get_settings( 'urls' ) */ private $urls_settings; /** @var string|bool */ private $root_url; /** @var array map of wpml codes to custom codes*/ private $language_codes_map; private $language_codes_reverse_map; /** * @param string $dir_default * @param string $default_language * @param array $active_languages * @param array $urls_settings */ public function __construct( $dir_default, $default_language, $active_languages, $urls_settings ) { parent::__construct( $default_language, $active_languages ); $this->dir_default = $dir_default; $this->urls_settings = $urls_settings; $this->language_codes_map = array_combine( $active_languages, $active_languages ); $this->language_codes_map = apply_filters( 'wpml_language_codes_map', $this->language_codes_map ); $this->language_codes_reverse_map = array_flip( $this->language_codes_map ); } public function get_lang_from_url_string( $url ) { $url = wpml_strip_subdir_from_url( $url ); if ( strpos( $url, 'http://' ) === 0 || strpos( $url, 'https://' ) === 0 ) { $url_path = wpml_parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_PATH ); } else { $pathparts = array_filter( explode( '/', $url ) ); if ( count( $pathparts ) > 1 ) { unset( $pathparts[0] ); $url_path = implode( '/', $pathparts ); } else { $url_path = $url; } } $fragments = array_filter( (array) explode( '/', $url_path ) ); $lang = array_shift( $fragments ); $lang_get_parts = explode( '?', $lang ); $lang = $lang_get_parts[0]; $lang = isset( $this->language_codes_reverse_map[ $lang ] ) ? $this->language_codes_reverse_map[ $lang ] : $lang; if ( $lang && in_array( $lang, $this->active_languages, true ) ) { return $lang; } return $this->dir_default ? null : $this->default_language; } public function validate_language( $language, $url ) { if ( ! ( null === $language && $this->dir_default && ! $this->get_url_helper()->is_url_admin( $url ) ) ) { $language = parent::validate_language( $language, $url ); } return $language; } public function convert_url_string( $source_url, $code ) { if ( ! $this->is_root_url( $source_url ) ) { $source_url = $this->filter_source_url( $source_url ); $absolute_home_url = trailingslashit( preg_replace( '#^(http|https)://#', '', $this->get_url_helper()->get_abs_home() ) ); $absolute_home_url = strpos( $source_url, $absolute_home_url ) === false ? trailingslashit( get_option( 'home' ) ) : $absolute_home_url; $code = ! $this->dir_default && $code === $this->default_language ? '' : $code; $current_language = $this->get_lang_from_url_string( $source_url ); $current_language = ! $this->dir_default && $current_language === $this->default_language ? '' : $current_language; $code = isset( $this->language_codes_map[ $code ] ) ? $this->language_codes_map[ $code ] : $code; $current_language = isset( $this->language_codes_map[ $current_language ] ) ? $this->language_codes_map[ $current_language ] : $current_language; $redirector = new WPML_WPSEO_Redirection(); if ( ! $redirector->is_redirection() ) { $source_url = str_replace( array( trailingslashit( $absolute_home_url . $current_language ), '/' . $code . '//', ), array( $code ? ( $absolute_home_url . $code . '/' ) : trailingslashit( $absolute_home_url ), '/' . $code . '/', ), $source_url ); } } return $this->slash_helper->maybe_user_trailingslashit( $source_url, 'trailingslashit' ); } public function convert_admin_url_string( $source_url, $lang ) { return $source_url; // Admin strings should not be converted with language in directories } /** * @param string $url * @param string $language * * @return string */ public function get_home_url_relative( $url, $language ) { $language = ! $this->dir_default && $language === $this->default_language ? '' : $language; $language = isset( $this->language_codes_map[ $language ] ) ? $this->language_codes_map[ $language ] : $language; if ( $language ) { $parts = parse_url( get_option( 'home' ) ); $path = isset( $parts['path'] ) ? $parts['path'] : ''; $url = preg_replace( '@^' . $path . '@', '', $url ); return rtrim( $path, '/' ) . '/' . $language . $url; } else { return $url; } } /** * Will return true if root URL or child of root URL * * @param string $url * * @return bool */ private function is_root_url( $url ) { $result = false; if ( isset( $this->urls_settings['root_page'], $this->urls_settings['show_on_root'] ) && 'page' === $this->urls_settings['show_on_root'] && ! empty( $this->urls_settings['directory_for_default_language'] ) ) { $root_url = $this->get_root_url(); if ( $root_url ) { $result = strpos( trailingslashit( $url ), $root_url ) === 0; } } return $result; } /** * @return string|bool */ private function get_root_url() { if ( null === $this->root_url ) { $root_post = get_post( $this->urls_settings['root_page'] ); if ( $root_post ) { $this->root_url = trailingslashit( $this->get_url_helper()->get_abs_home() ) . $root_post->post_name; $this->root_url = trailingslashit( $this->root_url ); } else { $this->root_url = false; } } return $this->root_url; } /** * @param string $source_url * * @return string */ private function filter_source_url( $source_url ) { if ( false === strpos( $source_url, '?' ) ) { $source_url = trailingslashit( $source_url ); } elseif ( false !== strpos( $source_url, '?' ) && false === strpos( $source_url, '/?' ) ) { $source_url = str_replace( '?', '/?', $source_url ); } return $source_url; } }