# Fixes * [wpmlcore-5893] Fix an error in BuddyPress when applying WP filter `page_link` * [wpmlcore-5887] Fix the flag fo both traditional and simplified Chinese * [wpmlcore-5884] Fixed fatal error when accessing Translation Feedback having the Translation Management disabled * [wpmlcore-5883] Fix ajax call to get the current admin url in case the user change it * [wpmlcore-5876] Fix icons in "How to Translate" links * [wpmlcore-5875] Fixed issue when getting posts inside of an ajax call and modifying the "term" clause * [wpmlcore-5863] Fixed "How to translate" link in order to redirect user to documentation when user doesn't allow WPML to share compatibility information from the local site with OTGS servers * [wpmlcore-5832] Updated flag for Arabic language * [wpmlcore-5829] Fixed issue when getting the host from the HTTP_HOST global for filtering the site_url * [wpmlcore-5827] Fixed an issue which prevented updating the translation status when a Toolset Layout was modified * [wpmlcore-5820] Fix catchable fatal error when term_id is different from term_taxonomy_id, and taxonomy is displayed as translated * [wpmlcore-5793] Fix an issue which prevent Elementor to open in secondary language * [wpmlcore-5780] Fixed issue when converting URL which contains a port number * [wpmlcore-5291] Fixed an issue with the dollar sign in the page builder translation. * [wpmlcore-5285] Removed the notice to activate the translation feedback for sites uprgrading from WPML < 3.8.0 * [wpmlcore-326] Fixed the missing custom types in the inactive contents * [wpmlcore-3148] Fix locale code for Ukrainian and Nepali Languages * [wpmlcore-2393] Fixed same-name taxonomy term is not displayed in term translation