enqueueStyle('poinit'); // $bundle = $this->getBundle(); $this->set('title', __('New language','loco-translate').' ‹ '.$bundle ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getHelpTabs(){ return array ( __('Overview','default') => $this->viewSnippet('tab-init-po'), ); } /** * Sort to the left the best option for saving new translation files * @return Loco_mvc_ViewParams */ private function sortPreferred( array $choices ){ usort( $choices, array(__CLASS__,'_onSortPreferred') ); $best = current( $choices ); if( $best && ! $best['disabled'] ){ return $best; } } /** * @internal */ public static function _onSortPreferred( Loco_mvc_ViewParams $a, Loco_mvc_ViewParams $b ){ $x = self::scoreFileChoice($a); $y = self::scoreFileChoice($b); return $x === $y ? 0 : ( $x > $y ? -1 : 1 ); } /** * Score an individual file choice for sorting preferred * @return int */ private static function scoreFileChoice( Loco_mvc_ViewParams $p ){ $score = 0; if( $p['writable'] ){ $score++; } if( $p['disabled'] ){ $score -= 2; } if( $p['systype'] ){ $score--; } return $score; } /** * @internal */ public static function _onSortLocationKeys( $a, $b ){ static $order = array('custom' => 4, 'wplang' => 3, 'theme' => 2, 'plugin' => 2, 'other' => 1 ); $x = $order[$a]; $y = $order[$b]; return $x === $y ? 0 : ( $x > $y ? -1 : 1 ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function render(){ $breadcrumb = $this->prepareNavigation(); // "new" tab is confising when no project-scope navigation // $this->get('tabs')->add( __('New PO','loco-translate'), '', true ); // bundle mandatory, but project optional $bundle = $this->getBundle(); try { $project = $this->getProject(); $slug = $project->getSlug(); $domain = (string) $project->getDomain(); $subhead = sprintf( __('Initializing new translations in "%s"','loco-translate'), $slug?$slug:$domain ); } catch( Loco_error_Exception $e ){ $project = null; $subhead = __('Initializing new translations in unknown set','loco-translate'); } $title = __('New language','loco-translate'); $this->set('subhead', $subhead ); // navigate up to bundle listing page $breadcrumb->add( $title ); $this->set( 'breadcrumb', $breadcrumb ); // default locale is a placeholder $locale = new Loco_Locale('zxx'); $content_dir = untrailingslashit( loco_constant('WP_CONTENT_DIR') ); $copying = false; // Permit using any provided file a template instead of POT if( $potpath = $this->get('path') ){ $potfile = new Loco_fs_LocaleFile($potpath); $potfile->normalize( $content_dir ); if( ! $potfile->exists() ){ throw new Loco_error_Exception('Forced template argument must exist'); } $copying = true; // forced source could be a POT (although UI would normally prevent it) if( $potfile->getSuffix() ){ $locale = $potfile->getLocale(); $this->set('sourceLocale', $locale ); } } // else project not configured. UI should prevent this by not offering msginit else if( ! $project ){ throw new Loco_error_Exception('Cannot add new language to unconfigured set'); } // else POT file may or may not be known, and may or may not exist else { $potfile = $project->getPot(); } $locales = array(); $installed = array(); $api = new Loco_api_WordPressTranslations; // pull installed list first, this will include en_US and any non-standard languages installed foreach( $api->getInstalledCore() as $tag ){ $locale = Loco_Locale::parse($tag); if( $locale->isValid() ){ $tag = (string) $tag; // We may not have names for these, so just the language tag will show $installed[$tag] = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( array( 'value' => $tag, 'icon' => $locale->getIcon(), 'label' => $locale->ensureName($api), ) ); } } // pull the same list of "available" languages as used in WordPress settings /* @var $locale Loco_Locale */ foreach( $api->getAvailableCore() as $tag => $locale ){ if( ! array_key_exists($tag,$installed) ){ $locales[$tag] = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( array( 'value' => $tag, 'icon' => $locale->getIcon(), 'label' => $locale->ensureName($api), ) ); } } // two locale lists built for "installed" and "available" dropdowns $this->set( 'locales', $locales ); $this->set( 'installed', $installed ); // Critical that user selects the correct save location: if( $project ){ $filechoice = $project->initLocaleFiles( $locale ); } // without configured project we will only allow save to same location else { $filechoice = new Loco_fs_FileList; } // show information about POT file if we are initialializing from template if( $potfile && $potfile->exists() ){ $meta = Loco_gettext_Metadata::load($potfile); $total = $meta->getTotal(); $summary = sprintf( _n('One string found in %2$s','%s strings found in %s',$total,'loco-translate'), number_format($total), $potfile->basename() ); $this->set( 'pot', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( array( 'name' => $potfile->basename(), 'path' => $meta->getPath(false), ) ) ); // if copying an existing PO file, we can fairly safely establish the correct prefixing if( $copying ){ $poname = ( $prefix = $potfile->getPrefix() ) ? sprintf('%s-%s.po',$prefix,$locale) : sprintf('%s.po',$locale); $pofile = new Loco_fs_LocaleFile( $poname ); $pofile->normalize( $potfile->dirname() ); $filechoice->add( $pofile ); } /// else if POT is in a folder we don't know about, we may as well add to the choices // TODO this means another utilty function in project for prefixing rules on individual location } // else no template exists, so we prompt to extract from source else { $this->set( 'ext', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( array( 'link' => Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate( $this->get('type').'-xgettext', $_GET ), 'text' => __('Create template','loco-translate'), ) ) ); // if forcing source extraction show brief description of source files if( $this->get('extract') ){ // Tokenizer required for string extraction if( ! loco_check_extension('tokenizer') ){ return $this->view('admin/errors/no-tokenizer'); } $nfiles = count( $project->findSourceFiles() ); $summary = sprintf( _n('1 source file will be scanned for translatable strings','%s source files will be scanned for translatable strings',$nfiles,'loco-translate'), number_format_i18n($nfiles) ); } // else prompt for template creation before continuing else { $this->set( 'skip', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( array( 'link' => Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate( $this->get('_route'), $_GET + array( 'extract' => '1' ) ), 'text' => __('Skip template','loco-translate'), ) ) ); // POT could still be defined, it might just not exist yet if( $potfile ){ $this->set('pot', Loco_mvc_FileParams::create($potfile) ); } return $this->view('admin/init/init-prompt'); } } $this->set( 'summary', $summary ); // group established locations into types (official, etc..) // there is no point checking whether any of these file exist, because we don't know what language will be chosen yet. $sortable = array(); $locations = array(); $fs_protect = Loco_data_Settings::get()->fs_protect; $fs_failure = null; /* @var Loco_fs_File $pofile */ foreach( $filechoice as $pofile ){ $parent = new Loco_fs_LocaleDirectory( $pofile->dirname() ); $typeId = $parent->getTypeId(); if( ! isset($locations[$typeId]) ){ $locations[$typeId] = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( array( 'label' => $parent->getTypeLabel( $typeId ), 'paths' => array(), ) ); } // lazy build of directory path, suppressing errors if( ! $parent->exists() ){ try { $parent->mkdir(); } catch( Exception $e ){ // Loco_error_AdminNotices::warn( $e->getMessage() ); } } // folder may be unwritable (requiring connect to create file) or may be denied under security settings try { $disabled = false; $systype = $parent->getUpdateType(); $context = $parent->getWriteContext()->authorize(); $writable = $context->writable(); } catch( Loco_error_WriteException $e ){ $fs_failure = $e->getMessage(); $disabled = true; $writable = false; } $choice = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( array ( 'checked' => '', 'writable' => $writable, 'disabled' => $disabled, 'systype' => $systype, 'parent' => Loco_mvc_FileParams::create( $parent ), 'hidden' => $pofile->getRelativePath($content_dir), 'holder' => str_replace( (string) $locale, '<locale>', $pofile->basename() ), ) ); // may need to show system file warnings if( $systype && $fs_protect ){ $choice['syswarn'] = true; } $sortable[] = $choice; $locations[$typeId]['paths'][] = $choice; } // display locations in runtime preference order uksort( $locations, array(__CLASS__,'_onSortLocationKeys') ); $this->set( 'locations', $locations ); // pre-select best (safest/writable) option if( $preferred = $this->sortPreferred( $sortable ) ){ $preferred['checked'] = 'checked'; } // else show total lock message. probably file mods disallowed else if( $fs_failure ){ $this->set('fsLocked', $fs_failure ); } // hidden fields to pass through to Ajax endpoint $this->set('hidden', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( array( 'action' => 'loco_json', 'route' => 'msginit', 'loco-nonce' => $this->setNonce('msginit')->value, 'type' => $bundle->getType(), 'bundle' => $bundle->getHandle(), 'domain' => $project ? $project->getId() : '', 'source' => $potpath, ) ) ); $this->set('help', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( array( 'href' => apply_filters('loco_external','https://localise.biz/wordpress/plugin/manual/msginit'), 'text' => __("What's this?",'loco-translate'), ) ) ); // file system prompts will be handled when paths are selected (i.e. we don't have one yet) $this->prepareFsConnect( 'create', '' ); $this->enqueueScript('poinit'); return $this->view( 'admin/init/init-po', array() ); } }