get( 'site_uses_icl', $found ); if ( ! $found ) { $site_uses_icl = false; $table_exists = $wpdb->get_var( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$wpdb->prefix}icl_translation_status'" ); if ( $table_exists ) { $icl_job_count_query = "SELECT rid FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translation_status WHERE translation_service = 'icanlocalize' LIMIT 1;"; $site_uses_icl = (bool) $wpdb->get_var( $icl_job_count_query ); } $cache->set( 'site_uses_icl', $site_uses_icl ); } if ( icl_get_setting( 'setup_complete', false ) && ! $site_uses_icl ) { icl_set_setting( $setting, true, true ); } return $site_uses_icl; } /** * @param string $key * @param mixed|false $default * * @return bool|mixed * @since 3.1 * @deprecated 3.2 use `\wpml_setting` or 'wpml_get_setting_filter' filter instead */ function icl_get_setting( $key, $default = false ) { return wpml_get_setting( $key, $default ); } /** * Get a WPML setting value * If the Main SitePress Class cannot be accessed by the function it will read the setting from the database * It will return `$default` if the requested key is not set * * @param mixed|null $default Required. The value to return if the settings key does not exist. * (typically it's false, but you may want to use something else) * @param string $key The settings name key to return the value of * * @return mixed The value of the requested setting, or `$default` * @since 4.1 */ function wpml_get_setting( $key, $default = null ) { global $sitepress_settings; $sitepress_settings = isset( $sitepress_settings ) ? $sitepress_settings : get_option( 'icl_sitepress_settings' ); return isset( $sitepress_settings[ $key ] ) ? $sitepress_settings[ $key ] : $default; } /** * Get a WPML setting value * If the Main SitePress Class cannot be access to the function will read the setting from the database * Will return false if the requested key is not set or * the default value passed in the function's second parameter * * @param mixed|false $default Required. The value to return if the settings key does not exist. * (typically it's false, but you may want to use something else) * @param string $key The settings name key to return the value of * * @return mixed The value of the requested setting, or $default * @since 3.2 * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_get_setting_filter( $default, $key ) { $args = func_get_args(); if ( count( $args ) > 2 && $args[2] !== null ) { $default = $args[2]; } return wpml_get_setting( $key, $default ); } /** * @param string $key * @param string $sub_key * @param mixed|false $default * * @return bool|mixed * @since 3.1 * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_sub_setting' filter instead */ function icl_get_sub_setting( $key, $sub_key, $default = false ) { $parent = icl_get_setting( $key, array() ); return isset( $parent[ $sub_key ] ) ? $parent[ $sub_key ] : $default; } /** * Get a WPML sub setting value * @uses \wpml_get_setting_filter * * @param mixed|false $default Required. The value to return if the settings key does not exist. * (typically it's false, but you may want to use something else) * @param string $key The settings name key the sub key belongs to * @param string $sub_key The sub key to return the value of * @param mixed $deprecated Deprecated param * * @todo [WPML 3.3] Remove deprecated argument * * @return mixed The value of the requested setting, or $default * @since 3.2 * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_get_sub_setting_filter( $default, $key, $sub_key, $deprecated = null ) { $default = $deprecated !== null && !$default ? $deprecated : $default; $parent = wpml_get_setting_filter(array(), $key ); return isset( $parent[ $sub_key ] ) ? $parent[ $sub_key ] : $default; } /** * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @param bool $save_now Must call icl_save_settings() to permanently store the value * * @return bool Always True. If `$save_now === true`, it returns the result of `update_option` */ function icl_set_setting( $key, $value, $save_now = false ) { global $sitepress_settings; $result = true; $sitepress_settings[ $key ] = $value; if ( $save_now === true ) { //We need to save settings anyway, in this case $result = update_option( 'icl_sitepress_settings', $sitepress_settings ); do_action( 'icl_save_settings', $sitepress_settings ); } return $result; } function icl_save_settings() { global $sitepress; $sitepress->save_settings(); } function icl_get_settings() { global $sitepress; return isset( $sitepress ) ? $sitepress->get_settings() : false; } /** * Add settings link to plugin page. * * @param $links * @param $file * * @return array */ function icl_plugin_action_links( $links, $file ) { if ( $file == WPML_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) { $links[ ] = '' . __( 'Configure', 'sitepress' ) . ''; } return $links; } if ( defined( 'ICL_DEBUG_MODE' ) && ICL_DEBUG_MODE ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', '_icl_deprecated_icl_debug_mode' ); } function _icl_deprecated_icl_debug_mode() { echo '

ICL_DEBUG_MODE no longer supported. Please use WP_DEBUG instead.

'; } if ( ! function_exists( 'icl_js_escape' ) ) { function icl_js_escape( $str ) { $str = esc_js( $str ); $str = htmlspecialchars_decode( $str ); return $str; } } function wpml_get_site_id() { static $site_id; if ( ! $site_id ) { $site_id = new WPML_Site_ID(); } return $site_id->get_site_id(); } function _icl_tax_has_objects_recursive( $id, $term_id = - 1, $rec = 0 ) { // based on the case where two categories were one the parent of another // eliminating the chance of infinite loops by letting this function calling itself too many times // 100 is the default limit in most of teh php configuration // // this limit this function to work only with categories nested up to 60 levels // should enough for most cases if ( $rec > 60 ) { return false; } global $wpdb; if ( $term_id === - 1 ) { $term_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT term_id FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_taxonomy_id=%d", $id ) ); } $children = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT term_taxonomy_id, term_id, count FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE parent = %d ", $term_id ) ); $count = 0; foreach ( $children as $ch ) { $count += $ch->count; } if ( $count ) { return true; } else { foreach ( $children as $ch ) { if ( _icl_tax_has_objects_recursive( $ch->term_taxonomy_id, $ch->term_id, $rec + 1 ) ) { return true; } } } return false; } function _icl_trash_restore_prompt() { if ( isset( $_GET[ 'lang' ] ) ) { $post = get_post( intval( $_GET[ 'post' ] ) ); if ( isset( $post->post_status ) && $post->post_status == 'trash' ) { $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post->post_type ); $delete_post_link = '' . esc_html( 'delete it permanently', 'sitepress' ) . ''; $restore_post_link = '' . esc_html( 'restore', 'sitepress' ) . ''; $ret = '

' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'This translation is currently in the trash. You need to either %s or %s it in order to continue.' ), $delete_post_link, $restore_post_link ); wp_die( $ret ); } } } /** * @param string $message should be already escaped as it might contain HTML * @param string $icon * @param array $args */ function icl_pop_info( $message, $icon = 'info', $args = array() ) { switch ( $icon ) { case 'info': $icon = 'otgs-ico-info'; break; case 'question': $icon = 'otgs-ico-help'; break; } extract( $args, EXTR_OVERWRITE ); ?>

post_type; if ( $post->post_status == 'auto-draft' || $post->post_type == 'revision' ) { return; } global $sitepress; $iclTranslationManagement = wpml_load_core_tm(); if ( $sitepress->is_translated_post_type( $post_type ) ) { $iclTranslationManagement->make_duplicates_all( $master_post_id ); } } /** * Build duplicated posts from a master post only in case of the duplicate not being present at the time. * * @param string $master_post_id The ID of the post to duplicate from. Master post doesn't need to be in the default language. * * @uses SitePress * @since unknown * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_make_post_duplicates' action instead */ function icl_makes_duplicates_public( $master_post_id ) { wpml_make_post_duplicates_action( $master_post_id ); } /** * Build duplicated posts from a master post only in case of the duplicate not being present at the time. * * @param int $master_post_id The ID of the post to duplicate from. * Master post doesn't need to be in the default language. * * @uses SitePress * @since 3.2 * @use \SitePress::api_hooks * @deprecated This function will be removed in future releases. */ function wpml_make_post_duplicates_action( $master_post_id ) { global $sitepress; $master_post = get_post( $master_post_id ); if ( 'auto-draft' === $master_post->post_status || 'revision' === $master_post->post_type ) { return; } $active_langs = $sitepress->get_active_languages(); foreach ( $active_langs as $lang_to => $one ) { $trid = $sitepress->get_element_trid( $master_post->ID, 'post_' . $master_post->post_type ); $lang_from = $sitepress->get_source_language_by_trid( $trid ); if ( $lang_from == $lang_to ) { continue; } $sitepress->make_duplicate( $master_post_id, $lang_to ); } } /** * Wrapper function for deprecated like_escape() and recommended wpdb::esc_like() * @global wpdb $wpdb * * @param string $text * * @return string */ function wpml_like_escape( $text ) { global $wpdb; if ( method_exists( $wpdb, 'esc_like' ) ) { return $wpdb->esc_like( $text ); } /** @noinspection PhpDeprecationInspection */ return like_escape( $text ); } function icl_do_not_promote() { return defined( 'ICL_DONT_PROMOTE' ) && ICL_DONT_PROMOTE; } /** * @param $time * * @return string */ function icl_convert_to_user_time( $time ) { //offset between server time and user time in seconds $time_offset = get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600; $local_time = __( 'Last Update Time could not be determined', 'sitepress' ); try { //unix time stamp in server time $creation_time = strtotime( $time ); //creating dates before 2014 are impossible if ( $creation_time !== false ) { $local_time = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $creation_time + $time_offset ); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { //Ignoring the exception, as we already set the default value in $local_time } return $local_time; } /** * Check if given language is activated * @global sitepress $sitepress * * @param string $language 2 letters language code * * @return boolean * @since unknown * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_language_is_active' filter instead */ function icl_is_language_active( $language ) { global $sitepress; $active_languages = $sitepress->get_active_languages(); return isset( $active_languages[ $language ] ); } /** * Checks if given language is enabled * @global sitepress $sitepress * * @param mixed $empty_value This is normally the value the filter will be modifying. * We are not filtering anything here therefore the NULL value * This for the filter function to actually receive the full argument list: * apply_filters('wpml_language_is_active', '', $language_code); * @param string $language_code The language code to check Accepts a 2-letter language code * * @return boolean * @since 3.2 * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_language_is_active_filter( $empty_value, $language_code ) { global $sitepress; return $sitepress->is_active_language( $language_code ); } /** * @param string $url url either with or without schema * Removes the subdirectory in which WordPress is installed from a url. * If WordPress is not installed in a subdirectory, then the input is returned unaltered. * * @return string the url input without the blog's subdirectory. Potentially existing schemata on the input are kept intact. */ function wpml_strip_subdir_from_url( $url ) { /** @var WPML_URL_Converter $wpml_url_converter */ global $wpml_url_converter; $subdir = wpml_parse_url( $wpml_url_converter->get_abs_home(), PHP_URL_PATH ); $subdir_slugs = array_values( array_filter( explode( '/', $subdir ) ) ); $url_path_expl = explode( '/', preg_replace( '#^(http|https)://#', '', $url ) ); array_shift( $url_path_expl ); $url_slugs = array_values( array_filter( $url_path_expl ) ); $url_slugs_before = $url_slugs; $url_slugs = array_diff_assoc( $url_slugs, $subdir_slugs ); $url = str_replace( '/' . join( '/', $url_slugs_before ), '/' . join( '/', $url_slugs ), $url ); return untrailingslashit( $url ); } /** * Changes array of items into string of items, separated by comma and sql-escaped * @see * @global wpdb $wpdb * * @param mixed|array $items item(s) to be joined into string * @param string $format %s or %d * * @return string Items separated by comma and sql-escaped */ function wpml_prepare_in( $items, $format = '%s' ) { global $wpdb; $items = (array) $items; $how_many = count( $items ); if ( $how_many > 0 ) { $placeholders = array_fill( 0, $how_many, $format ); $prepared_format = implode( ",", $placeholders ); $prepared_in = $wpdb->prepare( $prepared_format, $items ); } else { $prepared_in = ""; } return $prepared_in; } function is_not_installing_plugins() { $checked = isset( $_REQUEST[ 'checked' ] ) ? (array) $_REQUEST[ 'checked' ] : array(); if ( ! isset( $_REQUEST[ 'action' ] ) ) { return true; } elseif ( $_REQUEST[ 'action' ] != 'activate' && $_REQUEST[ 'action' ] != 'activate-selected' ) { return true; } elseif ( ( ! isset( $_REQUEST[ 'plugin' ] ) || $_REQUEST[ 'plugin' ] != WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/' . basename( __FILE__ ) ) && ! in_array( WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/' . basename( __FILE__ ), $checked ) ) { return true; } elseif ( in_array( WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/' . basename( __FILE__ ), $checked ) && ! isset( $sitepress ) ) { return true; } return false; } function wpml_mb_strtolower( $string ) { if ( function_exists( 'mb_strtolower' ) ) { return mb_strtolower( $string ); } return strtolower( $string ); } function wpml_mb_strpos( $haystack, $needle, $offset = 0 ) { if ( function_exists( 'mb_strpos' ) ) { return mb_strpos( $haystack, $needle, $offset ); } return strpos( $haystack, $needle, $offset ); } function wpml_set_plugin_as_inactive() { global $icl_plugin_inactive; if ( ! defined( 'ICL_PLUGIN_INACTIVE' ) ) { define( 'ICL_PLUGIN_INACTIVE', true ); } $icl_plugin_inactive = true; } function wpml_version_is( $version_to_check, $comparison = '==' ) { return version_compare( ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION, $version_to_check, $comparison ) && function_exists( 'wpml_site_uses_icl' ); } /** * Interrupts the plugin activation process if the WPML Core Plugin could not be activated */ function icl_suppress_activation() { $active_plugins = get_option( 'active_plugins' ); $icl_sitepress_idx = array_search( WPML_PLUGIN_BASENAME, $active_plugins ); if ( false !== $icl_sitepress_idx ) { unset( $active_plugins[ $icl_sitepress_idx ] ); update_option( 'active_plugins', $active_plugins ); unset( $_GET[ 'activate' ] ); $recently_activated = get_option( 'recently_activated' ); if ( ! isset( $recently_activated[ WPML_PLUGIN_BASENAME ] ) ) { $recently_activated[ WPML_PLUGIN_BASENAME ] = time(); update_option( 'recently_activated', $recently_activated ); } } } /** * @param SitePress $sitepress */ function activate_installer( $sitepress = null ) { // installer hook - start include_once WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/vendor/otgs/installer/loader.php'; //produces global variable $wp_installer_instance $args = array( 'plugins_install_tab' => 1, ); if ( $sitepress ) { $args[ 'site_key_nags' ] = array( array( 'repository_id' => 'wpml', 'product_name' => 'WPML', 'condition_cb' => array( $sitepress, 'setup' ) ) ); } /** @var WP_Installer $wp_installer_instance */ WP_Installer_Setup( $wp_installer_instance, $args ); // installer hook - end } function wpml_missing_filter_input_notice() { ?>

PHP Data Filtering extension.

PHP Manual Function Reference Variable and Type Related Extensions Filter Installing/Configuring)

get_var ( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT collation_name FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '%s' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'post_type' AND table_schema = (SELECT DATABASE()) LIMIT 1", $wpdb->posts ) ); // translations $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translations'; $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "ALTER TABLE `$table_name` CHANGE `element_type` `element_type` VARCHAR( 36 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'post_post' COLLATE %s", $correct_collate ); if ( $wpdb->query ( $sql ) === false ) { throw new Exception( $wpdb->last_error ); } } /** * Wrapper for `parse_url` using `wp_parse_url` * * @param $url * @param int $component * * @return array|string|int|null */ function wpml_parse_url( $url, $component = -1 ) { $ret = null; $component_map = array( PHP_URL_SCHEME => 'scheme', PHP_URL_HOST => 'host', PHP_URL_PORT => 'port', PHP_URL_USER => 'user', PHP_URL_PASS => 'pass', PHP_URL_PATH => 'path', PHP_URL_QUERY => 'query', PHP_URL_FRAGMENT => 'fragment', ); if ( $component === -1 ) { $ret = wp_parse_url( $url ); } else if ( isset( $component_map[ $component ] ) ) { $key = $component_map[ $component ]; $parsed = wp_parse_url( $url ); $ret = isset( $parsed[ $key ] ) ? $parsed[ $key ] : null; } return $ret; } // Add wp_parse_url function for versions of WP before 4.4 if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_parse_url' ) ) { function wp_parse_url( $url ) { $parts = @parse_url( $url ); if ( ! $parts ) { // < PHP 5.4.7 compat, trouble with relative paths including a scheme break in the path if ( '/' == $url[0] && false !== strpos( $url, '://' ) ) { // Since we know it's a relative path, prefix with a scheme/host placeholder and try again if ( ! $parts = @parse_url( 'placeholder://placeholder' . $url ) ) { return $parts; } // Remove the placeholder values unset( $parts['scheme'], $parts['host'] ); } else { return $parts; } } // < PHP 5.4.7 compat, doesn't detect schemeless URL's host field if ( '//' == substr( $url, 0, 2 ) && ! isset( $parts['host'] ) ) { $path_parts = explode( '/', substr( $parts['path'], 2 ), 2 ); $parts['host'] = $path_parts[0]; if ( isset( $path_parts[1] ) ) { $parts['path'] = '/' . $path_parts[1]; } else { unset( $parts['path'] ); } } return $parts; } } /** * Wrapper function to prevent ampersand to be encoded (depending on some PHP versions) * @link * * @param array|object $query_data * * @return string */ function wpml_http_build_query( $query_data ) { return http_build_query( $query_data, '', '&' ); } /** * @param array $array * @param int $sort_flags * * @uses \wpml_array_unique_fallback * * @return array */ function wpml_array_unique( $array, $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR ) { if ( version_compare( phpversion(), '5.2.9', '>=' ) ) { return array_unique( $array, $sort_flags ); } return wpml_array_unique_fallback( $array, true ); } /** * @param $array * @param $keep_key_assoc * * @see \wpml_array_unique * * @return array */ function wpml_array_unique_fallback( $array, $keep_key_assoc ) { $duplicate_keys = array(); $tmp = array(); foreach ( $array as $key => $val ) { // convert objects to arrays, in_array() does not support objects if ( is_object( $val ) ) { $val = (array) $val; } if ( ! in_array( $val, $tmp ) ) { $tmp[] = $val; } else { $duplicate_keys[] = $key; } } foreach ( $duplicate_keys as $key ) { unset( $array[ $key ] ); } return $keep_key_assoc ? $array : array_values( $array ); }