment, post, page, {custom post time name}, nav_menu, nav_menu_item, category, post_tag, etc. (prefixed with 'post_', 'tax_', or nothing for 'comment') * * @return bool|mixed|null|string */ function get_element_trid( $element_id, $el_type = 'post_post' ) { if ( strpos ( $el_type, 'tax_' ) === 0 ) { /** @var WPML_Term_Translation $wpml_term_translations */ global $wpml_term_translations; return $wpml_term_translations->get_element_trid ( $element_id ); } elseif ( strpos ( $el_type, 'post_' ) === 0 ) { global $wpml_post_translations; return $wpml_post_translations->get_element_trid ( $element_id ); } else { $cache_key = $element_id . ':' . $el_type; $cache_group = 'element_trid'; $temp_trid = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, $cache_group ); if ( (bool) $temp_trid === true ) { return $temp_trid; } $trid_prepared = $this->wpdb->prepare( "SELECT trid FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations WHERE element_id=%d AND element_type=%s", array( $element_id, $el_type ) ); $trid = $this->wpdb->get_var( $trid_prepared ); if ( $trid ) { wp_cache_add( $cache_key, $trid, $cache_group ); } } return $trid; } /** * @param int $trid * * @return int|bool */ static function get_original_element_id_by_trid( $trid ) { global $wpdb; if ( (bool) $trid === true ) { $original_element_id_prepared = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT element_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translations WHERE trid=%d AND source_language_code IS NULL LIMIT 1", $trid ); $element_id = $wpdb->get_var( $original_element_id_prepared ); } else { $element_id = false; } return $element_id; } static function get_source_language_by_trid( $trid ) { global $wpdb; $source_language = null; if ( (bool) $trid === true ) { $cache = new WPML_WP_Cache( 'get_source_language_by_trid' ); $found = false; $source_language = $cache->get( $trid, $found ); if ( ! $found ) { $source_language_prepared = $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT language_code FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translations WHERE trid=%d AND source_language_code IS NULL LIMIT 1", $trid ); $source_language = $wpdb->get_var( $source_language_prepared ); $cache->set( $trid, $source_language ); } } return $source_language; } public function get_element_translations_object( $element_type ) { global $wpml_post_translations, $wpml_term_translations, $wpml_cache_factory; $element_translations = null; if ( strpos ( $element_type, 'tax_' ) === 0 ) { $element_translations = $wpml_term_translations; } elseif ( strpos ( $element_type, 'post_' ) === 0 ) { $element_translations = $wpml_post_translations; } else { $element_translations = new WPML_Element_Type_Translation( $this->wpdb, $wpml_cache_factory, $element_type ); } return $element_translations; } /** * @param int $element_id Use term_taxonomy_id for taxonomies, post_id for posts * @param string $element_type Use comment, post, page, {custom post time name}, nav_menu, nav_menu_item, category, * post_tag, etc. (prefixed with 'post_', 'tax_', or nothing for 'comment') * * @return null|string */ function get_language_for_element( $element_id, $element_type = 'post_post' ) { $translation_object = $this->get_element_translations_object( $element_type ); return $translation_object->get_element_lang_code( $element_id ); } /** * @param string $el_type Use comment, post, page, {custom post time name}, nav_menu, nav_menu_item, category, post_tag, etc. (prefixed with 'post_', 'tax_', or nothing for 'comment') * @param string $target_lang Target language code * @param string $source_lang Source language code * * @return array */ function get_elements_without_translations( $el_type, $target_lang, $source_lang ) { $sql = $this->wpdb->prepare( "SELECT trid FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations WHERE language_code = %s AND element_type = %s", $target_lang, $el_type ); $trids_for_target = $this->wpdb->get_col( $sql ); if ( sizeof( $trids_for_target ) > 0 ) { $trids_for_target = wpml_prepare_in( $trids_for_target, '%d' ); $not_trids = 'AND trid NOT IN (' . $trids_for_target . ')'; } else { $not_trids = ''; } $join = $where = ''; // exclude trashed posts if ( 0 === strpos( $el_type, 'post_' ) ) { $join .= " JOIN {$this->wpdb->posts} ON {$this->wpdb->posts}.ID = {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations.element_id"; $where .= " AND {$this->wpdb->posts}.post_status <> 'trash' AND {$this->wpdb->posts}.post_status <> 'auto-draft'"; } // Now get all the elements that are in the source language that // are not already translated into the target language. $sql = $this->wpdb->prepare( "SELECT element_id FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations {$join} WHERE language_code = %s {$not_trids} AND element_type= %s {$where} ", $source_lang, $el_type ); return $this->wpdb->get_col( $sql ); } /** * @param string $selected_language * @param string $default_language * @param string $post_type * * @used_by SitePress:meta_box * * @return array */ function get_posts_without_translations( $selected_language, $default_language, $post_type = 'post_post' ) { $untranslated_ids = $this->get_elements_without_translations( $post_type, $selected_language, $default_language ); $untranslated = array(); foreach ( $untranslated_ids as $id ) { $untranslated[ $id ] = $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare( "SELECT post_title FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}posts WHERE ID = %d", $id ) ); } return $untranslated; } public function get_orphan_translations( $trid, $post_type = 'post', $source_language ) { $results = array(); $translations = $this->get_element_translations( $trid, 'post_' . $post_type ); if ( count( $translations ) === 1 ) { $sql = " SELECT trid, "; $language_codes = array_keys( $this->get_active_languages() ); $sql_languages = array(); $sql_languages_having = array(); foreach ( $language_codes as $language_code ) { $sql_languages[] = "SUM(CASE language_code WHEN '" . esc_sql( $language_code ) . "' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS `" . esc_sql( $language_code ) . '`'; if ( $language_code == $source_language ) { $sql_languages_having[] = '`' . esc_sql( $language_code ) . '`= 0'; } } $sql .= implode( ',', $sql_languages ); $sql .= " FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations WHERE element_type = %s "; $sql .= 'GROUP BY trid '; $sql .= 'HAVING ' . implode( ' AND ', $sql_languages_having ); $sql .= " ORDER BY trid;"; $sql_prepared = $this->wpdb->prepare( $sql, array( 'post_' . $post_type ) ); $trid_results = $this->wpdb->get_results( $sql_prepared, 'ARRAY_A' ); $trid_list = array_column( $trid_results, 'trid' ); if ( $trid_list ) { $sql = "SELECT trid AS value, CONCAT('[', t.language_code, '] ', (CASE p.post_title WHEN '' THEN CONCAT(LEFT(p.post_content, 30), '...') ELSE p.post_title END)) AS label FROM {$this->wpdb->posts} p INNER JOIN {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations t ON p.ID = t.element_id WHERE t.element_type = %s AND t.language_code <> %s AND t.trid IN (" . wpml_prepare_in( $trid_list, '%d' ) . ") "; $sql_prepared = $this->wpdb->prepare( $sql, array( 'post_' . $post_type, $source_language ) ); $results = $this->wpdb->get_results( $sql_prepared ); } } return $results; } /** * @param WP_Post $post */ function meta_box( $post ) { $post_edit_metabox = new WPML_Meta_Boxes_Post_Edit_HTML( $this, $this->post_translation ); $post_edit_metabox->render_languages( $post ); do_action( 'wpml_post_edit_languages', $post ); } function meta_box_config( $post ) { /** @var TranslationManagement $iclTranslationManagement */ global $iclTranslationManagement,$wp_taxonomies, $wp_post_types, $sitepress_settings; if ( ! $this->settings[ 'setup_complete' ] ) { return; } $translation_modes = new WPML_Translation_Modes(); echo ''; $cp_editable = true; $radio_disabled = ''; $translation_mode = WPML_CONTENT_TYPE_DONT_TRANSLATE; if ( isset( $sitepress_settings['custom_posts_sync_option'][ $post->post_type ] ) ) { $translation_mode = (int) $sitepress_settings['custom_posts_sync_option'][ $post->post_type ]; } $read_only_translation_mode = null; if ( array_key_exists( $post->post_type, $iclTranslationManagement->settings['custom-types_readonly_config'] ) ) { $read_only_translation_mode = (int) $iclTranslationManagement->settings['custom-types_readonly_config'][ $post->post_type ]; } $unlocked = false; if ( isset( $sitepress_settings['custom_posts_unlocked_option'][ $post->post_type ] ) ) { $unlocked = (bool) $sitepress_settings['custom_posts_unlocked_option'][ $post->post_type ]; } if ( null !== $read_only_translation_mode && ! $unlocked ) { if ( array_key_exists( $post->post_type, $this->get_translatable_documents() ) ) { $translation_mode = $read_only_translation_mode; $radio_disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'; } $cp_editable = false; } echo ''; echo '
'; if ( $translation_modes->is_translatable_mode( $translation_mode ) ) { $custom_taxonomies = array_diff( get_object_taxonomies( $post->post_type ), array( 'post_tag', 'category', 'nav_menu', 'link_category', 'post_format' ) ); if ( !empty( $custom_taxonomies ) ) { ?> settings[ 'taxonomies_readonly_config' ][ $ctax ] ) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''; ?>
labels->name ?>

get_wp_api()->constant( 'WPML_TM_VERSION' ) ) { $settings_factory = $iclTranslationManagement->settings_factory(); $settings_factory->show_system_fields = array_key_exists( 'show_system_fields', $_GET ) ? (bool) $_GET['show_system_fields'] : false; ?>

add_query_arg(array('show_system_fields' => !$settings_factory->show_system_fields)), 'text' => $settings_factory->show_system_fields ? __('Hide system fields', 'sitepress') : __('Show system fields', 'sitepress'), ); ?>

render(); $custom_keys = $settings_menu->is_rendered(); } if ( !empty( $custom_taxonomies ) || !empty( $custom_keys ) ) { echo '' . __( 'Note: Custom taxonomies and custom fields are shared across different post types.', 'sitepress' ) . ''; } } echo '
'; if ( $cp_editable || !empty( $custom_taxonomies ) || !empty( $custom_keys ) ) { echo '

'; wp_nonce_field( 'icl_mcs_inline_nonce', '_icl_nonce_imi' ); } else { _e( 'Nothing to configure.', 'sitepress' ); } } /** * Filters the WP_Query in case of retrieving an ajax post list, * e.g. links in the WYSIWYG post editor * * @param WP_Query $wpq * * @return WP_Query */ function pre_get_posts( $wpq ) { $post_action = isset( $_POST['action'] ) ? $_POST['action'] : null; if ( 'wp-link-ajax' === $post_action ) { /** @var WPML_Language_Resolution $wpml_language_resolution */ global $wpml_language_resolution; $lang = $wpml_language_resolution->get_referrer_language_code(); $this->set_this_lang( $lang ); $wpq->query_vars['suppress_filters'] = false; } return $wpq; } function comment_feed_join( $join ) { global $wp_query; $type = isset($wp_query->query_vars['post_type']) && $wp_query->query_vars['post_type'] ? esc_sql( $wp_query->query_vars['post_type'] ) : 'post'; $wp_query->query_vars['is_comment_feed'] = true; $join .= $this->wpdb->prepare( " JOIN {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations t ON {$this->wpdb->comments}.comment_post_ID = t.element_id AND t.element_type = %s AND t.language_code = %s ", 'post_' . $type, $this->this_lang ); return $join; } /** * @param string[] $clauses * @param WP_Comment_Query $obj * * @return string[] */ function comments_clauses( $clauses, $obj ) { /** @var WPML_Query_Filter $wpml_query_filter */ global $wpml_query_filter; return $wpml_query_filter->comments_clauses_filter ( $clauses, $obj ); } function language_filter() { require WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/menu/post-menus/wpml-post-language-filter.class.php'; $post_lang_filter = new WPML_Post_Language_Filter( $this->wpdb, $this ); $post_lang_filter->register_scripts(); return $post_lang_filter->post_language_filter(); } /** * @param array $arr Array of posts to filter * @param array $get_page_arguments Arguments passed to the `get_pages` function * * @return array */ function exclude_other_language_pages2( $arr, $get_page_arguments ) { global $wpdb; $post_hooks = new WPML_Remove_Pages_Not_In_Current_Language( $wpdb, $this); return $post_hooks->filter_pages( $arr, $get_page_arguments ); } function wp_dropdown_pages( $output ) { if ( isset( $_POST[ 'lang_switch' ] ) ) { $post_id = esc_sql( $_POST[ 'lang_switch' ] ); $lang = esc_sql( strip_tags( $_GET[ 'lang' ] ) ); $parent = $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare( "SELECT post_parent FROM {$this->wpdb->posts} WHERE ID=%d", $post_id ) ); if ( $parent ) { global $wpml_post_translations; $trid = $wpml_post_translations->get_element_trid($parent); $translated_parent_id = $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare( "SELECT element_id FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations WHERE trid=%d AND element_type='post_page' AND language_code=%s", $trid, $lang) ); if ( $translated_parent_id ) { $output = str_replace( 'selected="selected"', '', $output ); $output = str_replace( 'value="' . $translated_parent_id . '"', 'value="' . $translated_parent_id . '" selected="selected"', $output ); } } } elseif ( isset( $_GET[ 'lang' ] ) && isset( $_GET[ 'trid' ] ) ) { $lang = esc_sql( strip_tags( $_GET[ 'lang' ] ) ); $trid = esc_sql( $_GET[ 'trid' ] ); $post_type = isset( $_GET[ 'post_type' ] ) ? $_GET[ 'post_type' ] : 'page'; $elements_id = $this->wpdb->get_col( $this->wpdb->prepare( "SELECT element_id FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations WHERE trid=%d AND element_type=%s AND element_id IS NOT NULL", $trid, 'post_' . $post_type ) ); $translated_parent_id = 0; foreach ( $elements_id as $element_id ) { $parent = $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare( "SELECT post_parent FROM {$this->wpdb->posts} WHERE ID=%d", $element_id ) ); $trid = $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare( " SELECT trid FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations WHERE element_id=%d AND element_type=%s", $parent, 'post_' . $post_type ) ); $translated_parent_id = $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare( " SELECT element_id FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations WHERE trid=%d AND element_type=%s AND language_code=%s", $trid, 'post_' . $post_type, $lang ) ); if ( $translated_parent_id ) { break; } } if ( $translated_parent_id ) { $output = str_replace( 'selected="selected"', '', $output ); $output = str_replace( 'value="' . $translated_parent_id . '"', 'value="' . $translated_parent_id . '" selected="selected"', $output ); } } if ( !$output ) { $output = ''; } return $output; } function add_translate_options( $trid, $active_languages, $selected_language, $translations, $type ) { if ( $trid && $this->wp_api->is_term_edit_page() ): if(!$this->settings['setup_complete']){ return; } ?>
element_id ) ) { $translations_found += 1; } else { $untranslated_found += 1; } } ?> 0 ): ?> element_id ) ): ?>
0 ): ?>

(settings[ 'show_translations_flag' ] )): ?>style="display:none;">settings[ 'show_translations_flag' ] )): ?>style="display:none;">) element_id ) ): ?> term_id, $taxonomy, isset( $_GET[ 'post_type' ] ) ? $_GET[ 'post_type' ] : null ); ?>
name ) ? '' . esc_html( $translations[ $lang[ 'code' ] ]->name ) . '' : esc_html__( 'n/a', 'sitepress' ) ?>

$trid, 'active_languages' => $active_languages, 'selected_language' => $selected_language, 'translations' => $translations, 'type' => $type ) ); ?>

$v ) { $name[ $k ] = $this->the_category_name_filter( $v ); } return $name; } if ( false === strpos( $name, '@' ) ) { return $name; } if ( false !== strpos( $name, ']+)>([^<]+)|i', $name, $matches ); if ( $int && count( $matches[ 0 ] ) > 1 ) { $originals = $filtered = array(); foreach ( $matches[ 0 ] as $m ) { $originals[ ] = $m; $filtered[ ] = $this->the_category_name_filter( $m ); } $name = str_replace( $originals, $filtered, $name ); } else { $name_sh = strip_tags( $name ); $exp = explode( '@', $name_sh ); $name = str_replace( $name_sh, trim( $exp[ 0 ] ), $name ); } } else { $name = preg_replace( '#(.*) @(.*)#i', '$1', $name ); } return $name; } /** * @param $terms * * @deprecated deprecated since version 3.1.8 * @return mixed */ function get_terms_filter( $terms ) { if ( is_wp_error( $terms ) ) { return $terms; } foreach ( $terms as $k => $v ) { if ( isset( $terms[ $k ]->name ) ) { $terms[ $k ]->name = $this->the_category_name_filter( $terms[ $k ]->name ); } } return $terms; } /** * Wrapper for \WPML_Term_Actions::save_term_actions * * @param int $cat_id * @param int $tt_id term taxonomy id of the new term * @param string $taxonomy * * @uses \WPML_Term_Actions::save_term_actions to handle required actions * when creating a term * * @hook delete_term */ function create_term( $cat_id, $tt_id, $taxonomy ) { $term_actions = $this->get_term_actions_helper(); $term_actions->save_term_actions( $tt_id, $taxonomy ); } /** * Wrapper for \WPML_Term_Actions::deleted_term_relationships * * @param int $post_id * @param array $delete_terms * * @uses \WPML_Term_Actions::deleted_term_relationships to handle required actions * when removing a term from a post * * @hook deleted_term_relationships */ function deleted_term_relationships( $post_id, $delete_terms ) { if ( $this->get_setting( 'sync_post_taxonomies' ) ) { $term_actions = $this->get_term_actions_helper(); $term_actions->deleted_term_relationships( $post_id, $delete_terms ); } } /** * Wrapper for \WPML_Term_Actions::delete_term_actions * * @param mixed $cat * @param int $tt_id term taxonomy id of the deleted term * @param string $taxonomy * * @uses \WPML_Term_Actions::delete_term_actions to handle required actions * when deleting a term * * @hook delete_term */ function delete_term( $cat, $tt_id, $taxonomy ) { $term_actions = $this->get_term_actions_helper(); $term_actions->delete_term_actions( $tt_id, $taxonomy ); } /** * @return WPML_Term_Actions */ public function get_term_actions_helper() { if ( ! isset( $this->term_actions ) ) { global $wpml_term_translations, $wpml_post_translations; $this->term_actions = new WPML_Term_Actions( $this, $this->wpdb, $wpml_post_translations, $wpml_term_translations ); } return $this->term_actions; } function get_terms_args_filter( $args, $taxonomies ) { if ( ! $this->term_query_filter ) { /** @var WPML_Term_Translation $wpml_term_translations */ global $wpml_term_translations; $this->term_query_filter = new WPML_Term_Query_Filter( $wpml_term_translations, new WPML_Debug_BackTrace( phpversion(), 5 ), $this->get_wpdb(), $this ); } $this->term_query_filter->set_lang( $this->get_current_language(), $this->get_default_language() ); return $this->term_query_filter->get_terms_args_filter( $args, $taxonomies ); } public function clear_term_query_filter() { $this->term_query_filter = null; } function terms_clauses( $clauses, $taxonomies, $args ) { $term_clauses = new WPML_Term_Clauses( $this, $this->wpdb, new WPML_Display_As_Translated_Taxonomy_Query( $this->wpdb, 'tt' ), new WPML_Debug_BackTrace( phpversion(), 10 ) ); return $term_clauses->filter( $clauses, $taxonomies, $args ); } /** * Saves the current $wp_query to \SitePress::$wp_query * * @global WP_Query $wp_query */ public function set_wp_query() { global $wp_query; if ( 'wp' === $this->get_wp_api()->current_action() || ! $this->get_wp_api()->did_action( 'wp' ) ) { $this->wp_query = is_object( $wp_query ) ? clone $wp_query : null; } } /** * @return WP_Query */ public function get_wp_query() { return $this->wp_query; } /** * Converts WP generated url to language specific based on plugin settings * * @param string $url * @param null|string $code (if null, fallback to default language for root page, or current language in all other cases) * * @return bool|string */ function convert_url( $url, $code = null ) { /* @var WPML_URL_Converter $wpml_url_converter */ global $wpml_url_converter; return $wpml_url_converter->convert_url($url, $code); } /** * @param string $url * @param string $code * * @return string */ function convert_url_string( $url, $code ) { /* @var WPML_URL_Converter $wpml_url_converter */ global $wpml_url_converter; return $wpml_url_converter->get_strategy()->convert_url_string( $url, $code ); } function language_url( $code = null ) { global $wpml_url_converter; if ( is_null( $code ) ) { $code = $this->this_lang; } $abs_home = $wpml_url_converter->get_abs_home(); $url = $this->convert_url( $abs_home, $code ); return $url; } function post_type_archive_link_filter( $link, $post_type ) { /* @var WPML_URL_Converter $wpml_url_converter */ global $wpml_url_converter; if ( isset( $this->settings[ 'custom_posts_sync_option' ][ $post_type ] ) && $this->settings[ 'custom_posts_sync_option' ][ $post_type ] ) { $link = $wpml_url_converter->convert_url( $link ); $link = $this->adjust_cpt_in_url( $link, $post_type ); } return $link; } public function adjust_cpt_in_url( $link, $post_type, $language_code = null ) { if ( $this->cpt_slug_translation_turned_on( $post_type ) ) { $url_cpt_converter = new WPML_URL_Converter_CPT(); $link = $url_cpt_converter->adjust_cpt_slug_in_url( $link, $post_type, $language_code ); } return $link; } /** * Check if "Translate base slugs (via WPML String Translation)." * and slug translation for given $post_type are both checked * * @param string $post_type * @return boolean */ private function cpt_slug_translation_turned_on( $post_type ) { return isset( $this->settings['posts_slug_translation']['types'][ $post_type ] ) && $this->settings['posts_slug_translation']['types'][ $post_type ] && get_option( 'wpml_base_slug_translation' ); } function home_url($url){ return $url; } function get_comment_link_filter( $link ) { // decode html characters since they are already encoded in the template for some reason $link = html_entity_decode( $link ); return $link; } function attachment_link_filter( $link, $id ) { /** @var WPML_Post_Translation $wpml_post_translations */ global $wpml_post_translations; $convert_url = $this->convert_url( $link, $wpml_post_translations->get_element_lang_code( $id ) ); return $convert_url; } /** * @return WPML_Query_Utils */ public function get_query_utils() { return new WPML_Query_Utils( $this->wpdb, $this->wp_api, array_keys( $this->get_display_as_translated_documents() ) ); } /** * @return WPML_Root_Page_Actions */ public function get_root_page_utils() { return wpml_get_root_page_actions_obj(); } /** * @return WPML_WP_API */ public function get_wp_api() { $this->wp_api = $this->wp_api ? $this->wp_api : new WPML_WP_API(); return $this->wp_api; } /** * @return wpdb */ public function &wpdb() { return $this->wpdb; } /** * @return TranslationManagement */ public function &core_tm() { global $iclTranslationManagement; return $iclTranslationManagement; } /** * @return WPML_Term_Translation */ function &term_translations(){ return $this->term_translation; } /** * @return WPML_Post_Translation */ function &post_translations(){ return $this->post_translation; } /** * @return WPML_Records */ public function get_records() { $this->records = $this->records ? $this->records : new WPML_Records( $this->wpdb ); return $this->records; } /** * @param WPML_WP_API $wp_api */ public function set_wp_api( $wp_api ) { $this->wp_api = $wp_api; } /** * @return WPML_Helper */ public function get_wp_helper() { return $this->wpml_helper; } function get_ls_languages( $template_args = array() ) { /** @var $wp_query WP_Query */ global $wp_query, $wpml_post_translations, $wpml_term_translations, $wpml_url_converter; $this->set_wp_query(); $current_language = $this->get_current_language(); $default_language = $this->get_default_language(); $cache = new WPML_LS_Languages_Cache( $template_args, $current_language, $default_language, $this->wp_query ); $ls_languages = $cache->get(); if ( $ls_languages ) { return $ls_languages; } // use original wp_query for this // backup current $wp_query if ( ! isset( $wp_query ) ) { return apply_filters( 'wpml_active_languages_access', $this->get_active_languages(), array( 'action' => 'read' ) ); } $ls_languages_status = WPML_Get_LS_Languages_Status::get_instance(); $ls_languages_status->start(); $_wp_query_back = clone $wp_query; // This part will reset the local value of $wp_query to it's global state. // `unset` function called on globals only removes local variable and then declaring it global again restores global state. unset( $wp_query ); global $wp_query; // make it global again after unset if ( is_object( $this->wp_query ) ) { $wp_query = clone $this->wp_query; } else { // If `$this->wp_query` is not set at least uss native $wp_query $this->wp_query = clone $wp_query; } $w_active_languages = apply_filters( 'wpml_active_languages_access', $this->get_active_languages(), array( 'action' => 'read' ) ); if ( isset( $template_args[ 'skip_missing' ] ) ) { //override default setting $icl_lso_link_empty = !$template_args[ 'skip_missing' ]; } else { $icl_lso_link_empty = $this->settings[ 'icl_lso_link_empty' ]; } $link_empty_to = ! empty( $template_args[ 'link_empty_to' ] ) ? $template_args[ 'link_empty_to' ] : null; $languages_helper = new WPML_Languages( $wpml_term_translations, $this, $wpml_post_translations ); list( $translations, $wp_query ) = $languages_helper->get_ls_translations( $wp_query, $_wp_query_back, $this->wp_query ); $display_as_translated_ls_link = new WPML_LS_Display_As_Translated_Link( $this, $wpml_url_converter->get_strategy(), $this->wp_query, new WPML_Translation_Element_Factory( $this ) ); // 2. determine url foreach ( $w_active_languages as $k => $lang ) { $skip_lang = false; if ( is_singular() || ( isset( $_wp_query_back->query[ 'name' ] ) && isset( $_wp_query_back->query[ 'post_type' ] ) ) || ( ! empty( $this->wp_query->queried_object_id ) && $this->wp_query->queried_object_id == get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) ) ) { $this_lang_tmp = $this->this_lang; $this->switch_lang( $lang['code'] ); $lang_page_on_front = get_option( 'page_on_front' ); $lang_page_for_posts = get_option( 'page_for_posts' ); if($lang_page_on_front) { $lang_page_on_front = icl_object_id($lang_page_on_front, 'page', false, $lang[ 'code' ]); } if($lang_page_for_posts) { $lang_page_for_posts = icl_object_id($lang_page_for_posts, 'page', false, $lang[ 'code' ]); } if ( 'page' === get_option( 'show_on_front' ) && !empty( $translations[ $lang[ 'code' ] ] ) && $translations[ $lang[ 'code' ] ]->element_id == $lang_page_on_front ) { $lang[ 'translated_url' ] = $this->language_url( $lang[ 'code' ] ); } elseif ( 'page' == get_option( 'show_on_front' ) && !empty( $translations[ $lang[ 'code' ] ] ) && $translations[ $lang[ 'code' ] ]->element_id && $translations[ $lang[ 'code' ] ]->element_id == $lang_page_for_posts ) { if ( $lang_page_for_posts ) { $lang[ 'translated_url' ] = get_permalink( $lang_page_for_posts ); } else { $lang[ 'translated_url' ] = $this->language_url( $lang[ 'code' ] ); } } else { if ( !empty( $translations[ $lang[ 'code' ] ] ) && isset( $translations[ $lang[ 'code' ] ]->post_title ) ) { $this->switch_lang( $lang['code'] ); $lang[ 'translated_url' ] = get_permalink( $translations[ $lang[ 'code' ] ]->element_id ); $lang[ 'missing' ] = 0; $this->switch_lang( $current_language ); } else { $translated_url = $display_as_translated_ls_link->get_url( $translations, $lang['code'] ); if ( $translated_url ) { $lang['translated_url'] = $translated_url; } else { if ( $icl_lso_link_empty ) { if ( ! empty( $link_empty_to ) ) { $lang[ 'translated_url' ] = str_replace( '{%lang}', $lang[ 'code' ], $link_empty_to ); } else { $lang[ 'translated_url' ] = $this->language_url( $lang[ 'code' ] ); } } else { $skip_lang = true; } } $lang[ 'missing' ] = 1; } } $this->switch_lang( $this_lang_tmp ); } elseif ( is_category() || is_tax() || is_tag() ) { global $icl_adjust_id_url_filter_off; $icl_adjust_id_url_filter_off = true; list( $lang, $skip_lang ) = $languages_helper->add_tax_url_to_ls_lang( $lang, $translations, $icl_lso_link_empty, $skip_lang, $link_empty_to, $display_as_translated_ls_link ); $icl_adjust_id_url_filter_off = false; } elseif ( is_author() ) { global $authordata; if ( empty( $authordata ) ) { $authordata = get_userdata( get_query_var( 'author' ) ); } remove_filter( 'home_url', array( $this, 'home_url' ), 1 ); remove_filter( 'author_link', array( $this, 'author_link' ) ); list( $lang, $skip_lang ) = $languages_helper->add_author_url_to_ls_lang( $lang, $default_language, $authordata, $icl_lso_link_empty, $skip_lang, $link_empty_to ); add_filter( 'home_url', array( $this, 'home_url' ), 1, 4 ); add_filter( 'author_link', array( $this, 'author_link' ) ); } elseif ( is_archive() && !is_tag() ) { global $icl_archive_url_filter_off; $icl_archive_url_filter_off = true; remove_filter( 'post_type_archive_link', array( $this, 'post_type_archive_link_filter' ), 10 ); list( $lang, $skip_lang ) = $languages_helper->add_date_or_cpt_url_to_ls_lang( $lang, $default_language, $this->wp_query, $icl_lso_link_empty, $skip_lang, $link_empty_to ); add_filter( 'post_type_archive_link', array( $this, 'post_type_archive_link_filter' ), 10, 2 ); $icl_archive_url_filter_off = false; } elseif ( is_search() ) { $url_glue = strpos( $this->language_url( $lang[ 'code' ] ), '?' ) === false ? '?' : '&'; $lang[ 'translated_url' ] = $this->language_url( $lang[ 'code' ] ) . $url_glue . 's=' . urlencode( $wp_query->query[ 's' ] ); } else { if ( $icl_lso_link_empty || is_home() || is_404() || ( 'page' === get_option( 'show_on_front' ) && ( $this->wp_query->queried_object_id == get_option( 'page_on_front' ) || $this->wp_query->queried_object_id == get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) ) ) || WPML_Root_Page::is_current_request_root() ) { $lang[ 'translated_url' ] = $this->language_url( $lang[ 'code' ] ); $skip_lang = false; } else { $skip_lang = true; unset( $w_active_languages[ $k ] ); } } if ( !$skip_lang ) { $w_active_languages[ $k ] = $lang; } else { unset( $w_active_languages[ $k ] ); } } // 3. foreach ( $w_active_languages as $k => $v ) { $w_active_languages[ $k ] = $languages_helper->get_ls_language ( $k, $current_language, $w_active_languages[ $k ] ); } // 4. pass GET parameters $parameters_copied = apply_filters( 'icl_lang_sel_copy_parameters', array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', wpml_get_setting_filter('', 'icl_lang_sel_copy_parameters') ) ) ); if ( $parameters_copied ) { foreach ( $_GET as $k => $v ) { if ( in_array( $k, $parameters_copied ) ) { $gets_passed[ $k ] = $v; } } } if ( ! empty( $gets_passed ) ) { foreach ( $w_active_languages as $code => $al ) { if ( empty( $al[ 'missing' ] ) ) { $w_active_languages[ $code ][ 'url' ] = add_query_arg( $gets_passed, $w_active_languages[ $code ][ 'url' ] ); } } } // restore current $wp_query unset( $wp_query ); global $wp_query; // make it global again after unset $wp_query = clone $_wp_query_back; unset( $_wp_query_back ); $w_active_languages = apply_filters( 'icl_ls_languages', $w_active_languages ); $w_active_languages = $languages_helper->sort_ls_languages( $w_active_languages, $template_args ); // Change the url, in case languages in subdomains are set. if ( $this->get_setting( 'language_negotiation_type' ) == WPML_LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_TYPE_DOMAIN ) { foreach ( $w_active_languages as $lang => $element ) { $w_active_languages[ $lang ][ 'url' ] = $this->convert_url( $element[ 'url' ], $lang ); } } if ( isset( $this->wp_query->query_vars['post_type'] ) && ! is_array( $this->wp_query->query_vars['post_type'] ) && ! empty( $this->wp_query->query_vars['post_type'] ) && ! $this->is_translated_post_type( $this->wp_query->query_vars['post_type'] ) ) { foreach ( $w_active_languages as $lang => $element ) { unset( $w_active_languages[ $lang ] ); } } wp_reset_query(); $cache->set( $w_active_languages ); $ls_languages_status->end(); return $w_active_languages; } function get_display_single_language_name_filter( $empty, $args ) { $language_code = $args['language_code']; $display_code = isset($args['display_code']) ? $args['display_code'] : null; return $this->get_display_language_name($language_code, $display_code); } function get_display_language_name( $lang_code, $display_code = null ) { $display_code = $display_code ? $display_code : $this->get_current_language(); $translated_name = $this->get_language_name_cache()->get( $lang_code . $display_code ); if ( !$translated_name ) { $display_code = $display_code === 'all' ? $this->get_admin_language() : $display_code; $translated_name = $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare( " SELECT name FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages_translations WHERE language_code=%s AND display_language_code=%s", $lang_code, $display_code ) ); $this->get_language_name_cache()->set( $lang_code . $display_code, $translated_name ); } return $translated_name; } function get_flag( $lang_code ) { return $this->flags->get_flag( $lang_code ); } function get_flag_url( $code ) { return $this->flags->get_flag_url( $code ); } function get_flag_img( $code ) { return ''; } function clear_flags_cache() { $this->flags->clear(); } /** * @deprecated * * @return string */ function get_desktop_language_selector() { return $this->get_language_selector(); } /** * @deprecated * * @return string */ function get_mobile_language_selector() { return $this->get_language_selector(); } /** * @deprecated * * @return string */ function get_language_selector() { ob_start(); do_action( 'wpml_add_language_selector' ); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $output; } /** * @deprecated */ function language_selector() { do_action( 'wpml_add_language_selector' ); } public function add_extra_debug_info( $extra_debug ) { $extra_debug[ 'WMPL' ] = $this->get_settings(); return $extra_debug; } function set_default_categories( $def_cat ) { $this->settings[ 'default_categories' ] = $def_cat; $this->save_settings(); } function pre_option_default_category( $setting ) { $lang = filter_input ( INPUT_POST, 'icl_post_language', FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS ); $lang = $lang ? $lang : filter_input ( INPUT_GET, 'lang', FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS ); $lang = $lang ? $lang : $this->get_current_language(); $lang = $lang === 'all' ? $this->get_default_language () : $lang; $ttid = isset( $this->settings[ 'default_categories' ][ $lang ] ) ? (int) $this->settings['default_categories'][ $lang ] : 0; return $ttid === 0 ? null : $this->wpdb->get_var ( $this->wpdb->prepare ( "SELECT term_id FROM {$this->wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_taxonomy_id= %d AND taxonomy='category'", $ttid ) ); } function update_option_default_category( $oldvalue, $new_value ) { $new_value = $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare( "SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM {$this->wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE taxonomy='category' AND term_id=%d", $new_value ) ); $translations = $this->get_element_translations( $this->get_element_trid( $new_value, 'tax_category' ) ); if ( !empty( $translations ) ) { foreach ( $translations as $t ) { $icl_settings[ 'default_categories' ][ $t->language_code ] = $t->element_id; } if ( isset( $icl_settings ) ) { $this->save_settings( $icl_settings ); } } } /** * @param WP_Term $term * * @return WP_Term */ public function get_term_adjust_id( $term ) { global $icl_adjust_id_url_filter_off, $wpml_term_translations, $wpml_post_translations; $term_adjust_id = new WPML_Term_Adjust_Id( new WPML_Debug_BackTrace( phpversion(), 30), $wpml_term_translations, $wpml_post_translations, $icl_adjust_id_url_filter_off, $this ); return $term_adjust_id->filter( $term ); } function get_pages_adjust_ids( $pages, $args ) { if ( $pages && $this->get_current_language () !== $this->get_default_language () ) { $args_hash = md5 ( wp_json_encode ( $args ) ); $cache_key_args = md5 ( wp_json_encode ( wp_list_pluck ( $pages, 'ID' ) ) ); $cache_key_args .= ":"; $cache_key_args .= $args_hash; $cache_key = $cache_key_args; $cache_group = 'get_pages_adjust_ids'; $found = false; $cached_result = wp_cache_get ( $cache_key, $cache_group, false, $found ); if ( !$found ) { if ( $args[ 'include' ] ) { $args = $this->translate_csv_page_ids ( $args, 'include' ); } if ( $args[ 'exclude' ] ) { $args = $this->translate_csv_page_ids ( $args, 'exclude' ); } if ( $args[ 'child_of' ] ) { $args[ 'child_of' ] = icl_object_id ( $args[ 'child_of' ], 'page', true ); } if ( md5 ( wp_json_encode ( $args ) ) !== $args_hash ) { remove_filter ( 'get_pages', array( $this, 'get_pages_adjust_ids' ), 1 ); $pages = get_pages ( $args ); add_filter ( 'get_pages', array( $this, 'get_pages_adjust_ids' ), 1, 2 ); } wp_cache_set ( $cache_key, $pages, $cache_group ); } else { $pages = $cached_result; } } return $pages; } private function translate_csv_page_ids( $args, $index ) { $translated_ids = array(); if ( array_key_exists( $index, $args ) ) { $original_ids = $args[ $index ]; if ( ! is_array( $args[ $index ] ) ) { $original_ids = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $args[ $index ] ) ); } foreach ( $original_ids as $i ) { $t = icl_object_id( $i, 'page', true ); if ( $t ) { $translated_ids[] = $t; } } } $args[ $index ] = implode( ',', $translated_ids ); return $args; } function category_link_adjust_id( $catlink, $cat_id ) { /** @var WPML_Term_Translation $wpml_term_translations */ global $icl_adjust_id_url_filter_off, $wpml_term_translations; if ( $icl_adjust_id_url_filter_off ) return $catlink; // special cases when we need the category in a different language $translated_id = $wpml_term_translations->term_id_in($cat_id, $this->this_lang); if ( $translated_id && $translated_id != $cat_id ) { remove_filter( 'category_link', array( $this, 'category_link_adjust_id' ), 1 ); $catlink = get_category_link( $translated_id ); add_filter( 'category_link', array( $this, 'category_link_adjust_id' ), 1, 2 ); } return $catlink; } // feeds links function feed_link( $out ) { return $this->convert_url( $out ); } // commenting links function post_comments_feed_link( $out ) { if ( $this->settings[ 'language_negotiation_type' ] == 3 ) { $out = preg_replace( '@(\?|&)lang=([^/]+)/feed/@i', 'feed/$1lang=$2', $out ); } return $out; } function trackback_url( $out ) { return $this->convert_url( $out ); } function user_trailingslashit( $string, $type_of_url ) { // fixes comment link for when the comments list pagination is enabled if ( $type_of_url == 'comment' ) { $string = preg_replace( '@(.*)/\?lang=([a-z-]+)/(.*)@is', '$1/$3?lang=$2', $string ); } return $string; } /** * Fixes double dashes * * @param string $url * * @return string */ function author_link( $url ) { return preg_replace( '#^http://(.+)//(.+)$#', 'http://$1/$2', $this->convert_url( $url ) ); } function pre_option_home( $setting = false ) { if ( ! defined( 'TEMPLATEPATH' ) ) { return $setting; } if ( null === $this->template_real_path ) { $this->template_real_path = realpath( TEMPLATEPATH ); } $debug_backtrace = $this->get_backtrace( 7 ); //Ignore objects and limit to first 7 stack frames, since 6 is the highest index we use $function = isset( $debug_backtrace[ 4 ] ) && isset( $debug_backtrace[ 4 ][ 'function' ] ) ? $debug_backtrace[ 4 ][ 'function' ] : null; $previous_function = isset( $debug_backtrace[ 5 ] ) && isset( $debug_backtrace[ 5 ][ 'function' ] ) ? $debug_backtrace[ 5 ][ 'function' ] : null; $inc_methods = array( 'include', 'include_once', 'require', 'require_once' ); if ( $function === 'get_bloginfo' && $previous_function === 'bloginfo' ) { // case of bloginfo $is_template_file = false !== strpos( $debug_backtrace[ 5 ][ 'file' ], $this->template_real_path ); $is_direct_call = in_array( $debug_backtrace[ 6 ][ 'function' ], $inc_methods ) || ( false !== strpos( $debug_backtrace[ 6 ][ 'file' ], $this->template_real_path ) ); } elseif ( in_array ( $function, array( 'get_bloginfo', 'get_settings' ), true ) ) { // case of get_bloginfo or get_settings $is_template_file = false !== strpos( $debug_backtrace[ 4 ][ 'file' ], $this->template_real_path ); $is_direct_call = in_array( $previous_function, $inc_methods ) || ( false !== strpos( $debug_backtrace[ 5 ][ 'file' ], $this->template_real_path ) ); } else { // case of get_option $is_template_file = isset( $debug_backtrace[ 3 ][ 'file' ] ) && ( false !== strpos( $debug_backtrace[ 3 ][ 'file' ], $this->template_real_path ) ); $is_direct_call = in_array( $function, $inc_methods ) || ( isset( $debug_backtrace[ 4 ][ 'file' ] ) && false !== strpos( $debug_backtrace[ 4 ][ 'file' ], $this->template_real_path ) ); } $home_url = $is_template_file && $is_direct_call ? $this->language_url( $this->this_lang ) : $setting; return $home_url; } /** * * * @param array $public_query_vars * * @return array with added 'lang' index */ function query_vars( $public_query_vars ) { global $wp_query; $public_query_vars[] = 'lang'; $wp_query->query_vars['lang'] = $this->this_lang; return $public_query_vars; } function parse_query( $q ) { global $wpml_query_filter; $query_parser = new WPML_Query_Parser( $this, $wpml_query_filter ); return $query_parser->parse_query( $q ); } function adjust_wp_list_pages_excludes( $pages ) { foreach ( $pages as $k => $v ) { $pages[ $k ] = icl_object_id( $v, 'page', true ); } return $pages; } function language_attributes( $output ) { // Convert the output into an associative array $original_attributes = explode( ' ', $output ); $output_as_query = implode( '&', $original_attributes ); parse_str( $output_as_query, $attributes ); //Adds or update the language attribute (no need to check if it exists) $attributes['lang'] = '"' . esc_attr( $this->this_lang ) . '"'; // Convert the array back into the space separated atrributes $new_output = http_build_query( $attributes, null, ' ' ); return urldecode( $new_output ); } // Localization function plugin_localization() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'sitepress', false, WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/locale' ); } /** * @see \Test_Admin_Settings::test_locale * @fixme * Due to the way these tests work (global state issues) I had to create this method * to ensure we have full coverage of the code. * This method shouldn't be used anywhere else and should be removed once tests are migrated * to the new tests framework. */ function reset_locale_utils_cache() { if($this->locale_utils) { $this->locale_utils->reset_cached_data(); } } function locale_filter( $default ) { if ( ! $this->get_settings() ) { return $default; } return $this->locale_utils->locale(); } function get_language_tag( $code ) { if ( is_null ( $code ) ) { return false; } $found = false; $tags = wp_cache_get ( 'icl_language_tags', '', false, $found ); if ( $found === true ) { if ( isset( $tags[ $code ] ) ) { return $tags[ $code ]; } } $all_tags = array(); $all_tags_data = $this->wpdb->get_results( "SELECT code, tag FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages" ); foreach($all_tags_data as $tag_data) { $all_tags[$tag_data->code] = $tag_data->tag; } $tag = isset($all_tags[$code]) ? $all_tags[$code] : false; wp_cache_set( 'icl_language_tags', $all_tags); return $tag ? $tag : $this->get_locale( $code ); } function get_locale( $code ) { return $this->locale_utils->get_locale( $code ); } function switch_locale( $lang_code = false ) { $this->locale_utils->switch_locale( $lang_code ); } function get_locale_file_names() { return $this->locale_utils->get_locale_file_names(); } function pre_option_page_on_front() { global $switched; $pre_option_page = new WPML_Pre_Option_Page( $this->wpdb, $this, $switched, $this->this_lang ); return $pre_option_page->get( 'page_on_front' ); } function pre_option_page_for_posts() { global $switched; $pre_option_page = new WPML_Pre_Option_Page( $this->wpdb, $this, $switched, $this->this_lang ); return $pre_option_page->get( 'page_for_posts' ); } function fix_trashed_front_or_posts_page_settings( $post_id ) { global $switched; $pre_option_page_current = new WPML_Pre_Option_Page( $this->wpdb, $this, $switched, $this->this_lang ); $pre_option_page_current->fix_trashed_front_or_posts_page_settings( $post_id ); } // adds the language parameter to the admin post filtering/search function restrict_manage_posts() { echo ''; } function get_edit_term_link( $link, $term_id, $taxonomy, $object_type ) { /** @var WPML_Term_Translation $wpml_term_translations */ global $wpml_term_translations; $default_language = $this->get_default_language(); $current_language = $this->get_current_language(); $lang = $wpml_term_translations->lang_code_by_termid($term_id); $lang = $lang ? $lang : $default_language; if ( $lang !== $default_language || $current_language !== $default_language ) { $link .= '&lang=' . $lang; } return $link; } /** * Wrapper for \WPML_Post_Translation::pre_option_sticky_posts_filter * * @param int[] $posts * * @return int[]|false * * @uses \WPML_Post_Translation::pre_option_sticky_posts_filter to filter the sticky posts * * @hook pre_option_sticky_posts */ function option_sticky_posts( $posts ) { /** @var WPML_Post_Translation $wpml_post_translations */ global $wpml_post_translations; remove_filter( 'pre_option_sticky_posts', array( $this, 'option_sticky_posts' ) ); $posts = $wpml_post_translations->pre_option_sticky_posts_filter($posts, $this); add_filter( 'pre_option_sticky_posts', array( $this, 'option_sticky_posts' ), 10, 2 ); return $posts; } function noscript_notice() { ?> get_wp_api()->is_admin() ) { update_user_meta( $user_id, 'icl_admin_language', $_POST['icl_user_admin_language'] ); } update_user_meta( $user_id, 'icl_show_hidden_languages', isset( $_POST['icl_show_hidden_languages'] ) ? (int) $_POST['icl_show_hidden_languages'] : 0 ); update_user_meta( $user_id, 'icl_admin_language_for_edit', isset( $_POST['icl_admin_language_for_edit'] ) ? (int) $_POST['icl_admin_language_for_edit'] : 0 ); $this->reset_admin_language_cookie(); } } function help_admin_notice() { $args = array( 'name' => 'wpml-intro', 'iso' => defined( 'WPLANG' ) ? WPLANG : '' ); $q = http_build_query( $args ); ?>


settings[ 'promote_wpml' ] ) { $wpml_site_languages = array( 'es', 'de', 'fr', 'pt-br', 'ja', 'ru', 'zh-hans', 'it', 'he', 'ar' ); $url_language_code = in_array( ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE, $wpml_site_languages ) ? ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE . '/' : ''; $part_one = _x( 'Multilingual WordPress', 'Multilingual WordPress with WPML: first part', 'sitepress' ); $part_two = _x( 'with WPML', 'Multilingual WordPress with WPML: second part', 'sitepress' ); echo ''; } } function xmlrpc_methods( $methods ) { //Translation proxy XMLRPC calls /** * @deprecated Use `wpml.get_languages` XMLRPC call * @since 3.5.0 */ $methods[ 'translationproxy.get_languages_list' ] = array( $this, 'xmlrpc_get_languages_list' ); return $methods; } function xmlrpc_call_actions( $action ) { $params = icl_xml2array ( print_r ( file_get_contents( 'php://input' ), true ) ); add_filter( 'is_protected_meta', array( $this, 'xml_unprotect_wpml_meta' ), 10, 3 ); switch ( $action ) { case 'wp.getPage': case 'blogger.getPost': // yet this doesn't return custom fields if ( isset( $params[ 'methodCall' ][ 'params' ][ 'param' ][ 1 ][ 'value' ][ 'int' ][ 'value' ] ) ) { $page_id = $params[ 'methodCall' ][ 'params' ][ 'param' ][ 1 ][ 'value' ][ 'int' ][ 'value' ]; $lang_details = $this->get_element_language_details( $page_id, 'post_' . get_post_type( $page_id ) ); $this->set_this_lang( $lang_details->language_code ); // set the current language to the posts language update_post_meta( $page_id, '_wpml_language', $lang_details->language_code ); update_post_meta( $page_id, '_wpml_trid', $lang_details->trid ); $active_languages = $this->get_active_languages(); $res = $this->get_element_translations( $lang_details->trid ); $translations = array(); foreach ( $active_languages as $k => $v ) { if ( $page_id != $res[ $k ]->element_id ) { $translations[ $k ] = isset( $res[ $k ]->element_id ) ? $res[ $k ]->element_id : 0; } } update_post_meta( $page_id, '_wpml_translations', wp_json_encode( $translations ) ); } break; case 'metaWeblog.getPost': if ( isset( $params[ 'methodCall' ][ 'params' ][ 'param' ][ 0 ][ 'value' ][ 'int' ][ 'value' ] ) ) { $page_id = $params[ 'methodCall' ][ 'params' ][ 'param' ][ 0 ][ 'value' ][ 'int' ][ 'value' ]; $lang_details = $this->get_element_language_details( $page_id, 'post_' . get_post_type( $page_id ) ); $this->set_this_lang( $lang_details->language_code ); // set the current language to the posts language update_post_meta( $page_id, '_wpml_language', $lang_details->language_code ); update_post_meta( $page_id, '_wpml_trid', $lang_details->trid ); $active_languages = $this->get_active_languages(); $res = $this->get_element_translations( $lang_details->trid ); $translations = array(); foreach ( $active_languages as $k => $v ) { if ( isset( $res[ $k ] ) && $page_id != $res[ $k ]->element_id ) { $translations[ $k ] = isset( $res[ $k ]->element_id ) ? $res[ $k ]->element_id : 0; } } update_post_meta( $page_id, '_wpml_translations', wp_json_encode( $translations ) ); } break; case 'metaWeblog.getRecentPosts': if ( isset( $params[ 'methodCall' ][ 'params' ][ 'param' ][ 3 ][ 'value' ][ 'int' ][ 'value' ] ) ) { $num_posts = (int) $params['methodCall']['params']['param'][3]['value']['int']['value']; if ( $num_posts ) { $posts = get_posts( 'suppress_filters=false&numberposts=' . $num_posts ); foreach ( $posts as $p ) { $lang_details = $this->get_element_language_details( $p->ID, 'post_post' ); update_post_meta( $p->ID, '_wpml_language', $lang_details->language_code ); update_post_meta( $p->ID, '_wpml_trid', $lang_details->trid ); $active_languages = $this->get_active_languages(); $res = $this->get_element_translations( $lang_details->trid ); $translations = array(); foreach ( $active_languages as $k => $v ) { if ( $p->ID != $res[ $k ]->element_id ) { $translations[ $k ] = isset( $res[ $k ]->element_id ) ? $res[ $k ]->element_id : 0; } } update_post_meta( $p->ID, '_wpml_translations', wp_json_encode( $translations ) ); } } } break; } } /** * @deprecated Use `wpml.get_languages` XMLRPC call * @since 3.5.0 * @param $lang * * @return array|bool|mixed|null */ function xmlrpc_get_languages_list( $lang ) { if ( !is_null( $lang ) ) { if ( !$this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare("SELECT code FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages WHERE code=%s", $lang) ) ) { $IXR_Error = new IXR_Error( 401, __( 'Invalid language code', 'sitepress' ) ); echo $IXR_Error->getXml(); exit( 1 ); } $this->admin_language = $lang; } define( 'WP_ADMIN', true ); // hack - allow to force display language $active_languages = $this->get_active_languages( true ); return $active_languages; } function xml_unprotect_wpml_meta( $protected, $meta_key, $meta_type ) { $metas_list = array( '_wpml_trid', '_wpml_translations', '_wpml_language' ); if ( in_array( $meta_key, $metas_list, true ) ) { $protected = false; } return $protected; } function meta_generator_tag() { $lids = array(); $active_languages = $this->get_active_languages(); if($active_languages) { foreach ( $active_languages as $l ) { $lids[ ] = $l[ 'id' ]; } $stt = join( ",", $lids ); $stt .= ";"; printf( '' . PHP_EOL, ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION, $stt ); } } function update_language_cookie($language_code) { $_COOKIE[ '_icl_current_language' ] = $language_code; } function get_language_cookie() { global $wpml_request_handler; return $wpml_request_handler->get_cookie_lang(); } // _icl_current_language will have to be replaced with _icl_current_language function set_admin_language_cookie( $lang = false ) { if ( is_admin() ) { global $wpml_request_handler; $wpml_request_handler->set_language_cookie( $lang ? $lang : $this->get_default_language() ); } } function get_admin_language_cookie() { global $wpml_request_handler; return is_admin() ? $wpml_request_handler->get_cookie_lang() : null; } function reset_admin_language_cookie() { $this->set_admin_language_cookie( $this->get_default_language() ); } function rewrite_rules_filter( $value ) { global $wpml_language_resolution; $active_language_codes = $wpml_language_resolution->get_active_language_codes(); $filter = new WPML_Rewrite_Rules_Filter( $active_language_codes ); return $filter->rid_of_language_param ( $value ); } function is_rtl( $lang = false ) { if ( is_admin() ) { if ( empty( $lang ) ) $lang = $this->get_admin_language(); } else { if ( empty( $lang ) ) $lang = $this->get_current_language(); } $rtl_languages_codes = apply_filters('wpml_rtl_languages_codes', array( 'ar', 'he', 'fa', 'ku', 'ur' )); return in_array( $lang, $rtl_languages_codes ); } /** * Returns an array of post types that are set to be translatable * @param array $default Set the default value, in case no posts are set to be translatable (default: array()) * * @return array */ function get_translatable_documents_filter( $default = array() ) { $post_types = $this->get_translatable_documents(false); if(!$post_types) { $post_types = $default; } return $post_types; } function get_translatable_documents( $include_not_synced = false ) { $translatable_post_types = array(); $exceptions = array( 'revision', 'nav_menu_item' ); $translation_modes = new WPML_Translation_Modes(); foreach ( $this->get_wp_api()->get_wp_post_types_global() as $k => $v ) { if ( !in_array( $k, $exceptions ) ) { if ( ! $include_not_synced && ( empty( $this->settings[ 'custom_posts_sync_option' ][ $k ] ) || ! $translation_modes->is_translatable_mode( $this->settings[ 'custom_posts_sync_option' ][ $k ] ) ) ) { continue; } $translatable_post_types[ $k ] = $v; } } $translatable_post_types = apply_filters( 'get_translatable_documents', $translatable_post_types ); $tm_settings = $this->get_setting( 'translation-management', array() ); if ( array_key_exists( 'custom-types_readonly_config', $tm_settings ) ) { $settings_filters = new WPML_Settings_Filters(); $translatable_post_types = $settings_filters->get_translatable_documents( $translatable_post_types, $tm_settings['custom-types_readonly_config'] ); } return apply_filters( 'get_translatable_documents_all', $translatable_post_types ); } public function get_display_as_translated_documents() { $display_as_translated_post_types = array(); foreach ( $this->get_wp_api()->get_wp_post_types_global() as $k => $v ) { if ( isset( $this->settings['custom_posts_sync_option'][ $k ] ) && WPML_CONTENT_TYPE_DISPLAY_AS_IF_TRANSLATED == $this->settings['custom_posts_sync_option'][ $k ] ) { $display_as_translated_post_types[ $k ] = $v; } } return apply_filters( 'get_display_as_translated_documents', $display_as_translated_post_types ); } /** * @param bool $include_not_synced * @param string $deprecated * * @return array * @internal string $deprecated * @since 3.8.0 $deprecated (formerly $object_type) is not used anymore * */ function get_translatable_taxonomies( $include_not_synced = false, $deprecated = 'post' ) { global $wp_taxonomies; $t_taxonomies = array(); if ( $include_not_synced ) { $t_taxonomies[] = 'post_tag'; $t_taxonomies[] = 'category'; } foreach ( (array) $wp_taxonomies as $taxonomy_name => $taxonomy ) { if ( 'post_format' === $taxonomy_name ) { continue; } if ( ! empty( $this->settings['taxonomies_sync_option'][ $taxonomy_name ] ) ) { $t_taxonomies[] = $taxonomy_name; } } if ( has_filter( 'get_translatable_taxonomies' ) ) { $filtered = apply_filters( 'get_translatable_taxonomies', array( 'taxs' => $t_taxonomies, 'object_type' => $deprecated ) ); $t_taxonomies = $filtered['taxs']; if ( empty( $t_taxonomies ) ) { $t_taxonomies = array(); } } return $t_taxonomies; } /** * @param string $tax * * @return bool */ function is_translated_taxonomy( $tax ) { $option_key = 'taxonomies_sync_option'; $readonly_config_key = 'taxonomies_readonly_config'; $translated = apply_filters( 'pre_wpml_is_translated_taxonomy', null, $tax ); return $translated !== null ? $translated : $this->is_translated_element( $tax, $option_key, $readonly_config_key ); } public function is_display_as_translated_taxonomy( $tax ) { return isset( $this->settings['taxonomies_sync_option'][ $tax ] ) && WPML_CONTENT_TYPE_DISPLAY_AS_IF_TRANSLATED == $this->settings['taxonomies_sync_option'][ $tax ]; } public function get_display_as_translated_taxonomies() { global $wp_taxonomies; $taxonomies = array(); foreach ( (array) $wp_taxonomies as $taxonomy_name => $taxonomy ) { if ( $this->is_display_as_translated_taxonomy( $taxonomy_name ) ) { $taxonomies[] = $taxonomy_name; } } return apply_filters( 'get_display_as_translated_taxonomies', $taxonomies ); } public function is_translated_post_type_filter($value, $post_type ) { return $this->is_translated_post_type( $post_type ); } function is_translated_post_type( $type ) { $translated = apply_filters( 'pre_wpml_is_translated_post_type', null, $type ); return $translated !== null ? $translated : $this->is_translated_element( $type, 'custom_posts_sync_option', 'custom-types_readonly_config' ); } public function is_display_as_translated_post_type_filter( $value, $post_type ) { return $this->is_display_as_translated_post_type( $post_type ); } public function is_display_as_translated_post_type( $type ) { return isset( $this->settings['custom_posts_sync_option'][ $type ] ) && WPML_CONTENT_TYPE_DISPLAY_AS_IF_TRANSLATED == $this->settings['custom_posts_sync_option'][ $type ]; } /** * @param null $value * @param string $taxonomy * * @return int */ public function is_translated_taxonomy_filter( $value, $taxonomy ) { return $this->is_translated_taxonomy( $taxonomy ); } function verify_post_translations_action( $post_types ) { if ( ! is_array( $post_types ) ) { $post_types = (array) $post_types; } foreach ( $post_types as $post_type => $translate ) { if ( $translate && ! is_numeric( $post_type ) ) { $this->verify_post_translations( $post_type ); } } } /** * Sets the default language for all posts in a given post type that do not have any language set * * @param string $post_type */ public function verify_post_translations( $post_type ) { $set_default_language = new WPML_Initialize_Language_For_Post_Type( $this->wpdb ); $set_default_language->run( $post_type, $this->get_default_language() ); } /** * This function is to be used on setting a taxonomy from untranslated to being translated. * It creates potentially missing translations and reassigns posts to the then created terms in the correct language. * This function affects all terms in a taxonomy and therefore, depending on the database size results in * heavy resource demand. It should not be used to fix term and post assignment problems other than those * resulting from the action of turning a translated taxonomy into an untranslated one. * * An exception is being made for the installation process assigning all existing terms the default language, * given no prior language information is saved about them in the database. * * @param string $taxonomy */ function verify_taxonomy_translations( $taxonomy ) { $term_utils = new WPML_Terms_Translations(); $tax_sync = new WPML_Term_Language_Synchronization( $this, $term_utils, $taxonomy ); if ( $this->get_setting( 'setup_complete' ) ) { $tax_sync->set_translated(); } else { $tax_sync->set_initial_term_language(); } delete_option( $taxonomy . '_children', array() ); } function wp_upgrade_locale( $locale ) { $default_language = $this->get_default_language(); $default_locale = $this->get_locale_from_language_code($default_language); return defined( 'WPLANG' ) && WPLANG ? WPLANG : $default_locale; } function admin_language_switcher() { require_once WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/menu/wpml-admin-lang-switcher.class.php'; $admin_lang_switcher = new WPML_Admin_Language_Switcher(); $admin_lang_switcher->render(); } function admin_notices( $message, $class = "updated" ) { static $hook_added = 0; $this->_admin_notices[ ] = array( 'class' => $class, 'message' => $message ); if ( !$hook_added ) add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, '_admin_notices_hook' ) ); $hook_added = 1; } function _admin_notices_hook() { if ( !empty( $this->_admin_notices ) ) foreach ( $this->_admin_notices as $n ) { echo '
'; echo '

' . $n[ 'message' ] . '

'; echo '
'; } } function allowed_redirect_hosts( $hosts ) { if ( $this->settings[ 'language_negotiation_type' ] == 2 ) { $allowed_redirect_hosts = new WPML_Allowed_Redirect_Hosts( $this ); $hosts = $allowed_redirect_hosts->get_hosts( $hosts ); } return $hosts; } public static function get_installed_plugins() { if(!function_exists('get_plugins')) { require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); } $wp_plugins = get_plugins(); $wpml_plugins_list = array( 'WPML Multilingual CMS' => array( 'installed' => false, 'active' => false, 'file' => false, 'plugin' => false, 'slug' => 'sitepress-multilingual-cms' ), 'WPML CMS Nav' => array( 'installed' => false, 'active' => false, 'file' => false, 'plugin' => false, 'slug' => 'wpml-cms-nav' ), 'WPML String Translation' => array( 'installed' => false, 'active' => false, 'file' => false, 'plugin' => false, 'slug' => 'wpml-string-translation' ), 'WPML Sticky Links' => array( 'installed' => false, 'active' => false, 'file' => false, 'plugin' => false, 'slug' => 'wpml-sticky-links' ), 'WPML Translation Management' => array( 'installed' => false, 'active' => false, 'file' => false, 'plugin' => false, 'slug' => 'wpml-translation-management' ), 'WPML Media' => array( 'installed' => false, 'active' => false, 'file' => false, 'plugin' => false, 'slug' => 'wpml-media' ), 'WooCommerce Multilingual' => array( 'installed' => false, 'active' => false, 'file' => false, 'plugin' => false, 'slug' => 'woocommerce-multilingual' ), 'Gravity Forms Multilingual' => array( 'installed' => false, 'active' => false, 'file' => false, 'plugin' => false, 'slug' => 'gravityforms-multilingual' ), ); foreach ( $wpml_plugins_list as $wpml_plugin_name => $v ) { foreach ( $wp_plugins as $file => $plugin ) { $plugin_name = $plugin[ 'Name' ]; if ( $plugin_name == $wpml_plugin_name ) { $wpml_plugins_list[ $plugin_name ][ 'installed' ] = true; $wpml_plugins_list[ $plugin_name ][ 'plugin' ] = $plugin; $wpml_plugins_list[ $plugin_name ][ 'file' ] = $file; } } } return $wpml_plugins_list; } /** * @param int $limit * @param bool $provide_object * @param bool $ignore_args * * @return array */ public function get_backtrace($limit = 0, $provide_object = false, $ignore_args = true) { $options = false; if ( version_compare( $this->wp_api->phpversion(), '5.3.6' ) < 0 ) { // Before 5.3.6, the only values recognized are TRUE or FALSE, // which are the same as setting or not setting the DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT option respectively. $options = $provide_object; } else { // As of 5.3.6, 'options' parameter is a bitmask for the following options: if ( $provide_object ) $options |= DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT; if ( $ignore_args ) $options |= DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS; } if ( version_compare( $this->wp_api->phpversion(), '5.4.0' ) >= 0 ) { $actual_limit = $limit == 0 ? 0 : $limit + 1; $debug_backtrace = debug_backtrace( $options, $actual_limit ); //add one item to include the current frame } elseif ( version_compare( $this->wp_api->phpversion(), '5.2.4' ) >= 0 ) { //@link https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/20953 $debug_backtrace = debug_backtrace(); } else { $debug_backtrace = debug_backtrace( $options ); } //Remove the current frame if($debug_backtrace) { array_shift($debug_backtrace); } return $debug_backtrace; } /** * Used as filter for wordpress core function url_to_postid() * * @global AbsoluteLinks $absolute_links_object * @param string $url URL to filter * @return string URL changed into format ...?p={ID} or original */ function url_to_postid($url) { if (strpos($url, 'wp-login.php') !== false || strpos($url, '/wp-admin/') !== false || strpos($url, '/wp-content/') !== false ) { return $url; } $is_language_in_domain = false; // if language negotiation type as lang. in domain $is_translated_domain = false; // if this url is in secondary language domain // for 'different domain per language' we need to switch_lang according to domain of parsed $url if (2 == $this->settings['language_negotiation_type'] && isset($this->settings['language_domains'])) { $is_language_in_domain = true; // if url domain fits to one of secondary language domains // switch sitepress language to this // but save current language context in $current_language, we will have to switch to this back $domains = array_filter( $this->get_setting( 'language_domains' ) ); foreach ( $domains as $code => $domain ) { if ( strpos( $url, $domain ) === 0 ) { $is_translated_domain = true; $current_language = $this->get_current_language(); $this->switch_lang( $code ); $url = str_replace( $domain, site_url(), $url ); break; } } // if it is url in original domain // switch sitepress language to default language // but save current language context in $current_language, we will have to switch to this back if (!$is_translated_domain) { $current_language = $this->get_current_language(); $default_language = $this->get_default_language(); $this->switch_lang($default_language); } } // we will use AbsoluteLinks::_process_generic_text, so make sure that // we have this object here global $absolute_links_object; if (!isset($absolute_links_object) || !is_a($absolute_links_object, 'AbsoluteLinks') || $is_language_in_domain ) { $absolute_links_object = new AbsoluteLinks(); } // in next steps we will have to compare processed url with original, // so we need to save original $original_url = $url; // we also need site_url for comparisions $site_url = site_url(); // _process_generic_text will change slug urls into ?p=1 or ?cpt-slug=cpt-title // but this function operates not on clean url but on html element // we need to change temporary url into html, pass to this function and // extract url from returned html $html = 'removeit'; $alp_broken_links = array(); remove_filter('url_to_postid', array($this, 'url_to_postid')); $html = $absolute_links_object->_process_generic_text($html, $alp_broken_links); add_filter('url_to_postid', array($this, 'url_to_postid')); $url = str_replace(array('removeit'), array('', ''), $html); // for 'different domain per language', switch language back. now we can do this if ($is_language_in_domain && isset($current_language)) { $this->switch_lang($current_language); } // if this is not url to external site if ( 0 === strpos($original_url, $site_url)) { // if this is url like ...?cpt-rewrite-slug=cpt-title // change it into ...?p=11 $url2 = $this->cpt_url_to_id_url($url, $original_url); if ($url2 == $url && $original_url != $url) { // if it was not a case with ?cpt-slug=cpt-title // if this is translated post and it has the same slug as original, // _process_generic_text returns the same ID for both // lets check if it is this case and replace ID in returned url $url = $this->maybe_adjust_url($url, $original_url); } else { // yes! it was not a case with ?cpt-slug=cpt-title $url = $url2; } } return $url; } /** * Check if $url is in format ...?cpt-slug=cpt-title and change into ...?p={ID} * * * @param string $url URL, probably in format ?cpt-slug=cpt-title * @param string $original_url URL in original format (probably with permalink) * @return string URL, if $url was in expected format ?cpt-slug format, url is now changed into ?p={ID}, otherwise, returns $url as it was passed in parameter */ function cpt_url_to_id_url($url, $original_url) { $parsed_url = wpml_parse_url($url); if (!isset($parsed_url['query'])) { return $url; } $query = $parsed_url['query']; parse_str($query, $vars); $args = array( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false ); $post_types = get_post_types($args, 'objects'); foreach ($post_types as $name => $attrs) { if ( isset( $vars[ $attrs->rewrite['slug'] ] ) ) { $post_type = $name; $post_slug = $vars[trim($attrs->rewrite['slug'],'/')]; break; } } if (!isset($post_type, $post_slug)) { return $url; } $args = array( 'name' => $post_slug, 'post_type' => $post_type ); $post = new WP_Query($args); if (!isset($post->post)) { return $url; } $id = $post->post->ID; $post_language = $this->get_language_for_element($id, 'post_' . $post_type); $url_language = $this->get_language_from_url($original_url); $new_vars = array(); if ($post_language != $url_language) { $trid = $this->get_element_trid( $id, 'post_' . $post_type ); $translations = $this->get_element_translations( $trid, 'post_' . $post_type ); if (isset($translations[$url_language])) { $translation = $translations[$url_language]; if (isset($translation->element_id)) { $new_vars['p'] = $translation->element_id; } } } else { $new_vars['p'] = $id; } $new_query = http_build_query($new_vars); $url = str_replace($query, $new_query, $url); return $url; } /** * Fix sticky link url to have ID of translated post (used in case both translations have same slug) * * @param string $url - url in sticky link form * @param string $original_url - url in permalink form * @return string - url in sticky link form to correct translation */ private function maybe_adjust_url( $url, $original_url ) { $parsed_url = wpml_parse_url ( $url ); $query = isset( $parsed_url[ 'query' ] ) ? $parsed_url[ 'query' ] : ""; parse_str ( $query, $vars ); $post_id = null; $inurl = null; if ( isset( $vars['page_id'] ) ) { $inurl = 'page_id'; } elseif ( isset( $vars['p'] ) ) { $inurl = 'p'; } if ( $inurl ) { $post_id = $vars[ $inurl ]; } if ( $post_id ) { $post_type = get_post_type ( $post_id ); $post_language = $this->get_language_for_element ( $post_id, 'post_' . $post_type ); $url_language = $this->get_language_from_url ( $original_url ); if ( $post_language !== $url_language ) { $trid = $this->get_element_trid ( $post_id, 'post_' . $post_type ); $translations = $this->get_element_translations ( $trid, 'post_' . $post_type ); if ( isset( $translations[ $url_language ] ) ) { $translation = $translations[ $url_language ]; if ( isset( $translation->element_id ) ) { $vars[ $inurl ] = $translation->element_id; $new_query = http_build_query ( $vars ); $url = str_replace ( $query, $new_query, $url ); } } } } return $url; } /** * Find language of document based on given permalink * * @param string $url Local url in permalink form * @return string language code */ function get_language_from_url( $url ) { /* @var WPML_URL_Converter $wpml_url_converter */ global $wpml_url_converter; return $wpml_url_converter->get_language_from_url ( $url ); } function update_index_screen(){ return include WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/menu/theme-plugins-compatibility.php'; } /** * Filter to add language field to WordPress search form * * @param string $form HTML code of search for before filtering * @return string HTML code of search form */ function get_search_form_filter($form) { if ( strpos($form, wpml_get_language_input_field() ) === false && WPML_LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_TYPE_PARAMETER === (int) $this->get_setting( 'language_negotiation_type' ) ) { $form = str_replace("", wpml_get_language_input_field() . "", $form); } return $form; } /** * @param string $key * * @return bool|mixed */ public function get_string_translation_settings($key = '') { $setting = $this->get_setting( 'st' ); if( $this->setting_array_is_set_or_has_key( $setting, $key ) ) { $setting = $setting[$key]; } return $setting; } /** * @param $setting * @param $key * * @return bool */ private function setting_array_is_set_or_has_key( $setting, $key ) { return $key != '' && $setting && isset( $setting[ $key ] ); } /** * @param $element_type * @param $option_key * @param $readonly_config_key * * @return bool */ private function is_translated_element( $element_type, $option_key, $readonly_config_key ) { $ret = false; if ( is_scalar( $element_type ) ) { $translation_management_options = $this->get_setting( 'translation-management' ); if ( 'any' === $element_type ) { $ret = count( $translation_management_options[ $readonly_config_key ] ) > 0 || count( $this->get_setting( $option_key ) ) > 0; } else { $ret = icl_get_sub_setting( $option_key, $element_type ); if ( ! $ret ) { if ( isset( $translation_management_options[ $readonly_config_key ][ $element_type ] ) && $translation_management_options[ $readonly_config_key ][ $element_type ] == 1 ) { $ret = true; } else { $ret = false; } } } } return (bool) $ret; } /** * @return array */ public function get_always_translatable_post_types() { return array(); } /** * @param Integer $master_post_id The original post id for which duplicate posts are to be retrieved * @return Integer[] An associative array with language codes as indexes and post_ids as values */ function get_duplicates( $master_post_id ) { $this->post_duplication = $this->post_duplication === null ? new WPML_Post_Duplication( $this->wpdb, $this ) : $this->post_duplication; return $this->post_duplication->get_duplicates ( $master_post_id ); } /** * @param Integer $master_post_id ID of the to be duplicated post * @param String $lang Language code to which the post is to be duplicated * @return bool|int|WP_Error */function make_duplicate($master_post_id, $lang){ $this->post_duplication = $this->post_duplication === null ? new WPML_Post_Duplication( $this->wpdb, $this ) : $this->post_duplication; return $this->post_duplication->make_duplicate($master_post_id, $lang); } function get_new_post_source_id ( $post_id ) { global $pagenow; if ( $pagenow == 'post-new.php' && isset( $_GET['trid'] ) && isset( $_GET['source_lang'] ) ) { // Get the template from the source post. $translations = $this->get_element_translations( $_GET['trid'] ); if (isset($translations[$_GET['source_lang']])) { $post_id = $translations[$_GET['source_lang']]->element_id; } } return $post_id; } /** * @param int $element_id * @param string $element_type * @param bool|false $return_original_if_missing * @param null $language_code * * @return int|null */ function get_object_id( $element_id, $element_type = 'post', $return_original_if_missing = false, $language_code = null ) { global $wp_post_types, $wp_taxonomies; $ret_element_id = null; if ( $element_id ) { $language_code = $language_code ? $language_code : $this->get_current_language(); if ( $element_type == 'any' ) { $post_type = get_post_type( $element_id ); if ( $post_type ) { $element_type = $post_type; } else { $element_type = null; } } if ( $element_type ) { if ( isset( $wp_taxonomies[ $element_type ] ) ) { /** @var WPML_Term_Translation $wpml_term_translations */ global $wpml_term_translations; $ret_element_id = is_taxonomy_translated( $element_type ) ? $wpml_term_translations->term_id_in( $element_id, $language_code ) : $element_id; } elseif ( isset( $wp_post_types[ $element_type ] ) ) { /** @var WPML_Post_Translation $wpml_post_translations */ global $wpml_post_translations; $ret_element_id = is_post_type_translated( $element_type ) ? $wpml_post_translations->element_id_in( $element_id, $language_code ) : $element_id; } else { $ret_element_id = null; } $ret_element_id = $ret_element_id ? (int) $ret_element_id : ( $return_original_if_missing && ! $ret_element_id ? $element_id : null ); } } return $ret_element_id; } private function is_troubleshooting_page() { return isset( $_REQUEST[ 'page' ] ) && $_REQUEST[ 'page' ] == WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/menu/troubleshooting.php'; } public function handle_head_hreflang() { $wpml_queried_object_factory = new WPML_Queried_Object_Factory(); $wpml_seo_headlangs = new WPML_SEO_HeadLangs( $this, $wpml_queried_object_factory ); $wpml_seo_headlangs->init_hooks(); } /** * Get previously set data for the current request. * * @param $key * @param null $default * * @return mixed|null */ public function get_current_request_data( $key, $default = null ) { return isset( $this->current_request_data[ $key ] ) ? $this->current_request_data[ $key ] : $default; } /** * Set temporary data for the current request that can be recalled later * * @param $key * @param $data */ public function set_current_request_data( $key, $data ) { $this->current_request_data[ $key ] = $data; } /** * Clear the data for the current request * * @param $key */ public function clear_current_request_data( $key ) { unset( $this->current_request_data[ $key ] ); } /** * Load \TranslationManagement class. */ public function load_core_tm() { $iclTranslationManagement = wpml_load_core_tm(); } public function is_setup_complete() { return $this->get_setting('setup_complete'); } /** * @return bool */ private function is_taxonomy_related_page() { return isset( $_GET['page'] ) && ( $_GET['page'] == WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/menu/taxonomy-translation.php' || $_GET['page'] == WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/menu/menu-sync/menus-sync.php' || $_GET['page'] == WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/menu/term-taxonomy-menus/taxonomy-translation-display.class.php' ); } /** * @return bool */ private function is_saving_taxonomy_labels() { global $pagenow; return ( $pagenow === 'admin-ajax.php' && isset( $_POST['action'] ) && $_POST['action'] === 'wpml_tt_save_labels_translation' ); } private function switch_to_admin_language() { $this->switch_lang( $this->get_admin_language(), true ); } private function move_current_language_to_the_top() { $active_languages = $this->get_active_languages(); foreach ( $active_languages as $k => $active_lang ) { if ( $k === $this->this_lang ) { unset( $this->active_languages[ $k ] ); /** @noinspection SlowArrayOperationsInLoopInspection */ $this->active_languages = array_merge( array( $k => $active_lang ), $this->active_languages ); break; } } } }