setPath( $path ); } /** * Internally set path value and flag whether relative or absolute * @param string * @return string */ private function setPath( $path ){ $path = (string) $path; if( $fixed = self::abs($path) ){ $path = $fixed; $this->rel = false; } else { $this->rel = true; } if( $path !== $this->path ){ $this->path = $path; $this->info = null; } return $path; } /** * @return bool */ public function isAbsolute(){ return ! $this->rel; } /** * @internal */ public function __clone(){ $this->cloneWriteContext( $this->w ); } /** * Copy write context with our file reference * @return Loco_fs_File */ private function cloneWriteContext( Loco_fs_FileWriter $context = null ){ if( $context ){ $context = clone $context; $this->w = $context->setFile($this); } return $this; } /** * Get file system context for operations that *modify* the file system. * Read operations and operations that stat the file will always do so directly. * @return Loco_fs_FileWriter */ public function getWriteContext(){ if( ! $this->w ){ $this->w = new Loco_fs_FileWriter( $this ); } return $this->w; } /** * @internal */ private function pathinfo(){ return is_array($this->info) ? $this->info : ( $this->info = pathinfo($this->path) ); } /** * @return bool */ public function exists(){ return file_exists( $this->path ); } /** * @return bool */ public function writable(){ return $this->getWriteContext()->writable(); } /** * @return bool */ public function deletable(){ $parent = $this->getParent(); if( $parent && $parent->writable() ){ // sticky directory requires that either the file its parent is owned by effective user if( $parent->mode() & 01000 ){ $writer = $this->getWriteContext(); if( $writer->isDirect() && ( $uid = Loco_compat_PosixExtension::getuid() ) ){ return $uid === $this->uid() || $uid === $parent->uid(); } // else delete operation won't be done directly, so can't pre-empt sticky problems // TODO is it worth comparing FTP username etc.. for ownership? } // defaulting to "deletable" based on fact that parent is writable. return true; } return false; } /** * Get owner uid * @return int */ public function uid(){ return fileowner($this->path); } /** * Get group gid * @return int */ public function gid(){ return filegroup($this->path); } /** * Check if file can't be overwitten when existent, nor created when non-existent * This does not check permissions recursively as directory trees are not built implicitly * @return bool */ public function locked(){ if( $this->exists() ){ return ! $this->writable(); } if( $dir = $this->getParent() ){ return ! $dir->writable(); } return true; } /** * Check if full path can be built to non-existent file. * @return bool */ public function creatable(){ $file = $this; while( $file = $file->getParent() ){ if( $file->exists() ){ return $file->writable(); } } return false; } /** * @return string */ public function dirname(){ $info = $this->pathinfo(); return $info['dirname']; } /** * @return string */ public function basename(){ $info = $this->pathinfo(); return $info['basename']; } /** * @return string */ public function filename(){ $info = $this->pathinfo(); return $info['filename']; } /** * @return string */ public function extension(){ $info = $this->pathinfo(); return isset($info['extension']) ? $info['extension'] : ''; } /** * @return string */ public function getPath(){ return $this->path; } /** * @return int */ public function modified(){ return filemtime( $this->path ); } /** * @return int */ public function size(){ return filesize( $this->path ); } /** * @return int */ public function mode(){ if( is_link($this->path) ){ $stat = lstat( $this->path ); $mode = $stat[2]; } else { $mode = fileperms($this->path); } return $mode; } /** * Set file mode * @return Loco_fs_File */ public function chmod( $mode, $recursive = false ){ $this->getWriteContext()->chmod( $mode, $recursive ); return $this->clearStat(); } /** * Clear stat cache if any file data has changed * @return Loco_fs_File */ public function clearStat(){ $this->info = null; // PHP 5.3.0 Added optional clear_realpath_cache and filename parameters. if( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=' ) ){ clearstatcache( true, $this->path ); } // else no choice but to drop entire stat cache else { clearstatcache(); } return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function __toString(){ return $this->getPath(); } /** * Check if passed path is equal to ours * @param string * @return bool */ public function equal( $path ){ return $this->path === (string) $path; } /** * Normalize path for string comparison, resolves redundant dots and slashes. * @param string path to prefix * @return string */ public function normalize( $base = '' ){ if( $path = self::abs($base) ){ $base = $path; } if( $base !== $this->base ){ $path = $this->path; if( '' === $path ){ $this->setPath($base); } else { if( ! $this->rel || ! $base ){ $b = array(); } else { $b = self::explode( $base, array() ); } $b = self::explode( $path, $b ); $this->setPath( implode('/',$b) ); } $this->base = $base; } return $this->path; } /** * */ private static function explode( $path, array $b ){ $a = explode( '/', $path ); foreach( $a as $i => $s ){ if( '' === $s ){ if( 0 !== $i ){ continue; } } if( '.' === $s ){ continue; } if( '..' === $s ){ if( array_pop($b) ){ continue; } } $b[] = $s; } return $b; } /** * Get path relative to given location, unless path is already relative * @return string */ public function getRelativePath( $base ){ $path = $this->normalize(); if( $abspath = self::abs($path) ){ // base may needs require normalizing $file = new Loco_fs_File($base); $base = $file->normalize(); $length = strlen($base); // if we are below given base path, return ./relative if( substr($path,0,$length) === $base ){ ++$length; if( isset($path{$length}) ){ return substr( $path, $length ); } // else paths were idenitcal return ''; } // else attempt to find nearest common root $i = 0; $source = explode('/',$base); $target = explode('/',$path); while( isset($source[$i]) && isset($target[$i]) && $source[$i] === $target[$i] ){ $i++; } if( $i > 1 ){ $depth = count($source) - $i; $build = array_merge( array_fill( 0, $depth, '..' ), array_slice( $target, $i ) ); $path = implode( '/', $build ); } } // else return unmodified return $path; } /** * @return bool */ public function isDirectory(){ if( file_exists($this->path) ){ return is_dir($this->path); } return ! $this->extension(); } /** * Load contents of file into a string * @return string */ public function getContents(){ return file_get_contents( $this->path ); } /** * Check if path is under a theme directory * @return bool */ public function underThemeDirectory(){ return Loco_fs_Locations::getThemes()->check( $this->path ); } /** * Check if path is under a plugin directory * @return bool */ public function underPluginDirectory(){ return Loco_fs_Locations::getPlugins()->check( $this->path ); } /** * Check if path is under wp-content directory * @return bool */ public function underContentDirectory(){ return Loco_fs_Locations::getContent()->check( $this->path ); } /** * Check if path is under WordPress root directory (ABSPATH) * @return bool */ public function underWordPressDirectory(){ return Loco_fs_Locations::getRoot()->check( $this->path ); } /** * Check if path is under the global system directory * @return bool */ public function underGlobalDirectory(){ return Loco_fs_Locations::getGlobal()->check( $this->path ); } /** * @return Loco_fs_Directory */ public function getParent(){ $path = $this->dirname(); if( '.' !== $path && $this->path !== $path ){ $dir = new Loco_fs_Directory( $path ); $dir->cloneWriteContext( $this->w ); return $dir; } } /** * Copy this file for real * @throws Loco_error_WriteException * @return Loco_fs_File new file */ public function copy( $dest ){ $copy = clone $this; $copy->path = $dest; $copy->clearStat(); $this->getWriteContext()->copy( $copy ); return $copy; } /** * Delete this file for real * @throws Loco_error_WriteException * @return Loco_fs_File */ public function unlink(){ $recursive = $this->isDirectory(); $this->getWriteContext()->delete( $recursive ); return $this->clearStat(); } /** * Copy this object with an alternative file extension * @return Loco_fs_File */ public function cloneExtension( $ext ){ $snip = strlen( $this->extension() ); $file = clone $this; if( $snip ){ $file->path = substr_replace( $this->path, $ext, - $snip ); } else { $file->path .= '.'.$ext; } $file->info = null; return $file; } /** * Ensure full parent directory tree exists * @return Loco_fs_Directory */ public function createParent(){ if( $dir = $this->getParent() ){ if( ! $dir->exists() ){ $dir->mkdir(); } } return $dir; } /** * @return int bytes written to file */ public function putContents( $data ){ $this->getWriteContext()->putContents($data); $this->clearStat(); return $this->size(); } /** * Establish what part of the WordPress file system this is. * Value is that used by WP_Automatic_Updater::should_update. * @return string "core", "plugin", "theme" or "translation" */ public function getUpdateType(){ // global languages directory root, and canonical subdirectories $dirpath = (string) ( $this->isDirectory() ? $this : $this->getParent() ); if( $sub = Loco_fs_Locations::getGlobal()->rel($dirpath) ){ list($root) = explode('/', $sub, 2 ); if( '.' === $root || 'themes' === $root || 'plugins' === $root ){ return 'translation'; } } // theme and plugin locations can be at any depth else if( $this->underThemeDirectory() ){ return 'theme'; } else if( $this->underPluginDirectory() ){ return 'plugin'; } // core locations are under WordPress root, but not under wp-content else if( $this->underWordPressDirectory() && ! $this->underContentDirectory() ){ return 'core'; } // else not an update type return ''; } }