prepopulate_translations() $this->wpdb->query( "TRUNCATE TABLE {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations" ); // Unset or reset sitepress settings $settings = $this->sitepress->get_settings(); unset( $settings['default_categories'], $settings['default_language'], $settings['setup_wizard_step'] ); $settings['existing_content_language_verified'] = 0; $settings['active_languages'] = array(); $GLOBALS['sitepress_settings']['existing_content_language_verified'] = $settings['existing_content_language_verified']; update_option( 'icl_sitepress_settings', $settings ); // Reverse $this->maybe_set_locale() $this->wpdb->query( "TRUNCATE TABLE {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_locale_map" ); // Make sure no language is active $this->wpdb->update( $this->wpdb->prefix . 'icl_languages', array( 'active' => 0 ), array( 'active' => 1 ) ); } /** * Sets the locale in the icl_locale_map if it has not yet been set * * @param $initial_language_code */ private function maybe_set_locale( $initial_language_code ) { $q = "SELECT code FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_locale_map WHERE code=%s"; $q_prepared = $this->wpdb->prepare( $q, $initial_language_code ); if ( ! $this->wpdb->get_var( $q_prepared ) ) { $q = "SELECT default_locale FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages WHERE code=%s"; $q_prepared = $this->wpdb->prepare( $q, $initial_language_code ); $default_locale = $this->wpdb->get_var( $q_prepared ); if ( $default_locale ) { $this->wpdb->insert( $this->wpdb->prefix . 'icl_locale_map', array( 'code' => $initial_language_code, 'locale' => $default_locale ) ); } } } public function finish_step2( $active_languages ) { return $this->set_active_languages( $active_languages ); } public function set_active_languages( $arr ) { $tmp = $this->sanitize_language_input( $arr ); if ( (bool) $tmp === false ) { return false; } foreach ( $tmp as $code ) { $default_locale_prepared = $this->wpdb->prepare( "SELECT default_locale FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages WHERE code= %s LIMIT 1", $code ); $default_locale = $this->wpdb->get_var( $default_locale_prepared ); if ( $default_locale ) { $code_exists_prepared = $this->wpdb->prepare( "SELECT code FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_locale_map WHERE code = %s LIMIT 1", $code ); $code_exists = $this->wpdb->get_var( $code_exists_prepared ); if ( $code_exists ) { $this->wpdb->update( $this->wpdb->prefix . 'icl_locale_map', array( 'locale' => $default_locale ), array( 'code' => $code ) ); } else { $this->wpdb->insert( $this->wpdb->prefix . 'icl_locale_map', array( 'code' => $code, 'locale' => $default_locale ) ); } } SitePress_Setup::insert_default_category( $code ); } $this->wpdb->query( "UPDATE {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages SET active = 1 WHERE code IN (" . wpml_prepare_in( $tmp ) . " ) " ); $this->wpdb->query( "UPDATE {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages SET active = 0 WHERE code NOT IN (" . wpml_prepare_in( $tmp ) . " ) " ); $this->updated_active_languages(); return true; } private function sanitize_language_input( $lang_codes ) { $languages = $this->sitepress->get_languages( false, false, true ); $sanitized_codes = array(); $lang_codes = array_filter( array_unique( $lang_codes ) ); foreach ( $lang_codes as $code ) { $code = esc_sql( trim( $code ) ); if ( isset( $languages[ $code ] ) ) { $sanitized_codes[] = $code; } } return $sanitized_codes; } public function finish_installation( $site_key = false ) { icl_set_setting( 'setup_complete', 1, true ); if ( $site_key ) { icl_set_setting( 'site_key', $site_key, true ); } do_action( 'wpml_setup_completed' ); } public function finish_step3() { $this->maybe_move_setup( 4 ); } private function maybe_move_setup( $step ) { $setup_complete = icl_get_setting( 'setup_complete' ); if ( empty( $setup_complete ) ) { icl_set_setting( 'setup_wizard_step', $step, true ); } } private function updated_active_languages() { wp_cache_init(); icl_cache_clear(); $this->refresh_active_lang_cache( wpml_get_setting_filter( false, 'default_language' ), true ); $this->update_languages_order(); wpml_reload_active_languages_setting( true ); $active_langs = $this->sitepress->get_active_languages( true ); $this->maybe_move_setup( 3 ); if ( count( $active_langs ) > 1 ) { icl_set_setting( 'dont_show_help_admin_notice', true ); } } public function finish_step1( $initial_language_code ) { $this->set_initial_default_category( $initial_language_code ); $this->prepopulate_translations( $initial_language_code ); $admin_language = $this->get_admin_language( $initial_language_code ); $this->maybe_set_locale( $admin_language ); icl_set_setting( 'existing_content_language_verified', 1 ); icl_set_setting( 'default_language', $initial_language_code ); icl_set_setting( 'setup_wizard_step', 2 ); icl_save_settings(); wp_cache_flush(); $this->refresh_active_lang_cache( $initial_language_code ); add_filter( 'locale', array( $this->sitepress, 'locale_filter' ), 10, 1 ); if ( ! array_key_exists( 'wp_styles', $GLOBALS ) || ! $GLOBALS['wp_styles'] ) { wp_styles(); } /** @var WP_Styles text_direction */ if ( $this->sitepress->is_rtl( $admin_language ) ) { $GLOBALS['text_direction'] = 'rtl'; $GLOBALS['wp_styles']->text_direction = 'rtl'; } else { $GLOBALS['text_direction'] = 'ltr'; $GLOBALS['wp_styles']->text_direction = 'ltr'; } $GLOBALS['wp_locale'] = new WP_Locale(); $GLOBALS['locale'] = $this->sitepress->get_locale( $admin_language ); do_action( 'icl_initial_language_set' ); } /** * @param string $initial_language_code * * @return string */ private function get_admin_language( $initial_language_code ) { $user_locale = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'locale', true ); if ( $user_locale ) { $lang = $this->sitepress->get_language_code_from_locale( $user_locale ); if ( $lang ) { return $lang; } } return $initial_language_code; } private function set_initial_default_category( $initial_lang ) { $blog_default_cat = get_option( 'default_category' ); $blog_default_cat_tax_id = $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare( " SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM {$this->wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id=%d AND taxonomy='category'", $blog_default_cat ) ); if ($initial_lang !== 'en') { $this->rename_default_category_of_initial_language( $initial_lang, $blog_default_cat ); } icl_set_setting( 'default_categories', array( $initial_lang => $blog_default_cat_tax_id ), true ); } private function rename_default_category_of_initial_language( $initial_lang, $category_id ) { global $sitepress; $sitepress->switch_locale( $initial_lang ); $tr_cat = __( 'Uncategorized', 'sitepress' ); $tr_cat = $tr_cat === 'Uncategorized' ? 'Uncategorized @' . $initial_lang : $tr_cat; $sitepress->switch_locale(); wp_update_term( $category_id, 'category', array( 'name' => $tr_cat, 'slug' => sanitize_title( $tr_cat ), ) ); } /** * @param string $display_language * @param bool $active_only * * @param bool $major_first * * @return array */ public function refresh_active_lang_cache( $display_language, $active_only = false, $major_first = false, $order_by = 'english_name' ) { $active_snippet = $active_only ? " = 1 AND " : ""; $res_query = " SELECT l.code,, english_name, AS native_name, major, active, default_locale, encode_url, tag, AS display_name FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages l JOIN {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages_translations nt ON ( nt.language_code = l.code AND nt.display_language_code = l.code ) LEFT OUTER JOIN {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages_translations lt ON l.code=lt.language_code WHERE {$active_snippet} ( lt.display_language_code = %s OR (lt.display_language_code = 'en' AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages_translations ls WHERE ls.language_code = l.code AND ls.display_language_code = %s ) ) ) GROUP BY l.code"; $order_by_fields = array(); if ( $major_first ) { $order_by_fields[] = 'major DESC'; } $order_by_fields[] = ( $order_by ? $order_by : 'english_name' ) . ' ASC'; $res_query .= PHP_EOL . 'ORDER BY ' . implode( ', ', $order_by_fields ); $res_query_prepared = $this->wpdb->prepare( $res_query, $display_language, $display_language ); $res = $this->wpdb->get_results( $res_query_prepared, ARRAY_A ); $languages = array(); foreach ( (array) $res as $r ) { $languages[ $r[ 'code' ] ] = $r; $this->sitepress->get_language_name_cache()->set( 'language_details_' . $r['code'] . $display_language, $r ); } if ( $active_only ) { $this->sitepress->get_language_name_cache()->set( 'in_language_' . $display_language . '_' . $major_first . '_' . $order_by, $languages ); } else { $this->sitepress->get_language_name_cache()->set( 'all_language_' . $display_language . '_' . $major_first . '_' . $order_by, $languages ); } $this->sitepress->get_language_name_cache()->save_cache_if_required(); return $languages; } private function update_languages_order() { $needs_update = false; $current_order = $this->sitepress->get_setting( 'languages_order', array() ); if ( ! is_array( $current_order ) ) { $current_order = array(); } $languages = $this->sitepress->get_languages( false, false, true ); $new_order = $current_order; foreach ( $languages as $language_code => $language ) { if ( ! in_array( $language_code, $new_order ) && '1' === $language['active'] ) { $new_order[] = $language_code; $needs_update = true; } if ( in_array( $language_code, $new_order ) && '1' !== $language['active'] ) { $new_order = array_diff( $new_order, array( $language_code ) ); $needs_update = true; } } if ( $needs_update ) { $new_order = array_values( $new_order ); $this->sitepress->set_setting( 'languages_order', $new_order, true ); } } private function prepopulate_translations( $lang ) { $existing_lang_verified = icl_get_setting( 'existing_content_language_verified' ); if ( ! empty( $existing_lang_verified ) ) { return; } icl_cache_clear(); // case of icl_sitepress_settings accidentally lost // if there's at least one translation do not initialize the languages for elements $one_translation = $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare( "SELECT translation_id FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations WHERE language_code<>%s", $lang ) ); if ( $one_translation ) { return; } $this->wpdb->query( "TRUNCATE TABLE {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations" ); $this->wpdb->query( $this->wpdb->prepare( " INSERT INTO {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations(element_type, element_id, trid, language_code, source_language_code) SELECT CONCAT('post_',post_type), ID, ID, %s, NULL FROM {$this->wpdb->posts} WHERE post_status IN ('draft', 'publish','schedule','future','private', 'pending') ", $lang ) ); $maxtrid = 1 + $this->wpdb->get_var( "SELECT MAX(trid) FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations" ); global $wp_taxonomies; $taxonomies = array_keys( (array) $wp_taxonomies ); foreach ( $taxonomies as $tax ) { $element_type = 'tax_' . $tax; $insert_query = " INSERT INTO {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations(element_type, element_id, trid, language_code, source_language_code) SELECT %s, term_taxonomy_id, %d+term_taxonomy_id, %s, NULL FROM {$this->wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE taxonomy = %s "; $insert_prepare = $this->wpdb->prepare( $insert_query, array( $element_type, $maxtrid, $lang, $tax ) ); $this->wpdb->query( $insert_prepare ); $maxtrid = 1 + $this->wpdb->get_var( "SELECT MAX(trid) FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations" ); } $this->wpdb->query( $this->wpdb->prepare( " INSERT INTO {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations(element_type, element_id, trid, language_code, source_language_code) SELECT 'comment', comment_ID, {$maxtrid}+comment_ID, %s, NULL FROM {$this->wpdb->comments} ", $lang ) ); $this->wpdb->update( $this->wpdb->prefix . 'icl_languages', array( 'active' => '1' ), array( 'code' => $lang ) ); } function reset_language_data() { global $sitepress; $active = $this->wpdb->get_col( "SELECT code FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages WHERE active = 1" ); $this->wpdb->query( "TRUNCATE TABLE `{$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages`" ); SitePress_Setup::fill_languages(); $this->wpdb->query( "TRUNCATE TABLE `{$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages_translations`" ); SitePress_Setup::fill_languages_translations(); $this->wpdb->query( "TRUNCATE TABLE `{$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_flags`" ); SitePress_Setup::fill_flags(); //restore active $this->wpdb->query( "UPDATE {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages SET active=1 WHERE code IN(" . wpml_prepare_in( $active ) . ")" ); $this->wpdb->update( $this->wpdb->prefix . 'icl_flags', array( 'from_template' => 0 ), null ); $codes = $this->wpdb->get_col( "SELECT code FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages" ); foreach ( $codes as $code ) { if ( ! $code || $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare( "SELECT lang_code FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_flags WHERE lang_code = %s", $code ) ) ) { continue; } if ( ! file_exists( WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/res/flags/' . $code . '.png' ) ) { $file = 'nil.png'; } else { $file = $code . '.png'; } $this->wpdb->insert( $this->wpdb->prefix . 'icl_flags', array( 'lang_code' => $code, 'flag' => $file, 'from_template' => 0 ) ); } $last_default_language = $this->sitepress !== null ? $this->sitepress->get_default_language() : 'en'; if ( ! in_array( $last_default_language, $codes ) ) { $last_active_languages = $this->sitepress->get_active_languages(); foreach ( $last_active_languages as $code => $last_active_language ) { if ( in_array( $code, $codes ) ) { $this->sitepress->set_default_language( $code ); break; } } } icl_cache_clear(); $sitepress->get_translations_cache()->clear(); $sitepress->clear_flags_cache(); $sitepress->get_language_name_cache()->clear(); } }