post_title; $post_image = has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ? wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'single-post-thumbnail' ) : ''; $image = ($post_image != '') ? $post_image[0] : ''; $description = $post->post_excerpt; $content = preg_replace(array('#%%title%%#', '#%%url%%#', '#%%image%%#', '#%%excerpt%%#'), array($title_plain, $url, $image, $description), $content); } return $content; } function essb_template_folder ($template_id) { $folder = 'default'; if ($template_id == 1) { $folder = 'default'; } if ($template_id == 2) { $folder = 'metro'; } if ($template_id == 3) { $folder = 'modern'; } if ($template_id == 4) { $folder = 'round'; } if ($template_id == 5) { $folder = 'big'; } if ($template_id == 6) { $folder = 'metro-retina'; } if ($template_id == 7) { $folder = 'big-retina'; } if ($template_id == 8) { $folder = 'light-retina'; } if ($template_id == 9) { $folder = 'flat-retina'; } if ($template_id == 10) { $folder = 'tiny-retina'; } if ($template_id == 11) { $folder = 'round-retina'; } if ($template_id == 12) { $folder = 'modern-retina'; } if ($template_id == 13) { $folder = 'circles-retina'; } if ($template_id == 14) { $folder = 'circles-retina essb_template_blocks-retina'; } if ($template_id == 15) { $folder = 'dark-retina'; } if ($template_id == 16) { $folder = 'grey-circles-retina'; } if ($template_id == 17) { $folder = 'grey-blocks-retina'; } if ($template_id == 18) { $folder = 'clear-retina'; } if ($template_id == 19) { $folder = 'copy-retina'; } if ($template_id == 20) { $folder = 'dimmed-retina'; } if ($template_id == 21) { $folder = 'grey-retina'; } if ($template_id == 22) { $folder = 'default-retina'; } if ($template_id == 23) { $folder = 'jumbo-retina'; } if ($template_id == 24) { $folder = 'jumbo-round-retina essb_template_jumbo-retina'; } if ($template_id == 25) { $folder = 'fancy-retina'; } if ($template_id == 26) { $folder = 'deluxe-retina'; } if ($template_id == 27) { $folder = 'modern-retina essb_template_modern-slim-retina'; } if ($template_id == 28) { $folder = 'bold-retina'; } if ($template_id == 29) { $folder = 'fancy-bold-retina'; } if ($template_id == 30) { $folder = 'retro-retina'; } if ($template_id == 31) { $folder = 'metro-bold-retina'; } if ($template_id == 32) { $folder = 'default4-retina'; } if ($template_id == 33) { $folder = 'clear-retina essb_template_clear-rounded-retina'; } if ($template_id == 34) { $folder = 'grey-fill-retina'; } if ($template_id == 35) { $folder = 'white-fill-retina'; } if ($template_id == 36) { $folder = 'white-retina'; } if ($template_id == 37) { $folder = 'grey-round-retina'; } if ($template_id == 38) { $folder = 'color-leafs'; } if ($template_id == 39) { $folder = 'grey-leafs'; } if ($template_id == 40) { $folder = 'circles-retina essb_tempate_color-circles-outline-retina'; } if ($template_id == 41) { $folder = 'circles-retina essb_template_blocks-retina essb_tempate_color-blocks-outline-retina'; } if ($template_id == 42) { $folder = 'grey-circles-outline-retina'; } if ($template_id == 43) { $folder = 'grey-circles-outline-retina essb_template_grey-blocks-outline-retina'; } if ($template_id == 44) { $folder = 'dark-outline-retina'; } if ($template_id == 45) { $folder = 'dark-outline-retina essb_template_dark-round-outline-retina'; } if ($template_id == 46) { $folder = 'light-retina essb_template_classic-retina'; } if ($template_id == 47) { $folder = 'light-retina essb_template_classic-retina essb_template_classic-round-retina'; } if ($template_id == 48) { $folder = 'modern-retina essb_template_classic-fancy-retina'; } if ($template_id == 49) { $folder = 'default4-retina essb_template_color-circles-retina'; } if ($template_id == 50) { $folder = 'default4-retina essb_template_massive-retina'; } if ($template_id == 51) { $folder = 'round-retina essb_template_cutoff-retina'; } if ($template_id == 52) { $folder = 'metro-bold-retina essb_template_cutoff-fill-retina'; } if ($template_id == 53) { $folder = 'round-retina essb_template_modern-light-retina'; } if ($template_id == 54) { $folder = 'default4-retina essb_template_tiny-color-circles-retina'; } if ($template_id == 55) { $folder = 'clear-retina essb_template_lollipop-retina'; } if ($template_id == 56) { $folder = 'rainbow-retina'; } if ($template_id == 57) { $folder = 'round-retina essb_template_modern-light-retina essb_template_flow-retina'; } if ($template_id == 58) { $folder = 'round-retina essb_template_modern-light-retina essb_template_flow-retina essb_template_flow-jump-retina'; } if ($template_id == 59) { $folder = 'default4-retina essb_template_glow-retina'; } if (has_filter('essb4_templates_class')) { $folder = apply_filters('essb4_templates_class', $folder, $template_id); } // fix when using template_slug instead of template_id if (intval($template_id) == 0 && $template_id != '') { $folder = $template_id; } return $folder; } function essb_core_helper_get_excerpt_by_id($post_id) { $the_post = get_post ( $post_id ); // Gets post ID $the_excerpt = $the_post->post_content; // Gets post_content to be used as // a basis for the excerpt $excerpt_length = 35; // Sets excerpt length by word count $the_excerpt = strip_tags ( strip_shortcodes ( $the_excerpt ) ); // Strips tags // and images $words = explode ( ' ', $the_excerpt, $excerpt_length + 1 ); if (count ( $words ) > $excerpt_length) : array_pop ( $words ); array_push ( $words, '…' ); $the_excerpt = implode ( ' ', $words ); endif; $the_excerpt = '

' . $the_excerpt . '

'; return $the_excerpt; } function essb_core_get_post_featured_image($post_id) { $post_cached_image = get_post_meta($post_id, 'essb_cached_image', true); if (empty($post_cached_image)) { $post_image = has_post_thumbnail( $post_id ) ? wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id ), 'full' ) : ''; $post_cached_image = ($post_image != '') ? $post_image[0] : ''; if (!empty($post_cached_image)) { update_post_meta ( $post_id, 'essb_cached_image', $post_cached_image ); } } return $post_cached_image; } /*** * Create post excerpt using content or build in exceprt */ function essb_core_get_post_excerpt($post_id) { // Check if the post has an excerpt if ( has_excerpt($post_id) ) { $the_post = get_post( $post_id ); // Gets post ID $the_excerpt = $the_post->post_excerpt; } else { $the_post = get_post( $post_id ); // Gets post ID $the_excerpt = $the_post->post_content; // Gets post_content to be used as a basis for the excerpt } $excerpt_length = 100; $the_excerpt = strip_tags( strip_shortcodes( $the_excerpt ) ); $the_excerpt = str_replace( ']]>', ']]>', $the_excerpt ); $the_excerpt = strip_tags( $the_excerpt ); $excerpt_length = apply_filters( 'excerpt_length', 100 ); $excerpt_more = apply_filters( 'excerpt_more', ' ' . '[...]' ); $words = preg_split( "/[\n\r\t ]+/", $the_excerpt, $excerpt_length + 1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); if ( count( $words ) > $excerpt_length ) { array_pop( $words ); $the_excerpt = implode( ' ', $words ); } $the_excerpt = preg_replace( "/\r|\n/", '', $the_excerpt ); return $the_excerpt; } function essb_core_convert_smart_quotes( $content ) { $content = str_replace( '"', '\'', $content ); $content = str_replace( '“', '\'', $content ); $content = str_replace( '”', '\'', $content ); $content = str_replace( '‘', '\'', $content ); $content = str_replace( '’', '\'', $content ); return $content; } function essb_core_helper_generate_list_networks($all_networks = false) { global $essb_networks, $essb_options; $networks = array(); $listOfNetworks = ($all_networks) ? essb_core_helper_generate_network_list() : essb_options_value( 'networks'); if (!is_array($listOfNetworks)) { $listOfNetworks = essb_core_helper_generate_network_list(); } foreach ($listOfNetworks as $single) { if ($single != 'more' && $single != 'share') { $networks[] = $single; } } return $networks; } function essb_core_helper_generate_list_networks_with_more($all_networks = false) { global $essb_networks, $essb_options; $networks = array(); $listOfNetworks = ($all_networks) ? essb_core_helper_generate_network_list() : essb_options_value( 'networks'); foreach ($listOfNetworks as $single) { $networks[] = $single; } return $networks; } function essb_core_helper_networks_without_more($networks) { $more_appear = false; $new_list = array(); foreach ($networks as $network) { if ($network != 'more' && $network != 'share') { $new_list[] = $network; } } return $new_list; } function essb_core_helper_networks_after_more($networks) { $more_appear = false; $new_list = array(); foreach ($networks as $network) { if ($more_appear) { $new_list[] = $network; } if ($network == 'more' || $network == 'share') { $more_appear = true; } } return $new_list; } function essb_core_helper_generate_network_list() { global $essb_networks; $network_order = array(); foreach ($essb_networks as $key => $data) { $network_order[] = $key; } return $network_order; } function essb_core_helper_urlencode($str) { $str = str_replace(' ', '%20', $str); $str = str_replace("'", '%27', $str); $str = str_replace("\"", '%22', $str); $str = str_replace('#', '%23', $str); $str = str_replace('+', '%2B', $str); $str = str_replace('$', '%24', $str); $str = str_replace('&', '%26', $str); $str = str_replace(',', '%2C', $str); $str = str_replace('/', '%2F', $str); $str = str_replace(':', '%3A', $str); $str = str_replace(';', '%3B', $str); $str = str_replace('=', '%3D', $str); $str = str_replace('?', '%3F', $str); $str = str_replace('@', '%40', $str); $str = str_replace('\%27', '%27', $str); return $str; } /** * get_post_share_details * * Generate post sharing details * * @param string $position * @return array */ function essb_get_post_share_details($position) { global $post; //timer_start(); if (essb_option_bool_value('reset_postdata')) { wp_reset_postdata(); } if (essb_option_bool_value( 'force_wp_query_postid')) { $current_query_id = get_queried_object_id(); $post = get_post($current_query_id); } $url = ''; $title = ''; $image = ''; $description = ''; $title_plain = ''; $twitter_user = essb_option_value('twitteruser'); $twitter_hashtags = essb_option_value('twitterhashtags'); $twitter_customtweet = ''; $url = $post ? get_permalink() : essb_get_current_url( 'raw' ); if (essb_option_bool_value( 'avoid_nextpage')) { $url = $post ? get_permalink(get_the_ID()) : essb_get_current_url( 'raw' ); } if (essb_option_bool_value('force_wp_fullurl')) { $url = essb_get_current_page_url(); } if (essb_option_bool_value('always_use_http')) { $url = str_replace('https://', 'http://', $url); } if (!defined('ESSB3_LIGHTMODE')) { $mycred_referral_activate = essb_option_bool_value('mycred_referral_activate'); if ($mycred_referral_activate && function_exists('mycred_render_affiliate_link')) { $url = mycred_render_affiliate_link( array( 'url' => $url ) ); } } if (isset($post)) { $title = esc_attr(urlencode($post->post_title)); $title_plain = $post->post_title; $image = essb_core_get_post_featured_image($post->ID); $description = $post->post_excerpt; if ($position == 'heroshare') { if ($description == '') { $description = essb_core_get_post_excerpt($post->ID); } } } $list_of_articles_mode = false; if (essb_option_bool_value( 'force_archive_pages')) { if (is_archive() || is_front_page() || is_search() || is_tag() || is_post_type_archive()) { if ($position == 'sidebar' || $position == 'flyin' || $position == 'popup' || $position == 'topbar' || $position == 'bottombar' || $position == 'sharebottom') { $list_of_articles_mode = true; $url = essb_get_current_page_url(); if (is_front_page()) { $title = get_bloginfo('name'); $title_plain = $title; $description = get_bloginfo('description'); } else { $title = get_the_archive_title(); $title_plain = $title; $description = get_the_archive_description(); } } } } // apply custom share options if (essb_option_bool_value('customshare')) { if (essb_option_value('customshare_text') != '') { $title = essb_option_value('customshare_text'); $title_plain = $title; } if (essb_option_value('customshare_url') != '') { $url = essb_option_value('customshare_url'); } if (essb_option_value('customshare_image') != '') { $image = essb_option_value('customshare_image'); } if (essb_option_value('customshare_description') != '') { $description = essb_option_value('customshare_description'); } } $twitter_customtweet = $title; $post_pin_image = ''; $post_pin_desc = ''; // apply post custom share options if (isset($post) && !$list_of_articles_mode) { if (essb_option_bool_value('twitter_message_tags_to_hashtags')) { $twitter_hashtags = essb_get_post_tags_as_list($post); } $post_essb_post_share_message = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'essb_post_share_message', true); $post_essb_post_share_url = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'essb_post_share_url', true); $post_essb_post_share_image = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'essb_post_share_image', true); $post_essb_post_share_text = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'essb_post_share_text', true); $post_pin_image = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'essb_post_pin_image', true); $post_essb_twitter_username = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'essb_post_twitter_username', true); $post_essb_twitter_hastags = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'essb_post_twitter_hashtags', true); $post_essb_twitter_tweet = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'essb_post_twitter_tweet', true); $post_essb_og_title = get_post_meta ( $post->ID, 'essb_post_og_title', true ); $post_pin_desc = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'essb_post_pin_desc', true); if ($post_essb_twitter_tweet == '' && $post_essb_og_title != '') { $post_essb_twitter_tweet = $post_essb_og_title; } // SW Bridge running here if (essb_option_bool_value('activate_sw_bridge') && function_exists('essb_sw_custom_data')) { $sw_setup = essb_sw_custom_data(); if ($sw_setup['og_title'] != '' && $post_essb_post_share_text == '') { $post_essb_post_share_text = $sw_setup['og_title']; } if ($sw_setup['og_description'] != '' && $post_essb_post_share_message == '') { $post_essb_post_share_message = $sw_setup['og_description']; } if ($sw_setup['og_image'] != '' && $post_essb_post_share_image == '') { $post_essb_post_share_image = $sw_setup['og_image']; } if ($sw_setup['custom_tweet'] != '' && $post_essb_twitter_tweet == '') { $post_essb_twitter_tweet = $sw_setup['custom_tweet']; } if ($sw_setup['pin_image'] != '' && $post_pin_image == '') { $post_pin_image = $sw_setup['pin_image']; } } if (defined('WPSEO_VERSION')) { $yoast_title = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_yoast_wpseo_title', true); $yoast_description = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_yoast_wpseo_metadesc', true); if ($yoast_title != '') { // include WPSEO replace vars if (strpos($yoast_title, '%%') !== false && function_exists('wpseo_replace_vars')) { $yoast_title = wpseo_replace_vars($yoast_title, $post); } $title = $yoast_title; $title_plain = $yoast_title; $twitter_customtweet = $yoast_title; } if ($yoast_description != '') { $description = $yoast_description; } } if ($post_essb_post_share_image != '') { $image = $post_essb_post_share_image; } if ($post_essb_post_share_message != '') { $description = $post_essb_post_share_message; } if ($post_essb_post_share_text != '') { $title = $post_essb_post_share_text; $title_plain = $post_essb_post_share_text; } if ($post_essb_post_share_url != '') { $url = $post_essb_post_share_url; } if ($post_essb_twitter_hastags != '') { $twitter_hashtags = $post_essb_twitter_hastags; } if ($post_essb_twitter_tweet != '') { $twitter_customtweet = $post_essb_twitter_tweet; } if ($post_essb_twitter_username != '') { $twitter_user = $post_essb_twitter_username; } } // inetegration with affiliate plugins is not availalbe as option in easy mode if (!defined('ESSB3_LIGHTMODE')) { $affwp_active = essb_option_bool_value('affwp_active'); if ($affwp_active) { essb_depend_load_function('essb_generate_affiliatewp_referral_link', 'lib/core/integrations/affiliatewp.php'); $url = essb_generate_affiliatewp_referral_link($url); } $affs_active = essb_option_bool_value('affs_active'); if ($affs_active) { $url = do_shortcode('[affiliates_url]'.$url.'[/affiliates_url]'); } } $title= str_replace("'", "\'", $title); $description= str_replace("'", "\'", $description); $twitter_customtweet= str_replace("'", "\'", $twitter_customtweet); $title_plain= str_replace("'", "\'", $title_plain); //print "get share details".timer_stop(0, 5); return array('url' => $url, 'title' => $title, 'image' => $image, 'description' => $description, 'twitter_user' => $twitter_user, 'twitter_hashtags' => $twitter_hashtags, 'twitter_tweet' => $twitter_customtweet, 'post_id' => isset($post) ? $post->ID : 0, 'user_image_url' => '', 'title_plain' => $title_plain, 'short_url_whatsapp' => '', 'short_url_twitter' => '', 'short_url' => '', 'pinterest_image' => $post_pin_image, 'pinterest_desc' => $post_pin_desc); } function essb_get_post_tags_as_list($post) { $twitter_hashtags = ''; $post_tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID); if ($post_tags) { $generated_tags = array(); foreach($post_tags as $tag) { $current_tag = $tag->name; $current_tag = str_replace(' ', '', $current_tag); $generated_tags[] = $current_tag; } if (count($generated_tags) > 0) { $twitter_hashtags = implode(',', $generated_tags); } } return $twitter_hashtags; } function essb_get_native_button_settings($position = '', $only_share = false) { $are_active = true; if ($only_share) { $are_active = false; return array('active' => false); } if (!defined('ESSB3_NATIVE_ACTIVE')) { $are_active = false; } else { if (!ESSB3_NATIVE_ACTIVE) { $are_active = false; } } if (defined('ESSB3_NATIVE_DEACTIVE')) { $are_active = false; } if (essb_is_mobile()) { if (!essb_option_bool_value('allow_native_mobile')) { $are_active = false; } } if (!empty($position)) { if (essb_option_bool_value( $position.'_native_deactivate')) { $are_active = false; } } if (essb_is_module_deactivated_on('native')) { $are_active = false; } if (!$are_active) { return array('active' => false); } $native_options = ESSBNativeButtonsHelper::native_button_defaults(); $native_options['active'] = $are_active; $native_options['message_like_buttons'] = ''; $deactivate_message_for_location = essb_option_bool_value( $position.'_text_deactivate'); if (!$deactivate_message_for_location) { $native_options['message_like_buttons'] = essb_option_value('message_like_buttons'); } return $native_options; }