# Copyright (C) 2017 mailchimp-for-wp # This file is distributed under the same license as the mailchimp-for-wp package. # Translators: # Arlei Santos , 2016 # Augusto Simão , 2016 # Douglas de Araujo , 2015 # Evandro Liberato , 2017 # Fabricio Corrêa , 2016 # Fabricio Corrêa , 2016 # Felipe Porto , 2015 # Leandro de Santi , 2014-2015 # Liane Bez , 2016 # Lucas Vilaboim de Figueiredo , 2015 # Luiz Sobral , 2015 # Mariana Viana , 2016 # Ronne Clay Santos , 2015 # Sergio Nauffal , 2016 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: MailChimp for WordPress\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-20 15:47+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Jordache Burmeister\n" "Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (http://www.transifex.com/ibericode/mailchimp-for-wordpress/language/pt_BR/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: pt_BR\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_ex:1,2c;_n:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_nx:1,2,4c;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;_x:1,2c;esc_attr__;esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" #: includes/admin/class-admin-texts.php62, #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:6 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Configurações" #: includes/admin/class-admin-texts.php:80 msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Documentação" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:204 msgid "" "Success! The cached configuration for your MailChimp lists has been renewed." msgstr "Sucesso! O cache de configuração para suas listas MailChimp foi atualizado." #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:304 msgid "" "This is a pro-only feature. Please upgrade to the premium version to be able" " to use it." msgstr "Este plugin tem uma versão premium ainda melhor, você vai adorar." #: includes/admin/class-admin.php305, #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php10, #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:43 msgid "Renew MailChimp lists" msgstr "Renovar listas MailChimp" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:306 msgid "Fetching MailChimp lists" msgstr "Procurando listas no MailChimp" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:307 msgid "Done! MailChimp lists renewed." msgstr "Pronto! Listas MailChimp renovadas." #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:308 msgid "This can take a while if you have many MailChimp lists." msgstr "Isto pode levar um tempo se você tem muitas listas MailChimp." #: includes/admin/class-admin.php336, includes/views/general-settings.php:31 msgid "MailChimp API Settings" msgstr "Configurações de API MailChimp" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:337 msgid "MailChimp" msgstr "MailChimp" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php343, includes/views/other-settings.php60, #: includes/views/other-settings.php:70 msgid "Other Settings" msgstr "Outras Configurações" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:344 msgid "Other" msgstr "Outros" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:458 msgid "Log successfully emptied." msgstr "Log esvaziado com sucesso." #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:488 msgid "" "To get started with MailChimp for WordPress, please enter " "your MailChimp API key on the settings page of the plugin." msgstr "Para começar a utilizar o MailChimp para WordPress, por favor entre com a sua API Key na página de configuração deste plugin." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:39 msgid "" "Want to customize the style of your form? Try our Styles " "Builder & edit the look of your forms with just a few clicks." msgstr "Quer customizar o estilo do seu formulário? Use o nosso Styles Builder e edite o visual dos seus formulários com apenas alguns cliques." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:54 msgid "" "Be notified whenever someone subscribes? MailChimp for " "WordPress Premium allows you to set up email notifications for your " "forms." msgstr "Seja notificado quando alguém se inscrever! MailChimp para WordPress Premium permite configurar notificações por email para seus formulários." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:56 msgid "" "Increased conversions? MailChimp for WordPress Premium " "submits forms without reloading the entire page, resulting in a much better " "experience for your visitors." msgstr "Aumentar conversões? MailChimp para WordPress Premium envia os formulários sem recarregar a página, resultando numa melhor experiência para o usuário." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:70 msgid "Upgrade to Premium" msgstr "Faça o upgrade para a versão Premium" #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:83 msgid "" "Do you want translated forms for all of your languages? Try " "MailChimp for WordPress Premium, which does just that plus more." msgstr "Você quer formulários traduzidos para o seu idioma? Tente MailChimp para WordPress Premium, que faz exatamente isso." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:88 msgid "" "Do you want to create more than one form? Our Premium add-on does just that!" " Have a look at all Premium benefits." msgstr "Você quer criar mais de um formulário? Nossa versão Premium faz isso! Conheça todos os benefícios da versão Premium." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:93 msgid "" "Are you enjoying this plugin? The Premium add-on unlocks several powerful " "features. Find out about all benefits now." msgstr "Você está gostando deste plugin? A versão Premium habilita várias funções poderosas. Conheça todos os benefícios agora mesmo!." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:112 msgid "More subscribers, better newsletters." msgstr "Mais inscritos, melhores newsletters." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:113 msgid "" "Learn how to best grow your lists & write better emails by subscribing to " "our monthly tips." msgstr "Aprenda a melhor forma de aumentar suas listas e escrever melhor seus e-mails, assinando nossas dicas mensais." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:116 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Email" #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:120 msgid "First Name" msgstr "Primeiro Nome" #: includes/admin/class-ads.php127, includes/forms/class-admin.php:94 msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "Inscrever" #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:150 msgid "" "Do you want to track all WooCommerce orders in MailChimp so you can send " "emails based on the purchase activity of your subscribers?" msgstr "Você quer rastrear todos os pedidos do WooCommerce no MailChimp para que possa enviá-los emails com base nas compras dos seus assinantes?" #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:153 msgid "" "Upgrade to MailChimp for WordPress Premium or read more about MailChimp's E-Commerce features." msgstr "Faça o upgrade para o MailChimp para WordPress Premium ou leia mais sobre as funcionalidade do MailChimp’s E-Commerce." #: includes/admin/class-review-notice.php:68 msgid "" "You've been using MailChimp for WordPress for some time now; we hope you " "love it!" msgstr "Você está usando MailChimp para WordPress há algum tempo. Esperamos que esteja gostando!" #: includes/admin/class-review-notice.php:69 msgid "" "If you do, please leave us a 5★ rating on WordPress.org. " "It would be of great help to us." msgstr "Se você estiver, por favor dê-nos uma avaliação de 5★ no WordPress.org. Isso nos ajuda muito." #: includes/admin/class-review-notice.php:71 msgid "Dismiss this notice." msgstr "Dispensar esta mensagem." #: includes/api/class-api.php:84 msgid "Read more about common connectivity issues." msgstr "Leia mais sobre problemas mais comuns de conectividade." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:62 msgid "Add to form" msgstr "Adicionar ao formulário" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:63 msgid "City" msgstr "Cidade" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:64 msgid "Checkboxes" msgstr "Checkboxes" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:65 msgid "Choices" msgstr "Escolhas" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:66 msgid "Choice type" msgstr "Tipo de escolha" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:67 msgid "Choose a field to add to the form" msgstr "Escolha um campo para adicionar ao formulário" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:68 msgid "Close" msgstr "Fechar" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:69 msgid "Country" msgstr "País" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:70 msgid "Dropdown" msgstr "Dropdown" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:71 msgid "Field type" msgstr "Tipo de campo" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:72 msgid "Field label" msgstr "Rótulo do campo" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:73 msgid "Form action" msgstr "Ação do formulário" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:74 msgid "" "This field will allow your visitors to choose whether they would like to " "subscribe or unsubscribe" msgstr "Este campo permite seus visitantes escolher se eles querem se inscrever ou se descadastrar" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:75 msgid "Form fields" msgstr "Campos do formulário" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:76 msgid "This field is marked as required in MailChimp." msgstr "Este campo está marcado como obrigatório no MailChimp." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:77 msgid "Initial value" msgstr "Valor inicial" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:78 msgid "Interest categories" msgstr "Categorias de interesse" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:79 msgid "Is this field required?" msgstr "Este campo é obrigatório?" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:80 msgid "List choice" msgstr "Lista de escolha" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:81 msgid "This field will allow your visitors to choose a list to subscribe to." msgstr "Este campo permite seus visitantes escolherem uma lista para assinar." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:82 msgid "List fields" msgstr "Campos de lista" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:83 msgid "Min" msgstr "Min" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:84 msgid "Max" msgstr "Máx" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:85 msgid "" "No available fields. Did you select a MailChimp list in the form settings?" msgstr "Campos indisponíveis. Você selecionou uma lista nas configurações do formulário?" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:86 msgid "Optional" msgstr "Opcional" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:87 msgid "Placeholder" msgstr "Placeholder" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:88 msgid "Text to show when field has no value." msgstr "Texto para mostrar quando o campo não tiver um valor." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:89 msgid "Preselect" msgstr "Preselect" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:90 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Remover" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:91 msgid "Radio buttons" msgstr "Radio buttons" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:92 msgid "Street Address" msgstr "Endereço" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:93 msgid "State" msgstr "Estado" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:95 msgid "Submit button" msgstr "Botão enviar" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:96 msgid "Wrap in paragraph tags?" msgstr "Colocar dentro da tag

?" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:97 msgid "Value" msgstr "Valor" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:98 msgid "Text to prefill this field with." msgstr "Texto para preencher o campo." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:99 msgid "ZIP" msgstr "CEP" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php111, includes/forms/class-admin.php112, #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:24 msgid "Forms" msgstr "Formulários" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php152, includes/forms/class-admin.php:276 msgid "Success! Form successfully saved." msgstr "Sucesso! Seu formulário foi salvo." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:276 msgid "Preview form" msgstr "Visualizar formulário" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php449, includes/forms/class-widget.php:30 msgid "MailChimp Sign-Up Form" msgstr "Formulário de inscrição MailChimp" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:453 msgid "Select the form to show" msgstr "Selecionar o formulário para mostrar" #: includes/forms/class-form-previewer.php:146 msgid "Form preview" msgstr "Pré-visualização do formulário" #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:60 msgid "Replaced with the form response (error or success messages)." msgstr "Substituído pela resposta do formulário (mensagens de erro ou de sucesso)." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:65 msgid "Data from the URL or a submitted form." msgstr "Dados da URL ou de um formulário enviado." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:71 msgid "Data from a cookie." msgstr "Dados de um cookie." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php77, #: includes/integrations/class-integration-tags.php:45 msgid "Replaced with the number of subscribers on the selected list(s)" msgstr "Substituido com o número de inscritos na(s) lista(s) selecionada(s)" #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:82 msgid "The email address of the current visitor (if known)." msgstr "O endereço de e-mail do visitante atual (se conhecido)." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:87 msgid "The URL of the page." msgstr "A URL da página." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:92 msgid "The path of the page." msgstr "A URL da página." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:97 msgid "The current date. Example: %s." msgstr "A data atual. Exemplo: %s." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:102 msgid "The current time. Example: %s." msgstr "A hora atual. Exemplo: %s." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:107 msgid "The site's language. Example: %s." msgstr "Idioma do site. Exemplo: %s." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:112 msgid "The visitor's IP address. Example: %s." msgstr "O IP do visitante. Exemplo %s." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:117 msgid "The property of the currently logged-in user." msgstr "A propriedade do usuário conectado no momento." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:123 msgid "Property of the current page or post." msgstr "Propriedade do post ou página atual." #: includes/forms/class-form.php:133 msgid "There is no form with ID %d, perhaps it was deleted?" msgstr "Não existe um formulário com ID %d, talvez ele tenha sido excluído?" #: includes/forms/class-widget.php:26 msgid "Newsletter" msgstr "Newsletter" #: includes/forms/class-widget.php:32 msgid "Displays your MailChimp for WordPress sign-up form" msgstr "Exibe um dos seus formulários MailChimp para WordPress" #: includes/forms/class-widget.php:75 msgid "Title:" msgstr "Título:" #: includes/forms/class-widget.php:92 msgid "" "You can edit your sign-up form in the MailChimp for WordPress" " form settings." msgstr "Você pode editar o seu formulário de inscrição em \"Configurações de formulário do MailChimp para WordPress\"." #: includes/integrations/class-admin.php79, #: includes/integrations/class-admin.php80, #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php10, #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php57, #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:65 msgid "Integrations" msgstr "Integrações" #: includes/views/general-settings.php7, includes/views/other-settings.php58, #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php22, #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php8, #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:55 msgid "You are here: " msgstr "Você está aqui " #: includes/views/general-settings.php:18 msgid "General Settings" msgstr "Configurações Gerais" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:38 msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:42 msgid "CONNECTED" msgstr "CONECTADO" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:44 msgid "NOT CONNECTED" msgstr "NÃO CONECTADO" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:51 msgid "API Key" msgstr "Chave API" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:53 msgid "Your MailChimp API key" msgstr "Sua chave API MailChimp" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:55 msgid "The API key for connecting with your MailChimp account." msgstr "Digite sua Chave API para conectar com a sua conta no MailChimp." #: includes/views/general-settings.php:56 msgid "Get your API key here." msgstr "Pegue sua chave aqui." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:14 msgid "Miscellaneous settings" msgstr "Outras configurações" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:17 msgid "Usage Tracking" msgstr "Monitoramento de Uso" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:29 msgid "" "Allow us to anonymously track how this plugin is used to help us make it " "better fit your needs." msgstr "Nos permita rastrear anonimamente como este plugin é usado para nos ajudar a torná-lo melhor e atender às suas necessidades." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:31 msgid "This is what we track." msgstr "Isto é o que nós monitoramos." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:37 msgid "Logging" msgstr "Logging" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:44 msgid "" "Determines what events should be written to the debug log" " (see below)." msgstr "Determina quais eventos devem ser escritos no debug log (veja abaixo)." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:99 msgid "Debug Log" msgstr "Debug Log" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:99 msgid "Filter.." msgstr "Filtrar.." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:104 msgid "Log file is not writable." msgstr "Arquivo de log sem permissão para escrita." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:105 msgid "Please ensure %s has the proper file permissions." msgstr "Por favor, esteja certo de que %s possui a permissão de arquivo adequada." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:123 msgid "Nothing here. Which means there are no errors!" msgstr "Nada aqui. Ou seja, não há erros!" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:133 msgid "Empty Log" msgstr "Log vazio" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:141 msgid "Right now, the plugin is configured to only log errors and warnings." msgstr "Por enquanto o plugin está configurado para escrever apenas logs de erros e avisos." #: includes/admin/migrations/3.0.0-form-1-post-type.php:35 msgid "Default sign-up form" msgstr "Formulário de inscrição padrão" #: includes/forms/views/add-form.php10, includes/forms/views/add-form.php:60 msgid "Add new form" msgstr "Adicionar novo formulário" #: includes/forms/views/add-form.php:27 msgid "What is the name of this form?" msgstr "Qual o nome do formulário?" #: includes/forms/views/add-form.php:30 msgid "Enter your form title.." msgstr "Digite o título do formulário.." #: includes/forms/views/add-form.php:37 msgid "To which MailChimp lists should this form subscribe?" msgstr "Para quais listas do Mailchimp este formulário deve subscrever?" #: includes/forms/views/add-form.php:54 msgid "No lists found. Did you connect with MailChimp?" msgstr "Nenhuma lista encontrada. Você quer conectar com o MailChimp ?" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:4 msgid "Fields" msgstr "Campos" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:5 msgid "Messages" msgstr "Mensagens" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:7 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Aparência" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:25 msgid "Form" msgstr "Formulário" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:34 msgid "Edit Form" msgstr "Editar formulário" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:58 msgid "Enter form title here" msgstr "Digite o título do formulário aqui" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:59 msgid "Enter the title of your sign-up form" msgstr "Insira um título para seu formulário de inscrição" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:65 msgid "Shortcode" msgstr "Shortcode" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:67 msgid "Get shortcode" msgstr "Obter shortcode" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:72 msgid "Preview this form" msgstr "Visualize o formulário" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:20 msgid "%s integration" msgstr "%s integration" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:27 msgid "" "The selected MailChimp lists require non-default fields, which may prevent " "this integration from working." msgstr "A lista do MailChimp selecionada requer campos que estão fora do padrão, o que pode evitar que esta integração funcione." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:28 msgid "" "Please ensure you configure the plugin to send all required " "fields or log into your MailChimp account and make " "sure only the email & name fields are marked as required fields for the " "selected list(s)." msgstr "Certifique se você configurou o plugin para enviar todos os campos obrigatórios ou acesse a sua conta MailChimp e verifique se apenas os campos de e-mail e nome estão marcados como campos obrigatórios para a seleção de lista(s)." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:62 msgid "Enabled?" msgstr "Ativado?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:66 msgid "" "Enable the %s integration? This will add a sign-up checkbox to the form." msgstr "Habilitar integração com %s? Isto irá adicionar uma caixa de seleção de inscrição no formulário." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:76 msgid "Implicit?" msgstr "Implícito?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:80 msgid "" "Select \"no\" if you want to ask your visitors before they are subscribed " "(recommended)." msgstr "Escolha \"não\" se você quiser perguntar a seus visitantes antes de serem inscritos (recomendado)." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:90 msgid "MailChimp Lists" msgstr "Listas MailChimp" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:103 msgid "" "Select the list(s) to which people who check the checkbox should be " "subscribed." msgstr "Selecione a(s) lista(s) que as pessoas que marcaram o checkbox serão inscritas." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php107, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:18 msgid "No lists found, are you connected to MailChimp?" msgstr "Nenhuma lista encontrada, você está conectado no MailChimp ?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:116 msgid "Checkbox label text" msgstr "Texto de rótulo do checkbox" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:119 msgid "HTML tags like %s are allowed in the label text." msgstr "Tags HTML como %s são permitidas no texto da etiqueta." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:129 msgid "Pre-check the checkbox?" msgstr "Checkbox pré-selecionado?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:133 msgid "Select \"yes\" if the checkbox should be pre-checked." msgstr "Selecione \"Sim\" caso a caixa de seleção deva ser pré-marcada." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:141 msgid "Load some default CSS?" msgstr "Carregar CSS padrão?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:145 msgid "Select \"yes\" if the checkbox appears in a weird place." msgstr "Selecione \"sim\" se o checkbox aparece num lugar estranho." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:152 msgid "Double opt-in?" msgstr "Verificação dupla?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:163 msgid "" "Select \"yes\" if you want people to confirm their email address before " "being subscribed (recommended)" msgstr "Selecione \"sim\" se você deseja que as pessoas confirme o email ao se inscreverem (recomendado)" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php171, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:52 msgid "Update existing subscribers?" msgstr "Atualizar os inscritos existentes?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php181, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:62 msgid "" "Select \"yes\" if you want to update existing subscribers with the data that" " is sent." msgstr "Selecione \"Sim\" se você deseja atualizar os assinantes existentes com os dados que foram enviados." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php190, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:68 msgid "Replace interest groups?" msgstr "Substituir grupos de interesse?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php201, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:79 msgid "" "Select \"no\" if you want to add the selected interests to any previously " "selected interests when updating a subscriber." msgstr "Selecione “não” se desejar adicionar os interesses selecionados a qualquer interesse selecionado anteriormente ao atualizar um assinante." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php202, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:80 msgid "What does this do?" msgstr "O que faz isto?" #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:17 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nome" #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:18 msgid "Description" msgstr "Descrição" #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:35 msgid "Configure this integration" msgstr "Configurar esta integração" #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:71 msgid "The table below shows all available integrations." msgstr "A tabela abaixo mostra todas as integrações disponíveis." #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:72 msgid "" "Click on the name of an integration to edit all settings specific to that " "integration." msgstr "Clique no nome de uma integração para editar todas as configurações específicas dessa integração." #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:79 msgid "Enabled integrations" msgstr "Integrações habilitadas" #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:84 msgid "Available integrations" msgstr "Integrações disponíveis" #: includes/views/parts/admin-footer.php:15 msgid "" "MailChimp for WordPress is in need of translations. Is the plugin not " "translated in your language or do you spot errors with the current " "translations? Helping out is easy! Head over to the " "translation project and click \"help translate\"." msgstr "MailChimp para WordPress está precisando de traduções. Se o plugin não é traduzido no seu idioma ou você descobriu erros com as traduções atuais? Ajudar é fácil! Acesse o projeto de tradução e clique em \"ajudar a traduzir\" ." #: includes/views/parts/admin-footer.php:35 msgid "" "This plugin is not developed by or affiliated with MailChimp in any way." msgstr "Este plugin não é desenvolvido ou afiliada com MailChimp de qualquer forma." #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:11 msgid "Looking for help?" msgstr "Procurando ajuda?" #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:12 msgid "We have some resources available to help you in the right direction." msgstr "Temos alguns recursos disponíveis para ajudá-lo na direção certa." #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:14 msgid "Knowledge Base" msgstr "Base de conhecimento" #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:15 msgid "Frequently Asked Questions" msgstr "Perguntas Frequentes" #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:16 msgid "Code reference for developers" msgstr "Referência de código para desenvolvedores" #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:36 msgid "Looking to improve your sign-up rates?" msgstr "Procurando melhorar suas taxas de inscrição?" #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:37 msgid "" "Our Boxzilla plugin allows you to create pop-ups or " "slide-ins with a subscribe form. A sure way to grow your lists faster." msgstr "Nosso plugin Boxzilla permite que você crie pop-ups ou slide-ins com um formulário de inscrição. Uma maneira segura de expandir suas listas mais rapidamente." #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:1 msgid "Your MailChimp Account" msgstr "Sua Conta MailChimp" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:2 msgid "" "The table below shows your MailChimp lists and their details. If you just " "applied changes to your MailChimp lists, please use the following button to " "renew the cached lists configuration." msgstr "A tabela abaixo mostra as suas listas de MailChimp e seus detalhes. Se você acaba de aplicar as alterações às suas listas de MailChimp, por favor use o botão seguinte para renovar a configuração do cache das listas." #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:17 msgid "No lists were found in your MailChimp account" msgstr "Não foram encontradas listas na sua conta MailChimp" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:19 msgid "A total of %d lists were found in your MailChimp account." msgstr "Um total de %d listas foram encontradas em sua conta MailChimp." #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:24 msgid "List Name" msgstr "Nome da Lista" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:25 msgid "ID" msgstr "ID" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:26 msgid "Subscribers" msgstr "Inscritos" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:48 msgid "Edit this list in MailChimp" msgstr "Editar esta lista no MailChimp" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:62 msgid "%s (%s) with field type %s." msgstr "%s (%s) com tipo de campo %s." #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php4, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-fields.php:10 msgid "Add more fields" msgstr "Adicionar mais campos" #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:9 msgid "" "To add more fields to your form, you will need to create those fields in " "MailChimp first." msgstr "Para adicionar mais campos a este formulário, você precisará criar esses campos no MailChimp antes." #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:12 msgid "Here's how:" msgstr "Veja como:" #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:17 msgid "Log in to your MailChimp account." msgstr "Entrar na sua conta MailChimp." #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:22 msgid "Add list fields to any of your selected lists." msgstr "Adicionar campos de lista para qualquer uma das suas listas selecionadas." #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:23 msgid "Clicking the following links will take you to the right screen." msgstr "Ao clicar no link a seguir você irá para tela correta." #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:29 msgid "Edit list fields for" msgstr "Editar campos para" #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:38 msgid "" "Click the following button to have MailChimp for WordPress pick up on your " "changes." msgstr "Clique no botão a seguir para que o MailChimp para WordPress possa registrar suas alterações." #: includes/forms/views/parts/dynamic-content-tags.php:6 msgid "Add dynamic form variable" msgstr "Adicionar variável dinâmica de formulário" #: includes/forms/views/parts/dynamic-content-tags.php:8 msgid "" "The following list of variables can be used to add some " "dynamic content to your form or success and error messages." msgstr "Use as variáveis para adicionar conteúdo dinâmico em seu formulário ou mensagens de sucesso e erro." #: includes/forms/views/parts/dynamic-content-tags.php:8 msgid "This allows you to personalise your form or response messages." msgstr "Permite personalizar o formulário ou as mensagens de resposta." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:5 msgid "Inherit from %s theme" msgstr "Herdar do %s do tema" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:6 msgid "Basic" msgstr "Básico" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:7 msgid "Form Themes" msgstr "Formulário do tema" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:8 msgid "Light Theme" msgstr "Tema claro" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:9 msgid "Dark Theme" msgstr "Tema escuro" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:10 msgid "Red Theme" msgstr "Tema vermelho" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:11 msgid "Green Theme" msgstr "Tema Verde" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:12 msgid "Blue Theme" msgstr "Tema Azul" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:25 msgid "Form Appearance" msgstr "Aparência do Formulário" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:29 msgid "Form Style" msgstr "Estilo do Formulário" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:48 msgid "" "If you want to load some default CSS styles, select \"basic formatting " "styles\" or choose one of the color themes" msgstr "Se você quiser carregar alguns estilos CSS padrão, selecione \"estilos básicos de formatação\" ou escolha um dos temas de cores" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-fields.php:6 msgid "Form variables" msgstr "Variáveis do Formulário" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-fields.php:13 msgid "Form Fields" msgstr "Campos do Formulário" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-fields.php:19 msgid "Enter the HTML code for your form fields.." msgstr "Insira o código HTML para os campos do formulário.." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-fields.php:26 msgid "" "Use the shortcode %s to display this form inside a post, page or text " "widget." msgstr "Use o shortcode %s para exibir este formulário dentro de um post, página ou um widget de texto." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:6 msgid "Form Messages" msgstr "Mensagens de formulário" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:16 msgid "Successfully subscribed" msgstr "Inscrição realizada com sucesso" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:19 msgid "" "The text that shows when an email address is successfully subscribed to the " "selected list(s)." msgstr "O texto que mostra quando um endereço de emal é inscrito com sucesso na lista(s) selecionada(s)." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:23 msgid "Invalid email address" msgstr "Endereço de e-mail inválido" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:26 msgid "The text that shows when an invalid email address is given." msgstr "O texto mostrado quando um endereço de email inválido é fornecido." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:30 msgid "Required field missing" msgstr "Campo obrigatório requerido" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:33 msgid "" "The text that shows when a required field for the selected list(s) is " "missing." msgstr "O texto mostrado quando um campo obrigatório da(s) lista(s) selecionada(s) está faltando." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:37 msgid "Already subscribed" msgstr "Já inscrito" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:40 msgid "" "The text that shows when the given email is already subscribed to the " "selected list(s)." msgstr "O texto mostrado quando o email fornecido já está cadastrado nas lista(s) selecionada(s)." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:44 msgid "General error" msgstr "Erro geral" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:47 msgid "The text that shows when a general error occured." msgstr "O texto mostrado quando um erro geral ocorre." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:51 msgid "Unsubscribed" msgstr "Descadastrado" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:54 msgid "" "When using the unsubscribe method, this is the text that shows when the " "given email address is successfully unsubscribed from the selected list(s)." msgstr "Quando usar o método de descadastrar, este é o texto mostrado quando o endereço de e-mail fornecido é descadastrado com sua das lista(s) selecionada(s)." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:58 msgid "Not subscribed" msgstr "Não cadastrado" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:61 msgid "" "When using the unsubscribe method, this is the text that shows when the " "given email address is not on the selected list(s)." msgstr "Quandao usar o método de descadatrar, este é o texto mostrado quando o endereço de email fornecido não estå nas lista(s) selecionada(s)." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:65 msgid "No list selected" msgstr "Nenhuma lista selecionada" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:68 msgid "" "When offering a list choice, this is the text that shows when no lists were " "selected." msgstr "Ao oferecer uma lista de escolha, este é o texto que mostra quando nenhuma escolha foi selecionada." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:74 msgid "Updated" msgstr "Atualizado" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:77 msgid "The text that shows when an existing subscriber is updated." msgstr "O texto mostra quando um assinante existente está atualizado." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:89 msgid "HTML tags like %s are allowed in the message fields." msgstr "Tags HTML como %s são permitidos nos campos de mensagem." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:1 msgid "Form Settings" msgstr "Configurações de Formulários" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:5 msgid "MailChimp specific settings" msgstr "Configurações especiais do MailChimp" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:15 msgid "Lists this form subscribes to" msgstr "Lista os inscritos deste formulário para" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:31 msgid "" "Select the list(s) to which people who submit this form should be " "subscribed." msgstr "Selecione a lista(s) que as pessoas que se enviarem o formulá serão inscritas." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:37 msgid "Use double opt-in?" msgstr "Usar verificação dupla?" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:44 msgid "Are you sure you want to disable double opt-in?" msgstr "Tem certeza de que deseja desativar o duplo opt-in?" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:47 msgid "" "We strongly suggest keeping double opt-in enabled. Disabling double opt-in " "may result in abuse." msgstr "Sugerimos fortemente a ativação do duplo opt-in. A desativação do duplo opt-in pode resultar em abuso." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:94 msgid "Form behaviour" msgstr "Comportamento do formulário" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:104 msgid "Hide form after a successful sign-up?" msgstr "Esconder formulário após cadastro completado?" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:115 msgid "Select \"yes\" to hide the form fields after a successful sign-up." msgstr "Selecione \"sim\" se você deseja para esconder os campos do formulário após a finalização do cadastro." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:120 msgid "Redirect to URL after successful sign-ups" msgstr "Redirecionar para URL após finalização" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:122 msgid "Example: %s" msgstr "Exemplo: %s" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:123 msgid "" "Leave empty or enter 0 for no redirect. Otherwise, use complete" " (absolute) URLs, including http://." msgstr "Deixe vazio ou digite 0 para não redirecionar. Ou, use URLs completas (absolutas) incluindo http://."