extension(); throw new Loco_error_Exception( sprintf('Refusing to delete a %s file', strtoupper($ext) ) ); } return $siblings->expand(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function init(){ parent::init(); $file = $this->get('file'); // set up form for delete confirmation if( $file->exists() && ! $file->isDirectory() ){ // nonce action will be specific to file for extra security // TODO could also add file MD5 to avoid deletion after changes made. $path = $file->getPath(); $action = 'delete:'.$path; // set up view now in case of late failure $fields = new Loco_mvc_HiddenFields( array() ); $fields->setNonce( $action ); $this->set( 'hidden', $fields ); // attempt delete if valid nonce posted back if( $this->checkNonce($action) ){ $api = new Loco_api_WordPressFileSystem; // delete dependant files, so that master always exists if any others fail $files = array_reverse( $this->expandFiles($file) ); try { /* @var $trash Loco_fs_File */ foreach( $files as $trash ){ $api->authorizeDelete($trash); $trash->unlink(); } // flash message for display after redirect try { $n = count( $files ); Loco_data_Session::get()->flash('success', sprintf( _n('File deleted','%u files deleted',$n,'loco-translate'),$n) ); Loco_data_Session::close(); } catch( Exception $e ){ // tollerate session failure } // redirect to bundle overview $href = Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate( $this->get('type').'-view', array( 'bundle' => $this->get('bundle') ) ); if( wp_redirect($href) ){ exit; } } catch( Loco_error_Exception $e ){ Loco_error_AdminNotices::add( $e ); } } } $bundle = $this->getBundle(); $this->set('title', sprintf( __('Delete %s','loco-translate'), $file->basename() ).' ‹ '.$bundle->getName() ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function render(){ $file = $this->get('file'); if( $fail = $this->getFileError($file) ){ return $fail; } $files = $this->expandFiles( $file ); $info = Loco_mvc_FileParams::create($file); $this->set( 'info', $info ); $this->set( 'title', sprintf( __('Delete %s','loco-translate'), $info->name ) ); // warn about additional files that will be deleted along with this if( $deps = array_slice($files,1) ){ $count = count($deps); $this->set('warn', sprintf( _n( 'One dependant file will also be deleted', '%u dependant files will also be deleted', $count, 'loco-translate' ), $count ) ); $infos = array(); foreach( $deps as $depfile ){ $infos[] = Loco_mvc_FileParams::create( $depfile ); } $this->set('deps', $infos ); } $this->prepareFsConnect( 'delete', $this->get('path') ); $this->enqueueScript('delete'); return $this->view('admin/file/delete'); } }