Social Share Analytics is not active. To activate it please go to Social Buttons -> Social Sharing -> Share Analytics and activte it"; return; } ESSBSocialShareAnalyticsBackEnd::init_addional_settings (); // overall stats by social network if ($date != '' || $position != '') { $overall_stats = ESSBSocialShareAnalyticsBackEnd::essb_stats_by_networks ( '', '', $date, $position ); $position_stats = ESSBSocialShareAnalyticsBackEnd::essb_stats_by_position ( '', '', $date, $position ); } else { $overall_stats = ESSBSocialShareAnalyticsBackEnd::essb_stats_by_networks ( $month ); $position_stats = ESSBSocialShareAnalyticsBackEnd::essb_stats_by_position ( $month ); } // print_r($overall_stats); $calculated_total = 0; $networks_with_data = array (); if (isset ( $overall_stats )) { $cnt = 0; foreach ( $essb_networks as $k => $v ) { $calculated_total += intval ( $overall_stats->{$k} ); if (intval ( $overall_stats->{$k} ) != 0) { $networks_with_data [$k] = $calculated_total; } } } $device_stats = ESSBSocialShareAnalyticsBackEnd::essb_stats_by_device ( $month, '', $date, $position ); $today = date ( 'Y-m-d' ); $today_month = date ( 'Y-m' ); $essb_date_to = ""; $essb_date_from = ""; if ($essb_date_to == '') { $essb_date_to = date ( "Y-m-d" ); } if ($essb_date_from == '') { $essb_date_from = date ( "Y-m-d", strtotime ( date ( "Y-m-d", strtotime ( date ( "Y-m-d" ) ) ) . "-1 month" ) ); } if ($mode == "1") { $sqlObject = ESSBSocialShareAnalyticsBackEnd::getDateRangeRecords ( $essb_date_from, $essb_date_to ); // print_r($sqlObject); $dataPeriodObject = ESSBSocialShareAnalyticsBackEnd::sqlDateRangeRecordConvert ( $essb_date_from, $essb_date_to, $sqlObject ); $sqlMonthsData = ESSBSocialShareAnalyticsBackEnd::essb_stats_by_networks_by_months (); } ?>

desktop; $mobile = $device_stats->mobile; if ($calculated_total != 0) { $percentd = $desktop * 100 / $calculated_total; } else { $percentd = 0; } $print_percentd = round ( $percentd, 2 ); $percentd = round ( $percentd ); if ($percentd > 90) { $percentd -= 2; } if ($calculated_total != 0) { $percentm = $mobile * 100 / $calculated_total; } else { $percentm = 0; } $print_percentm = round ( $percentm, 2 ); $percentm = round ( $percentm ); if ($percentm > 90) { $percentm -= 2; } } ?>
{$key} ); if ($single > $best_position_value) { $best_position_value = $single; $best_position_key = $k; } } foreach ( $essb_networks as $k => $v ) { $single = intval ( $overall_stats->{$k} ); if ($single > $best_network_value) { $best_network_value = $single; $best_network_key = $v["name"]; } } } ?>
{$key} ); if ($single > 0) { if ($calculated_total != 0) { $percent = $single * 100 / $calculated_total; } else { $percent = 0; } $print_percent = round ( $percent, 2 ); $percent = round ( $percent ); ?>
Clicks by social networks
$v ) { $single = intval ( $overall_stats->{$k} ); if ($single > 0) { $percent = $single * 100 / $calculated_total; $print_percent = round ( $percent, 2 ); $percent = round ( $percent ); ?>


Social clicks dynamics for the last 30 days

Social clicks by months

Leading posts in social actions

desktop; $mobile = $device_stats->mobile; if ($calculated_total != 0) { $percentd = $desktop * 100 / $calculated_total; } else { $percentd = 0; } $print_percentd = round ( $percentd, 2 ); $percentd = round ( $percentd ); if ($percentd > 90) { $percentd -= 2; } if ($calculated_total != 0) { $percentm = $mobile * 100 / $calculated_total; } else { $percentm = 0; } $print_percentm = round ( $percentm, 2 ); $percentm = round ( $percentm ); if ($percentm > 90) { $percentm -= 2; } } ?>
{$key} ); if ($single > $best_position_value) { $best_position_value = $single; $best_position_key = $k; } } foreach ( $essb_networks as $k => $v ) { $single = intval ( $overall_stats->{$k} ); if ($single > $best_network_value) { $best_network_value = $single; $best_network_key = $v["name"]; } } } ?>
{$key} ); if ($single > 0) { if ($calculated_total != 0) { $percent = $single * 100 / $calculated_total; } else { $percent = 0; } $print_percent = round ( $percent, 2 ); $percent = round ( $percent ); ?>
Clicks by social networks
$v ) { $single = intval ( $overall_stats->{$k} ); if ($single > 0) { $percent = $single * 100 / $calculated_total; $print_percent = round ( $percent, 2 ); $percent = round ( $percent ); ?>


Activity by date of month

Content details for this month

Full social activity content report

desktop; $mobile = $device_stats->mobile; if ($calculated_total != 0) { $percentd = $desktop * 100 / $calculated_total; } else { $percentd = 0; } $print_percentd = round ( $percentd, 2 ); $percentd = round ( $percentd ); if ($percentd > 90) { $percentd -= 2; } if ($calculated_total != 0) { $percentm = $mobile * 100 / $calculated_total; } else { $percentm = 0; } $print_percentm = round ( $percentm, 2 ); $percentm = round ( $percentm ); if ($percentm > 90) { $percentm -= 2; } } ?>
{$key} ); if ($single > $best_position_value) { $best_position_value = $single; $best_position_key = $k; } } foreach ( $essb_networks as $k => $v ) { $single = intval ( $overall_stats->{$k} ); if ($single > $best_network_value) { $best_network_value = $single; $best_network_key = $v["name"]; } } } ?>
{$key} ); if ($single > 0) { if ($calculated_total != 0) { $percent = $single * 100 / $calculated_total; } else { $percent = 0; } $print_percent = round ( $percent, 2 ); $percent = round ( $percent ); ?>
Clicks by social networks
$v ) { $single = intval ( $overall_stats->{$k} ); if ($single > 0) { $percent = $single * 100 / $calculated_total; $print_percent = round ( $percent, 2 ); $percent = round ( $percent ); ?>


Content details for this date

desktop; $mobile = $device_stats->mobile; if ($calculated_total != 0) { $percentd = $desktop * 100 / $calculated_total; } else { $percentd = 0; } $print_percentd = round ( $percentd, 2 ); $percentd = round ( $percentd ); if ($percentd > 90) { $percentd -= 2; } if ($calculated_total != 0) { $percentm = $mobile * 100 / $calculated_total; } else { $percentm = 0; } $print_percentm = round ( $percentm, 2 ); $percentm = round ( $percentm ); if ($percentm > 90) { $percentm -= 2; } } ?>
{$key} ); if ($single > $best_position_value) { $best_position_value = $single; $best_position_key = $k; } } foreach ( $essb_networks as $k => $v ) { $single = intval ( $overall_stats->{$k} ); if ($single > $best_network_value) { $best_network_value = $single; $best_network_key = $v["name"]; } } } ?>
{$key} ); if ($single > 0) { if ($calculated_total != 0) { $percent = $single * 100 / $calculated_total; } else { $percent = 0; } $print_percent = round ( $percent, 2 ); $percent = round ( $percent ); ?>
Clicks by social networks
$v ) { $single = intval ( $overall_stats->{$k} ); if ($single > 0) { $percent = $single * 100 / $calculated_total; $print_percent = round ( $percent, 2 ); $percent = round ( $percent ); ?>


Content details for this position