post_id = $post_id; $this->url = $url; $this->full_url = $full_url; $this->networks = $networks; $this->recovery_mode = $recover_mode; $this->twitter_counter = $twitter_counter; $this->timeout = $timeout; } public function get_counters() { // loading async class if not present till now essb_depend_load_class ( 'RollingCurlX', 'lib/external/rollingcurlx/RolingCurlX.php' ); $this->counters = array (); $this->counters ['total'] = 0; $post_data = null; $headers = null; $options = array (CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => FALSE, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => FALSE ); $RollingCurlX = new RollingCurlX ( 10 ); // max 10 simultaneous downloads $RollingCurlX->setOptions ( $options ); $url = $this->url; $full_url = $this->full_url; $recover_mode = $this->recovery_mode; $twitter_counter = $this->twitter_counter; foreach ( $this->networks as $k ) { switch ($k) { case 'facebook' : $RollingCurlX->addRequest ( $this->prepare_request_url ( $k, $url ), $post_data, array ($this, 'get_counts' ), array ($k ), $headers ); break; case 'twitter' : if ($twitter_counter == 'api') { $this->counters [$k] = 0; } else if ($twitter_counter == 'newsc') { $RollingCurlX->addRequest ( $this->prepare_request_url ( $k, $full_url ), $post_data, array ($this, 'get_counts' ), array ($k ), $headers ); } else if ($twitter_counter == 'opensc') { $RollingCurlX->addRequest ( $this->prepare_request_url ( 'twitter_opensc', $full_url ), $post_data, array ($this, 'get_counts' ), array ($k ), $headers ); } else if ($twitter_counter == 'twitcount') { $RollingCurlX->addRequest ( $this->prepare_request_url ( 'twitter_twitcount', $full_url ), $post_data, array ($this, 'get_counts' ), array ($k ), $headers ); } else { if ($twitter_counter == 'self') { if (! $recover_mode) { $this->counters [$k] = $this->get_internal_count ( $this->post_id, $k ); } else { $this->counters [$k] = 0; } $this->counters ['total'] += intval ( isset ( $this->counters [$k] ) ? $this->counters [$k] : 0 ); } } break; case 'linkedin' : if (essb_option_value('linked_counter_type') != 'no') { if (! $recover_mode) { $this->counters [$k] = $this->get_internal_count ( $this->post_id, $k ); } else { $this->counters [$k] = 0; } $this->counters ['total'] += intval ( isset ( $this->counters [$k] ) ? $this->counters [$k] : 0 ); } //else { // $RollingCurlX->addRequest ( $this->prepare_request_url ( $k, $url ), $post_data, array ($this, 'get_counts' ), array ($k ), $headers ); //} break; case 'pinterest' : $RollingCurlX->addRequest ( $this->prepare_request_url ( $k, $url ), $post_data, array ($this, 'get_counts' ), array ($k ), $headers ); break; case 'google' : //$RollingCurlX->addRequest ( $this->prepare_request_url ( $k, $url ), $post_data, array ($this, 'get_counts' ), array ($k ), $headers ); if (essb_option_value('google_counter_type') == 'no') { //$this->counters[$k] = $this->get_google_count_api($url); } else { if (! $recover_mode) { $this->counters [$k] = $this->get_internal_count ( $this->post_id, $k ); } else { $this->counters [$k] = 0; } $this->counters ['total'] += intval ( isset ( $this->counters [$k] ) ? $this->counters [$k] : 0 ); } break; case 'stumbleupon' : $RollingCurlX->addRequest ( $this->prepare_request_url ( $k, $url ), $post_data, array ($this, 'get_counts' ), array ($k ), $headers ); break; case 'vk' : $RollingCurlX->addRequest ( $this->prepare_request_url ( $k, $url ), $post_data, array ($this, 'get_counts' ), array ($k ), $headers ); break; case 'reddit' : $RollingCurlX->addRequest ( $this->prepare_request_url ( $k, $url ), $post_data, array ($this, 'get_counts' ), array ($k ), $headers ); break; case 'buffer' : $RollingCurlX->addRequest ( $this->prepare_request_url ( $k, $url ), $post_data, array ($this, 'get_counts' ), array ($k ), $headers ); break; case 'love' : if (! $recover_mode) { $this->counters [$k] = $this->get_loves_count ( $this->post_id ); } else { $this->counters [$k] = 0; } $this->counters ['total'] += intval ( isset ( $this->counters [$k] ) ? $this->counters [$k] : 0 ); break; case 'ok' : $RollingCurlX->addRequest ( $this->prepare_request_url ( $k, $url ), $post_data, array ($this, 'get_counts' ), array ($k ), $headers ); break; case 'mwp' : $RollingCurlX->addRequest ( $this->prepare_request_url ( $k, $url ), $post_data, array ($this, 'get_counts' ), array ($k ), $headers ); break; case 'xing' : $RollingCurlX->addRequest ( $this->prepare_request_url ( $k, $url ), $post_data, array ($this, 'get_counts' ), array ($k ), $headers ); break; case 'comments' : if (! $recover_mode) { $this->counters [$k] = $this->get_comments_count ( $this->post_id ); } else { $this->counters [$k] = 0; } $this->counters ['total'] += intval ( isset ( $this->counters [$k] ) ? $this->counters [$k] : 0 ); break; case 'yummly' : $RollingCurlX->addRequest ( $this->prepare_request_url ( $k, $url ), $post_data, array ($this, 'get_counts' ), array ($k ), $headers ); break; default : if (! $recover_mode) { $this->counters [$k] = $this->get_internal_count ( $this->post_id, $k ); } else { $this->counters [$k] = 0; } $this->counters ['total'] += intval ( isset ( $this->counters [$k] ) ? $this->counters [$k] : 0 ); break; } } $RollingCurlX->execute(); return $this->counters; } private function prepare_request_url($service, $url) { $callback_url = ''; switch ($service) { case 'facebook' : $callback_url = '' . $url; $facebook_token = essb_option_value ( 'facebook_counter_token' ); if ($facebook_token != '') { $callback_url = '' . $url . '&access_token=' . sanitize_text_field ( $facebook_token ); } if (essb_option_value('facebook_counter_api') == 'api2') { $callback_url = ',share&id='.$url; } if (essb_option_value('facebook_counter_api') == 'api3') { $callback_url = ''.$url.'&fields=og_object{engagement}'; if ($facebook_token != '') { $callback_url .= '&access_token=' . sanitize_text_field($facebook_token); } } break; case 'twitter' : $callback_url = '' . $url; break; case 'twitter_opensc' : $callback_url = '' . $url; break; case 'twitter_twitcount' : $callback_url = '' . $url; break; case 'linkedin' : $callback_url = '' . $url . '&format=json'; break; case 'pinterest' : $callback_url = '' . $url; break; case 'google' : $callback_url = '' . $url; break; case 'stumbleupon' : $callback_url = '' . $url; break; case 'vk' : $callback_url = '' . $url; break; case 'reddit' : $callback_url = '' . $url; break; case 'buffer' : $callback_url = '' . $url; break; case 'ok' : $callback_url = '' . $url; break; case 'mwp' : $callback_url = '' . $url; break; case 'xing' : $callback_url = sprintf ( ';url=%s;counter=top;lang=en;type=iframe;hovercard_position=2;shape=rectangle', urlencode ( $url ) ); break; case 'yummly' : $callback_url = '' . $url; break; } return $callback_url; } private function get_internal_count($postID, $service) { if (! is_numeric ( $postID )) { return - 1; } $current_count = get_post_meta ( $postID, 'essb_pc_' . $service, true ); return intval ( $current_count ); ; } private function get_loves_count($postID) { if (! is_numeric ( $postID )) { return 0; } $love_count = get_post_meta ( $postID, '_essb_love', true ); if (! $love_count) { $love_count = 0; add_post_meta ( $postID, '_essb_love', $love_count, true ); } return $love_count; } private function get_google_count_api($url) { $counter_curl_fix = essb_option_value('counter_curl_fix'); $options = array( CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, // return web page CURLOPT_HEADER => false, // don't return headers //CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, // follow redirects CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", // handle all encodings CURLOPT_USERAGENT => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : 'essb', // who am i CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER => true, // set referer on redirect CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 5, // timeout on connect CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 10, // timeout on response CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 3, // stop after 3 redirects CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 0, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR => false, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL => 1, ); $ch = curl_init(); if (ini_get('open_basedir') == '' && ini_get('safe_mode' == 'Off')) { $options[CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION] = true; } $options[CURLOPT_URL] = ''; $api_key = essb_option_value('google_counter_token'); if ($api_key != '') { $options[CURLOPT_URL] = ''.$api_key; } $options[CURLOPT_POST] = true; $options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = '[{"method":"pos.plusones.get","id":"p","params":{"nolog":true,"id":"' . rawurldecode( $url ) . '","source":"widget","userId":"@viewer","groupId":"@self"},"jsonrpc":"2.0","key":"p","apiVersion":"v1"}]'; $options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = array( 'Content-type: application/json' ); curl_setopt_array($ch, $options); // force ip v4 - uncomment this try { //print 'curl state = '.$counter_curl_fix; if ($counter_curl_fix != 'true') { curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4); } } catch (Exception $e) { } $content = curl_exec( $ch ); $err = curl_errno( $ch ); $errmsg = curl_error( $ch ); curl_close( $ch ); if ($errmsg != '' || $err != '') { print_r($errmsg); } $result = 0; try { $response = json_decode( $content, true ); $result = isset( $response[0]['result']['metadata']['globalCounts']['count'] )?intval( $response[0]['result']['metadata']['globalCounts']['count'] ):0; } catch (Exception $e) { $result = 0; } return $result; } private function get_comments_count($post_id) { $comments_count = wp_count_comments ( $post_id ); return $comments_count->approved; } function get_counts( $data, $url, $request_info, $service, $time ) { $k = $service[0]; $result = 0; if ($data) { switch ($k) { case 'facebook': $content = json_decode ( $data, true ); $data_parsers = $content; if (essb_option_value('facebook_counter_api') == 'api3') { $result = isset( $data_parsers['og_object']['engagement']['count']) ? intval ( $data_parsers['og_object']['engagement']['count'] ) : 0; } else if (essb_option_value('facebook_counter_api') == 'api2') { if( !empty( $data_parsers['og_object'] ) ) { $likes = $data_parsers['og_object']['likes']['summary']['total_count']; } else { $likes = 0; } if( !empty( $data_parsers['share'] ) ){ $comments = $data_parsers['share']['comment_count']; $shares = $data_parsers['share']['share_count']; } else { $comments = 0; $shares = 0; } $result = $likes + $comments + $shares; } else { $result = isset ( $data_parsers ['share'] ['share_count'] ) ? intval ( $data_parsers ['share'] ['share_count'] ) : 0; } break; case 'twitter': $json = json_decode ( $data, true ); $result = isset ( $json ['count'] ) ? intval ( $json ['count'] ) : 0; break; case 'twitter_opensc': $json = json_decode ( $data, true ); $result = isset ( $json ['count'] ) ? intval ( $json ['count'] ) : 0; break; case 'linkedin': $json = json_decode ( $data, true ); $result = isset ( $json ['count'] ) ? intval ( $json ['count'] ) : 0; break; case 'pinterest': $json_string = preg_replace ( '/^receiveCount\((.*)\)$/', "\\1", $data ); $json = json_decode ( $json_string, true ); $result = isset ( $json ['count'] ) ? intval ( $json ['count'] ) : 0; break; case 'google': preg_match( "#window\.__SSR = {c: ([\d]+)#", $data, $matches ); if( isset( $matches[0] ) ) { $result = str_replace( 'window.__SSR = {c: ', '', $matches[0] ); } break; case 'stumbleupon': $data = json_decode ( $data ); if (isset ( $data->result->views )) { $result = $data->result->views; } break; case 'vk': $shares = array(); preg_match( '/^VK\.Share\.count\(\d, (\d+)\);$/i', $data, $shares ); $result = $shares[ 1 ]; break; case 'reddit': $score = $ups = $downs = 0; //initialize $format = 'json'; $content = $data; if($content) { if($format == 'json') { //print "result ".$content; $json = json_decode($content,true); if (isset($json['data']) && isset($json['data']['children'])) { foreach($json['data']['children'] as $child) { // we want all children for this example $ups+= (int) $child['data']['ups']; $downs+= (int) $child['data']['downs']; //$score+= (int) $child['data']['score']; //if you just want to grab the score directly } $score = $ups - $downs; } } } $result = $score; break; case 'buffer': $result = 0; if (!empty($data)) { $json = json_decode($data, true); $result = isset($json['shares']) ? intval($json['shares']) : 0; } break; case 'ok': $shares = array(); try { preg_match( '/^ODKL\.updateCount\(\'odklcnt0\',\'(\d+)\'\);$/i', $data, $shares ); $result = (int)$shares[ 1 ]; } catch (Exception $e) { $result = 0; } break; case 'mwp': $shares = array(); $count = 0; preg_match( '//s', $data, $shares ); if (count($shares) > 0) { $current_result = $shares[1]; $second_parse = array(); preg_match( '/
(.*?)<\/div>/s', $current_result, $second_parse ); $value = $second_parse[1]; $value = str_replace("", "", $value); $value = str_replace("", "", $value); $count = $value; } $result = $count; break; case 'xing': $shares = array(); $count = 0; preg_match( '/(.*?)<\/span>/s', $data, $shares ); if (count($shares) > 0) { $current_result = $shares[1]; $count = $current_result; } $result = $count; break; case 'yummly': $result = 0; if (!empty($data)) { $json = json_decode($data, true); $result = isset($json['count']) ? intval($json['count']) : 0; } break; } } $this->counters[$k] = $result; $this->counters ['total'] += intval ( isset ( $this->counters [$k] ) ? $this->counters [$k] : 0 ); } }