addData(array( 'reference_id' => $this->_profile->getReferenceId(), 'can_cancel' => $this->_profile->canCancel(), 'cancel_url' => $this->getUrl('*/*/updateState', array('profile' => $this->_profile->getId(), 'action' => 'cancel')), 'can_suspend' => $this->_profile->canSuspend(), 'suspend_url' => $this->getUrl('*/*/updateState', array('profile' => $this->_profile->getId(), 'action' => 'suspend')), 'can_activate' => $this->_profile->canActivate(), 'activate_url' => $this->getUrl('*/*/updateState', array('profile' => $this->_profile->getId(), 'action' => 'activate')), 'can_update' => $this->_profile->canFetchUpdate(), 'update_url' => $this->getUrl('*/*/updateProfile', array('profile' => $this->_profile->getId())), 'back_url' => $this->getUrl('*/*/'), 'confirmation_message' => Mage::helper('sales')->__('Are you sure you want to do this?'), )); } /** * Getter for rendered info, if any * * @return array */ public function getRenderedInfo() { return $this->_info; } /** * Prepare profile main reference info */ public function prepareReferenceInfo() { $this->_shouldRenderInfo = true; foreach (array('method_code', 'reference_id', 'schedule_description', 'state') as $key) { $this->_addInfo(array( 'label' => $this->_profile->getFieldLabel($key), 'value' => $this->_profile->renderData($key), )); } // $shippingDesctiption = $this->_profile->getInfoValue('order_info', 'shipping_description'); // if ($shippingDesctiption) { // $this->_addInfo(array( // 'label' => $this->__('Shipping Method'), // 'value' => $shippingDesctiption, // )); // } } /** * Prepare profile order item info */ public function prepareItemInfo() { $this->_shouldRenderInfo = true; $key = 'order_item_info'; foreach (array('name' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Product Name'), 'sku' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('SKU'), 'qty' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Quantity'), ) as $itemKey => $label ) { $value = $this->_profile->getInfoValue($key, $itemKey); if ($value) { $this->_addInfo(array('label' => $label, 'value' => $value,)); } } $request = $this->_profile->getInfoValue($key, 'info_buyRequest'); if (empty($request)) { return; } $request = unserialize($request); if (empty($request['options'])) { return; } $options = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_option')->getCollection() ->addIdsToFilter(array_keys($request['options'])) ->addTitleToResult($this->_profile->getInfoValue($key, 'store_id')) ->addValuesToResult(); $productMock = Mage::getModel('catalog/product'); $quoteItemOptionMock = Mage::getModel('sales/quote_item_option'); foreach ($options as $option) { $quoteItemOptionMock->setId($option->getId()); $group = $option->groupFactory($option->getType()) ->setOption($option) ->setRequest(new Varien_Object($request)) ->setProduct($productMock) ->setUseQuotePath(true) ->setQuoteItemOption($quoteItemOptionMock) ->validateUserValue($request['options']); $skipHtmlEscaping = false; if ('file' == $option->getType()) { $skipHtmlEscaping = true; $downloadParams = array( 'id' => $this->_profile->getId(), 'option_id' => $option->getId(), 'key' => $request['options'][$option->getId()]['secret_key'] ); $group->setCustomOptionDownloadUrl('sales/download/downloadProfileCustomOption') ->setCustomOptionUrlParams($downloadParams); } $optionValue = $group->prepareForCart(); $this->_addInfo(array( 'label' => $option->getTitle(), 'value' => $group->getFormattedOptionValue($optionValue), 'skip_html_escaping' => $skipHtmlEscaping )); } } /** * Prepare profile schedule info */ public function prepareScheduleInfo() { $this->_shouldRenderInfo = true; foreach (array('start_datetime', 'suspension_threshold') as $key) { $this->_addInfo(array( 'label' => $this->_profile->getFieldLabel($key), 'value' => $this->_profile->renderData($key), )); } foreach ($this->_profile->exportScheduleInfo() as $i) { $this->_addInfo(array( 'label' => $i->getTitle(), 'value' => $i->getSchedule(), )); } } /** * Prepare profile payments info */ public function prepareFeesInfo() { $this->_shouldRenderInfo = true; $this->_addInfo(array( 'label' => $this->_profile->getFieldLabel('currency_code'), 'value' => $this->_profile->getCurrencyCode() )); foreach (array('init_amount', 'trial_billing_amount', 'billing_amount', 'tax_amount', 'shipping_amount') as $key) { $value = $this->_profile->getData($key); if ($value) { $this->_addInfo(array( 'label' => $this->_profile->getFieldLabel($key), 'value' => Mage::helper('core')->formatCurrency($value, false), 'is_amount' => true, )); } } } /** * Prepare profile address (billing or shipping) info */ public function prepareAddressInfo() { $this->_shouldRenderInfo = true; if ('shipping' == $this->getAddressType()) { if ('1' == $this->_profile->getInfoValue('order_item_info', 'is_virtual')) { $this->getParentBlock()->unsetChild('sales.recurring.profile.view.shipping'); return; } $key = 'shipping_address_info'; } else { $key = 'billing_address_info'; } $this->setIsAddress(true); $address = Mage::getModel('sales/order_address', $this->_profile->getData($key)); $this->_addInfo(array( 'value' => preg_replace('/\\n{2,}/', "\n", $address->getFormated()), )); } /** * Render related orders grid information */ public function prepareRelatedOrdersFrontendGrid() { $this->_prepareRelatedOrders(array( 'increment_id', 'created_at', 'customer_firstname', 'customer_lastname', 'base_grand_total', 'status' )); $this->_relatedOrders->addFieldToFilter('state', array( 'in' => Mage::getSingleton('sales/order_config')->getVisibleOnFrontStates() )); $pager = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('page/html_pager') ->setCollection($this->_relatedOrders)->setIsOutputRequired(false); $this->setChild('pager', $pager); $this->setGridColumns(array( new Varien_Object(array( 'index' => 'increment_id', 'title' => $this->__('Order #'), 'is_nobr' => true, 'width' => 1, )), new Varien_Object(array( 'index' => 'created_at', 'title' => $this->__('Date'), 'is_nobr' => true, 'width' => 1, )), new Varien_Object(array( 'index' => 'customer_name', 'title' => $this->__('Customer Name'), )), new Varien_Object(array( 'index' => 'base_grand_total', 'title' => $this->__('Order Total'), 'is_nobr' => true, 'width' => 1, 'is_amount' => true, )), new Varien_Object(array( 'index' => 'status', 'title' => $this->__('Order Status'), 'is_nobr' => true, 'width' => 1, )), )); $orders = array(); foreach ($this->_relatedOrders as $order) { $orders[] = new Varien_Object(array( 'increment_id' => $order->getIncrementId(), 'created_at' => $this->formatDate($order->getCreatedAt()), 'customer_name' => $order->getCustomerName(), 'base_grand_total' => Mage::helper('core')->formatCurrency($order->getBaseGrandTotal(), false), 'status' => $order->getStatusLabel(), 'increment_id_link_url' => $this->getUrl('sales/order/view/', array('order_id' => $order->getId())), )); } if ($orders) { $this->setGridElements($orders); } } /** * Get rendered row value * * @param Varien_Object $row * @return string */ public function renderRowValue(Varien_Object $row) { $value = $row->getValue(); if (is_array($value)) { $value = implode("\n", $value); } if (!$row->getSkipHtmlEscaping()) { $value = $this->escapeHtml($value); } return nl2br($value); } /** * Prepare related orders collection * * @param array|string $fieldsToSelect */ protected function _prepareRelatedOrders($fieldsToSelect = '*') { if (null === $this->_relatedOrders) { $this->_relatedOrders = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_collection') ->addFieldToSelect($fieldsToSelect) ->addFieldToFilter('customer_id', Mage::registry('current_customer')->getId()) ->addRecurringProfilesFilter($this->_profile->getId()) ->setOrder('entity_id', 'desc'); } } /** * Add specified data to the $_info * * @param array $data * @param string $key = null */ protected function _addInfo(array $data, $key = null) { $object = new Varien_Object($data); if ($key) { $this->_info[$key] = $object; } else { $this->_info[] = $object; } } /** * Get current profile from registry and assign store/locale information to it */ protected function _prepareLayout() { $this->_profile = Mage::registry('current_recurring_profile') ->setStore(Mage::app()->getStore()) ->setLocale(Mage::app()->getLocale()) ; return parent::_prepareLayout(); } /** * Render self only if needed, also render info tabs group if needed * * @return string */ protected function _toHtml() { if (!$this->_profile || $this->_shouldRenderInfo && !$this->_info) { return ''; } if ($this->hasShouldPrepareInfoTabs()) { foreach ($this->getChildGroup('info_tabs') as $block) { $block->setViewUrl( $this->getUrl("*/*/{$block->getViewAction()}", array('profile' => $this->_profile->getId())) ); } } return parent::_toHtml(); } }