wpdb =& $wpdb; $this->sitepress =& $sitepress; $this->locale =& $locale; $this->locale_cache = null; } public function init() { if ( $this->language_needs_title_sanitization() ) { add_filter( 'sanitize_title', array( $this, 'filter_sanitize_title' ), 10, 2 ); } } /** * @see \Test_Admin_Settings::test_locale * @fixme * Due to the way these tests work (global state issues) I had to create this method * to ensure we have full coverage of the code. * This method shouldn't be used anywhere else and should be removed once tests are migrated * to the new tests framework. */ public function reset_cached_data() { $this->locale_cache = null; $this->theme_locales_loaded = false; } /** * Hooked to 'sanitize_title' in case the user is using a language that has either German or Danish locale, to * ensure that WP Core sanitization functions handle special chars accordingly. * * @param string $title * @param string $raw_title * * @return string */ public function filter_sanitize_title( $title, $raw_title ) { if ( $title !== $raw_title ) { remove_filter( 'sanitize_title', array( $this, 'filter_sanitize_title' ), 10 ); $chars = array(); $chars[ chr( 195 ) . chr( 132 ) ] = 'Ae'; $chars[ chr( 195 ) . chr( 133 ) ] = 'Aa'; $chars[ chr( 195 ) . chr( 134 ) ] = 'Ae'; $chars[ chr( 195 ) . chr( 150 ) ] = 'Oe'; $chars[ chr( 195 ) . chr( 152 ) ] = 'Oe'; $chars[ chr( 195 ) . chr( 156 ) ] = 'Ue'; $chars[ chr( 195 ) . chr( 159 ) ] = 'ss'; $chars[ chr( 195 ) . chr( 164 ) ] = 'ae'; $chars[ chr( 195 ) . chr( 165 ) ] = 'aa'; $chars[ chr( 195 ) . chr( 166 ) ] = 'ae'; $chars[ chr( 195 ) . chr( 182 ) ] = 'oe'; $chars[ chr( 195 ) . chr( 184 ) ] = 'oe'; $chars[ chr( 195 ) . chr( 188 ) ] = 'ue'; $title = sanitize_title( strtr( $raw_title, $chars ) ); add_filter( 'sanitize_title', array( $this, 'filter_sanitize_title' ), 10, 2 ); } return $title; } /** * @return bool|mixed */ public function locale() { if ( ! $this->locale_cache ) { add_filter( 'language_attributes', array( $this, '_language_attributes' ) ); $wp_api = $this->sitepress->get_wp_api(); $is_ajax = $wp_api->is_ajax(); if ( $is_ajax && isset( $_REQUEST['action'], $_REQUEST['lang'] ) ) { $locale_lang_code = $_REQUEST['lang']; } elseif ( $wp_api->is_admin() && ( ! $is_ajax || $this->sitepress->check_if_admin_action_from_referer() ) ) { $locale_lang_code = $this->sitepress->user_lang_by_authcookie(); } else { $locale_lang_code = $this->sitepress->get_current_language(); } $locale = $this->get_locale( $locale_lang_code ); // theme localization remove_filter( 'locale', array( $this->sitepress, 'locale_filter' ) ); //avoid infinite loop $theme_folder_settings = $this->sitepress->get_setting( 'theme_language_folders' ); if ( ! $this->theme_locales_loaded && $theme_folder_settings && is_array( $theme_folder_settings ) && (bool) $this->sitepress->get_setting( 'theme_localization_load_textdomain' ) === true && (bool) $this->sitepress->get_setting( 'gettext_theme_domain_name' ) === true ) { /** @var array $theme_folder_settings */ foreach ( $theme_folder_settings as $folder ) { $wp_api->load_textdomain( $this->sitepress->get_setting( 'gettext_theme_domain_name' ), $folder . '/' . $locale . '.mo' ); } $this->theme_locales_loaded = true; } add_filter( 'locale', array( $this->sitepress, 'locale_filter' ) ); $this->locale_cache = $locale; } return $this->locale_cache; } public function get_locale( $code ) { if ( ! $code ) { return false; } $found = false; $cache_key = 'get_locale' . $code; $cache = new WPML_WP_Cache( '' ); $locale = $cache->get( $cache_key, $found ); if ( $found ) { return $locale; } $all_locales_data = $this->wpdb->get_results( "SELECT code, locale FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_locale_map" ); /** @var array $all_locales_data */ foreach ( $all_locales_data as $locales_data ) { $all_locales[ $locales_data->code ] = $locales_data->locale; } $locale = isset( $all_locales[ $code ] ) ? $all_locales[ $code ] : false; if ( false === $locale ) { $this_locale_data_query = "SELECT code, default_locale FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages WHERE code = %s"; $this_locale_data_prepare = $this->wpdb->prepare( $this_locale_data_query, $code ); $this_locale_data = $this->wpdb->get_row( $this_locale_data_prepare ); if ( $this_locale_data ) { $locale = $this_locale_data->default_locale; } } $cache->set( $cache_key, $locale ); return $locale; } public function switch_locale( $lang_code = false ) { global $l10n; static $original_l10n; if ( ! empty( $lang_code ) ) { $original_l10n = isset( $l10n['sitepress'] ) ? $l10n['sitepress'] : null; if ( $original_l10n !== null ) { unset( $l10n['sitepress'] ); } load_textdomain( 'sitepress', WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/locale/sitepress-' . $this->get_locale( $lang_code ) . '.mo' ); } else { // switch back $l10n['sitepress'] = $original_l10n; } } public function get_locale_file_names() { $locales = array(); $res = $this->wpdb->get_results( " SELECT lm.code, locale FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_locale_map lm JOIN {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_languages l ON lm.code = l.code AND l.active=1" ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $locales[ $row->code ] = $row->locale; } return $locales; } private function language_needs_title_sanitization() { $lang_needs_filter = array( 'de_DE', 'da_DK' ); $current_lang = $this->sitepress->get_language_details( $this->sitepress->get_current_language() ); $needs_filter = false; if ( in_array( $current_lang['default_locale'], $lang_needs_filter ) ) { $needs_filter = true; } return $needs_filter; } function _language_attributes( $latr ) { return preg_replace( '#lang="([a-z]+)"#i', 'lang="' . str_replace( '_', '-', $this->locale ) . '"', $latr ); } }