reset_error(); $default_args = array( 'status' => 'pending', 'email_address' => $email_address, 'interests' => array(), 'merge_fields' => array(), ); $already_on_list = false; // setup default args $args = $args + $default_args; // first, check if subscriber is already on the given list try { $existing_member_data = $this->get_api()->get_list_member( $list_id, $email_address ); if( $existing_member_data->status === 'subscribed' ) { $already_on_list = true; // if we're not supposed to update, bail. if( ! $update_existing ) { $this->error_code = 214; $this->error_message = 'That subscriber already exists.'; return null; } $args['status'] = 'subscribed'; // this key only exists if list actually has interests if( isset( $existing_member_data->interests ) ) { $existing_interests = (array) $existing_member_data->interests; // if replace, assume all existing interests disabled if( $replace_interests ) { $existing_interests = array_fill_keys( array_keys( $existing_interests ), false ); } // TODO: Use array_replace here (PHP 5.3+) $new_interests = $args['interests']; $args['interests'] = $existing_interests; foreach( $new_interests as $interest_id => $interest_status ) { $args['interests']["{$interest_id}"] = $interest_status; } } } else if( $args['status'] === 'pending' && $existing_member_data->status === 'pending' ) { // if status is "pending", delete & then re-subscribe // this ensures that a new double opt-in email is send out $this->get_api()->delete_list_member( $list_id, $email_address ); } } catch( MC4WP_API_Resource_Not_Found_Exception $e ) { // subscriber does not exist (not an issue in this case) } catch( MC4WP_API_Exception $e ) { // other errors. $this->error_code = $e->getCode(); $this->error_message = $e; return null; } try { $data = $this->get_api()->add_list_member( $list_id, $args ); } catch ( MC4WP_API_Exception $e ) { $this->error_code = $e->getCode(); $this->error_message = $e; return null; } $data->was_already_on_list = $already_on_list; return $data; } /** * Changes the subscriber status to "unsubscribed" * * @param string $list_id * @param string $email_address * * @return boolean */ public function list_unsubscribe( $list_id, $email_address ) { $this->reset_error(); try { $this->get_api()->update_list_member( $list_id, $email_address, array( 'status' => 'unsubscribed' ) ); } catch( MC4WP_API_Resource_Not_Found_Exception $e ) { // if email wasn't even on the list: great. return true; } catch( MC4WP_API_Exception $e ) { $this->error_code = $e->getCode(); $this->error_message = $e; return false; } return true; } /** * Deletes the subscriber from the given list. * * @param string $list_id * @param string $email_address * * @return boolean */ public function list_unsubscribe_delete( $list_id, $email_address ) { $this->reset_error(); try { $this->get_api()->delete_list_member( $list_id, $email_address ); } catch( MC4WP_API_Resource_Not_Found_Exception $e ) { // if email wasn't even on the list: great. return true; } catch( MC4WP_API_Exception $e ) { $this->error_code = $e->getCode(); $this->error_message = $e; return false; } return true; } /** * Checks if an email address is on a given list with status "subscribed" * * @param string $list_id * @param string $email_address * * @return boolean */ public function list_has_subscriber( $list_id, $email_address ) { try{ $data = $this->get_api()->get_list_member( $list_id, $email_address ); } catch( MC4WP_API_Resource_Not_Found_Exception $e ) { return false; } return ! empty( $data->id ) && $data->status === 'subscribed'; } /** * Empty the Lists cache */ public function empty_cache() { global $wpdb; delete_option( 'mc4wp_mailchimp_list_ids' ); $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name LIKE 'mc4wp_mailchimp_list_%'" ); delete_transient( 'mc4wp_list_counts' ); } /** * Get MailChimp lists from cache. * * @param boolean deprecated parameter. * @return array */ public function get_cached_lists() { return $this->get_lists( false ); } /** * Get a specific MailChimp list from local DB. * * @param string $list_id * @return MC4WP_MailChimp_List */ public function get_cached_list( $list_id ) { return $this->get_list( $list_id, false ); } /** * Get MailChimp lists, from cache or remote API. * * @param boolean $force Whether to force a result by hitting MailChimp API * @return array */ public function get_lists( $force = true ) { // first, get all list id's $list_ids = $this->get_list_ids( $force ); // then, fill $lists array with individual list details $lists = array(); foreach( $list_ids as $list_id ) { $list = $this->get_list( $list_id, $force ); $lists["{$list_id}"] = $list; } return $lists; } /** * @param string $list_id * * @return MC4WP_MailChimp_List */ private function fetch_list( $list_id ) { try{ $list_data = $this->get_api()->get_list( $list_id, array( 'fields' => 'id,name,stats,web_id,campaign_defaults.from_name,campaign_defaults.from_email' ) ); // create local object $list = new MC4WP_MailChimp_List( $list_data->id, $list_data->name ); $list->subscriber_count = $list_data->stats->member_count; $list->web_id = $list_data->web_id; $list->campaign_defaults = $list_data->campaign_defaults; // get merge fields (if any) if( $list_data->stats->merge_field_count > 0 ) { $field_data = $this->get_api()->get_list_merge_fields( $list->id, array( 'count' => 100, 'fields' => ',merge_fields.tag,merge_fields.type,merge_fields.required,merge_fields.default_value,merge_fields.options,merge_fields.public' ) ); // hydrate data into object foreach( $field_data as $data ) { $object = MC4WP_MailChimp_Merge_Field::from_data( $data ); $list->merge_fields[] = $object; } } // get interest categories $interest_categories_data = $this->get_api()->get_list_interest_categories( $list->id, array( 'count' => 100, 'fields' => ',categories.title,categories.type' ) ); foreach( $interest_categories_data as $interest_category_data ) { $interest_category = MC4WP_MailChimp_Interest_Category::from_data( $interest_category_data ); // fetch groups for this interest $interests_data = $this->get_api()->get_list_interest_category_interests( $list->id, $interest_category->id, array( 'count' => 100, 'fields' => ',') ); foreach( $interests_data as $interest_data ) { $interest_category->interests[ (string) $interest_data->id ] = $interest_data->name; } $list->interest_categories[] = $interest_category; } } catch( MC4WP_API_Exception $e ) { return null; } // save in option update_option( 'mc4wp_mailchimp_list_' . $list_id, $list, false ); return $list; } /** * Get MailChimp list ID's * * @param bool $force Force result by hitting MailChimp API * @return array */ public function get_list_ids( $force = false ) { $list_ids = (array) get_option( 'mc4wp_mailchimp_list_ids', array() ); if( empty( $list_ids ) && $force ) { $list_ids = $this->fetch_list_ids(); } return $list_ids; } /** * @return array */ public function fetch_list_ids() { try{ $lists_data = $this->get_api()->get_lists( array( 'count' => 200, 'fields' => '' ) ); } catch( MC4WP_API_Exception $e ) { return array(); } $list_ids = wp_list_pluck( $lists_data, 'id' ); // store list id's update_option( 'mc4wp_mailchimp_list_ids', $list_ids, false ); return $list_ids; } /** * Fetch list ID's + lists from MailChimp. * * @return bool */ public function fetch_lists() { // try to increase time limit as this can take a while @set_time_limit(300); $list_ids = $this->fetch_list_ids(); // randomize array order shuffle( $list_ids ); // fetch individual list details foreach ( $list_ids as $list_id ) { $list = $this->fetch_list( $list_id ); } return ! empty( $list_ids ); } /** * Get a given MailChimp list * * @param string $list_id * @param bool $force Whether to force a result by hitting remote API * @return MC4WP_MailChimp_List */ public function get_list( $list_id, $force = false ) { $list = get_option( 'mc4wp_mailchimp_list_' . $list_id ); if( empty( $list ) && $force ) { $list = $this->fetch_list( $list_id ); } if( empty( $list ) ) { return new MC4WP_MailChimp_List( $list_id, 'Unknown List' ); } return $list; } /** * Get an array of list_id => number of subscribers * * @return array */ public function get_subscriber_counts() { // get from transient $list_counts = get_transient( 'mc4wp_list_counts' ); if( is_array( $list_counts ) ) { return $list_counts; } // transient not valid, fetch from API try { $lists = $this->get_api()->get_lists( array( 'count' => 100, 'fields' => ',lists.stats' ) ); } catch( MC4WP_API_Exception $e ) { return array(); } $list_counts = array(); // we got a valid response foreach ( $lists as $list ) { $list_counts["{$list->id}"] = $list->stats->member_count; } $seconds = 3600; /** * Filters the cache time for MailChimp lists configuration, in seconds. Defaults to 3600 seconds (1 hour). * * @since 2.0 * @param int $seconds */ $transient_lifetime = (int) apply_filters( 'mc4wp_lists_count_cache_time', $seconds ); set_transient( 'mc4wp_list_counts', $list_counts, $transient_lifetime ); // bail return $list_counts; } /** * Returns number of subscribers on given lists. * * @param array|string $list_ids Array of list ID's, or single string. * @return int Total # subscribers for given lists. */ public function get_subscriber_count( $list_ids ) { // make sure we're getting an array if( ! is_array( $list_ids ) ) { $list_ids = array( $list_ids ); } // if we got an empty array, return 0 if( empty( $list_ids ) ) { return 0; } // get total number of subscribers for all lists $counts = $this->get_subscriber_counts(); // start calculating subscribers count for all given list ID's combined $count = 0; foreach ( $list_ids as $id ) { $count += ( isset( $counts["{$id}"] ) ) ? $counts["{$id}"] : 0; } /** * Filters the total subscriber_count for the given List ID's. * * @since 2.0 * @param string $count * @param array $list_ids */ return apply_filters( 'mc4wp_subscriber_count', $count, $list_ids ); } /** * Resets error properties. */ public function reset_error() { $this->error_message = ''; $this->error_code = ''; } /** * @return bool */ public function has_error() { return ! empty( $this->error_code ); } /** * @return string */ public function get_error_message() { return $this->error_message; } /** * @return string */ public function get_error_code() { return $this->error_code; } /** * @return MC4WP_API_v3 */ private function get_api() { return mc4wp( 'api' ); } }