/*! Custom Sidebars - v3.2.2 * https://premium.wpmudev.org/project/custom-sidebars-pro/ * Copyright (c) 2018; * Licensed GPLv2+ */ /*global window:false */ /*global console:false */ /*global document:false */ /*global wp:false */ /*global wpmUi:false */ /*global csSidebars:false */ /*global csSidebarsData:false */ /** * CsSidebar class * * This adds new functionality to each sidebar. * * Note: Before the first CsSidebar object is created the class csSidebars below * must be initialized! */ /* * http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/faster-trim-javascript */ function trim( str ) { str = str.replace(/^\s\s*/, ''); for (var i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (/\S/.test(str.charAt(i))) { str = str.substring(0, i + 1); break; } } return str; } function CsSidebar(id, type) { var editbar; /** * Replace % to fix bug http://wordpress.org/support/topic/in-wp-35-sidebars-are-not-collapsable-anymore?replies=16#post-3990447 * We'll use this.id to select and the original id for html * * @since 1.2 */ this.id = id.split('%').join('\\%'); /** * Either 'custom' or 'theme' * * @since 2.0 */ this.type = type; this.sb = jQuery('#' + this.id); this.widgets = ''; this.name = trim(this.sb.find('.sidebar-name h2').text()); this.description = trim(this.sb.find('.sidebar-description').text()); // Add one of two editbars to each sidebar. if ( type === 'custom' ) { editbar = window.csSidebars.extras.find('.cs-custom-sidebar').clone(); } else { editbar = window.csSidebars.extras.find('.cs-theme-sidebar').clone(); } this.sb.parent().append(editbar); // Customize the links and label-tags. editbar.find('label').each(function(){ var me = jQuery( this ); window.csSidebars.addIdToLabel( me, id ); }); } /** * Returns the sidebar ID. * * @since 2.0 */ CsSidebar.prototype.getID = function() { return this.id.split('\\').join(''); }; /** * ============================================================================= * * * csSidebars class * * This is the collection of all CsSidebar objects. */ window.csSidebars = null; (function($){ window.csSidebars = { /** * List of all CsSidebar objects. * @type array */ sidebars: [], /** * This is the same prefix as defined in class-custom-sidebars.php * @type string */ sidebar_prefix: 'cs-', /** * Form for the edit-sidebar popup. * @type jQuery object */ edit_form: null, /** * Form for the delete-sidebar popup. * @type jQuery object */ delete_form: null, /** * Form for the export/import popup. * @type jQuery object */ export_form: null, /** * Form for the location popup. * @type jQuery object */ location_form: null, /** * Shortcut to '#widgets-right' * @type jQuery object */ right: null, /** * Shortcut to '#cs-widgets-extra' * @type jQuery object */ extras: null, /** * Stores the callback functions associated with the toolbar actions. * @see csSidebars.handleAction() * @see csSidebars.registerAction() * @type Object */ action_handlers: {}, /*====================================*\ ======================================== == == == INITIALIZATION == == == ======================================== \*====================================*/ init: function(){ if ( 'undefined' === typeof( csSidebarsData ) ) { // Inside theme customizer we load the JS but have no widget-data. return; } csSidebars .initControls() .initTopTools() .initSidebars() .initToolbars() .initColumns(); }, /** * ===================================================================== * Initialize DOM and find jQuery objects * * @since 1.0.0 */ initControls: function(){ csSidebars.right = jQuery( '#widgets-right' ); csSidebars.extras = jQuery( '#cs-widgets-extra' ); if ( null === csSidebars.edit_form ) { csSidebars.edit_form = csSidebars.extras.find( '.cs-editor' ).clone(); csSidebars.extras.find( '.cs-editor' ).remove(); } if ( null === csSidebars.delete_form ) { csSidebars.delete_form = csSidebars.extras.find( '.cs-delete' ).clone(); csSidebars.extras.find( '.cs-delete' ).remove(); } if ( null === csSidebars.export_form ) { csSidebars.export_form = csSidebars.extras.find( '.cs-export' ).clone(); csSidebars.extras.find( '.cs-export' ).remove(); } if ( null === csSidebars.location_form ) { csSidebars.location_form = csSidebars.extras.find( '.cs-location' ).clone(); csSidebars.extras.find( '.cs-location' ).remove(); } jQuery('#cs-title-options') .detach() .prependTo( csSidebars.right ); return csSidebars; }, /** * ===================================================================== * Arrange sidebars in left/right columns. * Left column: Custom sidebars. Right column: Theme sidebars. * * @since 2.0 */ initColumns: function() { var col1 = csSidebars.right.find( '.sidebars-column-1' ), col2 = csSidebars.right.find( '.sidebars-column-2' ), title = jQuery( '

' ), sidebars = csSidebars.right.find( '.widgets-holder-wrap' ); if ( ! col2.length ) { col2 = jQuery( '' ); col2.appendTo( csSidebars.right ); } function toggle_sort() { var me = jQuery( this ), col = me.closest( '.sidebars-column-1, .sidebars-column-2' ), dir = col.data( 'sort-dir' ); dir = ('asc' === dir ? 'desc' : 'asc'); csSidebars.sort_sidebars( col, dir ); } title .find( 'h2' ) .append( '' ) .css({'cursor': 'pointer'}); title .clone() .prependTo( col1 ) .click( toggle_sort ) .find('.cs-title-val') .text( csSidebarsData.custom_sidebars ); title .clone() .prependTo( col2 ) .click( toggle_sort ) .find( '.cs-title-val' ) .text( csSidebarsData.theme_sidebars ); col1 = jQuery( '
' ).appendTo( col1 ); col2 = jQuery( '
' ).appendTo( col2 ); sidebars.each(function check_sidebar() { var me = jQuery( this ), sbar = me.find( '.widgets-sortables' ); if ( csSidebars.isCustomSidebar( sbar) ) { me.appendTo( col1 ); } else { me.appendTo( col2 ); } }); }, /** * ===================================================================== * Initialization function, creates a CsSidebar object for each sidebar. * * @since 1.0.0 */ initSidebars: function(){ csSidebars.right.find('.widgets-sortables').each(function() { var key, sb, state = false, me = jQuery( this ), id = me.attr('id'); if ( me.data( 'cs-init' ) === true ) { return; } me.data( 'cs-init', true ); if ( csSidebars.isCustomSidebar( this ) ) { sb = csSidebars.add( id, 'custom' ); } else { sb = csSidebars.add( id, 'theme' ); // Set correct "replaceable" flag for the toolbar. for ( key in csSidebarsData.replaceable ) { if ( ! csSidebarsData.replaceable.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { continue; } if ( csSidebarsData.replaceable[key] === id ) { state = true; break; } } csSidebars.setReplaceable( sb, state, false ); } }); return csSidebars; }, /** * ===================================================================== * Initialize the top toolbar, above the sidebar list. * * @since 1.0.0 */ initTopTools: function() { var btn_create = jQuery( '.btn-create-sidebar' ), btn_export = jQuery( '.btn-export' ), topbar = jQuery( '.cs-options' ), txt_filter = jQuery( '' ), data = {}; // Button: Add new sidebar. btn_create.click(function() { data.id = ''; data.title = csSidebarsData.title_new; data.button = csSidebarsData.btn_new; data.description = ''; data.name = ''; csSidebars.showEditor( data ); }); // Button: Export sidebars. btn_export.click( csSidebars.showExport ); // Add Sidebar filter. txt_filter .appendTo( topbar ) .attr( 'placeholder', csSidebarsData.filter ) .keyup( csSidebars.filter_sidebars ) .on( 'search', csSidebars.filter_sidebars ); return csSidebars; }, /** * ===================================================================== * Hook up all the functions in the sidebar toolbar. * Toolbar is in the bottom of each sidebar. * * @since 1.0.0 */ initToolbars: function() { function tool_action( ev ) { var me = jQuery( ev.target ).closest( '.cs-tool' ), action = me.data( 'action' ), id = csSidebars.getIdFromEditbar( me ), sb = csSidebars.find( id ); // Return value False means: Execute the default click handler. return ! csSidebars.handleAction( action, sb ); } csSidebars.registerAction( 'edit', csSidebars.showEditor ); csSidebars.registerAction( 'location', csSidebars.showLocations ); csSidebars.registerAction( 'delete', csSidebars.showRemove ); csSidebars.registerAction( 'replaceable', csSidebars.setReplaceable ); csSidebars.right.on('click', '.cs-tool', tool_action); return csSidebars; }, /** * Triggers the callback function for the specified toolbar action. * * @since 2.0 */ handleAction: function( action, sb ) { if ( 'function' === typeof csSidebars.action_handlers[ action ] ) { return !! csSidebars.action_handlers[ action ]( sb ); } return false; }, /** * Registers a new callback function that is triggered when the * associated toolbar icon is clicked. * * @since 2.0 */ registerAction: function( action, callback ) { csSidebars.action_handlers[ action ] = callback; }, /** * Displays a error notification that something has gone wrong. * * @since 2.0 * @param mixed details Ajax response string/object. */ showAjaxError: function( details ) { var msg = {}; msg.message = csSidebarsData.ajax_error; msg.details = details; msg.parent = '#widgets-right'; msg.insert_after = '#cs-title-options'; msg.id = 'editor'; msg.type = 'err'; wpmUi.message( msg ); }, /** * Sorts the sidebars in the specified column * * @since * @param jQuery col Sidebar container/column. * @param string dir "asc|desc" */ sort_sidebars: function( col, dir ) { var sidebars = col.find( '.widgets-holder-wrap' ), icon = col.find( '.cs-title .cs-icon' ); sidebars.sortElements(function( a, b ) { var val_a = jQuery(a).find('.sidebar-name h2').text(), val_b = jQuery(b).find('.sidebar-name h2').text(); if ( dir === 'asc' ) { return val_a > val_b ? 1 : -1; } else { return val_a < val_b ? 1 : -1; } }); // Change the indicator. col.data( 'sort-dir', dir ); if ( 'asc' === dir ) { icon .removeClass( 'dashicons-arrow-down dashicons-sort' ) .addClass( 'dashicons-arrow-up' ); } else { icon .removeClass( 'dashicons-arrow-up dashicons-sort' ) .addClass( 'dashicons-arrow-down' ); } }, /** * Filters the sidebars by title * * @since */ filter_sidebars: function( ev ) { var query = jQuery( 'input.cs-filter' ).val().toLowerCase(), all = csSidebars.right.find( '.widgets-holder-wrap' ); all.each(function(){ var sb = jQuery( this ), title = sb.find( '.sidebar-name h2' ).text(); if ( title.toLowerCase().indexOf( query ) !== -1 ) { sb.show(); } else { sb.hide(); } }); jQuery( window ).trigger( 'cs-resize' ); }, /*============================*\ ================================ == == == EDITOR == == == ================================ \*============================*/ /** * ===================================================================== * Show the editor for a custom sidebar as a popup window. * * @since 2.0 * @param Object data Data describing the popup window. * - id .. ID of the sidebar (text). * - name .. Value of field "name". * - description .. Value of field "description". * - title .. Text for the window title. * - button .. Caption of the save button. * * or a CsSidebar object. */ showEditor: function( data ) { var popup = null, ajax = null; if ( data instanceof CsSidebar ) { data = { id: data.getID(), title: csSidebarsData.title_edit.replace( '[Sidebar]', data.name ), button: csSidebarsData.btn_edit }; } // Hide the "extra" fields function hide_extras() { popup.$().removeClass( 'csb-has-more' ); popup.size( 782, 215 ); } // Show the "extra" fields function show_extras() { popup.$().addClass( 'csb-has-more' ); popup.size( 782, 545 ); } // Toggle the "extra" fields based on the checkbox state. function toggle_extras() { if ( jQuery( this ).prop( 'checked' ) ) { show_extras(); } else { hide_extras(); } } // Populates the input fields in the editor with given data. function set_values( data, okay, xhr ) { popup.loading( false ); // Ignore error responses from Ajax. if ( ! data ) { return false; } if ( ! okay ) { popup.destroy(); csSidebars.showAjaxError( data ); return false; } if ( data.sidebar ) { data = data.sidebar; } // Populate known fields. if ( data.id ) { popup.$().find( '#csb-id' ).val( data.id ); } if ( data.name ) { popup.$().find( '#csb-name' ).val( data.name ); } if ( data.description ) { popup.$().find( '#csb-description' ).val( data.description ); } if ( data.before_title ) { popup.$().find( '#csb-before-title' ).val( data.before_title ); } if ( data.after_title ) { popup.$().find( '#csb-after-title' ).val( data.after_title ); } if ( data.before_widget ) { popup.$().find( '#csb-before-widget' ).val( data.before_widget ); } if ( data.after_widget ) { popup.$().find( '#csb-after-widget' ).val( data.after_widget ); } if ( data.button ) { popup.$().find( '.btn-save' ).text( data.button ); } if ( data.advance ) { popup.$().find( '#csb-more' ).prop( 'checked', true ); show_extras(); } } // Close popup after ajax request function handle_done_save( resp, okay, xhr ) { var msg = {}, sb; popup.loading( false ); popup.destroy(); msg.message = resp.message; // msg.details = resp; msg.parent = '#widgets-right'; msg.insert_after = '#cs-title-options'; msg.id = 'editor'; if ( okay ) { if ( 'update' === resp.action ) { // Update the name/description of the sidebar. sb = csSidebars.find( resp.data.id ); csSidebars.updateSidebar( sb, resp.data ); } else if ( 'insert' === resp.action ) { // Insert a brand new sidebar container. csSidebars.insertSidebar( resp.data ); $('.cs-wrap .custom-sidebars-add-new').detach(); } } else { msg.type = 'err'; } wpmUi.message( msg ); } // Submit the data via ajax. function save_data() { var form = popup.$().find( 'form' ); if ( 0 < popup.$('#csb-more:checked').length ) { jQuery('').attr({ type: 'hidden', value: 'show', name: 'advance' }).appendTo(form); } // Start loading-animation. popup.loading( true ); ajax.reset() .data( form ) .ondone( handle_done_save ) .load_json(); return false; } // Show the EDITOR popup. popup = wpmUi.popup() .modal( true ) .title( data.title ) .onshow( hide_extras ) .content( csSidebars.edit_form ); hide_extras(); set_values( data, true, null ); // Create new ajax object to get sidebar details. ajax = wpmUi.ajax( null, 'cs-ajax' ); if ( data.id ) { popup.loading( true ); ajax.reset() .data({ 'do': 'get', 'sb': data.id, '_wpnonce': csSidebarsData._wpnonce_get }) .ondone( set_values ) .load_json(); } popup.show(); popup.$().find( '#csb-name' ).focus(); /** * handle enter key on new sidebar name */ popup.$().on( 'keypress', '#csb-name', function(e) { if ( 13 === e.keyCode ) { if ( 0 < $(this).val().length ) { $('#csb-description').focus(); } } }); /** * handle enter key on new sidebar description */ popup.$().on( 'keypress', '#csb-description', function(e) { if ( 13 === e.keyCode ) { popup.$('.btn-save').click(); } }); // Add event hooks to the editor. popup.$().on( 'click', '#csb-more', toggle_extras ); popup.$().on( 'click', '.btn-save', save_data ); popup.$().on( 'click', '.btn-cancel', popup.destroy ); return true; }, /** * Update the name/description of an existing sidebar container. * * @since 1.0.0 */ updateSidebar: function( sb, data ) { // Update the title. sb.sb .find( '.sidebar-name h2' ) .text( data.name ); // Update description. sb.sb .find( '.sidebar-description' ) .html( '

' ) .find( '.description' ) .text( data.description ); return csSidebars; }, /** * Insert a brand new sidebar container. * * @since 1.0.0 */ insertSidebar: function( data ) { var box = jQuery( '
' ), inner = jQuery( '
' ), name = jQuery( '' ), desc = jQuery( '' ), col = csSidebars.right.find( '.sidebars-column-1 > .inner:first' ); // Set sidebar specific values. inner.attr( 'id', data.id ); name .find( 'h2' ) .text( data.name ); desc .html( '

' ) .find( '.description' ) .text( data.description ); // Assemble the new sidebar box in correct order. name.appendTo( inner ); desc.appendTo( inner ); inner.appendTo( box ); // Display the new sidebar on screen. box.prependTo( col ); // Remove hooks added by wpWidgets.init() jQuery( '#widgets-right .sidebar-name' ).unbind( 'click' ); jQuery( '#widgets-left .sidebar-name' ).unbind( 'click' ); jQuery( document.body ).unbind('click.widgets-toggle'); jQuery('.widgets-chooser') .off( 'click.widgets-chooser' ) .off( 'keyup.widgets-chooser' ); jQuery( '#available-widgets .widget .widget-title' ).off( 'click.widgets-chooser' ); jQuery( '.widgets-chooser-sidebars' ).empty(); // Re-Init the page using wpWidgets.init() window.wpWidgets.init(); // Add the plugin toolbar to the new sidebar. csSidebars.initSidebars(); return csSidebars; }, /*============================*\ ================================ == == == EXPORT == == == ================================ \*============================*/ /** * Shows a popup window with the export/import form. * * @since 2.0 */ showExport: function() { var popup = null, ajax = null; // Download export file. function do_export( ev ) { var form = jQuery( this ).closest( 'form' ); ajax.reset() .data( form ) .load_http(); popup.destroy(); ev.preventDefault(); return false; } // Ajax handler after import file was uploaded. function handle_done_upload( resp, okay, xhr ) { var msg = {}; popup.loading( false ); if ( okay ) { popup .size( 900, 600 ) .content( resp.html ); } else { msg.message = resp.message; // msg.details = resp; msg.parent = popup.$().find( '.wpmui-wnd-content' ); msg.insert_after = false; msg.id = 'export'; //Change msg.class to msg['class']. Reserved words not allowed as unquoted properties in older version of javascript msg['class'] = 'wpmui-wnd-err'; msg.type = 'err'; wpmUi.message( msg ); } } // Upload the import file. function do_upload( ev ) { var form = jQuery( this ).closest( 'form' ); popup.loading( true ); ajax.reset() .data( form ) .ondone( handle_done_upload ) .load_json( 'cs-ajax' ); ev.preventDefault(); return false; } // Import preview: Toggle widgets function toggle_widgets() { var me = jQuery( this ), checked = me.prop( 'checked' ), items = popup.$().find( '.column-widgets, .import-widgets' ); if ( checked ) { items.show(); } else { items.hide(); } } // Import preview: Cancel. function show_overview() { popup.size( 782, 480 ); popup.content( csSidebars.export_form ); } // Import preview: Import the data. function do_import() { var form = popup.$().find( '.frm-import' ); popup.loading( true ); ajax.reset() .data( form ) .load_http( '_self' ); } // Show the EXPORT popup. popup = wpmUi.popup() .modal( true ) .size( 782, 480 ) .title( csSidebarsData.title_export ) .content( csSidebars.export_form ) .show(); ajax = wpmUi.ajax( null, 'cs-ajax' ); // Events for the Import / Export view. popup.$().on( 'submit', '.frm-export', do_export ); popup.$().on( 'submit', '.frm-preview-import', do_upload ); // Events for the Import preview. popup.$().on( 'change', '#import-widgets', toggle_widgets ); popup.$().on( 'click', '.btn-cancel', show_overview ); popup.$().on( 'click', '.btn-import', do_import ); return true; }, /*============================*\ ================================ == == == REMOVE == == == ================================ \*============================*/ /** * ===================================================================== * Ask for confirmation before deleting a sidebar */ showRemove: function( sb ) { var popup = null, ajax = null, id = sb.getID(), name = sb.name; // Insert the sidebar name into the delete message. function insert_name( el ) { el.find('.name').text( name ); } // Closes the delete confirmation. function close_popup() { popup.loading( false ); popup.destroy(); } // Handle response of the delete ajax-call. function handle_done( resp, okay, xhr ) { var msg = {}; popup.loading( false ); popup.destroy(); msg.message = resp.message; // msg.details = resp; msg.parent = '#widgets-right'; msg.insert_after = '#cs-title-options'; msg.id = 'editor'; if ( okay ) { // Remove the Sidebar from the page. csSidebars.right .find('#' + id) .closest('.widgets-holder-wrap') .remove(); // Remove object from internal collection. csSidebars.remove( id ); // show "Create a custom sidebar to get started." if it is // needed. if ( "delete" === resp.action ) { window.csSidebars.showGetStartedBox(); } } else { msg.type = 'err'; } wpmUi.message( msg ); } // Deletes the sidebar and closes the confirmation popup. function delete_sidebar() { popup.loading( true ); ajax.reset() .data({ 'do': 'delete', 'sb': id, '_wpnonce': $('#_wp_nonce_cs_delete_sidebar').val() }) .ondone( handle_done ) .load_json(); } // Show the REMOVE popup. popup = wpmUi.popup() .modal( true ) .size( 560, 160 ) .title( csSidebarsData.title_delete ) .content( csSidebars.delete_form ) .onshow( insert_name ) .show(); // Create new ajax object. ajax = wpmUi.ajax( null, 'cs-ajax' ); popup.$().on( 'click', '.btn-cancel', close_popup ); popup.$().on( 'click', '.btn-delete', delete_sidebar ); return true; }, /*==============================*\ ================================== == == == LOCATION == == == ================================== \*==============================*/ /** * ===================================================================== * Show popup to assign sidebar to default categories. * * @since 2.0 */ showLocations: function( sb ){ var popup = null, ajax = null, form = null, id = sb.getID(); /** * (_) add new rule * * @since 3.2.0 */ function _add_new_rule( data, table ) { var template = wp.template('custom-sidebars-new-rule-row'); $('tbody', table ).append( template( data ) ); $('tfoot', table).hide(); $('tbody .dashicons-trash', table).on( 'click', function() { $(this).closest('tr').detach(); if ( 0 === $('tbody tr', table ).length ) { $('tfoot', table).show(); } }); return false; } // Display the location data after it was loaded by ajax. function handle_done_load( resp, okay, xhr ) { var theme_sb, opt, name, msg = {}; // Only used in error case. popup.loading( false ); if ( ! okay ) { popup.destroy(); csSidebars.showAjaxError( resp ); return; } // Display the sidebar name. popup.$().find( '.sb-name' ).text( resp.sidebar.name ); var sb_id = resp.sidebar.id; /** * hide message */ popup.$().find('.message.no-sidebars').hide(); /** * Count sidebars */ var visible_sidebars = 0; // Only show settings for replaceable sidebars var sidebars = popup.$().find( '.cs-replaceable' ); sidebars.hide(); resp.replaceable = wpmUi.obj( resp.replaceable ); for ( var key0 in resp.replaceable ) { if ( ! resp.replaceable.hasOwnProperty( key0 ) ) { continue; } sidebars.filter( '.' + resp.replaceable[key0] ).show(); visible_sidebars++; } /** * no visible_sidebars - show information about it */ if ( 0 === visible_sidebars ) { popup.$().find( '.wpmui-box, .message, .button-primary' ).hide(); popup.$().find('.message.no-sidebars').show().parent().addClass('notice notice-error').removeClass('hidden'); } // Add a new option to the replacement list. function _add_option( item, lists, key ) { var opt = jQuery( '' ); opt.attr( 'value', key ).text( item.name ); lists.append( opt ); } // Check if the current sidebar is a replacement in the list. function _select_option( replacement, sidebar, key, lists ) { var row = lists .closest( '.cs-replaceable' ) .filter('.' + sidebar), option = row .find( 'option[value="' + key + '"]' ), group = row.find( 'optgroup.used' ), check = row.find( '.detail-toggle' ); if ( replacement === sb_id ) { option.prop( 'selected', true ); if ( true !== check.prop( 'checked' ) ) { check.prop( 'checked', true ); row.addClass( 'open' ); // Upgrade the select list with chosen. wpmUi.upgrade_multiselect( row ); } } else { if ( ! group.length ) { group = jQuery( '' ) .attr( 'label', row.data( 'lbl-used' ) ) .appendTo( row.find( '.details select' ) ); } option.detach().appendTo( group ); } } // ----- Category ---------------------------------------------- // Refresh list for single categories and category archives. var lst_cat = popup.$().find( '.cs-datalist.cs-cat' ); var lst_act = popup.$().find( '.cs-datalist.cs-arc-cat' ); var data_cat = resp.categories; lst_act.empty(); lst_cat.empty(); // Add the options for ( var key1 in data_cat ) { _add_option( data_cat[ key1 ], lst_act, key1 ); _add_option( data_cat[ key1 ], lst_cat, key1 ); } // Select options for ( var key2 in data_cat ) { if ( data_cat[ key2 ].single ) { for ( theme_sb in data_cat[ key2 ].single ) { _select_option( data_cat[ key2 ].single[ theme_sb ], theme_sb, key2, lst_cat ); } } if ( data_cat[ key2 ].archive ) { for ( theme_sb in data_cat[ key2 ].archive ) { _select_option( data_cat[ key2 ].archive[ theme_sb ], theme_sb, key2, lst_act ); } } } // ----- Post Type --------------------------------------------- // Refresh list for single posttypes. var lst_pst = popup.$().find( '.cs-datalist.cs-pt' ); var data_pst = resp.posttypes; lst_pst.empty(); // Add the options for ( var key3 in data_pst ) { opt = jQuery( '' ); name = data_pst[ key3 ].name; opt.attr( 'value', key3 ).text( name ); lst_pst.append( opt ); } // Select options for ( var key4 in data_pst ) { if ( data_pst[ key4 ].single ) { for ( theme_sb in data_pst[ key4 ].single ) { _select_option( data_pst[ key4 ].single[ theme_sb ], theme_sb, key4, lst_pst ); } } } // ----- Archives ---------------------------------------------- // Refresh list for archive types. var lst_arc = popup.$().find( '.cs-datalist.cs-arc' ); var data_arc = resp.archives; lst_arc.empty(); // Add the options for ( var key5 in data_arc ) { opt = jQuery( '' ); name = data_arc[ key5 ].name; opt.attr( 'value', key5 ).text( name ); lst_arc.append( opt ); } // Select options for ( var key6 in data_arc ) { if ( data_arc[ key6 ].archive ) { for ( theme_sb in data_arc[ key6 ].archive ) { _select_option( data_arc[ key6 ].archive[ theme_sb ], theme_sb, key6, lst_arc ); } } } // ----- Authors ---------------------------------------------- // Refresh list for authors. var lst_aut = popup.$().find( '.cs-datalist.cs-arc-aut' ); var data_aut = resp.authors; lst_aut.empty(); // Add the options for ( var key7 in data_aut ) { opt = jQuery( '' ); name = data_aut[ key7 ].name; opt.attr( 'value', key7 ).text( name ); lst_aut.append( opt ); } // Select options for ( var key8 in data_aut ) { if ( data_aut[ key8 ].archive ) { for ( theme_sb in data_aut[ key8 ].archive ) { _select_option( data_aut[ key8 ].archive[ theme_sb ], theme_sb, key8, lst_aut ); } } } // ----- 3rd part plugins ---------------------------------------------- var lst_3rd = popup.$().find( '.cs-3rd-part .cs-datalist' ); lst_3rd.each( function() { var data_3rd = resp[$(this).data('id')]; $(this).empty(); // Add the options for ( var key9 in data_3rd ) { opt = jQuery( '' ); name = data_3rd[ key9 ].name; opt.attr( 'value', key9 ).text( name ); $(this).append( opt ); } // Select options for ( var key10 in data_3rd ) { if ( data_3rd[ key10 ].archive ) { for ( theme_sb in data_3rd[ key10 ].archive ) { _select_option( data_3rd[ key10 ].archive[ theme_sb ], theme_sb, key10, $(this) ); } } } }); /** * ----- Custom Taxomies ---------------------------------------------- * @since 3.1.4 */ var lst_custom_taxonomies = popup.$().find( '.cf-custom-taxonomies .cs-datalist' ); lst_custom_taxonomies.each( function() { var data_custom_taxonomy = resp[$(this).data('id')]; $(this).empty(); // Add the options for ( var key_custom_taxonomy in data_custom_taxonomy ) { opt = jQuery( '' ); name = data_custom_taxonomy[ key_custom_taxonomy ].name; opt.attr( 'value', key_custom_taxonomy ).text( name ); $(this).append( opt ); } // Select options for ( var key_custom_tax in data_custom_taxonomy ) { if ( data_custom_taxonomy[ key_custom_tax ].single ) { for ( theme_sb in data_custom_taxonomy[ key_custom_tax ].single ) { _select_option( data_custom_taxonomy[ key_custom_tax ].single[ theme_sb ], theme_sb, key_custom_tax, $(this) ); } } } }); /** * ----- @media screen width ------------------------------------------ * * @since 3.2.0 */ var table = popup.$().find('.csb-media-screen-width table' ); $.each( resp.screen, function( size, value ) { $.each( value, function( minmax, mode ) { var data = { minmax: minmax, mode: mode, size: size }; _add_new_rule( data, table ); }); }); } // end: handle_done_load() // User clicks on "replace for " checkbox. function toggle_details( ev ) { var inp = jQuery( this ), row = inp.closest( '.cs-replaceable' ), sel = row.find( 'select' ); if ( inp.prop( 'checked' ) ) { row.addClass( 'open' ); // Upgrade the select list with chosen. wpmUi.upgrade_multiselect( row ); // Tell the select list to render the contents again. sel.trigger( 'change.select2' ); } else { row.removeClass( 'open' ); // Remove all selected options. sel.val( [] ); } } // After saving data via ajax is done. function handle_done_save( resp, okay, xhr ) { var msg = {}; popup.loading( false ); popup.destroy(); msg.message = resp.message; // msg.details = resp; msg.parent = '#widgets-right'; msg.insert_after = '#cs-title-options'; msg.id = 'editor'; if ( ! okay ) { msg.type = 'err'; } wpmUi.message( msg ); } // Submit the data and close the popup. function save_data() { popup.loading( true ); ajax.reset() .data( form ) .ondone( handle_done_save ) .load_json(); } /** * add new rule * * @since 3.2.0 */ function add_new_rule() { var table = $('table', $(this).parent()); var data = { minmax: 'max', mode: 'hide', size: 0 }; _add_new_rule( data, table ); return false; } // Show the LOCATION popup. popup = wpmUi.popup() .modal( true ) .size( 782, 560 ) .title( csSidebarsData.title_location ) .content( csSidebars.location_form ) .show(); popup.loading( true ); form = popup.$().find( '.frm-location' ); form.find( '.sb-id' ).val( id ); // Initialize ajax object. ajax = wpmUi.ajax( null, 'cs-ajax' ); ajax.reset() .data({ 'do': 'get-location', 'sb': id }) .ondone( handle_done_load ) .load_json(); // Attach events. popup.$().on( 'click', '.detail-toggle', toggle_details ); popup.$().on( 'click', '.btn-save', save_data ); popup.$().on( 'click', '.btn-cancel', popup.destroy ); popup.$().on( 'click', '.btn-add-rule', add_new_rule ); return true; }, /*======================================*\ ========================================== == == == REPLACEABLE FLAG == == == ========================================== \*======================================*/ /** * ===================================================================== * Change the replaceable flag * * @since 1.0.0 */ setReplaceable: function( sb, state, do_ajax ) { var ajax, theme_sb = csSidebars.right.find( '.sidebars-column-2 .widgets-holder-wrap' ), the_bar = jQuery( sb.sb ).closest( '.widgets-holder-wrap' ), chk = the_bar.find( '.cs-toolbar .chk-replaceable' ), marker = the_bar.find( '.replace-marker' ), btn_replaceable = the_bar.find( '.cs-toolbar .btn-replaceable' ); // After changing a sidebars "replaceable" flag. function handle_done_replaceable( resp, okay, xhr ) { // Adjust the "replaceable" flag to match the data returned by the ajax request. if ( resp instanceof Object && typeof resp.replaceable === 'object' ) { csSidebarsData.replaceable = wpmUi.obj( resp.replaceable ); theme_sb.find( '.widgets-sortables' ).each(function() { var _state = false, _me = jQuery( this ), _id = _me.attr( 'id' ), _sb = csSidebars.find( _id ); for ( var key in csSidebarsData.replaceable ) { if ( ! csSidebarsData.replaceable.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { continue; } if ( csSidebarsData.replaceable[key] === _id ) { _state = true; break; } } csSidebars.setReplaceable( _sb, _state, false ); }); } // Enable the checkboxes again after the ajax request is handled. theme_sb.find( '.cs-toolbar .chk-replaceable' ).prop( 'disabled', false ); theme_sb.find( '.cs-toolbar .btn-replaceable' ).removeClass( 'wpmui-loading' ); } if ( undefined === state ) { state = chk.prop( 'checked' ); } if ( undefined === do_ajax ) { do_ajax = true; } if ( chk.data( 'active' ) === state ) { return false; } chk.data( 'active', state ); chk.prop( 'checked', state ); if ( state ) { if ( ! marker.length ) { jQuery( '
' ) .appendTo( the_bar ) .attr( 'data-label', csSidebarsData.lbl_replaceable ) .addClass( 'replace-marker' ); } the_bar.addClass( 'replaceable' ); } else { marker.remove(); the_bar.removeClass( 'replaceable' ); } if ( do_ajax ) { // Disable the checkbox until ajax request is done. theme_sb.find( '.cs-toolbar .chk-replaceable' ).prop( 'disabled', true ); theme_sb.find( '.cs-toolbar .btn-replaceable' ).addClass( 'wpmui-loading' ); ajax = wpmUi.ajax( null, 'cs-ajax' ); ajax.reset() .data({ 'do': 'replaceable', 'state': state, 'sb': sb.getID() }) .ondone( handle_done_replaceable ) .load_json(); } /** * This function is called by csSidebars.handleAction. Return value * False means that the default click event should be executed after * this function was called. */ return false; }, /*=============================*\ ================================= == == == HELPERS == == == ================================= \*=============================*/ /** * ===================================================================== * Find the specified CsSidebar object. * * @since 1.0.0 */ find: function(id){ return csSidebars.sidebars[id]; }, /** * ===================================================================== * Create a new CsSidebar object. * * @since 1.0.0 */ add: function(id, type){ csSidebars.sidebars[id] = new CsSidebar(id, type); return csSidebars.sidebars[id]; }, /** * ===================================================================== * Removes a new CsSidebar object. * * @since 2.0 */ remove: function(id){ delete csSidebars.sidebars[id]; }, /** * ===================================================================== * Returns true when the specified ID is recognized as a sidebar * that was created by the custom sidebars plugin. * * @since 2.0 */ isCustomSidebar: function( el ) { var id = jQuery( el ).attr('id'), prefix = id.substr(0, csSidebars.sidebar_prefix.length); return prefix === csSidebars.sidebar_prefix; }, /** * ===================================================================== * Append the specified sidebar ID to the label and input element. * * @since 2.0 */ addIdToLabel: function( $obj, id ){ if ( true !== $obj.data( 'label-done' ) ) { var prefix = $obj.attr('for'); $obj.attr( 'for', prefix + id ); $obj.find( '.has-label' ).attr( 'id', prefix + id ); $obj.data( 'label-done', true ); } }, /** * ===================================================================== * Returns the sidebar ID based on the sidebar DOM object. * * @since 2.0 * @param jQuery $obj Any DOM object inside the Sidebar HTML structure. * @return string The sidebar ID */ getIdFromEditbar: function( $obj ){ var wrapper = $obj.closest( '.widgets-holder-wrap' ), sb = wrapper.find( '.widgets-sortables:first' ), id = sb.attr( 'id' ); return id; }, /** * ===================================================================== * Show "Create a custom sidebar to get started." box. * * @since 3.0.4 */ showGetStartedBox: function() { if ( 0 === $(".sidebars-column-1 .inner .widgets-holder-wrap").length ) { var template = wp.template('custom-sidebars-new'); $(".sidebars-column-1 .inner").before( template() ); $(".custom-sidebars-add-new").on( "click", function() { $( "button.btn-create-sidebar" ).click(); }); } } }; jQuery(function($){ $('#csfooter').hide(); if ( $('#widgets-right').length > 0 ) { csSidebars.init(); } $('.defaultsContainer').hide(); $( '#widgets-right .widgets-sortables' ).on( "sort", function(event, ui) { var topx = $('#widgets-right').top; ui.position.top = - $('#widgets-right').css('top'); }); }); /** * add new sidebar placeholder */ jQuery(document).ready( function($) { window.setTimeout( function() { window.csSidebars.showGetStartedBox(); }, 1000); }); })(jQuery); /** * jQuery.fn.sortElements * -------------- * @param Function comparator: * Exactly the same behaviour as [1,2,3].sort(comparator) * * @param Function getSortable * A function that should return the element that is * to be sorted. The comparator will run on the * current collection, but you may want the actual * resulting sort to occur on a parent or another * associated element. * * E.g. $('td').sortElements(comparator, function(){ * return this.parentNode; * }) * * The 's parent () will be sorted instead * of the itself. * * @see http://james.padolsey.com/javascript/sorting-elements-with-jquery/ */ jQuery.fn.sortElements = (function(){ var sort = [].sort; return function(comparator, getSortable) { getSortable = getSortable || function(){return this;}; var placements = this.map(function(){ var sortElement = getSortable.call(this), parentNode = sortElement.parentNode, // Since the element itself will change position, we have // to have some way of storing its original position in // the DOM. The easiest way is to have a 'flag' node: nextSibling = parentNode.insertBefore( document.createTextNode(''), sortElement.nextSibling ); return function() { if (parentNode === this) { throw new Error( "You can't sort elements if any one is a descendant of another." ); } // Insert before flag: parentNode.insertBefore(this, nextSibling); // Remove flag: parentNode.removeChild(nextSibling); }; }); return sort.call(this, comparator).each(function(i){ placements[i].call(getSortable.call(this)); }); }; })(); /*global console:false */ /*global document:false */ /*global ajaxurl:false */ (function($){ jQuery(document).ready( function($) { $('#screen-options-wrap .cs-allow-author input[type=checkbox]').on( 'change', function() { var data = { 'action': 'custom_sidebars_allow_author', '_wpnonce': $('#custom_sidebars_allow_author').val(), 'value': this.checked }; $.post( ajaxurl, data ); }); }); })(jQuery); /*global console:false */ /*global document:false */ /*global ajaxurl:false */ /** * Handle "Custom sidebars configuration is allowed for:" option on * widgets screen options. */ (function($){ jQuery(document).ready( function($) { $('#screen-options-wrap .cs-custom-taxonomies input[type=checkbox]').on( 'change', function() { var data = { 'action': 'custom_sidebars_metabox_custom_taxonomies', '_wpnonce': $('#custom_sidebars_custom_taxonomies').val(), 'fields': {} }; $('#screen-options-wrap .cs-custom-taxonomies input[type=checkbox]').each( function() { data.fields[$(this).val()] = this.checked; }); $.post( ajaxurl, data ); }); }); })(jQuery); /*global console:false */ /*global document:false */ /*global ajaxurl:false */ /** * Handle "Custom sidebars configuration is allowed for:" option on * widgets screen options. */ (function($){ jQuery(document).ready( function($) { $('#screen-options-wrap .cs-roles input[type=checkbox]').on( 'change', function() { var data = { 'action': 'custom_sidebars_metabox_roles', '_wpnonce': $('#custom_sidebars_metabox_roles').val(), 'fields': {} }; $('#screen-options-wrap .cs-roles input[type=checkbox]').each( function() { data.fields[$(this).val()] = this.checked; }); $.post( ajaxurl, data ); }); }); })(jQuery);