$tab_data) { foreach ($tab_data as $menu => $menu_data) { foreach ($menu_data as $field_data) { $field_key = isset($field_data['id']) ? $field_data['id'] : ''; if ($field_key == $key) { $result = $field_data; break; } } } } return $result; } function essb_find_current_optiondata1($key, $tab_id, $menu_id) { global $essb_section_options; $result = array(); if (!isset($essb_section_options[$tab_id])) { return $result; } if (!isset($essb_section_options[$tab_id][$menu_id])) return $result; foreach ($essb_section_options[$tab_id][$menu_id] as $field_data) { $field_key = isset($field_data['id']) ? $field_data['id'] : ''; if ($field_key == $key) { $result = $field_data; } } return $result; } $wpml_options = essb_wpml_translatable_fields(); $wpml_langs = ESSBWpmlBridge::getLanguages(); $wpml_langs_tabs = ESSBWpmlBridge::getLanguagesSimplified(); foreach ($wpml_options as $key => $data) { $type = isset($data['type']) ? $data['type'] : ''; $title = isset($data['title']) ? $data['title'] : ''; $group = isset($data['group']) ? $data['group'] : ''; $tab_id = isset($data['tab_id']) ? $data['tab_id'] : ''; $menu_id = isset($data['menu_id']) ? $data['menu_id'] : ''; if ($type == 'menu') { ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::menu_item('translate', $key, $title, 'globe'); if (!ESSBActivationManager::isActivated()) { //ESSBOptionsFramework::draw_hint(__('Unlock the full power of ready made styles!', 'essb'), 'Hello! Please activate your copy of Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress to unlock all 35+ ready made presents that you will be able to install on your site.', 'fa fa-lock', 'status essb-status-activate essb-status-activate-presents'); ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::hint('translate', $key, __('Unlock usage of Multilangual Translate!', 'essb'), 'Hello! Please activate your copy of Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress to unlock all 35+ ready made presents that you will be able to install on your site.', 'fa fa-lock', 'status essb-status-activate essb-status-activate-presents'); } } if ($type == 'heading') { ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('translate', $group, 'heading5', $title); } if ($type == 'networks') { //generate translations by social networks $networks_list = essb_available_social_networks(); foreach ($networks_list as $network => $data) { $name = isset($data['name']) ? $data['name'] : $network; $key = 'translate_'.$network; ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::panel_start('translate', $group, $name, __('Customize texts for this social network'), 'fa21 fa fa-globe', array("mode" => "toggle", 'state' => 'closed')); ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::tabs_start('translate', $group, $key.'-translate', $wpml_langs_tabs); $tab_count = 0; foreach ($wpml_langs as $lang => $lang_name) { ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::tab_start('translate', $group, $key.'-translate-'.$tab_count, ($tab_count == 0 ? true: false)); ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox_stretched('translate', $group, 'wpml_user_network_name_'.$network.'_'.$lang, __('Network name', 'essb'), __('Customize text that is used as network name on button', 'essb')); ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox_stretched('translate', $group, 'wpml_hovertext_'.$network.'_'.$lang, __('Hover text', 'essb'), __('Customize text that will appear on button hover', 'essb')); ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::tab_end('translate', $group); $tab_count++; } ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::tabs_end('translate', $group); ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::panel_end('translate', $group); } } if ($type == 'field') { $field_data = essb_find_current_optiondata($key, $tab_id, $menu_id); $field_type = isset($field_data['type']) ? $field_data['type'] : ''; if ($field_type != '') { ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::panel_start('translate', $group, $field_data['title'], $field_data['description'], 'fa21 fa fa-globe', array("mode" => "toggle", 'state' => 'closed')); ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::tabs_start('translate', $group, $key.'-translate', $wpml_langs_tabs); $tab_count = 0; foreach ($wpml_langs as $lang => $lang_name) { ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::tab_start('translate', $group, $key.'-translate-'.$tab_count, ($tab_count == 0 ? true: false)); $new_field_data = array(); foreach ($field_data as $fkey => $fvalue) { $new_field_data[$fkey] = $fvalue; } $new_field_data['title'] = ''; $new_field_data['description'] = ''; $new_field_data['id'] = 'wpml_'.$key.'_'.$lang; $essb_section_options['translate'][$group][] = $new_field_data; ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::tab_end('translate', $group); $tab_count++; } ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::tabs_end('translate', $group); ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::panel_end('translate', $group); } } }