isInTheme()) { function essb_page_welcome_redirect() { $redirect = get_transient( '_essb_page_welcome_redirect' ); delete_transient( '_essb_page_welcome_redirect' ); $redirect && wp_redirect( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=essb_redirect_about' ) ); } add_action( 'init', 'essb_page_welcome_redirect' ); } } } /** * Get static instance of class * * @return ESSB_Manager */ public static function getInstance() { if ( ! ( self::$_instance instanceof self ) ) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; } /** * Cloning disabled */ public function __clone() { } /** * Serialization disabled */ public function __sleep() { } /** * De-serialization disabled */ public function __wakeup() { } /** * Initialize plugin load */ public function init() { // @since 4.2 option to disable translations if (!essb_option_bool_value('disable_translation')) { load_plugin_textdomain('essb', FALSE, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)).'/languages/'); } $this->resourceBuilder(); $this->essb(); // Social share optimization if (defined('ESSB3_SSO_ACTIVE')) { if (class_exists('ESSB_OpenGraph')) { $this->factoryOnlyActivate('sso_og', 'ESSB_OpenGraph'); } if (class_exists('ESSB_WooCommerceOpenGraph')) { $this->factoryOnlyActivate('sso_og_woo', 'ESSB_WooCommerceOpenGraph'); } if (class_exists('ESSB_TwitterCards')) { $this->factoryOnlyActivate('sso_tc', 'ESSB_TwitterCards'); } } // Social Share Analytics if (defined('ESSB3_SSA_ACTIVE')) { $tracker = ESSBSocialShareAnalytics::get_instance(); $this->resourceBuilder()->add_js($this->socialShareAnalytics()->generate_tracker_code(), true, 'essb-stats-tracker'); } // After Share Actions if (defined('ESSB3_AFTERSHARE_ACTIVE')) { $this->factoryOnlyActivate('asc', 'ESSBAfterCloseShare3'); } // On Media Sharing if (defined('ESSB3_IMAGESHARE_ACTIVE')) { $this->factoryOnlyActivate('essbis', 'ESSBSocialImageShare'); essb_depend_load_function('essb_rs_css_build_imageshare_customizer', 'lib/core/resource-snippets/essb_rs_css_build_imageshare_customizer.php'); } // Social Profiles if (!defined('ESSB3_LIGHTMODE')) { if (defined('ESSB3_SOCIALPROFILES_ACTIVE')) { $this->factoryOnlyActivate('essbsp', 'ESSBSocialProfiles'); } } // Followers Counter if (defined('ESSB3_SOCIALFANS_ACTIVE')) { $this->factoryActivate('essbfc', 'ESSBSocialFollowersCounter'); essb_depend_load_function('essb_rs_css_build_followerscounter_customizer', 'lib/core/resource-snippets/essb_rs_css_build_followerscounter_customizer.php'); } if (!defined('ESSB3_LIGHTMODE')) { if (defined('ESSB3_NATIVE_ACTIVE')) { // Social Privacy Buttons when active include resources $essb_spb = ESSBSocialPrivacyNativeButtons::get_instance(); ESSBNativeButtonsHelper::$essb_spb = $essb_spb; foreach ($this->privacyNativeButtons()->resource_files as $key => $object) { $this->resourceBuilder()->add_static_resource($object['file'], $object['key'], $object['type']); } foreach (ESSBSkinnedNativeButtons::get_assets() as $key => $object) { $this->resourceBuilder()->add_static_resource($object['file'], $object['key'], $object['type']); } $this->resourceBuilder()->add_css(ESSBSkinnedNativeButtons::generate_skinned_custom_css(), 'essb-skinned-native-buttons'); // asign instance of native buttons privacy class to helper // register active social network apis foreach (ESSBNativeButtonsHelper::get_list_of_social_apis() as $key => $code) { $this->resourceBuilder()->add_social_api($key); } } } // @since 4.2 Live Customizer Initialization if (ESSB3_CUSTOMIZER_CAN_RUN) { if (essb_live_customizer_can_run()) { include_once (ESSB3_PLUGIN_ROOT . 'lib/modules/live-customizer/essb-live-customizer.php'); $this->factoryOnlyActivate('essb_live_customizer', 'ESSBLiveCustomizer'); } } if (is_admin()) { $this->asAdmin(); } } /** * Load plugin active widgets based on user settings */ public function load_widgets() { // include the main plugin required files include_once (ESSB3_PLUGIN_ROOT . 'lib/essb-core-includes.php'); ESSBActivationManager::init(); if (is_admin()) { global $essb_options; $exist_user_purchase_code = isset($essb_options['purchase_code']) ? $essb_options['purchase_code'] : ''; $deactivate_updates = essb_option_bool_value('deactivate_updates'); //if (!empty($exist_user_purchase_code) && !$this->isInTheme()) { if (ESSBActivationManager::isActivated() && !$this->isInTheme() && !$deactivate_updates) { include (ESSB3_PLUGIN_ROOT . 'lib/external/autoupdate/plugin-update-checker.php'); // @since 1.3.3 // autoupdate // activating autoupdate option $essb_autoupdate = PucFactory::buildUpdateChecker ( '', __FILE__, 'easy-social-share-buttons3' ); // @since - update to avoid issues with other plugins that uses same // method function addSecretKeyESSB3($query) { global $exist_user_purchase_code; $query ['license'] = ESSBActivationManager::getActivationCode(); $query ['purchase_code'] = ESSBActivationManager::getPurchaseCode(); return $query; } $essb_autoupdate->addQueryArgFilter ( 'addSecretKeyESSB3' ); } } } /** * setIsInTheme * * Tell plugin that is loaded in theme - disable automatic updates and disable redirect after install * @param bool $value */ public function setIsInTheme ( $value = true) { $this->is_in_theme = (boolean) $value; } public function isInTheme () { return (boolean) $this->is_in_theme; } public function disableUpdates() { $this->disable_updater = true; } public function resourceBuilder() { if (!isset($this->factory['resource_builder'])) { $this->factory['resource_builder'] = new ESSBResourceBuilder(); } return $this->factory['resource_builder']; } public function essb() { if (!isset($this->factory['essb'])) { $this->factory['essb'] = new ESSBCore(); } return $this->factory['essb']; } public function socialShareAnalytics() { if (!isset($this->factory['ssa'])) { $this->factory['ssa'] = new ESSBSocialShareAnalytics; } return $this->factory['ssa']; } public function afterShareActions() { if (!isset($this->factory['asc'])) { $this->factory['asc'] = new ESSBAfterCloseShare3; } return $this->factory['asc']; } public function privacyNativeButtons() { if (!isset($this->factory['nativeprivacy'])) { $this->factory['nativeprivacy'] = new ESSBSocialPrivacyNativeButtons; } return $this->factory['nativeprivacy']; } public function socialFollowersCounter() { if (!isset($this->factory['essbfc'])) { $this->factory['essbfc'] = new ESSBSocialFollowersCounter; } return $this->factory['essbfc']; } public function deactiveExecution() { $this->essb()->temporary_deactivate_content_filters(); } public function reactivateExecution() { $this->essb()->reactivate_content_filters_after_temporary_deactivate(); } public function essbOptions() { if (!isset($this->settings)) { $this->settings = get_option(ESSB3_OPTIONS_NAME); } return $this->settings; } public function optionsBoolValue($param) { $value = isset ( $this->settings [$param] ) ? $this->settings [$param] : 'false'; if ($value == 'true') { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * isMobile * * Checks and return state of mobile device detected * * @return boolean * @since 3.4.2 */ public function isMobile() { if (!$this->mobile_checked) { $this->mobile_checked = true; $mobile_detect = new ESSB_Mobile_Detect(); $this->is_mobile = $mobile_detect->isMobile(); $this->is_tablet = $mobile_detect->isTablet(); if (essb_option_bool_value('mobile_exclude_tablet') && $this->is_tablet) { $this->is_mobile = false; } unset($mobile_detect); return $this->is_mobile; } else { return $this->is_mobile; } } public function isTablet() { if (!$this->mobile_checked) { $this->mobile_checked = true; $mobile_detect = new ESSB_Mobile_Detect(); $this->is_mobile = $mobile_detect->isMobile(); $this->is_tablet = $mobile_detect->isTablet(); unset($mobile_detect); return $this->is_tablet; } else { return $this->is_tablet; } } /** * Run admin part of code, when user with admin capabilites is detected * * @since 3.4 */ protected function asAdmin() { include_once (ESSB3_PLUGIN_ROOT . 'lib/admin/essb-admin-includes.php'); $this->factoryOnlyActivate('essb_admin', 'ESSBAdminControler'); } /** * factoryActivate * * Load plugin component into main class * * @param string $module * @param object $class_name * @since 3.4 */ public function factoryActivate($module = '', $class_name) { if (!empty($module) && !isset($this->factory[$module])) { $this->factory[$module] = new $class_name; } } /** * Activate secondary class inside factory loader but without store in memory * * @param string $module * @param string $class_name * @since 4.2 */ public function factoryOnlyActivate($module = '', $class_name) { if (!empty($module) && !isset($this->factory[$module])) { $this->factory[$module] = true; new $class_name; } } /* * Static activation/deactivation hooks */ public static function activate() { include_once(ESSB3_PLUGIN_ROOT . 'activate.php'); essb_active_oninstall(); // activate redirection hook if ( ! is_network_admin() ) { set_transient( '_essb_page_welcome_redirect', 1, 30 ); } } public static function convert_ready_made_option($options) { $options = base64_decode ( $options ); $options = htmlspecialchars_decode ( $options ); $options = stripslashes ( $options ); if ($options != '') { $imported_options = json_decode ( $options, true ); return $imported_options; } else { return null; } } public static function deactivate() { delete_option(ESSB3_MAIL_SALT); } } /** * Initialize plugin with main global instace of ESSB_Manager * * @since 3.4 */ global $essb_manager; if (!$essb_manager) { $essb_manager = ESSB_Manager::getInstance(); }