sitepress = $sitepress; $this->post_translation = $post_translation; } /** * @param null|WP_Post $post */ public function render_languages( $post = null ) { if ( ! $post || ! is_post_type_translated( $post->post_type ) ) { return; } $this->set_post( $post ); $this->init_post_data(); $this->post_edit_languages_duplicate_of(); ob_start(); $this->post_edit_languages_dropdown(); $this->connect_translations(); $this->translation_priority(); $this->translation_of(); $this->languages_actions(); $this->copy_from_original( $post ); $this->media_options( $post ); do_action( 'icl_post_languages_options_after' ); $contents = ob_get_clean(); echo $this->is_a_duplicate() ? '' . $contents . '' : $contents; } private function post_edit_languages_duplicate_of() { $duplicate_original_id = $this->is_a_duplicate(); if ( $duplicate_original_id ) { ?>
' . esc_html( get_the_title( $duplicate_original_id ) ) . '' ); ?>

post->post_type ); ?>

can_translate_post, false ); wp_nonce_field( WPML_Post_Edit_Ajax::AJAX_ACTION_SWITCH_POST_LANGUAGE, 'nonce' ); ?>

is_original ) { $term_obj = wp_get_object_terms( $this->post->ID, $taxonomy ); $selected = $term_obj ? $term_obj[0]->term_id : WPML_TM_Translation_Priorities::get_default_term()->term_id; } else { $this->fix_source_language(); $element_id = $this->post_translation->get_element_id( $this->source_language, $this->trid ); $element_terms = wp_get_object_terms( (int)$element_id, $taxonomy ); if( !$element_terms ){ $term_obj = WPML_TM_Translation_Priorities::get_default_term(); }else{ $term_obj = $element_terms[0]; } $selected = apply_filters( 'translate_object_id', $term_obj->term_id, $taxonomy, false, $this->selected_language ); if ( ! $selected ) { $selected = WPML_TM_Translation_Priorities::insert_missing_translation( $term_obj->term_id, $term_obj->name, $this->selected_language ); } } wp_dropdown_categories( array( 'hide_empty' => 0, 'selected' => $selected, 'name' => 'icl_translation_priority', 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy ) ); ?>
post->post_status ) { $trid = $this->get_trid(); $current_language = $this->sitepress->get_current_language(); if ( count( $this->get_translations() ) === 1 && count( $this->sitepress->get_orphan_translations( $trid, $this->post->post_type, $current_language ) ) > 0 ) { $args = array(); $args['language_code'] = $this->selected_language; $args['display_code'] = $this->sitepress->get_default_language(); $language_name = apply_filters( 'wpml_display_single_language_name', null, $args ); ?>

post->post_status && ( $this->is_a_translation() || ! $this->has_translations() ) ) { $disabled = disabled( false, $this->is_edit_action() && $this->get_trid(), false ); ?>

sitepress->get_active_languages() ); if ( $this->can_translate() ) { do_action( 'icl_post_languages_options_before', $this->post->ID ); list( $translated_posts, $untranslated_posts ) = $this->count_untranslated_posts(); ?>
languages_table( $status_display ); } if ( $translated_posts > 0 ) { $this->translation_summary( $status_display ); } ?>
is_original && ( $this->selected_language != $this->source_language || ( isset( $_GET[ 'lang' ] ) && $this->source_language !== $_GET[ 'lang' ] ) ) && 'all' !== $this->sitepress->get_current_language(); } private function has_translations() { return (bool) $this->get_translations(); } private function render_translation_of_options() { $this->init_translation_of_options(); foreach ( $this->translation_of_options as $option_value => $option_data ) { echo sprintf( '', esc_attr( $option_value ), selected( true, $option_data[ 'selected' ], false ), esc_html( $option_data[ 'label' ] ) ); } } /** * @return bool */ private function can_translate() { $trid = $this->get_trid(); $can_translate_args = array( 'trid' => $trid, 'translations' => $this->get_translations(), ); $can_translate_aaa = $trid && ( $this->is_edit_action() || apply_filters( 'wpml_post_edit_can_translate', false, $can_translate_args ) ); return $can_translate_aaa; } private function count_untranslated_posts() { $untranslated_found = 0; $translations_found = 0; $active_langs = $this->sitepress->get_active_languages(); $translations = $this->get_translations(); foreach ( $active_langs as $lang ) { if ( $this->selected_language == $lang['code'] ) { continue; } if ( isset( $translations[ $lang['code'] ] ) ) { $translations_found += 1; } else { $untranslated_found += 1; } } return array( $translations_found, $untranslated_found ); } private function languages_table( $status_display ) { ?>

is_display_as_translated_mode() ) { ?> sitepress->get_active_languages(); $active_langs = apply_filters( 'wpml_active_languages_access', $active_langs, array( 'action' => 'edit', 'post_type' => $this->post_type_label, 'post_id' => $this->post->ID ) ); foreach ( $active_langs as $lang ) { $this->translate_option( $lang, $status_display ); } ?>
sitepress->get_duplicates( $this->post->ID ); $not_show_flags = ! apply_filters( 'wpml_setting', false, 'show_translations_flag' ); ?>


style="display:none;"> sitepress->get_active_languages(); $translations = $this->get_translations(); ?> selected_language === $lang['code'] ) { continue; } ?> class="icl_odd_row">
get_status_html( $this->post->ID, $lang['code'] ); ?>
translation_of_options = array(); $element_id = null; if ( $this->trid ) { $this->fix_source_language(); $element_id = $this->post_translation->get_element_id( $this->source_language, $this->trid ); } $this->add_translation_of_option( 'none', __( '--None--', 'sitepress' ), false ); if ( $element_id && ! isset( $_GET['icl_ajx'] ) ) { $element_title = $this->get_element_title( $element_id ); $this->add_translation_of_option( $element_id, $element_title, true ); } if ( $this->handle_as_original() && apply_filters( 'wpml_language_is_active', null, $this->selected_language ) ) { $untranslated = $this->get_untranslated_posts(); foreach ( $untranslated as $translation_of_id => $translation_of_title ) { $this->add_translation_of_option( $translation_of_id, $translation_of_title, false ); } } } /** * @param string $lang * @param WPML_Post_Status_Display $status_display */ private function translate_option( $lang, $status_display ) { static $row = 0; if ( $this->selected_language == $lang[ 'code' ] ) { return; } $row_class = 0 === $row % 2 ? 'class="icl_odd_row"' : ''; ?> > get_translations(); if ( ! isset( $translations[ $lang['code'] ] ) ) { $row ++; ?> get_status_html( $this->post->ID, $lang[ 'code' ] ); ?> is_display_as_translated_mode() ) { ?> $this->trid, 'language_code' => $lang['code'] ); $translation_status = apply_filters( 'wpml_tm_translation_status', null, $element_key ); echo PHP_EOL . '' . PHP_EOL; if ( $translation_status && $translation_status < ICL_TM_COMPLETE ) { $disabled_duplication = true; if ( ICL_TM_DUPLICATE === (int) $translation_status ) { $disabled_duplication_title = esc_attr__( 'This post is already duplicated.', 'sitepress' ); } else { $disabled_duplication_title = esc_attr__( "Can't create a duplicate. A translation is in progress.", 'sitepress' ); } } ?> type="checkbox" name="icl_dupes[]" value="" title=""/> is_original || ! $this->source_language || $this->source_language === $this->selected_language; } private function add_translation_of_option( $value, $label, $selected ) { if ( ! isset( $this->translation_of_options[ $value ] ) ) { if ( trim( $label ) == '' ) { $label = '{' . __( 'Post without a title', 'sitepress' ) . '}'; } $this->translation_of_options[ $value ] = array( 'label' => $label, 'selected' => $selected ); } } private function fix_source_language() { if ( ! $this->source_language ) { if ( $this->post ) { $this->source_language = $this->post_translation->get_source_lang_code( $this->post->ID ); } else { $this->source_language = $this->sitepress->get_default_language(); } } } /** * @return bool */ private function is_edit_action() { return isset( $_GET['action'] ) && 'edit' === $_GET['action']; } /** * Helper function to tell if $lang_code should be marked as selected in post language chooser * * @param string $lang_code 2 letters language code * @param string $selected_language 2 letters language code * * @return boolean */ private function is_selected_lang( $lang_code, $selected_language ) { return $lang_code === $selected_language || ( ! $this->sitepress->is_active_language( $selected_language ) && $lang_code === $this->sitepress->get_default_language() ); } /** * Renders the "Copy From" and "Overwrite With" buttons on the post edit screen. * * @param WP_Post $post * * @hook icl_post_languages_options_after */ private function copy_from_original( $post ) { $trid = $this->get_trid(); $source_lang = filter_var( isset( $_GET['source_lang'] ) ? $_GET['source_lang'] : '', FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS ); $source_lang = 'all' === $source_lang ? $this->sitepress->get_default_language() : $source_lang; $lang = filter_var( isset( $_GET['lang'] ) ? $_GET['lang'] : '', FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS ); $source_lang = ! $source_lang && isset( $_GET['post'] ) && $lang !== $this->sitepress->get_default_language() ? $this->post_translation->get_source_lang_code( $post->ID ) : $source_lang; if ( $source_lang && $source_lang !== $lang ) { $_lang_details = $this->sitepress->get_language_details( $source_lang ); $source_lang_name = $_lang_details['display_name']; $this->display_copy_from_button( $source_lang, $source_lang_name, $post, $trid ); $this->display_set_as_dupl_btn( $post, $source_lang_name, $this->post_translation->get_element_id( $source_lang, $trid ), $lang ); } } private function media_options( $post ) { echo '

' . esc_html__( 'Media attachments', 'sitepress' ) . ''; $original_post_id = (int) $this->post_translation->get_original_post_ID( $this->trid ); if( ! $original_post_id ){ $settings = get_option( '_wpml_media' ); $content_defaults = $settings['new_content_settings']; $duplicate_media = $content_defaults['duplicate_media']; $duplicate_featured = $content_defaults['duplicate_featured']; } else{ $duplicate_media = get_post_meta( $original_post_id, WPML_Admin_Post_Actions::DUPLICATE_MEDIA_META_KEY, true ); $duplicate_featured = get_post_meta( $original_post_id, WPML_Admin_Post_Actions::DUPLICATE_FEATURED_META_KEY, true ); } if( ! $original_post_id || (int) $post->ID === $original_post_id ){ $duplicate_media_label = esc_html__('Duplicate uploaded media to translations', 'sitepress'); $duplicate_featured_label = esc_html__('Duplicate featured image to translations', 'sitepress'); } else { $duplicate_media_label = esc_html__('Duplicate uploaded media from original', 'sitepress'); $duplicate_featured_label = esc_html__('Duplicate featured image from original', 'sitepress'); } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } /** * Renders the button for copying the original posts content to the currently edited post on the post edit screen. * * @param string $source_lang * @param string $source_lang_name * @param WP_Post $post * @param int $trid */ private function display_copy_from_button( $source_lang, $source_lang_name, $post, $trid ) { $disabled = trim( $post->post_content ) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''; wp_nonce_field( 'copy_from_original_nonce', '_icl_nonce_cfo_' . $trid ); echo ''; icl_pop_info( esc_html__( "This operation copies the content from the original language onto this translation. It's meant for when you want to start with the original content, but keep translating in this language. This button is only enabled when there's no content in the editor.", 'sitepress' ), 'question' ); echo '
'; } /** * Renders the "Overwrite" button on the post edit screen that allows setting the post as a duplicate of its * original. * * @param WP_Post $post * @param string $source_lang_name * @param int $original_post_id * @param string $post_lang */ private function display_set_as_dupl_btn( $post, $source_lang_name, $original_post_id, $post_lang ) { wp_nonce_field( 'set_duplication_nonce', '_icl_nonce_sd' ) ?> post_type, esc_html( $source_lang_name ) ) ); ?>
selected_language != $this->sitepress->get_default_language() ) { $args['element_type'] = 'post_' . $this->post->post_type; $args['target_language'] = $this->selected_language; $args['source_language'] = $this->sitepress->get_default_language(); $untranslated_ids = apply_filters( 'wpml_elements_without_translations', null, $args ); foreach ( $untranslated_ids as $id ) { $untranslated[ $id ] = get_the_title( $id ); } } return $untranslated; } /** * Wrapper for \WPML_Post_Translation::get_element_translations that retrieves all translations of the currently * edited post. * * @uses \WPML_Post_Translation::get_element_translations * * @return int[] */ private function get_translations() { return $this->post_translation->get_element_translations( false, $this->get_trid() ); } /** * @return int|false */ private function get_trid() { $post_id = isset( $this->post->ID ) ? $this->post->ID : 0; $post_status = isset( $this->post->post_status ) ? $this->post->post_status : ''; return $this->post_translation->get_save_post_trid( $post_id, $post_status ); } /** * Returns the post title for a given post or a placeholder if no title exists * * @param int $source_element_id * * @return string */ private function get_element_title( $source_element_id ) { $element_title = ''; if ( $source_element_id && $source_element_id != $this->post->ID ) { $element_title = get_the_title( $source_element_id ); if ( trim( $element_title ) === '' ) { $element_title = '{' . esc_html__( 'Post without a title', 'sitepress' ) . '}'; } } return $element_title; } /** * @return bool */ private function is_display_as_translated_mode() { return $this->sitepress->is_display_as_translated_post_type( $this->post->post_type ); } private function init_post_data() { global $wp_post_types; $this->init_trid_and_selected_language(); $this->init_source_element_data(); //globalize some variables to make them available through hooks global $icl_meta_box_globals; $icl_meta_box_globals = array( 'active_languages' => $this->sitepress->get_active_languages(), 'translations' => $this->get_translations(), 'selected_language' => $this->selected_language ); $this->post_type_label = wpml_mb_strtolower( $wp_post_types[ $this->post->post_type ]->labels->singular_name != "" ? $wp_post_types[ $this->post->post_type ]->labels->singular_name : $wp_post_types[ $this->post->post_type ]->labels->name ); } /** * Returns the id of the master post in case the currently edited post is a duplicate. * * @return int|bool|false */ private function is_a_duplicate() { return get_post_meta( $this->post->ID, '_icl_lang_duplicate_of', true ); } private function set_post( &$post ) { $this->allowed_languages = $this->get_allowed_target_langs( $post ); $this->can_translate_post = ! empty( $this->allowed_languages ); $this->selected_language = null; $this->source_language = null; $this->post_type_label = null; $this->trid = null; $this->translations = array(); $this->is_original = false; $this->post = $post; } /** * Returns the languages for which a post is missing translations and can be translated to * * @param WP_Post $post * * @return string[] language codes */ private function get_allowed_target_langs( $post ) { $active_languages = $this->sitepress->get_active_languages(); $can_translate = array_keys( $active_languages ); $can_translate = array_diff( $can_translate, array( $this->post_translation->get_element_lang_code( $post->ID ) ) ); return apply_filters( 'wpml_allowed_target_langs', $can_translate, $post->ID, 'post' ); } private function init_trid_and_selected_language() { $current_lang = $this->sitepress->get_current_language(); $this->selected_language = $current_lang; if ( $this->post->ID && $this->post->post_status !== 'auto-draft' ) { $this->trid = $this->post_translation->get_element_trid( $this->post->ID ); if ( $this->trid ) { $this->selected_language = $this->post_translation->get_element_lang_code( $this->post->ID ); } else { $this->sitepress->set_element_language_details( $this->post->ID, 'post_' . $this->post->post_type, null, $current_lang ); $this->trid = $this->post_translation->get_element_trid( $this->post->ID ); $this->selected_language = $current_lang; } } else { $this->trid = isset( $_GET['trid'] ) ? intval( $_GET['trid'] ) : false; $this->selected_language = isset( $_GET['lang'] ) ? strip_tags( $_GET['lang'] ) : $current_lang; } if ( isset( $_GET['lang'] ) ) { $this->selected_language = strip_tags( $_GET['lang'] ); } } private function init_source_element_data() { $this->source_language = isset( $_GET['source_lang'] ) ? filter_var( $_GET['source_lang'], FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS ) : false; $this->is_original = false; if ( ! $this->source_language ) { $translations = $this->get_translations(); if ( isset( $translations[ $this->selected_language ] ) ) { $selected_content_translation = $translations[ $this->selected_language ]; $this->is_original = (bool) $this->post_translation->get_source_lang_code( $selected_content_translation ) === false; if ( ! $this->is_original ) { $selected_content_language_details = $this->sitepress->get_element_translations( $selected_content_translation, 'post_' . $this->post->post_type ); if ( isset( $selected_content_language_details ) && isset( $selected_content_language_details->source_language_code ) ) { $this->source_language = $selected_content_language_details->source_language_code; } } } } } }