/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * == BEGIN LICENSE == * * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your * choice: * * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL") * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL") * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html * * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL") * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html * * == END LICENSE == * * File Name: fcktoolbarbuttonui.js * FCKToolbarButtonUI Class: interface representation of a toolbar button. * * File Authors: * Frederico Caldeira Knabben (fredck@fckeditor.net) */ var FCKToolbarButtonUI = function( name, label, tooltip, iconPathOrStripInfoArray, style, state ) { this.Name = name ; this.Label = label || name ; this.Tooltip = tooltip || this.Label ; this.Style = style || FCK_TOOLBARITEM_ONLYICON ; this.State = state || FCK_TRISTATE_OFF ; this.Icon = new FCKIcon( iconPathOrStripInfoArray ) ; if ( FCK.IECleanup ) FCK.IECleanup.AddItem( this, FCKToolbarButtonUI_Cleanup ) ; } FCKToolbarButtonUI.prototype._CreatePaddingElement = function( document ) { var oImg = document.createElement( 'IMG' ) ; oImg.className = 'TB_Button_Padding' ; oImg.src = FCK_SPACER_PATH ; return oImg ; } FCKToolbarButtonUI.prototype.Create = function( parentElement ) { var oMainElement = this.MainElement ; if ( oMainElement ) { FCKToolbarButtonUI_Cleanup.call(this) ; if ( oMainElement.parentNode ) oMainElement.parentNode.removeChild( oMainElement ) ; oMainElement = this.MainElement = null ; } var oDoc = FCKTools.GetElementDocument( parentElement ) ; // Create the Main Element. oMainElement = this.MainElement = oDoc.createElement( 'DIV' ) ; oMainElement._FCKButton = this ; // IE Memory Leak (Circular reference). oMainElement.title = this.Tooltip ; // The following will prevent the button from catching the focus. if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko ) oMainElement.onmousedown = FCKTools.CancelEvent ; this.ChangeState( this.State, true ) ; if ( this.Style == FCK_TOOLBARITEM_ONLYICON && !this.ShowArrow ) { //
oMainElement.appendChild( this.Icon.CreateIconElement( oDoc ) ) ; } else { //
{Image}Toolbar Button
Toolbar Button
var oTable = oMainElement.appendChild( oDoc.createElement( 'TABLE' ) ) ; oTable.cellPadding = 0 ; oTable.cellSpacing = 0 ; var oRow = oTable.insertRow(-1) ; // The Image cell (icon or padding). var oCell = oRow.insertCell(-1) ; if ( this.Style == FCK_TOOLBARITEM_ONLYICON || this.Style == FCK_TOOLBARITEM_ICONTEXT ) oCell.appendChild( this.Icon.CreateIconElement( oDoc ) ) ; else oCell.appendChild( this._CreatePaddingElement( oDoc ) ) ; if ( this.Style == FCK_TOOLBARITEM_ONLYTEXT || this.Style == FCK_TOOLBARITEM_ICONTEXT ) { // The Text cell. oCell = oRow.insertCell(-1) ; oCell.className = 'TB_Button_Text' ; oCell.noWrap = true ; oCell.appendChild( oDoc.createTextNode( this.Label ) ) ; } if ( this.ShowArrow ) { if ( this.Style != FCK_TOOLBARITEM_ONLYICON ) { // A padding cell. oRow.insertCell(-1).appendChild( this._CreatePaddingElement( oDoc ) ) ; } oCell = oRow.insertCell(-1) ; var eImg = oCell.appendChild( oDoc.createElement( 'IMG' ) ) ; eImg.src = FCKConfig.SkinPath + 'images/toolbar.buttonarrow.gif' ; eImg.width = 5 ; eImg.height = 3 ; } // The last padding cell. oCell = oRow.insertCell(-1) ; oCell.appendChild( this._CreatePaddingElement( oDoc ) ) ; } parentElement.appendChild( oMainElement ) ; } FCKToolbarButtonUI.prototype.ChangeState = function( newState, force ) { if ( !force && this.State == newState ) return ; var e = this.MainElement ; switch ( parseInt( newState ) ) { case FCK_TRISTATE_OFF : e.className = 'TB_Button_Off' ; e.onmouseover = FCKToolbarButton_OnMouseOverOff ; e.onmouseout = FCKToolbarButton_OnMouseOutOff ; e.onclick = FCKToolbarButton_OnClick ; break ; case FCK_TRISTATE_ON : e.className = 'TB_Button_On' ; e.onmouseover = FCKToolbarButton_OnMouseOverOn ; e.onmouseout = FCKToolbarButton_OnMouseOutOn ; e.onclick = FCKToolbarButton_OnClick ; break ; case FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED : e.className = 'TB_Button_Disabled' ; e.onmouseover = null ; e.onmouseout = null ; e.onclick = null ; bEnableEvents = false ; break ; } this.State = newState ; } function FCKToolbarButtonUI_Cleanup() { if ( this.MainElement ) { this.MainElement._FCKButton = null ; this.MainElement = null ; } } // Event Handlers. function FCKToolbarButton_OnMouseOverOn() { this.className = 'TB_Button_On_Over' ; } function FCKToolbarButton_OnMouseOutOn() { this.className = 'TB_Button_On' ; } function FCKToolbarButton_OnMouseOverOff() { this.className = 'TB_Button_Off_Over' ; } function FCKToolbarButton_OnMouseOutOff() { this.className = 'TB_Button_Off' ; } function FCKToolbarButton_OnClick( e ) { if ( this._FCKButton.OnClick ) this._FCKButton.OnClick( this._FCKButton ) ; } /* Sample outputs: This is the base structure. The variation is the image that is marked as {Image}:
{Image}Toolbar Button
Toolbar Button
These are samples of possible {Image} values: Strip - IE version:
Strip : Firefox, Safari and Opera version No-Strip : Browser independent: */