'; } }else{ $icl_sitepress_disabled = false; } $filtered_page = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE); if( 0 === strcmp( $filtered_page, WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/menu/troubleshooting.php' ) || isset($pagenow) && $pagenow=='index.php'){ $icl_ncp_plugins2 = array( 'wp-no-category-base/no-category-base.php' ); $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $icl_ncp_plugins2 = array_intersect($icl_ncp_plugins2, $active_plugins); if(!empty($icl_ncp_plugins2)){ if( 0 === strcmp( $filtered_page, WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/menu/troubleshooting.php' ) ){ add_action('admin_notices', 'icl_incomp_plugins_warn2'); function icl_incomp_plugins_warn2() { global $icl_ncp_plugins2; echo '
'; esc_html_e( 'These plugins are known to have compatibiliy issues with WPML:', 'sitepress' ); echo ''; echo '
'; } } } } // WCML versions before 3.8 are not fully compatible with WPML versions after 3.4 add_action('admin_head', 'wpml_wcml_3_8_is_required'); function wpml_wcml_3_8_is_required(){ if( defined('WCML_VERSION') ){ $message_id = 'icl_wcml_3_8_is_required'; if ( version_compare( WCML_VERSION, '3.8', '<' ) ) { $message = array( 'id' => $message_id, 'type' => 'icl-admin-message-warning', 'limit_to_page' => 'wpml-wcml', 'admin_notice' => true, 'classes' => array( 'error' ), 'text' => sprintf( __( "%sIMPORTANT:%s You are using a version of WooCommerce Multilingual that is not fully compatible with the current WPML version. The %sproducts translation editor has been deactivated%s for this reason.%sPlease upgrade to %sWooCommerce Multilingual 3.8%s to restore the translation editor for products and use all the other functions.", 'sitepress' ), '', '', '', '', '

', '', '' ) ); ICL_AdminNotifier::add_message( $message ); ?>