register_tracking(); $this->register_log(); add_action ( 'template_redirect', array($this, 'conversion_tracking'), 1 ); } } public function conversion_tracking() { $essb_conversion_logging = isset($_REQUEST['essb_conversion_logging']) ? $_REQUEST['essb_conversion_logging'] : ''; if ($essb_conversion_logging == 'true') { define ( 'DOING_AJAX', true ); send_nosniff_header (); header ( 'content-type: application/json' ); header ( 'Cache-Control: no-cache' ); header ( 'Pragma: no-cache' ); $conversion = isset($_REQUEST['conversion']) ? $_REQUEST['conversion'] : ''; $conversion = stripslashes($conversion); $data = json_decode($conversion); $log_date = date('Y-m-d'); $ab_stats = get_option ( $this->data_holder ); if (!$ab_stats || !is_array($ab_stats)) { $ab_stats = array( 'totals' => array(), 'dates' => array()); } if (!isset($ab_stats['dates'][$log_date])) { $ab_stats['dates'][$log_date] = array('positions' => array(), 'networks' => array()); } if (isset($data->positions)) { if (!isset($ab_stats['totals']['positions'])) { $ab_stats['totals']['positions'] = array(); } foreach ($data->positions as $key => $value) { if (!isset($ab_stats['totals']['positions'][$key])) { $ab_stats['totals']['positions'][$key] = array('views' => intval($value), 'clicks' => 0); } else { $ab_stats['totals']['positions'][$key]['views'] += intval($value); } if (!isset($ab_stats['dates'][$log_date]['positions'][$key])) { $ab_stats['dates'][$log_date]['positions'][$key] = array('views' => intval($value), 'clicks' => 0); } else { $ab_stats['dates'][$log_date]['positions'][$key]['views'] += intval($value); } } } if (isset($data->networks)) { if (!isset($ab_stats['totals']['networks'])) { $ab_stats['totals']['networks'] = array(); } foreach ($data->networks as $key => $value) { if (!isset($ab_stats['totals']['networks'][$key])) { $ab_stats['totals']['networks'][$key] = array('views' => intval($value), 'clicks' => 0); } else { $ab_stats['totals']['networks'][$key]['views'] += intval($value); } if (!isset($ab_stats['dates'][$log_date]['networks'][$key])) { $ab_stats['dates'][$log_date]['networks'][$key] = array('views' => intval($value), 'clicks' => 0); } else { $ab_stats['dates'][$log_date]['networks'][$key]['views'] += intval($value); } } } if (count($ab_stats['dates']) > 7) { $first = ''; foreach ($ab_stats['dates'] as $key => $data) { $key = str_replace('-', '', $key); if ($first == '') { $first = $key; } else { if (intval($key) < intval($first)) { $first = $key; } } } $first = substr($first, 0, 4) . '-' . substr($first, 4, 2) . '-' . substr($first, 6, 2); //$first = array_shift ($keys); unset($ab_stats['dates'][$first]); } /* * stdClass Object ( [positions] => stdClass Object ( [shortcode] => 1 [bottom] => 1 ) [networks] => stdClass Object ( [facebook] => 2 [twitter] => 2 [google] => 2 [linkedin] => 2 [pinterest] => 2 [messenger] => 1 [mail] => 1 ) ) */ delete_option($this->data_holder); update_option($this->data_holder, $ab_stats, 'no', 'no'); //update_option ( $this->data_holder, $ab_stats ); die(); } $essb_conversion_tracking = isset($_REQUEST['essb_conversion_tracking']) ? $_REQUEST['essb_conversion_tracking'] : ''; if ($essb_conversion_tracking == 'true') { $position = isset($_REQUEST['position']) ? $_REQUEST['position'] : ''; $service = isset($_REQUEST['service']) ? $_REQUEST['service'] : ''; define ( 'DOING_AJAX', true ); send_nosniff_header (); header ( 'content-type: application/json' ); header ( 'Cache-Control: no-cache' ); header ( 'Pragma: no-cache' ); $log_date = date('Y-m-d'); $ab_stats = get_option ( $this->data_holder ); if (!$ab_stats || !is_array($ab_stats)) { $ab_stats = array( 'totals' => array(), 'dates' => array()); } if (!isset($ab_stats['dates'][$log_date])) { $ab_stats['dates'][$log_date] = array('positions' => array(), 'networks' => array()); } if (isset($position) && $position != '') { if (!isset($ab_stats['totals']['positions'])) { $ab_stats['totals']['positions'] = array(); } if (!isset($ab_stats['totals']['positions'][$position])) { $ab_stats['totals']['positions'][$position] = array('views' => 0, 'clicks' => 1); } else { $ab_stats['totals']['positions'][$position]['clicks'] += 1; } if (!isset($ab_stats['dates'][$log_date]['positions'][$position])) { $ab_stats['dates'][$log_date]['positions'][$position] = array('views' => 0, 'clicks' => 1); } else { $ab_stats['dates'][$log_date]['positions'][$position]['clicks'] += 1; } } if (isset($service) && $service != '') { if (!isset($ab_stats['totals']['networks'])) { $ab_stats['totals']['networks'] = array(); } if (!isset($ab_stats['totals']['networks'][$service])) { $ab_stats['totals']['networks'][$service] = array('views' => 0, 'clicks' => 1); } else { $ab_stats['totals']['networks'][$service]['clicks'] += 1; } if (!isset($ab_stats['dates'][$log_date]['networks'][$service])) { $ab_stats['dates'][$log_date]['networks'][$service] = array('views' => 0, 'clicks' => 1); } else { $ab_stats['dates'][$log_date]['networks'][$service]['clicks'] += 1; } } delete_option($this->data_holder); update_option($this->data_holder, $ab_stats, 'no', 'no'); //update_option ( $this->data_holder, $ab_stats ); die(); } } //essb_conversion_logging public function register_tracking() { $update_url = essb_get_current_page_url(); if (defined('ESSB_FORCE_SSL')) { $update_url = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $update_url); } else { // second level of protection against non https connection calls when http is detected instead of https $current_page_url = get_permalink(); if (strpos($current_page_url, 'https://') !== false && strpos($update_url, 'https://') === false) { $update_url = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $update_url); } } $output = ' function essbConversionsLiteLog() { var trackings = { "positions": {}, "networks": {}}, isMobile = false; if( (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i).test(navigator.userAgent) ) { isMobile = true; } jQuery(".essb_links").each(function(){ var instancePosition = jQuery(this).attr("data-essb-position") || ""; if (!trackings.positions[instancePosition]) trackings.positions[instancePosition] = 1; else trackings.positions[instancePosition]++; jQuery(this).find("li").each(function() { var classList = jQuery(this).attr("class").split(/\s+/); for (var i=0;iadd_js($output, false, 'conversions-lite-tracking'); } public function register_log() { $update_url = essb_get_current_page_url(); if (defined('ESSB_FORCE_SSL')) { $update_url = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $update_url); } else { // second level of protection against non https connection calls when http is detected instead of https $current_page_url = get_permalink(); if (strpos($current_page_url, 'https://') !== false && strpos($update_url, 'https://') === false) { $update_url = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $update_url); } } $output = ' function essb_conversion_tracking(oService, oPostID, oInstance) { var element = jQuery(\'.essb_\'+oInstance); var instance_postion = jQuery(element).attr("data-essb-position") || ""; var instance_template = jQuery(element).attr("data-essb-template") || ""; var instance_button = jQuery(element).attr("data-essb-button-style") || ""; var instance_mobile = false; var essbab_url = "'.$update_url.'"; if( (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i).test(navigator.userAgent) ) { instance_mobile = true; } if (typeof(essb_settings) != "undefined") {, { \'essb_conversion_tracking\': \'true\', \'post_id\': oPostID, \'service\': oService, \'template\': instance_template, \'mobile\': instance_mobile ? "true":"false", \'position\': instance_postion, \'button\': instance_button }, function (data) { if (data) { }},\'json\'); } }; '; essb_resource_builder()->add_js($output, false, 'conversions-lite-logging'); } } global $essb_conversions_lite; if (!$essb_conversions_lite) { $essb_conversions_lite = new ESSBSocialConversionsLite(); }