.wp-admin .it-debug-print-r { margin-left: 170px; } .wp-admin #wpcontent .it-debug-print-r { margin-left: 0; }\n"; echo "
		echo self::get_print_r( $data, $args );
		echo "
\n"; } public static function get_print_r( $data, $args = array() ) { if ( is_bool( $args ) ) { $args = array( 'expand_objects' => $args ); } else if ( is_numeric( $args ) ) { $args = array( 'max_depth' => $args ); } else if ( ! is_array( $args ) ) { $args = array(); } // Create a deep copy so that variables aren't needlessly manipulated. $data = unserialize( serialize( $data ) ); $default_args = array( 'expand_objects' => true, 'max_depth' => 10, ); $args = array_merge( $default_args, $args ); if ( $args['max_depth'] < 1 ) { $args['max_depth'] = 100; } return self::inspect_dive( $data, $args['expand_objects'], $args['max_depth'] ); } public static function backtrace( $args = array() ) { if ( is_string( $args ) ) { $args = array( 'description' => $args ); } else if ( is_bool( $args ) ) { $args = array( 'expand_objects' => $args ); } else if ( is_numeric( $args ) ) { $args = array( 'max_depth' => $args ); } else if ( ! is_array( $args ) ) { $args = array(); } $default_args = array( 'description' => '', 'expand_objects' => false, 'max_depth' => 3, 'type' => '', ); $args = array_merge( $default_args, $args ); if ( isset( $args['offset'] ) ) { $args['offset']++; } else { $args['offset'] = 1; } $backtrace = self::get_backtrace( $args ); if ( 'string' == $args['type'] ) { echo $backtrace; } else { $args['max_depth']++; self::print_r( $backtrace, $args ); } } public static function get_backtrace( $args = array() ) { if ( is_bool( $args ) ) { $args = array( 'expand_objects' => $args ); } else if ( ! is_array( $args ) ) { $args = array(); } $default_args = array( 'expand_objects' => false, 'limit' => 0, 'offset' => 0, 'type' => 'array', // 'array' or 'string' ); $args = array_merge( $default_args, $args ); $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); unset( $backtrace[0] ); if ( $args['offset'] > 0 ) { $backtrace = array_slice( $backtrace, $args['offset'] ); } if ( $args['limit'] > 0 ) { $backtrace = array_slice( $backtrace, 0, $args['limit'] ); } $backtrace = array_values( $backtrace ); if ( 'string' == $args['type'] ) { $string_backtrace = ''; foreach ( $backtrace as $trace ) { $string_backtrace .= self::get_backtrace_description( $trace, $args ) . "\n"; } $backtrace = $string_backtrace; } return $backtrace; } private static function get_backtrace_description( $backtrace, $backtrace_args = array() ) { $default_backtrace_args = array( 'remove_abspath' => true, ); $backtrace_args = array_merge( $default_backtrace_args, $backtrace_args ); extract( $backtrace ); $args = self::flatten_backtrace_description_args( $args ); if ( $backtrace_args['remove_abspath'] && isset( $file ) ) { $file = preg_replace( '/^' . preg_quote( ABSPATH, '/' ) . '/', '', $file ); } if ( isset( $class ) && isset( $type ) && isset( $function ) && isset( $args ) ) { return "$class$type$function($args)"; } else if ( isset( $function ) && isset( $args ) ) { if ( isset( $file ) && isset( $line ) ) { return "$function($args) on line $line of $file"; } return "$function($args)"; } return 'String!'; } private static function flatten_backtrace_description_args( $args, $max_depth = 2, $depth = 0 ) { if ( is_string( $args ) ) { return "'$args'"; } else if ( is_int( $args ) ) { return "(int) $args"; } else if ( is_float( $args ) ) { return "(float) $args"; } else if ( is_bool( $args ) ) { return '(bool) ' . ( $args ? 'true' : 'false' ); } else if ( is_object( $args ) ) { return '(object) ' . get_class( $args ); } else if ( ! is_array( $args ) ) { return '[unknown]'; } if ( $depth === $max_depth ) { if ( empty( $args ) ) { return 'array()'; } else { return 'array( ' . count( $args ) . ' )'; } } $flat_args = array(); foreach ( $args as $arg ) { $flat_args[] = self::flatten_backtrace_description_args( $arg, $max_depth, $depth + 1 ); } $args = implode( ', ', $flat_args ); if ( ! empty( $args ) ) { $args = " $args "; } if ( 0 === $depth ) { return $args; } return "array($args)"; } private static function pad( $depth, $pad = ' ' ) { $retval = ''; for ( $x = 0; $x <= $depth; $x++ ) { $retval .= $pad; } return $retval; } private static function is_callable_function( $function ) { if ( ! is_callable( $function ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $GLOBALS['itsec_debug_cached_values'] ) ) { $GLOBALS['itsec_debug_cached_values'] = array(); } if ( ! isset( $GLOBALS['itsec_debug_cached_values']['ini_get:disable_functions'] ) ) { $GLOBALS['itsec_debug_cached_values']['var:disable_functions'] = preg_split( '/\s*,\s*/', (string) ini_get( 'disable_functions' ) ); } if ( in_array( $function, $GLOBALS['itsec_debug_cached_values']['var:disable_functions'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $GLOBALS['itsec_debug_cached_values']['ini_get:suhosin.executor.func.blacklist'] ) ) { $GLOBALS['itsec_debug_cached_values']['ini_get:suhosin.executor.func.blacklist'] = preg_split( '/\s*,\s*/', (string) ini_get( 'suhosin.executor.func.blacklist' ) ); } if ( in_array( $function, $GLOBALS['itsec_debug_cached_values']['ini_get:suhosin.executor.func.blacklist'] ) ) { return false; } return true; } private static function inspect_dive( $data, $expand_objects, $max_depth, $depth = 0, $show_array_header = true ) { $pad = self::pad( $depth, ' ' ); if ( is_string( $data ) ) { if ( empty( $data ) ) { return "[empty string]"; } else { if ( self::is_callable_function( 'mb_detect_encoding' ) && ( 'UTF-8' !== mb_detect_encoding( $data, 'UTF-8', true ) ) && self::is_callable_function( 'utf8_encode' ) ) { $data = utf8_encode( $data ); } $flags = ENT_COMPAT; if ( defined( 'ENT_HTML401' ) ) { // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.PHP.NewConstants.ent_html401Found -- Ensure that Tide doesn't reduce compatibility because of this code which is meant to improve compatibility. $flags |= ENT_HTML401; } return htmlspecialchars( $data, $flags, 'UTF-8', false ); } } if ( is_bool( $data ) ) { return ( $data ) ? '[boolean] true' : '[boolean] false'; } if ( is_null( $data ) ) { return 'null'; } if ( is_object( $data ) || 'object' === gettype( $data ) ) { if ( ! is_object( $data ) || '__PHP_Incomplete_Class' === get_class( $data ) ) { // Special handling for objects for classes that are not loaded. $vars = get_object_vars( $data ); $class_name = $vars['__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name']; } else { $class_name = get_class( $data ); } $retval = "Object $class_name"; if ( ! $expand_objects || ( $depth == $max_depth ) ) { return $retval; } if ( isset( $vars ) ) { // Special handling for objects for classes that are not loaded. unset( $vars['__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name'] ); $new_vars = array(); foreach ( $vars as $key => $val ) { $key = substr( $key, strlen( $class_name ) + 2 ); $new_vars[$key] = $val; } $vars = $new_vars; } else { $vars = get_object_vars( $data ); } if ( empty( $vars ) ) { $vars = ''; } else { $vars = self::inspect_dive( $vars, $expand_objects, $max_depth, $depth, false ); } $retval .= "$vars"; return $retval; } if ( is_array( $data ) ) { $retval = ( $show_array_header ) ? 'Array' : ''; if ( empty( $data ) ) { return "$retval()"; } if ( $depth == $max_depth ) { return "$retval( " . count( $data ) . " )"; } $max = 0; foreach ( array_keys( $data ) as $index ) { if ( strlen( $index ) > $max ) { $max = strlen( $index ); } } foreach ( $data as $index => $val ) { $spaces = self::pad( $max - strlen( $index ), ' ' ); $retval .= "\n$pad" . htmlspecialchars( $index ) . "$spaces => " . self::inspect_dive( $val, $expand_objects, $max_depth, $depth + 1 ); } return $retval; } return '[' . gettype( $data ) . '] ' . $data; } }