.pot" * @var Loco_fs_File */ private $pot; /** * Whether POT file is protected from end-user update and sync operations. * @var bool */ private $potlock; /** * Construct project from its domain and a descriptive name */ public function __construct( Loco_package_Bundle $bundle, Loco_package_TextDomain $domain, $name ){ $this->name = $name; $this->bundle = $bundle; $this->domain = $domain; // take default slug from domain, avoiding wildcard $slug = $domain->getName(); if( '*' === $slug ){ $slug = ''; } $this->slug = $slug; // sources $this->sfiles = new Loco_fs_FileList; $this->spaths = new Loco_fs_FileList; $this->xspaths = new Loco_fs_FileList; // targets $this->dpaths = new Loco_fs_FileList; $this->gpaths = new Loco_fs_FileList; $this->xdpaths = new Loco_fs_FileList; // global $this->xgpaths = new Loco_fs_FileList; } /** * Get ID identifying project uniquely within a bundle * @return string */ public function getId(){ $slug = $this->getSlug(); $domain = (string) $this->getDomain(); if( $slug === $domain ){ return $slug; } return addcslashes($domain,'.').'.'.addcslashes($slug,'.'); } /** * @return string */ public function __toString(){ return (string) $this->name; } /** * Set friendly name of project * @return Loco_package_Project */ public function setName( $name ){ $this->name = $name; return $this; } /** * Set short name of project * @return Loco_package_Project */ public function setSlug( $slug ){ $this->slug = $slug; return $this; } /** * Get friendly name of project, e.g. "Network Admin" * @return string */ public function getName(){ return $this->name; } /** * Get short name of project, e.g. "admin" * @return string */ public function getSlug(){ return $this->slug; } /** * @var Loco_package_TextDomain */ public function getDomain(){ return $this->domain; } /** * @var Loco_package_Bundle */ public function getBundle(){ return $this->bundle; } /** * Whether project is the default for its domain. * @return bool */ public function isDomainDefault(){ $slug = $this->getSlug(); $name = $this->getDomain()->getName(); // default if slug matches text domain. // else special case for Core "default" domain which has empty slug return $slug === $name || ( 'default' === $name && '' === $slug ) || 1 === count($this->bundle); } /** * Add a root path where translation files may live * @return Loco_package_Project */ public function addTargetDirectory( $location ){ $this->target = null; $this->dpaths->add( new Loco_fs_Directory($location) ); return $this; } /** * Add a global search path where translation files may live * @param string | Loco_fs_Directory * @return Loco_package_Project */ public function addSystemTargetDirectory( $location ){ $this->target = null; $this->gpaths->add( new Loco_fs_Directory($location) ); return $this; } /** * Get domain paths configured in project * @return Loco_fs_FileList */ public function getConfiguredTargets(){ return $this->dpaths; } /** * Get system paths added to project after configuration * @return Loco_fs_FileList */ public function getSystemTargets(){ return $this->gpaths; } /** * Get all target directory roots including global search paths * @return Loco_fs_FileList */ public function getDomainTargets(){ return $this->getTargetFinder()->getRootDirectories(); } /** * Lazy create all searchable domain paths including global directories * @return Loco_fs_FileFinder */ private function getTargetFinder(){ if( ! $this->target ){ $target = new Loco_fs_FileFinder; $target->setRecursive(false)->group('pot','po','mo'); foreach( $this->dpaths as $path ){ // TODO search need not be recursive if it was the configured DomainPath // currently no way to know at this point, so recursing by default. $target->addRoot( (string) $path, true ); } foreach( $this->gpaths as $path ){ $target->addRoot( (string) $path, false ); } $this->excludeTargets( $target ); $this->target = $target; } return $this->target; } /** * utility excludes current exclude paths from target finder * @return Loco_fs_FileFinder */ private function excludeTargets( Loco_fs_FileFinder $finder ){ foreach( $this->xdpaths as $file ){ if( $path = realpath( (string) $file ) ){ $finder->exclude( $path ); } } foreach( $this->xgpaths as $file ){ if( $path = realpath( (string) $file ) ){ $finder->exclude( $path ); } } return $finder; } /** * Add a path for excluding in a recursive target file search * @return Loco_package_Project */ public function excludeTargetPath( $path ){ $this->target = null; $this->xdpaths->add( new Loco_fs_File($path) ); return $this; } /** * Get all paths excluded when searching for targets * @return Loco_fs_FileList */ public function getConfiguredTargetsExcluded(){ return $this->xdpaths; } /** * Lazy create all searchable source paths * @return Loco_fs_FileFinder */ private function getSourceFinder(){ if( ! $this->source ){ $source = new Loco_fs_FileFinder; // .php extensions configured in plugin options $conf = Loco_data_Settings::get(); $exts = $conf->php_alias or $exts = array('php'); $source->setRecursive(true)->groupBy( $exts ); /* @var $file Loco_fs_File */ foreach( $this->spaths as $file ){ $path = realpath( (string) $file ); if( $path && is_dir($path) ){ $source->addRoot( $path, true ); } } $this->excludeSources( $source ); $this->source = $source; } return $this->source; } /** * utility excludes current exclude paths from target finder * @return Loco_fs_FileFinder */ private function excludeSources( Loco_fs_FileFinder $finder ){ foreach( $this->xspaths as $file ){ if( $path = realpath( (string) $file ) ){ $finder->exclude( $path ); } } foreach( $this->xgpaths as $file ){ if( $path = realpath( (string) $file ) ){ $finder->exclude( $path ); } } return $finder; } /** * Add a root path where source files may live under for this project * @return Loco_package_Project */ public function addSourceDirectory( $location ){ $this->source = null; $this->spaths->add( new Loco_fs_File($location) ); return $this; } /** * Add Explicit source file to project config * @return Loco_package_Project */ public function addSourceFile( $path ){ $this->source = null; $this->sfiles->add( new Loco_fs_File($path) ); return $this; } /** * Add a file or directory as a source location * @return Loco_package_Project */ public function addSourceLocation( $path ){ $file = new Loco_fs_File( $path ); if( $file->isDirectory() ){ $this->addSourceDirectory( $file ); } else { $this->addSourceFile( $file ); } return $this; } /** * Get all source directories and files defined in project * @return Loco_fs_FileList */ public function getConfiguredSources(){ $dynamic = $this->spaths->getArrayCopy(); $statics = $this->sfiles->getArrayCopy(); return new Loco_fs_FileList( array_merge( $dynamic, $statics ) ); } /** * Test if bundle has configured source files (even if they're excluded by other rules) * @return bool */ public function hasSourceFiles(){ return count( $this->sfiles ) || count( $this->spaths ); } /** * Add a path for excluding in source file search * @return Loco_package_Project */ public function excludeSourcePath( $path ){ $this->source = null; $this->xspaths->add( new Loco_fs_File($path) ); return $this; } /** * Get all paths excluded when searching for sources * @return Loco_fs_FileList */ public function getConfiguredSourcesExcluded(){ return $this->xspaths; } /** * Add a globally excluded location affecting sources and targets * @return Loco_package_Project */ public function excludeLocation( $path ){ $this->source = null; $this->target = null; $this->xgpaths->add( new Loco_fs_File($path) ); return $this; } /** * Check whether POT file is protected from end-user update and sync operations. * @return bool */ public function isPotLocked(){ return (bool) $this->potlock; } /** * Lock POT file to prevent end-user updates * @return Loco_package_Project */ public function setPotLock( $locked ){ $this->potlock = (bool) $locked; return $this; } /** * Get full path to template POT (file) * @return Loco_fs_File */ public function getPot(){ if( ! $this->pot ){ // attempt to match POT exactly under configured domain paths $name = $this->getSlug().'.pot'; $targets = $this->getConfiguredTargets()->export(); // permit POT file in the bundle root (i.e. outside domain path) if( $this->isDomainDefault() && $this->bundle->hasDirectoryPath() ){ $targets[] = $this->bundle->getDirectoryPath(); } foreach( $targets as $dir ){ $file = new Loco_fs_File( $name ); $file->normalize( $dir ); if( $file->exists() ){ $this->pot = $file; break; } } } return $this->pot; } /** * Force the use of a known POT file. This could be a PO file if necessary * @return Loco_package_Project */ public function setPot( Loco_fs_File $pot ){ $this->pot = $pot; return $this; } /** * Take a guess at most likely POT file under target locations * @return Loco_fs_File */ public function guessPot(){ $slug = $this->getSlug(); if( ! is_string($slug) || '' === $slug ){ $slug = (string) $this->getDomain(); if( '' === $slug ){ $slug = 'default'; } } // search only inside bundle for template $finder = new Loco_fs_FileFinder; foreach( $this->dpaths as $path ){ $finder->addRoot( (string) $path, true ); } $this->excludeTargets($finder); $files = $finder->group('pot','po','mo')->exportGroups(); foreach( array('pot','po') as $ext ){ /* @var $pot Loco_fs_File */ foreach( $files[$ext] as $pot ){ $name = $pot->filename(); // use exact match on project slug if found if( $slug === $name ){ return $pot; } // support unconventional -en_US. foreach( array('-en_US'=>6, '-en'=>3 ) as $tail => $len ){ if( '-en_US' === substr($name,-$len) && $slug === substr($name,0,-$len) ){ return $pot; } } } } // Failed to find correctly named POT file, // but if a single POT file is found we'll use it. if( 1 === count($files['pot']) ){ return $files['pot'][0]; } // Either no POT files are found, or multiple are found. // if the project is the default in its domain, we can try aliases which may be PO if( $this->isDomainDefault() ){ $options = Loco_data_Settings::get(); if( $aliases = $options->pot_alias ){ $found = array(); /* @var $pot Loco_fs_File */ foreach( $finder as $pot ){ $priority = array_search( $pot->basename(), $aliases, true ); if( false !== $priority ){ $found[$priority] = $pot; } } if( $found ){ ksort( $found ); return current($found); } } } // failed to guess POT file } /** * Get all extractable PHP source files found under all source paths * @return Loco_fs_FileList */ public function findSourceFiles(){ $source = $this->getSourceFinder(); // augment file list from directories unless already done so if( ! $source->isCached() ){ $crawled = $source->exportGroups(); foreach( $crawled as $ext => $files ){ foreach( $files as $file ){ $this->sfiles->add($file); } } } return $this->sfiles; } /** * Get all translation files matching project prefix across target directories * @return Loco_fs_LocaleFileList */ public function findLocaleFiles( $ext ){ $list = new Loco_fs_LocaleFileList; $files = $this->getTargetFinder()->exportGroups(); $prefix = $this->getSlug(); $domain = $this->domain->getName(); $default = $this->isDomainDefault(); /* @var $file Loco_fs_File */ foreach( $files[$ext] as $file ){ $file = new Loco_fs_LocaleFile( $file ); // add file if prefix matches and has a suffix. locale will be validated later if( $file->getPrefix() === $prefix && $file->getSuffix() ){ $list->addLocalized( $file ); } // else in some cases a suffix-only file like "el.po" can match else if( $default && $file->hasSuffixOnly() ){ // 1. theme files under their own directory if( $file->underThemeDirectory() ){ $list->addLocalized( $file ); } // 2. WordPress core "default" domain, default project else if( 'default' === $domain ){ $list->addLocalized( $file ); } } } return $list; } /** * @return Loco_fs_FileList */ public function findNotLocaleFiles( $ext ){ $list = new Loco_fs_LocaleFileList; $files = $this->getTargetFinder()->exportGroups(); /* @var $file Loco_fs_LocaleFile */ foreach( $files[$ext] as $file ){ $file = new Loco_fs_LocaleFile( $file ); // add file if it has no locale suffix and is inside the bundle if( $file->hasPrefixOnly() && ! $file->underGlobalDirectory() ){ $list->add( $file ); } } return $list; } /** * Initialize choice of PO file paths for a given locale * @param Loco_Locale locale to initialize translation files for * @return Loco_fs_FileList */ public function initLocaleFiles( Loco_Locale $locale ){ $slug = $this->getSlug(); $domain = $this->domain->getName(); $default = $this->isDomainDefault(); $suffix = sprintf( '%s.po', $locale ); $prefix = $slug ? sprintf('%s-',$slug) : ''; $choice = new Loco_fs_FileList; /* @var $dir Loco_fs_Directory */ foreach( $this->getConfiguredTargets() as $dir ){ // theme files under their own directory normally have no file prefix if( $default && $dir->underThemeDirectory() ){ $path = $dir->getPath().'/'.$suffix; } // plugin files are prefixed even in their own directory, so empty prefix here implies incorrect bundle configuration //else if( $default && ! $prefix && $dir->underPluginDirectory() ){ // $path = $dir->getPath().'/'.$domain.'-'.$suffix; //} // all other paths use configured prefix, which may be empty else { $path = $dir->getPath().'/'.$prefix.$suffix; } $choice->add( new Loco_fs_LocaleFile($path) ); } /* @var $dir Loco_fs_Directory */ foreach( $this->getSystemTargets() as $dir ){ $path = $dir->getPath(); // themes and plugins under global locations will be loaded by domain, regardless of prefix if( '/themes' === substr($path,-7) || '/plugins' === substr($path,-8) ){ $path .= '/'.$domain.'-'.$suffix; } // all other paths (probably core) use configured prefix, which may be empty else { $path .= '/'.$prefix.$suffix; } $choice->add( new Loco_fs_LocaleFile($path) ); } return $choice; } /** * Get newest timestamp of all translation files (includes template, but exclude source files) * @return int */ public function getLastUpdated(){ $t = 0; $file = $this->getPot(); if( $file && $file->exists() ){ $t = $file->modified(); } /* @var $file Loco_fs_File */ foreach( $this->findLocaleFiles('po') as $file ){ $t = max( $t, $file->modified() ); } return $t; } }