metadataUrl = $metadataUrl; $this->pluginAbsolutePath = $pluginFile; $this->pluginFile = plugin_basename($this->pluginAbsolutePath); $this->muPluginFile = $muPluginFile; $this->checkPeriod = $checkPeriod; $this->slug = $slug; $this->optionName = $optionName; $this->debugMode = defined('WP_DEBUG') && WP_DEBUG; //If no slug is specified, use the name of the main plugin file as the slug. //For example, 'my-cool-plugin/cool-plugin.php' becomes 'cool-plugin'. if ( empty($this->slug) ){ $this->slug = basename($this->pluginFile, '.php'); } if ( empty($this->optionName) ){ $this->optionName = 'external_updates-' . $this->slug; } //Backwards compatibility: If the plugin is a mu-plugin but no $muPluginFile is specified, assume //it's the same as $pluginFile given that it's not in a subdirectory (WP only looks in the base dir). if ( empty($this->muPluginFile) && (strpbrk($this->pluginFile, '/\\') === false) && $this->isMuPlugin() ) { $this->muPluginFile = $this->pluginFile; } $this->installHooks(); } /** * Install the hooks required to run periodic update checks and inject update info * into WP data structures. * * @return void */ protected function installHooks(){ //Override requests for plugin information add_filter('plugins_api', array($this, 'injectInfo'), 20, 3); //Insert our update info into the update array maintained by WP add_filter('site_transient_update_plugins', array($this,'injectUpdate')); //WP 3.0+ add_filter('transient_update_plugins', array($this,'injectUpdate')); //WP 2.8+ add_filter('plugin_row_meta', array($this, 'addCheckForUpdatesLink'), 10, 2); add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'handleManualCheck')); add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'displayManualCheckResult')); //Clear the version number cache when something - anything - is upgraded or WP clears the update cache. add_filter('upgrader_post_install', array($this, 'clearCachedVersion')); add_action('delete_site_transient_update_plugins', array($this, 'clearCachedVersion')); //Set up the periodic update checks $this->cronHook = 'check_plugin_updates-' . $this->slug; if ( $this->checkPeriod > 0 ){ //Trigger the check via Cron. //Try to use one of the default schedules if possible as it's less likely to conflict //with other plugins and their custom schedules. $defaultSchedules = array( 1 => 'hourly', 12 => 'twicedaily', 24 => 'daily', ); if ( array_key_exists($this->checkPeriod, $defaultSchedules) ) { $scheduleName = $defaultSchedules[$this->checkPeriod]; } else { //Use a custom cron schedule. $scheduleName = 'every' . $this->checkPeriod . 'hours'; add_filter('cron_schedules', array($this, '_addCustomSchedule')); } if ( !wp_next_scheduled($this->cronHook) && !defined('WP_INSTALLING') ) { wp_schedule_event(time(), $scheduleName, $this->cronHook); } add_action($this->cronHook, array($this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates')); register_deactivation_hook($this->pluginFile, array($this, '_removeUpdaterCron')); //In case Cron is disabled or unreliable, we also manually trigger //the periodic checks while the user is browsing the Dashboard. add_action( 'admin_init', array($this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates') ); //Like WordPress itself, we check more often on certain pages. /** @see wp_update_plugins */ add_action('load-update-core.php', array($this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates')); add_action('load-plugins.php', array($this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates')); add_action('load-update.php', array($this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates')); //This hook fires after a bulk update is complete. add_action('upgrader_process_complete', array($this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates'), 11, 0); } else { //Periodic checks are disabled. wp_clear_scheduled_hook($this->cronHook); } if ( did_action('plugins_loaded') ) { $this->initDebugBarPanel(); } else { add_action('plugins_loaded', array($this, 'initDebugBarPanel')); } //Rename the update directory to be the same as the existing directory. add_filter('upgrader_source_selection', array($this, 'fixDirectoryName'), 10, 3); } /** * Add our custom schedule to the array of Cron schedules used by WP. * * @param array $schedules * @return array */ public function _addCustomSchedule($schedules){ if ( $this->checkPeriod && ($this->checkPeriod > 0) ){ $scheduleName = 'every' . $this->checkPeriod . 'hours'; $schedules[$scheduleName] = array( 'interval' => $this->checkPeriod * 3600, 'display' => sprintf('Every %d hours', $this->checkPeriod), ); } return $schedules; } /** * Remove the scheduled cron event that the library uses to check for updates. * * @return void */ public function _removeUpdaterCron(){ wp_clear_scheduled_hook($this->cronHook); } /** * Get the name of the update checker's WP-cron hook. Mostly useful for debugging. * * @return string */ public function getCronHookName() { return $this->cronHook; } /** * Retrieve plugin info from the configured API endpoint. * * @uses wp_remote_get() * * @param array $queryArgs Additional query arguments to append to the request. Optional. * @return PluginInfo */ public function requestInfo($queryArgs = array()){ //Query args to append to the URL. Plugins can add their own by using a filter callback (see addQueryArgFilter()). $installedVersion = $this->getInstalledVersion(); $queryArgs['installed_version'] = ($installedVersion !== null) ? $installedVersion : ''; $queryArgs = apply_filters('puc_request_info_query_args-'.$this->slug, $queryArgs); //Various options for the wp_remote_get() call. Plugins can filter these, too. $options = array( 'timeout' => 10, //seconds 'headers' => array( 'Accept' => 'application/json' ), ); $options = apply_filters('puc_request_info_options-'.$this->slug, $options); //The plugin info should be at '$slug/info.json' $url = $this->metadataUrl; if ( !empty($queryArgs) ){ $url = add_query_arg($queryArgs, $url); } $result = wp_remote_get( $url, $options ); //Try to parse the response $pluginInfo = null; if ( !is_wp_error($result) && isset($result['response']['code']) && ($result['response']['code'] == 200) && !empty($result['body']) ){ $pluginInfo = PluginInfo_2_0::fromJson($result['body'], $this->debugMode); $pluginInfo->filename = $this->pluginFile; $pluginInfo->slug = $this->slug; } else if ( $this->debugMode ) { $message = sprintf("The URL %s does not point to a valid plugin metadata file. ", $url); if ( is_wp_error($result) ) { $message .= "WP HTTP error: " . $result->get_error_message(); } else if ( isset($result['response']['code']) ) { $message .= "HTTP response code is " . $result['response']['code'] . " (expected: 200)"; } else { $message .= "wp_remote_get() returned an unexpected result."; } trigger_error($message, E_USER_WARNING); } $pluginInfo = apply_filters('puc_request_info_result-'.$this->slug, $pluginInfo, $result); return $pluginInfo; } /** * Retrieve the latest update (if any) from the configured API endpoint. * * @uses PluginUpdateChecker::requestInfo() * * @return PluginUpdate An instance of PluginUpdate, or NULL when no updates are available. */ public function requestUpdate(){ //For the sake of simplicity, this function just calls requestInfo() //and transforms the result accordingly. $pluginInfo = $this->requestInfo(array('checking_for_updates' => '1')); if ( $pluginInfo == null ){ return null; } return PluginUpdate_2_0::fromPluginInfo($pluginInfo); } /** * Get the currently installed version of the plugin. * * @return string Version number. */ public function getInstalledVersion(){ if ( isset($this->cachedInstalledVersion) ) { return $this->cachedInstalledVersion; } $pluginHeader = $this->getPluginHeader(); if ( isset($pluginHeader['Version']) ) { $this->cachedInstalledVersion = $pluginHeader['Version']; return $pluginHeader['Version']; } else { //This can happen if the filename points to something that is not a plugin. if ( $this->debugMode ) { trigger_error( sprintf( "Can't to read the Version header for '%s'. The filename is incorrect or is not a plugin.", $this->pluginFile ), E_USER_WARNING ); } return null; } } /** * Get plugin's metadata from its file header. * * @return array */ protected function getPluginHeader() { if ( !is_file($this->pluginAbsolutePath) ) { //This can happen if the plugin filename is wrong. if ( $this->debugMode ) { trigger_error( sprintf( "Can't to read the plugin header for '%s'. The file does not exist.", $this->pluginFile ), E_USER_WARNING ); } return array(); } if ( !function_exists('get_plugin_data') ){ require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); } return get_plugin_data($this->pluginAbsolutePath, false, false); } /** * Check for plugin updates. * The results are stored in the DB option specified in $optionName. * * @return PluginUpdate|null */ public function checkForUpdates(){ $installedVersion = $this->getInstalledVersion(); //Fail silently if we can't find the plugin or read its header. if ( $installedVersion === null ) { if ( $this->debugMode ) { trigger_error( sprintf('Skipping update check for %s - installed version unknown.', $this->pluginFile), E_USER_WARNING ); } return null; } $state = $this->getUpdateState(); if ( empty($state) ){ $state = new StdClass; $state->lastCheck = 0; $state->checkedVersion = ''; $state->update = null; } $state->lastCheck = time(); $state->checkedVersion = $installedVersion; $this->setUpdateState($state); //Save before checking in case something goes wrong $state->update = $this->requestUpdate(); $this->setUpdateState($state); return $this->getUpdate(); } /** * Check for updates if the configured check interval has already elapsed. * Will use a shorter check interval on certain admin pages like "Dashboard -> Updates" or when doing cron. * * You can override the default behaviour by using the "puc_check_now-$slug" filter. * The filter callback will be passed three parameters: * - Current decision. TRUE = check updates now, FALSE = don't check now. * - Last check time as a Unix timestamp. * - Configured check period in hours. * Return TRUE to check for updates immediately, or FALSE to cancel. * * This method is declared public because it's a hook callback. Calling it directly is not recommended. */ public function maybeCheckForUpdates(){ if ( empty($this->checkPeriod) ){ return; } $currentFilter = current_filter(); if ( in_array($currentFilter, array('load-update-core.php', 'upgrader_process_complete')) ) { //Check more often when the user visits "Dashboard -> Updates" or does a bulk update. $timeout = 60; } else if ( in_array($currentFilter, array('load-plugins.php', 'load-update.php')) ) { //Also check more often on the "Plugins" page and /wp-admin/update.php. $timeout = 3600; } else if ( $this->throttleRedundantChecks && ($this->getUpdate() !== null) ) { //Check less frequently if it's already known that an update is available. $timeout = $this->throttledCheckPeriod * 3600; } else if ( defined('DOING_CRON') && constant('DOING_CRON') ) { //WordPress cron schedules are not exact, so lets do an update check even //if slightly less than $checkPeriod hours have elapsed since the last check. $cronFuzziness = 20 * 60; $timeout = $this->checkPeriod * 3600 - $cronFuzziness; } else { $timeout = $this->checkPeriod * 3600; } $state = $this->getUpdateState(); $shouldCheck = empty($state) || !isset($state->lastCheck) || ( (time() - $state->lastCheck) >= $timeout ); //Let plugin authors substitute their own algorithm. $shouldCheck = apply_filters( 'puc_check_now-' . $this->slug, $shouldCheck, (!empty($state) && isset($state->lastCheck)) ? $state->lastCheck : 0, $this->checkPeriod ); if ( $shouldCheck ){ $this->checkForUpdates(); } } /** * Load the update checker state from the DB. * * @return StdClass|null */ public function getUpdateState() { $state = get_site_option($this->optionName, null); if ( empty($state) || !is_object($state)) { $state = null; } if ( !empty($state) && isset($state->update) && is_object($state->update) ){ $state->update = PluginUpdate_2_0::fromObject($state->update); } return $state; } /** * Persist the update checker state to the DB. * * @param StdClass $state * @return void */ private function setUpdateState($state) { if ( isset($state->update) && is_object($state->update) && method_exists($state->update, 'toStdClass') ) { $update = $state->update; /** @var PluginUpdate $update */ $state->update = $update->toStdClass(); } update_site_option($this->optionName, $state); } /** * Reset update checker state - i.e. last check time, cached update data and so on. * * Call this when your plugin is being uninstalled, or if you want to * clear the update cache. */ public function resetUpdateState() { delete_site_option($this->optionName); } /** * Intercept plugins_api() calls that request information about our plugin and * use the configured API endpoint to satisfy them. * * @see plugins_api() * * @param mixed $result * @param string $action * @param array|object $args * @return mixed */ public function injectInfo($result, $action = null, $args = null){ $relevant = ($action == 'plugin_information') && isset($args->slug) && ( ($args->slug == $this->slug) || ($args->slug == dirname($this->pluginFile)) ); if ( !$relevant ){ return $result; } $pluginInfo = $this->requestInfo(); $pluginInfo = apply_filters('puc_pre_inject_info-' . $this->slug, $pluginInfo); if ($pluginInfo){ return $pluginInfo->toWpFormat(); } return $result; } /** * Insert the latest update (if any) into the update list maintained by WP. * * @param StdClass $updates Update list. * @return StdClass Modified update list. */ public function injectUpdate($updates){ //Is there an update to insert? $update = $this->getUpdate(); //No update notifications for mu-plugins unless explicitly enabled. The MU plugin file //is usually different from the main plugin file so the update wouldn't show up properly anyway. if ( !empty($update) && empty($this->muPluginFile) && $this->isMuPlugin() ) { $update = null; } if ( !empty($update) ) { //Let plugins filter the update info before it's passed on to WordPress. $update = apply_filters('puc_pre_inject_update-' . $this->slug, $update); if ( !is_object($updates) ) { $updates = new StdClass(); $updates->response = array(); } $wpUpdate = $update->toWpFormat(); $pluginFile = $this->pluginFile; if ( $this->isMuPlugin() ) { //WP does not support automatic update installation for mu-plugins, but we can still display a notice. $wpUpdate->package = null; $pluginFile = $this->muPluginFile; } $updates->response[$pluginFile] = $wpUpdate; } else if ( isset($updates, $updates->response) ) { unset($updates->response[$this->pluginFile]); if ( !empty($this->muPluginFile) ) { unset($updates->response[$this->muPluginFile]); } } return $updates; } /** * Rename the update directory to match the existing plugin directory. * * When WordPress installs a plugin or theme update, it assumes that the ZIP file will contain * exactly one directory, and that the directory name will be the same as the directory where * the plugin/theme is currently installed. * * GitHub and other repositories provide ZIP downloads, but they often use directory names like * "project-branch" or "project-tag-hash". We need to change the name to the actual plugin folder. * * @param string $source The directory to copy to /wp-content/plugins. Usually a subdirectory of $remoteSource. * @param string $remoteSource WordPress has extracted the update to this directory. * @param WP_Upgrader $upgrader * @return string|WP_Error */ function fixDirectoryName($source, $remoteSource, $upgrader) { global $wp_filesystem; /** @var WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem */ //Basic sanity checks. if ( !isset($source, $remoteSource, $upgrader, $upgrader->skin, $wp_filesystem) ) { return $source; } //Figure out which plugin is being upgraded. $pluginFile = null; $skin = $upgrader->skin; if ( $skin instanceof Plugin_Upgrader_Skin ) { if ( isset($skin->plugin) && is_string($skin->plugin) && ($skin->plugin !== '') ) { $pluginFile = $skin->plugin; } } elseif ( $upgrader->skin instanceof Bulk_Plugin_Upgrader_Skin ) { //This case is tricky because Bulk_Plugin_Upgrader_Skin doesn't actually store the plugin //filename anywhere. Instead, it has the plugin headers in $plugin_info. So the best we can //do is compare those headers to the headers of installed plugins. if ( isset($skin->plugin_info) && is_array($skin->plugin_info) ) { if ( !function_exists('get_plugins') ){ require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); } $installedPlugins = get_plugins(); $matches = array(); foreach($installedPlugins as $pluginBasename => $headers) { $diff1 = array_diff_assoc($headers, $skin->plugin_info); $diff2 = array_diff_assoc($skin->plugin_info, $headers); if ( empty($diff1) && empty($diff2) ) { $matches[] = $pluginBasename; } } //It's possible (though very unlikely) that there could be two plugins with identical //headers. In that case, we can't unambiguously identify the plugin that's being upgraded. if ( count($matches) !== 1 ) { return $source; } $pluginFile = reset($matches); } } //If WordPress is upgrading anything other than our plugin, leave the directory name unchanged. if ( empty($pluginFile) || ($pluginFile !== $this->pluginFile) ) { return $source; } //Rename the source to match the existing plugin directory. $pluginDirectoryName = dirname($this->pluginFile); if ( ($pluginDirectoryName === '.') || ($pluginDirectoryName === '/') ) { return $source; } $correctedSource = trailingslashit($remoteSource) . $pluginDirectoryName . '/'; if ( $source !== $correctedSource ) { //The update archive should contain a single directory that contains the rest of plugin files. Otherwise, //WordPress will try to copy the entire working directory ($source == $remoteSource). We can't rename //$remoteSource because that would break WordPress code that cleans up temporary files after update. $sourceFiles = $wp_filesystem->dirlist($remoteSource); if ( is_array($sourceFiles) ) { $sourceFiles = array_keys($sourceFiles); $firstFilePath = trailingslashit($remoteSource) . $sourceFiles[0]; if ( (count($sourceFiles) > 1) || (!$wp_filesystem->is_dir($firstFilePath)) ) { return new WP_Error( 'puc-incorrect-directory-structure', sprintf( 'The directory structure of the update is incorrect. All plugin files should be inside ' . 'a directory named %s, not at the root of the ZIP file.', htmlentities($this->slug) ) ); } } $upgrader->skin->feedback(sprintf( 'Renaming %s to %s…', '' . basename($source) . '', '' . $pluginDirectoryName . '' )); if ( $wp_filesystem->move($source, $correctedSource, true) ) { $upgrader->skin->feedback('Plugin directory successfully renamed.'); return $correctedSource; } else { return new WP_Error( 'puc-rename-failed', 'Unable to rename the update to match the existing plugin directory.' ); } } return $source; } /** * Get the details of the currently available update, if any. * * If no updates are available, or if the last known update version is below or equal * to the currently installed version, this method will return NULL. * * Uses cached update data. To retrieve update information straight from * the metadata URL, call requestUpdate() instead. * * @return PluginUpdate|null */ public function getUpdate() { $state = $this->getUpdateState(); /** @var StdClass $state */ //Is there an update available insert? if ( !empty($state) && isset($state->update) && !empty($state->update) ){ $update = $state->update; //Check if the update is actually newer than the currently installed version. $installedVersion = $this->getInstalledVersion(); if ( ($installedVersion !== null) && version_compare($update->version, $installedVersion, '>') ){ $update->filename = $this->pluginFile; return $update; } } return null; } /** * Add a "Check for updates" link to the plugin row in the "Plugins" page. By default, * the new link will appear after the "Visit plugin site" link. * * You can change the link text by using the "puc_manual_check_link-$slug" filter. * Returning an empty string from the filter will disable the link. * * @param array $pluginMeta Array of meta links. * @param string $pluginFile * @return array */ public function addCheckForUpdatesLink($pluginMeta, $pluginFile) { $isRelevant = ($pluginFile == $this->pluginFile) || (!empty($this->muPluginFile) && $pluginFile == $this->muPluginFile); if ( $isRelevant && current_user_can('update_plugins') ) { $linkUrl = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array( 'puc_check_for_updates' => 1, 'puc_slug' => $this->slug, ), is_network_admin() ? network_admin_url('plugins.php') : admin_url('plugins.php') ), 'puc_check_for_updates' ); $linkText = apply_filters('puc_manual_check_link-' . $this->slug, 'Check for updates'); if ( !empty($linkText) ) { $pluginMeta[] = sprintf('%s', esc_attr($linkUrl), $linkText); } } return $pluginMeta; } /** * Check for updates when the user clicks the "Check for updates" link. * @see self::addCheckForUpdatesLink() * * @return void */ public function handleManualCheck() { $shouldCheck = isset($_GET['puc_check_for_updates'], $_GET['puc_slug']) && $_GET['puc_slug'] == $this->slug && current_user_can('update_plugins') && check_admin_referer('puc_check_for_updates'); if ( $shouldCheck ) { $update = $this->checkForUpdates(); $status = ($update === null) ? 'no_update' : 'update_available'; wp_redirect(add_query_arg( array( 'puc_update_check_result' => $status, 'puc_slug' => $this->slug, ), is_network_admin() ? network_admin_url('plugins.php') : admin_url('plugins.php') )); } } /** * Display the results of a manual update check. * @see self::handleManualCheck() * * You can change the result message by using the "puc_manual_check_message-$slug" filter. */ public function displayManualCheckResult() { if ( isset($_GET['puc_update_check_result'], $_GET['puc_slug']) && ($_GET['puc_slug'] == $this->slug) ) { $status = strval($_GET['puc_update_check_result']); if ( $status == 'no_update' ) { $message = 'This plugin is up to date.'; } else if ( $status == 'update_available' ) { $message = 'A new version of this plugin is available.'; } else { $message = sprintf('Unknown update checker status "%s"', htmlentities($status)); } printf( '
new $class(...)
class PucFactory {
protected static $classVersions = array();
protected static $sorted = false;
* Create a new instance of PluginUpdateChecker.
* @see PluginUpdateChecker::__construct()
* @param $metadataUrl
* @param $pluginFile
* @param string $slug
* @param int $checkPeriod
* @param string $optionName
* @param string $muPluginFile
* @return PluginUpdateChecker
public static function buildUpdateChecker($metadataUrl, $pluginFile, $slug = '', $checkPeriod = 12, $optionName = '', $muPluginFile = '') {
$class = self::getLatestClassVersion('PluginUpdateChecker');
return new $class($metadataUrl, $pluginFile, $slug, $checkPeriod, $optionName, $muPluginFile);
* Get the specific class name for the latest available version of a class.
* @param string $class
* @return string|null
public static function getLatestClassVersion($class) {
if ( !self::$sorted ) {
if ( isset(self::$classVersions[$class]) ) {
return reset(self::$classVersions[$class]);
} else {
return null;
* Sort available class versions in descending order (i.e. newest first).
protected static function sortVersions() {
foreach ( self::$classVersions as $class => $versions ) {
uksort($versions, array(__CLASS__, 'compareVersions'));
self::$classVersions[$class] = $versions;
self::$sorted = true;
protected static function compareVersions($a, $b) {
return -version_compare($a, $b);
* Register a version of a class.
* @access private This method is only for internal use by the library.
* @param string $generalClass Class name without version numbers, e.g. 'PluginUpdateChecker'.
* @param string $versionedClass Actual class name, e.g. 'PluginUpdateChecker_1_2'.
* @param string $version Version number, e.g. '1.2'.
public static function addVersion($generalClass, $versionedClass, $version) {
if ( !isset(self::$classVersions[$generalClass]) ) {
self::$classVersions[$generalClass] = array();
self::$classVersions[$generalClass][$version] = $versionedClass;
self::$sorted = false;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/github-checker.php');
//Register classes defined in this file with the factory.
PucFactory::addVersion('PluginUpdateChecker', 'PluginUpdateChecker_2_0', '2.0');
PucFactory::addVersion('PluginUpdate', 'PluginUpdate_2_0', '2.0');
PucFactory::addVersion('PluginInfo', 'PluginInfo_2_0', '2.0');
PucFactory::addVersion('PucGitHubChecker', 'PucGitHubChecker_2_0', '2.0');
* Create non-versioned variants of the update checker classes. This allows for backwards
* compatibility with versions that did not use a factory, and it simplifies doc-comments.
if ( !class_exists('PluginUpdateChecker') ) {
class PluginUpdateChecker extends PluginUpdateChecker_2_0 { }
if ( !class_exists('PluginUpdate') ) {
class PluginUpdate extends PluginUpdate_2_0 {}
if ( !class_exists('PluginInfo') ) {
class PluginInfo extends PluginInfo_2_0 {}