errors[] = $error; // do late flush if we missed the boat if( did_action('loco_admin_init') ){ $notices->on_loco_admin_init(); } if( did_action('admin_notices') ){ $notices->on_admin_notices(); } // if exception wasn't thrown we have to do some work to establish where it was invoked if( __FILE__ === $error->getFile() ){ $stack = debug_backtrace(); $error->setCallee( $stack[1] ); } // Log messages of minimum priority and up, depending on debug mode // note that non-debug level is in line with error_reporting set by WordPress (notices ignored) $priority = loco_debugging() ? Loco_error_Exception::LEVEL_DEBUG : Loco_error_Exception::LEVEL_WARNING; if( $error->getLevel() <= $priority ){ $file = new Loco_fs_File( $error->getRealFile() ); $path = $file->getRelativePath( loco_plugin_root() ); $text = sprintf('[Loco.%s] "%s" in %s:%u', $error->getType(), $error->getMessage(), $path, $error->getRealLine() ); // This writes to default PHP log, but note that WP_DEBUG_LOG may have set that to wp-content/debug.log. // If no `error_log` is set this will send message to the SAPI, so check your httpd/fast-cgi errors too. error_log( $text, 0 ); } return $error; } /** * Raise a success message * @return Loco_error_Success */ public static function success( $message ){ return self::add( new Loco_error_Success($message) ); } /** * Raise a warning message * @return Loco_error_Warning */ public static function warn( $message ){ return self::add( new Loco_error_Warning($message) ); } /** * Raise a generic info message * @return Loco_error_Notice */ public static function info( $message ){ return self::add( new Loco_error_Notice($message) ); } /** * Raise a debug notice, if debug is enabled * @return Loco_error_Debug */ public static function debug( $message ){ $notice = new Loco_error_Debug($message); loco_debugging() and self::add( $notice ); return $notice; } /** * Destroy and return buffer * @return array */ public static function destroy(){ if( $notices = self::$singleton ){ $buffer = $notices->errors; $notices->errors = array(); self::$singleton = null; return $buffer; } return array(); } /** * Destroy and return all serialized notices, suitable for ajax response * @return array */ public static function destroyAjax(){ $data = array(); /* @var $notice Loco_error_Exception */ foreach( self::destroy() as $notice ){ $data[] = $notice->jsonSerialize(); } return $data; } /** * @return void */ private function flush(){ if( $this->errors ){ $htmls = array(); /* $var $error Loco_error_Exception */ foreach( $this->errors as $error ){ $html = sprintf ( '

%s: %s

', esc_html( $error->getTitle() ), esc_html( $error->getMessage() ) ); $styles = array( 'notice', 'notice-'.$error->getType() ); if( $this->inline ){ $styles[] = 'inline'; } if( $links = $error->getLinks() ){ $styles[] = 'has-nav'; $html .= ''; } $htmls[] = '
'; } $this->errors = array(); echo implode("\n", $htmls),"\n"; } } /** * admin_notices action handler. */ public function on_admin_notices(){ if( ! $this->inline ){ $this->flush(); } } /** * loco_admin_notices callback. * Unlike WordPress "admin_notices" this fires from within template layout at the point we want them, hence they are marked as "inline" */ public function on_loco_admin_notices(){ $this->inline = true; $this->flush(); } /** * loco_admin_init callback * When we know a Loco admin controller will render the page we will control the point at which notices are printed */ public function on_loco_admin_init(){ $this->inline = true; } /** * @internal * Make sure we always see notices if hooks didn't fire */ public function __destruct(){ $this->inline = false; if( ! loco_doing_ajax() ){ $this->flush(); } } }