exists() ){ return $srcfile; } }*/ // reference may be resolvable via referencing PO file's location $pofile = new Loco_fs_File( $this->get('path') ); $pofile->normalize( loco_constant('WP_CONTENT_DIR') ); if( ! $pofile->exists() ){ throw new InvalidArgumentException('PO/POT file required to resolve reference'); } $search = new Loco_gettext_SearchPaths; $search->init($pofile); if( $srcfile = $search->match($refpath) ){ return $srcfile; } // check against PO file location when no search paths or search paths failed $srcfile = new Loco_fs_File($refpath); $srcfile->normalize( $pofile->dirname() ); if( $srcfile->exists() ){ return $srcfile; } // reference may be resolvable via known project roots try { $bundle = $this->getBundle(); // Loco extractions will always be relative to bundle root $srcfile = new Loco_fs_File( $refpath ); $srcfile->normalize( $bundle->getDirectoryPath() ); if( $srcfile->exists() ){ return $srcfile; } // check relative to parent theme root if( $bundle->isTheme() && ( $parent = $bundle->getParentTheme() ) ){ $srcfile = new Loco_fs_File( $refpath ); $srcfile->normalize( $parent->getDirectoryPath() ); if( $srcfile->exists() ){ return $srcfile; } } // final attempt - search all project source roots // TODO is there too large a risk of false positives? especially with files like index.php /* @var $root Loco_fs_Directory */ /*foreach( $this->getProject($bundle)->getConfiguredSources() as $root ){ if( $root->isDirectory() ){ $srcfile = new Loco_fs_File( $refpath ); $srcfile->normalize( $root->getPath() ); if( $srcfile->exists() ){ return $srcfile; } } }*/ } catch( Loco_error_Exception $e ){ // permitted for there to be no bundle or project when viewing orphaned file } throw new Loco_error_Exception( sprintf('Failed to find source file matching "%s"',$refpath) ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function render(){ $post = $this->validate(); // at the very least we need a reference to examine if( ! $post->has('ref') ){ throw new InvalidArgumentException('ref parameter required'); } // reference must parse as : $ref = $post->ref; if( ! preg_match('/^(.+):(\d+)$/', $ref, $r ) ){ throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid file reference, '.$ref ); } // find file or fail list( , $refpath, $refline ) = $r; $srcfile = $this->findSourceFile($refpath); $type = strtolower( $srcfile->extension() ); $this->set('type', $type ); $this->set('line', (int) $refline ); $this->set('path', $srcfile->getRelativePath( loco_constant('WP_CONTENT_DIR') ) ); // source code will be HTML-tokenized into multiple lines $code = array(); // PHP is the most likely format. highlighting on back end because tokenizer provides more control than highlight.js if( 'php' === $type ) { $thisline = 1; foreach( token_get_all( $srcfile->getContents() ) as $tok ){ if( is_array($tok) ){ // line numbers added in PHP 5.2.2 - WordPress minimum is 5.2.4 list( $t, $str, $startline ) = $tok; $clss = token_name($t); // tokens can span multiple lines (whitespace/html/comments) $lines = preg_split('/\\R/', $str ); } else { // scalar symbol will always start on the line that the previous token ended on $clss = 'T_NONE'; $lines = array( $tok ); $startline = $thisline; } // token can span multiple lines, so include only bytes on required line[s] foreach( $lines as $i => $line ){ $thisline = $startline + $i; $html = ''.htmlentities($line,ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8').''; // append highlighted token to current line $j = $thisline - 1; if( isset($code[$j]) ){ $code[$j] .= $html; } else { $code[$j] = $html; } } } } /*/ TODO permit limited other file types, but without back end highlighting else if( ){ foreach( preg_split( '/\\R/u', $srcfile->getContents() ) as $line ){ $code[] = ''.htmlentities($line,ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8').''; } }*/ else { throw new Loco_error_Exception( sprintf('%s source view not supported', $type) ); } if( ! isset($code[$refline-1]) ){ throw new Loco_error_Exception( sprintf('Line %u not in source file', $refline) ); } $this->set( 'code', $code ); return parent::render(); } }