get_error_data() ) && ! empty( $edata['itsec_site'] ) ) { $site_url = $edata['itsec_site']['url']; } elseif ( is_array( $results ) && ! empty( $results['itsec_site'] ) ) { $site_url = $results['itsec_site']['url']; } else { $site_url = ''; } $html = "
\n"; if ( $site_url ) { $html .= '

' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Site: %s', 'better-wp-security' ), $site_url ) . '

'; } if ( is_wp_error( $results ) ) { $html .= self::get_wp_error_details( $results, $show_error_details ); } else { $html .= self::get_system_error_details( $results ); $html .= self::get_malware_details( $results ); $html .= self::get_blacklist_details( $results ); } $html .= "
\n"; return $html; } protected static function get_wp_error_details( $results, $show_error_details ) { $status = 'error'; $description = __( 'The scan failed to properly scan the site.', 'better-wp-security' ); $details = '

' . sprintf( __( 'Error Message: %s', 'better-wp-security' ), $results->get_error_message() ) . "

\n"; $details .= '

' . sprintf( __( 'Error Code: %s', 'better-wp-security' ), esc_html( $results->get_error_code() ) ) . "

\n"; if ( $show_error_details ) { $data = $results->get_error_data(); if ( ! empty( $data ) ) { $details .= '

' . __( 'If you contact support about this error, please provide the following debug details:', 'better-wp-security' ) . "

\n"; $details .= '
' . esc_html( print_r( array( 'code' => $results->get_error_code(), 'data' => $data ), true ) ) . "
\n"; } } return self::get_wrapped_section( 'wp-error', $status, $description, $details ); } protected static function get_blacklist_details( $results ) { $status = 'clean'; $description = __( 'Blacklist', 'better-wp-security' ); $details = false; $list = ''; if ( ! empty( $results['BLACKLIST']['WARN'] ) ) { $status = 'warn'; foreach ( (array) $results['BLACKLIST']['WARN'] as $entry ) { $list .= sprintf( '
  • %2$s
  • ', $entry[1], $entry[0] ) . "\n"; } } if ( ! empty( $results['BLACKLIST']['INFO'] ) ) { foreach ( (array) $results['BLACKLIST']['INFO'] as $entry ) { $list .= sprintf( '
  • %2$s
  • ', $entry[1], $entry[0] ) . "\n"; } } if ( ! empty( $list ) ) { $details = "\n"; } return self::get_wrapped_section( 'malware', $status, $description, $details ); } protected static function get_malware_details( $results ) { $status = 'clean'; $description = __( 'Malware', 'better-wp-security' ); $details = false; $list = ''; if ( ! empty( $results['MALWARE']['WARN'] ) ) { $status = 'warn'; foreach ( (array) $results['MALWARE']['WARN'] as $entry ) { list( $message, $url ) = explode( ':', $entry[0], 2 ); $message = trim( $message ); $url = trim( $url ); $message_lowercase = strtolower( $message ); if ( 'security warning in the url' === $message_lowercase ) { $message = __( 'Security warning in the URL', 'better-wp-security' ); } else if ( 'malware found on url' === $message_lowercase ) { $message = __( 'Malware found on URL', 'better-wp-security' ); } if ( '&' === substr( $url, 0, 5 ) ) { $payload = html_entity_decode( $url ); $url = get_site_url(); } $message .= "
    \n"; $message .= sprintf( __( 'Infected URL: %2$s', 'better-wp-security' ), esc_url( $url ), esc_html( $url ) ); $parts = explode( "\n", $entry[1], 2 ); if ( isset( $parts[1] ) ) { if ( preg_match( '/(.+)\. Details: (.+)/', $parts[0], $match ) ) { $type = $match[1]; $documentation_url = $match[2]; if ( '*Known Spam detected' === $type ) { $type = __( '*Known Spam detected', 'better-wp-security' ); } $message .= "
    \n"; $message .= sprintf( __( 'Type: %1$s', 'better-wp-security' ), $type ); $message .= "
    \n"; $message .= sprintf( __( 'Documentation: %2$s', 'better-wp-security' ), esc_url( $documentation_url ), esc_html( $documentation_url ) ); } $payload_raw = trim( $parts[1] ); $payload_raw = html_entity_decode( $payload_raw ); if ( preg_match( '/
    (.+)<\/div>/', $payload_raw, $match ) ) { $payload = trim( $match[1] ); } } if ( ! empty( $payload ) ) { $message .= "
    \n"; $message .= sprintf( __( 'Payload:
    ', 'better-wp-security' ), esc_html( $payload ) ); } $list .= sprintf( '
  • %s
  • ', $message ) . "\n"; } } if ( ! empty( $list ) ) { $details = "\n"; } return self::get_wrapped_section( 'malware', $status, $description, $details ); } protected static function get_system_error_details( $results ) { if ( empty( $results['SYSTEM']['ERROR'] ) ) { return ''; } $status = 'error'; $description = __( 'The scan failed to properly scan the site.', 'better-wp-security' ); $details = "\n"; return self::get_wrapped_section( 'system-error', $status, $description, $details ); } protected static function get_wrapped_section( $type, $status, $description, $details = false ) { $html = "
    \n"; if ( 'clean' === $status ) { $status_text = __( 'Clean', 'better-wp-security' ); } else if ( 'warn' === $status ) { $status_text = __( 'Warning', 'better-wp-security' ); } else if ( 'error' === $status ) { $status_text = __( 'Error', 'better-wp-security' ); } $status = "$status_text"; if ( false === $details ) { /* translators: Scan result listing. %1$s is the status. %2$s is the description. */ $html .= "

    " . sprintf( _x( '%1$s %2$s', 'scan status, scan description', 'better-wp-security' ), $status, $description ) . "

    \n"; } else { $details_link = "" . __( 'Show Details', 'better-wp-security' ) . "\n"; /* translators: Scan result listing. %1$s is the status. %2$s is the description. %3$s is the details link. */ $html .= "

    " . sprintf( _x( '%1$s %2$s %3$s', 'scan status, scan description, scan details link', 'better-wp-security' ), $status, $description, $details_link ) . "

    \n"; $html .= "
    \n"; } $html .= "
    \n"; return $html; } }