# Features * [wpmlcore-2157] Added `wpml_admin_language_switcher_active_languages` filter to change the active languages used by the admin language switcher * [wpmlcore-2157] Added `wpml_admin_language_switcher_items` filter to change the languages shown in the admin language switcher # Fixes * [wpmlst-432] Clear the current string language cache when switching languages via 'wpml_switch_language' action * [wpmlcore-2046] Security tightening for an issue reported by Julio Potier from SecuPress * [wpmlcore-2040] Fixed typos in some gettext domains * [wpmlcore-2035] Shop page in default language wasn't showing products in some cases * [wpmlcore-2034] Resolved performance issues caused by the _icl_cache object * [wpmlcore-2033] Posts are now visible in the default language, even if the blog display page is not translated in all languages * [wpmlcore-2032] Trashed pages and posts are ignored by the language switcher * [wpmlcore-2030] The copy from original post content functionality is now copying paragraphs and all formatting * [wpmlcore-1543] Resolved performance issues caused by the _icl_cache object