import React from 'react'; import placeholder from 'gutenberg/blocks/placeholder'; import { isBuilderUsed, isScriptDebug, getVBUrl } from 'gutenberg/utils/helpers'; import { DIVI, GUTENBERG } from 'gutenberg/constants'; import { registerBlock, unregisterBlock } from 'gutenberg/blocks/registration'; import get from 'lodash/get'; import throttle from 'lodash/throttle'; import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty'; import startsWith from 'lodash/startsWith'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { applyFilters } from '@wordpress/hooks'; import { dispatch, select, subscribe } from '@wordpress/data'; import { cold } from 'react-hot-loader'; import { RichText } from '@wordpress/editor'; import { renderToString, RawHTML } from '@wordpress/element'; // react-hot-loader replaces the Component with ProxyComponent altering its type. // Since Gutenberg compares types while serializing content, we need to disable // hot reloading for RichText and RawHTML cold(RichText.Content); cold(RawHTML); const { setupEditor, editPost } = dispatch('core/editor'); const { isCleanNewPost, getCurrentPost, getEditedPostAttribute, getEditedPostContent, getBlocks } = select('core/editor'); const { getEditorMode } = select('core/edit-post'); const { switchEditorMode } = dispatch('core/edit-post'); const registerPlaceholder = () => registerBlock(placeholder); const unregisterPlaceholder = () => unregisterBlock(placeholder); const hasPlaceholder = () => { const blocks = getBlocks(); if (blocks.length !== 1) { return false; } return get(blocks, '') ===; }; // Throttle this just to avoid potential loops, better safe than sorry. const switchToVisualMode = throttle(() => switchEditorMode('visual'), 100); const button = renderToString((
)); class Controller { init = () => { registerPlaceholder(); this.gbContent = ''; this.unsubscribe = subscribe(this.onEditorContentChange); subscribe(this.onEditorModeChange); } onClick = (e) => { switch ('data-editor')) { case DIVI: { this.addPlaceholder(getEditedPostContent()); break; } default: { // Okay, this button was inside the placeholder but then was moved out of it. // That logic is a massive PITA, no time to refactor so this will have to do for now. jQuery('#et-switch-to-gutenberg').click(); } } } addPlaceholder = (content = '') => { registerPlaceholder(); this.gbContent = content; this.setupEditor(applyFilters('divi.addPlaceholder', content)); } getGBContent = () => this.gbContent; setupEditor = (raw, title = false) => { const post = getCurrentPost(); // Set post content setupEditor({, content: { raw } }); if (title !== false && title !== post.title) { // Set post title editPost({ title }); } } switchEditor = (editor, content) => { switch (editor) { case DIVI: { // Open VB window.location.href = getVBUrl(); break; } default: { const title = getEditedPostAttribute('title'); // Restore GB content and title (without saving) this.setupEditor(content, title); unregisterPlaceholder(); } } } addButton = () => { // Add the custom button setTimeout(() => jQuery(button).on('click', 'button', this.onClick).insertAfter('.edit-post-header-toolbar'), 0); } onEditorContentChange = () => { const post = getCurrentPost(); if (isEmpty(post) || !this.unsubscribe) { // If we don't have a post, GB isn't ready yet return; } this.addButton(); // We only need to do this step once this.unsubscribe(); this.unsubscribe = false; const content = get(post, 'content'); if (startsWith(content, `