# Copyright (C) 2017 mailchimp-for-wp # This file is distributed under the same license as the mailchimp-for-wp package. # Translators: # ABDEL HASNAOUI , 2017 # baron vanessa , 2016 # ChrisFromLafare , 2014 # Cedric R , 2014 # dlpscoop , 2015 # wissim , 2017 # Danny van Kooten , 2017 # Dario Spagnolo , 2014 # Emeline Seyer , 2016 # fgerber , 2014 # François KUSZTOS , 2014 # fgerber , 2014-2015 # Grégoire Domingie , 2016 # JAILLET Christophe , 2017 # jb78180 , 2017 # Juliette Mouquod , 2015 # Lydie Lardoux , 2015 # Mamadou Gaye Diop , 2016 # Marie Chausse , 2016 # Martin Dulude , 2017 # Mathieu Leblanc , 2017 # Sabrina Antunez , 2017 # rafie , 2017 # sleininger , 2014 # Yan Chardard , 2016 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: MailChimp for WordPress\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-13 18:52+0000\n" "Last-Translator: ABDEL HASNAOUI \n" "Language-Team: French (France) (http://www.transifex.com/ibericode/mailchimp-for-wordpress/language/fr_FR/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: fr_FR\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_ex:1,2c;_n:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_nx:1,2,4c;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;_x:1,2c;esc_attr__;esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" #: includes/admin/class-admin-texts.php62, #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:6 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Paramètres" #: includes/admin/class-admin-texts.php:80 msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Documentation" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:204 msgid "" "Success! The cached configuration for your MailChimp lists has been renewed." msgstr "Bravo ! La configuration en cache de vos listes MailChimp a été renouvelée." #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:304 msgid "" "This is a pro-only feature. Please upgrade to the premium version to be able" " to use it." msgstr "Option réservée aux pros. Passez en version Premium pour pouvoir l'utiliser." #: includes/admin/class-admin.php305, #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php10, #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:43 msgid "Renew MailChimp lists" msgstr "Rafraîchir les listes MailChimp" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:306 msgid "Fetching MailChimp lists" msgstr "Récupération des listes MailChimp" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:307 msgid "Done! MailChimp lists renewed." msgstr "Terminé ! Listes de MailChimp mises à jour." #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:308 msgid "This can take a while if you have many MailChimp lists." msgstr "Cela peut prendre du temps si vous avez beaucoup de listes MailChimp." #: includes/admin/class-admin.php336, includes/views/general-settings.php:31 msgid "MailChimp API Settings" msgstr "Paramètres de l'API MailChimp" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:337 msgid "MailChimp" msgstr "MailChimp" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php343, includes/views/other-settings.php60, #: includes/views/other-settings.php:70 msgid "Other Settings" msgstr "Autres paramètres" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:344 msgid "Other" msgstr "Divers" #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:458 msgid "Log successfully emptied." msgstr "Traces vidées avec succès." #: includes/admin/class-admin.php:488 msgid "" "To get started with MailChimp for WordPress, please enter " "your MailChimp API key on the settings page of the plugin." msgstr "Pour débuter avec MailChimp pour Wordpress, veuillez inscrire votre clé API de MailChimp dans la page de réglages de l'extension " #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:39 msgid "" "Want to customize the style of your form? Try our Styles " "Builder & edit the look of your forms with just a few clicks." msgstr "Vous voulez modifier le style de votre formulaire ? Essayez le Constructeur de styles et modifiez l'allure de votre formulaire en quelques clics." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:54 msgid "" "Be notified whenever someone subscribes? MailChimp for " "WordPress Premium allows you to set up email notifications for your " "forms." msgstr "Recevoir une notification chaque fois que quelqu'un s'abonne ? La version Premium de MailChimp pour WordPress vous permet de mettre en place des emails de notification pour vos formulaires." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:56 msgid "" "Increased conversions? MailChimp for WordPress Premium " "submits forms without reloading the entire page, resulting in a much better " "experience for your visitors." msgstr "Plus de conversions ? MailChimp pour WordPress Premium soumet les formulaires sans recharger toute la page, résultant en une meilleure expérience pour vos visiteurs." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:70 msgid "Upgrade to Premium" msgstr "Passez à la version supérieure" #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:83 msgid "" "Do you want translated forms for all of your languages? Try " "MailChimp for WordPress Premium, which does just that plus more." msgstr "Vous souhaitez avoir des formulaires traduits pour toutes vos langues ? Essayez la version Premium de MailChimp pour Wordpress , qui fait ça et plus encore." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:88 msgid "" "Do you want to create more than one form? Our Premium add-on does just that!" " Have a look at all Premium benefits." msgstr "Vous voulez créer plus d'un formulaire ? Notre add-on Premium fait exactement ça ! Jetez un œil à tous les avantages Premium." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:93 msgid "" "Are you enjoying this plugin? The Premium add-on unlocks several powerful " "features. Find out about all benefits now." msgstr "Aimez-vous ce plugin ? L'add-on Premium débloque plusieurs puissantes fonctionnalités. Découvrez-en tous les bénéfices." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:112 msgid "More subscribers, better newsletters." msgstr "Plus d'abonnés, de meilleures newsletters." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:113 msgid "" "Learn how to best grow your lists & write better emails by subscribing to " "our monthly tips." msgstr "Apprenez à développer vos listes et à écrire de meilleurs emails en vous inscrivant à nos astuces mensuelles." #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:116 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Adresse de courrier électronique" #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:120 msgid "First Name" msgstr "Prénom" #: includes/admin/class-ads.php127, includes/forms/class-admin.php:94 msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "Abonnez-vous" #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:150 msgid "" "Do you want to track all WooCommerce orders in MailChimp so you can send " "emails based on the purchase activity of your subscribers?" msgstr "Voulez-vous suivre toutes les commandes WooCommerce dans MailChimp, pour pouvoir envoyer des courriels selon les comportements d'achat de vos abonnés?" #: includes/admin/class-ads.php:153 msgid "" "Upgrade to MailChimp for WordPress Premium or read more about MailChimp's E-Commerce features." msgstr "Passez à MailChimp pour WordPress Premium ou lisez davantage à propos des fonctionnalités d'e-commerce de MailChimp." #: includes/admin/class-review-notice.php:68 msgid "" "You've been using MailChimp for WordPress for some time now; we hope you " "love it!" msgstr "Vous utilisez MailChimp pour WordPress depuis quelque temps déjà; nous espérons que vous l'adorez !" #: includes/admin/class-review-notice.php:69 msgid "" "If you do, please leave us a 5★ rating on WordPress.org. " "It would be of great help to us." msgstr "Si c'est le cas, merci de nous noter 5★ sur WordPress.org. Cela nous aiderait beaucoup." #: includes/admin/class-review-notice.php:71 msgid "Dismiss this notice." msgstr "Fermez cette notification" #: includes/api/class-api.php:84 msgid "Read more about common connectivity issues." msgstr "En lire plus sur les problèmes de connectivité courants." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:62 msgid "Add to form" msgstr "Ajouter au formulaire" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:63 msgid "City" msgstr "Ville" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:64 msgid "Checkboxes" msgstr "Cases à cocher" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:65 msgid "Choices" msgstr "Choix" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:66 msgid "Choice type" msgstr "Type de choix" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:67 msgid "Choose a field to add to the form" msgstr "Choisissez un champ à ajouter au formulaire" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:68 msgid "Close" msgstr "Fermer" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:69 msgid "Country" msgstr "Pays" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:70 msgid "Dropdown" msgstr "Liste déroulante" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:71 msgid "Field type" msgstr "Type de champ" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:72 msgid "Field label" msgstr "Titre du champ" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:73 msgid "Form action" msgstr "Action de formulaire" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:74 msgid "" "This field will allow your visitors to choose whether they would like to " "subscribe or unsubscribe" msgstr "Ce champ va permettre à vos visiteurs de choisir s'ils veulent s'abonner ou se désinscrire. " #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:75 msgid "Form fields" msgstr "Champs de formulaire" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:76 msgid "This field is marked as required in MailChimp." msgstr "Ceci est un champ requis dans MailChimp." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:77 msgid "Initial value" msgstr "Valeur initiale" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:78 msgid "Interest categories" msgstr "Catégories d'intérêts" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:79 msgid "Is this field required?" msgstr "Ce champ est-il obligatoire ?" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:80 msgid "List choice" msgstr "Liste de choix" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:81 msgid "This field will allow your visitors to choose a list to subscribe to." msgstr "Ce champ permettra à vos visiteurs de s'abonner à la liste de leur choix." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:82 msgid "List fields" msgstr "Lister les champs" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:83 msgid "Min" msgstr "Min." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:84 msgid "Max" msgstr "Max." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:85 msgid "" "No available fields. Did you select a MailChimp list in the form settings?" msgstr "Aucun champ disponible. Avez-vous sélectionné une liste MailChimp dans les paramètres du formulaire ?" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:86 msgid "Optional" msgstr "Optionnel" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:87 msgid "Placeholder" msgstr "Texte par défaut" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:88 msgid "Text to show when field has no value." msgstr "Texte à afficher lorsque le champ n'est pas renseigné." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:89 msgid "Preselect" msgstr "Pré-sélection" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:90 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Retirer" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:91 msgid "Radio buttons" msgstr "Boutons radio" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:92 msgid "Street Address" msgstr "Nom de la rue" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:93 msgid "State" msgstr "État" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:95 msgid "Submit button" msgstr "Bouton d'envoi" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:96 msgid "Wrap in paragraph tags?" msgstr "Entourer de balises de paragraphe ?" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:97 msgid "Value" msgstr "Valeur" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:98 msgid "Text to prefill this field with." msgstr "Libellé utilisé pour remplir ce champ." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:99 msgid "ZIP" msgstr "Code postal" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php111, includes/forms/class-admin.php112, #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:24 msgid "Forms" msgstr "Formulaires" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php152, includes/forms/class-admin.php:276 msgid "Success! Form successfully saved." msgstr "Bravo ! Le formulaire a été enregistré avec succès." #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:276 msgid "Preview form" msgstr "Prévisualisation du formulaire" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php449, includes/forms/class-widget.php:30 msgid "MailChimp Sign-Up Form" msgstr "Formulaire d’enregistrement à MailChimp" #: includes/forms/class-admin.php:453 msgid "Select the form to show" msgstr "Choisissez le formulaire à afficher" #: includes/forms/class-form-previewer.php:146 msgid "Form preview" msgstr "Prévisualisation du formulaire" #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:60 msgid "Replaced with the form response (error or success messages)." msgstr "Remplacer avec un message de réponse (message d'erreur ou de réussite)." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:65 msgid "Data from the URL or a submitted form." msgstr "Données de l'URL ou d'un formulaire envoyé." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:71 msgid "Data from a cookie." msgstr "Données à partir d'un cookie." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php77, #: includes/integrations/class-integration-tags.php:45 msgid "Replaced with the number of subscribers on the selected list(s)" msgstr "Remplacé par le nombre d'abonnés des listes sélectionnées" #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:82 msgid "The email address of the current visitor (if known)." msgstr "L'adresse email du visiteur actuel (si connue)." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:87 msgid "The URL of the page." msgstr "L'adresse de la page" #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:92 msgid "The path of the page." msgstr "Le chemin de la page." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:97 msgid "The current date. Example: %s." msgstr "La date actuelle. Exemple : %s." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:102 msgid "The current time. Example: %s." msgstr "L'heure actuelle. Exemple : %s." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:107 msgid "The site's language. Example: %s." msgstr "La langue du site. Exemple : %s." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:112 msgid "The visitor's IP address. Example: %s." msgstr "L'adresse IP du visiteur. Exemple : %s" #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:117 msgid "The property of the currently logged-in user." msgstr "La propriété de l'utilisateur connecté." #: includes/forms/class-form-tags.php:123 msgid "Property of the current page or post." msgstr "Propriété de la page ou de l'article actuels" #: includes/forms/class-form.php:133 msgid "There is no form with ID %d, perhaps it was deleted?" msgstr "Aucun formulaire avec l'ID %D trouvé, peut-être qu'il a été supprimé ?" #: includes/forms/class-widget.php:26 msgid "Newsletter" msgstr "Lettre d'information" #: includes/forms/class-widget.php:32 msgid "Displays your MailChimp for WordPress sign-up form" msgstr "Affiche votre formulaire d'inscription de \"MailChimp pour WordPress\"" #: includes/forms/class-widget.php:75 msgid "Title:" msgstr "Titre :" #: includes/forms/class-widget.php:92 msgid "" "You can edit your sign-up form in the MailChimp for WordPress" " form settings." msgstr "Vous pouvez éditer votre propre formulaire d'abonnement dans les paramètres des formulaires de MailChimp pour WordPress." #: includes/integrations/class-admin.php79, #: includes/integrations/class-admin.php80, #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php10, #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php57, #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:65 msgid "Integrations" msgstr "Intégrations" #: includes/views/general-settings.php7, includes/views/other-settings.php58, #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php22, #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php8, #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:55 msgid "You are here: " msgstr "Vous êtes ici :" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:18 msgid "General Settings" msgstr "Réglages généraux" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:38 msgid "Status" msgstr "Statut" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:42 msgid "CONNECTED" msgstr "CONNECTÉ" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:44 msgid "NOT CONNECTED" msgstr "NON CONNECTÉ" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:51 msgid "API Key" msgstr "Clé API" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:53 msgid "Your MailChimp API key" msgstr "Votre clé API MailChimp" #: includes/views/general-settings.php:55 msgid "The API key for connecting with your MailChimp account." msgstr "La clé API pour vous connecter à votre compte MailChimp." #: includes/views/general-settings.php:56 msgid "Get your API key here." msgstr "Récupérez votre clé API ici." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:14 msgid "Miscellaneous settings" msgstr "Réglages divers" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:17 msgid "Usage Tracking" msgstr "Suivi d'utilisation" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:29 msgid "" "Allow us to anonymously track how this plugin is used to help us make it " "better fit your needs." msgstr "Autorisez nous à tracer d'une manière anonyme l'utilisation de cette extension pour nous aider à l'améliorer selon vos besoins." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:31 msgid "This is what we track." msgstr "Voici ce que nous traçons." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:37 msgid "Logging" msgstr "Journalisation" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:44 msgid "" "Determines what events should be written to the debug log" " (see below)." msgstr "Détermine quels événements doivent être enregistrés dans les traces de mise au point (voir ci-dessous)" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:99 msgid "Debug Log" msgstr "Trace de mise au point" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:99 msgid "Filter.." msgstr "Filtrer.." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:104 msgid "Log file is not writable." msgstr "Le fichier de traces n'est pas accessible en écriture." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:105 msgid "Please ensure %s has the proper file permissions." msgstr "Merci de vérifier que %s possèdent les bons droits de fichier." #: includes/views/other-settings.php:123 msgid "Nothing here. Which means there are no errors!" msgstr "Rien à signaler. Cela veut dire qu'il n'y a pas d'erreurs !" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:133 msgid "Empty Log" msgstr "Vider les traces" #: includes/views/other-settings.php:141 msgid "Right now, the plugin is configured to only log errors and warnings." msgstr "Actuellement, cette extension est configurée pour ne tracer que les erreurs et les avertissements." #: includes/admin/migrations/3.0.0-form-1-post-type.php:35 msgid "Default sign-up form" msgstr "Formulaire d'inscription par défaut" #: includes/forms/views/add-form.php10, includes/forms/views/add-form.php:60 msgid "Add new form" msgstr "Ajouter un nouveau formulaire" #: includes/forms/views/add-form.php:27 msgid "What is the name of this form?" msgstr "Quel est le nom de ce formulaire?" #: includes/forms/views/add-form.php:30 msgid "Enter your form title.." msgstr "Entrez le titre de ce formulaire..." #: includes/forms/views/add-form.php:37 msgid "To which MailChimp lists should this form subscribe?" msgstr "À quelles listes MailChimp ce formulaire doit-il s'abonner ?" #: includes/forms/views/add-form.php:54 msgid "No lists found. Did you connect with MailChimp?" msgstr "Aucune liste trouvée. Vous êtes-vous connecté avec MailChimp ?" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:4 msgid "Fields" msgstr "Champs" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:5 msgid "Messages" msgstr "Messages" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:7 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Apparence" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:25 msgid "Form" msgstr "Formulaire" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:34 msgid "Edit Form" msgstr "Modifier le formulaire" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:58 msgid "Enter form title here" msgstr "Entrez le titre du formulaire ici" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:59 msgid "Enter the title of your sign-up form" msgstr "Entrez le titre de votre formulaire d'inscription" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:65 msgid "Shortcode" msgstr "Code court" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:67 msgid "Get shortcode" msgstr "Obtenir le code court" #: includes/forms/views/edit-form.php:72 msgid "Preview this form" msgstr "Prévisualisez ce formulaire" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:20 msgid "%s integration" msgstr "Intégration %s " #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:27 msgid "" "The selected MailChimp lists require non-default fields, which may prevent " "this integration from working." msgstr "Les listes MailChimp sélectionnées requièrent des champs qui ne sont pas par défaut, ces derniers pourraient empêcher cette intégration de fonctionner." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:28 msgid "" "Please ensure you configure the plugin to send all required " "fields or log into your MailChimp account and make " "sure only the email & name fields are marked as required fields for the " "selected list(s)." msgstr "Merci de vérifier que vous avez configuré le plugin pour envoyer tous les champs requis ou connectez-vous sur votre compte MailChimp et assurez-vous que seuls les champs email et nom sont marqués comme champs obligatoires pour les listes sélectionnées." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:62 msgid "Enabled?" msgstr "Activée ?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:66 msgid "" "Enable the %s integration? This will add a sign-up checkbox to the form." msgstr "Activer l'intégration %s ? Cela ajoutera une case Inscription au formulaire" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:76 msgid "Implicit?" msgstr "Implicite ?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:80 msgid "" "Select \"no\" if you want to ask your visitors before they are subscribed " "(recommended)." msgstr "Choisir \"non\" si vous souhaitez demander d'abord à vos visiteurs avant qu'ils ne s'inscrivent (recommandé)" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:90 msgid "MailChimp Lists" msgstr "Listes MailChimp" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:103 msgid "" "Select the list(s) to which people who check the checkbox should be " "subscribed." msgstr "Sélectionnez les listes auxquelles les utilisateurs qui cochent la case seront inscrits." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php107, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:18 msgid "No lists found, are you connected to MailChimp?" msgstr "Aucune liste trouvée, êtes-vous connecté à MaiChimp ?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:116 msgid "Checkbox label text" msgstr "Texte de la case à cocher" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:119 msgid "HTML tags like %s are allowed in the label text." msgstr "Les balises HTML telles que %s sont autorisées dans le texte de l'étiquette." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:129 msgid "Pre-check the checkbox?" msgstr "Pré-sélection des cases à cocher ?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:133 msgid "Select \"yes\" if the checkbox should be pre-checked." msgstr "Sélectionnez \"oui\" si vous voulez que la case soit pré-cochée." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:141 msgid "Load some default CSS?" msgstr "Chargement de code CSS par défaut ?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:145 msgid "Select \"yes\" if the checkbox appears in a weird place." msgstr "Sélectionnez \"oui\" si la case à cocher apparaît à un endroit bizarre." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:152 msgid "Double opt-in?" msgstr "Double opt-in (validation de l'adresse du destinataire par e-mail) ?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php:163 msgid "" "Select \"yes\" if you want people to confirm their email address before " "being subscribed (recommended)" msgstr "Sélectionnez \"oui\" si vous souhaitez que vos membres soient obligés de confirmer leur email après s’être inscrit (recommandé)" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php171, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:52 msgid "Update existing subscribers?" msgstr "Mise à jour des données des internautes déjà inscrits ?" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php181, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:62 msgid "" "Select \"yes\" if you want to update existing subscribers with the data that" " is sent." msgstr "Sélectionnez \"oui\" si vous souhaitez mettre à jour la liste des abonnés avec les données envoyées." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php190, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:68 msgid "Replace interest groups?" msgstr "Remplacer les groupes d'intérêt" #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php201, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:79 msgid "" "Select \"no\" if you want to add the selected interests to any previously " "selected interests when updating a subscriber." msgstr "Choisir \"non\" si vous souhaitez ajouter les intérêts sélectionnés à n'importe quel intérêt précédemment sélectionné lors de la mise à jour d'un abonné." #: includes/integrations/views/integration-settings.php202, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:80 msgid "What does this do?" msgstr "Qu'est-ce que cela fait ?" #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:17 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nom" #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:18 msgid "Description" msgstr "Description" #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:35 msgid "Configure this integration" msgstr "Configurer cette intégration" #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:71 msgid "The table below shows all available integrations." msgstr "La table ci-dessous montre toutes les intégrations possibles." #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:72 msgid "" "Click on the name of an integration to edit all settings specific to that " "integration." msgstr "Cliquez sur le nom d'une intégration pour éditer les paramètres spécifiques à cette intégration." #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:79 msgid "Enabled integrations" msgstr "Intégrations activées" #: includes/integrations/views/integrations.php:84 msgid "Available integrations" msgstr "Intégration disponibles" #: includes/views/parts/admin-footer.php:15 msgid "" "MailChimp for WordPress is in need of translations. Is the plugin not " "translated in your language or do you spot errors with the current " "translations? Helping out is easy! Head over to the " "translation project and click \"help translate\"." msgstr "MailChimp for WordPress a besoin de traductions. Le plugin n'est pas traduit dans votre langue ou vous avez localisé des erreurs dans la traduction ? Nous aider est facile ! Rendez-vous sur le site de traduction du projet et cliquez sur \"help translate\"" #: includes/views/parts/admin-footer.php:35 msgid "" "This plugin is not developed by or affiliated with MailChimp in any way." msgstr "Ce plugin n'est en aucune façon développé ni affilié à MailChimp." #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:11 msgid "Looking for help?" msgstr "Vous cherchez de l'aide ?" #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:12 msgid "We have some resources available to help you in the right direction." msgstr "Nous avons des ressources disponibles pour vous guider." #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:14 msgid "Knowledge Base" msgstr "Base de connaissances" #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:15 msgid "Frequently Asked Questions" msgstr "Foire Aux Questions" #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:16 msgid "Code reference for developers" msgstr "Code de référence pour les développeurs" #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:36 msgid "Looking to improve your sign-up rates?" msgstr "Envie d'améliorer vos taux d'abonnement ?" #: includes/views/parts/admin-sidebar.php:37 msgid "" "Our Boxzilla plugin allows you to create pop-ups or " "slide-ins with a subscribe form. A sure way to grow your lists faster." msgstr "Notre plugin Boxzilla vous permet de créer des pop-up ou des slide-in dans un formulaire d'inscription. Un moyen sûr d'augmenter plus rapidement vos listes." #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:1 msgid "Your MailChimp Account" msgstr "Votre compte MailChimp" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:2 msgid "" "The table below shows your MailChimp lists and their details. If you just " "applied changes to your MailChimp lists, please use the following button to " "renew the cached lists configuration." msgstr "La table ci-dessous montre vos listes MailChimp et leurs détails. Si vous venez de modifier vos listes, veuillez utiliser le bouton suivant pour renouveler la configuration des listes mises en cache." #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:17 msgid "No lists were found in your MailChimp account" msgstr "Nous n'avons pas trouvé de liste dans votre compte MailChimp" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:19 msgid "A total of %d lists were found in your MailChimp account." msgstr "Un total de %d listes ont été trouvées dans votre compte MailChimp." #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:24 msgid "List Name" msgstr "Liste de noms" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:25 msgid "ID" msgstr "ID" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:26 msgid "Subscribers" msgstr "Abonnés" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:48 msgid "Edit this list in MailChimp" msgstr "Éditez cette liste dans MailChimp" #: includes/views/parts/lists-overview.php:62 msgid "%s (%s) with field type %s." msgstr "%s (%s) avec champs de type %s." #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php4, #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-fields.php:10 msgid "Add more fields" msgstr "Ajouter de nouveaux champs " #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:9 msgid "" "To add more fields to your form, you will need to create those fields in " "MailChimp first." msgstr "Pour ajouter plus de champs à votre formulaire, vous devez d'abord créer ces champs dans MailChimp." #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:12 msgid "Here's how:" msgstr "Voici comment :" #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:17 msgid "Log in to your MailChimp account." msgstr "Connectez-vous à votre compte MailChimp." #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:22 msgid "Add list fields to any of your selected lists." msgstr "Ajoutez les champs dans les listes sélectionnées." #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:23 msgid "Clicking the following links will take you to the right screen." msgstr "Cliquez sur les liens suivants pour passer à droite de l'écran." #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:29 msgid "Edit list fields for" msgstr "Éditez les champs de la liste pour" #: includes/forms/views/parts/add-fields-help.php:38 msgid "" "Click the following button to have MailChimp for WordPress pick up on your " "changes." msgstr "Cliquez sur le bouton suivant pour que MailChimp for WordPress accepte vos modifications." #: includes/forms/views/parts/dynamic-content-tags.php:6 msgid "Add dynamic form variable" msgstr "Ajoutez la variable de formulaire dynamique" #: includes/forms/views/parts/dynamic-content-tags.php:8 msgid "" "The following list of variables can be used to add some " "dynamic content to your form or success and error messages." msgstr "La liste suivante de variables peut servir à ajouter des contenus dynamiques dans votre formulaire ainsi que des messages de validation/d'erreur." #: includes/forms/views/parts/dynamic-content-tags.php:8 msgid "This allows you to personalise your form or response messages." msgstr "Cela vous permet de personnaliser votre formulaire ou les messages de réponse." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:5 msgid "Inherit from %s theme" msgstr "Hériter du thème %s" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:6 msgid "Basic" msgstr "Basique" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:7 msgid "Form Themes" msgstr "Thèmes du formulaire" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:8 msgid "Light Theme" msgstr "Thème léger" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:9 msgid "Dark Theme" msgstr "Thème sombre" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:10 msgid "Red Theme" msgstr "Thème rouge" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:11 msgid "Green Theme" msgstr "Thème vert" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:12 msgid "Blue Theme" msgstr "Thème bleu" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:25 msgid "Form Appearance" msgstr "Apparence du formulaire" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:29 msgid "Form Style" msgstr "Style du formulaire" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-appearance.php:48 msgid "" "If you want to load some default CSS styles, select \"basic formatting " "styles\" or choose one of the color themes" msgstr "Si vous voulez charger un style CSS par défaut, selectionnez \"styles de formatage basiques\" ou choisissez un des thèmes couleurs." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-fields.php:6 msgid "Form variables" msgstr "Variables de formulaire" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-fields.php:13 msgid "Form Fields" msgstr "Champs du formulaire" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-fields.php:19 msgid "Enter the HTML code for your form fields.." msgstr "Entrez le code HTML pour vos champs de formulaire..." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-fields.php:26 msgid "" "Use the shortcode %s to display this form inside a post, page or text " "widget." msgstr "Utilisez le shortcode %s pour afficher ce formulaire dans vos billet, page ou widget avec texte." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:6 msgid "Form Messages" msgstr "Messages du formulaire" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:16 msgid "Successfully subscribed" msgstr "Inscription réussie" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:19 msgid "" "The text that shows when an email address is successfully subscribed to the " "selected list(s)." msgstr "Le texte qui apparaît quand l'adresse email est bien inscrite dans la liste ou les listes choisie(s)." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:23 msgid "Invalid email address" msgstr "Adresse email invalide" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:26 msgid "The text that shows when an invalid email address is given." msgstr "Le texte qui apparaît quand une adresse email invalide est donnée." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:30 msgid "Required field missing" msgstr "Champ obligatoire manquant" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:33 msgid "" "The text that shows when a required field for the selected list(s) is " "missing." msgstr "Le texte qui apparaît quand un champ demandé dans la liste ou les listes choisie(s) est manquant." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:37 msgid "Already subscribed" msgstr "Déjà inscrit" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:40 msgid "" "The text that shows when the given email is already subscribed to the " "selected list(s)." msgstr "Le texte qui apparaît quand l'adresse email donnée est déjà inscrite dans la liste ou les listes choisie(s)." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:44 msgid "General error" msgstr "Erreur générale" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:47 msgid "The text that shows when a general error occured." msgstr "Le texte qui apparaît quand une erreur général apparait." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:51 msgid "Unsubscribed" msgstr "Désabonné" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:54 msgid "" "When using the unsubscribe method, this is the text that shows when the " "given email address is successfully unsubscribed from the selected list(s)." msgstr "Quand vous utilisez la méthode Désabonnement, c'est ce texte qui s'affiche quand l'adresse email est désabonnée de la ou les liste(s) sélectionnée(s)." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:58 msgid "Not subscribed" msgstr "Non inscrit" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:61 msgid "" "When using the unsubscribe method, this is the text that shows when the " "given email address is not on the selected list(s)." msgstr "Quand vous utilisez la méthode Désabonnement, c'est ce texte qui s'affiche quand l'adresse email n'est pas dans la ou les liste(s) sélectionnée(s)." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:65 msgid "No list selected" msgstr "Aucune liste sélectionnée" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:68 msgid "" "When offering a list choice, this is the text that shows when no lists were " "selected." msgstr "Quand une liste de choix est proposée, c'est ce texte qui s'affiche quand aucune liste n'a été sélectionnée." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:74 msgid "Updated" msgstr "Mis à jour" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:77 msgid "The text that shows when an existing subscriber is updated." msgstr "Le texte qui apparaît quand un abonné est mis à jour." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-messages.php:89 msgid "HTML tags like %s are allowed in the message fields." msgstr "Les balises HTML telles que %s sont autorisées dans les messages." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:1 msgid "Form Settings" msgstr "Paramètres du formulaire" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:5 msgid "MailChimp specific settings" msgstr "Paramètres spécifiques de MailChimp" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:15 msgid "Lists this form subscribes to" msgstr "répertorier ce formulaire, souscrivez à" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:31 msgid "" "Select the list(s) to which people who submit this form should be " "subscribed." msgstr "Sélectionnez la liste(s) à laquelle, les utilisateurs seront inscrits une fois le formulaire validé." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:37 msgid "Use double opt-in?" msgstr "Utiliser le double opt-in ?" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:44 msgid "Are you sure you want to disable double opt-in?" msgstr "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir désactiver la double validation d'abonnement ?" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:47 msgid "" "We strongly suggest keeping double opt-in enabled. Disabling double opt-in " "may result in abuse." msgstr "Nous vous recommandons fortement de conserver l'option de double validation d'abonnement activée. En la désactivant, vos emails pourraient être considérés comme non spams." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:94 msgid "Form behaviour" msgstr "Comportement du formulaire" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:104 msgid "Hide form after a successful sign-up?" msgstr "Voulez-vous cacher le formulaire après un enregistrement réussi ?" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:115 msgid "Select \"yes\" to hide the form fields after a successful sign-up." msgstr "Sélectionnez \"oui\" afin de cacher les champs du formulaire après un enregistrement réussi." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:120 msgid "Redirect to URL after successful sign-ups" msgstr "Redirection vers une URL après une inscription réussite." #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:122 msgid "Example: %s" msgstr "Exemple : %s" #: includes/forms/views/tabs/form-settings.php:123 msgid "" "Leave empty or enter 0 for no redirect. Otherwise, use complete" " (absolute) URLs, including http://." msgstr "Laisser vide ou entrer 0 pour ne pas rediriger. Autrement, utiliser des liens complets (absolus), en incluant http://."