# Copyright (C) 2017 mailchimp-for-wp # This file is distributed under the same license as the mailchimp-for-wp package. # Translators: # Danny van Kooten , 2014-2017 # Dennis Swennen , 2018 # Eelco Martens , 2015 # Form App , 2016 # Lassooy Design , 2018 # Maartje L , 2017 # Martijn van Egmond , 2015 # Rob Boxman , 2018 # Sander G. , 2018 # Syrene Mos , 2017 # Yola Maas , 2016 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: MailChimp for WordPress\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-25 10:43+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Dennis Swennen \n" "Language-Team: Dutch (Netherlands) (http://www.transifex.com/ibericode/mailchimp-for-wordpress/language/nl_NL/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: nl_NL\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_ex:1,2c;_n:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_nx:1,2,4c;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;_x:1,2c;esc_attr__;esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" #: includes/admin/class-admin-texts.php62, #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:6 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Instellingen" #: includes/admin/class-admin-texts.php:80 msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Documentatie" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:204 msgid "" "Success! The cached configuration for your MailChimp lists has been renewed." msgstr "Succes! De configuratie voor je MailChimp lijsten is ververst." #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:304 msgid "" "This is a pro-only feature. Please upgrade to the premium version to be able" " to use it." msgstr "Dit is een premium-feature. Upgrade naar de premium versie om deze te unlocken." #: includes/admin/class-admin.php305, #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php10, #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:43 msgid "Renew MailChimp lists" msgstr "Vernieuw MailChimp lijsten" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:306 msgid "Fetching MailChimp lists" msgstr "MailChimp-lijsten ophalen" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:307 msgid "Done! MailChimp lists renewed." msgstr "Klaar! De MailChimp-lijsten zijn vernieuwd!" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:308 msgid "This can take a while if you have many MailChimp lists." msgstr "Dit kan even duren als je veel MailChimp-lijsten hebt." #: includes/admin/class-admin.php336, includes/views/general-settings.php:31 msgid "MailChimp API Settings" msgstr "MailChimp API Instellingen" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:337 msgid "MailChimp" msgstr "MailChimp" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php343, includes/views/other-settings.php60, #: includes/views/other-settings.php:70 msgid "Other Settings" msgstr "Overige instellingen" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:344 msgid "Other" msgstr "Overig" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:458 msgid "Log successfully emptied." msgstr "Log succesvol geleegd." #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:488 msgid "" "To get started with MailChimp for WordPress, please enter " "your MailChimp API key on the settings page of the plugin." msgstr "Ga aan de slag met MailChimp voor WordPress. Vul je MailChimp API-sleutel in op de instellingenpagina van de plugin." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:39 msgid "" "Want to customize the style of your form? Try our Styles " "Builder & edit the look of your forms with just a few clicks." msgstr "Wil je de stijl van het formulier aanpassen? Probeer onze Styles Builder en pas het uiterlijk van je formulieren aan in een paar klikjes." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:54 msgid "" "Be notified whenever someone subscribes? MailChimp for " "WordPress Premium allows you to set up email notifications for your " "forms." msgstr "Wil je een melding bij een nieuwe inschrijving? Met MailChimp for WordPress Premium kun je e-mailmeldingen instellen bij je formulieren." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:56 msgid "" "Increased conversions? MailChimp for WordPress Premium " "submits forms without reloading the entire page, resulting in a much better " "experience for your visitors." msgstr "Meer omzettingen? MailChimp for WordPress Premium verstuurt formulieren zonder de complete pagina te verversen, wat een betere ervaring voor je bezoekers oplevert." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:70 msgid "Upgrade to Premium" msgstr "Upgraden naar Premium" #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:83 msgid "" "Do you want translated forms for all of your languages? Try " "MailChimp for WordPress Premium, which does just that plus more." msgstr "Wil je vertaalde formulieren voor al je talen? Dit en meer kan met Mailchimp voor Wordpress Premium." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:88 msgid "" "Do you want to create more than one form? Our Premium add-on does just that!" " Have a look at all Premium benefits." msgstr "Wil je meer dan één formulier creëren? Dat kan met onze Premium add-on! Bekijk alle Premium voordelen." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:93 msgid "" "Are you enjoying this plugin? The Premium add-on unlocks several powerful " "features. Find out about all benefits now." msgstr "Bevalt deze plugin? De Premium add-on ontsluit diverse krachtige opties. Ontdek direct meer over alle voordelen." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:112 msgid "More subscribers, better newsletters." msgstr "Meer abonnees, betere nieuwsbrieven." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:113 msgid "" "Learn how to best grow your lists & write better emails by subscribing to " "our monthly tips." msgstr "Leer hoe je je lijst kan vergroten en schrijf betere emails door je in te schrijven voor onze maandelijkse tips" #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:116 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Emailadres" #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:120 msgid "First Name" msgstr "Voornaam" #: includes/admin/class-ads.php127, includes/forms/class-admin.php:94 msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "Inschrijven" #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:150 msgid "" "Do you want to track all WooCommerce orders in MailChimp so you can send " "emails based on the purchase activity of your subscribers?" msgstr "Wil je alle WooCommerce bestellingen in Mailchimp opvolgen zodat je emails kan versturen op basis van de koopacties van je abonnees?" #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:153 msgid "" "Upgrade to MailChimp for WordPress Premium or read more about MailChimp's E-Commerce features." msgstr "Upgrade naar Mailchimp voor WordPress Premiumoflees meer over MailChimp's E-Commerce mogelijkheden." #: includes/admin/class-review-notice.php:68 msgid "" "You've been using MailChimp for WordPress for some time now; we hope you " "love it!" msgstr "Je gebruikt MailChimp voor WordPress nu al een tijdje; we hopen dat je het leuk vindt! " #: includes/admin/class-review-notice.php:69 msgid "" "If you do, please leave us a 5★ rating on WordPress.org. " "It would be of great help to us." msgstr "Als dat zo is, gelieve ons een 5★ beoordeling te geven op WordPress.org. Dit zou ons ontzettend helpen." #: includes/admin/class-review-notice.php:71 msgid "Dismiss this notice." msgstr "Verberg dit bericht." #: includes/api/class-api.php:84 msgid "Read more about common connectivity issues." msgstr "Lees meer over veel voorkomende verbindingsproblemen." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:62 msgid "Add to form" msgstr "Toevoegen aan formulier" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:63 msgid "City" msgstr "Stad" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:64 msgid "Checkboxes" msgstr "Selectievakjes" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:65 msgid "Choices" msgstr "Keuzes" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:66 msgid "Choice type" msgstr "Keuzetype" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:67 msgid "Choose a field to add to the form" msgstr "Kies een veld voor het formulier" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:68 msgid "Close" msgstr "Sluiten" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:69 msgid "Country" msgstr "Land" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:70 msgid "Dropdown" msgstr "Uitklappen" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:71 msgid "Field type" msgstr "Veldtype" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:72 msgid "Field label" msgstr "Veldlabel" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:73 msgid "Form action" msgstr "Formulieractie" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:74 msgid "" "This field will allow your visitors to choose whether they would like to " "subscribe or unsubscribe" msgstr "Dit veld geeft bezoekers de mogelijkheid om te kiezen of ze zich willen inschrijven of uitschrijven" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:75 msgid "Form fields" msgstr "Formuliervelden" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:76 msgid "This field is marked as required in MailChimp." msgstr "Dit veld is gemarkeerd als vereist in MailChimp" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:77 msgid "Initial value" msgstr "Beginwaarde" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:78 msgid "Interest categories" msgstr "Interessecategorieën" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:79 msgid "Is this field required?" msgstr "Is dit veld vereist?" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:80 msgid "List choice" msgstr "Lijstkeuze" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:81 msgid "This field will allow your visitors to choose a list to subscribe to." msgstr "Met dit veld kunnen bezoekers een lijst kiezen om zich voor in te schrijven." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:82 msgid "List fields" msgstr "Lijstvelden" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:83 msgid "Min" msgstr "Min" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:84 msgid "Max" msgstr "Max" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:85 msgid "" "No available fields. Did you select a MailChimp list in the form settings?" msgstr "Geen velden beschikbaar. Heb je een MailChimp-lijst geselecteerd in de formulierinstellingen?" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:86 msgid "Optional" msgstr "Optioneel" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:87 msgid "Placeholder" msgstr "Placeholder" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:88 msgid "Text to show when field has no value." msgstr "Tekst die verschijnt als een veld geen waarde heeft" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:89 msgid "Preselect" msgstr "Voorselecteren" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:90 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Verwijderen" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:91 msgid "Radio buttons" msgstr "Radioknoppen" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:92 msgid "Street Address" msgstr "Adres" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:93 msgid "State" msgstr "Provincie" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:95 msgid "Submit button" msgstr "Verzendknop" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:96 msgid "Wrap in paragraph tags?" msgstr "Omsluiten in alinea tags?" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:97 msgid "Value" msgstr "Waarde" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:98 msgid "Text to prefill this field with." msgstr "Tekst om het veld vooraf mee te vullen" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:99 msgid "ZIP" msgstr "Postcode" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php111, includes/forms/class-admin.php112, #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:24 msgid "Forms" msgstr "Formulieren" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php152, includes/forms/class-admin.php:276 msgid "Success! Form successfully saved." msgstr "Succes! Formulier succesvol opgeslagen." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:276 msgid "Preview form" msgstr "Voorbeeld formulier" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php449, includes/forms/class-widget.php:30 msgid "MailChimp Sign-Up Form" msgstr "MailChimp Inschrijfformulier" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:453 msgid "Select the form to show" msgstr "Selecteer het formulier om het te tonen" #: includes/forms/class-form-previewer.php:146 msgid "Form preview" msgstr "Formulier voorbeeld" #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:60 msgid "Replaced with the form response (error or success messages)." msgstr "Wordt vervangen door de formulier response (fout- en succesmeldingen)." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:65 msgid "Data from the URL or a submitted form." msgstr "Data uit de URL of een verzonden formulier" #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:71 msgid "Data from a cookie." msgstr "Data van een cookie" #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php77, #: includes/integrations/class-integration-tags.php:45 msgid "Replaced with the number of subscribers on the selected list(s)" msgstr "Vervangen door het aantal subscribers op de geselecteerde lijst(en)" #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:82 msgid "The email address of the current visitor (if known)." msgstr "Emailadres van huidige bezoeker (wanneer bekend)" #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:87 msgid "The URL of the page." msgstr "De URL van de pagina." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:92 msgid "The path of the page." msgstr "Het codepad van de pagina" #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:97 msgid "The current date. Example: %s." msgstr "De huidige datum. Voorbeeld: %S." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:102 msgid "The current time. Example: %s." msgstr "De huidige tijd. Voorbeeld: %S." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:107 msgid "The site's language. Example: %s." msgstr "Taal van de site. bijvoorbeeld: %s" #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:112 msgid "The visitor's IP address. Example: %s." msgstr "Bezoekers IP adres. Bijvoorbeeld: %s." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:117 msgid "The property of the currently logged-in user." msgstr "De rechten van de huidige ingelogte gebruiker." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:123 msgid "Property of the current page or post." msgstr "Eigendom van de huidige pagina of bericht" #: includes/forms/class-form.php:133 msgid "There is no form with ID %d, perhaps it was deleted?" msgstr "Er is geen formulier met ID %d. Is het verwijderd?" #: includes/forms/class-widget.php:26 msgid "Newsletter" msgstr "Nieuwsbrief" #: includes/forms/class-widget.php:32 msgid "Displays your MailChimp for WordPress sign-up form" msgstr "Toont je MailChimp voor WordPress inschrijfformulier" #: includes/forms/class-widget.php:75 msgid "Title:" msgstr "Titel:" #: includes/forms/class-widget.php:92 msgid "" "You can edit your sign-up form in the MailChimp for WordPress" " form settings." msgstr "Je kunt je inschrijfformulier wijzigen in de MailChimp voor WordPress formulier instellingen." #: includes/integrations/class-admin.php79, #: includes/integrations/class-admin.php80, #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php10, #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php57, #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:65 msgid "Integrations" msgstr "Integraties" #: includes/views/general-settings.php7, includes/views/other-settings.php58, #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php22, #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php8, #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:55 msgid "You are here: " msgstr "Je bent hier:" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:18 msgid "General Settings" msgstr "Algemene Instellingen" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:38 msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:42 msgid "CONNECTED" msgstr "VERBONDEN" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:44 msgid "NOT CONNECTED" msgstr "NIET VERBONDEN" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:51 msgid "API Key" msgstr "API Sleutel" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:53 msgid "Your MailChimp API key" msgstr "Je MailChimp API sleutel" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:55 msgid "The API key for connecting with your MailChimp account." msgstr "De API sleutel voor het verbinden met je MailChimp account." #: includes/views/general-settings.php:56 msgid "Get your API key here." msgstr "Verkrijg hier je API sleutel." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:14 msgid "Miscellaneous settings" msgstr "Diverse instellingen" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:17 msgid "Usage Tracking" msgstr "Gebruik bijhouden" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:29 msgid "" "Allow us to anonymously track how this plugin is used to help us make it " "better fit your needs." msgstr "Sta ons toe, anoniem, uw plugin te onderzoeken om u te helpen in beter gebruik voor uw noodzakelijkheden. " #: includes/views/other-settings.php:31 msgid "This is what we track." msgstr "Dit is wat we tracken." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:37 msgid "Logging" msgstr "Logging" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:44 msgid "" "Determines what events should be written to the debug log" " (see below)." msgstr "Bepaalt welke gebeurtenissen naar de debug log moeten worden (zie hieronder)." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:99 msgid "Debug Log" msgstr "Debug log" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:99 msgid "Filter.." msgstr "Filter.." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:104 msgid "Log file is not writable." msgstr "Log bestand is niet schrijfbaar." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:105 msgid "Please ensure %s has the proper file permissions." msgstr "Zorg dat %s de juiste bestandsrechten heeft." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:123 msgid "Nothing here. Which means there are no errors!" msgstr "Er is hier niets. Wat betekent dat er geen fouten zijn!" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:133 msgid "Empty Log" msgstr "Leeg Log" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:141 msgid "Right now, the plugin is configured to only log errors and warnings." msgstr "Momenteel is de plugin geconfigureerd om enkel errors en waarschuwingen te loggen." #: includes/admin/migrations/3.0.0-form-1-post-type.php:35 msgid "Default sign-up form" msgstr "Standaard inschrijfformulier" #: includes/forms/views/add-form.php10, includes/forms/views/add-form.php:60 msgid "Add new form" msgstr "Voeg nieuw formulier toe" #: includes/forms/views/add-form.php:27 msgid "What is the name of this form?" msgstr "Wat is de naam van dit formulier?" #: includes/forms/views/add-form.php:30 msgid "Enter your form title.." msgstr "Typ de titel van je formulier.." #: includes/forms/views/add-form.php:37 msgid "To which MailChimp lists should this form subscribe?" msgstr "Op welke MailChimp lijsten moet dit formulier inschrijven?" #: includes/forms/views/add-form.php:54 msgid "No lists found. Did you connect with MailChimp?" msgstr "Geen lijsten gevonden. Ben je verbonden met MailChimp?" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:4 msgid "Fields" msgstr "Velden" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:5 msgid "Messages" msgstr "Berichten" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:7 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Weergave" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:25 msgid "Form" msgstr "Formulier" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:34 msgid "Edit Form" msgstr "Wijzig Formulier" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:58 msgid "Enter form title here" msgstr "Vul hier de titel van het formulier in" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:59 msgid "Enter the title of your sign-up form" msgstr "Vul de titel van je aanmeldformulier in" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:65 msgid "Shortcode" msgstr "Korte code" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:67 msgid "Get shortcode" msgstr "Toon korte code" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:72 msgid "Preview this form" msgstr "Toon een voorbeeld van dit formulier" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:20 msgid "%s integration" msgstr "%s integratie" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:27 msgid "" "The selected MailChimp lists require non-default fields, which may prevent " "this integration from working." msgstr "De geselecteerde MailChimp lijst vereist niet-standaard velden, waardoor de integratie mogelijk niet zal werken." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:28 msgid "" "Please ensure you configure the plugin to send all required " "fields or log into your MailChimp account and make " "sure only the email & name fields are marked as required fields for the " "selected list(s)." msgstr "Zorg ervoor dat je om de plugin te configureren, alle verplichte velden of kunnen inloggen op je MailChimp account en zorg ervoor dat alleen de e-mail en verzend naam velden zijn gemarkeerd als verplichte velden voor de geselecteerde lijst(en)." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:62 msgid "Enabled?" msgstr "Ingeschakeld?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:66 msgid "" "Enable the %s integration? This will add a sign-up checkbox to the form." msgstr "Schakel de %s integratie in? Dit zal een inschrijfoptie aan het formulier toevoegen." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:76 msgid "Implicit?" msgstr "Impliciet?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:80 msgid "" "Select \"no\" if you want to ask your visitors before they are subscribed " "(recommended)." msgstr "Selecteer \"nee\" als je je bezoekers de optie wilt geven om in te kunnen schrijven (aanbevolen)." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:90 msgid "MailChimp Lists" msgstr "MailChimp Lijsten" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:103 msgid "" "Select the list(s) to which people who check the checkbox should be " "subscribed." msgstr "Selecteer de lijsten aan welke mensen die checkbox aanvinken toegevoegd zouden moeten worden." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php107, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:18 msgid "No lists found, are you connected to MailChimp?" msgstr "Geen lijsten gevonden, ben je verbonden met je MailChimp account?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:116 msgid "Checkbox label text" msgstr "Checkbox label tekst" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:119 msgid "HTML tags like %s are allowed in the label text." msgstr "HTML tags als %s zijn toegestaan in de label tekst." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:129 msgid "Pre-check the checkbox?" msgstr "Vink de checkbox standaard aan?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:133 msgid "Select \"yes\" if the checkbox should be pre-checked." msgstr "Selecteer \"ja\" als de checkbox standaard aangevinkt moet zijn." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:141 msgid "Load some default CSS?" msgstr "Laad standaard CSS?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:145 msgid "Select \"yes\" if the checkbox appears in a weird place." msgstr "Selecteer \"ja\" als de checkbox op een vreemde plaats verschijnt." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:152 msgid "Double opt-in?" msgstr "Emailadres bevestigen?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:163 msgid "" "Select \"yes\" if you want people to confirm their email address before " "being subscribed (recommended)" msgstr "Selecteer \"ja\" wanneer je wilt dat mensen hun emailadres moeten bevestigen alvorens ze aan je MailChimp lijst worden toegevoegd (aanbevolen)" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php171, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:52 msgid "Update existing subscribers?" msgstr "Bestaande abonnees bijwerken?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php181, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:62 msgid "" "Select \"yes\" if you want to update existing subscribers with the data that" " is sent." msgstr "Selecteer \"ja\" als je bestaande abonnees wilt updaten met de gegeven data." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php190, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:68 msgid "Replace interest groups?" msgstr "Interessegroepen vervangen?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php201, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:79 msgid "" "Select \"no\" if you want to add the selected interests to any previously " "selected interests when updating a subscriber." msgstr "Kies \"nee\" als je de geselecteerde interesses wilt toegevoegen aan eerdere geselecteerde interesses bij het bijwerken van een abonnee." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php202, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:80 msgid "What does this do?" msgstr "Wat doet dit?" #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:17 msgid "Name" msgstr "Naam" #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:18 msgid "Description" msgstr "Omschrijving" #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:35 msgid "Configure this integration" msgstr "Configureer deze integratie" #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:71 msgid "The table below shows all available integrations." msgstr "De onderstaande tabel geeft alle beschikbare integraties weer." #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:72 msgid "" "Click on the name of an integration to edit all settings specific to that " "integration." msgstr "Klik op de naam van een integratie om alle instellingen voor de betreffende integratie te wijzigen." #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:79 msgid "Enabled integrations" msgstr "Ingeschakelde integraties" #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:84 msgid "Available integrations" msgstr "Beschikbare integraties" #: includes/views/parts/admin-footer.php:15 msgid "" "MailChimp for WordPress is in need of translations. Is the plugin not " "translated in your language or do you spot errors with the current " "translations? Helping out is easy! Head over to the " "translation project and click \"help translate\"." msgstr "De MailChimp for WordPres plugin is op zoek naar vertalers. Is de plugin niet vertaald in jouw taal of heb je een fout in de vertalingen gespot? Helpen is makkelijk! Ga naar het vertaalproject op Transifex en klik op \"help translate\"." #: includes/views/parts/admin-footer.php:35 msgid "" "This plugin is not developed by or affiliated with MailChimp in any way." msgstr "Deze plugin is niet ontwikkeld of verbonden met MailChimp op welke manier dan ook." #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:11 msgid "Looking for help?" msgstr "Hulp nodig?" #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:12 msgid "We have some resources available to help you in the right direction." msgstr "We hebben enkele middelen beschikbaar om je in de juiste richting te helpen." #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:14 msgid "Knowledge Base" msgstr "Kennisbank" #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:15 msgid "Frequently Asked Questions" msgstr "Veelgestelde Vragen" #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:16 msgid "Code reference for developers" msgstr "Codereferentie voor ontwikkelaars" #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:36 msgid "Looking to improve your sign-up rates?" msgstr "Hat aantal aanmeldingen verbeteren?" #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:37 msgid "" "Our Boxzilla plugin allows you to create pop-ups or " "slide-ins with a subscribe form. A sure way to grow your lists faster." msgstr "Onze Boxzilla pluginlaat toe om pop-ups of slide-ins met een inschrijvingsformulier te maken. Een goede manier om je lijst sneller te doen groeien." #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:1 msgid "Your MailChimp Account" msgstr "Je MailChimp Account" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:2 msgid "" "The table below shows your MailChimp lists and their details. If you just " "applied changes to your MailChimp lists, please use the following button to " "renew the cached lists configuration." msgstr "The tabel hieronder toont je MailChimp lijst configuratie. Wanneer je hier veranderingen aan hebt doorgevoerd die nog niet weergegeven worden kun je de volgende button gebruiken om je configuratie opnieuw in te laden." #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:17 msgid "No lists were found in your MailChimp account" msgstr "Geen lijsten gevonden in je MailChimp account." #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:19 msgid "A total of %d lists were found in your MailChimp account." msgstr "Een totaal van %d aan lijsten zijn gevonden in uw MailChimp account." #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:24 msgid "List Name" msgstr "Lijstnaam" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:25 msgid "ID" msgstr "ID" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:26 msgid "Subscribers" msgstr "Abonnees" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:48 msgid "Edit this list in MailChimp" msgstr "Bewerk deze lijst in MailChimp" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:62 msgid "%s (%s) with field type %s." msgstr "%s(%s) met veldtype %s." #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php4, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-fields.php:10 msgid "Add more fields" msgstr "Meer velden toevoegen" #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:9 msgid "" "To add more fields to your form, you will need to create those fields in " "MailChimp first." msgstr "Om meer velden aan je formulier toe te voegen moet je deze eerst in MailChimp aanmaken." #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:12 msgid "Here's how:" msgstr "Dit is hoe:" #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:17 msgid "Log in to your MailChimp account." msgstr "Aanmelden bij je MailChimp acount." #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:22 msgid "Add list fields to any of your selected lists." msgstr "Voeg velden toe op elk geselecteerde lijst" #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:23 msgid "Clicking the following links will take you to the right screen." msgstr "Door de volgende linken aan te klikken, brengt je naar het rechter scherm." #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:29 msgid "Edit list fields for" msgstr "Bewerk lijstvelden voor" #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:38 msgid "" "Click the following button to have MailChimp for WordPress pick up on your " "changes." msgstr "Klik op de volgende knop, voor MailChimp voor Wordpress pick up en jouw wijzigingen" #: includes/forms/views/parts/dynamic-content-tags.php:6 msgid "Add dynamic form variable" msgstr "Voeg een dynamische variabele toe" #: includes/forms/views/parts/dynamic-content-tags.php:8 msgid "" "The following list of variables can be used to add some " "dynamic content to your form or success and error messages." msgstr "De volgende lijst van variabelen kunnen worden gebruikt om bepaalde dynamische content toe te voegen aan het formulier en/of met succes en foutmeldingen ." #: includes/forms/views/parts/dynamic-content-tags.php:8 msgid "This allows you to personalise your form or response messages." msgstr "Mogelijkheid je formulier te personaliseren of op je antwoord berichten" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:5 msgid "Inherit from %s theme" msgstr "Overnemen van thema %s " #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:6 msgid "Basic" msgstr "Simpel" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:7 msgid "Form Themes" msgstr "Formulier Thema's" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:8 msgid "Light Theme" msgstr "Licht Thema" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:9 msgid "Dark Theme" msgstr "Donker Thema" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:10 msgid "Red Theme" msgstr "Rood Thema" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:11 msgid "Green Theme" msgstr "Groen Thema" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:12 msgid "Blue Theme" msgstr "Blauw Thema" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:25 msgid "Form Appearance" msgstr "Formulier Weergave" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:29 msgid "Form Style" msgstr "Formulier Stijl" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:48 msgid "" "If you want to load some default CSS styles, select \"basic formatting " "styles\" or choose one of the color themes" msgstr "Selecteer \"laad standaard formulier stijlen\" om wat standaard CSS stijlregels in te laden of kies een van de kleurenthema's." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-fields.php:6 msgid "Form variables" msgstr "Formulier variabelen" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-fields.php:13 msgid "Form Fields" msgstr "Formulier Velden" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-fields.php:19 msgid "Enter the HTML code for your form fields.." msgstr "Voer de HTML code voor je formulier velden in." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-fields.php:26 msgid "" "Use the shortcode %s to display this form inside a post, page or text " "widget." msgstr "Gebruik de %s shortcode om dit formulier in een post, pagina of tekst widget te tonen." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:6 msgid "Form Messages" msgstr "Formulier Berichten" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:16 msgid "Successfully subscribed" msgstr "Succesvol ingeschreven" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:19 msgid "" "The text that shows when an email address is successfully subscribed to the " "selected list(s)." msgstr "De tekst die verschijnt wanneer een emailadres succesvol toegevoegd is aan de geselecteerde MailChimp lijst(en)." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:23 msgid "Invalid email address" msgstr "Ongeldig emailadres" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:26 msgid "The text that shows when an invalid email address is given." msgstr "De tekst die verschijnt wanneer een foutief email adres is ingevuld.Î" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:30 msgid "Required field missing" msgstr "Verplicht veld mist" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:33 msgid "" "The text that shows when a required field for the selected list(s) is " "missing." msgstr "De tekst die verschijnt wanneer een verplicht veld voor de geselecteerde MailChimp lijst(en) niet ingevuld is." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:37 msgid "Already subscribed" msgstr "Reeds ingeschreven" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:40 msgid "" "The text that shows when the given email is already subscribed to the " "selected list(s)." msgstr "De tekst die verschijnt wanneer het gegeven email adres reeds ingeschreven is op de geselecteerde MailChimp lijst(en)." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:44 msgid "General error" msgstr "Algemene fout" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:47 msgid "The text that shows when a general error occured." msgstr "De tekst die verschijnt wanneer een algemene fout optreedt." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:51 msgid "Unsubscribed" msgstr "Uitgeschreven" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:54 msgid "" "When using the unsubscribe method, this is the text that shows when the " "given email address is successfully unsubscribed from the selected list(s)." msgstr "Wanneer gebruik gemaakt wordt van de functie om zich uit te schrijven, is dit de tekst die getoond wordt wanneer het aangegeven e-mailadres succesvol is uitgeschreven van de geselecteerde lijst(en)." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:58 msgid "Not subscribed" msgstr "Niet ingeschreven" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:61 msgid "" "When using the unsubscribe method, this is the text that shows when the " "given email address is not on the selected list(s)." msgstr "Wanneer gebruik gemaakt wordt van de functie om zich uit te schrijven, is dit de tekst die getoond wordt wanneer het aangegeven e-mailadres niet voorkomt op de geselecteerde lijst(en)." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:65 msgid "No list selected" msgstr "Geen lijst geselecteerd" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:68 msgid "" "When offering a list choice, this is the text that shows when no lists were " "selected." msgstr "De tekst die getoond wordt als er nog geen keuze is gemaakt uit een keuzelijst." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:74 msgid "Updated" msgstr "Bijgewerkt" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:77 msgid "The text that shows when an existing subscriber is updated." msgstr "De tekst die getoond wordt als een bestaande abonnee is bijgewerkt." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:89 msgid "HTML tags like %s are allowed in the message fields." msgstr "HTML tags als %s zijn toegestaan in de meldingteksten." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:1 msgid "Form Settings" msgstr "Formulier Instellingen" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:5 msgid "MailChimp specific settings" msgstr "MailChimp specifieke instellingen" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:15 msgid "Lists this form subscribes to" msgstr "Lijsten op welke dit formulier inschrijft" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:31 msgid "" "Select the list(s) to which people who submit this form should be " "subscribed." msgstr "Selecteer de lijst(en) aan welke mensen die dit formulier invullen toegevoegd moeten worden." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:37 msgid "Use double opt-in?" msgstr "Gebruik dubbele opt-in?" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:44 msgid "Are you sure you want to disable double opt-in?" msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je de dubbele opt-in wil deactiveren?" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:47 msgid "" "We strongly suggest keeping double opt-in enabled. Disabling double opt-in " "may result in abuse." msgstr "We raden je sterk aan om de dubbele opt-in ingeschakeld te houden. Deactivering kan resulteren in misbruik." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:94 msgid "Form behaviour" msgstr "'Gedrag' van het formuulier" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:104 msgid "Hide form after a successful sign-up?" msgstr "Verberg formulier na succesvolle inschrijvingen?" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:115 msgid "Select \"yes\" to hide the form fields after a successful sign-up." msgstr "Selecteer \"ja\" om de formuliervelden te verbergen na elke succesvolle inschrijving." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:120 msgid "Redirect to URL after successful sign-ups" msgstr "Doorsturen naar URL na succesvolle inschrijving" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:122 msgid "Example: %s" msgstr "Voorbeeld: %s" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:123 msgid "" "Leave empty or enter 0 for no redirect. Otherwise, use complete" " (absolute) URLs, including http://." msgstr "Laat leeg of vul 0 in voor geen doorverwijzing. Anders, gebruik complete (absolute) URL's, inclusief http://."