*/ abstract class Mage_Rule_Model_Resource_Abstract extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Abstract { /** * Store associated with rule entities information map * * Example: * array( * 'entity_type1' => array( * 'associations_table' => 'table_name', * 'rule_id_field' => 'rule_id', * 'entity_id_field' => 'entity_id' * ), * 'entity_type2' => array( * 'associations_table' => 'table_name', * 'rule_id_field' => 'rule_id', * 'entity_id_field' => 'entity_id' * ) * .... * ) * * @var array */ protected $_associatedEntitiesMap = array(); /** * Prepare rule's active "from" and "to" dates * * @param Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $object * * @return Mage_Rule_Model_Resource_Abstract */ public function _beforeSave(Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $object) { $fromDate = $object->getFromDate(); if ($fromDate instanceof Zend_Date) { $object->setFromDate($fromDate->toString(Varien_Date::DATETIME_INTERNAL_FORMAT)); } elseif (!is_string($fromDate) || empty($fromDate)) { $object->setFromDate(null); } $toDate = $object->getToDate(); if ($toDate instanceof Zend_Date) { $object->setToDate($toDate->toString(Varien_Date::DATETIME_INTERNAL_FORMAT)); } elseif (!is_string($toDate) || empty($toDate)) { $object->setToDate(null); } parent::_beforeSave($object); return $this; } /** * Bind specified rules to entities * * @param array|int|string $ruleIds * @param array|int|string $entityIds * @param string $entityType * * @return Mage_Rule_Model_Resource_Abstract */ public function bindRuleToEntity($ruleIds, $entityIds, $entityType) { if (empty($ruleIds) || empty($entityIds)) { return $this; } $adapter = $this->_getWriteAdapter(); $entityInfo = $this->_getAssociatedEntityInfo($entityType); if (!is_array($ruleIds)) { $ruleIds = array((int) $ruleIds); } if (!is_array($entityIds)) { $entityIds = array((int) $entityIds); } $data = array(); $count = 0; $adapter->beginTransaction(); try { foreach ($ruleIds as $ruleId) { foreach ($entityIds as $entityId) { $data[] = array( $entityInfo['entity_id_field'] => $entityId, $entityInfo['rule_id_field'] => $ruleId ); $count++; if (($count % 1000) == 0) { $adapter->insertOnDuplicate( $this->getTable($entityInfo['associations_table']), $data, array($entityInfo['rule_id_field']) ); $data = array(); } } } if (!empty($data)) { $adapter->insertOnDuplicate( $this->getTable($entityInfo['associations_table']), $data, array($entityInfo['rule_id_field']) ); } $adapter->delete($this->getTable($entityInfo['associations_table']), $adapter->quoteInto($entityInfo['rule_id_field'] . ' IN (?) AND ', $ruleIds) . $adapter->quoteInto($entityInfo['entity_id_field'] . ' NOT IN (?)', $entityIds) ); } catch (Exception $e) { $adapter->rollback(); throw $e; } $adapter->commit(); return $this; } /** * Unbind specified rules from entities * * @param array|int|string $ruleIds * @param array|int|string $entityIds * @param string $entityType * * @return Mage_Rule_Model_Resource_Abstract */ public function unbindRuleFromEntity($ruleIds = array(), $entityIds = array(), $entityType) { $writeAdapter = $this->_getWriteAdapter(); $entityInfo = $this->_getAssociatedEntityInfo($entityType); if (!is_array($entityIds)) { $entityIds = array((int) $entityIds); } if (!is_array($ruleIds)) { $ruleIds = array((int) $ruleIds); } $where = array(); if (!empty($ruleIds)) { $where[] = $writeAdapter->quoteInto($entityInfo['rule_id_field'] . ' IN (?)', $ruleIds); } if (!empty($entityIds)) { $where[] = $writeAdapter->quoteInto($entityInfo['entity_id_field'] . ' IN (?)', $entityIds); } $writeAdapter->delete($this->getTable($entityInfo['associations_table']), implode(' AND ', $where)); return $this; } /** * Retrieve rule's associated entity Ids by entity type * * @param int $ruleId * @param string $entityType * * @return array */ public function getAssociatedEntityIds($ruleId, $entityType) { $entityInfo = $this->_getAssociatedEntityInfo($entityType); $select = $this->_getReadAdapter()->select() ->from($this->getTable($entityInfo['associations_table']), array($entityInfo['entity_id_field'])) ->where($entityInfo['rule_id_field'] . ' = ?', $ruleId); return $this->_getReadAdapter()->fetchCol($select); } /** * Retrieve website ids of specified rule * * @param int $ruleId * @return array */ public function getWebsiteIds($ruleId) { return $this->getAssociatedEntityIds($ruleId, 'website'); } /** * Retrieve customer group ids of specified rule * * @param int $ruleId * @return array */ public function getCustomerGroupIds($ruleId) { return $this->getAssociatedEntityIds($ruleId, 'customer_group'); } /** * Retrieve correspondent entity information (associations table name, columns names) * of rule's associated entity by specified entity type * * @param string $entityType * * @return array */ protected function _getAssociatedEntityInfo($entityType) { if (isset($this->_associatedEntitiesMap[$entityType])) { return $this->_associatedEntitiesMap[$entityType]; } $e = Mage::exception( 'Mage_Core', Mage::helper('rule')->__( 'There is no information about associated entity type "%s".', $entityType ) ); throw $e; } }