var essb_disable_ajax_submit = false; jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var essb_admin_deactivate_all = function(oSender) { $("#section").val(""); $("#subsection").val(""); var parent_selector = ".essb-options-group-menu"; var options_selector = ".essb-options-container"; if (oSender && typeof(oSender) != "undefined") { var parentContainer = jQuery(oSender).closest('.essb-options-sidebar'); if (parentContainer && typeof(parentContainer) != "undefined") { var existInstanceID = jQuery(parentContainer).attr("data-instance") || ""; if (existInstanceID != '') { parent_selector = ".essb-options-group-menu-" + existInstanceID; options_selector = ".essb-options-container-" + existInstanceID; } } } jQuery(parent_selector).find(".essb-menu-item").each(function() { if (jQuery(this).hasClass("active")) { jQuery(this).removeClass("active"); } }); jQuery(parent_selector).find(".essb-submenu-item").each(function() { if (jQuery(this).hasClass("active-sub")) { jQuery(this).slideUp("50", function() { jQuery(this).removeClass("active-sub"); 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if (image) { var width = image.width(); width += 10; $(this).parent().find('.essb_radio_label').width(width); } }); } var activate_code_editors = function(parent_id) { $(parent_id).find(".is-code-editor").each(function() { var has_activate_call = $(this).attr("data-function-activate") || ""; if (has_activate_call != '') { try { if (!window['essb3_admin_'+has_activate_call]) { window[has_activate_call](); window['essb3_admin_'+has_activate_call] = "activated"; } } catch (e) { } } }); } $(".essb-options-group-menu").find(".essb-menu-item").each(function() { $(this).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($(this).hasClass("active")) return; var has_field_id = $(this).attr("data-menu") || ""; if ($('.essb-options-subtitle').length) { $('.essb-options-subtitle').text($(this).text()); } if (has_field_id != "") { essb_admin_deactivate_all(this); $(this).addClass("active"); var activate_first_sub = $(this).hasClass("essb-activate-first"); var first_child_id = $(this).attr("data-activate-child") || ""; 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var parentMenuItem = $(this).closest('.essb-options-sidebar').find(''); if (parentMenuItem.length) { current_item_title = parentMenuItem.text()+": "+current_item_title; } $('.essb-options-subtitle').text(current_item_title); } if (has_field_id != "") { essb_decativate_containers(); $(this).addClass("active-submenu"); if ($("#essb-container-"+has_field_id).length) { $("#essb-container-"+has_field_id).fadeIn("100"); //$("#essb-container-"+has_field_id).show(); essb_fix_width_of_radio_and_checkboxes(); activate_code_editors("#essb-container-"+has_field_id); $("#essb-scroll-top").scrollintoview({ duration: "slow", direction: "y"}); } $("#subsection").val(has_field_id); } }); } else { $(this).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var has_field_id = $(this).attr("data-menu") || ""; var data_menu_action = $(this).attr("data-menu-action") || ""; if (has_field_id != "") { if (data_menu_action == "toggle") { if ($("#essb-submenu-"+has_field_id).length) { $("#essb-submenu-"+has_field_id).scrollintoview({ duration: "slow", direction: "y"}); } } else { if ($("#essb-submenu-"+has_field_id).length) { $("#essb-submenu-"+has_field_id).toggle(); } } } }); } }); $('.essb-button-backtotop').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $("#essb-scroll-top").scrollintoview({ duration: "slow", direction: "y"}); }); $(".essb-options-header").find(".essb-wizard-next").each(function() { $(this).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var current_section = $("#section").val(); if (current_section != '') { var sectionObject = current_section.split("-"); var section_id = sectionObject[1]; section_id = Number(section_id) + 1; $(".essb-options-group-menu").find("#essb-menu-"+sectionObject[0]+"-"+section_id).first().trigger('click'); } }); }); $(".essb-options-header").find(".essb-wizard-prev").each(function() { $(this).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var current_section = $("#section").val(); if (current_section != '') { var sectionObject = current_section.split("-"); var section_id = sectionObject[1]; section_id = Number(section_id) - 1; if (section_id < 1) { return; } $(".essb-options-group-menu").find("#essb-menu-"+sectionObject[0]+"-"+section_id).first().trigger('click'); } }); }); var initial_active_section = $("#section").val(); var initial_active_subsection = $("#subsection").val(); if (initial_active_section != '') { //alert('has initial section = '+initial_active_section); $(".essb-options-group-menu").find("#essb-menu-"+initial_active_section).first().trigger('click'); $(".essb-options-group-menu").find("#essb-menu-"+initial_active_subsection).first().trigger('click'); //alert('has initial subsection = '+initial_active_subsection); essb_fix_width_of_radio_and_checkboxes(); setTimeout(essb_fix_width_of_radio_and_checkboxes, 1000); } else { $(".essb-options-group-menu").find(".essb-menu-item").first().trigger('click'); } $(".essb-switch .cb-enable").click(function(){ var parent = $(this).parents('.essb-switch'); $('.cb-disable',parent).removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); $('.checkbox',parent).attr('checked', true); if ($(parent).hasClass('essb-switch-submit')) $('#essb_options_form').submit(); }); $(".essb-switch .cb-disable").click(function(){ var parent = $(this).parents('.essb-switch'); $('.cb-enable',parent).removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); $('.checkbox',parent).attr('checked', false); if ($(parent).hasClass('essb-switch-submit')) $('#essb_options_form').submit(); }); // Image Checkbox $('.essb_image_checkbox').each(function() { var image = $(this).find('.checkbox-image img'); if (image) { var width = image.width(); width += 10; $(this).parent().find('.essb_checkbox_label').width(width); } $(this).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var checkbox_id = $(this).attr('data-field') || ""; var state; if ($(this).hasClass("active")) { state = false; $(this).removeClass("active"); } else { state = true; $(this).addClass("active"); } if (checkbox_id != "") { $("#essb_options_"+checkbox_id).attr("checked", state); } }); }); // Image Radio Button $('.essb_image_radio').each(function() { var image = $(this).find('.checkbox-image img'); if (image) { var width = image.width(); width += 10; $(this).parent().find('.essb_radio_label').width(width); } $(this).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //alert($(this).parent().parent().prop("tagName")); $(this).parent().parent().find('.essb_radio').each(function(){ var clickable_element = $(this).find('.essb_image_radio'); var radio_element = $(this).find('input[type="radio"]'); if (clickable_element.length) { if (clickable_element.hasClass("active")) { clickable_element.removeClass("active"); } } if (radio_element.length) { radio_element.attr("checked", false); } }); var checkbox_id = $(this).attr('data-field') || ""; $("#essb_options_"+checkbox_id).attr("checked", true); if (!$(this).hasClass("active")) { $(this).addClass("active"); } }); }); // simple sortables $('.essb_sortable').each(function() { var element = $(this).attr("id"); jQuery('#'+element).sortable2(); }); // fix the top navigation panel if ($('.essb-plugin-menu').length) $('.essb-options-header').scrollToFixed( { marginTop: 132 } ); else $('.essb-options-header').scrollToFixed( { marginTop: 30 } ); if ($('.essb-plugin-menu').length) $('.essb-plugin-menu').scrollToFixed( { marginTop: 30 } ); // quick navigation panel $(".essb-options-container").find(".essb-internal-navigation-item").each(function() { $(this).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var has_field_id = $(this).attr("data-goto") || ""; if (has_field_id != '') { $("#"+has_field_id).scrollintoview({ duration: "slow", direction: "y", complete: function(){ }}); } }); }); $(".essb-options-container").find(".essb-internal-navigation-close").each(function() { $(this).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(".essb-options-container").find(".essb-internal-navigation").each(function() { $(this).hide(); }); }); }); // portlet toggle style $('.essb-options-container').find('.essb-portlet-toggle').find('.essb-portlet-heading').each(function(){ $(this).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //console.log('toggle click'); // closed if ($(this).hasClass('essb-portlet-heading-closed')) { $(this).removeClass('essb-portlet-heading-closed'); var content = $(this).parent().find('.essb-portlet-content'); $(content).slideDown("fast", function() { $(content).removeClass('essb-portlet-content-closed'); }); var icon = $(this).find('.essb-portlet-state').find('i'); if (icon.length) { $(icon).addClass('fa-chevron-down'); $(icon).removeClass('fa-chevron-right'); } $('.CodeMirror').each(function(i, el){ el.CodeMirror.refresh(); }); } else { $(this).addClass('essb-portlet-heading-closed'); var content = $(this).parent().find('.essb-portlet-content'); $(content).slideUp("fast", function() { $(content).addClass('essb-portlet-content-closed'); }); var icon = $(this).find('.essb-portlet-state').find('i'); if (icon.length) { $(icon).removeClass('fa-chevron-down'); $(icon).addClass('fa-chevron-right'); } } }); }); $('.essb-options-container').find('.essb-portlet-switch').find('.essb-switch').each(function(){ $(this).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var state_checkbox = $(this).find('input'); if (!state_checkbox.length) return; var state = $(state_checkbox).is(':checked'); //console.log('switch click = ' + state); var parent_heading = $(this).parent().parent(); if ($(parent_heading).hasClass('essb-portlet-submit')) { essb_disable_ajax_submit = true; $('#essb_options_form').submit(); } // closed if (state) { $(parent_heading).removeClass('essb-portlet-heading-closed'); var content = $(parent_heading).parent().find('.essb-portlet-content'); //console.log(content.length); if (content.length > 1) content = content[0]; $(content).slideDown("fast", function() { $(content).removeClass('essb-portlet-content-closed'); }); $('.CodeMirror').each(function(i, el){ el.CodeMirror.refresh(); }); $(parent_heading).parent().find('.essb_image_radio').each(function() { var image = $(this).find('.checkbox-image img'); if (image) { var width = image.width(); width += 10; $(this).parent().find('.essb_radio_label').width(width); } }); $(parent_heading).parent().find('.essb_image_checkbox').each(function() { //console.log('parsing checkbox image'); var image = $(this).find('.checkbox-image img'); if (image) { var width = image.width(); width += 10; $(this).parent().find('.essb_checkbox_label').width(width); } }); } else { $(parent_heading).addClass('essb-portlet-heading-closed'); var content = $(parent_heading).parent().find('.essb-portlet-content'); if (content.length > 1) content = content[0]; $(content).slideUp("fast", function() { $(content).addClass('essb-portlet-content-closed'); }); } }); }); // portlet toggle style $('.essb-options-container').find('.essb-section-tabs').find('li').each(function(){ $(this).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //console.log('tab click'); var parent = $(this).parent(); parent.find('li').each(function(){ if ($(this).hasClass('active')){ $(this).removeClass('active'); var data_tab = $(this).attr('data-tab'); if ($('.ess-section-tab-'+data_tab).length) { if ($('.ess-section-tab-'+data_tab).hasClass('active')) { $('.ess-section-tab-'+data_tab).fadeOut('fast'); $('.ess-section-tab-'+data_tab).removeClass('active'); } } } }); $(this).addClass('active'); var data_tab = $(this).attr('data-tab'); if ($('.ess-section-tab-'+data_tab).length) { $('.ess-section-tab-'+data_tab).fadeIn('fast'); $('.ess-section-tab-'+data_tab).addClass('active'); window.setTimeout(function() { $('.CodeMirror').each(function(i, el){ el.CodeMirror.refresh(); }); }, 1); } }); }); $('.essb-options-container').find('.essb-main-network-order').find('.essb-clickable-order').each(function(){ $(this).click(function(e) { var state = $(this).is(':checked'); if (state) { if ($(this).parent().parent().length) { $(this).parent().parent().addClass('active'); } } else { if ($(this).parent().parent().length) { $(this).parent().parent().removeClass('active'); } } }); }); $(".essb-settings-wrap").find(".essb-header-status").each(function() { $(this).fadeIn(300); }); // quick filter control var debounce = function( func, wait ) { var timeout, args, context, timestamp; return function() { context = this; args = [] arguments, 0 ); timestamp = new Date(); var later = function() { var last = ( new Date() ) - timestamp; if ( last < wait ) { timeout = setTimeout( later, wait - last ); } else { timeout = null; func.apply( context, args ); } }; if ( ! timeout ) { timeout = setTimeout( later, wait ); } }; }; function quickFilterDebounceRun () { var value = $(this).val(); value = value.toLowerCase(); if (value.length > 2) console.log("search value = "+value); var filterContainer = $(this).attr('data-filter') || ''; if (filterContainer == '') return; var element = $('#'+filterContainer); if (!element.length) return; $(element).find("li").each(function(){ if (value == '') { $(this).removeClass('filter-yes'); $(this).removeClass('filter-no'); } else { var singleValue = ($(this).attr('data-filter-value') || '').toLowerCase(); $(this).removeClass('filter-yes'); $(this).removeClass('filter-no'); if (singleValue.indexOf(value) > -1) $(this).addClass('filter-yes'); else $(this).addClass('filter-no'); } }); } $(".essb-options .input-filter").keyup(debounce(quickFilterDebounceRun, 300)); }); /*! * jQuery scrollintoview() plugin and :scrollable selector filter * * Version 1.8 (14 Jul 2011) * Requires jQuery 1.4 or newer * * Copyright (c) 2011 Robert Koritnik * Licensed under the terms of the MIT license * */ (function ($) { var converter = { vertical: { x: false, y: true }, horizontal: { x: true, y: false }, both: { x: true, y: true }, x: { x: true, y: false }, y: { x: false, y: true } }; var settings = { duration: "fast", direction: "both" }; var rootrx = /^(?:html)$/i; // gets border dimensions var borders = function (domElement, styles) { styles = styles || (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(domElement, null) : domElement.currentStyle); var px = document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? true : false; var b = { top: (parseFloat(px ? styles.borderTopWidth : $.css(domElement, "borderTopWidth")) || 0), left: (parseFloat(px ? styles.borderLeftWidth : $.css(domElement, "borderLeftWidth")) || 0), bottom: (parseFloat(px ? styles.borderBottomWidth : $.css(domElement, "borderBottomWidth")) || 0), right: (parseFloat(px ? styles.borderRightWidth : $.css(domElement, "borderRightWidth")) || 0) }; return { top:, left: b.left, bottom: b.bottom, right: b.right, vertical: + b.bottom, horizontal: b.left + b.right }; }; var dimensions = function ($element) { var win = $(window); var isRoot = rootrx.test($element[0].nodeName); return { border: isRoot ? { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0} : borders($element[0]), scroll: { top: (isRoot ? win : $element).scrollTop(), left: (isRoot ? win : $element).scrollLeft() }, scrollbar: { right: isRoot ? 0 : $element.innerWidth() - $element[0].clientWidth, bottom: isRoot ? 0 : $element.innerHeight() - $element[0].clientHeight }, rect: (function () { var r = $element[0].getBoundingClientRect(); return { top: isRoot ? 0 :, left: isRoot ? 0 : r.left, bottom: isRoot ? $element[0].clientHeight : r.bottom, right: isRoot ? $element[0].clientWidth : r.right }; })() }; }; $.fn.extend({ scrollintoview: function (options) { /// Scrolls the first element in the set into view by scrolling its closest scrollable parent. /// Additional options that can configure scrolling: /// duration (default: "fast") - jQuery animation speed (can be a duration string or number of milliseconds) /// direction (default: "both") - select possible scrollings ("vertical" or "y", "horizontal" or "x", "both") /// complete (default: none) - a function to call when scrolling completes (called in context of the DOM element being scrolled) /// /// Returns the same jQuery set that this function was run on. options = $.extend({}, settings, options); options.direction = converter[typeof (options.direction) === "string" && options.direction.toLowerCase()] || converter.both; var dirStr = ""; if (options.direction.x === true) dirStr = "horizontal"; if (options.direction.y === true) dirStr = dirStr ? "both" : "vertical"; var el = this.eq(0); var scroller = el.closest(":scrollable(" + dirStr + ")"); // check if there's anything to scroll in the first place if (scroller.length > 0) { scroller = scroller.eq(0); var dim = { e: dimensions(el), s: dimensions(scroller) }; var rel = { top: - ( +, bottom: dim.s.rect.bottom - dim.s.border.bottom - dim.s.scrollbar.bottom - dim.e.rect.bottom, left: dim.e.rect.left - (dim.s.rect.left + dim.s.border.left), right: dim.s.rect.right - dim.s.border.right - dim.s.scrollbar.right - dim.e.rect.right }; var animOptions = {}; // vertical scroll if (options.direction.y === true) { if ( < 0) { animOptions.scrollTop = + - 40; } else if ( > 0 && rel.bottom < 0) { animOptions.scrollTop = + Math.min(, -rel.bottom) - 40; } } // horizontal scroll if (options.direction.x === true) { if (rel.left < 0) { animOptions.scrollLeft = dim.s.scroll.left + rel.left; } else if (rel.left > 0 && rel.right < 0) { animOptions.scrollLeft = dim.s.scroll.left + Math.min(rel.left, -rel.right); } } // scroll if needed if (!$.isEmptyObject(animOptions)) { if (rootrx.test(scroller[0].nodeName)) { scroller = $("html,body"); } scroller .animate(animOptions, options.duration) .eq(0) // we want function to be called just once (ref. "html,body") .queue(function (next) { $.isFunction(options.complete) &&[0]); next(); }); } else { // when there's nothing to scroll, just call the "complete" function $.isFunction(options.complete) &&[0]); } } // return set back return this; } }); var scrollValue = { auto: true, scroll: true, visible: false, hidden: false }; $.extend($.expr[":"], { scrollable: function (element, index, meta, stack) { var direction = converter[typeof (meta[3]) === "string" && meta[3].toLowerCase()] || converter.both; var styles = (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null) : element.currentStyle); var overflow = { x: scrollValue[styles.overflowX.toLowerCase()] || false, y: scrollValue[styles.overflowY.toLowerCase()] || false, isRoot: rootrx.test(element.nodeName) }; // check if completely unscrollable (exclude HTML element because it's special) if (!overflow.x && !overflow.y && !overflow.isRoot) { return false; } var size = { height: { scroll: element.scrollHeight, client: element.clientHeight }, width: { scroll: element.scrollWidth, client: element.clientWidth }, // check overflow.x/y because iPad (and possibly other tablets) don't dislay scrollbars scrollableX: function () { return (overflow.x || overflow.isRoot) && this.width.scroll > this.width.client; }, scrollableY: function () { return (overflow.y || overflow.isRoot) && this.height.scroll > this.height.client; } }; return direction.y && size.scrollableY() || direction.x && size.scrollableX(); } }); })(jQuery); /*! * jQuery lockfixed plugin * * * Copyright 2012 Yvo Schaap * Released under the MIT license * * * Date: Sun Feb 9 2014 12:00:01 GMT */ (function($, undefined){ $.extend({ /** * Lockfixed initiated * @param {Element} el - a jquery element, DOM node or selector string * @param {Object} config - offset - forcemargin */ "lockfixed": function(el, config){ if (config && config.offset) { config.offset.bottom = parseInt(config.offset.bottom,10); = parseInt(,10); }else{ config.offset = {bottom: 100, top: 0}; } var el = $(el); if(el && el.offset()){ var el_position = el.css("position"), el_margin_top = parseInt(el.css("marginTop"),10), el_position_top = el.css("top"), el_top = el.offset().top, pos_not_fixed = false; /* * We prefer feature testing, too much hassle for the upside * while prettier to use position: fixed (less jitter when scrolling) * iOS 5+ + Android has fixed support, but issue with toggeling between fixed and not and zoomed view */ if (config.forcemargin === true || navigator.userAgent.match(/\bMSIE (4|5|6)\./) || navigator.userAgent.match(/\bOS ([0-9])_/) || navigator.userAgent.match(/\bAndroid ([0-9])\./i)){ pos_not_fixed = true; } /* // adds throttle to position calc; modern browsers should handle resize event fine $(window).bind('scroll resize orientationchange load lockfixed:pageupdate',el,function(e){ window.setTimeout(function(){ $(document).trigger('lockfixed:pageupdate:async'); }); }); */ $(window).bind('scroll resize orientationchange load lockfixed:pageupdate',el,function(e){ // if we have a input focus don't change this (for smaller screens) if(pos_not_fixed && document.activeElement && document.activeElement.nodeName === "INPUT"){ return; } var top = 0, el_height = el.outerHeight(), el_width = el.outerWidth(), max_height = $(document).height() - config.offset.bottom, scroll_top = $(window).scrollTop(); // if element is not currently fixed position, reset measurements ( this handles DOM changes in dynamic pages ) if (el.css("position") !== "fixed" && !pos_not_fixed) { el_top = el.offset().top; el_position_top = el.css("top"); } if (scroll_top >= (el_top-(el_margin_top ? el_margin_top : 0){ if(max_height < (scroll_top + el_height + el_margin_top +{ top = (scroll_top + el_height + el_margin_top + - max_height; }else{ top = 0; } if (pos_not_fixed){ el.css({'marginTop': (parseInt(scroll_top - el_top - top,10) + (2 *'px'}); }else{ el.css({'position': 'fixed','top':('px','width':el_width +"px"}); } }else{ el.css({'position': el_position,'top': el_position_top, 'width':el_width +"px", 'marginTop': (el_margin_top && !pos_not_fixed ? el_margin_top : 0)+"px"}); } }); } } }); })(jQuery); ///--- /* * ScrollToFixed * * * Copyright (c) 2011 Joseph Cava-Lynch * MIT license */ (function($) { $.isScrollToFixed = function(el) { return !!$(el).data('ScrollToFixed'); }; $.ScrollToFixed = function(el, options) { // To avoid scope issues, use 'base' instead of 'this' to reference this // class from internal events and functions. var base = this; // Access to jQuery and DOM versions of element. base.$el = $(el); base.el = el; // Add a reverse reference to the DOM object. base.$'ScrollToFixed', base); // A flag so we know if the scroll has been reset. var isReset = false; // The element that was given to us to fix if scrolled above the top of // the page. var target = base.$el; var position; var originalPosition; var originalOffsetTop; var originalZIndex; // The offset top of the element when resetScroll was called. This is // used to determine if we have scrolled past the top of the element. var offsetTop = 0; // The offset left of the element when resetScroll was called. This is // used to move the element left or right relative to the horizontal // scroll. var offsetLeft = 0; var originalOffsetLeft = -1; // This last offset used to move the element horizontally. This is used // to determine if we need to move the element because we would not want // to do that for no reason. var lastOffsetLeft = -1; // This is the element used to fill the void left by the target element // when it goes fixed; otherwise, everything below it moves up the page. var spacer = null; var spacerClass; var className; // Capture the original offsets for the target element. This needs to be // called whenever the page size changes or when the page is first // scrolled. For some reason, calling this before the page is first // scrolled causes the element to become fixed too late. function resetScroll() { // Set the element to it original positioning. target.trigger('preUnfixed.ScrollToFixed'); setUnfixed(); target.trigger('unfixed.ScrollToFixed'); // Reset the last offset used to determine if the page has moved // horizontally. lastOffsetLeft = -1; // Capture the offset top of the target element. offsetTop = target.offset().top; // Capture the offset left of the target element. offsetLeft = target.offset().left; // If the offsets option is on, alter the left offset. if (base.options.offsets) { offsetLeft += (target.offset().left - target.position().left); } if (originalOffsetLeft == -1) { originalOffsetLeft = offsetLeft; } position = target.css('position'); // Set that this has been called at least once. isReset = true; if (base.options.bottom != -1) { target.trigger('preFixed.ScrollToFixed'); setFixed(); target.trigger('fixed.ScrollToFixed'); } } function getLimit() { var limit = base.options.limit; if (!limit) return 0; if (typeof(limit) === 'function') { return limit.apply(target); } return limit; } // Returns whether the target element is fixed or not. function isFixed() { return position === 'fixed'; } // Returns whether the target element is absolute or not. function isAbsolute() { return position === 'absolute'; } function isUnfixed() { return !(isFixed() || isAbsolute()); } // Sets the target element to fixed. Also, sets the spacer to fill the // void left by the target element. function setFixed() { // Only fix the target element and the spacer if we need to. if (!isFixed()) { // Set the spacer to fill the height and width of the target // element, then display it. spacer.css({ 'display' : target.css('display'), 'width' : target.outerWidth(true), 'height' : target.outerHeight(true), 'float' : target.css('float') }); // Set the target element to fixed and set its width so it does // not fill the rest of the page horizontally. Also, set its top // to the margin top specified in the options. cssOptions={ 'z-index' : base.options.zIndex, 'position' : 'fixed', 'top' : base.options.bottom == -1?getMarginTop():'', 'bottom' : base.options.bottom == -1?'':base.options.bottom, 'margin-left' : '0px' } if (!base.options.dontSetWidth){ cssOptions['width']=target.width(); }; target.css(cssOptions); target.addClass(base.options.baseClassName); if (base.options.className) { target.addClass(base.options.className); } position = 'fixed'; } } function setAbsolute() { var top = getLimit(); var left = offsetLeft; if (base.options.removeOffsets) { left = ''; top = top - offsetTop; } cssOptions={ 'position' : 'absolute', 'top' : top, 'left' : left, 'margin-left' : '0px', 'bottom' : '' } if (!base.options.dontSetWidth){ cssOptions['width']=target.width(); }; target.css(cssOptions); position = 'absolute'; } // Sets the target element back to unfixed. Also, hides the spacer. function setUnfixed() { // Only unfix the target element and the spacer if we need to. if (!isUnfixed()) { lastOffsetLeft = -1; // Hide the spacer now that the target element will fill the // space. spacer.css('display', 'none'); // Remove the style attributes that were added to the target. // This will reverse the target back to the its original style. target.css({ 'z-index' : originalZIndex, 'width' : '', 'position' : originalPosition, 'left' : '', 'top' : originalOffsetTop, 'margin-left' : '' }); target.removeClass('scroll-to-fixed-fixed'); if (base.options.className) { target.removeClass(base.options.className); } position = null; } } // Moves the target element left or right relative to the horizontal // scroll position. function setLeft(x) { // Only if the scroll is not what it was last time we did this. if (x != lastOffsetLeft) { // Move the target element horizontally relative to its original // horizontal position. target.css('left', offsetLeft - x); // Hold the last horizontal position set. lastOffsetLeft = x; } } function getMarginTop() { var marginTop = base.options.marginTop; if (!marginTop) return 0; if (typeof(marginTop) === 'function') { return marginTop.apply(target); } return marginTop; } // Checks to see if we need to do something based on new scroll position // of the page. function checkScroll() { if (!$.isScrollToFixed(target)) return; var wasReset = isReset; // If resetScroll has not yet been called, call it. This only // happens once. if (!isReset) { resetScroll(); } else if (isUnfixed()) { // if the offset has changed since the last scroll, // we need to get it again. // Capture the offset top of the target element. offsetTop = target.offset().top; // Capture the offset left of the target element. offsetLeft = target.offset().left; } // Grab the current horizontal scroll position. var x = $(window).scrollLeft(); // Grab the current vertical scroll position. var y = $(window).scrollTop(); // Get the limit, if there is one. var limit = getLimit(); // If the vertical scroll position, plus the optional margin, would // put the target element at the specified limit, set the target // element to absolute. if (base.options.minWidth && $(window).width() < base.options.minWidth) { if (!isUnfixed() || !wasReset) { postPosition(); target.trigger('preUnfixed.ScrollToFixed'); setUnfixed(); target.trigger('unfixed.ScrollToFixed'); } } else if (base.options.maxWidth && $(window).width() > base.options.maxWidth) { if (!isUnfixed() || !wasReset) { postPosition(); target.trigger('preUnfixed.ScrollToFixed'); setUnfixed(); target.trigger('unfixed.ScrollToFixed'); } } else if (base.options.bottom == -1) { // If the vertical scroll position, plus the optional margin, would // put the target element at the specified limit, set the target // element to absolute. if (limit > 0 && y >= limit - getMarginTop()) { if (!isAbsolute() || !wasReset) { postPosition(); target.trigger('preAbsolute.ScrollToFixed'); setAbsolute(); target.trigger('unfixed.ScrollToFixed'); } // If the vertical scroll position, plus the optional margin, would // put the target element above the top of the page, set the target // element to fixed. } else if (y >= offsetTop - getMarginTop()) { if (!isFixed() || !wasReset) { postPosition(); target.trigger('preFixed.ScrollToFixed'); // Set the target element to fixed. setFixed(); // Reset the last offset left because we just went fixed. lastOffsetLeft = -1; target.trigger('fixed.ScrollToFixed'); } // If the page has been scrolled horizontally as well, move the // target element accordingly. setLeft(x); } else { // Set the target element to unfixed, placing it where it was // before. if (!isUnfixed() || !wasReset) { postPosition(); target.trigger('preUnfixed.ScrollToFixed'); setUnfixed(); target.trigger('unfixed.ScrollToFixed'); } } } else { if (limit > 0) { if (y + $(window).height() - target.outerHeight(true) >= limit - (getMarginTop() || -getBottom())) { if (isFixed()) { postPosition(); target.trigger('preUnfixed.ScrollToFixed'); if (originalPosition === 'absolute') { setAbsolute(); } else { setUnfixed(); } target.trigger('unfixed.ScrollToFixed'); } } else { if (!isFixed()) { postPosition(); target.trigger('preFixed.ScrollToFixed'); setFixed(); } setLeft(x); target.trigger('fixed.ScrollToFixed'); } } else { setLeft(x); } } } function getBottom() { if (!base.options.bottom) return 0; return base.options.bottom; } function postPosition() { var position = target.css('position'); if (position == 'absolute') { target.trigger('postAbsolute.ScrollToFixed'); } else if (position == 'fixed') { target.trigger('postFixed.ScrollToFixed'); } else { target.trigger('postUnfixed.ScrollToFixed'); } } var windowResize = function(event) { // Check if the element is visible before updating it's position, which // improves behavior with responsive designs where this element is hidden. if(':visible')) { isReset = false; checkScroll(); } } var windowScroll = function(event) { (!!window.requestAnimationFrame) ? requestAnimationFrame(checkScroll) : checkScroll(); } // From: var isPositionFixedSupported = function() { var container = document.body; if (document.createElement && container && container.appendChild && container.removeChild) { var el = document.createElement('div'); if (!el.getBoundingClientRect) return null; el.innerHTML = 'x'; = 'position:fixed;top:100px;'; container.appendChild(el); var originalHeight =, originalScrollTop = container.scrollTop; = '3000px'; container.scrollTop = 500; var elementTop = el.getBoundingClientRect().top; = originalHeight; var isSupported = (elementTop === 100); container.removeChild(el); container.scrollTop = originalScrollTop; return isSupported; } return null; } var preventDefault = function(e) { e = e || window.event; if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } e.returnValue = false; } // Initializes this plugin. Captures the options passed in, turns this // off for devices that do not support fixed position, adds the spacer, // and binds to the window scroll and resize events. base.init = function() { // Capture the options for this plugin. base.options = $.extend({}, $.ScrollToFixed.defaultOptions, options); originalZIndex = target.css('z-index') // Turn off this functionality for devices that do not support it. // if (!(base.options && base.options.dontCheckForPositionFixedSupport)) { // var fixedSupported = isPositionFixedSupported(); // if (!fixedSupported) return; // } // Put the target element on top of everything that could be below // it. This reduces flicker when the target element is transitioning // to fixed. base.$el.css('z-index', base.options.zIndex); // Create a spacer element to fill the void left by the target // element when it goes fixed. spacer = $('
'); position = target.css('position'); originalPosition = target.css('position'); originalOffsetTop = target.css('top'); // Place the spacer right after the target element. if (isUnfixed()) base.$el.after(spacer); // Reset the target element offsets when the window is resized, then // check to see if we need to fix or unfix the target element. $(window).bind('resize.ScrollToFixed', windowResize); // When the window scrolls, check to see if we need to fix or unfix // the target element. $(window).bind('scroll.ScrollToFixed', windowScroll); // For touch devices, call checkScroll directlly rather than // rAF wrapped windowScroll to animate the element if ('ontouchmove' in window) { $(window).bind('touchmove.ScrollToFixed', checkScroll); } if (base.options.preFixed) { target.bind('preFixed.ScrollToFixed', base.options.preFixed); } if (base.options.postFixed) { target.bind('postFixed.ScrollToFixed', base.options.postFixed); } if (base.options.preUnfixed) { target.bind('preUnfixed.ScrollToFixed', base.options.preUnfixed); } if (base.options.postUnfixed) { target.bind('postUnfixed.ScrollToFixed', base.options.postUnfixed); } if (base.options.preAbsolute) { target.bind('preAbsolute.ScrollToFixed', base.options.preAbsolute); } if (base.options.postAbsolute) { target.bind('postAbsolute.ScrollToFixed', base.options.postAbsolute); } if (base.options.fixed) { target.bind('fixed.ScrollToFixed', base.options.fixed); } if (base.options.unfixed) { target.bind('unfixed.ScrollToFixed', base.options.unfixed); } if (base.options.spacerClass) { spacer.addClass(base.options.spacerClass); } target.bind('resize.ScrollToFixed', function() { spacer.height(target.height()); }); target.bind('scroll.ScrollToFixed', function() { target.trigger('preUnfixed.ScrollToFixed'); setUnfixed(); target.trigger('unfixed.ScrollToFixed'); checkScroll(); }); target.bind('detach.ScrollToFixed', function(ev) { preventDefault(ev); target.trigger('preUnfixed.ScrollToFixed'); setUnfixed(); target.trigger('unfixed.ScrollToFixed'); $(window).unbind('resize.ScrollToFixed', windowResize); $(window).unbind('scroll.ScrollToFixed', windowScroll); target.unbind('.ScrollToFixed'); //remove spacer from dom spacer.remove(); base.$el.removeData('ScrollToFixed'); }); // Reset everything. windowResize(); }; // Initialize the plugin. base.init(); }; // Sets the option defaults. $.ScrollToFixed.defaultOptions = { marginTop : 0, limit : 0, bottom : -1, zIndex : 1000, baseClassName: 'scroll-to-fixed-fixed' }; // Returns enhanced elements that will fix to the top of the page when the // page is scrolled. $.fn.scrollToFixed = function(options) { return this.each(function() { (new $.ScrollToFixed(this, options)); }); }; })(jQuery); /* * HTML5 Sortable jQuery Plugin * * * Copyright 2012, Ali Farhadi * Released under the MIT license. */ (function($) { var dragging, placeholders = $(); $.fn.sortable2 = function(options) { var method = String(options); options = $.extend({ connectWith: false }, options); return this.each(function() { if (/^(enable|disable|destroy)$/.test(method)) { var items = $(this).children($(this).data('items')).attr('draggable', method == 'enable'); if (method == 'destroy') { items.add(this).removeData('connectWith items') .off('dragstart.h5s dragend.h5s selectstart.h5s dragover.h5s dragenter.h5s drop.h5s'); } return; } var isHandle, index, items = $(this).children(options.items); var placeholder = $('<' + (/^(ul|ol)$/i.test(this.tagName) ? 'li' : 'div') + ' class="sortable-placeholder">'); items.find(options.handle).mousedown(function() { isHandle = true; }).mouseup(function() { isHandle = false; }); $(this).data('items', options.items) placeholders = placeholders.add(placeholder); if (options.connectWith) { $(options.connectWith).add(this).data('connectWith', options.connectWith); } items.attr('draggable', 'true').on('dragstart.h5s', function(e) { if (options.handle && !isHandle) { return false; } isHandle = false; var dt = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer; dt.effectAllowed = 'move'; dt.setData('Text', 'dummy'); index = (dragging = $(this)).addClass('sortable-dragging').index(); }).on('dragend.h5s', function() { if (!dragging) { return; } dragging.removeClass('sortable-dragging').show(); placeholders.detach(); if (index != dragging.index()) { dragging.parent().trigger('sortupdate', {item: dragging}); } dragging = null; }).not('a[href], img').on('selectstart.h5s', function() { this.dragDrop && this.dragDrop(); return false; }).end().add([this, placeholder]).on('dragover.h5s dragenter.h5s drop.h5s', function(e) { if (! && options.connectWith !== $(dragging).parent().data('connectWith')) { return true; } if (e.type == 'drop') { e.stopPropagation(); placeholders.filter(':visible').after(dragging); dragging.trigger('dragend.h5s'); return false; } e.preventDefault(); e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'; if ( { if (options.forcePlaceholderSize) { placeholder.height(dragging.outerHeight()); } dragging.hide(); $(this)[placeholder.index() < $(this).index() ? 'after' : 'before'](placeholder); placeholders.not(placeholder).detach(); } else if (! && !$(this).children(options.items).length) { placeholders.detach(); $(this).append(placeholder); } return false; }); }); }; })(jQuery);