*/ class Mage_Widget_Model_Widget_Instance extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract { const SPECIFIC_ENTITIES = 'specific'; const ALL_ENTITIES = 'all'; const DEFAULT_LAYOUT_HANDLE = 'default'; const PRODUCT_LAYOUT_HANDLE = 'catalog_product_view'; const SINGLE_PRODUCT_LAYOUT_HANLDE = 'PRODUCT_{{ID}}'; const PRODUCT_TYPE_LAYOUT_HANDLE = 'PRODUCT_TYPE_{{TYPE}}'; const ANCHOR_CATEGORY_LAYOUT_HANDLE = 'catalog_category_layered'; const NOTANCHOR_CATEGORY_LAYOUT_HANDLE = 'catalog_category_default'; const SINGLE_CATEGORY_LAYOUT_HANDLE = 'CATEGORY_{{ID}}'; const XML_NODE_RELATED_CACHE = 'global/widget/related_cache_types'; protected $_layoutHandles = array(); protected $_specificEntitiesLayoutHandles = array(); /** * @var Varien_Simplexml_Element */ protected $_widgetConfigXml = null; /** * Prefix of model events names * * @var string */ protected $_eventPrefix = 'widget_widget_instance'; /** * Internal Constructor */ protected function _construct() { parent::_construct(); $this->_init('widget/widget_instance'); $this->_layoutHandles = array( 'anchor_categories' => self::ANCHOR_CATEGORY_LAYOUT_HANDLE, 'notanchor_categories' => self::NOTANCHOR_CATEGORY_LAYOUT_HANDLE, 'all_products' => self::PRODUCT_LAYOUT_HANDLE, 'all_pages' => self::DEFAULT_LAYOUT_HANDLE ); $this->_specificEntitiesLayoutHandles = array( 'anchor_categories' => self::SINGLE_CATEGORY_LAYOUT_HANDLE, 'notanchor_categories' => self::SINGLE_CATEGORY_LAYOUT_HANDLE, 'all_products' => self::SINGLE_PRODUCT_LAYOUT_HANLDE, ); foreach (Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type::getTypes() as $typeId => $type) { $layoutHandle = str_replace('{{TYPE}}', $typeId, self::PRODUCT_TYPE_LAYOUT_HANDLE); $this->_layoutHandles[$typeId . '_products'] = $layoutHandle; $this->_specificEntitiesLayoutHandles[$typeId . '_products'] = self::SINGLE_PRODUCT_LAYOUT_HANLDE; } } /** * Init mapping array of short fields to * its full names * * @return Varien_Object */ protected function _initOldFieldsMap() { $this->_oldFieldsMap = array( 'type' => 'instance_type', ); return $this; } /** * Processing object before save data * * @return Mage_Widget_Model_Widget_Instance */ protected function _beforeSave() { $pageGroupIds = array(); $tmpPageGroups = array(); $pageGroups = $this->getData('page_groups'); if ($pageGroups) { foreach ($pageGroups as $pageGroup) { $tmpPageGroup = array(); if (isset($pageGroup[$pageGroup['page_group']])) { $pageGroupData = $pageGroup[$pageGroup['page_group']]; if ($pageGroupData['page_id']) { $pageGroupIds[] = $pageGroupData['page_id']; } if ($pageGroup['page_group'] == 'pages') { $layoutHandle = $pageGroupData['layout_handle']; } else { $layoutHandle = $this->_layoutHandles[$pageGroup['page_group']]; } if (!isset($pageGroupData['template'])) { $pageGroupData['template'] = ''; } $tmpPageGroup = array( 'page_id' => $pageGroupData['page_id'], 'group' => $pageGroup['page_group'], 'layout_handle' => $layoutHandle, 'for' => $pageGroupData['for'], 'block_reference' => $pageGroupData['block'], 'entities' => '', 'layout_handle_updates' => array($layoutHandle), 'template' => $pageGroupData['template']?$pageGroupData['template']:'' ); if ($pageGroupData['for'] == self::SPECIFIC_ENTITIES) { $layoutHandleUpdates = array(); foreach (explode(',', $pageGroupData['entities']) as $entity) { $layoutHandleUpdates[] = str_replace('{{ID}}', $entity, $this->_specificEntitiesLayoutHandles[$pageGroup['page_group']]); } $tmpPageGroup['entities'] = $pageGroupData['entities']; $tmpPageGroup['layout_handle_updates'] = $layoutHandleUpdates; } $tmpPageGroups[] = $tmpPageGroup; } } } if (is_array($this->getData('store_ids'))) { $this->setData('store_ids', implode(',', $this->getData('store_ids'))); } if (is_array($this->getData('widget_parameters'))) { $this->setData('widget_parameters', serialize($this->getData('widget_parameters'))); } $this->setData('page_groups', $tmpPageGroups); $this->setData('page_group_ids', $pageGroupIds); return parent::_beforeSave(); } /** * Validate widget instance data * * @return string|boolean */ public function validate() { if ($this->isCompleteToCreate()) { return true; } return Mage::helper('widget')->__('Widget instance is not full complete to create.'); } /** * Check if widget instance has required data (other data depends on it) * * @return boolean */ public function isCompleteToCreate() { return (bool)($this->getType() && $this->getPackageTheme()); } /** * Setter * Prepare widget type * * @param string $type * @return Mage_Widget_Model_Widget_Instance */ public function setType($type) { $this->setData('type', $type); $this->_prepareType(); return $this; } /** * Getter * Prepare widget type * * @return string */ public function getType() { $this->_prepareType(); return $this->_getData('type'); } /** * Replace '-' to '/', if was passed from request(GET request) * * @return Mage_Widget_Model_Widget_Instance */ protected function _prepareType() { if (strpos($this->_getData('type'), '-') >= 0) { $this->setData('type', str_replace('-', '/', $this->_getData('type'))); } return $this; } /** * Setter * Prepare widget package theme * * @param string $packageTheme * @return Mage_Widget_Model_Widget_Instance */ public function setPackageTheme($packageTheme) { $this->setData('package_theme', $packageTheme); return $this; } /** * Getter * Prepare widget package theme * * @return string */ public function getPackageTheme() { return $this->_getData('package_theme'); } /** * Replace '_' to '/', if was set from request(GET request) * * @deprecated after * * @return Mage_Widget_Model_Widget_Instance */ protected function _preparePackageTheme() { return $this; } /** * Getter. * If not set return default * * @return string */ public function getArea() { if (!$this->_getData('area')) { return Mage_Core_Model_Design_Package::DEFAULT_AREA; } return $this->_getData('area'); } /** * Getter * * @return string */ public function getPackage() { if (!$this->_getData('package')) { $this->_parsePackageTheme(); } return $this->_getData('package'); } /** * Getter * * @return string */ public function getTheme() { if (!$this->_getData('theme')) { $this->_parsePackageTheme(); } return $this->_getData('theme'); } /** * Parse packageTheme and set parsed package and theme * * @return Mage_Widget_Model_Widget_Instance */ protected function _parsePackageTheme() { if ($this->getPackageTheme() && strpos($this->getPackageTheme(), '/')) { list($package, $theme) = explode('/', $this->getPackageTheme()); $this->setData('package', $package); $this->setData('theme', $theme); } return $this; } /** * Getter * Explode to array if string setted * * @return array */ public function getStoreIds() { if (is_string($this->getData('store_ids'))) { return explode(',', $this->getData('store_ids')); } return $this->getData('store_ids'); } /** * Getter * Unserialize if serialized string setted * * @return array */ public function getWidgetParameters() { if (is_string($this->getData('widget_parameters'))) { return unserialize($this->getData('widget_parameters')); } return (is_array($this->getData('widget_parameters'))) ? $this->getData('widget_parameters') : array(); } /** * Retrieve option array of widget types * * @return array */ public function getWidgetsOptionArray() { $widgets = array(); $widgetsArr = Mage::getSingleton('widget/widget')->getWidgetsArray(); foreach ($widgetsArr as $widget) { $widgets[] = array( 'value' => $widget['type'], 'label' => $widget['name'] ); } return $widgets; } /** * Load widget XML config and merge with theme widget config * * @return Varien_Simplexml_Element|null */ public function getWidgetConfig() { if ($this->_widgetConfigXml === null) { $this->_widgetConfigXml = Mage::getSingleton('widget/widget') ->getXmlElementByType($this->getType()); if ($this->_widgetConfigXml) { $configFile = Mage::getSingleton('core/design_package')->getBaseDir(array( '_area' => $this->getArea(), '_package' => $this->getPackage(), '_theme' => $this->getTheme(), '_type' => 'etc' )) . DS . 'widget.xml'; if (is_readable($configFile)) { $themeWidgetsConfig = new Varien_Simplexml_Config(); $themeWidgetsConfig->loadFile($configFile); if ($themeWidgetTypeConfig = $themeWidgetsConfig->getNode($this->_widgetConfigXml->getName())) { $this->_widgetConfigXml->extend($themeWidgetTypeConfig); } } } } return $this->_widgetConfigXml; } /** * Retrieve widget availabel templates * * @return array */ public function getWidgetTemplates() { $templates = array(); if ($this->getWidgetConfig() && ($configTemplates = $this->getWidgetConfig()->parameters->template)) { if ($configTemplates->values && $configTemplates->values->children()) { foreach ($configTemplates->values->children() as $name => $template) { $helper = $template->getAttribute('module') ? $template->getAttribute('module') : 'widget'; $templates[(string)$name] = array( 'value' => (string)$template->value, 'label' => Mage::helper($helper)->__((string)$template->label) ); } } elseif ($configTemplates->value) { $templates['default'] = array( 'value' => (string)$configTemplates->value, 'label' => Mage::helper('widget')->__('Default Template') ); } } return $templates; } /** * Retrieve blocks that widget support * * @return array */ public function getWidgetSupportedBlocks() { $blocks = array(); if ($this->getWidgetConfig() && ($supportedBlocks = $this->getWidgetConfig()->supported_blocks)) { foreach ($supportedBlocks->children() as $block) { $blocks[] = (string)$block->block_name; } } return $blocks; } /** * Retrieve widget templates that supported by given block reference * * @param string $blockReference * @return array */ public function getWidgetSupportedTemplatesByBlock($blockReference) { $templates = array(); $widgetTemplates = $this->getWidgetTemplates(); if ($this->getWidgetConfig()) { if (!($supportedBlocks = $this->getWidgetConfig()->supported_blocks)) { return $widgetTemplates; } foreach ($supportedBlocks->children() as $block) { if ((string)$block->block_name == $blockReference) { if ($block->template && $block->template->children()) { foreach ($block->template->children() as $template) { if (isset($widgetTemplates[(string)$template])) { $templates[] = $widgetTemplates[(string)$template]; } } } else { $templates[] = $widgetTemplates[(string)$template]; } } } } else { return $widgetTemplates; } return $templates; } /** * Generate layout update xml * * @param string $blockReference * @param string $position * @return string */ public function generateLayoutUpdateXml($blockReference, $templatePath = '') { $templateFilename = Mage::getSingleton('core/design_package')->getTemplateFilename($templatePath, array( '_area' => $this->getArea(), '_package' => $this->getPackage(), '_theme' => $this->getTheme() )); if (!$this->getId() && !$this->isCompleteToCreate() || ($templatePath && !is_readable($templateFilename))) { return ''; } $parameters = $this->getWidgetParameters(); $xml = ''; $template = ''; if (isset($parameters['template'])) { unset($parameters['template']); } if ($templatePath) { $template = ' template="' . $templatePath . '"'; } $hash = Mage::helper('core')->uniqHash(); $xml .= ''; foreach ($parameters as $name => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $value = implode(',', $value); } if ($name && strlen((string)$value)) { $xml .= '' . '' . $name . '' . '' . Mage::helper('widget')->htmlEscape($value) . '' . ''; } } $xml .= ''; return $xml; } /** * Invalidate related cache types * * @return Mage_Widget_Model_Widget_Instance */ protected function _invalidateCache() { $types = Mage::getConfig()->getNode(self::XML_NODE_RELATED_CACHE); if ($types) { $types = $types->asArray(); Mage::app()->getCacheInstance()->invalidateType(array_keys($types)); } return $this; } /** * Invalidate related cache if instance contain layout updates */ protected function _afterSave() { if ($this->dataHasChangedFor('page_groups') || $this->dataHasChangedFor('widget_parameters')) { $this->_invalidateCache(); } return parent::_afterSave(); } /** * Invalidate related cache if instance contain layout updates */ protected function _beforeDelete() { if ($this->getPageGroups()) { $this->_invalidateCache(); } return parent::_beforeDelete(); } }